def sanity_exampleExoplanetEU2(self): """ Example of ExoplanetEU2 """ from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Instantiate exoplanetEU2 object v = pyasl.ExoplanetEU2() # Show the available data v.showAvailableData() print() # Get a list of all available column names acs = v.getColnames() print("Available column names: " + ", ".join(acs)) print() # Select data by planet name (returns a dictionary) print(v.selectByPlanetName("CoRoT-2 b")) print() # Get all data as an astropy table at = v.getAllDataAPT() # Export all data as a pandas DataFrame pd = v.getAllDataPandas() # Plot mass vs. SMA plt.title("Mass vs. SMA") plt.xlabel("[" + v.getUnitOf("mass") + "]") plt.ylabel("[" + v.getUnitOf("semi_major_axis") + "]") plt.loglog(at["mass"], at["semi_major_axis"], 'b.')
def plot_ncp_MQI_size(isoperimetry_R_vs_size_R, isoperimetry_MQI_vs_size_R): """ Plots the MQI Network Community Profile, i.e., minimum isoperimetry vs size. """ lists = sorted(isoperimetry_R_vs_size_R.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.loglog(x, y) lists = sorted(isoperimetry_MQI_vs_size_R.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) plt.loglog(x, y) ax.legend(["For given sets", "After applying MQI"]) ax.set_xlabel('Size') ax.set_ylabel('Minimum isoperimetry') ax.set_title('Min. Isoperimetry vs. Size NCP')
def plot_refinement(sets, xkey, ykey, name): ''' Plot computational time for jacobi, seidel and sor ''' plt.figure() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') #plt.axis([100, 10000, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-1]) # plot solutions on same graph keys = sets.keys() cidx = 0 for key in keys: cidx += 2 data = sets[key] plt.loglog(data[xkey], data[ykey], '-', lw=3, mec='black', label=key) # Axis formatting plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.xlabel(xkey) plt.ylabel(ykey) plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) return
def experiment_plot( ctr, trials, success ): """ Pass in the ctr, trials and success returned by the `experiment` function and plot the Cumulative Number of Turns For Each Arm and the CTR's Convergence Plot side by side """ T, K = trials.shape n = np.arange(T) + 1 fig = plt.figure( figsize = ( 14, 7 ) ) plt.subplot(121) for i in range(K): plt.loglog( n, trials[ :, i ], label = "arm {}".format(i + 1) ) plt.legend( loc = "upper left" ) plt.xlabel("Number of turns") plt.ylabel("Number of turns/arm") plt.title("Cumulative Number of Turns For Each Arm") plt.subplot(122) for i in range(K): plt.semilogx( n, np.zeros(T) + ctr[i], label = "arm {}'s CTR".format( i + 1 ) ) plt.semilogx( n, ( success[ :, 0 ] + success[ :, 1 ] ) / n, label = "CTR at turn t" ) plt.axis([ 0, T, 0, 1 ] ) plt.legend( loc = "upper left" ) plt.xlabel("Number of turns") plt.ylabel("CTR") plt.title("CTR's Convergence Plot") return fig
def CCDF(G, gType='loglog', fmt='', xlabel='Degree, k', ylabel='Pr(K>=k)', title=None, **kwargs): degs = kmax = 0 karr = [] for _, k in degs: karr.append(k) if (k > kmax): kmax = k c, b = np.histogram(karr, bins=[i for i in range(kmax + 2)], density=True) a = np.cumsum(c) a = np.insert(a, 0, 0) if (gType == 'loglog'): plt.loglog(b[1:-1], 1 - a[1:-1], fmt, **kwargs) elif (gType == 'semilogx'): plt.semilogx(b[1:-1], 1 - a[1:-1], fmt, **kwargs) elif (gType == 'semilogy'): plt.semilogy(b[1:-1], 1 - a[1:-1], fmt, **kwargs) elif (gType == 'linear'): plt.plot(b[1:-1], 1 - a[1:-1], fmt, **kwargs) else: raise Exception( 'gType was specified incorrectly. Please specify loglog, semilogx, semilogy, or linear.' ) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) return
def error(f, fdy, x0, y0, xn, maxExp, sol): res = np.zeros([len(Method), maxExp + 1]) if sol is None: intervals = 2**(maxExp + 4) sol = solve(f, fdy, x0, y0, (xn - x0) / intervals, intervals + 1, Method.BDF6)[0::int(2**4)] else: sol = sol(np.linspace(x0, xn, 2**maxExp + 1)) threads = [] q = mp.Queue() for md in Method: t = ErrorProcess(f, fdy, x0, y0, xn, maxExp, sol, md, md.value - 1, q) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() while not q.empty(): (idx, rs) = q.get() res[idx] = rs.transpose()[0] plt.loglog(2**np.linspace(0, maxExp, maxExp + 1), np.transpose(res)) plt.legend(Method) plt.tight_layout(pad=0) return None
def experiment_plot(ctr, trials, success): """ Pass in the ctr, trials and success returned by the `experiment` function and plot the Cumulative Number of Turns For Each Arm and the CTR's Convergence Plot side by side """ T, K = trials.shape n = np.arange(T) + 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7)) plt.subplot(121) for i in range(K): plt.loglog(n, trials[:, i], label="arm {}".format(i + 1)) plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.xlabel("Number of turns") plt.ylabel("Number of turns/arm") plt.title("Cumulative Number of Turns For Each Arm") plt.subplot(122) for i in range(K): plt.semilogx(n, np.zeros(T) + ctr[i], label="arm {}'s CTR".format(i + 1)) plt.semilogx(n, (success[:, 0] + success[:, 1]) / n, label="CTR at turn t") plt.axis([0, T, 0, 1]) plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.xlabel("Number of turns") plt.ylabel("CTR") plt.title("CTR's Convergence Plot") return fig
def plot_Category(Category, start, end, fres, freq_tot, total, figval=1): fig = plt.figure(figval) status = 0 for name, Items in Category.items(): cattotal = np.zeros(len(freq_tot)) for subname, conf in Items.items(): if 'equation' in conf: ans = plot_singleTheoN(conf, freq_tot, cattotal) status = ans[0] if status == 1: return status, ans[1] else: cattotal = ans[1] elif 'chan' in conf: ans = plot_singleRTN(conf, start, end, fres, freq_tot, cattotal) status = ans[0] if status == 1: return status, ans[1] else: cattotal = ans[1] plt.figure(figval) plt.loglog(freq_tot, cattotal, label=name) plt.ylabel(r'Displacement [m/$\sqrt{\rm Hz}$]') plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) total = np.sqrt(total * total + cattotal * cattotal) return status, total
def fit_sim_frb(dm=1000.0, nfreq=1536, freq=(1219.70092773, 1519.50561523), scat_tau_ref=0.001, spec_ind=0.0, dt=8.192e-5, width=0.0001, save_data=False): ntime =*4148*dm*np.abs(freq[0]**-2-freq[-1]**-2)/dt) print(nfreq, ntime) undispersed_arrival_time = 0.5*ntime*dt undispersed_arrival_time -= 4148*dm*(max(freq)**-2) sp = simpulse.single_pulse(ntime, nfreq, min(freq), max(freq), dm, scat_tau_ref, width, 10.0, spec_ind, undispersed_arrival_time) data_simpulse = np.zeros([nfreq, ntime]) sp.add_to_timestream(data_simpulse, 0.0, ntime*dt) data_event = data_simpulse[::-1] data_dedisp = tools.dedisperse(data_event, dm, freq=(freq[1], freq[0])) # plt.imshow(data_event, aspect='auto') # if save_data:'./herial.npy', data_dedisp) f,s = fit_width_freq(data_dedisp, freq=(freq[1], freq[0]), plot=True) s = np.array(s) plt.plot(f, s/s[len(s)//2], color='k', lw=3) plt.plot(f, (f/np.median(f))**-2.0) # plt.plot(f, (f/np.median(f))**-3.0) plt.plot(f, (f/np.median(f))**-4.0) plt.legend(['data','-2','-4']) plt.loglog()
def listDistribution(self, lista, disfigdatafilepath=None, xlabel='Amount', ylabel='Frequency', showfig=True, binsdivide=1): "IN:one list of numbers;savefigure data or not;xylabel;show the fig or not" "OUT:the distribution data [x,y]" hist = numpy.histogram(lista, bins=numpy.max(lista) / binsdivide) #bins=numpy.max(lista) print hist x = hist[1][:len(hist[1]) - 1] y = hist[0] if disfigdatafilepath: self.savefigdata(disfigdatafilepath, x, y, errorbarlist=None, title='', xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, leglend=None) if showfig: plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.loglog(x, y, marker='o', linestyle='') #semilogy plt.close() return [x, y]
def plot_results(xdata, ydata, labels, xlabel='', ylabel='', title='', linestyles=None, logy=False, logx=False, legend_loc=0, ylim=None, save_plot=False, filename=''): for x, y, linestyle in zip(xdata, ydata, linestyles): if logy and not logx: plt.semilogy(np.transpose(xdata), np.transpose(ydata)) elif logx and not logy: plt.semilogx(np.transpose(xdata), np.transpose(ydata)) elif logy and logx: plt.loglog(np.transpose(xdata), np.transpose(ydata)) else: plt.plot(x, y, linestyle=linestyle) plt.legend(labels=labels, loc=legend_loc, frameon=False) if ylim is None: ylim = [np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)] plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) plt.ylim(ylim) if save_plot: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True) return
def plotpowerspectrum(t, y, t1, t2, Fs, fileprefix): ''' plot powerspectrum of time-series data between t1 and t2 and save plot to .png file ''' filename = fileprefix + '_powerspectrum.png' # find indices for tlow, thigh n1 = np.where(t>=t1)[0] n2 = np.where(t>=t2)[0] # calculate welch estimate of power spectrum N = n2[0]-n1[0]+1; seglength = f, P = scipy.signal.welch(y[n1[0]:n2[0]], fs=Fs, window='hanning', nperseg=seglength) # plot power spectrum plt.figure() plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.loglog(f, P, linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('frequency (Hz)', size=22) plt.ylabel('power spectral density (1/Hz)', size=22) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400) return
def Ms_f_Mh(Mh0, Ms0, folder): Mh = physique.m2mo(Mh0, folder) Ms = physique.m2mo(Ms0, folder) """ print Mh print Ms """ """ b = 2 n0, bins0 = np.histogram(Mh,bins=b) n1, bins1 = np.histogram(Ms,bins=b) x = np.zeros(b) y = np.zeros(b) for i in range(b): x[i] = n0[i] * bins0[i] #+ ( bins0[i+1] - bins0[i] )/2. y[i] = n1[i] * bins1[i] #+ ( bins1[i+1] - bins1[i] )/2. """ plt.clf() plt.loglog(Mh, Ms, '.') plt.title("Stars mass function of halo mass") plt.xlabel(r'halo mass ($M_{\odot}$ )') plt.ylabel(r'stars mass ($M_{\odot}$ )') plt.legend()
def plot_ncp_MQI_vol(conductance_R_vs_vol_R, conductance_MQI_vs_vol_R): """ Plots the Network Community Profile, i.e., minimum conductance vs volume. """ lists = sorted(conductance_R_vs_vol_R.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.loglog(x, y) lists = sorted(conductance_MQI_vs_vol_R.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) plt.loglog(x, y) ax.legend(["For given sets", "After applying MQI"]) ax.set_xlabel('Volume') ax.set_ylabel('Minimum conductance') ax.set_title('Min. Conductance vs. Volume NCP')
def gerador_de_sinais_colored_noise(num_valores_por_sinal, num_sinais, nome_arquivo_colorednoise, betas, is_plotar_exemplo_familia=False): df_todos_sinais = None for beta in betas: for sinal in range(num_sinais): for num_valores in num_valores_por_sinal: sinais = cn.powerlaw_psd_gaussian(beta, num_valores) df = pd.DataFrame() df['valor'] = sinais # a famílias são as cores df['familia'] = beta df['sinal'] = sinal + 1 df_todos_sinais = pd.concat([df_todos_sinais, df]) if is_plotar_exemplo_familia: # plot da densidade do Power Spectral from matplotlib import mlab from matplotlib import pylab as plt s, f = mlab.psd(sinais, NFFT=2**13) plt.loglog(f, s) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("log da frequência") plt.ylabel("log do valor do Power Spectrum") plt.title( "Densidade do Power Spectrum para beta = {}".format(beta)) plt.savefig("./power_spec_beta_{}.png".format(beta)) df_todos_sinais.to_csv(nome_arquivo_colorednoise, index=False) return df_todos_sinais
def plot_perf(nlist, err, color, label, errbar=False, perc=20): pl.loglog(nlist, err.mean(0), label=label, color=color) if errbar: pl.fill_between(nlist, np.percentile(err, perc, axis=0), np.percentile(err, 100 - perc, axis=0), alpha=0.2, facecolor=color)
def _test_convergence(self, fun, x, *args): for i in x: y = fun(i, *args) plt.figure('res') plt.plot(abs(i), y, '.') plt.loglog()
def plotFreq(dict): sortedTuples = sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sortedFreq = [] for tup in sortedTuples: sortedFreq.append(tup[1]) x = np.linspace(1, len(sortedFreq) + 1, len(sortedFreq)) y = sortedFreq plt.loglog(x, y)
def plot_norm_error(tab, max_iter, title, file_name): x = np.linspace(0, max_iter, len(tab)) pl.loglog(x, tab) pl.title(title) pl.xlabel('iter') pl.ylabel('norm error') pl.savefig('imgs/' + file_name)
def plot_age_velocity_relation(s, limits=pynbody.filt.SolarNeighborhood( 7.5, 8.5, .2)): import matplotlib.pylab as plt from scipy import polyfit prof = pynbody.analysis.profile.Profile(s.s[limits], calc_x=lambda x: x['age'], type='log', nbins=10, min=1) plt.plot(prof['rbins'], np.sqrt(prof['vr_disp']**2 + prof['vt_disp']**2 + prof['vz_disp']**2), 'k-', label=r'$\sigma_{tot}$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(prof['rbins'], prof['vr_disp'], 'k--', label=r'$\sigma_R$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(prof['rbins'], prof['vt_disp'], 'k-.', label=r'$\sigma_{\phi}$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(prof['rbins'], prof['vz_disp'], 'k:', label=r'$\sigma_z$', linewidth=2) plt.loglog() plt.xlabel('Age [Gyr]') plt.ylabel('$\sigma$ [km/s]') plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop=dict(size='small')) # fits fittot = polyfit( np.log10(prof['rbins']), np.log10( np.sqrt(prof['vr_disp']**2 + prof['vt_disp']**2 + prof['vz_disp']**2)), 1) fitr = polyfit(np.log10(prof['rbins']), np.log10(prof['vr_disp']), 1) fitt = polyfit(np.log10(prof['rbins']), np.log10(prof['vt_disp']), 1) fitz = polyfit(np.log10(prof['rbins']), np.log10(prof['vz_disp']), 1) plt.plot(prof['rbins'], 10**fitr[1] * prof['rbins']**fitr[0], 'r--') plt.plot(prof['rbins'], 10**fitt[1] * prof['rbins']**fitt[0], 'r--') plt.plot(prof['rbins'], 10**fitz[1] * prof['rbins']**fitz[0], 'r--') print(fittot) print(fitr) print(fitt) print(fitz)
def FitResult(freq, Z, Zfit_tot, chipName, file_i): plt.scatter(freq, Z, label="experiment", color="blue") plt.loglog(freq, Zfit_tot, label="fitting", color="red") plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("|Z| [Ω]") plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=10) plt.savefig("Result_" + str(chipName) + "/" + "FittingResult" + str(file_i)) plt.close()
def testBoundFreeClassical(): energies = 10.**numpy.linspace(-4, 3, 101) sigma = [] n = 1 l = 0 for en in energies: sigma.append(crossSectionBoundFreeClassical(1.0, n, en)) pylab.loglog(energies, sigma)
def filter_and_logplot(d, value=100, title=None): if title is None: title = "LogLog Plot for Code Samples by Extension Type, > %s samples" % value filtered = filter_by_value(d, value=value) sorted_counts = sort_dict(filtered) x, y = zip(*sorted_counts) plt.loglog(list(range(1, len(y) + 1)), y) plt.title(title) return filtered
def make_final_plots(NTS, points): hs = [[Tmax / NT for NT in nts] for nts in NTS] for probe in points: for h, p in zip(NTS, probe): plt.plot(h, p) plt.figure() best = probe[-1][-1] for h, p in zip(hs, probe): plt.loglog(h, [np.abs(y - best) for y in p], '-+') plt.figure()
def plot_obs_pred(obs_pred_data, dest_file='./obs_pred.png'): plot_color_by_pt_dens(obs_pred_data['pred'], obs_pred_data['obs'], 3, loglog=1) plt.loglog([min(obs_pred_data['pred']), max(obs_pred_data['pred'])], [min(obs_pred_data['pred']), max(obs_pred_data['pred'])], 'k-') plt.savefig(dest_file, dpi=400)
def draw_fibo(): na = range(1, 1000, 50) #on va pas j'usqua 10000 vu que python explose avant... vals = np.zeros(len(na)) #liste contenant les resultats (pour l'instant plein de 0) for i in range(len(na)): vals[i] = fibo_Dico(na[i]) #boucle remplissant les resultats plt.loglog(na ,vals, '-', label="Fibonacci(n)") #ajout de la courbe en mode logarithmique pour plus de lisibilité plt.xlabel("n") #ajout d'un titre d'axe (x) plt.ylabel("Fibonacci(n)") #ajout d'un titre d'axe (y) plt.legend() #ajout de la legende #affichage du graph
def plot_obs_pred(obs_pred_data, yvar, dest_file='./obs_pred.png'): plot_color_by_pt_dens(10**obs_pred_data[yvar + 'pred'], 10**obs_pred_data[yvar], 3, loglog=1) plt.loglog( [min(10**obs_pred_data[yvar + 'pred']), max(10**obs_pred_data[yvar])], [min(10**obs_pred_data[yvar + 'pred']), max(10**obs_pred_data[yvar])], 'k-') plt.savefig(dest_file, dpi=400)
def EachFitResult_woCell(freq, freq_high, freq_low, Z, Z_high, Z_low, chipName, file_i): plt.scatter(freq, Z, label="experiment", color="blue") plt.loglog(freq_high, Z_high, label="fitting", color="red") plt.loglog(freq_low, Z_low, label="fitting", color="red") plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("|Z| [Ω]") plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=10) plt.savefig("Result_" + str(chipName) + "/" + "HighMidLow Fitting" + str(file_i)) plt.close()
def make_plots(all_series): for g in xrange(len(probes)): plt.figure() for series in all_series: for ts, ys, o, h in series[1]: plt.plot(ts, ys[:, g]) plt.figure() exact = all_series[-1][1][-1][1][-1, g] for series in all_series: plt.loglog([x[2] for x in series[1]], [np.abs(x[1][-1, g] - exact) for x in series[1]], '-+')
def p1(): from scipy.sparse import diags Nv = 2**np.arange(3, 17) for n in Nv: h = 2 * pi / n x = -pi + h * np.arange(n) u = np.exp(np.sin(x)) uprime = np.cos(x) * u #du/dx d1 = np.array([2 / 3.]) d2 = 1 / 12. + np.zeros(2) d3 = 1 / 12. + np.zeros(n - 2) d4 = 2 / 3. + np.zeros(n - 1) D=diags([d1,-d2,d3,-d4,d4,-d3,d2,-d1],\ [-n+1,-n+2,-2,-1,1,2,n-2,n-1]) #print np.round(D.toarray(),decimals=2) D = D / h error = np.linalg.norm(D * u - uprime) pl.loglog(n, error, 'o', c='#1f77b4') d1 = np.array([0.5]) d2 = 0.5 + np.zeros(n - 1) D = diags([d1, -d2, d2, -d1], [-n + 1, -1, 1, n - 1]) D = D / h error = np.linalg.norm(D * u - uprime) pl.loglog(n, error, 'o', c='#2ca02c') #d=[np.zeros(n-i-1)+1./(i+1) for i in range(n-1)] #diag=[d1 if i%2 else -d1 for i, d1 in enumerate(reversed(d))]+\ # [-d1 if i%2 else d1 for i, d1 in enumerate(d)] #loc=[-i for i in range(n-1,0,-1)]+range(1,n) #D=diags(diag,loc).toarray() #if n==16: print np.round(D.toarray(), decimals=3) #D=D/h #error=np.linalg.norm(,u)-uprime) #pl.loglog(n,error,'o',c='#bcbd22') pl.semilogy(Nv, 1. / Nv**4, '--', c='#1f77b4') pl.semilogy(Nv, 1. / Nv**2, '--', c='#2ca02c') pl.title('Convergence of 2- & 4-th order finite differences') pl.xlabel('N') pl.grid(ls='--', which='both') pl.text(20, 5e-8, r'N$^{-4}$', fontsize=14) pl.text(2000, 1e-6, r'N$^{-2}$', fontsize=14) pl.ylabel('error')
def testBoundFreeGauntFactor(): energies = 10.**numpy.linspace(-4, 3, 101) gbf = [] n = 1 l = 0 for en in energies: g = abs(gauntFactorBoundFree(1.0, n, l, en)) print en, g gbf.append(g) pylab.loglog(energies, gbf)
def plot_degree_dist(degree, value, xlabel, ylabel, color_marker='b.', title=None, outfn=None): fig = plt.figure() plt.loglog(degree, value, color_marker, markersize=2, markeredgecolor=None) plt.xlabel(xlabel, linespacing=12, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(ylabel, linespacing=12, fontsize=18) plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: plt.title(title, fontsize=18, y=1.05) if outfn is not None: fig.savefig(outfn) plt.close() return fig
def in_degrees_dist_plot(in_degrees_dist, num_nodes): import matplotlib.pylab as plt x_axis = [] y_axis = [] for node, degree in in_degrees_dist.items(): if node != 0: distribution = float(degree) / float(num_nodes) x_axis.append(node) y_axis.append(distribution) plt.loglog(x_axis, y_axis, 'ro') plt.xlabel('In-degrees') plt.ylabel('Distribution') plt.title('In degrees Distribution (log/log Plot)')
def plotsa(): """ Plots Simulated annealing example """ fig1 = pl.figure() data = np.loadtxt("simulatedannealing1.csv", skiprows=1, delimiter=",") fvals = data[:, 0] nevals = range(len(fvals)) pl.loglog(nevals, fvals, 'b-') pl.xlabel("function evaluations", fontsize=20) pl.ylabel("cost function value", fontsize=20) pl.ylim([50, 5000]) ax = fig1.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=16) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=16) pl.savefig("simulatedannealing1.png", bbox_inches='tight')
def plotga(): """ Plots genetic algorithm """ fig1 = pl.figure() data = np.loadtxt("geneticalgorithm.csv", skiprows=1, delimiter=",") fvals = data[:, 0] nevals = range(len(fvals)) pl.loglog(nevals, fvals, 'b-') pl.xlabel("function evaluations", fontsize=20) pl.ylabel("cost function value", fontsize=20) pl.ylim([50, 3000]) ax = fig1.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=16) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=16) # pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig("geneticalgorithm.png", bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_convergence(self,x,y,rate=None,log=True,figname='_plot',case='',title='',tolatex=False): self.create_dir(self.plotdir) log_name = '' log_label = '' log_title = '' if not tolatex: log_title = 'Log Log ' if log: log_name = 'loglog_' plt.figure() if rate is not None: p = self.p_line_range m = rate[0] c = rate[1] plt.hold(True) plt.loglog(x[p[0]:p[1]],10.0**(m*np.log10(x[p[0]:p[1]])+c-2.0),'r') if log: plt.loglog(x,y,'bo--') else: plt.plot(x,y,'o:') if not tolatex: plt.title(title+log_title+case+' convergence') plt.xlabel('$'+log_label+'mx$') plt.ylabel('$'+log_label+'\Delta q$') plt.grid(True) plt.draw() case = case.replace(" ", "_") fig_save_name = figname+'_'+log_name+case+'.'+self.plot_format figpath = os.path.join(self.plotdir,fig_save_name) plt.savefig(figpath,format=self.plot_format,dpi=320,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if tolatex: caption = '' if log: caption = 'Log Log ' caption = caption + 'plot of '+case.replace("_"," ")+' convergence test' caption.capitalize() self.gen_latex_fig(figpath,caption=caption) return
def sanity_example(self): """ Exoplanet EU example """ from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt eu = pyasl.ExoplanetEU() # See what information is available cols = eu.availableColumns() print cols print # Get all data and plot planet Mass vs. # semi-major axis in log-log plot dat = eu.getAllData() plt.xlabel("Planet Mass [RJ]") plt.ylabel("Semi-major axis [AU]") plt.loglog(dat.plMass, dat.sma, 'b.')
def log_datafit(x, y, deg): z = np.polyfit(np.log10(x), np.log10(y), deg) p = np.poly1d(z) A = np.zeros(np.shape(p)[0]) for i in range(np.shape(p)[0]): A[::-1][i] = p[i] yvals = 0. for j in range(np.shape(p)[0]): yvals += (((np.log10(x))**j)*A[::-1][j]) plt.ion() plt.loglog(x, y, 'bo', label='Data') plt.loglog(x, 10**(yvals), 'g--', lw=2, label='Best Fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid(which='minor') plt.minorticks_on() print "Ax+B" print "A = ", A[0] print "B =", A[1]
def plot_regularization_curve(self, name_add=''): # Matplotlib is loaded selectively as it is requires # libraries that are often not installed on clusters import matplotlib.pylab as plt an_name = self.settings.get('an_name', 'xx') filename = an_name + '_regu_curve' + name_add + '.png' sort_order = np.argsort(self.omega2_list) omega2_arr = np.array(self.omega2_list).take(sort_order) epe_arr = np.array(self.epe_list).take(sort_order) err_arr = np.array(self.err_list).take(sort_order) ERR_arr = np.array(self.ERR_list).take(sort_order) plt.title('omega2: %.2e Neff: %.1f' % (self.opt_omega2, self.n_eff)) plt.loglog(omega2_arr, epe_arr, '-', label='EPE') plt.loglog(omega2_arr, np.sqrt(err_arr), '--', label='err') plt.loglog(omega2_arr, np.sqrt(ERR_arr), '-.', label='ERR') plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlabel('Omega2') plt.ylabel('eV') # plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf()
def calculate_speed_up(): N = np.array([80,160,320,640,1280]) h = 2./N cpu_time = np.array([8.97, 33.28 , 141.02 , 554.96, 2164.34]) gpu_time = np.array([1.4877, 3.1019, 10.46, 33.3699, 125.660]) speedup = np.array([6.25, 11.43, 13.48, 16.63, 17.22]) plt.figure() plt.loglog(N, cpu_time,'ro-', label='Xeon E5-2650 2.60GHz') plt.loglog(N, gpu_time,'b+-', label='Tesla K40') plt.loglog(N, (cpu_time[0]*1.2)*(N/N[0])**2, 'k-', label='2rd order') #legend(handles=[numerical_solution, order5]) grid(True) ylabel('Runtime for 100 time step (second)') xlabel('Domain size') title("CPU and GPU Performance") xlim([80, 2560]) xticks([20,40,80,160,320,640,1280, 2560], [20,40,80,160,320,640,1280, 2560]) legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1, 0.5, .0)) plt.figure() plt.plot(N, speedup,'b+-', label='Tesla K40') #loglog(N, (speedup[0]*1.2)*(N/N[0])**2, 'k-', label='2rd order') #legend(handles=[numerical_solution, order5]) grid(True) ylabel('Speedup ($t_{cpu}/t_{gpu}$)') xlabel('domain size') title("GPU Speedup") xticks([80,160,320,640,1280], [80,160,320,640,1280]) legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1, 0.3, .0)) show()
def many_spectra(): import healpy as hp chunks = ['f','g','h'] thresh = {'f':1.0, 'g':1.0, 'h':1.8} fwhm_deg = {'f':7.0, 'g':7.0, 'h':5.0} final_fwhm_deg = {'f':7.0, 'g':7.0, 'h':7.0} cl={} pl.figure(1) pl.clf() xlim = [10,700] ylim = [1e-7, 3e-4] for k in chunks: print k nmap = get_hpix(quick=True,name=k) mask = mask_from_map(nmap, fwhm_deg=fwhm_deg[k], final_fwhm_deg=final_fwhm_deg[k], thresh=thresh[k]) # mean_nmap = np.mean(nmap[np.where(mask!=0)[0]]) mean_nmap = np.mean(nmap[np.where(mask>0.5)[0]]) delta = (nmap-mean_nmap)/mean_nmap hp.mollview(hp.smoothing(delta*mask,fwhm=1.*np.pi/180.),title=k,min=-0.3,max=0.3) continue this_cl = hp.anafast(delta*mask)/np.mean(mask**2.) l=np.arange(len(this_cl)) # smooth in l*cl lcl = this_cl*l sm_lcl = np.zeros_like(lcl) rbox = 15 for i in l: imin = np.max([0,i-rbox]) imax = np.min([np.max(l), i+rbox]) sm_lcl[i]=np.mean(lcl[imin:imax]) # cl[k:this_cl] # pl.loglog(l,this_cl,linewidth=2) pl.loglog(l,sm_lcl,linewidth=2) pdb.set_trace() pl.xlim(xlim) # pl.ylim(ylim) pl.legend(chunks) pl.xlabel('L') pl.ylabel('L*CL')
def plot(out_filepath, graph): fig = pylab.figure(1) pylab.subplot(211) networkx.draw_spring(graph, node_size = 8, with_labels = False) deg = {} for d in [ len(graph.edges(n)) for n in graph.nodes() ]: try: deg[d] += 1 except KeyError: deg[d] = 1 print(deg) pylab.subplot(212) plot = deg.items() pylab.loglog([ x[0] for x in plot ], [ x[1] for x in plot ], '.') pylab.savefig(out_filepath + '.png')
def expt1(): """ Experiment 1: Chooses the result files and generates figures """ # filename = sys.argv[1] result_file = "./expt1.txt" input_threads, input_sizes, throughputs, resp_times \ = parse_output(result_file) throughputs_MiB = [tp/2**20 for tp in throughputs] fig1 = pl.figure() fig1.set_tight_layout(True) fig1.add_subplot(221) pl.semilogx(input_sizes, throughputs_MiB, 'bo-', ms=MARKER_SIZE, mew=0, mec='b') pl.xlabel("fixed file size (Bytes)") pl.ylabel("throughput (MiB/sec)") pl.text(2E3, 27, "(A)") fig1.add_subplot(222) pl.loglog(input_sizes, resp_times, 'mo-', ms=MARKER_SIZE, mew=0, mec='m') pl.xlabel("fixed file size (Bytes)") pl.ylabel("response time (sec)") pl.text(2E3, 500, "(B)") fig1.add_subplot(223) pl.semilogx(resp_times, throughputs_MiB, 'go-', ms=MARKER_SIZE, mew=0, mec='g') pl.xlabel("response time(sec)") pl.ylabel("throughput (MiB/sec)") pl.text(0.2, 27, "(C)") pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig("./figures/%s" % result_file.replace(".txt", ".pdf"))
def plot_reusage(db, keynames, save_path, attr_name = [ 'linkWeightDistr_x', 'linkWeightDistr_y' ]): plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize = (8, 5)) plt.loglog(db[keynames['mog']][attr_name[0]], db[keynames['mog']][attr_name[1]], 'b-', lw = 5, label = 'fariyland') plt.loglog(db[keynames['mblg']][attr_name[0]], db[keynames['mblg']][attr_name[1]], 'r:', lw = 5, label = 'twitter') plt.loglog(db[keynames['im']][attr_name[0]], db[keynames['im']][attr_name[1]], 'k--', lw = 5, label = 'yahoo') plt.xlabel('Usage (days)') plt.ylabel('CCDF') plt.title('Usage of Links') plt.grid(True) plt.legend(('fairyland', 'twitter', 'yahoo'), loc = 'best') plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, save_path))
def plot_ngals_vs_match_radius(): f = open(datapath+'num_sources_v_match_radius.txt','r') rad = [] n = [] for line in f: tmp = line.split() rad.append(float(tmp[0])) n.append(int(tmp[1])) pl.clf() pl.loglog(rad,n,'bo') pl.loglog(rad,n,'b') pl.loglog(rad, 550.*(np.array(rad)/15.)**2. + 990.,'r') pl.ylim(800,np.max(n)) f.close()
def createAndSaveLogLogPlot(xData, yData, figFileRoot, xLabel="", yLabel="", fileExt='.png', xMin=-1, xMax=-1, yMin=-1, yMax=-1, plotType='bo', axisFontSize=20, tickFontSize=16, svgFlag=0): figFileName = figFileRoot + fileExt xData = convert_list_to_array(xData) yData = convert_list_to_array(yData) tempPlot = plt.loglog(xData, yData, plotType, hold="False") plt.xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=axisFontSize) plt.ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=axisFontSize) ax = plt.gca() for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(tickFontSize) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(tickFontSize) if xMin == -1: xMin = min(xData.tolist()) if xMax == -1: xMax = max(xData.tolist()) if yMin == -1: yMin = min(yData.tolist()) if isnan(yMin): yMin = 0 if yMax == -1: yMax = 0 yDataList = yData.tolist() for item in yDataList: if not isnan(item): if item > yMax: yMax = item plt.xlim(xMin, xMax) plt.ylim(yMin, yMax) plt.savefig(figFileName, dpi=150) if svgFlag == 1: figFileName = figFileRoot + '.svg' plt.savefig(figFileName, dpi=150) plt.clf()
#!env python3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt data = np.loadtxt("errors.txt") h = data[:,0] # h=first column errL2 = data[:,1] # errL2 = 2nd column errH1 = data[:,2] # errH1 = 3rd column plt.loglog(h,errL2,"-rs",label="Error L2") plt.loglog(h,errH1,"-b^",label="Error H1") plt.legend()
vals = [ int(v) for v in vals if int(v) > 0 ] total = float(len(vals)) deg = {} for v in vals: try: deg[v] += 1 except KeyError: deg[v] = 1 for v in deg.keys(): deg[v] = float(deg[v]) / total """ range_step = 0.01 total = float(len(vals)) plots = {} for x in numpy.arange(1.0, step = range_step): plots[x] = float(len([ s for s in vals if x <= s < x + range_step ])) / total print(plots.values()) """ #plt.plot(numpy.arange(1.0, step = range_step), plots.values()) #plt.plot(deg.keys(), deg.values(), ',') plt.loglog(deg.keys(), deg.values(), ',') #plt.xlim(-range_step, 1.0+range_step) plt.savefig(sys.argv[2] + '.png')
def cone_beam_example(): # get_stored_materials returns an iterator of materials already stored in # the application. materials_dict = { mat for mat in get_stored_materials()} materials = list(materials_dict.values()) print('Listing imported materials:') for ind, m in enumerate(materials): print('{0}: Name: {1}, Density {2}[g/cm3]'.format(ind,, m.density)) # lets create a water box surronded by air, we need a numpy array of # material indices and a material table # First we specify dimensions af the voxelized box N = np.array([128, 128, 128], dtype='int32') # Then spacing of each voxel in cm spacing = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1], dtype='float64') # lets specify a lookup table as a dictionary for the materials we are # using. The key in the dictionary corresponds to the values in the # material_indices array material_lut = {0: 'air', 1: 'water'} material_indices = np.zeros(N, dtype='int32') #Lets fill a region of the box with water material_indices[20:-20, 20:-20, 20:-20] = 1 # Now we create a density array as same shape as the material_indices array # We could spesify different densities for each voxel, but we are just # going to give each material its room temperature default density air_material = materials_dict['air'] water_material = materials_dict['water'] densities = np.empty(N, dtype='float64') densities[:, :, :] = air_material.density densities[20:-20, 20:-20, 20:-20] = water_material.density # Next we need to get the attinuation lookup table for the specified # materials. This is a numpy float64 array with shape: # [number_of_materials, 5, number_of_energies_we_have_interaction_constants_at] # The generate_attinuation_lut function is a conveniance function that will # generate this LUT lut = generate_attinuation_lut([air_material, water_material], material_lut) #Now from the lut we can plot the attenuation coefficients for water: plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.loglog(lut[1, 0, :], lut[1, 1, :], label='Total') plt.loglog(lut[1, 0, :], lut[1, 2, :], label='Rayleigh scattering') plt.loglog(lut[1, 0, :], lut[1, 3, :], label='Photoelectric effect') plt.loglog(lut[1, 0, :], lut[1, 4, :], label='Compton scattering') plt.legend() plt.title('Attenuation coefficients for water') plt.ylabel('Attenuation coefficient [$cm^2 / g$]') plt.xlabel('Energy [$eV$]') # Now we are ready to set up a simulation: # initializing the monte carlo engine engine = Engine() # In the simulation geometry the first voxel will have coordinates (0, 0, 0) # we can specify an offset to set the center of our box to origo offset = -N * spacing / 2. # we also need the lut shape as an array lut_shape = np.array(lut.shape, dtype='int32') # and an array to store imparted energy energy_imparted = np.zeros_like(densities) simulation = engine.setup_simulation(N, spacing, offset, material_indices, densities, lut_shape, lut, energy_imparted, use_siddon=np.zeros(1, dtype='int')) # Next we setup a beam source source_position = np.array([-20, 0, 0], dtype='float64') source_direction = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype='float64') # this needs to be a unit vector scan_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype='float64') # this needs to be a unit vector and orthonormal to source direction # The fan angle of the beam in scan_axid direction is gives as angle = arctan(collimation / sdd) sdd = np.array([1], dtype='float64') collimation = np.array([0.25], dtype='float64') / 4 # the fan angle of the beam in source_direction cross scan_axis is given as angle = arctan(2 * fov / sdd) fov = np.array([0.125], dtype='float64') / 4 #To define wich photon energies we will draw from, we need to specify a specter cummulative propability distribution # and the corresponding energies. To only draw three equaly probable energies, we may specify this as following specter_probabilities = np.array([.25, .25, .50], dtype='float64') specter_probabilities /= specter_probabilities.sum() # we normalize to be certain we get a valid cum. prob. dist. specter_energies = np.array([30e3, 60e3, 90e3], dtype='float64') # energy in eV, here 30, 60 and 90 keV specter_cpd = np.cumsum(specter_probabilities) # last we may specify a weight factor for the source. This should be 1 # unless you create multiple sources and want to apply differet weights # for each source/beam weight = np.array([1], dtype='float64') # We now have all we need to specify a beam source, lets create one: n_specter=np.array(specter_cpd.shape, dtype='int32') beam = engine.setup_source(source_position, source_direction, scan_axis, sdd, fov, collimation, weight, specter_cpd, specter_energies, n_specter) # Running the simulation n_histories = 1000000 t0 = time.clock() import pdb;pdb.set_trace(), n_histories, simulation) print('Simulated {0} photons in {1} seconds'.format(n_histories, time.clock()-t0)) # let's add one more beam to the simulation source_position_2 = np.array([0, -20, 0], dtype='float64') source_direction_2 = np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype='float64') # th beam2 = engine.setup_source(source_position_2, source_direction_2, scan_axis, sdd, fov, collimation, weight, specter_cpd, specter_energies, n_specter), n_histories, simulation) print('Simulated another {0} photons in {1} seconds'.format(n_histories, time.clock()-t0)) #cleanup of simulation and sources, the monte carlo engine will leak # memory if these functions are not called engine.cleanup(simulation=simulation) engine.cleanup(source=beam) engine.cleanup(source=beam2) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow(energy_imparted[:, :, N[2] // 2]) plt.title('Energy Imparted [eV]') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.imshow(material_indices[:, :, N[2] // 2], cmap='gray') plt.title('Material index') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) dose = energy_imparted / ( * densities) plt.imshow(np.log(dose[:, :, N[2] // 2])) plt.title('Logarithm of dose [eV / grams]')
# # Plot mesh # # plot(u,wireframe=True,scalarbar=False) # plot(mesh) # if xx == 1: # l2uorder[xx-1] = 0 # else: # l2uorder[xx-1] = np.abs(np.log2(errL2u[xx-2]/errL2u[xx-1])) # l2porder[xx-1] = np.abs(np.log2(errL2p[xx-2]/errL2p[xx-1])) # print errL2u[xx-1] # print errL2p[xx-1] if (ShowErrorPlots == 'yes'): plt.loglog(NN,errL2u) plt.title('Error plot for CG2 elements - Velocity L2 convergence = %f' % np.log2(np.average((errL2u[0:m-2]/errL2u[1:m-1])))) plt.xlabel('N') plt.ylabel('L2 error') plt.figure() plt.loglog(NN,errL2p) plt.title('Error plot for CG1 elements - Pressure L2 convergence = %f' % np.log2(np.average((errL2p[0:m-2]/errL2p[1:m-1])))) plt.xlabel('N') plt.ylabel('L2 error')
def FPP(log=Logger.logger(0), N = 10000, dt = 1./24000, distributionParameter = [30], plotAll = True, efield = False): #check if rate file or rate is present if len(distributionParameter) == 1: try: data = np.loadtxt(distributionParameter[0],delimiter = ' ')"Rate data loaded") BGsim = True STNdata = [] tick = [] for n in data: STNdata.append(n[1]) tick.append(n[0]) Ratetime = pylab.cumsum(tick) BGdt = tick[1] timeSteps = int(Ratetime[-1]/dt) except: float(distributionParameter[0]) Ratetime = 1. timeSteps = int(Ratetime/dt) BGsim = False else: Ratetime = 1. BGsim = False timeSteps = int(Ratetime/dt) maxrate = 1./0.009 times = [] for n in range(timeSteps): times.append(dt*n) # check for current file, if none present use impules try: It = np.loadtxt('C:\\Users\\Kristian\\Dropbox\\phd\\Data\\apcurrent24k.dat',delimiter = ',') #/home/uqkweegi/Documents/Data/apcurrent24k.dat',delimiter = ',') except: log.error('no current file present') It = np.array(1)'Current loaded') It = np.multiply(np.true_divide(It,It.min()),250e-9) #normalize currentLength = len(It) #calculate extracellular effects epsilon = 8.85e-12 #Permitivity of free space rho = 10.**5 * 10.**6 #density of neurons in STN m^-3 r = np.power(np.multiply(3./4*N/(np.pi*rho),np.array([random.uniform(0,1) for _ in range(N)])),1./3) #create a power law distribution of neuron radii r.sort() if efield: rijk = [[random.uniform(0,1)-0.5 for _ in range(N)],[random.uniform(0,1)-0.5 for _ in range(N)],[random.uniform(0,1)-0.5 for _ in range(N)]] #create vector direction of field #if plotAll: # vi = pylab.plot(rijk[0]) # vj = pylab.plot(rijk[1]) # vk = pylab.plot(rijk[2]) # R3 = 0.96e3 C3 = 2.22e-6 C2 = 9.38e-9 C3 = 1.56e-6 C2 = 9.38e-9 R4 = 100.e6 R2N = np.multiply(1./(4*np.pi*epsilon),r) R1 = 2100.; t_impulse = np.array([dt*n for n in range(100)])'initialization complete') Vt = pylab.zeros(len(times)) Vi = Vt Vj = Vt Vk = Vt # start simulation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------# for neuron in range(N): R2 = R2N[neuron] ppwave = pylab.zeros(len(times)) if BGsim: absoluteTimes = np.random.exponential(1./(maxrate*STNdata[0]),1) else: if len(distributionParameter) == 1: absoluteTimes = np.random.exponential(1./(distributionParameter[0]),1) else: absoluteTimes = [random.weibullvariate(distributionParameter[0],distributionParameter[1])] while absoluteTimes[-1] < times[-1]-currentLength*dt: wave_start = int(absoluteTimes[-1]/dt) wave_end = wave_start+currentLength if wave_end > len(times): break ppwave[wave_start:wave_end] = np.add(ppwave[wave_start:wave_end],It) if BGsim: isi = np.random.exponential(1./(maxrate*STNdata[int(absoluteTimes[-1]/BGdt)]),1) else: if len(distributionParameter) == 1: isi = np.random.exponential(1./(distributionParameter[0]),1) else: isi = random.weibullvariate(distributionParameter[0],distributionParameter[1]) absoluteTimes = np.append(absoluteTimes,[absoluteTimes[-1]+isi]) # calculate neuron contribution #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# extracellular_impulse_response = np.multiply(np.multiply(np.exp(np.multiply(t_impulse,-20*17*((C2*R1*R2 + C2*R1*R3 + C2*R1*R4 - C3*R1*R3 + C3*R2*R3 + C3*R3*R4))/(2*C2*C3*R1*R3*(R2 + R4)))),(np.add(np.cosh(np.multiply(t_impulse,(C2**2*R1**2*R2**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R3 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R3*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R4**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2**2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3**2 - 4*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3**2*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3*R4**2 + C3**2*R1**2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R2**2*R3**2 + 2*C3**2*R2*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R3**2*R4**2)**(1/2)/(2*C2*C3*R1*R3*(R2 + R4)))),np.divide(np.sinh(np.multiply(t_impulse,(C2**2*R1**2*R2**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R3 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R3*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R4**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2**2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3**2 - 4*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3**2*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3*R4**2 + C3**2*R1**2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R2**2*R3**2 + 2*C3**2*R2*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R3**2*R4**2)**(1/2)/(2*C2*C3*R1*R3*(R2 + R4))))*(C2*R1*R2 - C2*R1*R3 + C2*R1*R4 + C3*R1*R3 - C3*R2*R3 - C3*R3*R4),(C2**2*R1**2*R2**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R3 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R2*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2**2*R1**2*R3*R4 + C2**2*R1**2*R4**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3**2 + 2*C2*C3*R1**2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2**2*R3 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3**2 - 4*C2*C3*R1*R2*R3*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3**2*R4 - 2*C2*C3*R1*R3*R4**2 + C3**2*R1**2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R2*R3**2 - 2*C3**2*R1*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R2**2*R3**2 + 2*C3**2*R2*R3**2*R4 + C3**2*R3**2*R4**2)**(1/2))))),-R4/(C2*(R2 + R4))); electrode_ppwave = np.convolve(ppwave,extracellular_impulse_response,'same'); if efield: #add fields amp = 1/np.sqrt((np.square(rijk[0][neuron])+np.square(rijk[1][neuron])+np.square(rijk[2][neuron]))) rijk[0][neuron] = rijk[0][neuron]*amp rijk[1][neuron] = rijk[1][neuron]*amp rijk[2][neuron] = rijk[2][neuron]*amp Vi = np.add(Vi,np.multiply(electrode_ppwave,rijk[0][neuron])) Vj = np.add(Vj,np.multiply(electrode_ppwave,rijk[1][neuron])) Vk = np.add(Vk,np.multiply(electrode_ppwave,rijk[2][neuron])) else: #add scalar Vt = np.add(Vt,electrode_ppwave) if np.mod(neuron,1000) == 999:" neurons calculated") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # end simulation'neuron contribution to MER complete') #remove bias if efield: Vt = np.sqrt(np.add(np.square(Vi),np.square(Vj),np.square(Vk))) Vt = np.subtract(Vt,np.mean(Vt)) #apply hardware filters flow = 5500*2. fhigh = 500. b,a = signal.butter(18,flow*dt,'low') Vt = signal.lfilter(b, a, Vt) b,a = signal.butter(1,fhigh*dt,'high') Vt = signal.lfilter(b, a, Vt) #produce plots if plotAll: volts = pylab.plot(times,Vt) if BGsim: stnrate = pylab.plot(Ratetime,np.multiply(STNdata,200)) nfft=2**int(math.log(len(Vt),2))+1 sr = 1/dt Pxi,freqs=pylab.psd(x=Vt,Fs=sr,NFFT=nfft/10,window=pylab.window_none, noverlap=100) return freqs, Pxi psd = pylab.loglog(freqs, Pxi) return Vt, times
def plot_obs_pred(obs_pred_data, dest_file='./obs_pred.png'): plot_color_by_pt_dens(obs_pred_data['pred'], obs_pred_data['obs'], 3, loglog=1) plt.loglog([min(obs_pred_data['pred']), max(obs_pred_data['pred'])], [min(obs_pred_data['pred']), max(obs_pred_data['pred'])], 'k-') plt.savefig(dest_file, dpi = 400)
#lun_lin =,F_lin); # value of l(u_n) #en_quad = sqrt(abs(lun_lin)); #discret_err_lin[j] = en_quad; # QUADRATIC FINITE ELEMENTS lun_quad =[:],F[:]); # value of l(u_n) en_quad = sqrt(abs(lu-lun_quad)); # energy norm of error vector discret_err_quad[j] = en_quad; #lun_quad =,F[0:N]); # value of l(u_n) #en_quad = sqrt(abs(lun_quad)); #discret_err_quad[j] = en_quad; a = discret_err_quad[3]/mmw[3]**2 b = discret_err_lin[3]/mmw[3] plt.plot(mmw, discret_err_lin,':*', label='energy error for linear FE') plt.loglog(mmw, b*mmw[:], label='linear slope') plt.loglog(mmw, discret_err_quad,':o', label='energy error for quadratic FE') plt.loglog(mmw, a*mmw[:]**2, label='quadratic sloe') plt.title('energy error depending on mesh width') plt.legend() ## Visualization: #FEM.plot(p, t, u); # approximated solution #plt.title('Approximation quadratic'); #FEM.plot(p, t, u-u_lin); # approximated solution #plt.title('Approximation linear error'); #FEM.plot(p, t, u-usol); # approximation error #plt.title('Approximation Error');
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import os import matplotlib.pylab as plt from math import* os.chdir('/Users/ronaldholt/Desktop/ORNL/SANS_NCBD_Reduced') for filename in os.listdir("."): if filename.endswith(".txt"): x,y=np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,1), delimiter=",", unpack=True) x=x[27:91] z=y[27:91] plt.loglog(x,z,label=filename) plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.title("I(Q) vs. Q") plt.xlabel("Q") plt.xlim([.1,.3]) plt.ylabel("I(Q)")
dx=dx, detrend=True, tap=tap) try: SS_obs = SS_obs + numpy.interp(f0, ffo, PSD_obs) SS_model = SS_model + numpy.interp(f0, ffm, PSD_model) except: SS_obs = numpy.interp(f0, ffo, PSD_obs) SS_model = numpy.interp(f0,ffm, PSD_model) nr += 1 SS_obs /= nr SS_model /= nr ff = f0 dff = ff[1]-ff[0] plt.close() plt.figure() plt.loglog(ff, SS_model, color='red',lw=2, label='ssh_model') plt.loglog(ff, SS_obs, color='k', label='ssh_obs') plt.grid() #plt.axis([5e-3,0.25,1e-4,1e3]) plt.xlabel(u'cy/km') plt.ylabel(u'm²/(cy/km)') plt.legend() plt.title('SSH spectra for SWOT-like data and model data interpolated on the swath') plt.savefig('{}_ssh_spectra.png'.format(p.config))
''' Roll and gyro power spectrum as a function of wavenumber''' import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy import matplotlib as mpl import swotsimulator.rw_data as rw_data import params as p file_instr = rw_data.file_instr(file=p.file_inst_error) file_instr.read_var(spatial_frequency=[], rollPSD=[], gyroPSD=[]) ## - Cut frequencies larger than Nyquist frequency and cut long wavelengths (larger than p.lambda_max) ind=numpy.where((file_instr.spatial_frequency<1./float(2*p.delta_al)) & (file_instr.spatial_frequency>0) & (file_instr.spatial_frequency>1./p.lambda_max))[0] freq=file_instr.spatial_frequency[ind] freq2=file_instr.spatial_frequency fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) tloc=0.11 tfont=20 stitle = 'Roll and gyro power spectrum' print(freq, file_instr.rollPSD) #plt.loglog(freq, file_instr.rollPSD[ind], label='roll') #plt.loglog(freq, file_instr.gyroPSD[ind], label='Gyro') plt.loglog(freq2, file_instr.rollPSD, label='roll') plt.loglog(freq2, file_instr.gyroPSD, label='Gyro') plt.ylabel('Power(asec**2/(cy/km))') plt.xlabel('Wavenumber (cy/km)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title(stitle, y=-tloc, fontsize=tfont) #size[1]) plt.savefig('Fig7.png')
ff, PSD_obs = myspectools.psd1d(hh=data.SSH_obs[:,iac],dx=dx, detrend=True, tap=tap) ff, PSD_model = myspectools.psd1d(hh=data.SSH_model[:,iac],dx=dx, detrend=True, tap=tap) try: SS_obs = SS_obs + numpy.interp(f0, ff, PSD_obs) SS_model = SS_model + numpy.interp(f0, ff, PSD_model) except: SS_obs = numpy.interp(f0, ff, PSD_obs) SS_model = numpy.interp(f0,ff, PSD_model) nr+=1 SS_obs/=nr SS_model/=nr ff = f0 dff = ff[1]-ff[0] plt.close() plt.loglog(ff,SS_obs, color='k', label='SSH_obs'); plt.grid() plt.loglog(ff,SS_model, color='red',lw=2, label='SSH_model') #plt.axis([5e-3,0.25,1e-4,1e3]) plt.xlabel(u'cy/km') plt.ylabel(u'm²/(cy/km)') plt.legend() plt.title('SSH spectra for SWOT-like data and model data interpolated on the swath') plt.savefig('SSH_spectra.png')
def compareModelKinetics(model1, model2): """ Compare the kinetics of :class:`ReactionModel` objects `model1` and `model2`, printing the results to stdout. """ from matplotlib import pylab # Determine reactions that both models have in common commonReactions = {} for rxn1 in model1.reactions: for rxn2 in model2.reactions: if rxn1.isIsomorphic(rxn2): commonReactions[rxn1] = rxn2 model2.reactions.remove(rxn2) break uniqueReactions1 = [rxn for rxn in model1.reactions if rxn not in commonReactions.keys()] uniqueReactions2 = model2.reactions'{0:d} reactions were found in both models:'.format(len(commonReactions))) for rxn in commonReactions:' {0!s}'.format(rxn))'{0:d} reactions were only found in the first model:'.format(len(uniqueReactions1))) for rxn in uniqueReactions1:' {0!s}'.format(rxn))'{0:d} reactions were only found in the second model:'.format(len(uniqueReactions2))) for rxn in uniqueReactions2:' {0!s}'.format(rxn)) from rmgpy.kinetics import Chebyshev T = 1000; P = 1e5 kinetics1 = []; kinetics2 = [] for rxn1, rxn2 in commonReactions.iteritems(): kinetics1.append(rxn1.getRateCoefficient(T,P)) if rxn1.isIsomorphic(rxn2, eitherDirection=False): kinetics2.append(rxn2.getRateCoefficient(T,P)) else: kinetics2.append(rxn2.getRateCoefficient(T,P) / rxn2.getEquilibriumConstant(T)) fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8,6)) ax = pylab.subplot(1,1,1) pylab.loglog(kinetics1, kinetics2, 'o', picker=5) xlim = pylab.xlim() ylim = pylab.ylim() lim = (min(xlim[0], ylim[0]), max(xlim[1], ylim[1])) ax.loglog(lim, lim, '-k') pylab.xlabel('Model 1 rate coefficient (SI units)') pylab.ylabel('Model 2 rate coefficient (SI units)') pylab.title('T = {0:g} K, P = {1:g} bar'.format(T, P/1e5)) pylab.xlim(lim) pylab.ylim(lim) def onpick(event): xdata = event.artist.get_xdata() ydata = event.artist.get_ydata() for ind in event.ind:[ind])'k(T,P) = {0:9.2e} from model 1'.format(xdata[ind]))'k(T,P) = {0:9.2e} from model 2'.format(ydata[ind]))'ratio = 10**{0:.2f}'.format(math.log10(xdata[ind] / ydata[ind]))) connection_id = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick)
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ Script to plot some absorption coefficients from NIST. The absorption coefficient data was downloaded as ASCII format table from as "material.dat" for some materials. """ import os import glob import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np BaseDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nist', '*') print 'Found', len(glob.glob(BaseDir)), 'files with data from NIST' for item in glob.glob(BaseDir): print 'loading', os.path.basename(item) # Skip lines in which there's more than the info we need (K, L, M, etc) # with open(item) as f: lines = (line for line in f if len(line.split()) < 4) Data = np.loadtxt(lines) plt.loglog(Data[:, 0], Data[:, 1], label=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item))[0]) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.title(r"$\mu/\rho$ [$\textrm{cm}^{2}$/g]") plt.legend()