文件: importer.py 项目: ChaniD/mylar
def addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch=None,pullupd=None,imported=None,ogcname=None):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
#    from mylar import cache
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":     comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        comlocation = None
        oldcomversion = None
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}
        comlocation = dbcomic['ComicLocation']
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)
        oldcomversion = dbcomic['ComicVersion'] #store the comicversion and chk if it exists before hammering.

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:
        helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=comicid)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now        
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')
    #comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
        sortname = comic['ComicName']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        if mismatch == "no" or mismatch is None:
            gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicIssues'], comicid) 
            #print ("gcdinfo: " + str(gcdinfo))
            mismatch_com = "no"
            if gcdinfo == "No Match":
                nomatch = "true"
                logger.info(u"There was an error when trying to add " + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")" )
                return nomatch
                mismatch_com = "yes"
                #print ("gcdinfo:" + str(gcdinfo))

        elif mismatch == "yes":
            CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
            if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] is None: pass
                vari_loop = CV_EXcomicid['variloop']
                NewComicID = CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID']
                gcomicid = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID']
                resultURL = "/series/" + str(NewComicID) + "/"
                #print ("variloop" + str(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']))
                #if vari_loop == '99':
                gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=comicid, TotalIssues=0, issvariation="no", resultPublished=None)

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    CV_NoYearGiven = "no"
    #if the SeriesYear returned by CV is blank or none (0000), let's use the gcd one.
    if comic['ComicYear'] is None or comic['ComicYear'] == '0000':
        if mylar.CV_ONLY:
            #we'll defer this until later when we grab all the issues and then figure it out
            logger.info("Uh-oh. I can't find a Series Year for this series. I'm going to try analyzing deeper.")
            SeriesYear = cv.getComic(comicid,'firstissue',comic['FirstIssueID'])
            if SeriesYear == '0000':
                logger.info("Ok - I couldn't find a Series Year at all. Loading in the issue data now and will figure out the Series Year.")
                CV_NoYearGiven = "yes"
                issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
                SeriesYear = issued['firstdate'][:4]
            SeriesYear = gcdinfo['SeriesYear']
        SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']

    #let's do the Annual check here.
    if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
        annualcomicname = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', comic['ComicName'])
        annuals = comicbookdb.cbdb(annualcomicname, SeriesYear)
        print ("Number of Annuals returned: " + str(annuals['totalissues']))
        nb = 0
        while (nb <= int(annuals['totalissues'])):
                annualval = annuals['annualslist'][nb]
            except IndexError:
            newCtrl = {"IssueID": str(annualval['AnnualIssue'] + annualval['AnnualDate'])}
            newVals = {"Issue_Number":  annualval['AnnualIssue'],
                       "IssueDate":     annualval['AnnualDate'],
                       "IssueName":    annualval['AnnualTitle'],
                       "ComicID":       comicid,
                       "Status":        "Skipped"}
            myDB.upsert("annuals", newVals, newCtrl)

    #parseit.annualCheck(gcomicid=gcdinfo['GCDComicID'], comicid=comicid, comicname=comic['ComicName'], comicyear=SeriesYear)
    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here

    if comlocation is None:
        # let's remove the non-standard characters here.
        u_comicnm = comic['ComicName']
        u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname:
            comicdir = u_comicname
            if ':' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(':','')
            if '/' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('/','-')
            if ',' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(',','')
            if '?' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('?','')
        else: comicdir = u_comicname

        series = comicdir
        publisher = re.sub('!','',comic['ComicPublisher']) # thanks Boom!
        year = SeriesYear
        comversion = comic['ComicVersion']
        if comversion is None:
            comversion = 'None'
        #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
        if comversion == 'None':
            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN','',mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
            mylar.FILE_FORMAT = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
        #do work to generate folder path

        values = {'$Series':        series,
                  '$Publisher':     publisher,
                  '$Year':          year,
                  '$series':        series.lower(),
                  '$publisher':     publisher.lower(),
                  '$VolumeY':       'V' + str(year),
                  '$VolumeN':       comversion

        #print mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT
        #print 'working dir:'
        #print helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + SeriesYear + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        #comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
            logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)

    #moved this out of the above loop so it will chk for existance of comlocation in case moved
    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
        #    os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
        #    logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        #except OSError:
        #    logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

    #try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    #seems CV doesn't update total counts
    #comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
    comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']

    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "cv":
            comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)

    #let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):pass
        #let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

        except OSError:
            logger.error('Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: ' + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR,  str(comicid) + ".jpg")

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(comic['ComicImage']), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = os.path.join('cache',str(comicid) + ".jpg")

            #this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
            #without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
            #ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"

            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + comic['ComicName'])
            #if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
            if mylar.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL:
                comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    if oldcomversion is None:
        if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
            comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
            comicVol = None
        comicVol = oldcomversion

    #for description ...
    #Cdesc = helpers.cleanhtml(comic['ComicDescription'])
    #cdes_find = Cdesc.find("Collected")
    #cdes_removed = Cdesc[:cdes_find]
    #print cdes_removed

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":      comicid}
    newValueDict = {"ComicName":        comic['ComicName'],
                    "ComicSortName":    sortname,
                    "ComicYear":        SeriesYear,
                    "ComicImage":       ComicImage,
                    "Total":            comicIssues,
                    "ComicVersion":     comicVol,
                    "ComicLocation":    comlocation,
                    "ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
                    #"Description":      Cdesc.decode('utf-8', 'replace'),
                    "DetailURL":        comic['ComicURL'],
#                    "ComicPublished":   gcdinfo['resultPublished'],
                    "ComicPublished":   'Unknown',
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #comicsort here...
    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:

    if CV_NoYearGiven == 'no':
        #if set to 'no' then we haven't pulled down the issues, otherwise we did it already
        issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    firstiss = "10000000"
    firstdate = "2099-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + comic['ComicName'])

    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        #fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
        #logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
        #fcnew = []
        if iscnt > 0: #if a series is brand new, it wont have any issues/details yet so skip this part
            while (n <= iscnt):
                    firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
                except IndexError:
                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
                issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
                issnum = str(firstval['Issue_Number'])
                #print ("issnum: " + str(issnum))
                issname = cleanname
                if '.' in str(issnum):
                    issn_st = str(issnum).find('.')
                    issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
                    #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                    dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1:]
                    if len(dec_is) == 1:
                        dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
                        iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                    if len(dec_is) == 2:
                        dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
                        iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                    iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
                    issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
                elif 'au' in issnum.lower():
                    print ("au detected")
                    stau = issnum.lower().find('au')
                    issnum_au = issnum[:stau] 
                    print ("issnum_au: " + str(issnum_au))
                    #account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering
                    issis = str(int(issnum_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
                else: issis = int(issnum) * 1000

                bb = 0
                while (bb <= iscnt):
                        gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
                        #print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
                    except IndexError:
                        #account for gcd variation here
                        if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                            #logger.fdebug("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                            issdate = '0000-00-00'
                            int_issnum =  int ( issis / 1000 )
                    if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                        #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                        logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
                    elif 'au' in gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower():
                        #account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering - this is in format of 5AU.00
                        gstau = gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower().find('au')
                        gcdis_au = gcdval['GCDIssue'][:gstau]
                        gcdis = str(int(gcdis_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
                    elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                        #logger.fdebug("g-issue:" + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']))
                        issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
                        #logger.fdebug("issst:" + str(issst))
                        issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
                        #logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
                        #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                        decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
                        #logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
                        if len(decis) == 1:
                            decisval = int(decis) * 10
                            issaftdec = str(decisval)
                        if len(decis) == 2:
                            decisval = int(decis)
                            issaftdec = str(decisval)
                        gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
                        #logger.fdebug("gcd_issue:" + str(gcd_issue))
                            gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
                        except ValueError:
                            logger.error("This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot. This feature to allow these will be added in the near future.")
                        gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
                    if gcdis == issis:
                        issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                        if str(issis).isdigit():
                            int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
                            if 'au' in issis.lower():
                                int_issnum = str(int(gcdis[:-2]) / 1000) + 'AU'
                                logger.error("this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for. Get on github and log the issue for evilhero.")
                        #get the latest issue / date using the date.
                        if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
                            latestiss = str(issnum)
                            latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                       #bb = iscnt
                #print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))

                # check if the issue already exists
                iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()

                # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
                if iss_exists is None:
                    newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

                controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid}
                newValueDict = {"ComicID":            comicid,
                                "ComicName":          comic['ComicName'],
                                "IssueName":          issname,
                                "Issue_Number":       issnum,
                                "IssueDate":          issdate,
                                "Int_IssueNumber":    int_issnum
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

                if iss_exists:
                    #print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
                    newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']     
                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
                    #raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
                    logger.error("MAJOR error trying to get issue data, this is most likey a MULTI-VOLUME series and you need to use the custom_exceptions.csv file.")
                    myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid])
文件: importer.py 项目: ChaniD/mylar
def GCDimport(gcomicid, pullupd=None,imported=None,ogcname=None):
    # this is for importing via GCD only and not using CV.
    # used when volume spanning is discovered for a Comic (and can't be added using CV).
    # Issue Counts are wrong (and can't be added).

    # because Comicvine ComicID and GCD ComicID could be identical at some random point, let's distinguish.
    # CV = comicid, GCD = gcomicid :) (ie. CV=2740, GCD=G3719)
    gcdcomicid = gcomicid
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":     gcdcomicid}

    comic = myDB.action('SELECT ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicPublished, ComicImage, ComicLocation, ComicPublisher FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [gcomicid]).fetchone()
    ComicName = comic[0]
    ComicYear = comic[1]
    ComicIssues = comic[2]
    ComicPublished = comic[3]
    comlocation = comic[5]
    ComicPublisher = comic[6]
    #ComicImage = comic[4]
    #print ("Comic:" + str(ComicName))

    newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
    #comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')

    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + gcdcomicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (gcdcomicid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:
        helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=gcomicid)

    if ComicName.startswith('The '):
        sortname = ComicName[4:]
        sortname = ComicName

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + ComicName)
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    comicid = gcomicid[1:]
    resultURL = "/series/" + str(comicid) + "/"
    gcdinfo=parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=gcdcomicid, TotalIssues=ComicIssues, issvariation=None, resultPublished=None)
    if gcdinfo == "No Match":
        logger.warn("No matching result found for " + ComicName + " (" + ComicYear + ")" )
        nomatch = "true"
        return nomatch
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + ComicName )
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)
    ComicImage = gcdinfo['ComicImage']

    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here
    if comlocation is None:
        # let's remove the non-standard characters here.
        u_comicnm = ComicName
        u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname:
            comicdir = u_comicname
            if ':' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(':','')
            if '/' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('/','-')
            if ',' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(',','')            
        else: comicdir = u_comicname

        series = comicdir
        publisher = ComicPublisher
        year = ComicYear

        #do work to generate folder path
        values = {'$Series':        series,
                  '$Publisher':     publisher,
                  '$Year':          year,
                  '$series':        series.lower(),
                  '$publisher':     publisher.lower(),
                  '$Volume':        year

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        #comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + ComicYear + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
            logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)

    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
        #    os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
        #    logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        #except OSError:
        #    logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

    comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']

    #let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):pass
        #let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

        except OSError:
            logger.error(u"Could not create cache dir : " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(ComicImage), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = os.path.join('cache',str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")

            #this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
            #without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
            #ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comi$

            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + ComicName)
            #if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
            if mylar.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL:
                comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")
    #if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
    #    comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
    #    comicVol = None

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":      gcomicid}
    newValueDict = {"ComicName":        ComicName,
                    "ComicSortName":    sortname,
                    "ComicYear":        ComicYear,
                    "Total":            comicIssues,
                    "ComicLocation":    comlocation,
                    #"ComicVersion":     comicVol,
                    "ComicImage":       ComicImage,
                    #"ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
                    #"ComicPublished":   comicPublished,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #comicsort here...
    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + ComicName )
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + ComicName)
    bb = 0
    while (bb <= iscnt):
            gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
            #print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
        except IndexError:
            #account for gcd variation here
            if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                #print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                issdate = '0000-00-00'
                int_issnum =  int ( issis / 1000 )
        if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
            #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
            logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
        elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
            issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
            issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
            #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
            decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
            if len(decis) == 1:
                decisval = int(decis) * 10
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if len(decis) == 2:
                decisval = int(decis)
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if int(issaftdec) == 0: issaftdec = "00"
            gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
            gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
            gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
            gcd_issue = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])
        #get the latest issue / date using the date.
        int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
        issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
        issid = "G" + str(gcdval['IssueID'])
        if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
            latestiss = str(gcd_issue)
            latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
        #print("(" + str(bb) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(gcd_issue) + " Date" + str(issdate) )

        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
        if iss_exists is None:
            newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

        #adjust for inconsistencies in GCD date format - some dates have ? which borks up things.
        if "?" in str(issdate):
            issdate = "0000-00-00"             

        controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid}
        newValueDict = {"ComicID":            gcomicid,
                        "ComicName":          ComicName,
                        "Issue_Number":       gcd_issue,
                        "IssueDate":          issdate,
                        "Int_IssueNumber":    int_issnum

        #print ("issueid:" + str(controlValueDict))
        #print ("values:" + str(newValueDict))

        if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
        elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        if iss_exists:
            #print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
            newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

#        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + ComicName)
#        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])

#        logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + ComicName)
#        cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     gcomicid}
    newValueStat = {"Status":          "Active",
                    "LatestIssue":     latestiss,
                    "LatestDate":      latestdate,
                    "LastUpdated":     helpers.now()

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)

    if mylar.CVINFO:
        if not os.path.exists(comlocation + "/cvinfo"):
            with open(comlocation + "/cvinfo","w") as text_file:
                text_file.write("http://www.comicvine.com/volume/49-" + str(comicid))

    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + ComicName)

    #move the files...if imported is not empty (meaning it's not from the mass importer.)
    if imported is None or imported == 'None':
        if mylar.IMP_MOVE:
            logger.info("Mass import - Move files")
            logger.info("Mass import - Moving not Enabled. Setting Archived Status for import.")

    #check for existing files...

    if pullupd is None:
        # lets' check the pullist for anyting at this time as well since we're here.
        if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING and 'Present' in ComicPublished:
            logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " + ComicName)
            updater.newpullcheck(comic['ComicName'], gcomicid)

        #here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...

        results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [gcomicid])
        if results:
            logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : "  + ComicName)

            for result in results:
                foundNZB = "none"
                if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL or mylar.NEWZNAB or mylar.NZBX) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                    foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result['IssueID'])
                    if foundNZB == "yes":
                        updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
        else: logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + ComicName)

        logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
def addComictoDB(comicid):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
    from mylar import cache
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":     comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now        
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')

    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
        sortname = comic['ComicName']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicIssues'], comicid) 
    if gcdinfo == "No Match":
        logger.warn("No matching result found for " + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")" )
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here
    if ':' in comic['ComicName']: 
        comicdir = comic['ComicName'].replace(':','')
    else: comicdir = comic['ComicName']
    comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
    if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
        logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
    if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
        #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
        comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
            logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        except OSError.e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    #print ("root dir for series: " + comlocation)
    #try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    #seems CV doesn't update total counts
    #comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
    if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "cv":
        comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)
        comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']
    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":      comicid}
    newValueDict = {"ComicName":        comic['ComicName'],
                    "ComicSortName":    sortname,
                    "ComicYear":        comic['ComicYear'],
                    "ComicImage":       comic['ComicImage'],
                    "Total":            comicIssues,
                    "ComicLocation":    comlocation,
                    "ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
                    "ComicPublished":   parseit.resultPublished,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for" + comic['ComicName'])

    # file check to see if issue exists
    logger.info(u"Checking directory for existing issues.")
    #fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=comlocation, watchcomic=comic['ComicName'])
    #havefiles = 0

    #fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    #logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
    #fcnew = []

    while (n <= iscnt):
            firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
        except IndexError:
        cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
        issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
        issnum = str(firstval['Issue_Number'])
        issname = cleanname
        if '.' in str(issnum):
            issn_st = str(issnum).find('.')
            issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
            #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
            dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1:]
            if len(dec_is) == 1:
                dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
                iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
            if len(dec_is) == 2:
                dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
                iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
            iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
            issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
        else: issis = int(issnum) * 1000

        bb = 0
        while (bb <= iscnt):
                gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
            except IndexError:
                #account for gcd variation here
                if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                    print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                    issdate = '0000-00-00'
                    int_issnum =  int ( issis / 1000 )
            if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
            elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
                issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
                #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
                if len(decis) == 1:
                    decisval = int(decis) * 10
                    issaftdec = str(decisval)
                if len(decis) == 2:
                    decisval = int(decis)
                    issaftdec = str(decisval)
                gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
                gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
                gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
            if gcdis == issis:
                issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
                #get the latest issue / date using the date.
                if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
                    latestiss = str(issnum)
                    latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                #bb = iscnt
        #print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))

        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid])

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
        if not len(iss_exists):
            newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

        controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid}
        newValueDict = {"ComicID":            comicid,
                        "ComicName":          comic['ComicName'],
                        "IssueName":          issname,
                        "Issue_Number":       issnum,
                        "IssueDate":          issdate,
                        "Int_IssueNumber":    int_issnum
        if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            #elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            #    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

#        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + comic['ComicName'])
#        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])
#        logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + comic['ComicName'])
#        cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    #check for existing files...

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     comicid}
    newValueStat = {"Status":          "Active",
                    "LatestIssue":     latestiss,
                    "LatestDate":      latestdate

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...
    results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [comicid])    
    if results:
        logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : "  + comic['ComicName'])

        for result in results:
            foundNZB = "none"
            if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result['IssueID'])
                if foundNZB == "yes":
                    updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
    else: logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + comic['ComicName'])

    logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
文件: importer.py 项目: ChaniD/mylar
         issb4dec = str(issnum)[:issst]
         #logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
         #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
         decis = str(issnum)[issst+1:]
         #logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
         if len(decis) == 1:
             decisval = int(decis) * 10
             issaftdec = str(decisval)
         if len(decis) == 2:
             decisval = int(decis)
             issaftdec = str(decisval)
             int_issnum = str(issnum)
         except ValueError:
             logger.error("This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot.")
             x = float(issnum)
             #validity check
             if x < 0:
                 logger.info("I've encountered a negative issue #: " + str(issnum) + ". Trying to accomodate.")
                 int_issnum = str(issnum)
             else: raise ValueError
         except ValueError, e:
             logger.error(str(issnum) + "this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for.")
         #get the latest issue / date using the date.
 if firstval['Issue_Date'] > latestdate:
     latestiss = issnum
def GCDimport(gcomicid):
    # this is for importing via GCD only and not using CV.
    # used when volume spanning is discovered for a Comic (and can't be added using CV).
    # Issue Counts are wrong (and can't be added).

    # because Comicvine ComicID and GCD ComicID could be identical at some random point, let's distinguish.
    # CV = comicid, GCD = gcomicid :) (ie. CV=2740, GCD=G3719)

    gcdcomicid = gcomicid
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcdcomicid}

    comic = myDB.action(
        "SELECT ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicPublished, ComicImage, ComicLocation FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?",
    ComicName = comic[0]
    ComicYear = comic[1]
    ComicIssues = comic[2]
    comlocation = comic[5]
    # ComicImage = comic[4]
    # print ("Comic:" + str(ComicName))

    newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
    # comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')

    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + gcdcomicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (gcdcomicid), "Status": "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if ComicName.startswith("The "):
        sortname = ComicName[4:]
        sortname = ComicName

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + ComicName)
    # --Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # --Start
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    comicid = gcomicid[1:]
    resultURL = "/series/" + str(comicid) + "/"
    gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(
    if gcdinfo == "No Match":
        logger.warn("No matching result found for " + ComicName + " (" + ComicYear + ")")
        nomatch = "true"
        return nomatch
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + ComicName)
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)
    # --End

    ComicImage = gcdinfo["ComicImage"]

    # comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here
    if comlocation is None:
        if ":" in ComicName or "/" in ComicName or "," in ComicName:
            comicdir = ComicName
            if ":" in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(":", "")
            if "/" in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace("/", "-")
            if "," in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(",", "")
            comicdir = ComicName
        comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + ComicYear + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
            logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            # mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(" ", mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
        # if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
        if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
            logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
            # print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
                logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
            except OSError:
                logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))

    comicIssues = gcdinfo["totalissues"]

    # let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):
        # let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

        except OSError:
            logger.error(u"Could not create cache dir : " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = mylar.CACHE_DIR + "/" + str(gcomicid) + ".jpg"

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(ComicImage), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = "cache/" + str(gcomicid) + ".jpg"
            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + str(ComicName))
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ComicName": ComicName,
        "ComicSortName": sortname,
        "ComicYear": ComicYear,
        "Total": comicIssues,
        "ComicLocation": comlocation,
        "ComicImage": ComicImage,
        # "ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
        # "ComicPublished":   comicPublished,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading",

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + ComicName)
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    # let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    # print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    # ---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + ComicName)
    bb = 0
    while bb <= iscnt:
        # ---NEW.code
            gcdval = gcdinfo["gcdchoice"][bb]
            # print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
        except IndexError:
            # account for gcd variation here
            if gcdinfo["gcdvariation"] == "gcd":
                # print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                issdate = "0000-00-00"
                int_issnum = int(issis / 1000)
        if "nn" in str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]):
            # no number detected - GN, TP or the like
            logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
        elif "." in str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]):
            issst = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]).find(".")
            issb4dec = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])[:issst]
            # if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
            decis = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])[issst + 1 :]
            if len(decis) == 1:
                decisval = int(decis) * 10
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if len(decis) == 2:
                decisval = int(decis)
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if int(issaftdec) == 0:
                issaftdec = "00"
            gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
            gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
            gcdis = int(str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])) * 1000
            gcd_issue = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])
        # get the latest issue / date using the date.
        int_issnum = int(gcdis / 1000)
        issdate = str(gcdval["GCDDate"])
        issid = "G" + str(gcdval["IssueID"])
        if gcdval["GCDDate"] > latestdate:
            latestiss = str(gcd_issue)
            latestdate = str(gcdval["GCDDate"])
        # print("(" + str(bb) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(gcd_issue) + " Date" + str(issdate) )
        # ---END.NEW.

        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?", [issid]).fetchone()

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
        if iss_exists is None:
            newValueDict["DateAdded"] = helpers.today()

        # adjust for inconsistencies in GCD date format - some dates have ? which borks up things.
        if "?" in str(issdate):
            issdate = "0000-00-00"

        controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
        newValueDict = {
            "ComicID": gcomicid,
            "ComicName": ComicName,
            "Issue_Number": gcd_issue,
            "IssueDate": issdate,
            "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum,

        # print ("issueid:" + str(controlValueDict))
        # print ("values:" + str(newValueDict))

        if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            # elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            #    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            newValueDict["Status"] = "Skipped"

        if iss_exists:
            # print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
            newValueDict["Status"] = iss_exists["Status"]

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        bb += 1

    #        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + ComicName)
    #        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])

    #        logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + ComicName)
    #        cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    # check for existing files...

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
    newValueStat = {
        "Status": "Active",
        "LatestIssue": latestiss,
        "LatestDate": latestdate,
        "LastUpdated": helpers.now(),

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)

    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + ComicName)

    # lets' check the pullist for anyting at this time as well since we're here.
        logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " + str(ComicName))

    # here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...

    results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [gcomicid])
    if results:
        logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : " + ComicName)

        for result in results:
            foundNZB = "none"
            if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result["IssueID"])
                if foundNZB == "yes":
                    updater.foundsearch(result["ComicID"], result["IssueID"])
        logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + ComicName)

    logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
def addComictoDB(comicid, mismatch=None):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
    from mylar import cache

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid), "Status": "Loading"}
        comlocation = None
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        comlocation = dbcomic["ComicLocation"]

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid, "comic")
    # comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid), "Status": "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if comic["ComicName"].startswith("The "):
        sortname = comic["ComicName"][4:]
        sortname = comic["ComicName"]

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic["ComicName"])
    # --Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # --Start
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    if mismatch == "no" or mismatch is None:
        gcdinfo = parseit.GCDScraper(comic["ComicName"], comic["ComicYear"], comic["ComicIssues"], comicid)
        mismatch_com = "no"
        if gcdinfo == "No Match":
            nomatch = "true"
                u"There was an error when trying to add " + comic["ComicName"] + " (" + comic["ComicYear"] + ")"
            return nomatch
            mismatch_com = "yes"
            # print ("gcdinfo:" + str(gcdinfo))

    elif mismatch == "yes":
        CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
        if CV_EXcomicid["variloop"] is None:
            vari_loop = CV_EXcomicid["variloop"]
            NewComicID = CV_EXcomicid["NewComicID"]
            gcomicid = CV_EXcomicid["GComicID"]
            resultURL = "/series/" + str(NewComicID) + "/"
            # print ("variloop" + str(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']))
            # if vari_loop == '99':
            gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic["ComicName"])
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    # comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here

    if comlocation is None:
        if ":" in comic["ComicName"] or "/" in comic["ComicName"] or "," in comic["ComicName"]:
            comicdir = comic["ComicName"]
            if ":" in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(":", "")
            if "/" in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace("/", "-")
            if "," in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(",", "")
            comicdir = comic["ComicName"]

        series = comicdir
        publisher = comic["ComicPublisher"]
        year = comic["ComicYear"]

        # do work to generate folder path

        values = {"$Series": series, "$Publisher": publisher, "$Year": year}

        # print mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT
        # print 'working dir:'
        # print helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == "":
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic["ComicYear"] + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        # comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
            logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            # mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(" ", mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
        # if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
        if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
            logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
            # print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
                logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
            except OSError:
                logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))

    # try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    # seems CV doesn't update total counts
    # comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
    if gcdinfo["gcdvariation"] == "cv":
        comicIssues = str(int(comic["ComicIssues"]) + 1)
        comicIssues = comic["ComicIssues"]

    # let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):
        # let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

        except OSError:
            logger.error("Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = mylar.CACHE_DIR + "/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"

    # try:
    urllib.urlretrieve(str(comic["ComicImage"]), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = "cache/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"
            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + str(comic["ComicName"]))
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ComicName": comic["ComicName"],
        "ComicSortName": sortname,
        "ComicYear": comic["ComicYear"],
        "ComicImage": ComicImage,
        "Total": comicIssues,
        "ComicLocation": comlocation,
        "ComicPublisher": comic["ComicPublisher"],
        "ComicPublished": gcdinfo["resultPublished"],
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading",

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    issued = cv.getComic(comicid, "issue")
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic["ComicName"])
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    # let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    # print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    # ---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + comic["ComicName"])

    # file check to see if issue exists
    logger.info(u"Checking directory for existing issues.")
    # fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=comlocation, watchcomic=comic['ComicName'])
    # havefiles = 0

    # fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    # logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
    # fcnew = []

    while n <= iscnt:
        # ---NEW.code
            firstval = issued["issuechoice"][n]
        except IndexError:
        cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval["Issue_Name"])
        issid = str(firstval["Issue_ID"])
        issnum = str(firstval["Issue_Number"])
        issname = cleanname
        if "." in str(issnum):
            issn_st = str(issnum).find(".")
            issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
            # if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
            dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1 :]
            if len(dec_is) == 1:
                dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
                iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
            if len(dec_is) == 2:
                dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
                iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
            iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
            issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
            issis = int(issnum) * 1000

        bb = 0
        while bb <= iscnt:
                gcdval = gcdinfo["gcdchoice"][bb]
            except IndexError:
                # account for gcd variation here
                if gcdinfo["gcdvariation"] == "gcd":
                    # print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                    issdate = "0000-00-00"
                    int_issnum = int(issis / 1000)
            if "nn" in str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]):
                # no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
            elif "." in str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]):
                # print ("g-issue:" + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']))
                issst = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"]).find(".")
                # print ("issst:" + str(issst))
                issb4dec = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])[:issst]
                # print ("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
                # if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                decis = str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])[issst + 1 :]
                # print ("decis:" + str(decis))
                if len(decis) == 1:
                    decisval = int(decis) * 10
                    issaftdec = str(decisval)
                if len(decis) == 2:
                    decisval = int(decis)
                    issaftdec = str(decisval)
                gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
                # print ("gcd_issue:" + str(gcd_issue))
                gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
                gcdis = int(str(gcdval["GCDIssue"])) * 1000
            if gcdis == issis:
                issdate = str(gcdval["GCDDate"])
                int_issnum = int(gcdis / 1000)
                # get the latest issue / date using the date.
                if gcdval["GCDDate"] > latestdate:
                    latestiss = str(issnum)
                    latestdate = str(gcdval["GCDDate"])
                # bb = iscnt
            bb += 1
        # print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))
        # ---END.NEW.

        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?", [issid]).fetchone()

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
        if iss_exists is None:
            newValueDict["DateAdded"] = helpers.today()

        controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
        newValueDict = {
            "ComicID": comicid,
            "ComicName": comic["ComicName"],
            "IssueName": issname,
            "Issue_Number": issnum,
            "IssueDate": issdate,
            "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum,
        if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            # elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            #    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            newValueDict["Status"] = "Skipped"

        if iss_exists:
            # print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
            newValueDict["Status"] = iss_exists["Status"]

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        n += 1

    #        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + comic['ComicName'])
    #        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])

    #        logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #        cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    # check for existing files...

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID": comicid}
    newValueStat = {
        "Status": "Active",
        "LatestIssue": latestiss,
        "LatestDate": latestdate,
        "LastUpdated": helpers.now(),

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)

    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + comic["ComicName"])

    # lets' check the pullist for anyting at this time as well since we're here.
        logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " + str(comic["ComicName"]))

    # here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...

    results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [comicid])
    if results:
        logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : " + comic["ComicName"])

        for result in results:
            foundNZB = "none"
            if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result["IssueID"])
                if foundNZB == "yes":
                    updater.foundsearch(result["ComicID"], result["IssueID"])
        logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + comic["ComicName"])

    logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
def addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch=None,pullupd=None,imported=None,ogcname=None):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
#    from mylar import cache
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":     comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        comlocation = None
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}
        comlocation = dbcomic['ComicLocation']

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now        
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')
    #comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
        sortname = comic['ComicName']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    if mismatch == "no" or mismatch is None:
        gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicIssues'], comicid) 
        #print ("gcdinfo: " + str(gcdinfo))
        mismatch_com = "no"
        if gcdinfo == "No Match":
            nomatch = "true"
            logger.info(u"There was an error when trying to add " + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")" )
            return nomatch
            mismatch_com = "yes"
            #print ("gcdinfo:" + str(gcdinfo))

    elif mismatch == "yes":
        CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
        if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] is None: pass
            vari_loop = CV_EXcomicid['variloop']
            NewComicID = CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID']
            gcomicid = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID']
            resultURL = "/series/" + str(NewComicID) + "/"
            #print ("variloop" + str(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']))
            #if vari_loop == '99':
            gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=comicid, TotalIssues=0, issvariation="no", resultPublished=None)

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here

    if comlocation is None:
        if ':' in comic['ComicName'] or '/' in comic['ComicName'] or ',' in comic['ComicName']:
            comicdir = comic['ComicName']
            if ':' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(':','')
            if '/' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('/','-')
            if ',' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(',','')
        else: comicdir = comic['ComicName']

        series = comicdir
        publisher = comic['ComicPublisher']
        year = comic['ComicYear']

        #do work to generate folder path

        values = {'$Series':        series,
                  '$Publisher':     publisher,
                  '$Year':          year,
                  '$series':        series.lower(),
                  '$publisher':     publisher.lower(),
                  '$Volume':        year

        #print mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT
        #print 'working dir:'
        #print helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        #comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
            logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
        #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
        if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
            logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
            #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
                logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
            except OSError:
                logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))

    #try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    #seems CV doesn't update total counts
    #comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
    if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "cv":
        comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)
        comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']

    #let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):pass
        #let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

        except OSError:
            logger.error('Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: ' + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = mylar.CACHE_DIR + "/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(comic['ComicImage']), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = os.path.join('cache',str(comicid) + ".jpg")
            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + str(comic['ComicName']))
            #if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
            if mylar.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL:
                comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":      comicid}
    newValueDict = {"ComicName":        comic['ComicName'],
                    "ComicSortName":    sortname,
                    "ComicYear":        comic['ComicYear'],
                    "ComicImage":       ComicImage,
                    "Total":            comicIssues,
                    "ComicLocation":    comlocation,
                    "ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
                    "ComicPublished":   gcdinfo['resultPublished'],
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + comic['ComicName'])

    # file check to see if issue exists
    logger.info(u"Checking directory for existing issues.")
    #fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=comlocation, watchcomic=comic['ComicName'])
    #havefiles = 0

    #fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    #logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
    #fcnew = []
    if iscnt > 0: #if a series is brand new, it wont have any issues/details yet so skip this part
        while (n <= iscnt):
                firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
            except IndexError:
            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
            issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
            issnum = str(firstval['Issue_Number'])
            issname = cleanname
            if '.' in str(issnum):
                issn_st = str(issnum).find('.')
                issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
                #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1:]
                if len(dec_is) == 1:
                    dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
                    iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                if len(dec_is) == 2:
                    dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
                    iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
                issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
            else: issis = int(issnum) * 1000

            bb = 0
            while (bb <= iscnt):
                    gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
                except IndexError:
                    #account for gcd variation here
                    if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                        #logger.fdebug("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                        issdate = '0000-00-00'
                        int_issnum =  int ( issis / 1000 )
                if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                    #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                    logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
                elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                    #logger.fdebug("g-issue:" + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']))
                    issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
                    #logger.fdebug("issst:" + str(issst))
                    issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
                    #logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
                    #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                    decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
                    #logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
                    if len(decis) == 1:
                        decisval = int(decis) * 10
                        issaftdec = str(decisval)
                    if len(decis) == 2:
                        decisval = int(decis)
                        issaftdec = str(decisval)
                    gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
                    #logger.fdebug("gcd_issue:" + str(gcd_issue))
                    gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
                    gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
                if gcdis == issis:
                    issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                    int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
                    #get the latest issue / date using the date.
                    if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
                        latestiss = str(issnum)
                        latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                   #bb = iscnt
            #print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))

            # check if the issue already exists
            iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()

            # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
            if iss_exists is None:
                newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

            controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid}
            newValueDict = {"ComicID":            comicid,
                            "ComicName":          comic['ComicName'],
                            "IssueName":          issname,
                            "Issue_Number":       issnum,
                            "IssueDate":          issdate,
                            "Int_IssueNumber":    int_issnum
            if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

            if iss_exists:
                #print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
                newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']     
                myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
                #raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
                logger.error("MAJOR error trying to get issue data, this is most likey a MULTI-VOLUME series and you need to use the custom_exceptions.csv file.")
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid])
 def addComic(self, comicid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicimage=None, comicissues=None, comicpublisher=None):
     myDB = db.DBConnection()
     sresults = []
     cresults = []
     mismatch = "no"
     print ("comicid: " + str(comicid))
     print ("comicname: " + str(comicname))
     print ("comicyear: " + str(comicyear))
     print ("comicissues: " + str(comicissues))
     print ("comicimage: " + str(comicimage))
     #here we test for exception matches (ie. comics spanning more than one volume, known mismatches, etc).
     CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
     if CV_EXcomicid is None: # pass #
         gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comicname, comicyear, comicissues, comicid)
         if gcdinfo == "No Match":
             #when it no matches, the image will always be blank...let's fix it.
             cvdata = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')
             comicimage = cvdata['ComicImage']
             nomatch = "true"
             logger.info(u"I couldn't find an exact match for " + str(comicname) + " (" + str(comicyear) + ") - gathering data for Error-Checking screen (this could take a minute)..." )
             i = 0
             loopie, cnt = parseit.ComChk(comicname, comicyear, comicpublisher, comicissues, comicid)
             print ("total count : " + str(cnt))
             while (i < cnt):
                     stoopie = loopie['comchkchoice'][i]
                 except (IndexError, TypeError):
                        'ComicID'   :   stoopie['ComicID'],
                        'ComicName' :   stoopie['ComicName'],
                        'ComicYear' :   stoopie['ComicYear'],
                        'ComicIssues' : stoopie['ComicIssues'],
                        'ComicURL' :    stoopie['ComicURL'],
                        'ComicPublisher' : stoopie['ComicPublisher'],
                        'GCDID' : stoopie['GCDID']
             return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Error Check", comicname=comicname, comicid=comicid, comicyear=comicyear, comicimage=comicimage, comicissues=comicissues,cresults=cresults)
             nomatch = "false"
             logger.info(u"Quick match success..continuing.")  
         if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99':
             logger.info(u"mismatched name...autocorrecting to correct GID and auto-adding.")
             mismatch = "yes"
         if CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID'] == 'none':
             logger.info(u"multi-volume series detected")         
             testspx = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID'].split('/')
             for exc in testspx:
                 fakeit = parseit.GCDAdd(testspx)
                 howmany = int(CV_EXcomicid['variloop'])
                 t = 0
                 while (t <= howmany):
                         sres = fakeit['serieschoice'][t]
                     except IndexError:
                            'ComicID'   :   sres['ComicID'],
                            'ComicName' :   sres['ComicName'],
                            'ComicYear' :   sres['ComicYear'],
                            'ComicIssues' : sres['ComicIssues'],
                            'ComicPublisher' : sres['ComicPublisher'],
                            'ComicCover' :    sres['ComicCover']
                 #searchfix(-1).html is for misnamed comics and wrong years.
                 #searchfix-2.html is for comics that span multiple volumes.
                 return serve_template(templatename="searchfix-2.html", title="In-Depth Results", sresults=sresults)
     threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid,mismatch]).start()
     raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % comicid)
文件: importer.py 项目: mriutta/mylar
def GCDimport(gcomicid, pullupd=None, imported=None, ogcname=None):
    # this is for importing via GCD only and not using CV.
    # used when volume spanning is discovered for a Comic (and can't be added using CV).
    # Issue Counts are wrong (and can't be added).

    # because Comicvine ComicID and GCD ComicID could be identical at some random point, let's distinguish.
    # CV = comicid, GCD = gcomicid :) (ie. CV=2740, GCD=G3719)

    gcdcomicid = gcomicid
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcdcomicid}

    comic = myDB.action(
        'SELECT ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicPublished, ComicImage, ComicLocation, ComicPublisher FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?',
    ComicName = comic[0]
    ComicYear = comic[1]
    ComicIssues = comic[2]
    ComicPublished = comic[3]
    comlocation = comic[5]
    ComicPublisher = comic[6]
    #ComicImage = comic[4]
    #print ("Comic:" + str(ComicName))

    newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
    #comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')

    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + gcdcomicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {
                "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (gcdcomicid),
                "Status": "Active"
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:
        helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=gcomicid)

    if ComicName.startswith('The '):
        sortname = ComicName[4:]
        sortname = ComicName

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + ComicName)
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    comicid = gcomicid[1:]
    resultURL = "/series/" + str(comicid) + "/"
    gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None,
    if gcdinfo == "No Match":
        logger.warn("No matching result found for " + ComicName + " (" +
                    ComicYear + ")")
        nomatch = "true"
        return nomatch
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + ComicName)
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    ComicImage = gcdinfo['ComicImage']

    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here
    if comlocation is None:
        # let's remove the non-standard characters here.
        u_comicnm = ComicName
        u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname:
            comicdir = u_comicname
            if ':' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(':', '')
            if '/' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('/', '-')
            if ',' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(',', '')
            comicdir = u_comicname

        series = comicdir
        publisher = ComicPublisher
        year = ComicYear

        #do work to generate folder path
        values = {
            '$Series': series,
            '$Publisher': publisher,
            '$Year': year,
            '$series': series.lower(),
            '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
            '$Volume': year

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic[
                'ComicYear'] + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(
                mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        #comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + ComicYear + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
                u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing."
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)

    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) +
                    ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
        #    os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
        #    logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        #except OSError:
        #    logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

    comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']

    #let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR): pass
        #let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " +

        except OSError:
            logger.error(u"Could not create cache dir : " +

    coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(ComicImage), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = os.path.join('cache', str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")

            #this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
            #without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
            #ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comi$

            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + ComicName)
            #if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
            if mylar.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL:
                comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
                shutil.copy(ComicImage, comiclocal)
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    #if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
    #    comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
    #    comicVol = None

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ComicName": ComicName,
        "ComicSortName": sortname,
        "ComicYear": ComicYear,
        "Total": comicIssues,
        "ComicLocation": comlocation,
        #"ComicVersion":     comicVol,
        "ComicImage": ComicImage,
        #"ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
        #"ComicPublished":   comicPublished,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #comicsort here...
    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + ComicName)
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + ComicName)
    bb = 0
    while (bb <= iscnt):
            gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
            #print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
        except IndexError:
            #account for gcd variation here
            if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                #print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                issdate = '0000-00-00'
                int_issnum = int(issis / 1000)
        if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
            #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time."
        elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
            issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
            issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
            #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
            decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst + 1:]
            if len(decis) == 1:
                decisval = int(decis) * 10
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if len(decis) == 2:
                decisval = int(decis)
                issaftdec = str(decisval)
            if int(issaftdec) == 0: issaftdec = "00"
            gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
            gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
            gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
            gcd_issue = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])
        #get the latest issue / date using the date.
        int_issnum = int(gcdis / 1000)
        issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
        issid = "G" + str(gcdval['IssueID'])
        if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
            latestiss = str(gcd_issue)
            latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
        #print("(" + str(bb) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(gcd_issue) + " Date" + str(issdate) )

        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?',

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
        if iss_exists is None:
            newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

        #adjust for inconsistencies in GCD date format - some dates have ? which borks up things.
        if "?" in str(issdate):
            issdate = "0000-00-00"

        controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
        newValueDict = {
            "ComicID": gcomicid,
            "ComicName": ComicName,
            "Issue_Number": gcd_issue,
            "IssueDate": issdate,
            "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum

        #print ("issueid:" + str(controlValueDict))
        #print ("values:" + str(newValueDict))

        if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
        elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        if iss_exists:
            #print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
            newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        bb += 1

#        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + ComicName)
#        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])

#        logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + ComicName)
#        cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
    newValueStat = {
        "Status": "Active",
        "LatestIssue": latestiss,
        "LatestDate": latestdate,
        "LastUpdated": helpers.now()

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)

    if mylar.CVINFO:
        if not os.path.exists(comlocation + "/cvinfo"):
            with open(comlocation + "/cvinfo", "w") as text_file:
                text_file.write("http://www.comicvine.com/volume/49-" +

    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + ComicName)

    #move the files...if imported is not empty (meaning it's not from the mass importer.)
    if imported is None or imported == 'None':
        if mylar.IMP_MOVE:
            logger.info("Mass import - Move files")
            moveit.movefiles(gcomicid, comlocation, ogcname)
                "Mass import - Moving not Enabled. Setting Archived Status for import."
            moveit.archivefiles(gcomicid, ogcname)

    #check for existing files...

    if pullupd is None:
        # lets' check the pullist for anyting at this time as well since we're here.
        if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING and 'Present' in ComicPublished:
            logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " +
            updater.newpullcheck(comic['ComicName'], gcomicid)

        #here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...

        results = myDB.select(
            "SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'",
        if results:
            logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : " + ComicName)

            for result in results:
                foundNZB = "none"
                if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL
                        or mylar.NEWZNAB or mylar.NZBX) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                    foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result['IssueID'])
                    if foundNZB == "yes":
            logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + ComicName)

        logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
文件: importer.py 项目: mriutta/mylar
def addComictoDB(comicid,
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
    #    from mylar import cache

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?',
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "ComicName": "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
            "Status": "Loading"
        comlocation = None
        oldcomversion = None
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        comlocation = dbcomic['ComicLocation']
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)
        oldcomversion = dbcomic[
            'ComicVersion']  #store the comicversion and chk if it exists before hammering.

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:
        helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=comicid)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid, 'comic')
    #comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {
                "ComicName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
                "Status": "Active"
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
        sortname = comic['ComicName']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        if mismatch == "no" or mismatch is None:
            gcdinfo = parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'],
                                         comic['ComicIssues'], comicid)
            #print ("gcdinfo: " + str(gcdinfo))
            mismatch_com = "no"
            if gcdinfo == "No Match":
                nomatch = "true"
                logger.info(u"There was an error when trying to add " +
                            comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] +
                return nomatch
                mismatch_com = "yes"
                #print ("gcdinfo:" + str(gcdinfo))

        elif mismatch == "yes":
            CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action(
                "SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?",
            if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] is None: pass
                vari_loop = CV_EXcomicid['variloop']
                NewComicID = CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID']
                gcomicid = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID']
                resultURL = "/series/" + str(NewComicID) + "/"
                #print ("variloop" + str(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']))
                #if vari_loop == '99':
                gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None,

    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'])
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    CV_NoYearGiven = "no"
    #if the SeriesYear returned by CV is blank or none (0000), let's use the gcd one.
    if comic['ComicYear'] is None or comic['ComicYear'] == '0000':
        if mylar.CV_ONLY:
            #we'll defer this until later when we grab all the issues and then figure it out
                "Uh-oh. I can't find a Series Year for this series. I'm going to try analyzing deeper."
            SeriesYear = cv.getComic(comicid, 'firstissue',
            if SeriesYear == '0000':
                    "Ok - I couldn't find a Series Year at all. Loading in the issue data now and will figure out the Series Year."
                CV_NoYearGiven = "yes"
                issued = cv.getComic(comicid, 'issue')
                SeriesYear = issued['firstdate'][:4]
            SeriesYear = gcdinfo['SeriesYear']
        SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']

    #let's do the Annual check here.
    if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
        annualcomicname = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', comic['ComicName'])
        annuals = comicbookdb.cbdb(annualcomicname, SeriesYear)
        print("Number of Annuals returned: " + str(annuals['totalissues']))
        nb = 0
        while (nb <= int(annuals['totalissues'])):
                annualval = annuals['annualslist'][nb]
            except IndexError:
            newCtrl = {
                str(annualval['AnnualIssue'] + annualval['AnnualDate'])
            newVals = {
                "Issue_Number": annualval['AnnualIssue'],
                "IssueDate": annualval['AnnualDate'],
                "IssueName": annualval['AnnualTitle'],
                "ComicID": comicid,
                "Status": "Skipped"
            myDB.upsert("annuals", newVals, newCtrl)
            nb += 1

    #parseit.annualCheck(gcomicid=gcdinfo['GCDComicID'], comicid=comicid, comicname=comic['ComicName'], comicyear=SeriesYear)
    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here

    if comlocation is None:
        # let's remove the non-standard characters here.
        u_comicnm = comic['ComicName']
        u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname:
            comicdir = u_comicname
            if ':' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(':', '')
            if '/' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('/', '-')
            if ',' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace(',', '')
            if '?' in comicdir:
                comicdir = comicdir.replace('?', '')
            comicdir = u_comicname

        series = comicdir
        publisher = re.sub('!', '', comic['ComicPublisher'])  # thanks Boom!
        year = SeriesYear
        comversion = comic['ComicVersion']
        if comversion is None:
            comversion = 'None'
        #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
        if comversion == 'None':
            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
            mylar.FILE_FORMAT = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)

        #do work to generate folder path

        values = {
            '$Series': series,
            '$Publisher': publisher,
            '$Year': year,
            '$series': series.lower(),
            '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
            '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(year),
            '$VolumeN': comversion

        #print mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT
        #print 'working dir:'
        #print helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + SeriesYear + ")"
            comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(
                mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)

        #comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
        if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
                u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing."
        if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
            #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
            comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)

    #moved this out of the above loop so it will chk for existance of comlocation in case moved
    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) +
                    ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
        #    os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
        #    logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        #except OSError:
        #    logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

    #try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    #seems CV doesn't update total counts
    #comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
    comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']

    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "cv":
            comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)

    #let's download the image...
    if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR): pass
        #let's make the dir.
            logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " +

        except OSError:
                'Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: '
                + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

    coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, str(comicid) + ".jpg")

    urllib.urlretrieve(str(comic['ComicImage']), str(coverfile))
        with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
            ComicImage = os.path.join('cache', str(comicid) + ".jpg")

            #this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
            #without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
            #ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"

            logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " +
            #if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
            if mylar.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL:
                comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
                shutil.copy(ComicImage, comiclocal)
    except IOError as e:
        logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")

    if oldcomversion is None:
        if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
            comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
            comicVol = None
        comicVol = oldcomversion

    #for description ...
    #Cdesc = helpers.cleanhtml(comic['ComicDescription'])
    #cdes_find = Cdesc.find("Collected")
    #cdes_removed = Cdesc[:cdes_find]
    #print cdes_removed

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
        "ComicSortName": sortname,
        "ComicYear": SeriesYear,
        "ComicImage": ComicImage,
        "Total": comicIssues,
        "ComicVersion": comicVol,
        "ComicLocation": comlocation,
        "ComicPublisher": comic['ComicPublisher'],
        #"Description":      Cdesc.decode('utf-8', 'replace'),
        "DetailURL": comic['ComicURL'],
        #                    "ComicPublished":   gcdinfo['resultPublished'],
        "ComicPublished": 'Unknown',
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #comicsort here...
    #run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
    if pullupd is None:

    if CV_NoYearGiven == 'no':
        #if set to 'no' then we haven't pulled down the issues, otherwise we did it already
        issued = cv.getComic(comicid, 'issue')
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " +
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    firstiss = "10000000"
    firstdate = "2099-00-00"
    #print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
    #---removed NEW code here---
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + comic['ComicName'])

    if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
        #fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
        #logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
        #fcnew = []
        if iscnt > 0:  #if a series is brand new, it wont have any issues/details yet so skip this part
            while (n <= iscnt):
                    firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
                except IndexError:
                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
                issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
                issnum = str(firstval['Issue_Number'])
                #print ("issnum: " + str(issnum))
                issname = cleanname
                if '.' in str(issnum):
                    issn_st = str(issnum).find('.')
                    issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
                    #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                    dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1:]
                    if len(dec_is) == 1:
                        dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
                        iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                    if len(dec_is) == 2:
                        dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
                        iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
                    iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
                    issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
                elif 'au' in issnum.lower():
                    print("au detected")
                    stau = issnum.lower().find('au')
                    issnum_au = issnum[:stau]
                    print("issnum_au: " + str(issnum_au))
                    #account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering
                    issis = str(int(issnum_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
                    issis = int(issnum) * 1000

                bb = 0
                while (bb <= iscnt):
                        gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
                        #print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
                    except IndexError:
                        #account for gcd variation here
                        if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
                            #logger.fdebug("gcd-variation accounted for.")
                            issdate = '0000-00-00'
                            int_issnum = int(issis / 1000)
                    if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                        #no number detected - GN, TP or the like
                            u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time."
                    elif 'au' in gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower():
                        #account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering - this is in format of 5AU.00
                        gstau = gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower().find('au')
                        gcdis_au = gcdval['GCDIssue'][:gstau]
                        gcdis = str(int(gcdis_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
                    elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
                        #logger.fdebug("g-issue:" + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']))
                        issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
                        #logger.fdebug("issst:" + str(issst))
                        issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
                        #logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
                        #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
                        decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst + 1:]
                        #logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
                        if len(decis) == 1:
                            decisval = int(decis) * 10
                            issaftdec = str(decisval)
                        if len(decis) == 2:
                            decisval = int(decis)
                            issaftdec = str(decisval)
                        gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
                        #logger.fdebug("gcd_issue:" + str(gcd_issue))
                            gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
                        except ValueError:
                                "This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot. This feature to allow these will be added in the near future."
                        gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
                    if gcdis == issis:
                        issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                        if str(issis).isdigit():
                            int_issnum = int(gcdis / 1000)
                            if 'au' in issis.lower():
                                int_issnum = str(int(gcdis[:-2]) / 1000) + 'AU'
                                    "this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for. Get on github and log the issue for evilhero."
                        #get the latest issue / date using the date.
                        if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
                            latestiss = str(issnum)
                            latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                    #bb = iscnt
                    bb += 1
                #print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))

                # check if the issue already exists
                iss_exists = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?',

                # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
                if iss_exists is None:
                    newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

                controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "ComicID": comicid,
                    "ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
                    "IssueName": issname,
                    "Issue_Number": issnum,
                    "IssueDate": issdate,
                    "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

                if iss_exists:
                    #print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
                    newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']

                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
                    #raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
                        "MAJOR error trying to get issue data, this is most likey a MULTI-VOLUME series and you need to use the custom_exceptions.csv file."
                    myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?",
                n += 1
文件: importer.py 项目: mriutta/mylar
     #if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
     decis = str(issnum)[issst + 1:]
     #logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
     if len(decis) == 1:
         decisval = int(decis) * 10
         issaftdec = str(decisval)
     if len(decis) == 2:
         decisval = int(decis)
         issaftdec = str(decisval)
         int_issnum = str(issnum)
     except ValueError:
             "This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot."
         x = float(issnum)
         #validity check
         if x < 0:
                 "I've encountered a negative issue #: " +
                 str(issnum) + ". Trying to accomodate.")
             int_issnum = str(issnum)
             raise ValueError
     except ValueError, e:
             str(issnum) +