def run(self):
        """Run function to initiate the calculation of the sediment concentration based on dynamic erodibility. Hereby,
        we solve the following three equations:

        S_t = - [Flux_x + Flux * (B_x/B)]                    (1)

        Flux = T*f + F*f_x                                   (2)

        f = f(Stilde)                                        (3)


        S      = sediment stock, which is the total amount of sediment in the water column and the erodible bottom
        Flux   = sediment transport
        f      = relative sediment erodibility
        B      = estuary width
        T      = transport function
        F      = diffusion function
        Stilde = S / Chat, with Chat is the subtidal carrying capacity

             Dictionary with results. At least contains the variables listed as output in the registry
         """'Running module DynamicAvailability')

        ## Initiate variables
        # general variables
        self.RHOS = self.input.v('RHOS')
        self.DS = self.input.v('DS')
        self.WS = self.input.v('ws0')
        self.GPRIME = self.input.v('G') * (
            self.RHOS - self.input.v('RHO0')) / self.input.v('RHO0')
        self.Mhat = self.input.v('Mhat')
        self.CSEA = self.input.v('csea')
        self.FCAP = self.input.v('fcap')
        self.P = self.input.v('p')
        self.TOL = self.input.v('tol')
        self.ASTAR = self.input.v('astar')
        self.Kh = self.input.v('Kh')
        self.L = self.input.v('L')
        self.x = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x') * self.L
        self.dx = (self.x[1:] - self.x[:-1]).reshape(len(self.x) - 1, 1)
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
        fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')
        self.z = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'z', 0, range(0, kmax + 1))
        self.zarr = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), 'z')[:, :, 0]
        self.H = (self.input.v('H', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(jmax + 1, 1) +
                  self.input.v('R', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(jmax + 1, 1))
        self.Hx = (self.input.d('H', range(0, jmax + 1), dim='x').reshape(
            jmax + 1, 1) + self.input.d('R', range(0, jmax + 1),
                                        dim='x').reshape(jmax + 1, 1))
        self.B = self.input.v('B', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.Bx = self.input.d('B', range(0, jmax + 1),
                               dim='x').reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.sf = self.input.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1), 0,
                               0).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.Av0 = self.input.v('Av', range(0, jmax + 1), 0,
                                0).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)

        # velocity
        self.u1river = np.real(
            self.input.v('u1', 'river', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
        self.Q_fromhydro = -np.trapz(self.u1river[-1, :],
                                     x=-self.zarr[-1, :]) * self.B[-1]

        # c hat
        self.c00 = np.real(
            self.input.v('hatc0', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), 0))
        self.c04 = self.input.v('hatc0', range(0, jmax + 1),
                                range(0, kmax + 1), 2)

        ## Compute transport (in superclass)
        d = self.compute_transport()
        dc = DataContainer(d)
        self.Fc = (dc.v('F', range(0, jmax + 1)) -
                   dc.v('F', 'diffusion_river', range(0, jmax + 1))).reshape(
                       jmax + 1, 1)
        self.Tc = (dc.v('T') -
                   (dc.v('T', 'river', range(0, jmax + 1)) +
                    dc.v('T', 'river_river', range(0, jmax + 1)) +
                    dc.v('T', 'diffusion_river', range(0, jmax + 1)))).reshape(
                        len(self.x), 1)
        self.TQ = dc.v('T', 'river', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(
            jmax + 1, 1) / self.Q_fromhydro

        ## User input
        #TODO: make a consistent and effective script that handles user input of the discharge time series or any other time-dependent variable
        #load time serie Q
        self.dt = self.interpretValues(self.input.v('dt'))
        if self.input.v('t') is not None:
            self.t = self.interpretValues(self.input.v('t'))
        self.Q = self.interpretValues(self.input.v('Q'))

        ## Run'Running time-integrator')
        vars = self.implicit()

        ## Collect output
        d = {}
        for key, value in vars.iteritems():
            d[key] = value
        return d
文件: 项目: ddbouwman/iFlow
    def lineplot(self, axis1, axis2, *args, **kwargs):
        Makes a lineplot of a variable over a certain axes

            axis1: string
                axis plotted on the horizontal axis
            axis2: string
                variable plotted on the vertical axis


            x, z, f: integer or range of integers
                plots the given range of the associated dimension
            subplots: string
                generates subplots of the physical variable over the given string: 'sublevel' or 'f'. If 'sublevel',
                all sublevels that are associated with the physical variable appear in a subplot. If 'f', subplots will
                be generated over the frequency domain
            sublevel: boolean
                show sub-level data or not
            plotno: integer
                plot number
            operation: python function
                makes an operation on the physical variable using the python function. This function could be for
                instance a numpy function (e.g. np.abs, np.angle, np.imag or np.real) or a nifty function (e.g.

        # determine which axis displays data and which grid information
        axis = [axis1, axis2]       # list of both axis
        del axis1, axis2
        gridAxisNo = [i for i, grid in enumerate(axis) if grid in self.dims][0]   # number of grid axis
        dataAxisNo = np.mod(gridAxisNo+1, 2)                                # number of data axis
        # TODO: error if no valid axis provided
        # TODO: handle time axis

        # get all keys/subkeys to data
        keyList = [axis[dataAxisNo]]+[i for i in args if isinstance(i, basestring)]     # key + subkeys to data

        # display a sub-level yes/no
        subplots = kwargs.get('subplots') or None           # which (if any) var to display in subplots
        sublevel = kwargs.get('sublevel') or False          # show sub-level data: True/False
        plotno = kwargs.get('plotno') or 1                  # set plot number (default 1)
        looplist = [dim for dim in kwargs if dim in self.dims and dim != axis[gridAxisNo]]+['sublevel']*sublevel # list of variables to loop over: i.e. grid axis that are not one of the axis + subplots

        # checks: no more than two loop variables not in subplots, maximum one var in subplots
        # TODO

        # determine values to loop plot over
        loopvalues = [None]*len(looplist)
        for i, loopvar in enumerate(looplist):
            if loopvar=='sublevel':
                loopvalues[i] = ny.toList(self.input.getKeysOf(*keyList))
                loopvalues[i] = ny.toList(kwargs[loopvar])

        # take all combinations of values
        if len(loopvalues) >= 1:
            permutations = itertools.product(*loopvalues)
            permutations = [None] # 13-02-2017 YMD

        # determine number and shape of subplots
        numberOfSubplots = [len(loopvalues[ii]) for ii in range(0, len(looplist)) if looplist[ii] in ny.toList(subplots)] or [1]
        numberOfSubplots = numberOfSubplots[0]
        if numberOfSubplots <= 1:
            subplotShape = (1, 1)
        elif numberOfSubplots == 2:
            subplotShape = (1, 2)
        elif numberOfSubplots <= 8:
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots/2.)), 2)
        elif numberOfSubplots <= 15:
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots/3.)), 3)
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots/4.)), 4)

        # plot loop
        plt.figure(plotno, dpi=cf.dpi, figsize=subplotShape)
        # plt.hold(True)

        # loop over all combinations of the data
        for combi in permutations:
            if subplots in looplist:    # make subplot frame if there are subplots
                subplotIndex = looplist.index(subplots)
                subplot_number = loopvalues[subplotIndex].index(combi[subplotIndex])

            ## load data
            d = {}
            d[axis[gridAxisNo]] = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', axis[gridAxisNo]).reshape(self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', axis[gridAxisNo])+1)
            # append keylist with current sublevel
            keyListTemp = copy(keyList)
                for k in range(0, len(combi)):
                    if looplist[k] == 'sublevel':
                        d[looplist[k]] = combi[k]
            #   set axes
            axisData = [None]*2
            if not kwargs.get('der'):
                axisData[dataAxisNo] = self.input.v(*keyListTemp, **d)
                d['dim'] = kwargs['der']
                axisData[dataAxisNo] = self.input.d(*keyListTemp, **d)
            axisData[gridAxisNo] = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), axis[gridAxisNo], **d)
            if kwargs.get('operation'):
                if kwargs.get('operation') is not np.angle:
                    axisData[dataAxisNo] = kwargs['operation'](axisData[dataAxisNo])
                    axisData[dataAxisNo] = -kwargs['operation'](axisData[dataAxisNo]) * 180 / np.pi

            conv_grid = cf.conversion.get(axis[gridAxisNo]) or 1.   # convert size of axis depending on conversion factor in config
            conv_data = cf.conversion.get(keyListTemp[0]) or 1.
            axisData[dataAxisNo] = axisData[dataAxisNo]*conv_data
            axisData[gridAxisNo] = axisData[gridAxisNo]*conv_grid

            if sublevel and subplots is None:
                lab = combi[-1]
                    lab = cf.names[lab]
                plt.plot(*axisData, label=lab)

            ## Title and axis labels
            if numberOfSubplots > 1:
                if subplots == 'sublevel':
                    title = combi[subplotIndex]
                    title = subplots + ' = ' + str(combi[subplotIndex])
                    title = cf.names[title]
                plt.title(title, fontsize=cf.fontsize)

            # axis labels. Try to get from config file, else take plain name
                xname = cf.names[axis[0]]
                xunit = cf.units[axis[0]]
            except KeyError:
                xname = axis[0]
                xunit = ''
                yname = cf.names[axis[1]]
                yunit = cf.units[axis[1]]
            except KeyError:
                yname = axis[1]
                yunit = ''

            plt.xlabel(xname+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            plt.ylabel(yname+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)

            if kwargs.get('operation')==np.abs:
                if dataAxisNo==0:
                    plt.xlabel('|'+xname+'|'+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.ylabel('|'+yname+'|'+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.angle:
                if dataAxisNo==0:
                    plt.xlabel('Phase('+xname+')'+' ('+cf.units['phase']+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.ylabel('Phase('+yname+')'+' ('+cf.units['phase']+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.real:
                if dataAxisNo==0:
                    plt.xlabel('Re('+xname+')'+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.ylabel('Re('+yname+')'+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.imag:
                if dataAxisNo==0:
                    plt.xlabel('Im('+xname+')'+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.ylabel('Im('+yname+')'+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            if kwargs.get('operation')==np.abs:
                if dataAxisNo==0:
                    plt.xlabel('|'+xname+'|'+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.ylabel('|'+yname+'|'+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)

            if axis[0] == 'x':
                plt.xlim(np.min(axisData[gridAxisNo]), np.max(axisData[gridAxisNo]))

        if kwargs.get('suptitle'):
            plt.suptitle(kwargs.get('suptitle'), fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                plt.suptitle(cf.names[axis[dataAxisNo]]+' over '+axis[gridAxisNo], fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            except KeyError:
                plt.suptitle(axis[dataAxisNo]+' over '+axis[gridAxisNo], fontsize=cf.fontsize)

文件: 项目: ddbouwman/iFlow
    def transportplot_mechanisms(self, **kwargs):
        Plots the advective transport based on the physical mechanisms that force it.

            sublevel: string
                displays underlying levels of the associated mechanisms: 'sublevel', 'subsublevel' or False
            plotno: integer
                plot number
            display: integer or list of strings
                displays the underlying mechanisms indicated. An integer plots the largest contributions up to that
                integer and a list of strings plots the mechanisms in that list
            scale: boolean
                scales the transport contributions to the maximum value of all contributions
            concentration: boolean
                plots the depth-mean, sub-tidal concentration in the background
        # Extract args and/or kwargs
        sublevel = kwargs.get('sublevel') or kwargs.get('subsublevel') or False  # show sub-level data: True/False
        plotno = kwargs.get('plotno') or 1  # set plot number (default 1)
        display = kwargs.get('display') or 5 # display number of mechanisms (sorted in descending order) or specific mechanisms
        scale = kwargs.get('scale') or False # scale the transport contributions to the maximum: True/False
        concentration = kwargs.get('concentration') or False
        legend = kwargs.get('legend')
        if legend !='in':
            legend = 'out'

        # Construct list of mechanisms to display and calculate these mechanisms
        # get keys of the transport mechanisms to display entered by the user or all mechanism
        if isinstance(display, list):
            if set(display).issubset(self.input.getKeysOf('T')):
                keyList = display
                raise KnownError('Not all transport mechanisms passed with display are available.')
            keyList = self.input.getKeysOf('T')

        # get availability and its derivative w.r.t. x
        x = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x')
        if self.input.v('f') is not None:
            a = self.input.v('f', x=x).reshape(len(x),)
            a_x = self.input.d('f', x=x, dim='x').reshape(len(x),)
            a = self.input.v('a').reshape(len(x),)
            a_x = -self.input.v('T') * a / self.input.v('F')
        # construct list with values to plot
        loopvalues = [[]]
        if sublevel:
            tmp_max = []
            for key in keyList:
                if not 'diffusion' in key:
                    T = self.input.v('T', key)
                    if key in self.input.getKeysOf('F'):
                        trans = T * a + self.input.v('F', key) * a_x
                        loopvalues[0].append([trans, np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(trans))), key])
                        trans = T * a
                        loopvalues[0].append([trans, np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(trans))), key])
                    if sublevel == 'subsublevel' and len(self.input.slice('T', key).getAllKeys()[0]) > 2:
                        tmpkeys = sorted(self.input.slice('T', key).getAllKeys(), key=itemgetter(2))
                        subkeys = [tmpkeys[i*3:3+i*3] for i in range(len(tmpkeys)/3)]
                        for subkey in subkeys:
                            tmp = np.zeros(a.shape)
                            for subsubkey in subkey:
                                tmp += self.input.v('T', *subsubkey) * a
                            loopvalues[len(loopvalues)-1].append([tmp, np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(trans))), subsubkey[-1]])
                        loopvalues[len(loopvalues)-1].append([trans, np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(trans))), key])
            maxT = max(tmp_max)
            # Sort transport mechanisms based on the value of their root-mean-square value
            loopvalues[0] = sorted(loopvalues[0], key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
            # Only take the largest transport contributions indicated by the display integer. If the display integer is
            # larger than the length of the keyList, then all contributions are taken into account
            if isinstance(display, int):
                loopvalues[0] = loopvalues[0][:min(display, len(keyList))]
            # Sort alphetically so that mechanisms receive the same line color for plotting
            loopvalues[0] = sorted(loopvalues[0], key=itemgetter(2))
            Ttotal = ((self.input.v('T') - self.input.v('T', 'diffusion_tide') - self.input.v('T', 'diffusion_river')) *
                      a + (self.input.v('F') - self.input.v('F', 'diffusion_tide') - self.input.v('F', 'diffusion_river')
                           ) * a_x)
            loopvalues[0].append([Ttotal, np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(Ttotal))), 'total'])
            maxT = abs(Ttotal).max()

        # determine number and shape of subplots
        numberOfSubplots = len(loopvalues)
        subplotShape = (numberOfSubplots, 2)

        # plot
        ## load grid data
        xdim = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), 'x')[:, 0, 0]
        conv_grid = cf.conversion.get('x') or 1.  # convert size of axis depending on conversion factor in config
        xdim = xdim * conv_grid
        ## plot
        plt.figure(plotno, dpi=cf.dpi, figsize=subplotShape)
        # plt.hold(True)
        if not sublevel:
            sp = plt.subplot()
            plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
            if scale:
                loopvalues[0][0][0] = loopvalues[0][0][0] / maxT
            ln = []
            ln += sp.plot(xdim, loopvalues[0][0][0], label='adv. transport')
            if concentration:
                conv = cf.conversion.get('c') or 1.
                c = np.real(np.mean(self.input.v('c0')[:, :, 0] + self.input.v('c1')[:, :, 0] +
                                    self.input.v('c2')[:, :, 0], axis=1))*conv
                if scale:
                    c = c / c.max()
                    ln += sp.plot(xdim, c, '--', color='grey', label=r'$\langle\bar{c}\rangle$')
                    labels = [l.get_label() for l in ln]
                    if legend is 'out':
                        plt.legend(ln, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0), loc=3, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                   labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4)
                    elif legend is 'in':
                        plt.legend(ln, labels, loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.2, fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                   labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4, frameon=False)
                    plt.title('Advective Transport')
                    sp2 = sp.twinx()
                    ln += sp2.plot(xdim, c, '--', color='grey', label=r'$\langle\bar{c}\rangle$')
                    labels = [l.get_label() for l in ln]
                    if legend is 'out':
                        plt.legend(ln, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0), loc=3, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                   labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4)
                    elif legend is 'in':
                        plt.legend(ln, labels, loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.2, fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                   labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4, frameon=False)
                    plt.title('Advective Transport', y=1.09)
                plt.title('Advective Transport')
            ## Axis labels
                xname = cf.names['x']
                xunit = cf.units['x']
            except KeyError:
                xname = 'x'
                xunit = ''
            plt.xlabel(xname + ' (' + xunit + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
                yunitT = cf.units['T']
                if concentration:
                    if scale:
                        sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ / $\mathcal{T}_{max}$, $c$ / $c_{max}$ (-)', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
                        if legend is 'in':
                            sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                            sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                        yunitc = cf.units['c']
                        sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
                        sp2.set_ylabel(r'$c$ (' + yunitc + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
                    if scale:
                        sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ / $\mathcal{T}_{max}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
                        if legend is 'in':
                            sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                            sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                        sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
            except KeyError:
                yname = [r'$\mathcal{T}$']
                yunit = ''
                plt.ylabel(yname + ' (' + yunit + ')', fontsize = cf.fontsize)
            for subplot_number, subplot_values in enumerate(loopvalues):
                pos = np.unravel_index(subplot_number, subplotShape)
                sp = plt.subplot2grid(subplotShape, (pos[0], pos[1]))
                plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
                # loop over all combinations of the data
                ln = []
                for i, value in enumerate(subplot_values):
                        label = cf.transportlabels[value[2]]
                    except KeyError:
                        label = value[2]
                    if scale:
                        value[0] = value[0] / maxT
                    if i == len(subplot_values)-1 and subplot_number >= 1:
                        ln += sp.plot(xdim, value[0], 'k', label=label)
                        ln += sp.plot(xdim, value[0], label=label)
                if concentration and subplot_number == 0:
                    conv = cf.conversion.get('c') or 1.
                    c = np.real(np.mean(self.input.v('c0')[:, :, 0] + self.input.v('c1')[:, :, 0] +
                                        self.input.v('c2')[:, :, 0], axis=1)) * conv
                    if scale:
                        c = c / c.max()
                        ln += sp.plot(xdim, c, '--', color='grey', label=r'$\langle\bar{c}\rangle$')
                        labels = [l.get_label() for l in ln]
                        if legend is 'out':
                            plt.legend(ln, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0), loc=3, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                       labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4)
                        elif legend is 'in':
                            plt.legend(ln, labels, loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.2, fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                       labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4, frameon=False)
                        if subplot_number == 0:
                            plt.title('Advective Transport')
                            title = keyList[subplot_number-1]
                                title = cf.names[title]
                            plt.title(title, fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                        sp2 = sp.twinx()
                        ln += sp2.plot(xdim, c, '--', color='grey', label=r'$\langle\bar{c}\rangle$')
                        labels = [l.get_label() for l in ln]
                        if legend is 'out':
                            plt.legend(ln, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0), loc=3, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                       labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4)
                        elif legend is 'in':
                            plt.legend(ln, labels, loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.2, fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                       labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4, frameon=False)
                        if subplot_number == 0:
                            plt.title(r'Advective Transport ', y=1.09, fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                            title = keyList[subplot_number-1]
                                title = cf.names[title]
                            plt.title(title, y=1.09, fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    if legend is 'out':
                        plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0), loc=3, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                               labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4)
                    elif legend is 'in':
                        plt.legend(ln, labels, loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.2, fontsize=cf.fontsize2,
                                   labelspacing=0.1, handlelength=0.1, handletextpad=0.4, frameon=False)
                    if subplot_number == 0:
                        plt.title('Advective Transport', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                        title = keyList[subplot_number-1]
                            title = cf.names[title]
                        if concentration and subplot_number > 0:
                            plt.title(title, y=1.09, fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                            plt.title(title, fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                # axis labels and limits. Try to get from config file, else take plain name
                    xname = cf.names['x']
                    xunit = cf.units['x']
                except KeyError:
                    xname = 'x'
                    xunit = ''
                plt.xlabel(xname + ' (' + xunit + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    yunitT = cf.units['T']
                    if concentration:
                        if scale:
                            if subplot_number == 0:
                                sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ / $\mathcal{T}_{max}$, $c$ / $c_{max}$ (-)', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                                sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ / $\mathcal{T}_{max}$ (-)', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                            if legend is 'in':
                                sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                                sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                            yunitc = cf.units['c']
                            sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                            sp2.set_ylabel(r'$c$ (' + yunitc + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                        if scale:
                            sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ / $\mathcal{T}_{max}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                            if legend is 'in':
                                sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                                sp.set_ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
                            sp.set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{T}$ (' + yunitT + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                except KeyError:
                    yname = [r'$\mathcal{T}$']
                    yunit = ''
                    plt.label(yname + ' (' + yunit + ')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
        plt.xlim(0, max(xdim))
def cFunctionUncoupled(ws, Kv, F, Fsurf, Fbed, data, n, hasMatrix=False):
    # Init
    jmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex',
                  'x')  # maximum index of x grid (jmax+1 grid points incl. 0)
    kmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex',
                  'z')  # maximum index of z grid (kmax+1 grid points incl. 0)
    OMEGA = data.v('OMEGA')

    # Init Ctd
    nRHS = F.shape[-1]
    cCoef = np.zeros((jmax + 1, kmax + 1, 1, nRHS), dtype=complex)
    cMatrix = np.zeros((jmax + 1, 3, kmax + 1), dtype=complex)

        z = ny.dimensionalAxis(data.slice('grid'), 'z')[:, :, 0]
        z = -np.linspace(0, 1, kmax + 1).reshape((1, kmax + 1)) * np.ones(
            (jmax + 1, 1))

    # build, save and solve the matrices in every water column
    for j in range(0, jmax + 1):
        dz = z[j, 1:] - z[j, :-1]
        dz = dz
        dz_down = dz[:-1]
        dz_up = dz[1:]
        dz_av = 0.5 * (dz_up + dz_down)

        if not hasMatrix:
            A = np.zeros((3, kmax + 1), dtype=complex)

            ##### LEFT HAND SIDE #####
            # Build matrix.
            #  NB. can use general numerical schemes as dz < 0
            a = -0.5 * (Kv[j, 0:-2, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_down + ws[
                j, 0:-2, 0]  # for k-1: from 1..kmax-1
            b = 0.5 * (Kv[j, 0:-2, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_down + 0.5 * (
                Kv[j, 2:, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_up - ws[
                    j, 1:-1, 0]  # for k: from 1..kmax-1
            c = -0.5 * (Kv[j, 2:, 0] +
                        Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_up  # for k+1: from 1..kmax
            # add inertia later

            # Build matrix k=1..kmax-1
            A[2, :-2] = a
            A[1, 1:-1] = b
            A[0, 2:] = c

            ## surface
            b = ws[j, 0, 0] - Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[0]
            c = +Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[0]

            A[1, 0] = b
            A[0, 1] = c

            ## bed
            a = -Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[-1]
            b = Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[-1]

            A[2, -2] = a
            A[1, -1] = b

            # save matrix
            cMatrix[j, Ellipsis] = copy(A[Ellipsis])
            A = copy(Kv[j, Ellipsis])

        A[1, 1:-1] += n * 1j * OMEGA * dz_av

        # Right hand side
        RHS = np.zeros([kmax + 1, nRHS], dtype=complex)

        RHS[1:-1, :] = F[j, 1:-1, :] * dz_up.reshape((kmax - 1, 1))
        RHS[0, :] = Fsurf[j, 0, :]
        RHS[-1, :] += Fbed[j, 0, :]

        # Solve
        cstag = solve_banded((1, 1),
        cCoef[j, :, 0, :] = cstag.reshape(kmax + 1, nRHS)

    return cCoef, cMatrix
文件: 项目: ddbouwman/iFlow
    def contourplot(self, axis1, axis2, value_label, *args, **kwargs):
        Plots 2DV contourplots of a variable over two axes

            axis1: string
                axis plotted on the horizontal axis
            axis2: string
                axis plotted on the vertical axis
            value_label: string
                physical variable for which the controurplot needs to be made


            x, z, f: integer or range of integers
                plots the given range of the associated dimension
            subplots: string
                generates subplots of the physical variable over the given string: 'sublevel' or 'f'. If 'sublevel',
                all sublevels that are associated with the physical variable appear in a subplot. If 'f', subplots will
                be generated over the frequency domain
            plotno: integer
                plot number
            operation: python function
                makes an operation on the physical variable using the python function. This function could be for
                instance a numpy function (e.g. np.abs, np.angle, np.imag or np.real) or a nifty function (e.g.

        # get all keys/subkeys to data
        keyList = [value_label]+[i for i in args if isinstance(i, basestring)]      # key + subkeys to data

        # display a sub-level yes/no
        subplots = kwargs.get('subplots') or False          # Variable for subplots
        plotno = kwargs.get('plotno') or 1                  # set plot number (default 1)

        loopvalues = [None]             # values to loop subplots over
        if subplots == 'sublevel':
            loopvalues = ny.toList(self.input.getKeysOf(*keyList)) 
        elif subplots:
            loopvalues = [i for i in ny.toList(kwargs[subplots])]

        # determine number and shape of subplots
        numberOfSubplots = len(loopvalues)
        if numberOfSubplots <= 1:
            subplotShape = (1, 1)
        elif numberOfSubplots == 2:
            subplotShape = (1, 2)
        elif numberOfSubplots <= 8:
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots / 2.)), 2)
        elif numberOfSubplots <= 15:
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots / 3.)), 3)
            subplotShape = (int(math.ceil(numberOfSubplots / 4.)), 4)

        # load axis data for evaluating the value to be plotted
        d = {}                      # contains all axis data for evaluating the function
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in self.input.v('grid', 'dimensions'):
                d[key] = kwargs[key]

        ## load axis data
        axis1_axis = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', axis1).reshape(self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', axis1) + 1)
        axis2_axis = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', axis2).reshape(self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', axis2) + 1)
        d[axis1] = axis1_axis
        d[axis2] = axis2_axis

        # plot loop
        plt.figure(plotno, figsize=subplotShape)
        # plt.hold(True)

        # loop over all combinations of the data
        for subplot_number, sub in enumerate(loopvalues):

            # append keylist with current sublevel
            keyListTemp = copy(keyList)
            if subplots=='sublevel':
            elif subplots:
                d[subplots] = sub

            # load dimensional axes and the value to be plotted
            value = self.input.v(*keyListTemp, **d)
            axis1_dim = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), axis1, **d)
            axis2_dim = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), axis2, **d)
            if kwargs.get('operation'):
                if kwargs.get('operation') is not np.angle:
                    value = kwargs['operation'](value)
                    value = -kwargs['operation'](value) * 180 / np.pi
                value = np.real(value)

            conv = cf.conversion.get(axis1) or 1.   # convert size of axis depending on conversion factor in config
            axis1_dim = axis1_dim*conv
            conv = cf.conversion.get(axis2) or 1.   # convert size of axis depending on conversion factor in config
            axis2_dim = axis2_dim*conv
            conv = cf.conversion.get(value_label) or 1.   # convert size of axis depending on conversion factor in config
            value = value*conv

            # set cmap
            if 'c' in value_label:
                cmap = 'YlOrBr'
                normalisecolor = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(np.abs(value)))
                if np.amax(np.abs(value))==0:
                    cmap = 'RdBu_r'
                    normalisecolor = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=0)
                elif np.amin(value) >= 0:
                    normalisecolor = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(np.abs(value)))
                    cmap = 'Reds'
                elif np.amax(value) <= 0:
                    normalisecolor = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.amin(value), vmax=0)
                    cmap = 'Blues_r'
                    normalisecolor = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-np.amax(np.abs(value)), vmax=np.amax(np.abs(value)))
                    cmap = 'RdBu_r'

            # plot
            plt.pcolormesh(axis1_dim, axis2_dim, value, norm=normalisecolor, cmap=cmap, shading='gouraud') #, cmap='YlOrBr'
            plt.plot(axis1_dim[:,1], axis2_dim[:,-1], 'k-', linewidth=0.2)
            plt.plot(axis1_dim[:,0], axis2_dim[:,0], 'k-', linewidth=0.2)
            plt.plot(axis1_dim[-1,:], axis2_dim[-1,:], 'k-', linewidth=0.2)
            plt.plot(axis1_dim[0,:], axis2_dim[0,:], 'k-', linewidth=0.2)
            if int(mpl.__version__.split('.')[0])>1:
                plt.gca().set_facecolor([.75, .75, .75])
                plt.gca().set_axis_bgcolor([.75, .75, .75])
            cb = plt.colorbar()
            plt.xlim(np.min(axis1_dim), np.max(axis1_dim))
            plt.ylim(np.min(axis2_dim), np.max(axis2_dim))

            ## Title and axis labels
            if numberOfSubplots > 1:
                if subplots == 'sublevel':
                    title = sub
                    title = subplots + ' = ' + str(sub)
                    title = cf.names[title]
                plt.title(title, fontsize=cf.fontsize)

            # axis labels. Try to get from config file, else take plain name
                xname = cf.names[axis1]
                xunit = cf.units[axis1]
            except KeyError:
                xname = axis1
                xunit = ''
                yname = cf.names[axis2]
                yunit = cf.units[axis2]
            except KeyError:
                yname = axis2
                yunit = ''

            plt.xlabel(xname+' ('+xunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
            plt.ylabel(yname+' ('+yunit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)

                value_name = cf.names[value_label]
                value_unit = cf.units[value_label]
                value_name = value_label
                value_unit = ''
            if numberOfSubplots > 1:
                if kwargs.get('operation')==np.abs or kwargs.get('operation')==abs:
                    plt.suptitle('|'+value_name+'|'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.angle:
                    plt.suptitle('Phase('+value_name+')'+' ('+cf.units['phase']+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.real:
                    plt.suptitle('Re('+value_name+')'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.imag:
                    plt.suptitle('Im('+value_name+')'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.suptitle(value_name+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                if kwargs.get('operation')==np.abs or kwargs.get('operation')==abs:
                    plt.title('|'+value_name+'|'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.angle:
                    plt.title('Phase('+value_name+')'+' ('+cf.units['phase']+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.real:
                    plt.title('Re('+value_name+')'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                elif kwargs.get('operation')==np.imag:
                    plt.title('Im('+value_name+')'+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
                    plt.title(value_name+' ('+value_unit+')', fontsize=cf.fontsize)
    def run(self):
        """Run function to initiate the calculation of the first order water level and velocities

            Dictionary with results. At least contains the variables listed as output in the registry
        """'Running module HydroFirst')

        # Initiate variables
        self.submodule = self.input.v('submodules')

        self.OMEGA = self.input.v('OMEGA')
        self.G = self.input.v('G')
        self.BETA = self.input.v('BETA')
        self.L = self.input.v('L')
        self.x = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x') * self.input.v('L')
        self.dx = self.x[1:] - self.x[:-1]
        kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
        self.z = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'z', 0, range(0, kmax + 1))
        self.zarr = ny.dimensionalAxis(
            self.input.slice('grid'), 'z'
        )[:, :, 0] - self.input.v('R', x=self.x / self.L).reshape(
            (len(self.x), 1)
        )  #YMD 22-8-17 includes reference level; note that we take a reference frame z=[-H-R, 0]

        self.Av0 = self.input.v('Av', x=self.x / self.L, z=0,
                                f=0).reshape(len(self.x), 1)
        self.Av0x = self.input.d('Av', x=self.x / self.L, z=0, f=0,
                                 dim='x').reshape(len(self.x), 1)

        self.sf = self.input.v('Roughness', x=self.x / self.L, z=0,
                               f=0).reshape(len(self.x), 1)
        self.sfx = self.input.d('Roughness',
                                x=self.x / self.L,
                                dim='x').reshape(len(self.x), 1)

        self.r = np.sqrt(2. * 1j * self.OMEGA / self.Av0).reshape(
            len(self.x), 1)
        self.H = self.input.v('H', x=self.x / self.L).reshape(len(
            self.x), 1) + self.input.v('R', x=self.x / self.L).reshape(
                len(self.x), 1)  # YMD added reference level 15-08-17
        self.alpha = (self.sf / (self.r * self.Av0 * np.sinh(self.r * self.H) +
                                 self.sf * np.cosh(self.r * self.H))).reshape(
                                     len(self.x), 1)

        self.B = self.input.v('B', x=self.x / self.L).reshape(len(self.x), 1)
        self.Bx = self.input.d('B', x=self.x / self.L,
                                                1).reshape(len(self.x), 1)
        self.u0 = self.input.v('zeta0', 'tide', range(0, len(self.x)), 0, 1)
        self.u0x = self.input.d('u0',
                                range(0, len(self.x)),
        self.u0z = self.input.d('u0',
                                range(0, len(self.x)),
        self.u0zz = self.input.d('u0',
                                 range(0, len(self.x)),

        self.M = ((self.alpha * np.sinh(self.r * self.H) / self.r) -
                  self.H) * (self.G / (2 * 1j * self.OMEGA)) * self.B
        self.bca = ny.amp_phase_input(self.input.v('A1'),
                                      self.input.v('phase1'), (3, ))[2]

        self.__bc = np.zeros(4)
        self.__F = []

        # compute and save results
        d = dict()
        d['zeta1'] = {}
        d['u1'] = {}

        for mod in self.submodule:
            # Compute results
            zeta, u = getattr(self, mod)()

            # save in dictionary
            nfz = NumericalFunctionWrapper(zeta[0], self.input.slice('grid'))
            nfz.addDerivative(zeta[1], dim='x')
            nfu = NumericalFunctionWrapper(u[0], self.input.slice('grid'))

            d['zeta1'][mod] = nfz.function
            d['u1'][mod] = nfu.function

        return d
    def availability(self, F, T, G, alpha1, alpha2):
        """Calculates the solution to the bed-evolution equation: the erodibility and availability of sediment

            F - diffusive coefficient in the availability equation that goes with a_x
            T - coefficient (advective, diffusive and stokes) in the availability equation that goes with a

            a - availability of sediment
            f - erodibility of sediment
        ## Init
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        B = self.input.v('B', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], [0])
        x = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input, 'x')[:, 0, 0]
        dx = x[1:] - x[:-1]

        ## Solution to bed-evolution equation
        ## analytical solution
        if np.all(G == 0):
            P = np.zeros(jmax + 1)
            P = integrate.cumtrapz(
                G / (F - 10**-6) *
                np.exp(integrate.cumtrapz(T / F, dx=dx, axis=0, initial=0)),

        exponent = np.exp(-integrate.cumtrapz(T / F, dx=dx, axis=0, initial=0))

        # Boundary conditions (analytical solution)
        # BC 1: total amount of sediment in the system
        if self.input.v('sedbc') == 'astar':
            astar = self.input.v('astar')
            k = (astar * np.trapz(B, dx=dx, axis=0) /
                 np.trapz(B * exponent, dx=dx, axis=0))

            # BC 2: concentration at the seaward boundary
        elif self.input.v('sedbc') == 'csea':
            csea = self.input.v('csea')
            c000 = alpha1[0]
            k = csea / c000 * (self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', 0) -
                               self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', 0))

            # BC 3: incorrect boundary description
            from src.util.diagnostics.KnownError import KnownError
            raise KnownError(
                'incorrect seaward boundary type (sedbc) for sediment module')

        # final solution (analytical)
        f0uncap = (k - P) * exponent

        ## Check if f<1 everywhere,
        # if not compute numerical solution instead with a time-stepping routine that maximises f at 1.
        if all(f0uncap < 1):
            f0 = f0uncap
            f0, Smod = self.availability_numerical(np.real(T), np.real(F),
                                                   np.real(f0uncap), k, alpha1,
                                                   alpha2, G)

        ## compute derivative
        if np.all(G == 0) and all(f0uncap < 1):
            f0x = -T / F * f0uncap  # only use analytical derivative in case with no fluvial source of sediment and f<1; else not reliable.
            f0x = ny.derivative(f0, 'x', self.input.slice('grid'))

        return f0uncap, f0, f0x
    def run(self):
        # self.timers[0].tic()'Running module StaticAvailability')

        ## Init
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
        fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')

        L = self.input.v('L')
        self.x = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x')
        self.zarr = ny.dimensionalAxis(
            self.input.slice('grid'), 'z'
        )[:, :, 0] - self.input.v('R', x=self.x / L).reshape(
            (len(self.x), 1)
        )  #YMD 22-8-17 includes reference level; note that we take a reference frame z=[-H-R, 0]

        c00 = np.real(
            self.input.v('hatc0', 'a', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
        c04 = np.abs(
            self.input.v('hatc0', 'a', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
        # c20 = np.real(self.input.v('hatc2', 'a', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), 0))       # NB. do not include hatc2 in the definition of alpha1 here
        alpha1 = ny.integrate(c00, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:,
        alpha1[-1] += alpha1[
            -2]  # correct alpha1 at last point to prevent zero value
        alpha2 = ny.integrate(c04, 'z', kmax, 0,
                              self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0] / alpha1 + 1.e-3
        # self.timers[0].toc()

        ## Compute T and F
        # self.timers[1].tic()
        d = self.compute_transport()
        G = self.compute_source()
        # self.timers[1].toc()

        ## 4. Calculate availability
        # self.timers[2].tic()
        # Add all mechanisms to datacontainer
        dctrans = DataContainer(d)

        # Calculate availability
        a, f0, f0x = self.availability(dctrans.v('F', range(0, jmax + 1)),
                                       dctrans.v('T', range(0, jmax + 1)), G,
                                       alpha1, alpha2)
        f0 = f0.reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        f0x = f0x.reshape(jmax + 1, 1)

        d['a'] = a
        nfu = ny.functionTemplates.NumericalFunctionWrapper(
            f0[:, 0], self.input.slice('grid'))
        nfu.addDerivative(f0x[:, 0], 'x')
        d['f'] = nfu.function
        # self.timers[2].toc()

        # 5. Calculate concentrations, i.e. a*hatc(a) + ax*hatc(ax)
        # self.timers[3].tic()
        d['c0'] = {}
        d['c1'] = {}
        d['c2'] = {}

        # Calculate c0=f*hatc0
        for submod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc0', 'a'):
            c0_comp = self.input.v('hatc0', 'a', submod, range(0, jmax + 1),
                                   range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1))
            d['c0'][submod] = {}
            tmp = f0[:, None] * c0_comp
            d['c0'][submod] = tmp

        # Calculate c1 = f*hatc1_f + fx*hatc1_fx
        for submod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc1', 'a'):
            if submod == 'erosion':
                for subsubmod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc1', 'a', 'erosion'):
                    c1_comp = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', 'erosion', subsubmod,
                                           range(0, jmax + 1),
                                           range(0, kmax + 1),
                                           range(0, fmax + 1))
                    d['c1'] = self.dictExpand(d['c1'], 'erosion', subsubmod)
                    tmp = f0[:, None] * c1_comp
                    d['c1']['erosion'][subsubmod] = tmp

            elif submod == 'sedadv':
                c1_comp_a = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', 'sedadv',
                                               jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
                                         range(0, fmax + 1))
                c1_comp_ax = self.input.v('hatc1', 'ax', 'sedadv',
                                                jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
                                          range(0, fmax + 1))
                d['c1'][submod] = {}
                tmp = f0[:, None] * c1_comp_a + f0x[:, None] * c1_comp_ax
                d['c1'][submod] = tmp

                c1_comp = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', submod,
                                       range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
                                       range(0, fmax + 1))
                d['c1'][submod] = {}
                tmp = f0[:, None] * c1_comp
                d['c1'][submod] = tmp

        # Calculate c2 = f*hatc2
        for subsubmod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc2', 'a', 'erosion'):
            c2_comp = self.input.v('hatc2', 'a', 'erosion', subsubmod,
                                   range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1),
                                   range(0, fmax + 1))
            d['c2'] = self.dictExpand(d['c2'], 'erosion', subsubmod)
            tmp = f0[:, None] * c2_comp
            d['c2']['erosion'][subsubmod] = tmp

        # self.timers[3].toc()
        # self.timers[0].disp('time availability - init')
        # self.timers[1].disp('time availability - T, F')
        # self.timers[2].disp('time availability - a, f')
        # self.timers[3].disp('time availability - to dict')
        # self.timers[4].disp('time availability - cap')
        # self.timers[5].disp('time availability - trap')
        # [self.timers[i].reset() for i in range(0, len(self.timers))]

        return d
    def run(self):
        data = self.input.getKeysOf('experimentdata')
        var1 = 'ws0'
        var2 = 'Q1'

        v2 = []
        v1 = []
        for dat in data:
            dc = self.input.v('experimentdata', dat)
        v1 = list(set(v1))
        v2 = list(set(v2))
        x = dc.v('grid', 'axis', 'x')
        xdim = ny.dimensionalAxis(dc.slice('grid'), 'x')[:, 0, 0]

        ETMloc = np.nan * np.ones((len(v1), len(v2)))
        maxc = np.nan * np.ones((len(v1), len(v2)))
        for q, dat in enumerate(data):
            print q

            dc = self.input.v('experimentdata', dat)
            i = v1.index(dc.v(var1))
            j = v2.index(dc.v(var2))

            c = dc.v('c', x=x, z=1, f=0)
            if c is None:
                c = dc.v('c0', x=x, z=1, f=0) + dc.v('c2', x=x, z=1, f=0)
            maxc[i, j] = np.max(c)

                # loc = ny.toList(self.findETM(xdim, T, Tx))
                loc = ny.toList(self.findETM(xdim, c))
                ETMloc[i, j] = np.asarray(loc)
                print 'no etm'

        plt.figure(1, figsize=(1, 1))
        log1 = 'True'
        log2 = 'False'
        if log1 == 'True':
            v1 = np.log10(np.asarray(v1))
        if log2 == 'True':
            v2 = np.log10(np.asarray(v2))

        x_up_round = np.ceil(max(xdim) / 10000.) * 10.
        ETMloc[np.where(ETMloc >= x_up_round * 1000.)] = x_up_round * 1000.
        levels = np.linspace(0., x_up_round, x_up_round / 2 + 1)
                     ETMloc.T / 1000.,
        plt.title('ETM location (km)')
        if log1 == 'True':
            xmin = np.min(np.asarray(v1))
            xmax = np.max(np.asarray(v1))
            xtick = np.arange(np.ceil(xmin), np.floor(xmax) + 1)
            plt.xticks(xtick, [10.**i for i in xtick])
            plt.xlabel('$\log_{10} w_s$ (m/s)')

        plt.ylabel('Q $(m^3/s)$')


        # ## Fig 2
        # plt.figure(2, figsize=(1,1))
        # plt.contourf(np.asarray(v1), np.asarray(v2), maxc.T/1000., 40)
        # plt.title('Maximum near-bed\nconcentration (g/l)')
        # if log1 == 'True':
        #     xmin = np.min(np.asarray(v1))
        #     xmax = np.max(np.asarray(v1))
        #     xtick = np.arange(np.ceil(xmin),np.floor(xmax)+1)
        #     plt.xticks(xtick, [10.**i for i in xtick])
        #     plt.xlabel('$\log_{10} w_s$ (m/s)')
        # plt.ylabel('Q $(m^3/s)$')

        # plt.colorbar()
        d = {}
        return d
    def run(self):
        """Run function to initiate the calculation of the sediment transport

             Dictionary with results. At least contains the variables listed as output in the registry
        # self.timer.tic()'Running module Sediment Capacity')

        ## 1. Initiate variables
        self.SIGMA = self.input.v('OMEGA')
        self.RHOS = self.input.v('RHOS')
        self.RHO0 = self.input.v('RHO0')
        self.DS = self.input.v('DS')
        self.GPRIME = self.input.v('G') * (
            self.RHOS - self.input.v('RHO0')) / self.input.v('RHO0')  #

        self.L = self.input.v('L')
        self.x = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x') * self.input.v('L')
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
        self.z = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'z', 0, range(0, kmax + 1))
        self.zarr = ny.dimensionalAxis(
            self.input.slice('grid'), 'z'
        )[:, :, 0] - self.input.v('R', x=self.x / self.L).reshape(
            (len(self.x), 1)
        )  #YMD 22-8-17 includes reference level; note that we take a reference frame z=[-H-R, 0]

        self.WS = self.input.v('ws0', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], 0)
        self.WSx = self.input.d('ws0', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], 0, dim='x')
        self.Kv0 = self.input.v('Kv', range(0, jmax + 1), 0,
                                0).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.Kv0x = self.input.d('Kv', range(0, jmax + 1), 0, 0,
                                 dim='x').reshape(jmax + 1, 1)

        self.HR = (self.input.v('H', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(jmax + 1, 1) +
                   self.input.v('R', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape(jmax + 1, 1))
        self.Hx = self.input.d('H', range(0, jmax + 1), dim='x').reshape(
            (jmax + 1, 1))

        if self.input.v('friction') is not None:
            self.sf = self.input.v(self.input.v('friction'),
                                         jmax + 1), 0, 0).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
            self.sfx = self.input.d(self.input.v('friction'),
                                    range(0, jmax + 1),
                                    dim='x').reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
            self.sf = self.input.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1), 0,
                                   0).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
            self.sfx = self.input.d('Roughness',
                                    range(0, jmax + 1),
                                    dim='x').reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.submodules_hydro =['u1'].keys()
        self.submodules_sed = self.input.v('submodules')

        # Extract leading order surface elevation and horizontal and vertical velocities
        self.zeta0 = self.input.v('zeta0', 'tide', range(0, jmax + 1), 0,
                                  1).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)
        self.u0 = self.input.v('u0', 'tide', range(0, jmax + 1),
                               range(0, kmax + 1), 1)
        self.w0 = self.input.v('w0', 'tide', range(0, jmax + 1),
                               range(0, kmax + 1), 1)
        self.finf = self.input.v('finf')
        self.finfx = self.input.d('finf', dim='x')

        # Initiate dictionary to save results
        d = {}

        ## 2. Calculate leading, first and second order concentration amplitudes hatc0, hatc1 and hatc2
        # Initiate variables
        d['hatc0'] = {}
        d['hatc1'] = {'a': {}, 'ax': {}}
        d['hatc2'] = {}

        # Calculate leading-order concentration amplitudes
        d['hatc0'] = self.erosion_lead()

        # Calculate first order concentration amplitudes
        for sedmod in self.submodules_sed:
            hatc1 = getattr(self, sedmod)()
            for k in hatc1.keys():

        # Calculate second order concentration amplitudes
        d['hatc2'] = self.erosion_second()
        # self.timer.toc()
        # self.timer.disp('time sediment capacity')
        # self.timer.reset()
        return d