def setup_env_for_generator_class(builder: IRBuilder) -> None:
    """Populates the environment for a generator class."""
    fitem = builder.fn_info.fitem
    cls = builder.fn_info.generator_class
    self_target = builder.add_self_to_env(cls.ir)

    # Add the type, value, and traceback variables to the environment.
    exc_type = builder.add_local(Var('type'), object_rprimitive, is_arg=True)
    exc_val = builder.add_local(Var('value'), object_rprimitive, is_arg=True)
    exc_tb = builder.add_local(Var('traceback'),
    # TODO: Use the right type here instead of object?
    exc_arg = builder.add_local(Var('arg'), object_rprimitive, is_arg=True)

    cls.exc_regs = (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
    cls.send_arg_reg = exc_arg

    cls.self_reg = builder.read(self_target, fitem.line)
    cls.curr_env_reg = load_outer_env(builder, cls.self_reg,

    # Define a variable representing the label to go to the next time
    # the '__next__' function of the generator is called, and add it
    # as an attribute to the environment class.
    cls.next_label_target = builder.add_var_to_env_class(
        Var(NEXT_LABEL_ATTR_NAME), int_rprimitive, cls, reassign=False)

    # Add arguments from the original generator function to the
    # environment of the generator class.
    add_args_to_env(builder, local=False, base=cls, reassign=False)

    # Set the next label register for the generator class.
    cls.next_label_reg = builder.read(cls.next_label_target, fitem.line)
def add_args_to_env(builder: IRBuilder,
                    local: bool = True,
                    base: Optional[Union[FuncInfo, ImplicitClass]] = None,
                    reassign: bool = True) -> None:
    fn_info = builder.fn_info
    if local:
        for arg in fn_info.fitem.arguments:
            rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
            builder.environment.add_local_reg(arg.variable, rtype, is_arg=True)
        for arg in fn_info.fitem.arguments:
            if is_free_variable(builder, arg.variable) or fn_info.is_generator:
                rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
                assert base is not None, 'base cannot be None for adding nonlocal args'
文件: function.py 项目: wesleyks/mypy
def gen_func_item(builder: IRBuilder,
                  fitem: FuncItem,
                  name: str,
                  sig: FuncSignature,
                  cdef: Optional[ClassDef] = None,
                  ) -> Tuple[FuncIR, Optional[Value]]:
    """Generate and return the FuncIR for a given FuncDef.

    If the given FuncItem is a nested function, then we generate a
    callable class representing the function and use that instead of
    the actual function. if the given FuncItem contains a nested
    function, then we generate an environment class so that inner
    nested functions can access the environment of the given FuncDef.

    Consider the following nested function:

        def a() -> None:
            def b() -> None:
                def c() -> None:
                    return None
                return None
            return None

    The classes generated would look something like the following.

                has pointer to        +-------+
        +-------------------------->  | a_env |
        |                             +-------+
        |                                 ^
        |                                 | has pointer to
    +-------+     associated with     +-------+
    | b_obj |   ------------------->  | b_env |
    +-------+                         +-------+
    +-------+         has pointer to      |
    | c_obj |   --------------------------+

    # TODO: do something about abstract methods.

    func_reg = None  # type: Optional[Value]

    # We treat lambdas as always being nested because we always generate
    # a class for lambdas, no matter where they are. (It would probably also
    # work to special case toplevel lambdas and generate a non-class function.)
    is_nested = fitem in builder.nested_fitems or isinstance(fitem, LambdaExpr)
    contains_nested = fitem in builder.encapsulating_funcs.keys()
    is_decorated = fitem in builder.fdefs_to_decorators
    in_non_ext = False
    class_name = None
    if cdef:
        ir = builder.mapper.type_to_ir[cdef.info]
        in_non_ext = not ir.is_ext_class
        class_name = cdef.name

    builder.enter(FuncInfo(fitem, name, class_name, gen_func_ns(builder),
                        is_nested, contains_nested, is_decorated, in_non_ext))

    # Functions that contain nested functions need an environment class to store variables that
    # are free in their nested functions. Generator functions need an environment class to
    # store a variable denoting the next instruction to be executed when the __next__ function
    # is called, along with all the variables inside the function itself.
    if builder.fn_info.contains_nested or builder.fn_info.is_generator:

    if builder.fn_info.is_nested or builder.fn_info.in_non_ext:

    if builder.fn_info.is_generator:
        # Do a first-pass and generate a function that just returns a generator object.
        blocks, env, ret_type, fn_info = builder.leave()
        func_ir, func_reg = gen_func_ir(builder, blocks, sig, env, fn_info, cdef)

        # Re-enter the FuncItem and visit the body of the function this time.
        load_outer_envs(builder, builder.fn_info.generator_class)
        if builder.fn_info.is_nested and isinstance(fitem, FuncDef):
            setup_func_for_recursive_call(builder, fitem, builder.fn_info.generator_class)
        add_raise_exception_blocks_to_generator_class(builder, fitem.line)

    if builder.fn_info.contains_nested and not builder.fn_info.is_generator:

    builder.ret_types[-1] = sig.ret_type

    # Add all variables and functions that are declared/defined within this
    # function and are referenced in functions nested within this one to this
    # function's environment class so the nested functions can reference
    # them even if they are declared after the nested function's definition.
    # Note that this is done before visiting the body of this function.

    env_for_func = builder.fn_info  # type: Union[FuncInfo, ImplicitClass]
    if builder.fn_info.is_generator:
        env_for_func = builder.fn_info.generator_class
    elif builder.fn_info.is_nested or builder.fn_info.in_non_ext:
        env_for_func = builder.fn_info.callable_class

    if builder.fn_info.fitem in builder.free_variables:
        # Sort the variables to keep things deterministic
        for var in sorted(builder.free_variables[builder.fn_info.fitem],
                          key=lambda x: x.name):
            if isinstance(var, Var):
                rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(var.type)
                builder.add_var_to_env_class(var, rtype, env_for_func, reassign=False)

    if builder.fn_info.fitem in builder.encapsulating_funcs:
        for nested_fn in builder.encapsulating_funcs[builder.fn_info.fitem]:
            if isinstance(nested_fn, FuncDef):
                # The return type is 'object' instead of an RInstance of the
                # callable class because differently defined functions with
                # the same name and signature across conditional blocks
                # will generate different callable classes, so the callable
                # class that gets instantiated must be generic.
                    nested_fn, object_rprimitive, env_for_func, reassign=False


    if builder.fn_info.is_generator:

    blocks, env, ret_type, fn_info = builder.leave()

    if fn_info.is_generator:
        add_methods_to_generator_class(builder, fn_info, sig, env, blocks, fitem.is_coroutine)
        func_ir, func_reg = gen_func_ir(builder, blocks, sig, env, fn_info, cdef)

    calculate_arg_defaults(builder, fn_info, env, func_reg)

    return (func_ir, func_reg)