文件: SS.py 项目: isaacswift/dynamic
def function_to_minimize(chi_params_scalars, chi_params_init, params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, tau_bq, e):
        chi_params_scalars = guesses for multipliers for chi parameters

        The max absolute deviation between the actual and simulated
            wealth moments
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    chi_params_init *= chi_params_scalars
    # print 'Print Chi_b: ', chi_params_init[:J]
    # print 'Scaling vals:', chi_params_scalars[:J]
    solutions_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "r"))
    solutions = solutions_dict['solutions']

    b_guess = solutions[:S*J]
    n_guess = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    wguess, rguess, factorguess, T_Hguess = solutions[2*S*J:]
    solutions = SS_solver(b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_params_init[J:], chi_params_init[:J], params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)

    b_new = solutions[:S*J]
    n_new = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    w_new, r_new, factor_new, T_H_new = solutions[2*S*J:]
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(misc_funcs.check_wealth_calibration(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:-1, :], factor_new, params))
    # labor calibration euler
    lab_data_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/labor_data_moments.pkl", "r"))
    labor_sim = (n_new.reshape(S, J)*lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    error6 = list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data']))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    eul_error = np.ones(J)
    for j in xrange(J):
        eul_error[j] = np.abs(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j], n_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j]), r_new, w_new, T_H_new, factor_new, j, params, chi_params_init[:J], chi_params_init[J:], tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)).max()
    fsolve_no_converg = eul_error.max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        output += 1e14
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "w"))
    if (chi_params_init <= 0.0).any():
        output += 1e14
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2*J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2*J+S), weighting_mat), scaling_val * output.reshape(2*J+S, 1))
    print 'Value of criterion function: ', value.sum()
    return value.sum()
文件: SS.py 项目: talumbau/dynamic
def function_to_minimize(chi_guesses_init, params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, theta, tau_bq, e, wealth_data_array):
        chi_guesses_init = guesses for chi_b
        other_guesses_init = guesses for the distribution of capital and labor
                            stock, and factor value

        The max absolute deviation between the actual and simulated
            wealth moments
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    print chi_guesses_init
    Steady_State_SS_X = lambda x: Steady_State_SS(x, chi_guesses_init, params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, theta, tau_bq, e)

    variables = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/minimization_solutions.pkl", "r"))
    for key in variables:
        globals()[key+'_pre'] = variables[key]
    solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_State_SS_X, solutions_pre, xtol=1e-13)
    b_guess = solutions[0: S * J].reshape((S, J))
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(misc_funcs.check_wealth_calibration(b_guess[:-1, :], solutions[-1], wealth_data_array, params))
    print error5
    # labor calibration euler
    labor_sim = ((solutions[S*J:2*S*J]).reshape(S, J)*lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    error6 = list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, labor_dist_data))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    fsolve_no_converg = np.abs(Steady_State_SS_X(solutions)).max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        output += 1e9
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/minimization_solutions.pkl", "w"))
    if (chi_guesses_init <= 0.0).any():
        output += 1e9
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2*J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2*J+S), weighting_mat), scaling_val * output.reshape(2*J+S, 1))
    print value.sum()
    return value.sum()
文件: TPI.py 项目: isaacswift/dynamic
    BQnew = (1+rnew.reshape(T, 1))*(b_mat[:T] * omega_stationary[:T] * rho.reshape(1, S, 1)).sum(1)
    bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
    T_H_new = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(rnew.reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, wnew.reshape(
        T, 1, 1), e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQnew.reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas.reshape(
        1, 1, J), factor_ss, omega_stationary[:T], 'TPI', parameters, theta, tau_bq)) + [T_Hss]*S)

    winit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(wnew, winit[:T], parameters)
    rinit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(rnew, rinit[:T], parameters)
    BQinit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], parameters)
    T_H_init[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H_init[:T], parameters)
    guesses_b = misc_funcs.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, parameters)
    guesses_n = misc_funcs.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, parameters)

    TPIdist = np.array(list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T]))+list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten())+list(
        misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T]))+list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
    TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
    # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
    # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
    # in the first couple iterations
    if TPIiter > 10:
        if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter-1] > 0:
            nu /= 2
            print 'New Value of nu:', nu
    TPIiter += 1
    print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
    print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

print 'Computing final solutions'
文件: SS.py 项目: lnsongxf/wealthtax
def function_to_minimize(chi_params_scalars, chi_params_init, params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, tau_bq, e):
        chi_params_scalars = guesses for multipliers for chi parameters ((S+J)x1 array)
        chi_params_init = chi parameters that will be multiplied ((S+J)x1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        weights_SS = steady state population weights (Sx1 array)
        rho_vec = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rates (Jx1 array)
        e = ability levels (Jx1 array)
        The sum of absolute percent deviations between the actual and simulated wealth moments
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    chi_params_init *= chi_params_scalars
    # print 'Print Chi_b: ', chi_params_init[:J]
    # print 'Scaling vals:', chi_params_scalars[:J]
    solutions_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "r"))
    solutions = solutions_dict['solutions']

    b_guess = solutions[:S*J]
    n_guess = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    wguess, rguess, factorguess, T_Hguess = solutions[2*S*J:]
    solutions = SS_solver(b_guess.reshape(S, J), n_guess.reshape(S, J), wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_params_init[J:], chi_params_init[:J], params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)

    b_new = solutions[:S*J]
    n_new = solutions[S*J:2*S*J]
    w_new, r_new, factor_new, T_H_new = solutions[2*S*J:]
    # Wealth Calibration Euler
    error5 = list(misc_funcs.check_wealth_calibration(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:-1, :], factor_new, params))
    # labor calibration euler
    lab_data_dict = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/labor_data_moments.pkl", "r"))
    labor_sim = (n_new.reshape(S, J)*lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum(axis=1)
    error6 = list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(labor_sim, lab_data_dict['labor_dist_data']))
    # combine eulers
    output = np.array(error5 + error6)
    # Constraints
    eul_error = np.ones(J)
    for j in xrange(J):
        eul_error[j] = np.abs(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(b_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j], n_new.reshape(S, J)[:, j]), r_new, w_new, T_H_new, factor_new, j, params, chi_params_init[:J], chi_params_init[J:], tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights_SS, e)).max()
    fsolve_no_converg = eul_error.max()
    if np.isnan(fsolve_no_converg):
        fsolve_no_converg = 1e6
    if fsolve_no_converg > 1e-4:
        # If the fsovle didn't converge (was NaN or above the tolerance), then tell the minimizer that this is a bad place to be
        # and don't save the solutions as initial guesses (since they might be gibberish)
        output += 1e14
        var_names = ['solutions']
        dictionary = {}
        for key in var_names:
            dictionary[key] = locals()[key]
        pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_init_solutions.pkl", "w"))
    if (chi_params_init <= 0.0).any():
        # In case the minimizer doesn't respect the bounds given
        output += 1e14
    # Use generalized method of moments to fit the chi's
    weighting_mat = np.eye(2*J + S)
    scaling_val = 100.0
    value = np.dot(scaling_val * np.dot(output.reshape(1, 2*J+S), weighting_mat), scaling_val * output.reshape(2*J+S, 1))
    print 'Value of criterion function: ', value.sum()
    return value.sum()
文件: SS.py 项目: lnsongxf/wealthtax
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using an iterative method similar to TPI.
        b_guess_init = guesses for b (SxJ array)
        n_guess_init = guesses for n (SxJ array)
        wguess = guess for wage rate (scalar)
        rguess = guess for rental rate (scalar)
        T_Hguess = guess for lump sum tax (scalar)
        factorguess = guess for scaling factor to dollars (scalar)
        chi_n = chi^n_s (Sx1 array)
        chi_b = chi^b_j (Jx1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        iterative_params = list of parameters that determine the convergence of the while loop (list)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rate (Jx1 array)
        rho = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        weights = population weights (Sx1 array)
        e = ability levels (SxJ array)
        solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor, T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    # Rename the inputs
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)
    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and factor
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        K = house.get_K(bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_n_ss)
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J))
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) * weights.reshape(S, 1) * lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        new_BQ = house.get_BQ(new_r, bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J), rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_ss)
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, new_w, new_factor, e, J, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ, lambdas.reshape(1, J), factor, weights.reshape(S, 1), 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        r = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_r, r, params)
        w = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_w, w, params)
        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] + [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    # Given the final w, r, T_H and factor, solve for the SS b and n (if you don't do a final fsolve, there will be a slight mismatch, with high euler errors)
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
文件: SS.py 项目: isaacswift/dynamic
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    w_step = .1
    r_step = .01
    w_down = True
    r_down = True
    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        # Update factor, T_H
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((r * b_s + w * e * nssmat) * weights).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        BQ = (1+r)*(bssmat * weights * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, w, factor, e, J, weights)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, new_factor, weights, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        # Update w, r
        B_supply = house.get_K(bssmat, weights)
        L_supply = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights)
        total_tax = tax.total_taxes(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, new_factor, new_T_H, None, 'SS', False, params, theta, tau_bq)
        c_mat = house.get_cons(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, bssmat, params, total_tax)
        C = (c_mat*weights).sum()
        Y = C / (1-(delta*alpha/(r+delta)))
        B_demand = alpha * Y / (r + delta)
        L_demand = (1-alpha) * Y / w
        if B_demand - B_supply > mindist_SS:
            if r_down:
                r_step /= 2.0
                r_down = False
            r += r_step
            if not(r_down):
                r_step /= 2.0
                r_down = True
            r -= r_step
        if L_demand - L_supply > mindist_SS:
            if w_down:
                w_step /=2.0
                w_down = False
            w += w_step
            if not(w_down):
                w_step /= 2.0
                w_down = True
            w -= w_step

        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(B_demand, B_supply)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(L_demand, L_supply)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
文件: TPI.py 项目: lnsongxf/wealthtax
                rnew.reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, wnew.reshape(T, 1, 1),
                e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQnew.reshape(T, 1, J),
                lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), factor_ss, omega_stationary[:T].
                reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI', parameters, theta, tau_bq)) +
        [T_Hss] * S)

    winit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(wnew, winit[:T], parameters)
    rinit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(rnew, rinit[:T], parameters)
    BQinit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], parameters)
    T_H_init[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H_init[:T],
    guesses_b = misc_funcs.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, parameters)
    guesses_n = misc_funcs.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, parameters)
    if T_H_init.all() != 0:
        TPIdist = np.array(
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) +
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) +
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) +
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
        TPIdist = np.array(
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) +
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) +
            list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) +
            list(np.abs(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
    TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
    # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
    # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
    # in the first couple iterations
    if TPIiter > 10:
        if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
     # b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(opt.fsolve(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring, [b_mat[1, -2, j], n_mat[0, -2, j]],
     #     args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1])))
 b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
 b_mat[1, -1, :]= b_mat[1, -2, :]
 n_mat[0, -1, :] = n_mat[0, -2, :]
 Knew = (omega_stationary[:T, :, :] * b_mat[:T, :, :]).sum(2).sum(1)
 Lnew = (omega_stationary[1:T+1, :, :] * e.reshape(
     1, S, J) * n_mat[:T, :, :]).sum(2).sum(1)
 BQnew = (1+rinit[:T].reshape(T, 1))*(b_mat[:T, :, :] * omega_stationary[:T, :, :] * rho.reshape(1, S, 1)).sum(1)
 Kinit = misc_funcs.convex_combo(Knew, Kinit[:T], parameters)
 Linit = misc_funcs.convex_combo(Lnew, Linit[:T], parameters)
 BQinit[:T] = misc_funcs.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], parameters)
 guesses_b = misc_funcs.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, parameters)
 guesses_n = misc_funcs.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, parameters)
 TPIdist = np.array(list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(Knew, Kinit))+list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten())+list(misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(Lnew, Linit))).max()
 TPIdist = np.array(list(np.abs(Knew - Kinit)) + list(np.abs(BQnew - BQinit[:T]).flatten()) + list(np.abs(Lnew - Linit))).max()
 TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
 # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
 # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
 # in the first couple iterations
 if TPIiter > 10:
     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter-1] > 0:
         nu /= 2
         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
 TPIiter += 1
 print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
 print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist
 if (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
     bmat_plus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
     bmat_plus1[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)
    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        K = house.get_K(bssmat, weights)
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights)
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) * weights).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        new_BQ = (1+new_r)*(bssmat * weights * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, new_w, new_factor, e, J, weights)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ, lambdas, factor, weights, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        r = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_r, r, params)
        w = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_w, w, params)
        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions