def callback(x, comm): """ Callback that calculates the Black Scholes Option Price for a given Volatility """ fail = noisy_fail() p_userdata = cast(comm[0].p, py_object) userdata = p_userdata.value time = numpy.array(userdata[0]) callput = userdata[1] strike = numpy.array(userdata[2]) underlying = userdata[3] current_price = userdata[4] out = numpy.array(0.0) p_x = numpy.array(x,dtype=numpy.double) # NAG function call s30aac(Nag_RowMajor, callput, 1, 1, strike, underlying, time, p_x, 0.0, 0.0, out, fail) if(fail.code == 0): return out.item() - current_price print(fail.message) return 0.0
def main(): if(a00acc() != 1): print("Cannot find a valid NAG license") sys.exit(1) try: if(len(sys.argv)>1): QuoteData = sys.argv[1] else: QuoteData = 'QuoteData.dat' qd = open(QuoteData, 'r') qd_head = [] qd_head.append(qd.readline()) qd_head.append(qd.readline()) qd.close() except: sys.stderr.write("Usage: QuoteData.dat\n") sys.stderr.write("Couldn't read QuoteData") sys.exit(1) print("Implied Volatility for %s %s" % (qd_head[0].strip(), qd_head[1])) # Parse the header information in QuotaData first = qd_head[0].split(',') second = qd_head[1].split() qd_date = qd_head[1].split(',')[0] company = first[0] underlyingprice = float(first[1]) month, day = second[:2] today = cumulative_month[month] + int(day) - 30 current_year = int(second[2]) def getExpiration(x): monthday = x.split() adate = monthday[0] + ' ' + monthday[1] if adate not in dates: dates.append(adate) return (int(monthday[0]) - (current_year % 2000)) * 365 + cumulative_month[monthday[1]] def getStrike(x): monthday = x.split() return float(monthday[2]) data =, sep=',', header=2, na_values=' ') # Need to fill the NA values in dataframe data = data.fillna(0.0) # Let's look at data where there was a recent sale # data = data[data.Calls > 0] data = data[(data['Last Sale'] > 0) | (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)] # Get the Options Expiration Date exp = data.Calls.apply(getExpiration) = 'Expiration' # Get the Strike Prices strike = data.Calls.apply(getStrike) = 'Strike' data = data.join(exp).join(strike) print('Calculating Implied Vol of Calls...') impvolcall = pandas.Series(, index=data.index, name='impvolCall') for i in data.index: impvolcall[i] = (calcvol(data.Expiration[i], data.Strike[i], today, underlyingprice, (data.Bid[i] + data.Ask[i]) / 2, Nag_Call)) print('Calculated Implied Vol for %d Calls' % len(data.index)) data = data.join(impvolcall) print('Calculating Implied Vol of Puts...') impvolput = pandas.Series(numpy.zeros(len(data.index)), index=data.index, name='impvolPut') for i in data.index: impvolput[i] = (calcvol(data.Expiration[i], data.Strike[i], today, underlyingprice, (data['Bid.1'][i] + data['Ask.1'][i]) / 2.0, Nag_Put)) print('Calculated Implied Vol for %i Puts' % len(data.index)) data = data.join(impvolput) fig = plt.figure(1) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4, wspace=.3) # Plot the Volatility Curves # Encode graph layout: 3 rows, 3 columns, 1 is first graph. num = 331 max_xticks = 4 for date in dates: # add each subplot to the figure plot_year, plot_month = date.split() plot_date = (int(plot_year) - (current_year % 2000)) * 365 + cumulative_month[plot_month] plot_call = data[(data.impvolCall > .01) & (data.impvolCall < 1) & (data.Expiration == plot_date) & (data['Last Sale'] > 0)] plot_put = data[(data.impvolPut > .01) & (data.impvolPut < 1) & (data.Expiration == plot_date) & (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)] myfig = fig.add_subplot(num) xloc = plt.MaxNLocator(max_xticks) myfig.xaxis.set_major_locator(xloc) myfig.set_title('Expiry: %s 20%s' % (plot_month, plot_year)) myfig.plot(plot_call.Strike, plot_call.impvolCall, 'pr', label='call') myfig.plot(plot_put.Strike, plot_put.impvolPut, 'p', label='put') myfig.legend(loc=1, numpoints=1, prop={'size': 10}) myfig.set_ylim([0,1]) myfig.set_xlabel('Strike Price') myfig.set_ylabel('Implied Volatility') num += 1 plt.suptitle('Implied Volatility for %s Current Price: %s Date: %s' % (company, underlyingprice, qd_date)) print("\nPlotting Volatility Curves/Surface") """ The code below will plot the Volatility Surface It uses e02ca to fit with a polynomial and e02cb to evalute at intermediate points """ m = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=nag_int_type()) y = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double) xmin = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double) xmax = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double) data = data.sort('Strike') # Need to sort for NAG Algorithm k = 3 # this is the degree of polynomial for x-axis (Strike Price) l = 3 # this is the degree of polynomial for y-axis (Expiration Date) i = 0 for date in dates: plot_year, plot_month = date.split() plot_date = (int(plot_year) - (current_year % 2000)) * 365 + cumulative_month[plot_month] call_data = data[(data.Expiration == plot_date) & (data.impvolPut > .01) & (data.impvolPut < 1) & (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)] exp_sizes = call_data.Expiration.size if(exp_sizes > 0): m[i] = exp_sizes n = len(dates) if(i == 0): x = numpy.array(call_data.Strike) call = numpy.array(call_data.impvolPut) xmin[0] = x.min() xmax[0] = x.max() else: x2 = numpy.array(call_data.Strike) x = numpy.append(x,x2) call2 = numpy.array(call_data.impvolPut) call = numpy.append(call,call2) xmin[i] = x2.min() xmax[i] = x2.max() y[i] = plot_date-today i+=1 nux = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=numpy.double) nuy = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=numpy.double) inux = 1 inuy = 1 if(len(dates) != i): print("Error with data: the CBOE may not be open for trading or one expiration date has null data") return 0 weight = numpy.ones(call.size, dtype=numpy.double) output_coef = numpy.empty((k + 1) * (l + 1),dtype=numpy.double) fail = noisy_fail() #Call the NAG Chebyshev fitting function e02cac(m,n,k,l,x,y,call,weight,output_coef,xmin,xmax,nux,inux,nuy,inuy,fail) """ Now that we have fit the function, we use e02cb to evaluate at different strikes/expirations """ nStrikes = 100 # number of Strikes to evaluate spacing = 20 # number of Expirations to evaluate for i in range(spacing): mfirst = 1 mlast = nStrikes xmin = data.Strike.min() xmax = data.Strike.max() x = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nStrikes) ymin = data.Expiration.min() - today ymax = data.Expiration.max() - today y = (ymin) + i * numpy.floor((ymax - ymin) / spacing) fx=numpy.empty(nStrikes) fail=quiet_fail() e02cbc(mfirst,mlast,k,l,x,xmin,xmax,y,ymin,ymax,fx,output_coef,fail) if(fail.code != 0): print(fail.message) if 'xaxis' in locals(): xaxis = numpy.append(xaxis, x) temp = numpy.empty(len(x)) temp.fill(y) yaxis = numpy.append(yaxis, temp) for j in range(len(x)): zaxis.append(fx[j]) else: xaxis = x yaxis = numpy.empty(len(x), dtype=numpy.double) yaxis.fill(y) zaxis = [] for j in range(len(x)): zaxis.append(fx[j]) fig = plt.figure(2) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # A try-except block for Matplotlib try: ax.plot_trisurf(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, cmap=cm.jet) except AttributeError: print ("Your version of Matplotlib does not support plot_trisurf") print ("...plotting wireframe instead") ax.plot(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) ax.set_xlabel('Strike Price') ax.set_ylabel('Days to Expiration') ax.set_zlabel('Implied Volatility for Put Options') plt.suptitle('Implied Volatility Surface for %s Current Price: %s Date: %s' % (company, underlyingprice, qd_date))
# In[7]: order = nag_util.Nag_RowMajor Gflat = G.flatten() n = G.shape[0] pdg = n errtol = 0.0 maxits = 0 maxit = 0 Xflat = np.empty_like(Gflat) pdx = n itr = np.array([0]) feval = np.array([0]) nrmgrd = np.array([0.0]) fail = nag_util.noisy_fail() nag_g02.g02aac(order, Gflat, pdg, n, errtol, maxits, maxit, Xflat, pdx, itr, feval, nrmgrd, fail) # In[8]: "Unflatten X to have the same shape as G for comparison." X = np.reshape(Xflat, G.shape) print(X) # In[9]: print("The sorted eigenvalues of X [{0}]".format(''.join( ['{:.4f} '.format(x) for x in np.sort(np.linalg.eig(X)[0])]))) # In[10]: