def test_manifest_fetch_3x_fail(self, retry, fetch): def die(self): raise RuntimeError() fetch.side_effect = die update_manifests(ids=(,), retries={ 2}) assert not retry.called assert RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_manifest_fetch_4th_attempt(self, notify, retry, fetch): fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(, ), retries={ 3}) # We already tried 3 times before, this is the 4th and last attempt, # we shouldn't retry anymore, instead we should just add the app to # the re-review queue. We shouldn't notify the developer either at this # step, it should have been done before already. assert not notify.called assert not retry.called assert RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_manifest_fetch_fail(self, retry, fetch): def die(self): raise RuntimeError() fetch.side_effect = die update_manifests(ids=(,)) retry.assert_called_with( args=([,],), kwargs={'check_hash': True, 'retries': { 1}}, countdown=3600)
def test_manifest_fetch_4th_attempt(self, notify, retry, fetch): fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(,), retries={ 3}) # We already tried 3 times before, this is the 4th and last attempt, # we shouldn't retry anymore, instead we should just add the app to # the re-review queue. We shouldn't notify the developer either at this # step, it should have been done before already. assert not notify.called assert not retry.called assert RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_manifest_fetch_fail(self, retry, fetch): later = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(,)) retry.assert_called() # Not using assert_called_with b/c eta is a datetime. eq_(retry.call_args[1]["args"], ([],)) eq_(retry.call_args[1]["kwargs"], {"check_hash": True, "retries": { 1}}) self.assertCloseToNow(retry.call_args[1]["eta"], later) eq_(retry.call_args[1]["max_retries"], 5) eq_(len(mail.outbox), 0)
def test_manifest_fetch_fail(self, retry, fetch): later = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(,)) retry.assert_called() # Not using assert_called_with b/c eta is a datetime. eq_(retry.call_args[1]['args'], ([],)) eq_(retry.call_args[1]['kwargs'], {'check_hash': True, 'retries': { 1}}) self.assertCloseToNow(retry.call_args[1]['eta'], later) eq_(retry.call_args[1]['max_retries'], 4)
def test_manifest_fetch_fail(self, retry, fetch): later = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(,)) retry.assert_called() # Not using assert_called_with b/c eta is a datetime. eq_(retry.call_args[1]['args'], ([],)) eq_(retry.call_args[1]['kwargs'], {'check_hash': True, 'retries': { 1}}) self.assertCloseToNow(retry.call_args[1]['eta'], later) eq_(retry.call_args[1]['max_retries'], 5) eq_(len(mail.outbox), 0)
def test_manifest_fetch_3rd_attempt(self, retry, fetch): fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(, ), retries={ 2}) # We already tried twice before, this is the 3rd attempt, # We should notify the developer that something is wrong. eq_(len(mail.outbox), 1) msg = mail.outbox[0] ok_(msg.subject.startswith('Issue with your app')) expected = u'Failed to get manifest from %s' % self.addon.manifest_url ok_(expected in msg.body) ok_(settings.MKT_SUPPORT_EMAIL in msg.body) # We should have scheduled a retry. assert retry.called # We shouldn't have put the app in the rereview queue yet. assert not RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_manifest_fetch_3rd_attempt(self, retry, fetch): fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(,), retries={ 2}) # We already tried twice before, this is the 3rd attempt, # We should notify the developer that something is wrong. eq_(len(mail.outbox), 1) msg = mail.outbox[0] ok_(msg.subject.startswith('Issue with your app')) expected = u'Failed to get manifest from %s' % self.addon.manifest_url ok_(expected in msg.body) ok_(settings.MKT_SUPPORT_EMAIL in msg.body) # We should have scheduled a retry. assert retry.called # We shouldn't have put the app in the rereview queue yet. assert not RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_manifest_fetch_3x_fail(self, retry, fetch): fetch.side_effect = RuntimeError update_manifests(ids=(, ), retries={ 2}) assert not retry.called assert RereviewQueue.objects.filter(addon=self.addon).exists()
def test_update_manifest(self, retry, fetch): fetch.return_value = '{}' update_manifests(ids=(, )) assert not retry.called
def _run(self, _get_content_hash, **kw): # Will run the task and will act depending upon how you've set hash. _get_content_hash.return_value = self._hash update_manifests(ids=(, ), **kw)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False): models = { "basic": AppFormBasic, "media": AppFormMedia, "details": AppFormDetails, "support": AppFormSupport, "technical": AppFormTechnical, "admin": forms.AdminSettingsForm, } is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = version_form = None formdata = request.POST if request.method == "POST" else None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != "admin" and not is_dev) or ( section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure") and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "ViewConfiguration") ): raise PermissionDenied if section == "basic": cat_form = CategoryForm(formdata, product=addon, request=request) # Only show/use the release notes form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: version_form = AppVersionForm(formdata, instance=version) elif section == "media": previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix="files", queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == "technical": # Only show/use the features form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: appfeatures = version.features appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == "admin": tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list("tag_text", flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == "POST": if section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure"): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](formdata, request.FILES, instance=addon, version=version, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] for additional_form in (appfeatures_form, cat_form, version_form): if additional_form: all_forms.append(additional_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if version_form: # We are re-using version_form without displaying all its # fields, so we need to override the boolean fields, # otherwise they'd be considered empty and therefore False. version_form.cleaned_data["publish_immediately"] = version_form.fields[ "publish_immediately" ].initial if "manifest_url" in form.changed_data: addon.update(app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == "media": amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, version=version, request=request) else: form = False data = { "addon": addon, "version": version, "form": form, "editable": editable, "tags": tags, "restricted_tags": restricted_tags, "cat_form": cat_form, "version_form": version_form, "preview_form": previews, "valid_slug": valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update( { "appfeatures": appfeatures, "feature_list": [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], "appfeatures_form": appfeatures_form, } ) return render(request, "developers/apps/edit/%s.html" % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False): models = { 'basic': AppFormBasic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm } is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = version_form = None formdata = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != 'admin' and not is_dev) or ( section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied if section == 'basic': cat_form = CategoryForm(formdata, product=addon, request=request) # Only show/use the release notes form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: version_form = AppVersionForm(formdata, instance=version) elif section == 'media': previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == 'technical': # Only show/use the features form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: appfeatures = version.features appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == 'admin': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](formdata, request.FILES, instance=addon, version=version, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] for additional_form in (appfeatures_form, cat_form, version_form): if additional_form: all_forms.append(additional_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if version_form: # We are re-using version_form without displaying all its # fields, so we need to override the boolean fields, # otherwise they'd be considered empty and therefore False. version_form.cleaned_data['publish_immediately'] = ( version_form.fields['publish_immediately'].initial) if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, version=version, request=request) else: form = False data = { 'addon': addon, 'version': version, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'version_form': version_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update({ 'appfeatures': appfeatures, 'feature_list': [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], 'appfeatures_form': appfeatures_form }) return render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = {'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm} is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != 'admin' and not is_dev) or (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied if section == 'basic': cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) elif section == 'media': previews = PreviewFormSet( request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == 'technical': # Only show the list of features if app isn't packaged. if (waffle.switch_is_active('buchets') and not addon.is_packaged and section == 'technical'): appfeatures = version.features formdata = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == 'admin': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] if appfeatures_form: all_forms.append(appfeatures_form) if cat_form: all_forms.append(cat_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = {'addon': addon, 'webapp': webapp, 'version': version, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update({ 'appfeatures': appfeatures, 'feature_list': [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], 'appfeatures_form': appfeatures_form }) return jingo.render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False): basic = AppFormBasic models = {'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm} is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = version_form = None formdata = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != 'admin' and not is_dev) or (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied if section == 'basic': cat_form = CategoryForm(formdata, product=addon, request=request) # Only show/use the release notes form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: version_form = AppVersionForm(formdata, instance=version) elif section == 'media': previews = PreviewFormSet( request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == 'technical': # Only show/use the features form for hosted apps, packaged apps # can do that from the version edit page. if not addon.is_packaged: appfeatures = version.features appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == 'admin': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](formdata, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] for additional_form in (appfeatures_form, cat_form, version_form): if additional_form: all_forms.append(additional_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if version_form: # We are re-using version_form without displaying all its # fields, so we need to override the boolean fields, # otherwise they'd be considered empty and therefore False. version_form.cleaned_data['publish_immediately'] = ( version_form.fields['publish_immediately'].initial) if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = {'addon': addon, 'version': version, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'version_form': version_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update({ 'appfeatures': appfeatures, 'feature_list': [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], 'appfeatures_form': appfeatures_form }) return render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def test_update_manifest(self, retry, fetch): def f(self): return '{}' fetch.side_effect = f update_manifests(ids=(,)) assert not retry.called
def _run(self, _get_content_hash): # Will run the task and will act depending upon how you've set hash. _get_content_hash.side_effect = self._write update_manifests(ids=(,))
def _run(self, _get_content_hash, **kw): # Will run the task and will act depending upon how you've set hash. _get_content_hash.return_value = self._hash update_manifests(ids=(,), **kw)
def test_error(self, _get_content_hash): _get_content_hash.side_effect = Exception() update_manifests(ids=(,)) eq_(ActivityLog.objects.for_addons(self.addon).count(), 0)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = { "basic": basic, "media": AppFormMedia, "details": AppFormDetails, "support": AppFormSupport, "technical": addon_forms.AddonFormTechnical, "admin": forms.AdminSettingsForm, } if section not in models: raise http.Http404() tags = previews = restricted_tags = [] cat_form = device_type_form = region_form = None if section == "basic": tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list("tag_text", flat=True) cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) device_type_form = DeviceTypeForm(request.POST or None, addon=addon) elif section == "media": previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix="files", queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == "details" and settings.REGION_STORES: region_form = RegionForm(request.POST or None, product=addon) elif ( section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure") and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "ViewConfiguration") ): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == "POST": if section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure"): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) if ( form.is_valid() and (not previews or previews.is_valid()) and (not region_form or region_form.is_valid()) ): if region_form: addon = if "manifest_url" in form.changed_data: addon.update(app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == "media": amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug if cat_form: if cat_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True if device_type_form: if device_type_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = { "addon": addon, "webapp": webapp, "form": form, "editable": editable, "tags": tags, "restricted_tags": restricted_tags, "cat_form": cat_form, "preview_form": previews, "valid_slug": valid_slug, "device_type_form": device_type_form, "region_form": region_form, } return jingo.render(request, "developers/apps/edit/%s.html" % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = { 'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm } is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != 'admin' and not is_dev) or ( section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied if section == 'basic': cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) elif section == 'media': previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == 'technical': # Only show the list of features if app isn't packaged. if (waffle.switch_is_active('buchets') and not addon.is_packaged and section == 'technical'): appfeatures = version.features formdata = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == 'admin': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] if appfeatures_form: all_forms.append(appfeatures_form) if cat_form: all_forms.append(cat_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = { 'addon': addon, 'webapp': webapp, 'version': version, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update({ 'appfeatures': appfeatures, 'feature_list': [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], 'appfeatures_form': appfeatures_form }) return jingo.render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = { 'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm } is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() tags = image_assets = previews = restricted_tags = [] cat_form = None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != 'admin' and not is_dev) or ( section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied if section == 'basic': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) elif section == 'media': image_assets = ImageAssetFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix='images', app=addon) previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) if (form.is_valid() and (not previews or previews.is_valid()) and (not image_assets or image_assets.is_valid())): addon = if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: if image_assets: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug if cat_form: if cat_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = { 'addon': addon, 'webapp': webapp, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'image_sizes': APP_IMAGE_SIZES, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'image_asset_form': image_assets, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } return jingo.render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = {'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': AppFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm} if section not in models: raise http.Http404() tags = image_assets = previews = restricted_tags = [] cat_form = None if section == 'basic': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) elif section == 'media': image_assets = ImageAssetFormSet( request.POST or None, prefix='images', app=addon) previews = PreviewFormSet( request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): raise PermissionDenied # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) if (form.is_valid() and (not previews or previews.is_valid()) and (not image_assets or image_assets.is_valid())): addon = if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: if image_assets: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug if cat_form: if cat_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = {'addon': addon, 'webapp': webapp, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'image_sizes': APP_IMAGE_SIZES, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'image_asset_form': image_assets, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, } return jingo.render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def _run(self, _get_content_hash): # Will run the task and will act depending upon how you've set hash. _get_content_hash.side_effect = self._write update_manifests(ids=(, ))
def test_update_manifest(self, retry, fetch): fetch.return_value = '{}' update_manifests(ids=(,)) assert not retry.called
def test_error(self, _get_content_hash): _get_content_hash.side_effect = Exception() update_manifests(ids=(, )) eq_(ActivityLog.objects.for_apps(self.addon).count(), 0)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = { 'basic': basic, 'media': AppFormMedia, 'details': AppFormDetails, 'support': AppFormSupport, 'technical': addon_forms.AddonFormTechnical, 'admin': forms.AdminSettingsForm } if section not in models: raise http.Http404() tags = previews = restricted_tags = [] cat_form = device_type_form = None if section == 'basic': tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list('tag_text', flat=True) cat_form = addon_forms.CategoryFormSet(request.POST or None, addon=addon, request=request) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) device_type_form = addon_forms.DeviceTypeForm(request.POST or None, addon=addon) elif section == 'media': previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix='files', queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure') and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'ViewConfiguration')): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == 'POST': if (section == 'admin' and not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Apps', 'Configure')): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) if form.is_valid() and (not previews or previews.is_valid()): addon = if 'manifest_url' in form.changed_data: addon.update( app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == 'media': amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug if cat_form: if cat_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True if device_type_form: if device_type_form.is_valid(): else: editable = True else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = { 'addon': addon, 'webapp': webapp, 'form': form, 'editable': editable, 'tags': tags, 'restricted_tags': restricted_tags, 'cat_form': cat_form, 'preview_form': previews, 'valid_slug': valid_slug, 'device_type_form': device_type_form } return jingo.render(request, 'developers/apps/edit/%s.html' % section, data)
def addons_section(request, addon_id, addon, section, editable=False, webapp=False): basic = AppFormBasic if webapp else addon_forms.AddonFormBasic models = { "basic": basic, "media": AppFormMedia, "details": AppFormDetails, "support": AppFormSupport, "technical": AppFormTechnical, "admin": forms.AdminSettingsForm, } is_dev = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True) if section not in models: raise http.Http404() version = addon.current_version or addon.latest_version tags, previews, restricted_tags = [], [], [] cat_form = appfeatures = appfeatures_form = None # Permissions checks. # Only app owners can edit any of the details of their apps. # Users with 'Apps:Configure' can edit the admin settings. if (section != "admin" and not is_dev) or ( section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure") and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "ViewConfiguration") ): raise PermissionDenied if section == "basic": cat_form = CategoryForm(request.POST or None, product=addon, request=request) elif section == "media": previews = PreviewFormSet(request.POST or None, prefix="files", queryset=addon.get_previews()) elif section == "technical": # Only show the list of features if app isn't packaged. if waffle.switch_is_active("buchets") and not addon.is_packaged and section == "technical": appfeatures = version.features formdata = request.POST if request.method == "POST" else None appfeatures_form = AppFeaturesForm(formdata, instance=appfeatures) elif section == "admin": tags = addon.tags.not_blacklisted().values_list("tag_text", flat=True) restricted_tags = addon.tags.filter(restricted=True) # Get the slug before the form alters it to the form data. valid_slug = addon.app_slug if editable: if request.method == "POST": if section == "admin" and not acl.action_allowed(request, "Apps", "Configure"): raise PermissionDenied form = models[section](request.POST, request.FILES, instance=addon, request=request) all_forms = [form, previews] if appfeatures_form: all_forms.append(appfeatures_form) if cat_form: all_forms.append(cat_form) if all(not f or f.is_valid() for f in all_forms): if cat_form: addon = if appfeatures_form: if "manifest_url" in form.changed_data: addon.update(app_domain=addon.domain_from_url(addon.manifest_url)) update_manifests([]) if previews: for preview in previews.forms: editable = False if section == "media": amo.log(amo.LOG.CHANGE_ICON, addon) else: amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, addon) valid_slug = addon.app_slug else: form = models[section](instance=addon, request=request) else: form = False data = { "addon": addon, "webapp": webapp, "version": version, "form": form, "editable": editable, "tags": tags, "restricted_tags": restricted_tags, "cat_form": cat_form, "preview_form": previews, "valid_slug": valid_slug, } if appfeatures_form and appfeatures: data.update( { "appfeatures": appfeatures, "feature_list": [unicode(f) for f in appfeatures.to_list()], "appfeatures_form": appfeatures_form, } ) return jingo.render(request, "developers/apps/edit/%s.html" % section, data)