def setup_func_for_recursive_call(builder: IRBuilder, fdef: FuncDef,
                                  base: ImplicitClass) -> None:
    """Enable calling a nested function (with a callable class) recursively.

    Adds the instance of the callable class representing the given
    FuncDef to a register in the environment so that the function can
    be called recursively. Note that this needs to be done only for
    nested functions.
    # First, set the attribute of the environment class so that GetAttr can be called on it.
    prev_env = builder.fn_infos[-2].env_class
    prev_env.attributes[fdef.name] = builder.type_to_rtype(fdef.type)

    if isinstance(base, GeneratorClass):
        # If we are dealing with a generator class, then we need to first get the register
        # holding the current environment class, and load the previous environment class from
        # there.
        prev_env_reg = builder.add(
            GetAttr(base.curr_env_reg, ENV_ATTR_NAME, -1))
        prev_env_reg = base.prev_env_reg

    # Obtain the instance of the callable class representing the FuncDef, and add it to the
    # current environment.
    val = builder.add(GetAttr(prev_env_reg, fdef.name, -1))
    target = builder.add_local_reg(fdef, object_rprimitive)
    builder.assign(target, val, -1)
def gen_glue_method(builder: IRBuilder, sig: FuncSignature, target: FuncIR,
                    cls: ClassIR, base: ClassIR, line: int,
                    do_pycall: bool,
                    ) -> FuncIR:
    """Generate glue methods that mediate between different method types in subclasses.

    For example, if we have:

    class A:
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: int) -> object: ...

    then it is totally permissible to have a subclass

    class B(A):
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: object) -> int: ...

    since '(object) -> int' is a subtype of '(int) -> object' by the usual
    contra/co-variant function subtyping rules.

    The trickiness here is that int and object have different
    runtime representations in mypyc, so A.f and B.f have
    different signatures at the native C level. To deal with this,
    we need to generate glue methods that mediate between the
    different versions by coercing the arguments and return

    If do_pycall is True, then make the call using the C API
    instead of a native call.
    builder.ret_types[-1] = sig.ret_type

    rt_args = list(sig.args)
    if target.decl.kind == FUNC_NORMAL:
        rt_args[0] = RuntimeArg(sig.args[0].name, RInstance(cls))

    # The environment operates on Vars, so we make some up
    fake_vars = [(Var(arg.name), arg.type) for arg in rt_args]
    args = [builder.read(builder.add_local_reg(var, type, is_arg=True), line)
            for var, type in fake_vars]
    arg_names = [arg.name if arg.kind in (ARG_NAMED, ARG_NAMED_OPT) else None
                 for arg in rt_args]
    arg_kinds = [concrete_arg_kind(arg.kind) for arg in rt_args]

    if do_pycall:
        retval = builder.builder.py_method_call(
            args[0], target.name, args[1:], line, arg_kinds[1:], arg_names[1:])
        retval = builder.builder.call(target.decl, args, arg_kinds, arg_names, line)
    retval = builder.coerce(retval, sig.ret_type, line)

    arg_regs, _, blocks, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    return FuncIR(
        FuncDecl(target.name + '__' + base.name + '_glue',
                 cls.name, builder.module_name,
                 FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type),
        arg_regs, blocks)
def add_args_to_env(builder: IRBuilder,
                    local: bool = True,
                    base: Optional[Union[FuncInfo, ImplicitClass]] = None,
                    reassign: bool = True) -> None:
    fn_info = builder.fn_info
    if local:
        for arg in fn_info.fitem.arguments:
            rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
            builder.add_local_reg(arg.variable, rtype, is_arg=True)
        for arg in fn_info.fitem.arguments:
            if is_free_variable(builder, arg.variable) or fn_info.is_generator:
                rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
                assert base is not None, 'base cannot be None for adding nonlocal args'
文件: function.py 项目: alanhdu/mypy
def get_args(builder: IRBuilder, rt_args: Sequence[RuntimeArg], line: int) -> ArgInfo:
    # The environment operates on Vars, so we make some up
    fake_vars = [(Var(arg.name), arg.type) for arg in rt_args]
    args = [builder.read(builder.add_local_reg(var, type, is_arg=True), line)
            for var, type in fake_vars]
    arg_names = [arg.name
                 if arg.kind.is_named() or (arg.kind.is_optional() and not arg.pos_only) else None
                 for arg in rt_args]
    arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in rt_args]
    return ArgInfo(args, arg_names, arg_kinds)
def get_func_target(builder: IRBuilder, fdef: FuncDef) -> AssignmentTarget:
    """Given a FuncDef, return the target for the instance of its callable class.

    If the function was not already defined somewhere, then define it
    and add it to the current environment.
    if fdef.original_def:
        # Get the target associated with the previously defined FuncDef.
        return builder.lookup(fdef.original_def)

    if builder.fn_info.is_generator or builder.fn_info.contains_nested:
        return builder.lookup(fdef)

    return builder.add_local_reg(fdef, object_rprimitive)