def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine hosts_table = Table('hosts', meta, autoload=True) failover_segments = Table('failover_segments', meta, autoload=True) # NOTE(Dinesh_Bhor) We need to drop foreign keys first because unique # constraints that we want to delete depend on them. So drop the fk and # recreate it again after unique constraint deletion. cons_fk = ForeignKeyConstraint([hosts_table.c.failover_segment_id], [failover_segments.c.uuid], name="fk_failover_segments_uuid") cons_fk.drop(engine=migrate_engine) cons_unique = UniqueConstraint('failover_segment_id', 'name', 'deleted', name='uniq_host0name0deleted', table=hosts_table) cons_unique.drop(engine=migrate_engine) # Create an updated unique constraint updated_cons_unique = UniqueConstraint('name', 'deleted', name='uniq_host0name0deleted', table=hosts_table) cons_fk.create() updated_cons_unique.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) if != 'sqlite': for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] params = { 'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]] } if ( == "mysql" and table_name != 'alarm_history'): params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', table_name, column)) elif ( == "postgresql" and table_name == "sample"): # The fk contains the old table name params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.drop() sourceassoc = load_tables['sourceassoc'] if != 'sqlite': idx = sa.Index('idx_su', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.user_id) idx.drop(bind=migrate_engine) idx = sa.Index('idx_sp', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.project_id) idx.drop(bind=migrate_engine) params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id0user_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', 'user_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.drop() sourceassoc.c.user_id.drop() sourceassoc.c.project_id.drop() for table_name in TABLES_DROP: sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True).drop()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) if != 'sqlite': for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] params = {'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]]} if == "mysql" and \ table_name != 'alarm_history': params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', table_name, column)) elif == "postgresql" and \ table_name == "sample": # The fk contains the old table name params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.drop() sourceassoc = load_tables['sourceassoc'] if != 'sqlite': idx = sa.Index('idx_su', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.user_id) idx.drop(bind=migrate_engine) idx = sa.Index('idx_sp', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.project_id) idx.drop(bind=migrate_engine) params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id0user_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', 'user_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.drop() sourceassoc.c.user_id.drop() sourceassoc.c.project_id.drop() for table_name in TABLES_DROP: sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True).drop()
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine compute_nodes = Table('compute_nodes', meta, autoload=True) ukey = UniqueConstraint( 'host', 'hypervisor_hostname', 'deleted', table=compute_nodes, name="uniq_compute_nodes0host0hypervisor_hostname0deleted") ukey.drop() ukey = UniqueConstraint('host', 'hypervisor_hostname', table=compute_nodes, name="uniq_compute_nodes0host0hypervisor_hostname") ukey.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine for prefix in ('', 'shadow_'): table = Table(prefix + 'block_device_mapping', meta, autoload=True) if not hasattr(table.c, 'uuid'): new_column = Column('uuid', String(36), nullable=True) table.create_column(new_column) if prefix == '': # Only add the constraint on the non-shadow table... con = UniqueConstraint('uuid', table=table, name="uniq_block_device_mapping0uuid") con.create(migrate_engine)
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine # Add a new column host compute_nodes = Table('compute_nodes', meta, autoload=True) shadow_compute_nodes = Table('shadow_compute_nodes', meta, autoload=True) # NOTE(sbauza) : Old compute nodes can report stats without this field, we # need to set it as nullable host = Column('host', String(255), nullable=True) if not hasattr(compute_nodes.c, 'host'): compute_nodes.create_column(host) if not hasattr(shadow_compute_nodes.c, 'host'): shadow_compute_nodes.create_column(host.copy()) # NOTE(sbauza) : Populate the host field with the value from the services # table will be done at the ComputeNode object level when save() ukey = UniqueConstraint('host', 'hypervisor_hostname', table=compute_nodes, name="uniq_compute_nodes0host0hypervisor_hostname") ukey.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine if == 'sqlite': # SQLite is also missing this one index if not utils.index_exists(migrate_engine, 'fixed_ips', 'address'): utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'fixed_ips', 'address', ['address']) for src_table, src_column, dst_table, dst_column, name in FKEYS: src_table = Table(src_table, meta, autoload=True) if name in set( for fk in src_table.foreign_keys): continue src_column = src_table.c[src_column] dst_table = Table(dst_table, meta, autoload=True) dst_column = dst_table.c[dst_column] fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(columns=[src_column], refcolumns=[dst_column], name=name) fkey.create() # SQLAlchemy versions < 1.0.0 don't reflect unique constraints # for SQLite correctly causing sqlalchemy-migrate to recreate # some tables with missing unique constraints. Re-add some # potentially missing unique constraints as a workaround. for table_name, name, column_names in UNIQUES: table = Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True) if name in set( for c in table.constraints if isinstance(table, schema.UniqueConstraint)): continue uc = UniqueConstraint(*column_names, table=table, name=name) uc.create()
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) user = sa.Table( 'user', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) project = sa.Table( 'project', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) tables = [project, user] for i in sorted(tables): i.create() load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) # Restore the sourceassoc columns and constraints sourceassoc = load_tables['sourceassoc'] user_id = sa.Column('user_id', sa.String(255)) project_id = sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(255)) sourceassoc.create_column(user_id) sourceassoc.create_column(project_id) if != 'sqlite': params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id0user_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', 'user_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.drop() idx = sa.Index('idx_su', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.user_id) idx.create(bind=migrate_engine) idx = sa.Index('idx_sp', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.project_id) idx.create(bind=migrate_engine) # Restore the user/project columns and constraints in all tables for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] c = getattr(Alias(table).c, column) except_q = exists([getattr(ref_table.c, ref_column_name)]) q = select([c]).where(and_(c != sa.null(), not_(except_q))) q = q.distinct() # NOTE(sileht): workaround for # # issue/3044/insert-from-select-union_all = lambda: q sql_ins = ref_table.insert().from_select( [getattr(ref_table.c, ref_column_name)], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass if != 'sqlite': params = {'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]]} if == "mysql" and \ table_name != 'alarm_history': params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', table_name, column)) elif == "postgresql" and \ table_name == "sample": # The fk contains the old table name params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) resource_providers = Table('resource_providers', meta, autoload=True) name = Column('name', Unicode(200), nullable=True) generation = Column('generation', Integer, default=0) can_host = Column('can_host', Integer, default=0) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'name'): # NOTE(cdent): The resource_providers table is defined as # latin1 to be more efficient. Now we need the name column # to be UTF8. First create the column, then modify it, # otherwise the declarative handling in sqlalchemy gets # confused. resource_providers.create_column(name) if == 'mysql': name_col_ddl = DDL( "ALTER TABLE resource_providers MODIFY name " "VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8") conn = migrate_engine.connect() conn.execute(name_col_ddl) uc = UniqueConstraint('name', table=resource_providers, name='uniq_resource_providers0name') uc.create() utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'resource_providers', 'resource_providers_name_idx', ['name']) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'generation'): resource_providers.create_column(generation) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'can_host'): resource_providers.create_column(can_host) resource_provider_aggregates = Table( 'resource_provider_aggregates', meta, Column('resource_provider_id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('aggregate_id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='latin1' ) Index('resource_provider_aggregates_aggregate_id_idx', resource_provider_aggregates.c.aggregate_id) resource_provider_aggregates.create(checkfirst=True) utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'allocations', 'allocations_resource_provider_class_used_idx', ['resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id', 'used']) utils.drop_index(migrate_engine, 'allocations', 'allocations_resource_provider_class_id_idx') # Add a unique constraint so that any resource provider can have # only one inventory for any given resource class. inventories = Table('inventories', meta, autoload=True) inventories_uc = UniqueConstraint( 'resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id', table=inventories, name='uniq_inventories0resource_provider_resource_class') inventories_uc.create() utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'inventories', 'inventories_resource_provider_resource_class_idx', ['resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id'])
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) sample = sa.Table('sample', meta, autoload=True) resource = sa.Table( 'resource', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), sa.Column('resource_metadata', sa.Text), sa.Column('user_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Index('ix_resource_project_id', 'project_id'), sa.Index('ix_resource_user_id', 'user_id'), sa.Index('resource_user_id_project_id_key', 'user_id', 'project_id'), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) resource.create() source = sa.Table( 'source', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) source.create() sourceassoc = sa.Table( 'sourceassoc', meta, sa.Column('sample_id', sa.Integer), sa.Column('resource_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Column('source_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Index('idx_sr', 'source_id', 'resource_id'), sa.Index('idx_ss', 'source_id', 'sample_id'), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) sourceassoc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() # reload source/resource tables. # NOTE(gordc): fine to skip non-id attributes in table since # they're constantly updated and not used by api for table, col in [(source, 'source_id'), (resource, 'resource_id')]: q =[sample.c[col]]).distinct() # NOTE(sileht): workaround for # # issue/3044/insert-from-select-union_all = lambda: q sql_ins = table.insert().from_select([], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass # reload sourceassoc tables for ref_col, col in [('id', 'sample_id'), ('resource_id', 'resource_id')]: q =[sample.c.source_id, sample.c[ref_col]]).distinct() = lambda: q sql_ins = sourceassoc.insert().from_select([sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c[col]], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass sample.c.source_id.drop() load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) # add foreign keys if != 'sqlite': for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] params = {'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]]} fk_table_name = table_name if == "mysql": params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', fk_table_name, column)) elif ( == "postgresql" and table_name == 'sample'): # fk was not renamed in script 030 params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) resource_providers = Table('resource_providers', meta, autoload=True) name = Column('name', Unicode(200), nullable=True) generation = Column('generation', Integer, default=0) can_host = Column('can_host', Integer, default=0) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'name'): # NOTE(cdent): The resource_providers table is defined as # latin1 to be more efficient. Now we need the name column # to be UTF8. First create the column, then modify it, # otherwise the declarative handling in sqlalchemy gets # confused. resource_providers.create_column(name) if == 'mysql': name_col_ddl = DDL("ALTER TABLE resource_providers MODIFY name " "VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8") conn = migrate_engine.connect() conn.execute(name_col_ddl) uc = UniqueConstraint('name', table=resource_providers, name='uniq_resource_providers0name') uc.create() # DB2 automatically creates an index for the unique # constraint above, so skip adding the index on DB2. if != 'ibm_db_sa': utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'resource_providers', 'resource_providers_name_idx', ['name']) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'generation'): resource_providers.create_column(generation) if not hasattr(resource_providers.c, 'can_host'): resource_providers.create_column(can_host) resource_provider_aggregates = Table('resource_provider_aggregates', meta, Column('resource_provider_id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('aggregate_id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='latin1') Index('resource_provider_aggregates_aggregate_id_idx', resource_provider_aggregates.c.aggregate_id) resource_provider_aggregates.create(checkfirst=True) utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'allocations', 'allocations_resource_provider_class_used_idx', ['resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id', 'used']) utils.drop_index(migrate_engine, 'allocations', 'allocations_resource_provider_class_id_idx') # Add a unique constraint so that any resource provider can have # only one inventory for any given resource class. inventories = Table('inventories', meta, autoload=True) inventories_uc = UniqueConstraint( 'resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id', table=inventories, name='uniq_inventories0resource_provider_resource_class') inventories_uc.create() if != 'ibm_db_sa': utils.add_index(migrate_engine, 'inventories', 'inventories_resource_provider_resource_class_idx', ['resource_provider_id', 'resource_class_id'])
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) sample = sa.Table('sample', meta, autoload=True) resource = sa.Table( 'resource', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), sa.Column('resource_metadata', sa.Text), sa.Column('user_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Index('ix_resource_project_id', 'project_id'), sa.Index('ix_resource_user_id', 'user_id'), sa.Index('resource_user_id_project_id_key', 'user_id', 'project_id'), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) resource.create() source = sa.Table( 'source', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) source.create() sourceassoc = sa.Table( 'sourceassoc', meta, sa.Column('sample_id', sa.Integer), sa.Column('resource_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Column('source_id', sa.String(255)), sa.Index('idx_sr', 'source_id', 'resource_id'), sa.Index('idx_ss', 'source_id', 'sample_id'), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) sourceassoc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() # reload source/resource tables. # NOTE(gordc): fine to skip non-id attributes in table since # they're constantly updated and not used by api for table, col in [(source, 'source_id'), (resource, 'resource_id')]: q =[sample.c[col]]).distinct() # NOTE(sileht): workaround for # # issue/3044/insert-from-select-union_all = lambda: q sql_ins = table.insert().from_select([], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass # reload sourceassoc tables for ref_col, col in [('id', 'sample_id'), ('resource_id', 'resource_id')]: q =[sample.c.source_id, sample.c[ref_col]]).distinct() = lambda: q sql_ins = sourceassoc.insert().from_select( [sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c[col]], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass sample.c.source_id.drop() load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) # add foreign keys if != 'sqlite': for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] params = { 'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]] } fk_table_name = table_name if == "mysql": params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', fk_table_name, column)) elif ( == "postgresql" and table_name == 'sample'): # fk was not renamed in script 030 params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.create()
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sa.MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) user = sa.Table( 'user', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) project = sa.Table( 'project', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.String(255), primary_key=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8', ) tables = [project, user] for i in sorted(tables): i.create() load_tables = dict((table_name, sa.Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)) for table_name in TABLES) # Restore the sourceassoc columns and constraints sourceassoc = load_tables['sourceassoc'] user_id = sa.Column('user_id', sa.String(255)) project_id = sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(255)) sourceassoc.create_column(user_id) sourceassoc.create_column(project_id) if != 'sqlite': params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id0user_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', 'user_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.create() params = {} if == "mysql": params = {'name': 'uniq_sourceassoc0sample_id'} uc = UniqueConstraint('sample_id', table=sourceassoc, **params) uc.drop() idx = sa.Index('idx_su', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.user_id) idx.create(bind=migrate_engine) idx = sa.Index('idx_sp', sourceassoc.c.source_id, sourceassoc.c.project_id) idx.create(bind=migrate_engine) # Restore the user/project columns and constraints in all tables for table_name, indexes in INDEXES.items(): table = load_tables[table_name] for column, ref_table_name, ref_column_name in indexes: ref_table = load_tables[ref_table_name] c = getattr(Alias(table).c, column) except_q = exists([getattr(ref_table.c, ref_column_name)]) q = select([c]).where(and_(c != sa.null(), not_(except_q))) q = q.distinct() # NOTE(sileht): workaround for # # issue/3044/insert-from-select-union_all = lambda: q sql_ins = ref_table.insert().from_select( [getattr(ref_table.c, ref_column_name)], q) try: migrate_engine.execute(sql_ins) except TypeError: # from select is empty pass if != 'sqlite': params = { 'columns': [table.c[column]], 'refcolumns': [ref_table.c[ref_column_name]] } if == "mysql" and \ table_name != 'alarm_history': params['name'] = "_".join(('fk', table_name, column)) elif == "postgresql" and \ table_name == "sample": # The fk contains the old table name params['name'] = "_".join(('meter', column, 'fkey')) fkey = ForeignKeyConstraint(**params) fkey.create()