    def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        # make sure user is authed
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # create ancestor query for all key matches for this user
        confs = Conference.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Profile, user_id))
        prof = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id).get()
        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, getattr(prof, 'displayName'))
            for conf in confs
    def getUpcomingConferences(self, request):
        """Get upcoming conferences"""
        conferences = Conference.query(Conference.startDate >= datetime.today()) \
            .order(Conference.startDate) \
            .fetch(limit=10)  # limit number of conferences to 10

        organizer_keys = [ndb.Key(Profile, conference.organizerUserId) for conference in
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organizer_keys)
        organizer_dict = {profile.key.id(): profile.displayName for profile in profiles}

        return ConferenceForms(
                   for conference in conferences]
 def getConferencesCreated(self, requset):
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization Required')
     #Make Profile Key
     p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, getUserID(user))
     #create ancestor query for this user
     conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=p_key)
     # get the user profile and display name
     prof = p_key.get()
     displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')
     # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
     return ConferenceForms(items=[
         self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, displayName)
         for conf in conferences
 def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
     """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
     # TODO:
     # step 1: get user profile
     prof = self._getProfileFromUser()
     # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
     # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
     # ndb.Key(urlsafe=my_websafe_key_string)
     keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=k) for k in prof.conferenceKeysToAttend]
     # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore.
     # Use get_multi(array_of_keys) to fetch all keys at once.
     # Do not fetch them one by one!
     conferences = ndb.get_multi(keys)
     # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
     return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
         for conf in conferences]
 def queryConferences(self, request):
     """Query for conferences."""
     conferences = self._getQuery(request)
     # need to fetch organiser displayName from profiles
     # get all keys and use get_multi for speed
     organisers = ([(ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId))
                    for conf in conferences])
     profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)
     # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
     names = {}
     for profile in profiles:
         names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName
     # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
     return ConferenceForms(items=[
         self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])
         for conf in conferences
    def queryConferences(self, request):
        conferences = self._getQuery(request)

        organisers = [(ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId))
                      for conf in conferences]
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(
                items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId]) for conf in \
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # step 1: get user profile
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()

        # step 2: get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        wscks = prof.conferenceKeysToAttend

        # step 3: fetch conferences from datastore.
        ds_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck) for wsck in wscks]

        conferences = ndb.get_multi(ds_keys)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser() 

        keys = prof.conferenceKeysToAttend

        listofkeys = []
        for i in keys:
            confFromNdb = ndb.Key(urlsafe=i)
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(listofkeys)
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
        for conf in conferences]
    def getlowReg(self, request):
        """Return conferences that are less than half full."""
        # create list to stored conferences to be returned and then
        # fetch all conferences
        confsToReturn = []
        confs = Conference.query()
        # loop through all conferences adding matching entries to the list
        for c in confs:
            maxAttendees = c.maxAttendees
            seatsAvailable = c.seatsAvailable
            if seatsAvailable > maxAttendees / 2:
                confsToReturn += [c]

        return ConferenceForms(items=[
                conf, getattr(conf.key.parent().get(), 'displayName'))
            for conf in confsToReturn
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()  # get user Profile
        conf_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck) for wsck in prof.conferenceKeysToAttend]
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conf_keys)

        # get organizers
        organisers = [ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in conferences]
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])
                                      for conf in conferences])
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        # q = q.filter(Conference.city == "Paris")

        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        #q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")

        #q = q.filter(Conference.month == 6)

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
 def getConferencesByTopicSearch(self, request):
     """Get list of conferences matching one or more of the given topics."""
     conferences = self._getConferencesByTopicSearch(request)
     # Need to fetch organiser displayName from profiles
     # Get all keys and use get_multi for speed
     organisers = [(ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId))
                   for conf in conferences]
     profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)
     # Put display names in a dict for easier fetching
     names = {}
     for profile in profiles:
         names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName
     # Return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
     # Return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
     return ConferenceForms(items=[
         self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])
         for conf in conferences
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()

        # city equals to London
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # order by conference name
        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""
        # Get user profile
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()

        # Get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        array_of_keys = []
        for i in (prof.conferenceKeysToAttend):
            # make a ndb key from websafe key

        # Fetch conferences from datastore.
        conferences = ndb.get_multi(array_of_keys)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def getNoSessions(self, request):
        """Return conferences that have no sessions."""
        # create list to stored conferences to be returned and then
        # fetch all conferences
        confsToReturn = []
        confs = Conference.query()
        # loop through all conferences adding matching conferences
        # with no sessions
        for c in confs:
            sessions = Session.query(ancestor=c.key)
            if sessions.count() == 0:
                confsToReturn += [c]

        return ConferenceForms(items=[
                conf, getattr(conf.key.parent().get(), 'displayName'))
            for conf in confsToReturn
    def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        # Getting and Verifying current user
        user = getUser()

        # get the user_id (email) 
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # create ancestor query for all key matches for this user
        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Profile, user_id))
        prof = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id).get()
        # return one or many ConferenceForm objects
        return ConferenceForms(
            items = [self._copyConferenceToForm(
                conf, getattr(prof, 'displayName')) for conf in conferences])
    def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, getUserId(user))
        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=p_key)
        prof = p_key.get()
        displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, displayName) for conf in conferences]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        # make sure user is authed
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

#delete everything in users wishlist
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()  # get user Profile
        #print "******* %s" ,prof.wishListSessionKeys
        prof.wishListSessionKeys[:] = []

        conferences = Conference.query()
        conferences = conferences.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in conferences
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")

        # 3: order by conference  name
        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        # first for month of June
        q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def getConferencesByTopic(self, request):
        """Return all conferences on a given topic"""
        confs = Conference.query()
        confs = confs.filter(Conference.topics == request.topic)

        # get organizers
        organisers = [ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId) for conf in confs]
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            names[profile.key.id()] = profile.displayName

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(
            conf, names[conf.organizerUserId])\
         for conf in confs]
    def get_conferences_created(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        # make sure user is authed
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        # make profile key
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, get_user_id(user))
        # create ancestor query for this user
        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=p_key)
        # get the user profile and display name
        prof = p_key.get()
        displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')
        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copy_conference_to_form(conf, displayName)
            for conf in conferences
    def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
        """Return conferences created by user."""
        # make sure user is authed
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        user_id = getUserId(user)
        # Create an instance of a Key for an id(user email) of a kind(Profile) 
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        # query conferences with ancestor user
        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=p_key)
        # get the user profile and display name
        prof = p_key.get()
        displayName = getattr(prof, 'displayName')
        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, displayName) for conf in conferences]
    def getConferencesBySpeaker(self, request):
        """Return conferences that feature a certain speaker"""

        # Get Speaker and his/her sessions from websafeSpeakerKey
        speaker = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSpeakerKey).get()
        sessions = [sessionKey.get() for sessionKey in speaker.sessionKeys]

        # Get all the unique conference keys and get the conference objects
        conf_keys = []
        for sess in sessions:
            if sess.websafeConferenceKey not in conf_keys:

        confs = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=key).get() for key in conf_keys]

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[
            self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, displayName='') for conf in confs
    def query(self, request):
        Query Conferences in Datastore
        :param request: ConferenceQueryForms with one or many
        :return: ConferenceForms with matching ConferenceForm's, if any
        # convert message types for now until we fix the js client side logic
        query_filters = [
                value=f.value) for f in request.filters]
        query_form = queryutil.QueryForm(
        conferences = queryutil.query(query_form)

        # need to fetch organiser displayName from profiles
        # get all keys and use get_multi for speed
        organisers = [(ndb.Key(Profile, conf.organizerUserId)) for conf in
        profiles = ndb.get_multi(organisers)

        if not profiles or profiles == [None]:
            # bootstrapping issue as the user hasn't created their profile obj
            profiles = [Profile(key=org) for org in organisers]

        # put display names in a dict for easier fetching
        names = {}
        for profile in profiles:
            if hasattr(profile, 'displayName'):
                names[profile.key.id()] = getattr(profile, 'displayName')
                # Chances are someone wasn't forced to set their displayName yet
                names[profile.key.id()] = ''

        # return individual ConferenceForm object per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[conf.to_form(names[conf.organizerUserId]) for conf in
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()

        # simple filter usage:
        # q = q.filter(Conference.city == "Paris")

        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
        q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10)

        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
        q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")
        q = q.order(Conference.name)
        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        # TODO
        # add 2 filters:
        # 1: city equals to London
        # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def getConferencesToAttend(self, request):
        """Get list of conferences that user has registered for."""

        # get user profile
        user = self._getProfileFromUser()

        # get conferenceKeysToAttend from profile.
        userConferenceKeyToAttend = user.conferenceKeysToAttend
        # to make a ndb key from websafe key you can use:
        conferenceKeys = []
        for wsck in userConferenceKeyToAttend:
            conf_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck)

        conferences = ndb.get_multi(conferenceKeys)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "")\
         for conf in conferences]
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()

        # simple filter
        q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")

        # Equivalent through ndb
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")

        q = q.order(Conference.name)

        q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 10)

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copy_conference_to_form(conf, "") for conf in q])
    def filter_playground(self, request):
        Filter Playground method
        :param request:
        if not isinstance(request, message_types.VoidMessage):
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException()

        form = queryutil.QueryForm()
        form.target = queryutil.QueryTarget.CONFERENCE
        qfilter = queryutil.QueryFilter(
        form.filters = [qfilter]

        q = queryutil.query(form)

        return ConferenceForms(items=[conf.to_form() for conf in q])
    def filterPlayground(self, request):
        q = Conference.query()
        # simple filter usage:
        # q = q.filter(Conference.city == "Paris")

        # advanced filter building and usage
        # field = "city"
        # operator = "="
        # value = "London"
        # f = ndb.query.FilterNode(field, operator, value)
        # q = q.filter(f)

        # # TODO
        # # add 2 filters:
        # # 1: city equals to London
        # q = q.filter(Conference.city == "London")
        # # 2: topic equals "Medical Innovations"
        # q = q.filter(Conference.topics == "Medical Innovations")
        # # 3: order by conference name
        # q = q.order(Conference.name)

        # # f = ndb.query.FilterNode("topics", "=", "Medical Innovations")
        # # q = q.filter(f)

        # # 4: filter by month
        # # q = q.filter(Conference.month == 2)

        # # 5: filter for big conferences
        # q = q.filter(Conference.maxAttendees > 3)

        q = Conference.query().\
            filter(Conference.city == "London").\
            filter(Conference.seatsAvailable >= 1).\
            filter(Conference.seatsAvailable <= 9).\

        return ConferenceForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, "") for conf in q])