    def get_attending(self, request):
        Get Conferences the calling user is attending (i.e. registered for)
        :param request:
        :return: ConferenceForms
        if not isinstance(request, message_types.VoidMessage):
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException()

        prof = ProfileApi.profile_from_user()  # get user Profile
        conf_keys = prof.conferencesToAttend  # Changed from original code

        if len(conf_keys) == 0:
            # user hasn't registered for anything, so bail out of this method
            return ConferenceForms()

        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conf_keys)

        # get organizers
        organisers = [ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[conf.to_form(names[conf.organizerUserId])
                                      for conf in conferences]
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        profile = self._getProfileFromUser()
        conference_keys = profile.conferenceKeysToAttend

        array_of_keys = []
        for key in conference_keys:

        conferences = ndb.get_multi(array_of_keys)

        # TODO:
        # step 1: get user profile
        # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
        # ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string)
        # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore. 
        # Use get_multi(array_of_keys) to fetch all keys at once.
        # Do not fetch them one by one!

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
         for conf in conferences]
 def returnAllConferences(self, request):
     """Returns all Conferences"""
     q = Conference.query()
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        # q = q.filter(Conference.city == "Paris")
        # advanced filter building and usage
        field = "city"
        operator = "="
        value = "London"
        f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        q = q.filter(f)

        field = "topics"
        operator = "="
        value = "Medical Innovations"
        f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        q = q.filter(f)
        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q]
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """ Get list of conferences that user has registered for. """
        # get user Profile
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()

        # get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        conf_keys = [
            ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck) for wsck in prof.conferenceKeysToAttend
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conf_keys)

        # get organizers
        organisers = [
            ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in conferences
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])\
         for conf in conferences]
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # TODO:
        # step 1: get user profile
        # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
        # ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string)
        # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore.
        # Use get_multi(array_of_keys) to fetch all keys at once.
        # Do not fetch them one by one!
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()
        conf_keys = [
            ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck) for wsck in prof.conferenceKeysToAttend
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conf_keys)

        profiles = ndb.get_multi(
            [ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in conferences])

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])\
         for conf in conferences]
    def querySimilarConferences(self, request):
        """Query for similar conferences by the same creator."""
        # get conference object from Datastore
        conf = self._getDataStoreObject(request.websafeConferenceKey)
        # get parent's profile
        prof = conf.key.parent().get()
        # use ancestor query to get conferences by same creator,
        # then filter out the conference user provided
        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=prof.key).filter(
                                                    Conference.key != conf.key)

        # Create filterNode and perform search if all fields are provided
        if (request.field and request.operator and request.value):
            node = ndb.query.FilterNode(request.field,
            conferences = conferences.filter(node)

        # Raise error if user didn't provide all 3 fields,
        # otherwise return current query result without further filtering
        elif (request.field or request.operator or request.value):
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                                "You need to define field, operator, and value")

        return ConferenceForms(
                                               ) for conf in conferences]
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # TODO:
        # step 1: get user profile
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()  # get user Profile

        # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
        # ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string)
        #wsck = request.websafeConferenceKey
        #conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck).get()
        my_websafe_key_string = prof.key.urlsafe()
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string).get()
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % my_websafe_key_string)
        conferenceKeysToAttend = prof.conferenceKeysToAttend

        # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore.
        # Use get_multi(array_of_keys) to fetch all keys at once.
        # Do not fetch them one by one!
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conferenceKeysToAttend)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
         for conf in conferences]
    def get_conferences_to_attend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # Get conferences form profile
        profile = self._get_profile_from_user()
        ndb_keys = [
            for ws_key in profile.conferenceKeysToAttend
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(ndb_keys)

        # Get organizers from conferences
        organisers = [
            ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in conferences
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # Get display names
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # Return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copy_conference_to_form(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        #q = Conference.query(Conference.city == "London")
        q = ndb.gql("SELECT * FROM Conference WHERE city < 'London' AND maxAttendees > 5 ORDER BY city DESC")
        # simple filter usage:

        # advanced filter building and usage
        #f = ndb.query.FilterNode('maxAttendees', '>', 0)
        #q = q.filter(f)

        #q = Conference.query(Conference.city != 'London')
        #q = Conference.query(ndb.OR(Conference.city < 'London', Conference.city > 'London'))

        #q = q.order(Conference.description)
        q = q.order(-Conference.city)

        #q = q.fetch(limit=3, projection=[Conference.maxAttendees])
        q = q.fetch(limit=7)

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to Chicago
        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        # q = q.filter(Conference.topics=="Medical Innovations")

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q]
    def getNotRegisteredWishlist(self, request):
        """Returns all sesssions on a users wishlist where the user is not
        registered for the conference."""
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()
        wishlist = prof.wishList
        wishlist_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wish) for wish in wishlist]

        # Get conferences attending.
        attending_wsk = prof.conferenceKeysToAttend
        attending_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsk) for wsk in attending_wsk]

        # Get the parent conferenes of all sessions in the query.
        conf_keys = [session_key.parent() for session_key in wishlist_keys]

        # Query confreences with wishlist session as child.
        q = Conference.query()
        q = q.filter(Conference.key.IN([key for key in conf_keys]))

        # Query conferences that do not include those being attended.
        for key in attending_keys:
            q = q.filter(Conference.key != key)

        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conference, "") for conference in q
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # TODO:
        # step 1: get user profile
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        # make profile key
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, getUserId(user))

        # get the user profile
        prof = p_key.get()

        # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
        # ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string)
        conf_keys_to_attend = getattr(prof, 'conferenceKeysToAttend')
        conf_ndb_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=key) for key in conf_keys_to_attend]

        # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore.
        # Use get_multi(array_of_keys) to fetch all keys at once.
        # Do not fetch them one by one!
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conf_ndb_keys)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
         for conf in conferences]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        #q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
        #q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")

        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "topics"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "Medical Innovations"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")

        # 3: order by conference name
        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        # 4: filter for big conferences
        q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q]
 def queryConferences(self, request):
     """Query for conferences."""
     conferences = self._getQuery(request)
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences]
    def filterTester(self, request):
        """Playground for testing queries.

        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException(
                'Authorization required')
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, getUserId(user))    

        field = "city"
        operator = "<="
        value = "Paris"
        filters = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)

        q = Conference.query()
        conferences = q.filter(filters)
        conferences = q.order(Conference.name)
        conferences = q.filter(Conference.month == 6)

        prof = p_key.get()
        displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") \
                for conf in conferences])
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        #q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        f1 = ndb.query.FilterNode("city", "=", "London")
        f2 = ndb.query.FilterNode("topics", "=", "Medical Innovations")
        q = q.filter(f1)
        q = q.filter(f2)
        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        q = q.filter(Conference.month == 6)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def populateApp(self, request):
        """Populate and reutrn conference"""

        confs = [ConferenceForm( name= u'aa', description= u'Uno', topics= [u'Medical Innovations'], city= u'Chicago',
                  maxAttendees= 10, startDate= u'2016-11-25T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-12-03T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'bb', description= u'Dos', topics= [u'Programming Languages'], city= u'London',
                  maxAttendees= 20, startDate= u'2016-10-15T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-10-03T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'cc', description= u'Tres', topics= [u'Web Technologies'], city= u'Paris',
                  maxAttendees= 30, startDate= u'2016-10-15T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-10-25T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'dd', description= u'Cuatro', topics= [u'Movie Making'], city= u'Tokyo',
                  maxAttendees= 40, startDate= u'2016-10-31T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-11-05T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'ee', description= u'Cinco', topics= [u'Health and Nutrition'], city= u'Chicago',
                  maxAttendees= 50, startDate= u'2016-11-15T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-12-03T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'ff', description= u'Seis', topics= [u'Medical Innovations', u'Movie Making'], city= u'London',
                  maxAttendees= 60, startDate= u'2016-11-28T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-12-05T05:00:00.000Z'),

                ConferenceForm( name= u'gg', description= u'Siete', topics= [u'Health and Nutrition', u'Programming Languages'], city= u'Paris',
                  maxAttendees= 70, startDate= u'2016-12-08T05:00:00.000Z', endDate= u'2016-12-25T05:00:00.000Z')

        for conf in confs:

        conferences = Conference.query()
        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, None) for conf in conferences]
 def getConferenceByTopic(self, request):
     """Given a speaker, return all sessions given by this particular speaker, across all conferences"""
     conferences = Conference.query()
     conferences = conferences.filter(Conference.topics.IN([request.topic]))
     # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
     return ConferenceForms(items=[
         self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        query = q.filter(
            ndb.AND(Conference.city == 'London',
                    Conference.topics.IN(('Medical Innovations', ))))

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in query])
 def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
     """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
     profile = self._getProfileFromUser()
     wsck = profile.conferenceKeysToAttend
     conferenceKeys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe = wkey) for wkey in wsck]
     conferences = ndb.get_multi(conferenceKeys)
     return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
      for conf in conferences])
    def queryConferences(self, request):
        """Query for conferences."""
        conferences = self._getQuery(request)

        # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def getConferencesWithSeats(self, request):
        """Return conferences that have available seats."""

        # we want conferences with registered attendees < max# attendees
        confs = Conference.query().filter(Conference.seatsAvailable > 0)
        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf) for conf in confs])
 def filterPlayground(self, request):
     q = Conference.query()
     # simple filter usage:
     q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
     q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
        q = q.filter(Conference.topic == "Medical Innovations")
        q = q.order(Conference.name)
        q = q.filter(Conference.month == 6)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
 def filterPlayground3(self, request):
     """Filter Experimentation #3 - Get Conferences in certain city"""
     q = Conference.query()
     q = q.order(Conference.city)
     q = q.filter(Conference.city == request.city)
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(i, "") for i in q]
 def filterPlayground(self, request):
     """Queries all conferences in LOndon with 'Medical Innovations' as the
     topic and a maximum attendance greater than ten."""
     q = Conference.query()
     q = q.filter(Conference.city == 'London')
     q = q.filter(Conference.topics == 'Medical Innovations')
     q = q.order(Conference.name)
     q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10)
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
 def queryConferences(self, request):
     """Query for conferences."""
     conferences = self._getQuery(request)
      # for every conference in Conference Kind, copy the properties into 
      # conferene form and store all forms into ConferenceForms
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") \
         for conf in conferences]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        f = ndb.query.FilterNode("city", "=", "London")
        f2 = ndb.query.FilterNode("topics", "=", "Medical Innovations")
        q = Conference.query().filter(f) \
                      .filter(f2) \
                      .filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10) \

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
 def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
     user_id =  getUserId(user)
     confs = Conference.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Profile, user_id))
     prof = p_key.get()
     displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')
     return ConferenceForms(
         items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, displayName) for conf in confs]
    def queryConferences(self, request):
        """ Query for conferences.
        conferences = self._getQuery(request)

        names = self._getConferenceOrganisers(conferences)
        # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])
            for conf in conferences