def InitMultiscreen(res, screens): # Open new multiscreen display window pygame.init() # Set subwindow sizes col_count = int(sqrt(screens)) row_count = int(screens / col_count) height = int(res[1] * zoomout) + 20 width = int(res[0] * zoomout) # Init main screen screen = struct() screen.res = (10 + row_count * width, 10 + col_count * height) screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen.res, pygame.FULLSCREEN) screen.zoom_mode = 0 screen.car_size = res[0] / 50 screen.mesh = pygame.Surface(screen.res) screen.mesh.fill((255, 255, 255)) pygame.display.set_caption('PyRoSim') pygame.font.init() # Init subscreens screen.subscreen = [] i = 0 for y in range(col_count): for x in range(row_count): i += 1 x_pos = 5 + x * width y_pos = 5 + y * height screen.subscreen.append( InitSubscreen(i, (x_pos, y_pos), (width, height))) pygame.draw.rect(screen.mesh, (0, 0, 0), (x_pos, y_pos, width - 1, height - 1), 1) screen.mesh.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) return screen
def loadFromFile(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: data = [line.strip().split() for line in f] self.point = [ struct(x=float(line[0]), y=float(line[1]), width=float(line[2])) for i, line in enumerate(data) ] self.filename = filename
def InitSubscreen(id, pos, res): # Open a display window subscreen = struct() subscreen.surface = pygame.Surface((res[0], res[1])) subscreen.position = pos subscreen.res = res = id subscreen.zoom_mode = 2 subscreen.car_size = res[0] / 50 ClrScr(subscreen) return subscreen
def Init(res): # Open a display window pygame.init() screen = struct() screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((res[0], res[1])) screen.res = res screen.zoom_mode = 0 screen.car_size = res[0] / 50 pygame.display.set_caption('PyRoSim') pygame.font.init() return screen
def calculateGates(self): left_right_switch = 0 last_div = 0 last_perpendicular = 0 count = len(self.point) self.gate = [] for current in range(0, count): current_gate = struct() # set current indices next = (current + 1) % count previous = (count + current - 1) % count # set gate line parameters (using formulas y=kx+q, k=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and k_perpendicular=-1/k) y_diff = self.point[previous].y - self.point[next].y x_diff = self.point[previous].x - self.point[next].x try: div = y_diff / x_diff except ZeroDivisionError: if last_div >= 0: div = float("inf") else: div = float("-inf") last_div = div try: perpendicular = 0 - 1 / div except ZeroDivisionError: if last_perpendicular >= 0: perpendicular = float("inf") else: perpendicular = float("-inf") last_perpendicular = perpendicular current_gate.k = perpendicular current_gate.q = self.point[ current].y - current_gate.k * self.point[current].x if current_gate.k == float("inf") or current_gate.k == float( "-inf"): current_gate.q = self.point[current].x # set gate line angle (k=tan(angle), angle=arctan(k)) current_gate.angle = (atan(current_gate.k) * radian_to_degree + 360) % 360 # set gate border points radian = current_gate.angle * degree_to_radian x_delta = self.point[current].width * cos(radian) y_delta = self.point[current].width * sin(radian) if y_diff < 0: left_right_switch = 0 if y_diff > 0: left_right_switch = 1 if left_right_switch == 0: current_gate.left_x = self.point[current].x + x_delta current_gate.left_y = self.point[current].y + y_delta current_gate.right_x = self.point[current].x - x_delta current_gate.right_y = self.point[current].y - y_delta else: current_gate.left_x = self.point[current].x - x_delta current_gate.left_y = self.point[current].y - y_delta current_gate.right_x = self.point[current].x + x_delta current_gate.right_y = self.point[current].y + y_delta # add gate to list self.gate.append(current_gate)
def saveStats(self, statistics): stat = struct() stat.time = self.timer.getSimTime() stat.distance = stat.speed = stat.acceleration = stat.direction = stat.turn = stat.goalangle = self.navigator.last_angle stat.x = stat.y = statistics.append(stat)
def aggregateStats(self, statistics): res = struct() res.avg_speed = 0 res.avg_acc = 0 res.avg_turn = 0 res.avg_goalangle = 0 for stat in statistics: res.avg_speed += abs(stat.speed) / float(len(statistics)) res.avg_acc += abs(stat.acceleration) / float(len(statistics)) res.avg_turn += abs(stat.turn) / float(len(statistics)) res.avg_goalangle += abs(stat.goalangle) / float(len(statistics)) res.time = statistics[-1].time res.distance = res.avg_speed * res.time res.lost = self.navigator.lost res.finished = self.navigator.finished res.remaining = self.navigator.getRemainingDistance() return res
def InitSound(): global sounds if sounds == None: sounds = struct() try: next_path = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + '/media/continue.wav') = pygame.mixer.Sound(next_path) except: print("Warning - Could not load sound from \'" + next_path + "\'.") try: wait_path = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + '/media/waiting.wav') sounds.wait = pygame.mixer.Sound(wait_path) except: print("Warning - Could not load sound from \'" + wait_path + "\'.") try: end_path = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + '/media/applause.wav') sounds.end = pygame.mixer.Sound(end_path) except: print("Warning - Could not load sound from \'" + end_path + "\'.")
# load DLL containing image functions print "Loading shared library with C functions...", image_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("OpenCV_test_DLL.dll") print "Done." # get function handles print "Loading functions of library...", image_load = image_lib.Load image_show = image_lib.Show cvReleaseImage = image_lib.aux_cvReleaseImage # set return type for functions (because ctypes default is int) image_load.restype = c_void_p image_show.restype = None cvReleaseImage.restype = None print "Done." # initialize source print "Initializing camera", source = struct() InitCamera(source) print "Done." # show video while (1): # get image as PIL image img = GetImage(source) # transform image to OpenCV IplImage cv_img = PIL2Ipl(img) # show image using OpenCV highgui lib image_show(cv_img) # release memory cvReleaseImage(byref(cv_img))
# init sounds gui.InitSound() # set save folder makedir(folder) now = folder += '/experiment-date-'+str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-time-%H-%M")) # init track track = simulation.Track("default_track.nft") # initial population evolution_clock.Start() id = 0 generation = 0 population = [] for i in range(size): individual = struct() = id individual.genotype = Individual(chromosomes) individual.fenotype = FCMcontroller(listToMatrix(individual.genotype.chromosome)) population.append(individual) id += 1 # run simulation for each individual for ind in population: # init car car = simulation.Car(x_pos=track.point[start].x, y_pos=track.point[start].y, direction=track.gate[start].angle+90) # init navigator navigator = simulation.Navigator(track, car, start, navdist, stopdist) # init controller controller = ind.fenotype # init timer