    def test_bands(self):
        n = Nansat(self.test_file_gcps, logLevel=40)
        bands = n.bands()

        self.assertEqual(type(bands), dict)
        self.assertTrue(1 in bands)
        self.assertTrue('name' in bands[1])
        self.assertEqual(bands[1]['name'], 'L_645')
    def test_bands(self):
        n = Nansat(self.test_file_gcps, log_level=40, mapper=self.default_mapper)
        bands = n.bands()

        self.assertEqual(type(bands), dict)
        self.assertTrue(1 in bands)
        self.assertTrue('name' in bands[1])
        self.assertEqual(bands[1]['name'], 'L_645')
    def test_get_time(self):
        n1 = Nansat(self.test_file_gcps, logLevel=40)
        t = n1.get_time()

        self.assertEqual(len(t), len(n1.bands()))
        self.assertEqual(type(t[0]), datetime.datetime)
    def test_get_time(self):
        n1 = Nansat(self.test_file_gcps, logLevel=40)
        t = n1.get_time()

        self.assertEqual(len(t), len(n1.bands()))
        self.assertEqual(type(t[0]), datetime.datetime)
def main( argv=None ):

    year = '2012'
    useMask = False

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    if argv is None:
        print ( "Please specify the path/year to the asar folder! \n")

    # Parse arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:o:",["year=","oPath=","iPath=","useMask="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
        elif opt in ("-year", "--year"):
            year = arg
        elif opt in ("-oPath", "--oPath"):
            oPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-iPath", "--iPath"):
            iPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-useMask", "--useMask"):
            useMask = arg

    oPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/tmp/roughness/' + year + '/'
    iPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/store/satellite/asar/' + year + '/'

    if not os.path.exists(oPath):

    for dirName in dirNames:
        for fileName in fileNames:
            figureName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '_proj.png'
            kmlName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '.kml'
            if not os.path.exists(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/'):
                os.makedirs(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            if os.path.isfile(kmlName):
                print "%s already processed" % (fileName)
                print "%s" % (fileName)

            # try to create Nansat object
                n = Nansat(iPath + dirName + '/' + fileName, mapperName='asar', logLevel=27)
            except Exception as e:
                print "Failed to create Nansat object:"
                print str(e)
                os.rmdir(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' )

            #~ Get the bands
            raw_counts = n[1]
            inc_angle = n[2]

            #~ NICE image (roughness)
            pol = n.bands()[3]['polarization']
            if pol == 'HH':
                ph = (2.20495, -14.3561e-2, 11.28e-4)
                sigma0_hh_ref = exp( ( ph[0]+inc_angle*ph[1]+inc_angle**2*ph[2])*log(10) )
                roughness = n[3]/sigma0_hh_ref
            elif pol == 'VV':
                pv = (2.29373, -15.393e-2, 15.1762e-4)
                sigma0_vv_ref = exp( ( pv[0]+inc_angle*pv[1]+inc_angle**2*pv[2])*log(10) )
                roughness = n[3]/sigma0_vv_ref

            #~ Create new band
            n.add_band(bandID=4, array=roughness, \
               parameters={'name':'roughness', \
               'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', \
               'dataType': 6})

            # Reproject image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
            # 1. Cancel previous reprojection
            # 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
            # 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates 1000m
            # 4. Reproject
            # 5. Write image
            n.reproject() # 1.
            lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2.
            # Pixel resolution
            #~ pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape())
            #~ pxlRes = array(pxlRes)*360/40000 # great circle distance
            pxlRes = array(distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape(), 'deg'))
            if min(lats) >= 65 and max(lats) >= 75 and max(lats)-min(lats) >= 13:
               pxlRes = array([0.00065, 0.00065])*2 # make the resolution 150x150m
            #~ pxlRes = pxlRes*7 # make the resolution worser
            srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
            #~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
            extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                            max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
            d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3.
            n.reproject(d) # 4.

            if useMask:
               # get array with watermask (landmask) b
               # it must be done after reprojection!
               # 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
               # 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
               #wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
               wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/data/data/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
               wmArray = wm[1]

               #~ ОШИБКА numOfColor=255 не маскирует, потому что в figure.apply_mask: availIndeces = range(self.d['numOfColor'], 255 - 1)
               #~ n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[3], \
                            #~ numOfColor=255, mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: 0},
                            #~ clim=[0,0.15], cmapName='gray', transparency=0) # 5.
               n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[4], \
                                 mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: [0,0,0]},
                                 clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.
               n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[1], \
                              clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.

            # open the input image and convert to RGBA for further tiling with slbtiles
            input_img = Image.open(figureName)
            output_img = input_img.convert("RGBA")

            # make KML image
            n.write_kml_image(kmlFileName=kmlName, kmlFigureName=figureName)

            #~ Change the file permissions
            os.chmod(oPath, 0777)
            os.chmod(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 0777)
            os.chmod(kmlName, 0777)
            os.chmod(figureName, 0777)

            #~ Change the owner and group
            #~ os.chown(oPath, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(kmlName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(figureName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ garbage collection
Nansat inherits from Domain (container of geo-reference information)


# Open an input file
# Create a Nansat object <n> for futher high-level operations
n = Nansat(iFileName)

# Open an input file, specify which Mapper to use, set logging level
n = Nansat(iFileName, mapperName='generic', logLevel=10)

# list bands and georeference of the object
print 'Raw Nansat:', n, '\n'

# get dictionary with metadata from all bands
print 'Bands:', n.bands(), '\n'

# get time of the image aquisition
print 'Time:', n.get_time()[0], '\n'

# set GlobalMetadata
n.set_metadata(key='GlobalKey', value='GlobalVal')
# get Global Metadata
print 'Global Metadata:', n.get_metadata(), '\n'

# set BandMetadata to the 1st band
n.set_metadata(key='BandKey', value='BandVal', bandID=1)
# get 1st Band Metadata
print '1st Band Metadata:', n.get_metadata(bandID=1), '\n'

# add a band from file (copy the 2nd band to the end (4th band)
iPath = '/home/mag/data/baltic/finngulfWindCases/'
oPath = '/home/mag/'
fileName = 'ASA_WSM_1PNPDE20110523_084634_000000983102_00395_48254_2349.N1'

oFileName = oPath + fileName

# create Nansat object
n = Nansat(iPath + fileName, mapperName='ASAR')
#n = Nansat(iPath + fileName)

# list bands and georeference of the object
print n

# get dictionary with all bands metadata
print n.bands()

# get size of the object (Y and X dimensions, to follow Numpy style)
print n.shape()

# get list with coordinates of the object corners
print n.get_corners()

# get lists with coordinates of the object borders
print n.get_border()

raw_counts = n[1]
inc_angle = n[2]

#~ sigma0 = n[3]
print 'Input file: ', iFileName
oFileName = os.path.join(iPath, 'tmpdata', 'output_')
print 'Output file prefix: ', oFileName

# Open an input file
# Create a Nansat object <n> for futher high-level operations
n = Nansat(iFileName)

# Open an input file, specify which Mapper to use, set logging level
n = Nansat(iFileName, mapperName='generic', logLevel=10)

# list bands and georeference of the object
print 'Raw Nansat:', n

# get dictionary with metadata from all bands
print 'Bands:', n.bands()

# get size of the object (Y and X dimensions, to follow Numpy style)
print 'Shape:', n.shape()

# get list with coordinates of the object corners
print 'Corners:', n.get_corners()

# get lists with coordinates of the object borders
print 'Border:', n.get_border()

# get time of the image aquisition
print 'Time:', n.get_time()[0]

# Get band data and do some operations
# 1. Get data from 1st band as numpy array
def main(argv=None):

    year = '2012'
    useMask = False

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    if argv is None:
        print("Please specify the path/year to the asar folder! \n")

    # Parse arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:",
                                   ["year=", "oPath=", "iPath=", "useMask="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
        elif opt in ("-year", "--year"):
            year = arg
        elif opt in ("-oPath", "--oPath"):
            oPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-iPath", "--iPath"):
            iPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-useMask", "--useMask"):
            useMask = arg

    oPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/tmp/roughness/' + year + '/'
    iPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/store/satellite/asar/' + year + '/'

    if not os.path.exists(oPath):

    dirNames = os.listdir(iPath)
    for dirName in dirNames:
        fileNames = os.listdir(iPath + dirName)
        for fileName in fileNames:
            figureName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '_proj.png'
            kmlName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '.kml'
            if not os.path.exists(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/'):
                os.makedirs(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            if os.path.isfile(kmlName):
                print "%s already processed" % (fileName)
                print "%s" % (fileName)

            # try to create Nansat object
                n = Nansat(iPath + dirName + '/' + fileName,
            except Exception as e:
                print "Failed to create Nansat object:"
                print str(e)
                os.rmdir(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            #~ Get the bands
            raw_counts = n[1]
            inc_angle = n[2]

            #~ NICE image (roughness)
            pol = n.bands()[3]['polarization']
            if pol == 'HH':
                ph = (2.20495, -14.3561e-2, 11.28e-4)
                sigma0_hh_ref = exp(
                    (ph[0] + inc_angle * ph[1] + inc_angle**2 * ph[2]) *
                roughness = n[3] / sigma0_hh_ref
            elif pol == 'VV':
                pv = (2.29373, -15.393e-2, 15.1762e-4)
                sigma0_vv_ref = exp(
                    (pv[0] + inc_angle * pv[1] + inc_angle**2 * pv[2]) *
                roughness = n[3] / sigma0_vv_ref

            #~ Create new band
            n.add_band(bandID=4, array=roughness, \
               parameters={'name':'roughness', \
               'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', \
               'dataType': 6})

            # Reproject image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
            # 1. Cancel previous reprojection
            # 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
            # 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates 1000m
            # 4. Reproject
            # 5. Write image
            n.reproject()  # 1.
            lons, lats = n.get_corners()  # 2.
            # Pixel resolution
            #~ pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape())
            #~ pxlRes = array(pxlRes)*360/40000 # great circle distance
            pxlRes = array(
                distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons),
                                               n.shape(), 'deg'))


            if min(lats) >= 65 and max(
                    lats) >= 75 and max(lats) - min(lats) >= 13:
                pxlRes = array([0.00065, 0.00065
                                ]) * 2  # make the resolution 150x150m
            #~ pxlRes = pxlRes*7 # make the resolution worser
            srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
            #~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
            extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                            max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
            d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString)  # 3.
            n.reproject(d)  # 4.

            if useMask:
                # get array with watermask (landmask) b
                # it must be done after reprojection!
                # 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
                # 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
                #wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
                wm = n.watermask(
                wmArray = wm[1]

                #~ ОШИБКА numOfColor=255 не маскирует, потому что в figure.apply_mask: availIndeces = range(self.d['numOfColor'], 255 - 1)
                #~ n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[3], \
                #~ numOfColor=255, mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: 0},
                #~ clim=[0,0.15], cmapName='gray', transparency=0) # 5.
                n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[4], \
                                  mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: [0,0,0]},
                                  clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.
                n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[1], \
                               clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.

            # open the input image and convert to RGBA for further tiling with slbtiles
            input_img = Image.open(figureName)
            output_img = input_img.convert("RGBA")

            # make KML image
            n.write_kml_image(kmlFileName=kmlName, kmlFigureName=figureName)

            #~ Change the file permissions
            os.chmod(oPath, 0777)
            os.chmod(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 0777)
            os.chmod(kmlName, 0777)
            os.chmod(figureName, 0777)

            #~ Change the owner and group
            #~ os.chown(oPath, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(kmlName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(figureName, 1111, 1111)

            #~ garbage collection