def read_all_genes(disease_name=None, ensg_number=None, gene_symbol=None, gene_type=None, pValue=0.05, pValueDirection="<", mscor=None, mscorDirection="<", correlation=None, correlationDirection="<", sorting=None, descending=True, limit=100, offset=0, information=True): """ This function responds to a request for /sponge/ceRNAInteraction/findAll and returns all interactions the given identification (ensg_number or gene_symbol) in all available datasets is in involved :param disease_name: disease_name of interest :param ensg_number: esng number of the gene of interest :param gene_symbol: gene symbol of the gene of interest :param gene_type: defines the type of gene of interest :param pValue: pValue cutoff :param pValueDirection: < or > :param mscor mscor cutofff :param mscorDirection: < or > :param correlation: correlation cutoff :param correlationDirection: < or > :param sorting: how the results of the db query should be sorted :param descending: should the results be sorted in descending or ascending order :param limit: number of results that shouls be shown :param offset: startpoint from where results should be shown :param information: defines if each gene should contain all available information or not (default: True, if False: just ensg_nr will be shown) :return: all interactions given gene is involved """ # test limit if limit > 1000: abort(404, "Limit is to high. For a high number of needed interactions please use the download section.") # test if just one of the possible identifiers is given if ensg_number is not None and (gene_symbol is not None or gene_type is not None) or ( gene_symbol is not None and gene_type is not None): abort(404, "More than one identifikation paramter is given. Please choose one out of (ensg number, gene symbol or gene type)") queries_1 = [] queries_2 = [] # if specific disease_name is given: if disease_name is not None: run = models.Run.query.join(models.Dataset, models.Dataset.dataset_ID == models.Run.dataset_ID) \ .filter("%" + disease_name + "%")) \ .all() if len(run) > 0: run_IDs = [i.run_ID for i in run] queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.run_ID.in_(run_IDs)) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.run_ID.in_(run_IDs)) else: abort(404, "No dataset with given disease_name found") gene = [] # if ensg_numer is given to specify gene(s), get the intern gene_ID(primary_key) for requested ensg_nr(gene_ID) if ensg_number is not None: gene = models.Gene.query \ .filter(models.Gene.ensg_number.in_(ensg_number)) \ .all() # if gene_symbol is given to specify gene(s), get the intern gene_ID(primary_key) for requested gene_symbol(gene_ID) elif gene_symbol is not None: gene = models.Gene.query \ .filter(models.Gene.gene_symbol.in_(gene_symbol)) \ .all() elif gene_type is not None: gene = models.Gene.query \ .filter(models.Gene.gene_type == gene_type) \ .all() # save all needed queries to get correct results if ensg_number is not None or gene_symbol is not None or gene_type is not None: if len(gene) > 0: gene_IDs = [i.gene_ID for i in gene] queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.gene_ID1.in_(gene_IDs)) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.gene_ID2.in_(gene_IDs)) else: abort(404, "Not gene found for given ensg_number(s) or gene_symbol(s)") # filter further depending on given statistics cutoffs if pValue is not None: if pValueDirection == "<": queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value <= pValue) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value <= pValue) else: queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value >= pValue) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value >= pValue) if mscor is not None: if mscorDirection == "<": queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor <= mscor) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor <= mscor) else: queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor >= mscor) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor >= mscor) if correlation is not None: if correlationDirection == "<": queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation <= correlation) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation <= correlation) else: queries_1.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation >= correlation) queries_2.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation >= correlation) # add all sorting if given: sort = [] if sorting is not None: if sorting == "pValue": if descending: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value.desc()) else: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value.asc()) if sorting == "mscor": if descending: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor.desc()) else: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.mscor.asc()) if sorting == "correlation": if descending: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation.desc()) else: sort.append(models.GeneInteraction.correlation.asc()) # interaction_result = [] interaction_result = models.GeneInteraction.query \ .filter(*queries_1) \ .order_by(*sort) \ .union(models.GeneInteraction.query .filter(*queries_2) .order_by(*sort)) \ .slice(offset, offset + limit) \ .all() # if len(tmp) > 0: # interaction_result.append(tmp) # else: # abort(404, "No information with given parameters found") # interaction_result = [val for sublist in interaction_result for val in sublist] if len(interaction_result) > 0: if information: # Serialize the data for the response depending on parameter all schema = models.GeneInteractionDatasetLongSchema(many=True) else: # Serialize the data for the response depending on parameter all schema = models.GeneInteractionDatasetShortSchema(many=True) return schema.dump(interaction_result).data else: abort(404, "No information with given parameters found")
def read_specific_interaction(disease_name=None, ensg_number=None, gene_symbol=None, pValue=0.05, pValueDirection="<", limit=100, offset=0): """ This function responds to a request for /sponge/ceRNAInteraction/findSpecific and returns all interactions between the given identifications (ensg_number or gene_symbol) :param disease_name: disease_name of interest :param ensg_number: esng number of the genes of interest :param gene_symbol: gene symbol of the genes of interest :param limit: number of results that shouls be shown :param offset: startpoint from where results should be shown :return: all interactions between given genes """ # test limit if limit > 1000: abort(404, "Limit is to high. For a high number of needed interactions please use the download section.") # test if any of the two identification possibilites is given if ensg_number is None and gene_symbol is None: abort(404, "One of the two possible identification numbers must be provided") if ensg_number is not None and gene_symbol is not None: abort(404, "More than one identifikation paramter is given. Please choose one out of (ensg number, gene symbol)") gene = [] # if ensg_numer is given for specify gene, get the intern gene_ID(primary_key) for requested ensg_nr(gene_ID) if ensg_number is not None: gene = models.Gene.query \ .filter(models.Gene.ensg_number.in_(ensg_number)) \ .all() elif gene_symbol is not None: gene = models.Gene.query \ .filter(models.Gene.gene_symbol.in_(gene_symbol)) \ .all() if len(gene) > 0: gene_IDs = [i.gene_ID for i in gene] else: abort(404, "Not gene found for given ensg_number(s) or gene_symbol(s)") # save all needed queries to get correct results queries = [sa.and_(models.GeneInteraction.gene_ID1.in_(gene_IDs), models.GeneInteraction.gene_ID2.in_(gene_IDs))] # if specific disease_name is given: if disease_name is not None: run = models.Run.query.join(models.Dataset, models.Dataset.dataset_ID == models.Run.dataset_ID) \ .filter("%" + disease_name + "%")) \ .all() if len(run) > 0: run_IDs = [i.run_ID for i in run] queries.append(models.GeneInteraction.run_ID.in_(run_IDs)) else: abort(404, "No dataset with given disease_name found") # filter further depending on given statistics cutoffs if pValue is not None: if pValueDirection == "<": queries.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value < pValue) else: queries.append(models.GeneInteraction.p_value > pValue) interaction_result = models.GeneInteraction.query \ .filter(*queries) \ .slice(offset, offset + limit) \ .all() if len(interaction_result) > 0: # Serialize the data for the response depending on parameter all return models.GeneInteractionDatasetShortSchema(many=True).dump(interaction_result).data else: abort(404, "No information with given parameters found")