def add_normalise_power_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to chose whether or not the power of all spectra shouold be normalised to 1. """ pos_shp = [0.02, 0.8, 0.05, 0.104] rax = self.ifft_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="normalise") np_tuple = ("yes", "no") self.normalise_power_selector = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, np_tuple, active=1) self.normalise_power_selector.on_clicked(self.update_normalise_power)
def add_state_variable_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set which state variable is displayed on the x and y axis of the phase-plane plot. """ svx_ind = self.model.state_variables.index(self.svx) svy_ind = self.model.state_variables.index(self.svy) #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [0.07, 0.05, 0.065, 0.12+0.006*self.model.nvar] rax = self.ipp_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="x-axis") self.state_variable_x = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, tuple(self.model.state_variables), active=svx_ind) self.state_variable_x.on_clicked(self.update_svx) #State variable for the y axis pos_shp = [0.14, 0.05, 0.065, 0.12+0.006*self.model.nvar] rax = self.ipp_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="y-axis") self.state_variable_y = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, tuple(self.model.state_variables), active=svy_ind) self.state_variable_y.on_clicked(self.update_svy)
def add_yscale_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to the figure for selecting which scaling the y-axes should use. """ pos_shp = [0.02, 0.5, 0.05, 0.104] rax = self.ifft_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, facecolor=AXCOLOUR, title="yscale") yscale_tuple = ("log", "linear") self.yscale_selector = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, yscale_tuple, active=0) self.yscale_selector.on_clicked(self.update_yscale)
def add_window_length_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set the window length is seconds. """ noc = self.possible_window_lengths.shape[0] # number of choices #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [0.88, 0.07, 0.1, 0.12 + 0.02 * noc] rax = self.ifft_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, facecolor=AXCOLOUR, title="Segment length") wl_tup = tuple(self.possible_window_lengths) self.window_length_selector = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, wl_tup, active=4) self.window_length_selector.on_clicked(self.update_window_length)
def add_variable_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set which state variable is displayed. """ noc =[1] # number of choices #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [0.02, 0.22, 0.05, 0.12 + 0.008 * noc] rax = self.ifft_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, facecolor=AXCOLOUR, title="state variable") self.variable_selector = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, tuple(range(noc)), active=0) self.variable_selector.on_clicked(self.update_variable)
def plotResModel(self, res_range=(0, 4), res_num=9): """ plot the resistivity model with finite element mesh on and scale is in meters, which makes everything a lot easier to handle at the moment. """ self._make_resisitivity_range(res_range[0], res_range[1], res_num) # call plot2DmModel to draw figure and plot mesh grid self.mesh_plot = self.plot2DModel(femesh="on", yscale="m") # connect to a button press event for changing resistivity values in # the plot self.cid = "button_press_event", self.get_mclick_xy ) # connect to a key press event for changing resistivity values self.cid_pmres = "key_press_event", self.pmRes ) # make a rectangular selector self.rect_selector = widgets.RectangleSelector(, self.rect_onselect, drawtype="box", useblit=True ) # make a radio boxe for changing the resistivity values easily self.radio_res_ax = self.mesh_plot.fig.add_axes(self.radio_res_loc) self.radio_res_labels = ["air", "sea"] + [ "{0:.4g}".format(rr) for rr in self.res_range[2:] ] self.radio_res = widgets.RadioButtons( self.radio_res_ax, self.radio_res_labels, active=self.res_ii ) self.radio_res.on_clicked(self.set_res_value) # calculate minimum block width self.mesh_width = np.min( [ abs(om.meshx[0, ii + 1] - xx) for ii, xx in enumerate(self.meshx[0, 7:-7], 7) ] ) self._caluculate_midpoints()
def add_window_function_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set the windowing function. """ #TODO: add support for kaiser, requiers specification of beta. wf_tup = ("None", "hamming", "bartlett", "blackman", "hanning") noc = len(wf_tup) # number of choices #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [0.88, 0.77, 0.085, 0.12 + 0.01 * noc] rax = self.ifft_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, facecolor=AXCOLOUR, title="Windowing function") self.window_function_selector = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, wf_tup, active=0) self.window_function_selector.on_clicked(self.update_window_function)
def __init__(self, simulation): self.simulation = simulation self.fig = plt.figure() self.scale_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.90, 0.65, 0.03]) self.scale_slider = wdg.Slider(self.scale_axes, "Scale", 0.01, 16, valinit=1) self.h_offset_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.80, 0.65, 0.03]) self.h_offset_slider = wdg.Slider(self.h_offset_axes, "Horizontal offset", -math.pi, math.pi, valinit=0) self.v_offset_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.70, 0.65, 0.03]) self.v_offset_slider = wdg.Slider(self.v_offset_axes, "Vertical offset", -math.pi, math.pi, valinit=0) self.color_range_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.60, 0.65, 0.03]) self.color_range_slider = wdg.Slider(self.color_range_axes, "Color range", 0, 200, valinit=100) self.width_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.50, 0.65, 0.03]) self.width_slider = wdg.Slider(self.width_axes, "Width", 0, 100, valinit=8, valstep=1) self.height_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.40, 0.65, 0.03]) self.height_slider = wdg.Slider(self.height_axes, "Height", 0, 100, valinit=1, valstep=1) self.z_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.30, 0.65, 0.03]) self.z_slider = wdg.Slider(self.z_axes, "z", -2, 2, valinit=0) self.plane_axes = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.15, 0.15]) self.plane_radio = wdg.RadioButtons(self.plane_axes, ('XY', 'XZ', 'YZ'))
def setup(): #Setup figure #Top, Bottom, Side with top and bottom plot sharing x axis fig = plt.figure() top = plt.subplot(221) bot = plt.subplot(223, sharex=top) sid = plt.subplot(122) stklst = sorted(('AMZN', 'GE', 'GOOG', 'MSFT', 'YHOO', 'EBAY')) fig = plot_data(stklst[0], fig, top, bot, sid) #Setup for radio bottoms axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' ylen = len(stklst)/50.0 prop_radio = plt.axes([0.95, 1-ylen, 0.048, ylen], axisbg=axcolor) radio = wd.RadioButtons(prop_radio, stklst) return [fig, top, bot, sid, radio]
def setup(): stklst = sorted(('ABB', 'AMZN', 'GE', 'GOOG', 'MSFT', 'YHOO', 'EBAY')) #Setup figure #Top, Bottom, Side with top and bottom plot sharing x axis fig = plt.figure() top = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), colspan=2) bot = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan=2, sharex=top) mlrn = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (2, 0), colspan=2, sharex=top) sid = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 2), rowspan=3) fig = plot_data(stklst[0], fig, top, bot, mlrn, sid) #Setup for radio bottoms axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' ylen = len(stklst) / 50.0 prop_radio = plt.axes([0.95, 1 - ylen, 0.048, ylen], axisbg=axcolor) radio = wd.RadioButtons(prop_radio, stklst) return [fig, top, bot, sid, mlrn, radio]
def main(): """ Display a fits file choosen by a radio button and allows to change the threshold with a slider """ # Display the canvas fig, axis = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.25) # Get list of fits files file_list = [] for _, _, file_list in os.walk('../data'): break fits_files = [ file_name for file_name in file_list if file_name.split(".")[-1] == "fits" ] # Define radio button radio_axis = plt.axes([0.02, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3]) radio = widgets.RadioButtons(radio_axis, fits_files) # Define slider axis slider_axis = plt.axes([0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.105]) # Initialize Action class, display the first fits file # and get the slider action = Action(slider_axis, fig, axis) action.radio_action(fits_files[0]) my_widget = action.my_widget # Use event handler and show radio.on_clicked(action.radio_action) my_widget.on_changed(action.slider_action) return 0
def radio_buttons(rax, labels, user_callback=None): """ rab = radio_buttons(rax, labels, user_callback=None) Puts up radio buttons (only one selected at a time) for the strings passed in the vector of strings "labels", in the matplotlib axes given by "rax". On click, if the function user_callback is set, it will be called, with a string as its single parameter-- that string will be the label of the selected button. You can also access the string of the currently selected button through rab.value_selected Or, in Julia, with the PyCall syntax rab[:value_selected] """ radio = Wid.RadioButtons(rax, labels) if user_callback != None: radio.on_clicked(user_callback) return radio
def main(): dirpath, interactive = lib_args.get_args() filepaths = scan_dir(dirpath) # batch console output if not interactive: for filepath in filepaths: print(filepath) # graphic interaction else: fig, img_axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.45, bottom=0.1, top=0.9) buttons_axis = plt.axes([0.55, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8]) buttons = widgets.RadioButtons(buttons_axis, filepaths) callback = UpdateFile(img_axis, fig) buttons.on_clicked(callback) callback(filepaths[0]) return 0
def __create_radio(self) -> None: """Build the radio widget.""" # create new axis for radio widget x0 = self.bbox[0] y0 = self.bbox[1] width = self.bbox[2] / 3 height = self.bbox[3] axis = self.figure.add_axes([x0, y0, width, height]) # formatting axis.patch.set_facecolor('none') axis.patch.set_edgecolor('none') for edge in 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom': axis.spines[edge].set_visible(False) self.__radio_axis = axis # create widget options = {'activecolor': 'steelblue'} options.update(self.radio_options) self.__radio = widgets.RadioButtons( axis, tuple(model.label for model in self.models), **options) # update function self.__radio.on_clicked(self.__radio_on_clicked)
def __init__(self): self.param = { "dust_type": "MW", "tau_V": 1, "geometry": "SHELL", "dust_distrib": "homogeneous", } # generate the curves and plot them # Use 1/microns for a better sampling self.x = np.arange(0.35, 10.0, 0.1) / u.micron self.x_Vband = 0.55 self.fig, = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) self.axatt = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=3) self.axFF = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (3, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1) self.axalb = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (3, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=1) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title("widget for WG00 RT model") plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.35) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.8) axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" self.rax_sketch = plt.axes([0.03, 0.68, 0.25, 0.32]) self.rax_sketch.axis("off") rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.52, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) dust_type = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ("MW", "SMC")) dust_type.on_clicked(self.update_dust_type) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.335, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) geometry = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ("SHELL", "CLOUDY", "DUSTY")) geometry.on_clicked(self.update_geometry) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) distrib = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ("Homogeneous", "Clumpy")) distrib.on_clicked(self.update_dust_distrib) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.03, 0.12, 0.08], facecolor=axcolor) norm = wgt.CheckButtons(rax, (r"Normalised to A$_V$", ), (True, )) norm.on_clicked(self.update_norm) self.norm = True rax = plt.axes([0.3, 0.05, 0.6, 0.0275]) tau_V = wgt.Slider(rax, r"$\tau_V$", 0.5, 50, valinit=self.param["tau_V"]) tau_V.on_changed(self.update_tau_V) # Initialise WG00 model self.att_model = WG00( tau_V=self.param["tau_V"], geometry=self.param["geometry"], dust_type=self.param["dust_type"], dust_distribution=self.param["dust_distrib"], ) self.update_sketch() self.update_att_curve()
def __init__(self): self.param = { 'dust_type': 'MW', 'tau_V': 1, 'geometry': 'SHELL', 'dust_distrib': 'homogeneous' } # generate the curves and plot them # Use 1/microns for a better sampling self.x = np.arange(0.35, 10.0, 0.1) / u.micron self.x_Vband = 0.55 self.fig, = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) self.axatt = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=3) self.axFF = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (3, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1) self.axalb = plt.subplot2grid((4, 2), (3, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=1) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title('widget for WG00 RT model') plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.35) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.8) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' self.rax_sketch = plt.axes([.03, .68, .25, .32]) self.rax_sketch.axis('off') rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.52, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) dust_type = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ('MW', 'SMC')) dust_type.on_clicked(self.update_dust_type) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.335, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) geometry = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ('SHELL', 'CLOUDY', 'DUSTY')) geometry.on_clicked(self.update_geometry) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) distrib = wgt.RadioButtons(rax, ('Homogeneous', 'Clumpy')) distrib.on_clicked(self.update_dust_distrib) rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.03, 0.12, 0.08], facecolor=axcolor) norm = wgt.CheckButtons(rax, (r'Normalised to A$_V$', ), (True, )) norm.on_clicked(self.update_norm) self.norm = True rax = plt.axes([.3, .05, .6, .0275]) tau_V = wgt.Slider(rax, r'$\tau_V$', 0.5, 50, valinit=self.param['tau_V']) tau_V.on_changed(self.update_tau_V) # Initialise WG00 model self.att_model = WG00(tau_V=self.param['tau_V'], geometry=self.param['geometry'], dust_type=self.param['dust_type'], dust_distribution=self.param['dust_distrib']) self.update_sketch() self.update_att_curve()
def kwargs_to_mpl_widgets(kwargs, params, update, slider_format_strings): n_opts = 0 n_radio = 0 n_sliders = 0 for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, set): new_opts = extract_num_options(val) if new_opts > 0: n_radio += 1 n_opts += new_opts elif (not isinstance(val, mwidgets.AxesWidget) and not isinstance(val, widgets.fixed) and isinstance(val, Iterable) and len(val) > 1): n_sliders += 1 # These are roughly the sizes used in the matplotlib widget tutorial # slider_in = 0.15 radio_in = 0.6 / 3 widget_gap_in = 0.1 widget_inches = (n_sliders * slider_in + n_opts * radio_in + widget_gap_in * (n_sliders + n_radio + 1) + 0.5 ) # half an inch for margin fig = None if not all( map(lambda x: isinstance(x, mwidgets.AxesWidget), kwargs.values())): # if the only kwargs are existing matplotlib widgets don't make a new figure with ioff: fig = figure() size = fig.get_size_inches() fig_h = widget_inches fig.set_size_inches(size[0], widget_inches) slider_height = slider_in / fig_h radio_height = radio_in / fig_h # radio gap_height = widget_gap_in / fig_h widget_y = 0.05 slider_ax = [] sliders = [] radio_ax = [] radio_buttons = [] cbs = [] for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, set): if len(val) == 1: val = val.pop() if isinstance(val, tuple): pass else: params[key] = val continue else: val = list(val) n = len(val) longest_len = max(list(map(lambda x: len(list(x)), map(str, val)))) # should probably use something based on fontsize rather that .015 width = max(0.15, 0.015 * longest_len) radio_ax.append( axes([ 0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - radio_height * n, width, radio_height * n ])) widget_y += radio_height * n + gap_height radio_buttons.append( mwidgets.RadioButtons(radio_ax[-1], val, active=0)) cbs.append(radio_buttons[-1].on_clicked( partial(changeify, key=key, update=update))) params[key] = val[0] elif isinstance(val, mwidgets.RadioButtons): val.on_clicked(partial(changeify, key=key, update=update)) params[key] = val.val elif isinstance(val, mwidgets.Slider): val.on_changed(partial(changeify, key=key, update=update)) params[key] = val.val else: if isinstance(val, tuple): if len(val) == 2: min_ = val[0] max_ = val[1] elif len(val) == 3: # should warn that that doesn't make sense with matplotlib sliders min_ = val[0] max_ = val[1] else: val = np.atleast_1d(val) if val.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( f"{key} is {val.ndim}D but can only be 1D or a scalar") if len(val) == 1: # don't need to create a slider params[key] = val[0] continue else: # list or numpy array # should warn here as well min_ = np.min(val) max_ = np.max(val) slider_ax.append( axes([0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - gap_height, 0.65, slider_height])) sliders.append( mwidgets.Slider( slider_ax[-1], key, min_, max_, valinit=min_, valfmt=slider_format_strings[key], )) cbs.append(sliders[-1].on_changed( partial(changeify, key=key, update=update))) widget_y += slider_height + gap_height params[key] = min_ controls = [fig, radio_ax, radio_buttons, slider_ax, sliders] return controls
def __init__(self, datapath): """Initialization""" # object that handles output data self._data = OutputData.OutputData(datapath) # time dependent data for plotting self._scalar_t = self._data.get_scalar_t() self._mode_t = self._data.get_mode_t() # initial parameters self._iscalar = 0 # scalar index self._imode = 0 # mode index self._itime = 0 # time index self._itime1 = 0 # time range index 1 self._itime2 = self._data.ntime # time range index 2 self._ispecies = self._data.nspecies # species index self._iptcldist = 0 # 0: g; 1: f; 2: delta f self._ani_playing = False # whether animation is playing # colormap cdict = { 'red': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)], 'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)], 'blue': [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)] } self._cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('BWR', cdict, 256) self._levels = (np.arange(64) - 31.5) / 31.5 # layout self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 11)) self._fig.canvas.set_window_title(os.path.abspath(datapath)) # plots self._ax_scalar_t = self._fig.add_axes([0.04, 0.53, 0.18, 0.44]) self._ax_mode_t = self._fig.add_axes([0.04, 0.045, 0.18, 0.44]) self._ax_mode_amp_t = self._fig.add_axes([0.26, 0.53, 0.18, 0.44]) self._ax_mode_norm_t = self._fig.add_axes([0.26, 0.045, 0.18, 0.44]) self._ax_field_x = self._fig.add_axes([0.58, 0.53, 0.18, 0.44]) #self._ax_chargeden_x = self._fig.add_axes([0.54, 0.045, 0.22, 0.44]) self._ax_ptcldist_xv = self._fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.53, 0.16, 0.44]) self._ax_ptcldist_xv_colorbar = self._fig.add_axes( [0.965, 0.53, 0.01, 0.44]) self._ax_ptcldist_v = self._fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.045, 0.18, 0.44]) # widgets self._ax_scalar_chooser = self._fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.85, 0.08, 0.1]) self._ax_scalar_chooser.set_title('Scalar') self._ax_mode_chooser = self._fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.7, 0.08, 0.1]) self._ax_mode_chooser.set_title('Fourier mode') self._ax_ptcldist_chooser = self._fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.55, 0.08, 0.1]) self._ax_ptcldist_chooser.set_title('Distribution') self._ax_species_chooser = self._fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.4, 0.08, 0.1]) self._ax_species_chooser.set_title('Species') self._ax_ani_playpause = self._fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.25, 0.08, 0.04]) # clicking on window: time chooser and time range chooser self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._canvas_on_press) self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._canvas_on_release) # scalar chooser self._scalar_labels = ['$\int E^2 \mathrm{d} x$', \ '$\int \, (g|f|\delta f) v^2 \mathrm{d} v \mathrm{d} x$'] self._scalar_chooser = widgets.RadioButtons(self._ax_scalar_chooser, \ self._scalar_labels, active = self._iscalar) self._scalar_chooser.on_clicked(self._scalar_chooser_on_click) # mode chooser self._mode_labels = [] for i in range(self._data.nmode): self._mode_labels.append(str(self._data.mode[i])) self._mode_chooser = widgets.RadioButtons(self._ax_mode_chooser, \ self._mode_labels, active = self._imode) self._mode_chooser.on_clicked(self._mode_chooser_on_click) # particle distribution chooser self._ptcldist_labels = ['$g$', '$f$', '$\delta f$'] self._ptcldist_chooser = widgets.RadioButtons( \ self._ax_ptcldist_chooser, self._ptcldist_labels, \ active = self._iptcldist) self._ptcldist_chooser.on_clicked(self._ptcldist_chooser_on_click) # species chooser self._species_labels = [] for ispecies in range(self._data.nspecies): self._species_labels.append(str(ispecies + 1)) self._species_labels.append('Sum') self._species_chooser = widgets.RadioButtons( \ self._ax_species_chooser, self._species_labels, \ active = self._ispecies) self._species_chooser.on_clicked(self._species_chooser_on_click) # animation play/pause button self._ani_playpause = widgets.Button(self._ax_ani_playpause, 'Play animation') self._ani_playpause.on_clicked(self._ani_playpause_on_click) # timer for animation self._timer = self._fig.canvas.new_timer(interval=200) self._timer.add_callback(self._ani_advance) self._timer.start() # update all plots self.update_plot_all()
def __init__(self, data_filter_change=None, data_fir_n_change=None, der_filter_change=None, der_fir_n_change=None, file_change=None, refresh_button_click=None, sh_click=None, icg_click=None, file_list: List[str] = None): self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, constrained_layout=True) self.lines = numpy.ndarray(shape=(3, 2), dtype=plt.Line2D) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) widgets.TextBox(plt.axes([0, 0.17, 0.12, 0.02]), "", initial="Data filter") self.data_filter_widget = widgets.RadioButtons( plt.axes([0, 0.01, 0.12, 0.15]), ["savgol", "FIR", "None"], 2) self.data_filter_widget.on_clicked(data_filter_change) self.data_fir_n_widget = widgets.Slider(plt.axes( [0.4, 0.08, 0.25, 0.05]), "Data FIR N", 5, 100, 20, valstep=1) self.data_fir_n_widget.on_changed(data_fir_n_change) widgets.TextBox(plt.axes([0.12, 0.17, 0.12, 0.02]), "", initial="Derivative filter") self.der_filter_widget = widgets.RadioButtons( plt.axes([0.12, 0.01, 0.12, 0.15]), ["savgol", "FIR", "None"], 2) self.der_filter_widget.on_clicked(der_filter_change) self.der_fir_n_widget = widgets.Slider(plt.axes( [0.4, 0.02, 0.25, 0.05]), "Deriv FIR N", 5, 100, 50, valstep=1) self.der_fir_n_widget.on_changed(der_fir_n_change) self.refresh_button = widgets.Button( plt.axes([0.40, 0.15, 0.08, 0.05]), "Measure") self.refresh_button.on_clicked(refresh_button_click) self.sh_widget = widgets.TextBox(plt.axes([0.5, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05]), "", "200") self.sh_plus_btn = widgets.Button(plt.axes([0.55, 0.175, 0.02, 0.025]), "+") self.sh_minus_btn = widgets.Button(plt.axes([0.55, 0.15, 0.02, 0.025]), "-") def sh_pl_cl(_): new_val = int(self.sh_widget.text) + 50 self.sh_widget.set_val(str(new_val)) sh_click(new_val) def sh_mn_cl(_): new_val = int(self.sh_widget.text) - 50 self.sh_widget.set_val(str(new_val)) sh_click(new_val) self.sh_plus_btn.on_clicked(sh_pl_cl) self.sh_minus_btn.on_clicked(sh_mn_cl) self.sh_widget.on_text_change( lambda _: sh_click(int(self.sh_widget.text))) self.icg_widget = widgets.TextBox(plt.axes([0.6, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05]), "", "100000") self.icg_plus_btn = widgets.Button( plt.axes([0.65, 0.175, 0.02, 0.025]), "+") self.icg_minus_btn = widgets.Button( plt.axes([0.65, 0.15, 0.02, 0.025]), "-") self.icg_widget.on_text_change( lambda _: icg_click(int(self.icg_widget.text))) def icg_pl_cl(_): new_val = int(self.icg_widget.text) + 1000 self.icg_widget.set_val(str(new_val)) sh_click(new_val) def icg_mn_cl(_): new_val = int(self.icg_widget.text) - 1000 self.icg_widget.set_val(str(new_val)) sh_click(new_val) self.icg_plus_btn.on_clicked(icg_pl_cl) self.icg_minus_btn.on_clicked(icg_mn_cl) if file_list is not None: self.file_list_widget = widgets.RadioButtons( plt.axes([0.7, 0.01, 0.28, 0.15]), file_list) self.file_list_widget.on_clicked(file_change)
#ax2 = plt.axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.80], projection='3d') ax_slider_1 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.01, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_2 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.04, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_3 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.07, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_4 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_5 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.13, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_6 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.01, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_7 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.04, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_8 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.07, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_9 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.02]) ax_slider_10 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.13, 0.2, 0.02]) rax = plt.axes([0.0, 0.8, 0.1, 0.15]) ax_slider_11 = plt.axes([0.2, 0.97, 0.1, 0.02]) ax_slider_12 = plt.axes([0.6, 0.97, 0.1, 0.02]) ax_slider_13 = plt.axes([0.8, 0.97, 0.2, 0.02]) radio = widgets.RadioButtons(rax, ('CW', 'Pulsed')) slider_1 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_1, 'qwp_1', 0., 360) slider_2 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_2, 'hwp_2', 0., 360) slider_3 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_3, 'qwp_2', 0., 360) slider_4 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_4, 'hwp_3', 0., 360) slider_5 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_5, 'qwp_3', 0., 360) slider_6 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_6, 'delay_2', -2, 2) slider_7 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_7, 'delay_3', -2, 2) slider_8 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_8, 'ampl_1', 0, 1) slider_9 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_9, 'ampl_2', 0, 1) slider_10 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_10, 'ampl_3', 0, 1) slider_11 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_11, 'x-size', 0, 4) slider_12 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_12, 'x-start', -2, 2) slider_13 = widgets.Slider(ax_slider_13, 'close', 0, 1) #start
axe_rayon = plt.axes([0.7, 0.92, 0.2, 0.03]) axe_infiny = plt.axes([0.025, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1]) axe_r = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1]) slider_teta = wdg.Slider(axe_teta, 'Ouverture', 0, np.pi / 4, valinit=np.pi / 6) slider_diametre = wdg.Slider(axe_dia, 'Diamètre', 0, np.pi / 2, valinit=np.pi / 6) slider_rayon = wdg.Slider(axe_rayon, "Rayon", 0.1, 15, valinit=10) button_inf = wdg.RadioButtons(axe_infiny, ('Infinie', 'Non')) button_type = wdg.RadioButtons(axe_r, ("Concave", "Convexe")) def mise_a_jour(val=None): #On enlève tous les rayon/miroirs/sources des listes pour en créer des nouveaux for rayon in lst_ray: lst_ray.remove(rayon) for sourcee in lst_source: lst_source.remove(sourcee) for miroire in lst_miroir: lst_miroir.remove(miroire) fig[1].cla() #Clear de la figure #On récupère la valeur des widgets ouverture = slider_teta.val
def test_check_bunch_of_radio_buttons(): rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.7]) widgets.RadioButtons(rax, ('B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'B10', 'B11', 'B12', 'B13', 'B14', 'B15'))
def interactive_ui(base_path: str): # Load all array file print("Loading data") FILE_STABILITY_F = "sampo.stability_f.array" FILE_STABILITY_E = "sampo.stability_e.array" FILE_STABILITY_D = "sampo.stability_d.array" FILE_PRESSURE_SELF = "sampo.pressure_self.array" FILE_PRESSURE_ENEMY = "sampo.pressure_enemy.array" FILE_BARRAGE_SELF = "sampo.barrage_self.array" FILE_BARRAGE_ENEMY = "sampo.barrage_enemy.array" FILE_PROXIMITY_SELF = "sampo.proximity_self.array" FILE_PROXIMITY_ENEMY = "sampo.proximity_enemy.array" FILE_PATH1_SELF = "sampo.path1_self.array" FILE_PATH1_ENEMY = "sampo.path1_enemy.array" stability_F = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_STABILITY_F) stability_E = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_STABILITY_E) stability_D = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_STABILITY_D) pressure_self = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PRESSURE_SELF) pressure_enemy = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PRESSURE_ENEMY) barrage_self = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_BARRAGE_SELF) barrage_enemy = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_BARRAGE_ENEMY) proximity_self = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PROXIMITY_SELF) proximity_enemy = _load_field_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PROXIMITY_ENEMY) path1_self = _load_paths_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PATH1_SELF) path1_enemy = _load_paths_from_file(base_path + '/' + FILE_PATH1_ENEMY) nTurns = len(stability_F) print("Turns: {}".format(nTurns)) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) nRows = 1 nCols = 2 heat_axis = fig.add_subplot(nRows, nCols, 1) grid = numpy.zeros((transform.ARENA_SIZE, transform.ARENA_SIZE)) heat_im = heat_axis.imshow(grid.T, origin='lower', aspect='equal') path_axis = fig.add_subplot(nRows, nCols, 2) path_im = path_axis.imshow(grid.T, origin='lower', aspect='equal') def update_heat(a): #print("update_heat Called") grid = numpy.zeros((transform.ARENA_SIZE, transform.ARENA_SIZE)) v_min = 0 v_max = 1 for p in range(transform.ARENA_VOL): x,y = transform.pos2_decode(p) grid[x][y] = a[p] v = a[p] if v == float('-inf') or v == float('inf'): v = -1 if v < v_min: v_min = v if v > v_max: v_max = v heat_im.set_clim(vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max) heat_im.set_data(grid.T) #heat_im.set_clim() #print("Min: {}, Max: {}".format(v_min,v_max)) update_heat(stability_F[0]) def update_path(path, ty): grid = -numpy.ones((transform.ARENA_SIZE, transform.ARENA_SIZE)) v_min = -1 v_max = 1 # Note: Enemy hazard is not computed. if path and not (ty == 2 and 'Enemy'== player_radio.value_selected): n = len(path) for i in range(n): x = path.px[i] y =[i] if ty == 0: grid[x][y] = path.damage_dp[i] elif ty == 1: grid[x][y] = path.shield_dp[i] else: grid[x][y] = path.hazard_dp[i] v = grid[x][y] if v < v_min: v_min = v if v > v_max: v_max = v path_im.set_clim(vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max) path_im.set_data(grid.T) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.3,bottom=0.5,right=1.0) path_axis_bbox = path_axis.get_position() feasibility_plot_axis = fig.add_axes( [path_axis_bbox.xmin,0.3,path_axis_bbox.width,0.05]) feasibility_plot_axis.set_autoscale_on(True) feasibility_plot_axis.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) feasibility_plot_axis.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) feasibility_plot, = feasibility_plot_axis.plot( \ range(transform.ARENA_SIZE), [0] * transform.ARENA_SIZE) player_radio_axis = fig.add_axes([0,0.85,0.25,0.15]) player_radio = widgets.RadioButtons(player_radio_axis, ('Self', 'Enemy')) fields_radio_axis = fig.add_axes([0,0.4,0.25,0.45]) fields_radio = widgets.RadioButtons(fields_radio_axis, ('stability_F', 'stability_E', 'stability_D', 'pressure', 'barrage', 'proximity')) path_radio_axis = fig.add_axes([0,0.2,0.25,0.2]) path_radio = widgets.RadioButtons(path_radio_axis, ('Damage', 'Shield', 'Hazard')) turn_slider_axis = fig.add_axes([0.3,0.2,0.3,0.03]) turn_slider = DiscreteSlider(turn_slider_axis, 'Turns', 0, nTurns-1, valinit=0, valfmt='%0.0f') colorbar_axis = fig.add_axes([0.3,0.3,0.3,0.03]) fig.colorbar(heat_im, cax=colorbar_axis, orientation='horizontal') abscissa_slider_axis = fig.add_axes( [path_axis_bbox.xmin,0.2,path_axis_bbox.width,0.03]) abscissa_slider = DiscreteSlider(abscissa_slider_axis, 'Ab.', 0, transform.ARENA_SIZE - 1, valinit=0, valfmt='%0.0f') primal_button_axis = fig.add_axes([0.65,0.23, 0.05, 0.05]) primal_button = widgets.Button(primal_button_axis, 'Primal') def onChange_field(val): turn = int(turn_slider.val) pname = player_radio.value_selected aname = fields_radio.value_selected #print("Event! aname: {}".format(aname)) try: if aname == 'stability_F': update_heat(stability_F[turn]) elif aname == 'stability_E': update_heat(stability_E[turn]) elif aname == 'stability_D': update_heat(stability_D[turn]) elif aname == 'pressure': if pname == 'Self': update_heat(pressure_self[turn]) else: update_heat(pressure_enemy[turn]) elif aname == 'barrage': if pname == 'Self': update_heat(barrage_self[turn]) else: update_heat(barrage_enemy[turn]) elif aname == 'proximity': if pname == 'Self': update_heat(proximity_self[turn]) else: update_heat(proximity_enemy[turn]) else: print("Unknown aname: {}".format(aname)) except Exception as e: print(e) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def onChange_path(val): turns = int(turn_slider.val) ab = int(abscissa_slider.val) pname = player_radio.value_selected aname = path_radio.value_selected try: if aname == 'Damage': if pname == 'Self': update_path(path1_self[turns][ab], ty=0) else: update_path(path1_enemy[turns][ab], ty=0) elif aname == 'Shield': if pname == 'Self': update_path(path1_self[turns][ab], ty=1) else: update_path(path1_enemy[turns][ab], ty=1) elif aname == 'Hazard': if pname == 'Self': update_path(path1_self[turns][ab], ty=2) else: update_path(path1_enemy[turns][ab], ty=2) else: print("Unknown aname: {}".format(aname)) except Exception as e: print(e) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def onClick_primal(event): turns = int(turn_slider.val) pname = player_radio.value_selected aname = path_radio.value_selected try: assert len(path1_self[turns]) == transform.ARENA_SIZE max_i = 0 max_feasibility = float('-inf') for i in range(transform.ARENA_SIZE): if pname == 'Self': p = path1_self[turns][i] else: p = path1_enemy[turns][i] if not p: continue assert p.evaluated if p.feasibility > max_feasibility: max_i = i max_feasibility = p.feasibility print("Primal at: {}".format(max_i)) abscissa_slider.set_val(float(max_i)) except Exception as e: raise onChange_path(None) def onChange(val): pname = player_radio.value_selected turns = int(turn_slider.val) if pname == 'Self': path_array = path1_self[turns] else: path_array = path1_enemy[turns] feas = [(i,p.feasibility) for i,p in enumerate(path_array) if p] feas_x, feas_y = zip(*feas) feasibility_plot.set_data(feas_x, feas_y) feasibility_plot_axis.relim() feasibility_plot_axis.autoscale_view(True, True, True) onChange_field(val) onChange_path(val) player_radio.on_clicked(onChange) turn_slider.on_changed(onChange) fields_radio.on_clicked(onChange_field) abscissa_slider.on_changed(onChange_path) path_radio.on_clicked(onChange_path) primal_button.on_clicked(onClick_primal) print('Plot closing')
def __init__(self, blocksize, samplerate): # choosing style'dark_background') # creating figure and gridspec instance self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) = self.fig.add_gridspec(90, 160) def on_close(event): sys.exit() # connecting on_close event self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', on_close) # creating and formatting axes for waveform self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 0:63]) self.ax1.grid(True, lw=0.2) self.x_max_span = np.round(blocksize * 1000 / samplerate, 1) self.ax1.set_xlim(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 8, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 8, 1)) self.ax1.set_xticks( np.linspace(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 8, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 8, 1), 11, endpoint=True)) self.ax1.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax1.set_ylim(-1, 1) self.ax1.set_yticks(np.linspace(-1, 1, 9, endpoint=True)) self.ax1.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax1.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) # creating and formatting axes for spectrum self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot([45:84, 0:63]) self.ax2.grid(True, lw=0.2) self.ax2.set_xlim(0, 22050) self.ax2.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 22050, 11, endpoint=True)) self.ax2.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax2.set_ylim(0, 0.5) self.ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 0.5, 9, endpoint=True)) self.ax2.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax2.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) # creating text boxes for distances between cursors self.ax_t_1_l = self.fig.add_subplot([0:4, 8:23]) self.ax_t_1_l.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_1_l.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_1_l.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_1_l = self.ax_t_1_l.text(0.5, 0.5, '', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_1_r = self.fig.add_subplot([0:4, 40:55]) self.ax_t_1_r.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_1_r.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_1_r.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_1_r = self.ax_t_1_r.text(0.5, 0.5, '', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_2_l = self.fig.add_subplot([85:89, 8:23]) self.ax_t_2_l.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_2_l.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_2_l.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_2_l = self.ax_t_2_l.text(0.5, 0.5, '', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_2_r = self.fig.add_subplot([85:89, 40:55]) self.ax_t_2_r.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_2_r.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_2_r.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_2_r = self.ax_t_2_r.text(0.5, 0.5, '', ha='center', va='center') # creating text boxes for cell scales self.ax_t_y_ch_1 = self.fig.add_subplot([9:13, 90:101]) self.ax_t_y_ch_1.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_1.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_1.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_y_ch_1 = self.ax_t_y_ch_1.text(0.5, 0.5, '0.25', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_y_ch_2 = self.fig.add_subplot([9:13, 108:119]) self.ax_t_y_ch_2.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_2.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_2.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_y_ch_2 = self.ax_t_y_ch_2.text(0.5, 0.5, '0.25', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_y_ch_3 = self.fig.add_subplot([9:14, 126:138]) self.ax_t_y_ch_3.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_3.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_3.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_y_ch_3 = self.ax_t_y_ch_3.text(0.5, 0.5, '0.25', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_y_ch_4 = self.fig.add_subplot([9:13, 144:157]) self.ax_t_y_ch_4.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_4.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_y_ch_4.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_y_ch_4 = self.ax_t_y_ch_4.text(0.5, 0.5, '0.25', ha='center', va='center') self.ax_t_x = self.fig.add_subplot([54:58, 104:115]) self.ax_t_x.set_xticklabels([]) self.ax_t_x.set_yticklabels([]) self.ax_t_x.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) self.t_x = self.ax_t_x.text(0.5, 0.5, str(np.round(self.x_max_span / 40, 1)) + ' ms', ha='center', va='center') # creating X-scale slider self.ax_sl_x_sc = self.fig.add_subplot([54:57, 66:97]) self.ax_sl_x_sc.set_title('X-scale', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_x_sc = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_x_sc, '', -4, 0, -2, valstep=0.5, facecolor='0.95') self.sl_x_sc.valtext.set_visible(False) # making X-scale slider work def scale_x(event): xcur1pos = ( (self.xcur1.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) / (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0])) xcur2pos = ( (self.xcur2.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) / (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0])) self.ax1.set_xlim( -np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val, np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val) self.ax1.set_xticks( np.linspace( -np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val, np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val, 11, endpoint=True)) self.xcur1.line.set_xdata([ xcur1pos * (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0], xcur1pos * (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.xcur2.line.set_xdata([ xcur2pos * (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0], xcur2pos * (self.ax1.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.t_x.set_text( str(np.round(self.x_max_span * (2.0**self.sl_x_sc.val) / 10, 1)) + ' ms') self.sl_x_sc.on_changed(scale_x) # creating X-shift slider self.ax_sl_x_sh = self.fig.add_subplot([62:65, 66:97]) self.ax_sl_x_sh.set_title('X-shift', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_x_sh = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_x_sh, '', -np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), 0.0, facecolor='0.95') self.sl_x_sh.valtext.set_visible(False) # making X-shift slider work def shift_x(event): xcur1pos = (self.xcur1.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) xcur2pos = (self.xcur2.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax1.get_xlim()[0]) self.ax1.set_xlim( -np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val, np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 1), 1) - self.sl_x_sh.val) self.ax1.set_xticks( np.linspace(self.ax1.get_xlim()[0], self.ax1.get_xlim()[1], 11, endpoint=True)) self.xcur1.line.set_xdata([ xcur1pos + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0], xcur1pos + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.xcur2.line.set_xdata([ xcur2pos + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0], xcur2pos + self.ax1.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.sl_x_sh.on_changed(shift_x) # creating on/off button for channel 1 self.ax_b_on_off_1 = self.fig.add_subplot([47:50, 96:99]) self.b_on_off_1 = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_1, '1', None, '#f4bb32', '#efc35b') self.b_on_off_1.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for channel 1 change color on click def button_change_1(event): if self.b_on_off_1.color == '#f4bb32': self.b_on_off_1.color = '0.85' self.line1.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_1.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_1.color = '#f4bb32' self.line1.set_linestyle('-') if self.b_on_off_s.color == '0.95': self.line_fft_1.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_1.on_clicked(button_change_1) # creating Y-scale slider for channel 1 self.ax_sl_y_sc_1 = self.fig.add_subplot([17:40, 94:97]) self.ax_sl_y_sc_1.set_title('Y-scale', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sc_1 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sc_1, '', -2, 2, 0, orientation='vertical', valstep=0.5, facecolor='#f4bb32') self.sl_y_sc_1.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-scale slider for channel 1 affect scale box def scale_1(event): self.t_y_ch_1.set_text( str(np.round(0.25 / (2**self.sl_y_sc_1.val), 3))) if self.data1 is not None: self.line1.set_ydata((self.data1 * (2**self.sl_y_sc_1.val)) + self.sl_y_sh_1.val) self.sl_y_sc_1.on_changed(scale_1) # creating Y-shift slider for channel 1 self.ax_sl_y_sh_1 = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 102:105]) self.ax_sl_y_sh_1.set_title('Y-shift', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sh_1 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sh_1, '', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, orientation='vertical', facecolor='#f4bb32') self.sl_y_sh_1.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-shift slider for channel 1 move trigger # self.prev1 = 0 # def shift_1(event): # if self.b_on_off_tr.color == '0.95' and self.r_b.value_selected == 'Channel 1': # if self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_1.val - self.prev1 > 1: # self.sl_tr.set_val(1) # elif self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_1.val - self.prev1 < -1: # self.sl_tr.set_val(-1) # else: # self.sl_tr.set_val(self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_1.val - self.prev1) # self.prev1 = self.sl_y_sh_1.val # self.sl_y_sh_1.on_changed(shift_1) # creating on/off button for channel 2 self.ax_b_on_off_2 = self.fig.add_subplot([47:50, 114:117]) self.b_on_off_2 = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_2, '2', None, '0.85', '#9fd1ac') self.b_on_off_2.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for channel 2 change color on click def button_change_2(event): if self.b_on_off_2.color == '#81b78f': self.b_on_off_2.color = '0.85' self.line2.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_2.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_2.color = '#81b78f' self.line2.set_linestyle('-') if self.b_on_off_s.color == '0.95': self.line_fft_2.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_2.on_clicked(button_change_2) # creating Y-scale slider for channel 2 self.ax_sl_y_sc_2 = self.fig.add_subplot([17:40, 112:115]) self.ax_sl_y_sc_2.set_title('Y-scale', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sc_2 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sc_2, '', -2, 2, 0, orientation='vertical', valstep=0.5, facecolor='#81b78f') self.sl_y_sc_2.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-scale slider for channel 2 affect scale box def scale_2(event): self.t_y_ch_2.set_text( str(np.round(0.25 / (2**self.sl_y_sc_2.val), 3))) if self.data2 is not None: self.line2.set_ydata((self.data2 * (2**self.sl_y_sc_2.val)) + self.sl_y_sh_2.val) self.sl_y_sc_2.on_changed(scale_2) # creating Y-shift slider for channel 2 self.ax_sl_y_sh_2 = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 120:123]) self.ax_sl_y_sh_2.set_title('Y-shift', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sh_2 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sh_2, '', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, orientation='vertical', facecolor='#81b78f') self.sl_y_sh_2.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-shift slider for channel 2 move trigger self.prev2 = 0 def shift_2(event): if self.b_on_off_tr.color == '0.95' and self.r_b.value_selected == 'Channel 2': if self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_2.val - self.prev2 > 1: self.sl_tr.set_val(1) elif self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_2.val - self.prev2 < -1: self.sl_tr.set_val(-1) else: self.sl_tr.set_val(self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_2.val - self.prev2) self.prev2 = self.sl_y_sh_2.val self.sl_y_sh_2.on_changed(shift_2) # creating on/off button for channel 3 self.ax_b_on_off_3 = self.fig.add_subplot([47:50, 132:135]) self.b_on_off_3 = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_3, '3', None, '0.85', '#89a8db') self.b_on_off_3.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for channel 3 change color on click def button_change_3(event): if self.b_on_off_3.color == '#6590d8': self.b_on_off_3.color = '0.85' self.line3.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_3.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_3.color = '#6590d8' self.line3.set_linestyle('-') if self.b_on_off_s.color == '0.95': self.line_fft_3.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_3.on_clicked(button_change_3) # creating Y-scale slider for channel 3 self.ax_sl_y_sc_3 = self.fig.add_subplot([17:40, 130:133]) self.ax_sl_y_sc_3.set_title('Y-scale', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sc_3 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sc_3, '', -2, 2, 0, orientation='vertical', valstep=0.5, facecolor='#6590d8') self.sl_y_sc_3.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-scale slider for channel 3 affect scale box def scale_3(event): self.t_y_ch_3.set_text( str(np.round(0.25 / (2**self.sl_y_sc_3.val), 3))) if self.data3 is not None: self.line3.set_ydata((self.data3 * (2**self.sl_y_sc_3.val)) + self.sl_y_sh_3.val) self.sl_y_sc_3.on_changed(scale_3) # creating Y-shift slider for channel 3 self.ax_sl_y_sh_3 = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 138:141]) self.ax_sl_y_sh_3.set_title('Y-shift', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sh_3 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sh_3, '', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, orientation='vertical', facecolor='#6590d8') self.sl_y_sh_3.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-shift slider for channel 3 move trigger self.prev3 = 0 def shift_3(event): if self.b_on_off_tr.color == '0.95' and self.r_b.value_selected == 'Channel 3': if self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_3.val - self.prev3 > 3: self.sl_tr.set_val(1) elif self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_3.val - self.prev3 < -1: self.sl_tr.set_val(-1) else: self.sl_tr.set_val(self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_3.val - self.prev3) self.prev3 = self.sl_y_sh_3.val self.sl_y_sh_3.on_changed(shift_3) # creating on/off button for channel 4 self.ax_b_on_off_4 = self.fig.add_subplot([47:50, 150:153]) self.b_on_off_4 = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_4, '4', None, '0.85', '#f5b8d8') self.b_on_off_4.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for channel 4 change color on click def button_change_4(event): if self.b_on_off_4.color == '#de8fb9': self.b_on_off_4.color = '0.85' self.line4.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_4.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_4.color = '#de8fb9' self.line4.set_linestyle('-') if self.b_on_off_s.color == '0.95': self.line_fft_4.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_4.on_clicked(button_change_4) # creating Y-scale slider for channel 4 self.ax_sl_y_sc_4 = self.fig.add_subplot([17:40, 148:151]) self.ax_sl_y_sc_4.set_title('Y-scale', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sc_4 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sc_4, '', -2, 2, 0, orientation='vertical', valstep=0.5, facecolor='#de8fb9') self.sl_y_sc_4.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-scale slider for channel 4 affect scale box def scale_4(event): self.t_y_ch_4.set_text( str(np.round(0.25 / (2**self.sl_y_sc_4.val), 3))) if self.data4 is not None: self.line4.set_ydata((self.data4 * (2**self.sl_y_sc_4.val)) + self.sl_y_sh_4.val) self.sl_y_sc_4.on_changed(scale_4) # creating Y-shift slider for channel 4 self.ax_sl_y_sh_4 = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 156:159]) self.ax_sl_y_sh_4.set_title('Y-shift', {'fontsize': 10}) self.sl_y_sh_4 = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_y_sh_4, '', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, orientation='vertical', facecolor='#de8fb9') self.sl_y_sh_4.valtext.set_visible(False) # making Y-shift slider for channel 4 move trigger self.prev4 = 0 def shift_4(event): if self.b_on_off_tr.color == '0.95' and self.r_b.value_selected == 'Channel 4': if self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_4.val - self.prev4 > 1: self.sl_tr.set_val(1) elif self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_4.val - self.prev4 < -1: self.sl_tr.set_val(-1) else: self.sl_tr.set_val(self.sl_tr.val + self.sl_y_sh_4.val - self.prev4) self.prev4 = self.sl_y_sh_4.val self.sl_y_sh_4.on_changed(shift_4) # creating on/off button spectrum self.ax_b_on_off_s = self.fig.add_subplot([70:74, 66:77]) self.b_on_off_s = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_s, 'Spectrum', None, '0.85', 'w') self.b_on_off_s.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for spectrum change color on click def button_change_s(event): if self.b_on_off_s.color == '0.95': self.b_on_off_s.color = '0.85' self.line_fft_1.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_2.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_s.color = '0.95' if self.b_on_off_1.color == '#f4bb32': self.line_fft_1.set_linestyle('-') if self.b_on_off_2.color == '#81b78f': self.line_fft_2.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_s.on_clicked(button_change_s) # creating lin/log button for spectrum # self.ax_b_lin_log = self.fig.add_subplot([70:74, 82:93]) # self.b_lin_log = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_lin_log, 'Lin/Log', None, '0.85', 'w') # self.b_lin_log.label.set_color('0') # self.flag2 = False # making lin/log button for spectrum work # def lin_log_switch(event): # if self.flag2: # self.flag2 = False # self.ax2.set_ylim(0, 0.2) # self.ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 0.2, 9, endpoint=True)) # self.ax2.set_yscale('linear') # self.ax2.set_yticklabels([]) # else: # self.flag2 = True # self.ax2.set_ylim(0, 1) # self.ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 9, endpoint=True)) # self.ax2.set_yscale('log') # # self.ax2.set_yticklabels([]) # self.ax2.tick_params(axis='y', length=0) # print(self.ax2.get_yticks()) # print(self.ax2.get_ylim()) # self.b_lin_log.on_clicked(lin_log_switch) # creating range slider for spectrum self.ax_r_sl = self.fig.add_subplot([79:82, 66:97]) self.ax_r_sl.set_title('Frequency range, Hz', fontsize=10) self.r_sl = wdgt.RangeSlider(self.ax_r_sl, '', 0.0, 22050.0, facecolor='0.95') self.r_sl.set_val([0.0, 22050.0]) # making range slider for spectrum work def change_size(event): xfftcur1pos = ( (self.xfftcur1.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0])) xfftcur2pos = ( (self.xfftcur2.line.get_xdata()[0] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0])) self.ax2.set_xlim(self.r_sl.val[0], self.r_sl.val[1]) self.ax2.set_xticks( np.linspace(self.r_sl.val[0], self.r_sl.val[1], 11, endpoint=True)) self.xfftcur1.line.set_xdata([ xfftcur1pos * (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax2.get_xlim()[0], xfftcur1pos * (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax2.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.xfftcur2.line.set_xdata([ xfftcur2pos * (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax2.get_xlim()[0], xfftcur2pos * (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) + self.ax2.get_xlim()[0] ]) self.r_sl.on_changed(change_size) # creating on/off button for waveform cursors self.ax_b_on_off_cur = self.fig.add_subplot([54:58, 125:136]) self.b_on_off_cur = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_cur, 'Waveform \ncursors', None, '0.85', '0.95') self.b_on_off_cur.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for waveform cursors change color on click def button_change_cur(event): if self.b_on_off_cur.color == '#4cd147': self.b_on_off_cur.color = '0.85' self.b_on_off_cur.hovercolor = '0.95' self.xcur1.line.set_linestyle('') self.xcur2.line.set_linestyle('') self.ycur1.line.set_linestyle('') self.ycur2.line.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_cur.color = '#4cd147' self.b_on_off_cur.hovercolor = '#2fff27' self.xcur1.line.set_linestyle('--') self.xcur2.line.set_linestyle('--') self.ycur1.line.set_linestyle('--') self.ycur2.line.set_linestyle('--') self.b_on_off_cur.on_clicked(button_change_cur) # creating on/off button for spectrum cursors self.ax_b_on_off_fft_cur = self.fig.add_subplot([63:67, 125:136]) self.b_on_off_fft_cur = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_fft_cur, 'Spectrum \ncursors', None, '0.85', '0.95') self.b_on_off_fft_cur.label.set_color('0') # making on/off button for cursors change color on click def button_change_fft_cur(event): if self.b_on_off_fft_cur.color == '#4cd147': self.b_on_off_fft_cur.color = '0.85' self.b_on_off_fft_cur.hovercolor = '0.95' self.xfftcur1.line.set_linestyle('') self.xfftcur2.line.set_linestyle('') self.yfftcur1.line.set_linestyle('') self.yfftcur2.line.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_fft_cur.color = '#4cd147' self.b_on_off_fft_cur.hovercolor = '#2fff27' self.xfftcur1.line.set_linestyle('--') self.xfftcur2.line.set_linestyle('--') self.yfftcur1.line.set_linestyle('--') self.yfftcur2.line.set_linestyle('--') self.b_on_off_fft_cur.on_clicked(button_change_fft_cur) # creating reset button self.ax_b_reset = self.fig.add_subplot([72:76, 133:144]) self.b_reset = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_reset, 'Reset', None, '#f96b6b', '#fa9494') # making reset button reset all sliders' and cursors' positions def reset(event): self.sl_x_sc.reset() self.sl_x_sh.reset() self.sl_y_sc_1.reset() self.sl_y_sh_1.reset() self.sl_y_sc_2.reset() self.sl_y_sh_2.reset() self.sl_y_sc_3.reset() self.sl_y_sh_3.reset() self.sl_y_sc_4.reset() self.sl_y_sh_4.reset() self.sl_tr.reset() self.r_sl.set_val([0.0, 22050.0]) self.r_b.set_active(0) self.xcur1.line.set_xdata([ -np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 2), 1), -np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 2), 1) ]) self.xcur2.line.set_xdata([ np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 2), 1), np.round(self.x_max_span * 2.0**(self.sl_x_sc.val - 2), 1) ]) self.ycur1.line.set_ydata([-0.5, -0.5]) self.ycur2.line.set_ydata([0.5, 0.5]) xfftcur1pos = self.ax2.get_xlim()[0] + (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / 4 xfftcur2pos = self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / 4 yfftcur1pos = self.ax2.get_ylim()[0] + (self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - self.ax2.get_ylim()[0]) / 4 yfftcur2pos = self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - (self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - self.ax2.get_ylim()[0]) / 4 self.xfftcur1.line.set_xdata([xfftcur1pos, xfftcur1pos]) self.xfftcur2.line.set_xdata([xfftcur2pos, xfftcur2pos]) self.yfftcur1.line.set_ydata([yfftcur1pos, yfftcur1pos]) self.yfftcur2.line.set_ydata([yfftcur2pos, yfftcur2pos]) self.b_reset.on_clicked(reset) # creating single frame button self.ax_b_single = self.fig.add_subplot([54:58, 141:152]) self.b_single = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_single, 'Single', None, '0.85', 'w') self.b_single.label.set_color('0') self.flag1 = False # making single frame button work def single(event): if self.b_run_stop.color == '#4cd147': self.b_run_stop.color = '0.85' self.b_run_stop.hovercolor = '0.95' else: self.b_run_stop.color = '#4cd147' self.b_run_stop.hovercolor = '#2fff27' self.flag1 = True self.b_single.on_clicked(single) # creating run/stop button self.ax_b_run_stop = self.fig.add_subplot([63:67, 141:152]) self.b_run_stop = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_run_stop, 'Run/Stop', None, '0.85', 'w') self.b_run_stop.label.set_color('0') # making run/stop button work def run_stop(event): if self.b_run_stop.color == '#4cd147': self.b_run_stop.color = '0.85' self.b_run_stop.hovercolor = '0.95' else: self.b_run_stop.color = '#4cd147' self.b_run_stop.hovercolor = '#2fff27' self.b_run_stop.on_clicked(run_stop) # creating trigger on/off button self.ax_b_on_off_tr = self.fig.add_subplot([47:51, 66:77]) self.b_on_off_tr = wdgt.Button(self.ax_b_on_off_tr, 'Trigger', None, '0.85', 'w') self.b_on_off_tr.label.set_color('0') # making trigger on/off button work def trigger_on_off(event): if self.b_on_off_tr.color == '0.95': self.b_on_off_tr.color = '0.85' self.trigger.set_linestyle('') else: self.b_on_off_tr.color = '0.95' self.trigger.set_linestyle('-') self.b_on_off_tr.on_clicked(trigger_on_off) # creating trigger position slider self.ax_sl_tr = self.fig.add_subplot([5:44, 66:69]) self.ax_sl_tr.set_title('Trigger \nposition', fontsize=10) self.sl_tr = wdgt.Slider(self.ax_sl_tr, '', -1, 1, 0, orientation='vertical', facecolor='0.95') self.sl_tr.valtext.set_visible(False) # making trigger position slider work def trigger_move(event): self.trigger.set_ydata([self.sl_tr.val, self.sl_tr.val]) self.sl_tr.on_changed(trigger_move) # creating radio buttons for channel selection self.ax_r_b = self.fig.add_subplot([17:40, 72:89]) self.ax_r_b.set_title('Channel \nselection', fontsize=10) self.r_b = wdgt.RadioButtons( self.ax_r_b, ('Channel 1', 'Channel 2', 'Channel 3', 'Channel 4'), 0, '#4cd147') # creating starter plots for all channels self.line1, = self.ax1.plot( np.linspace(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#f4bb32') self.line2, = self.ax1.plot( np.linspace(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#81b78f') self.line3, = self.ax1.plot( np.linspace(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#6590d8') self.line4, = self.ax1.plot( np.linspace(-np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), np.round(self.x_max_span / 2, 1), blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#de8fb9') self.line2.set_linestyle('') self.line3.set_linestyle('') self.line4.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_1, = self.ax2.plot(np.linspace(0, 22050, blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#f4bb32') self.line_fft_2, = self.ax2.plot(np.linspace(0, 22050, blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#81b78f') self.line_fft_3, = self.ax2.plot(np.linspace(0, 22050, blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#6590d8') self.line_fft_4, = self.ax2.plot(np.linspace(0, 22050, blocksize), np.zeros(blocksize), '#de8fb9') self.line_fft_1.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_2.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_3.set_linestyle('') self.line_fft_4.set_linestyle('') self.trigger = self.ax1.axhline(0, c='0.95', ls='', lw=0.5) self.xcur1 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax1.axvline(-self.x_max_span / 16, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_cur) self.xcur2 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax1.axvline(self.x_max_span / 16, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_cur) self.ycur1 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax1.axhline(-0.5, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_cur) self.ycur2 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax1.axhline(0.5, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_cur) self.xfftcur1 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax2.axvline( self.ax2.get_xlim()[0] + (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / 4, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_fft_cur) self.xfftcur2 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax2.axvline( self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - (self.ax2.get_xlim()[1] - self.ax2.get_xlim()[0]) / 4, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_fft_cur) self.yfftcur1 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax2.axhline( self.ax2.get_ylim()[0] + (self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - self.ax2.get_ylim()[0]) / 4, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_fft_cur) self.yfftcur2 = Cc.Cursor( self.ax2.axhline( self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - (self.ax2.get_ylim()[1] - self.ax2.get_ylim()[0]) / 4, c='r', ls='', pickradius=2), self.b_on_off_fft_cur) self.data1 = None self.data2 = None self.data3 = None self.data4 = None # creating blitting manager = BMc.BlitManager(self.fig.canvas, [ self.line1, self.line2, self.line3, self.line4, self.line_fft_1, self.line_fft_2, self.line_fft_3, self.line_fft_4, self.trigger, self.xcur1.line, self.xcur2.line, self.ycur1.line, self.ycur2.line, self.xfftcur1.line, self.xfftcur2.line, self.yfftcur1.line, self.yfftcur2.line, self.t_1_l, self.t_1_r, self.t_2_l, self.t_2_r ]) # making plot visible plt.pause(.1)
def __init__(self, inst, controls=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, focus=None, style='dark_background', **kwargs): self.inst = inst self.controls = controls self._populate_offset_dict() self.fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) self.ax_zx = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.ax_zy = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) self.ax_xy = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.ax_or = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4, projection='3d') self._draw_labels() self.offset = [0, 0, 0] if self.controls: plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.7) rectprops = dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) self.xlim_span_ax = plt.axes([0.72, 0.3, 0.25, 0.03]) self.xlim_span_ax.set_yticks([]) self.xlim_span = wid.SpanSelector(self.xlim_span_ax, self._inst_xlim_change, 'horizontal', rectprops=rectprops) xlim_span_label = self._create_text("xlim", [0.72, 0.25, 0.25, 0.03]) self.ylim_span_ax = plt.axes([0.72, 0.2, 0.25, 0.03]) self.ylim_span_ax.set_yticks([]) self.ylim_span = wid.SpanSelector(self.ylim_span_ax, self._inst_ylim_change, 'horizontal', rectprops=rectprops) ylim_span_label = self._create_text("ylim", [0.72, 0.15, 0.25, 0.03]) self.zlim_span_ax = plt.axes([0.72, 0.1, 0.25, 0.03]) self.zlim_span_ax.set_yticks([]) self.zlim_span = wid.SpanSelector(self.zlim_span_ax, self._inst_zlim_change, 'horizontal', rectprops=rectprops) zlim_span_label = self._create_text("zlim", [0.72, 0.05, 0.25, 0.03]) self.comp_focus_textbox_ax = plt.axes([0.72, 0.35, 0.25, 0.63], facecolor='grey') self.comp_focus_buttons = wid.RadioButtons( self.comp_focus_textbox_ax, tuple(kr.comp_name for kr in self.inst.kernel_refs)) self.comp_focus_buttons.on_clicked(self._inst_comp_focus) #self.comp_focus_textbox = wid.TextBox(self.comp_focus_textbox_ax, "", color='.1', hovercolor='.15') #self.comp_focus_textbox.on_text_change(self._inst_comp_focus) #comp_focus_label = self._create_text("Focussed component", [0.72, 0.45, 0.25, 0.03] if focus: self._inst_comp_focus(focus) if xlim: self._inst_xlim_change(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if ylim: self._inst_ylim_change(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if zlim: self._inst_zlim_change(zlim[0], zlim[1])
targetNameList.append('No pillar') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('Data Labelling Software (Mirsaidov Lab)') fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) axImage = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8]) axRadio = fig.add_axes([0.55, 0.3, 0.40, 0.6]) axSubmitButton = fig.add_axes([0.55, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) axSkipButton = fig.add_axes([0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) axExitButton = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) axImage.imshow(gImgStack[:, :, 0], cmap='Greys_r') if (method == 'useClassificationResult'): axImage.set_title(targetNameList[0]) axImage.set_xlabel('Frame %d/%d' % (counter + 1, numFrames)) elif (method == 'makeNewDataset'): axImage.set_title("C = %d, NC = %d, NP = %d" % (collapseCounter, notcollapseCounter, nopillarCounter)) axImage.set_xticks([]), axImage.set_yticks([]) radio = widgets.RadioButtons(axRadio, ('Collapse', 'Not collapse', 'No pillar')) submit = widgets.Button(axSubmitButton, 'Submit') skip = widgets.Button(axSkipButton, 'Skip') exitSoftware = widgets.Button(axExitButton, 'Exit') submit.on_clicked(updateLabel) skip.on_clicked(loadNewImage) exitSoftware.on_clicked(quitProgram) ############################################################
def kwarg_to_mpl_widget( fig, heights, widget_y, key, val, update, slider_format_string, play_button=False, play_button_pos="right", ): """ heights : tuple with slider_height, radio_height, gap_height returns ------- init_val widget cb the callback id new_y The widget_y to use for the next pass """ slider_height, radio_height, gap_height = heights # widget_y = 0.05 slider_ax = [] sliders = [] radio_ax = [] radio_buttons = [] cbs = [] if isinstance(val, set): if len(val) == 1: val = val.pop() if isinstance(val, tuple): pass else: return val, None, None, widget_y else: val = list(val) n = len(val) longest_len = max(list(map(lambda x: len(list(x)), map(str, val)))) # should probably use something based on fontsize rather that .015 width = max(0.15, 0.015 * longest_len) radio_ax = fig.add_axes( [0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - radio_height * n, width, radio_height * n]) widget_y += radio_height * n + gap_height radio_buttons = mwidgets.RadioButtons(radio_ax, val, active=0) cb = radio_buttons.on_clicked( partial(changeify_radio, labels=val, update=update)) return val[0], radio_buttons, cb, widget_y elif isinstance(val, mwidgets.AxesWidget): val, widget, cb = process_mpl_widget(val, update) return val, widget, cb, widget_y else: slider = None update_fxn = None if isinstance(val, tuple) and val[0] in ["r", "range", "rang", "rage"]: if isinstance(val[1], (np.ndarray, list)): vals = val[1] else: vals = np.linspace(*val[1:]) slider_ax = fig.add_axes( [0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - gap_height, 0.65, slider_height]) slider = create_mpl_range_selection_slider(slider_ax, key, vals, slider_format_string) cb = slider.on_changed( partial(changeify, update=partial(update, values=vals))) widget_y += slider_height + gap_height return vals[[0, -1]], slider, cb, widget_y if isinstance(val, tuple): if len(val) == 2: min_ = float(val[0]) max_ = float(val[1]) slider_ax = fig.add_axes( [0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - gap_height, 0.65, slider_height]) slider = mwidgets.Slider(slider_ax, key, min_, max_) def update_text(val): slider.valtext.set_text(slider_format_string.format(val)) # make sure the initial value also gets formatted update_text(slider.valinit) slider.on_changed(update_text) cb = slider.on_changed( partial(changeify, update=partial(update, values=None))) widget_y += slider_height + gap_height return min_, slider, cb, widget_y elif len(val) == 3: # should warn that that doesn't make sense with matplotlib sliders min_ = val[0] max_ = val[1] val = np.linspace(*val) val = np.atleast_1d(val) if val.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( f"{key} is {val.ndim}D but can only be 1D or a scalar") if len(val) == 1: # don't need to create a slider return val[0], None, None, widget_y else: slider_ax = fig.add_axes( [0.2, 0.9 - widget_y - gap_height, 0.65, slider_height]) slider = create_mpl_selection_slider(slider_ax, key, val, slider_format_string) slider.on_changed( partial(changeify, update=partial(update, values=val))) widget_y += slider_height + gap_height return val[0], slider, None, widget_y
def __init__(self): self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 9)) self.ax1 = plt.axes([0.05, 0.8, 0.9, 0.15]) self.ax2 = plt.axes([0.05, 0.5, 0.9, 0.25]) self.axpow = plt.axes([0.125, 0.28, 0.05, 0.1]) self.powerHandle = widgets.RadioButtons(self.axpow, ('On', 'Off')) self.axshape = plt.axes([0.2, 0.28, 0.08, 0.12]) self.shapeHandle = widgets.RadioButtons(self.axshape, ('Sine', 'Sawtooth', 'Square')) self.axpoint = plt.axes([0.1, 0.07, 0.8, 0.05]) self.pointHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axpoint, 'Number of points', 10, 2000, valstep=1, valinit=300) self.N = int(self.pointHandle.val) self.axfreq = plt.axes([0.1, 0.19, 0.8, 0.05]) self.freqHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axfreq, 'Frequency (Hz)', 0.5, 100, valinit=30) self.f = self.freqHandle.val self.axtime = plt.axes([0.1, 0.13, 0.8, 0.05]) self.timeHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axtime, 'Time (s)', 1, 10, valinit=1) self.t = self.timeHandle.val self.time = np.linspace(0, self.t, self.N) self.axphase = plt.axes([0.1, 0.01, 0.8, 0.05]) self.phaseHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axphase, 'Phase', 0, 2 * np.pi, valinit=0) self.p_shift = self.phaseHandle.val self.axnoise = plt.axes([0.4, 0.36, 0.15, 0.05]) self.noiseHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axnoise, 'Noise', 0, 1, valinit=0) self.deviation = self.noiseHandle.val self.noise = np.random.normal(0, self.deviation, self.N) self.axleft = plt.axes([0.4, 0.28, 0.15, 0.05]) self.leftHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axleft, 'Left cut', 0, 1, valinit=0) self.t0 = self.leftHandle.val self.axright = plt.axes([0.65, 0.28, 0.15, 0.05]) self.rightHandle = widgets.Slider(self.axright, 'Right cut', 0, 1, valinit=self.t) self.t1 = self.rightHandle.val self.shape = "Sine" self.status = "On" self.max = 0 self.max_pos = 0 self.leftcut = self.ax1.plot([self.t0, self.t0], [-1, 1], 'r--') self.rightcut = self.ax1.plot([self.t1, self.t1], [-1, 1], 'r--') self.sigsin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * self.f * self.time + self.p_shift) self.sigsaw = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * self.f * self.time + self.p_shift) self.sigsq = signal.square(2 * np.pi * self.f * self.time + self.p_shift) self.sig = self.sigsin self.Fourier = fft(self.sig) self.f_array = np.linspace(1 / self.t, int(self.N // 2) / self.t, int(self.N // 2)) self.pow_spec = self.Fourier * np.conj(self.Fourier) / self.N self.max = np.where(self.pow_spec == np.amax(self.pow_spec)) self.max_pos = self.max[0] self.f_max = self.f_array[self.max_pos[0]] self.f_diff = self.f_max - self.f self.f_array_correct = self.f_array - self.f_diff self.ax1.set_xlim([0, self.t]) self.ax2.set_xlim(0, 2 * self.f_array_correct[int(self.max_pos[0])]) self.sigplot = self.ax1.plot(self.time, self.sig) self.fplot = self.ax2.plot(self.f_array_correct, self.pow_spec[0:int(self.N // 2)])