def gen_anat_segs(anat_loc, out_aff): # # Custom inputs# # try: FSLDIR = os.environ['FSLDIR'] except KeyError: print('FSLDIR environment variable not set!') import nipype.interfaces.fsl as fsl #import nibabel as nib #from nilearn.image import resample_img from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ExtractROI print( '\nSegmenting anatomical image to create White Matter and Ventricular CSF masks for contraining the tractography...' ) # Create MNI ventricle mask print('Creating MNI space ventricle mask...') anat_dir = os.path.dirname(anat_loc) lvent_out_file = "%s%s" % (anat_dir, '/LVentricle.nii.gz') rvent_out_file = "%s%s" % (anat_dir, '/RVentricle.nii.gz') MNI_atlas = "%s%s" % ( FSLDIR, '/data/atlases/HarvardOxford/HarvardOxford-sub-prob-1mm.nii.gz') fslroi1 = ExtractROI(in_file=MNI_atlas, roi_file=lvent_out_file, t_min=2, t_size=1) os.system(fslroi1.cmdline) fslroi2 = ExtractROI(in_file=MNI_atlas, roi_file=rvent_out_file, t_min=13, t_size=1) os.system(fslroi2.cmdline) mni_csf_loc = anat_dir + '/VentricleMask.nii.gz' args = "%s%s%s" % ('-add ', rvent_out_file, ' -thr 0.1 -bin -dilF') maths = fsl.ImageMaths(in_file=lvent_out_file, op_string=args, out_file=mni_csf_loc) os.system(maths.cmdline) # Segment anatomical (should be in MNI space) print('Segmenting anatomical image using FAST...') fastr = fsl.FAST() fastr.inputs.in_files = anat_loc fastr.inputs.img_type = 1 old_file_csf = "%s%s" % (anat_loc.split('.nii.gz')[0], '_pve_0.nii.gz') new_file_csf = "%s%s" % (anat_dir, '/CSF.nii.gz') old_file_wm = "%s%s" % (anat_loc.split('.nii.gz')[0], '_pve_2.nii.gz') new_file_wm = "%s%s" % (anat_dir, '/WM.nii.gz') os.rename(old_file_csf, new_file_csf) os.rename(old_file_wm, new_file_wm) # Reslice to 1x1x1mm voxels #img=nib.load(anat_loc) #vox_sz = img.affine[0][0] #targ_aff = img.affine/(np.array([[int(abs(vox_sz)),1,1,1],[1,int(abs(vox_sz)),1,1],[1,1,int(abs(vox_sz)),1],[1,1,1,1]])) #new_file_csf_res = resample_img(new_file_csf, target_affine=targ_aff) #new_file_wm_res = resample_img(new_file_wm, target_affine=targ_aff), new_file_csf), new_file_wm) return new_file_csf, mni_csf_loc, new_file_wm
def fslmath_ExtractROI_T(input_file, tmin, tsize, out_prefix): from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ExtractROI import os splitM = ExtractROI() splitM.inputs.in_file = input_file splitM.inputs.t_min = tmin splitM.inputs.t_size = tsize splitM.inputs.output_type = 'NIFTI_GZ' print "ExtractROI [" + os.path.basename(input_file) + "]:" + splitM.cmdline res = outfile = d2s.move_to_results(res.outputs.roi_file, out_prefix) return outfile
def gen_anat_segs(anat_loc, FSLDIR): import nipype.interfaces.fsl as fsl from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ExtractROI ##Create MNI ventricle mask print('Creating MNI space ventricle mask...') anat_dir = os.path.dirname(anat_loc) lvent_out_file = anat_dir + '/LVentricle.nii.gz' rvent_out_file = anat_dir + '/RVentricle.nii.gz' MNI_atlas = FSLDIR + '/data/atlases/HarvardOxford/HarvardOxford-sub-prob-1mm.nii.gz' fslroi1 = ExtractROI(in_file=MNI_atlas, roi_file=lvent_out_file, t_min=2, t_size=1) os.system(fslroi1.cmdline) fslroi2 = ExtractROI(in_file=MNI_atlas, roi_file=rvent_out_file, t_min=13, t_size=1) os.system(fslroi2.cmdline) mni_csf_loc = anat_dir + '/VentricleMask.nii.gz' args = '-add ' + rvent_out_file + ' -thr 0.1 -bin -dilF' maths = fsl.ImageMaths(in_file=lvent_out_file, op_string=args, out_file=mni_csf_loc) os.system(maths.cmdline) ##Segment anatomical (should be in MNI space) print('Segmenting anatomical image using FAST...') fastr = fsl.FAST() fastr.inputs.in_files = anat_loc fastr.inputs.img_type = 1 old_file_csf = anat_loc.split('.nii.gz')[0] + '_pve_0.nii.gz' new_file_csf = anat_dir + '/CSF.nii.gz' os.rename(old_file_csf, new_file_csf) old_file_wm = anat_loc.split('.nii.gz')[0] + '_pve_2.nii.gz' new_file_wm = anat_dir + '/WM.nii.gz' os.rename(old_file_wm, new_file_wm) return (new_file_csf, new_file_wm, mni_csf_loc)
def define_workflow(subject_list, run_list, experiment_dir, output_dir): """run the smooth workflow given subject and runs""" # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") # Smooth - image smoothing smooth = Node(Smooth(fwhm=[8, 8, 8]), name="smooth") # Mask - applying mask to smoothed # mask_func = Node(ApplyMask(output_type='NIFTI'), # name="mask_func") # Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'run_num']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list), ('run_num', run_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data (alternativ to DataGrabber) func_file = opj( 'sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_task-tsl_run-{run_num}_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz' ) templates = {'func': func_file} selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=data_dir), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") ## Use the following DataSink output substitutions substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-'), ('ssub', 'sub'), ('_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_', '_fwhm-8_'), ('_fwhm_', ''), ('_roi', '')] substitutions += [('_run_num_%s' % r, '') for r in run_list] datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # Create a preprocessing workflow preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the preprocessing workflow (spm smooth) preproc.connect([(infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('run_num', 'run_num')]), (selectfiles, extract, [('func', 'in_file')]), (extract, smooth, [('roi_file', 'in_files')]), (smooth, datasink, [('smoothed_files', 'preproc.@smooth') ])]) return preproc
def Extract_vol_pipeline(self, **kwargs): pipeline = self.new_pipeline( name='Extract_volume', desc=('Extract the last volume of the 4D PET timeseries'), citations=[], **kwargs) pipeline.add('fslroi', ExtractROI(roi_file='vol.nii.gz', t_min=79, t_size=1), inputs={'in_file': ('pet_volumes', nifti_gz_format)}, outputs={'pet_image': ('roi_file', nifti_gz_format)}) return pipeline
def Extract_vol_pipeline(self, **kwargs): pipeline = self.create_pipeline( name='Extract_volume', inputs=[DatasetSpec('pet_volumes', nifti_gz_format)], outputs=[DatasetSpec('pet_image', nifti_gz_format)], desc=('Extract the last volume of the 4D PET timeseries'), version=1, citations=[], **kwargs) fslroi = pipeline.create_node( ExtractROI(roi_file='vol.nii.gz', t_min=79, t_size=1), name='fslroi') pipeline.connect_input('pet_volumes', fslroi, 'in_file') pipeline.connect_output('pet_image', fslroi, 'roi_file') return pipeline
DWIDenoise, Generate5tt, MRDeGibbs, ResponseSD, ) #: A dictionary that should be imported in the project's settings and included #: within the *ANALYSIS_INTERFACES* setting. interfaces = { "apply_topup": {ApplyTOPUP().version: ApplyTOPUP}, "binary_maths": {BinaryMaths().version: BinaryMaths}, "BET": {BET().version: BET}, "CAT12 Segmentation": {"12.7": Cat12Segmentation}, "fslmerge": {Merge().version: Merge}, "fslreorient2std": {Reorient2Std().version: Reorient2Std}, "fslroi": {ExtractROI().version: ExtractROI}, "FAST": {FastWrapper.version: FastWrapper}, "FLIRT": {FLIRT().version: FLIRT}, "FNIRT": {FNIRT().version: FNIRT}, "FSL Anatomical Processing Script": {FslAnat.__version__: FslAnat}, "mean_image": {MeanImage().version: MeanImage}, "robustfov": {RobustFOV().version: RobustFOV}, "ReconAll": {ReconAll().version: ReconAll}, "SUSAN": {SUSAN().version: SUSAN}, "topup": {TopupWrapper.version: TopupWrapper}, "eddy": {Eddy().version: Eddy}, "denoise": {DWIDenoise().version: DWIDenoise}, "degibbs": {MRDeGibbs().version: MRDeGibbs}, "bias_correct": {DWIBiasCorrect().version: DWIBiasCorrect}, "dwifslpreproc": {DwiFslPreproc.__version__: DwiFslPreproc}, "mrconvert": {MRConvert.__version__: MRConvert},
def preproc_workflow(input_dir, output_dir, subject_list, ses_list, anat_file, func_file, scan_size=477, bet_frac=0.37): """ The preprocessing workflow used in the preparation of the psilocybin vs escitalopram rsFMRI scans. Workflows and notes are defined throughout. Inputs are designed to be general and masks/default MNI space is provided :param input_dir: The input file directory containing all scans in BIDS format :param output_dir: The output file directory :param subject_list: a list of subject numbers :param ses_list: a list of scan numbers (session numbers) :param anat_file: The format of the anatomical scan within the input directory :param func_file: The format of the functional scan within the input directory :param scan_size: The length of the scan by number of images, most 10 minutes scans are around 400-500 depending upon scanner defaults and parameters - confirm by looking at your data :param bet_frac: brain extraction fractional intensity threshold :return: the preprocessing workflow """ preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = output_dir # Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'ses']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list), ('ses', ses_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data (alternative to DataGrabber) templates = { 'anat': anat_file, 'func': func_file } # define the template of each file input selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=input_dir), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=output_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") preproc.connect([(infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('ses', 'ses')])]) ''' This is your functional processing workflow, used to trim scans, despike the signal, slice-time correct, and motion correct your data ''' fproc = Workflow(name='fproc') # the functional processing workflow # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans at the beginning of the recording by removing the first three trim = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=3, t_size=scan_size, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="trim") # 3dDespike - despike despike = Node(Despike(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', args='-NEW'), name="despike") fproc.connect([(trim, despike, [('roi_file', 'in_file')])]) preproc.connect([(selectfiles, fproc, [('func', 'trim.in_file')])]) # 3dTshift - slice time correction slicetime = Node(TShift(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', tpattern='alt+z2'), name="slicetime") fproc.connect([(despike, slicetime, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # 3dVolreg - correct motion and output 1d matrix moco = Node(Volreg(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', interp='Fourier', zpad=4, args='-twopass'), name="moco") fproc.connect([(slicetime, moco, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) moco_bpfdt = Node( MOCObpfdt(), name='moco_bpfdt' ) # use the matlab function to correct the motion regressor fproc.connect([(moco, moco_bpfdt, [('oned_file', 'in_file')])]) ''' This is the co-registration workflow using FSL and ANTs ''' coreg = Workflow(name='coreg') # BET - structural data brain extraction bet_anat = Node(BET(output_type='NIFTI_GZ', frac=bet_frac, robust=True), name="bet_anat") # FSL segmentation process to get WM map seg = Node(FAST(bias_iters=6, img_type=1, output_biascorrected=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="seg") coreg.connect([(bet_anat, seg, [('out_file', 'in_files')])]) # functional to structural registration mean = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="mean") # BBR using linear methods for initial transform fit func2struc = Node(FLIRT(cost='bbr', dof=6, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name='func2struc') coreg.connect([(seg, func2struc, [('restored_image', 'reference')])]) coreg.connect([(mean, func2struc, [('mean_img', 'in_file')])]) coreg.connect([(seg, func2struc, [(('tissue_class_files', pickindex, 2), 'wm_seg')])]) # convert the FSL linear transform into a C3d format for AFNI f2s_c3d = Node(C3dAffineTool(itk_transform=True, fsl2ras=True), name='f2s_c3d') coreg.connect([(func2struc, f2s_c3d, [('out_matrix_file', 'transform_file') ])]) coreg.connect([(mean, f2s_c3d, [('mean_img', 'source_file')])]) coreg.connect([(seg, f2s_c3d, [('restored_image', 'reference_file')])]) # Functional to structural registration via ANTs non-linear registration reg = Node(Registration( fixed_image='default_images/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz', transforms=['Affine', 'SyN'], transform_parameters=[(0.1, ), (0.1, 3.0, 0.0)], number_of_iterations=[[1500, 1000, 1000], [100, 70, 50, 20]], dimension=3, write_composite_transform=True, collapse_output_transforms=True, metric=['MI'] + ['CC'], metric_weight=[1] * 2, radius_or_number_of_bins=[32] + [4], convergence_threshold=[1.e-8, 1.e-9], convergence_window_size=[20] + [10], smoothing_sigmas=[[2, 1, 0], [4, 2, 1, 0]], sigma_units=['vox'] * 2, shrink_factors=[[4, 2, 1], [6, 4, 2, 1]], use_histogram_matching=[False] + [True], use_estimate_learning_rate_once=[True, True], output_warped_image=True), name='reg') coreg.connect([(seg, reg, [('restored_image', 'moving_image')]) ]) # connect segmentation node to registration node merge1 = Node(niu.Merge(2), iterfield=['in2'], name='merge1') # merge the linear and nonlinear transforms coreg.connect([(f2s_c3d, merge1, [('itk_transform', 'in2')])]) coreg.connect([(reg, merge1, [('composite_transform', 'in1')])]) # warp the functional images into MNI space using the transforms from FLIRT and SYN warp = Node(ApplyTransforms( reference_image='default_images/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz', input_image_type=3), name='warp') coreg.connect([(moco, warp, [('out_file', 'input_image')])]) coreg.connect([(merge1, warp, [('out', 'transforms')])]) preproc.connect([(selectfiles, coreg, [('anat', 'bet_anat.in_file')])]) preproc.connect([(fproc, coreg, [('moco.out_file', 'mean.in_file')])]) ''' Scrubbing workflow - find the motion outliers, bandpass filter, re-mean the data after bpf ''' scrub = Workflow(name='scrub') # Generate the Scrubbing Regressor scrub_metrics = Node(MotionOutliers(dummy=4, out_file='FD_outliers.1D', metric='fd', threshold=0.4), name="scrub_metrics") # regress out timepoints scrub_frames = Node(Bandpass(highpass=0, lowpass=99999, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='scrub_frames') scrub.connect([(scrub_metrics, scrub_frames, [('out_file', 'orthogonalize_file')])]) preproc.connect([(coreg, scrub, [('warp.output_image', 'scrub_frames.in_file')])]) preproc.connect([(selectfiles, scrub, [('func', 'scrub_metrics.in_file')]) ]) # mean image for remeaning after bandpass premean = Node(TStat(args='-mean', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='premean') # remean the image remean2 = Node(Calc(expr='a+b', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='remean2') scrub.connect([(scrub_frames, remean2, [('out_file', 'in_file_a')])]) scrub.connect([(premean, remean2, [('out_file', 'in_file_b')])]) preproc.connect([(coreg, scrub, [('warp.output_image', 'premean.in_file')]) ]) ''' Regressors for final cleaning steps ''' regressors = Workflow(name='regressors') # Using registered structural image to create the masks for both WM and CSF regbet = Node(BET(robust=True, frac=0.37, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name='regbet') regseg = Node(FAST(img_type=1, output_type='NIFTI_GZ', no_pve=True, no_bias=True, segments=True), name='regseg') regressors.connect([(regbet, regseg, [('out_file', 'in_files')])]) preproc.connect([(coreg, regressors, [('reg.warped_image', 'regbet.in_file')])]) ''' Create a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) regressor ''' # subtract subcortical GM from the CSF mask subcortgm = Node(BinaryMaths( operation='sub', operand_file='default_images/subcortical_gm_mask_bin.nii.gz', output_type='NIFTI_GZ', args='-bin'), name='subcortgm') regressors.connect([(regseg, subcortgm, [(('tissue_class_files', pickindex, 0), 'in_file')])]) # Fill the mask holes fillcsf = Node(MaskTool(fill_holes=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='fillcsf') regressors.connect([(subcortgm, fillcsf, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # Erode the mask erocsf = Node(MaskTool(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', dilate_inputs='-1'), name='erocsf') regressors.connect([(fillcsf, erocsf, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # Take mean csf signal from functional image meancsf = Node(ImageMeants(output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name='meancsf') regressors.connect([(erocsf, meancsf, [('out_file', 'mask')])]) preproc.connect([(coreg, regressors, [('warp.output_image', 'meancsf.in_file')])]) bpf_dt_csf = Node(CSFbpfdt(), name='bpf_dt_csf') regressors.connect([(meancsf, bpf_dt_csf, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) ''' Creates a local white matter regressor ''' # subtract subcortical gm subcortgm2 = Node(BinaryMaths( operation='sub', operand_file='default_images/subcortical_gm_mask_bin.nii.gz', output_type='NIFTI_GZ', args='-bin'), name='subcortgm2') regressors.connect([(regseg, subcortgm2, [(('tissue_class_files', pickindex, 2), 'in_file')])]) # fill mask fillwm = Node(MaskTool(fill_holes=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='fillwm') regressors.connect([(subcortgm2, fillwm, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # erod mask erowm = Node(MaskTool(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', dilate_inputs='-1'), name='erowm') regressors.connect([(fillwm, erowm, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # generate local wm localwm = Node(Localstat(neighborhood=('SPHERE', 25), stat='mean', nonmask=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='localwm') regressors.connect([(erowm, localwm, [('out_file', 'mask_file')])]) preproc.connect([(coreg, regressors, [('warp.output_image', 'localwm.in_file')])]) # bandpass filter the local wm regressor localwm_bpf = Node(Fourier(highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.08, args='-retrend', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='loacwm_bpf') regressors.connect([(localwm, localwm_bpf, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # detrend the local wm regressor localwm_bpf_dt = Node(Detrend(args='-polort 2', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='localwm_bpf_dt') regressors.connect([(localwm_bpf, localwm_bpf_dt, [('out_file', 'in_file') ])]) ''' Clean up your functional image with the regressors you have created above ''' # create a mask for blurring filtering, and detrending clean = Workflow(name='clean') mask = Node(BET(mask=True, functional=True), name='mask') mean_mask = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="mean_mask") dilf = Node(DilateImage(operation='max', output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name='dilf') clean.connect([(mask, dilf, [('mask_file', 'in_file')])]) preproc.connect([(scrub, clean, [('remean2.out_file', 'mask.in_file')])]) fill = Node(MaskTool(in_file='default_images/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz', fill_holes=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='fill') axb = Node(Calc(expr='a*b', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='axb') clean.connect([(dilf, axb, [('out_file', 'in_file_a')])]) clean.connect([(fill, axb, [('out_file', 'in_file_b')])]) bxc = Node(Calc(expr='ispositive(a)*b', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='bxc') clean.connect([(mean_mask, bxc, [('mean_img', 'in_file_a')])]) clean.connect([(axb, bxc, [('out_file', 'in_file_b')])]) preproc.connect([(scrub, clean, [('remean2.out_file', 'mean_mask.in_file') ])]) #### BLUR, FOURIER BPF, and DETREND blurinmask = Node(BlurInMask(fwhm=6, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='blurinmask') clean.connect([(bxc, blurinmask, [('out_file', 'mask')])]) preproc.connect([(scrub, clean, [('remean2.out_file', 'blurinmask.in_file') ])]) fourier = Node(Fourier(highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.08, retrend=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='fourier') clean.connect([(blurinmask, fourier, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) tstat = Node(TStat(args='-mean', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='tstat') clean.connect([(fourier, tstat, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) detrend = Node(Detrend(args='-polort 2', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='detrend') clean.connect([(fourier, detrend, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) remean = Node(Calc(expr='a+b', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='remean') clean.connect([(detrend, remean, [('out_file', 'in_file_a')])]) clean.connect([(tstat, remean, [('out_file', 'in_file_b')])]) concat = Node(ConcatModel(), name='concat') # Removes nuisance regressors via regression function clean_rs = Node(Bandpass(highpass=0, lowpass=99999, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='clean_rs') clean.connect([(concat, clean_rs, [('out_file', 'orthogonalize_file')])]) remean1 = Node(Calc(expr='a+b', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='remean1') clean.connect([(clean_rs, remean1, [('out_file', 'in_file_a')])]) clean.connect([(tstat, remean1, [('out_file', 'in_file_b')])]) preproc.connect([(regressors, clean, [('bpf_dt_csf.out_file', 'concat.in_file_a')])]) preproc.connect([(fproc, clean, [('moco_bpfdt.out_file', 'concat.in_file_b')])]) preproc.connect([(regressors, clean, [('localwm_bpf_dt.out_file', 'clean_rs.orthogonalize_dset')])]) clean.connect([(remean, clean_rs, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) ''' Write graphical output detailing the workflows and nodes ''' fproc.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') fproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') coreg.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') coreg.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') scrub.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') scrub.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') regressors.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') regressors.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') preproc.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') preproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True, dotfilename='./') return preproc
coregwf.connect([ (bet_anat, segmentation, [('out_file', 'in_files')]), (segmentation, threshold, [(('partial_volume_files', pif.get_wm), 'in_file')]), (bet_anat, coreg_pre, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (MNI, Normalization, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (threshold, coreg_bbr, [('out_file', 'wm_seg')]), (coreg_pre, coreg_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (coreg_bbr, Normalization, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (Normalization, applywarp, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (MNI, applywarp, [('out_file', 'reference')]), ]) #coregwf.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='svg', simple_form=True) '''-------------------------Nodos flujo funcional---------------------------''' '''#########################################################################''' extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="extract") mcflirt2 = Node(Function(input_names=['in_file', 'dof'], output_names=['out_file', 'mean_img', 'par_file'], function=pif.MCflirt2), name='mcflirt2') mcflirt2.inputs.dof = 12 #mcflirt2.iterables = ("dof", DOF) slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=TR), name="slicetimer")
def preprocessing(*argu): argu = argu[0] json_file = argu[1] with open(json_file, 'r') as jsonfile: info = json.load(jsonfile, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) subject_list = info["subject_list"] experiment_dir = info["experiment_dir"] output_dir = 'datasink' working_dir = 'workingdir' task_list = info["task_list"] fwhm = [*map(int, info["fwhm"])] TR = float(info["TR"]) iso_size = 4 slice_list = [*map(int, info["slice order"])] # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=int(info["dummy scans"]), t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") slicetime = Node(SliceTiming(num_slices=len(slice_list), ref_slice=int(median(slice_list)), slice_order=slice_list, time_repetition=TR, time_acquisition=TR - (TR / len(slice_list))), name="slicetime") mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="mcflirt") # Smooth - image smoothing smooth = Node(Smooth(), name="smooth") smooth.iterables = ("fwhm", fwhm) # Artifact Detection - determines outliers in functional images art = Node(ArtifactDetect(norm_threshold=2, zintensity_threshold=3, mask_type='spm_global', parameter_source='FSL', use_differences=[True, False], plot_type='svg'), name="art") # BET - Skullstrip anatomical Image bet_anat = Node(BET(frac=0.5, robust=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="bet_anat") # FAST - Image Segmentation segmentation = Node(FAST(output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="segmentation", mem_gb=4) # Select WM segmentation file from segmentation output def get_wm(files): return files[-1] # Threshold - Threshold WM probability image threshold = Node(Threshold(thresh=0.5, args='-bin', output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="threshold") # FLIRT - pre-alignment of functional images to anatomical images coreg_pre = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="coreg_pre") # FLIRT - coregistration of functional images to anatomical images with BBR coreg_bbr = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, cost='bbr', schedule=opj(os.getenv('FSLDIR'), 'etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch'), output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="coreg_bbr") # Apply coregistration warp to functional images applywarp = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI'), name="applywarp") # Apply coregistration warp to mean file applywarp_mean = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="applywarp_mean") # Create a coregistration workflow coregwf = Workflow(name='coregwf') coregwf.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the coregistration workflow coregwf.connect([ (bet_anat, segmentation, [('out_file', 'in_files')]), (segmentation, threshold, [(('partial_volume_files', get_wm), 'in_file')]), (bet_anat, coreg_pre, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (threshold, coreg_bbr, [('out_file', 'wm_seg')]), (coreg_pre, coreg_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (bet_anat, applywarp, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp_mean, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (bet_anat, applywarp_mean, [('out_file', 'reference')]), ]) # Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'task_name']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list), ('task_name', task_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data (alternativ to DataGrabber) anat_file = opj('sub-{subject_id}', 'anat', 'sub-{subject_id}_T1w.nii.gz') func_file = opj('sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_task-{task_name}_bold.nii.gz') templates = {'anat': anat_file, 'func': func_file} selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=info["base directory"]), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") ## Use the following DataSink output substitutions substitutions = [ ('_subject_id_', 'sub-'), ('_task_name_', '/task-'), ('_fwhm_', 'fwhm-'), ('_roi', ''), ('_mcf', ''), ('_st', ''), ('_flirt', ''), ('.nii_mean_reg', '_mean'), ('.nii.par', '.par'), ] subjFolders = [('fwhm-%s/' % f, 'fwhm-%s_' % f) for f in fwhm] substitutions.extend(subjFolders) datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # Create a preprocessing workflow preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the preprocessing workflow preproc.connect([ (infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('task_name', 'task_name')]), (selectfiles, extract, [('func', 'in_file')]), (extract, slicetime, [('roi_file', 'in_files')]), (slicetime, mcflirt, [('timecorrected_files', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, coregwf, [('anat', 'bet_anat.in_file'), ('anat', 'coreg_bbr.reference')]), (mcflirt, coregwf, [('mean_img', 'coreg_pre.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'coreg_bbr.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'applywarp_mean.in_file')]), (mcflirt, coregwf, [('out_file', 'applywarp.in_file')]), (coregwf, smooth, [('applywarp.out_file', 'in_files')]), (mcflirt, datasink, [('par_file', 'preproc.@par')]), (smooth, datasink, [('smoothed_files', 'preproc.@smooth')]), (coregwf, datasink, [('applywarp_mean.out_file', 'preproc.@mean')]), (coregwf, art, [('applywarp.out_file', 'realigned_files')]), (mcflirt, art, [('par_file', 'realignment_parameters')]), (coregwf, datasink, [('coreg_bbr.out_matrix_file', 'preproc.@mat_file'), ('bet_anat.out_file', 'preproc.@brain')]), (art, datasink, [('outlier_files', 'preproc.@outlier_files'), ('plot_files', 'preproc.@plot_files')]), ]) # Create preproc output graph# Creat # Create preproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True) # Visualize the graph img1 = imread(opj(preproc.base_dir, 'preproc', 'graph.png')) plt.imshow(img1) plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) # Visualize the detailed graph# Visua # Visual preproc.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True) img2 = imread(opj(preproc.base_dir, 'preproc', 'graph_detailed.png')) plt.imshow(img2) plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) print("Workflow all set. Check the workflow image :)") response = input('Should run the workflow? Enter yes or no :') if response == 'yes':'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 10}) elif response == 'no': print('Exits the program since you entered no') else: raise RuntimeError('Should enter either yes or no')
working_dir = 'workingdir' subject_list = ['sub-1', 'sub-2', 'sub-3', 'sub-4', 'sub-5', 'sub-6'] fwhm = [4, 8] # full width at half maximum #filter width in space task_list = ['objectviewing'] with open('ds000105/task-objectviewing_bold.json', 'rt') as fp: task_info = json.load(fp) TR = task_info['RepetitionTime'] iso_size = 4 # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1), output_type='NIFTI', name="extract") # MCFLIRT - motion correction mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="mcflirt") #SliceTimer - correct for slice wise acquisition slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=TR), name="slicetimer") # Smooth - image smoothing
structural_dir = '/home/colciencias/base/struct/' experiment_dir = opj(base_dir, 'output/') output_dir = 'datasink' working_dir = 'workingdir' subject_list = ['1'] # list of subject identifiers fwhm = 8 # Smoothing widths to apply (Gaussian kernel size) TR = 2 # Repetition time init_volume = 0 # Firts volumen identification which will use in the pipeline iso_size = 2 # Isometric resample of functional images to voxel size (in mm) # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=init_volume, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") # MCFLIRT - motion correction mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="motion_correction") # SliceTimer - correct for slice wise acquisition slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=TR), name="slice_timing_correction") # Smooth - image smoothing smooth = Node(spm.Smooth(fwhm=fwhm), name="smooth")
def _main(subject_list,vols,subid_vol_dict, number_of_skipped_volumes,brain_path,\ mask_path,\ atlas_path,\ tr_path,\ motion_params_path,\ func2std_mat_path,\ MNI3mm_path,\ base_directory,\ fc_datasink_name,\ motion_param_regression,\ band_pass_filtering,\ global_signal_regression,\ smoothing,\ volcorrect,\ num_proc,\ functional_connectivity_directory ): # ## Volume correction # * I have already extracted 4 volumes. # * Now extract 120 - 4 = 116 volumes from each subject # * So define vols = 114 # if number_of_skipped_volumes == None: number_of_skipped_volumes = 4 vols = vols - number_of_skipped_volumes def vol_correct(sub_id, subid_vol_dict, vols, number_of_skipped_volumes): sub_vols = subid_vol_dict[sub_id] - number_of_skipped_volumes if sub_vols > vols: t_min = sub_vols - vols elif sub_vols == vols: t_min = 0 else: raise Exception('Volumes of Sub ',sub_id,' less than desired!') return int(t_min) # In[491]: volCorrect = Node(Function(function=vol_correct, input_names=['sub_id','subid_vol_dict','vols','number_of_skipped_volumes'], output_names=['t_min']), name='volCorrect') volCorrect.inputs.subid_vol_dict = subid_vol_dict volCorrect.inputs.vols = vols volCorrect.inputs.number_of_skipped_volumes = number_of_skipped_volumes # ## Define a function to fetch the filenames of a particular subject ID def get_subject_filenames(subject_id,brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path,MNI3mm_path): import re from itertools import zip_longest for brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat in zip_longest(brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path): #itertools helps to zip unequal save_file_list_in_mask # Source : print('*******************',brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat) sub_id_extracted ='.+_subject_id_(\d+)', brain).group(1) if str(subject_id) in brain: # print("Files for subject ",subject_id,brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param) return brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat,MNI3mm_path print ('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id,'extracted: ',sub_id_extracted) # print ('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id) raise Exception('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id,'extracted: ',sub_id_extracted) # raise Exception('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id) return 0 # Make a node getSubjectFilenames = Node(Function(function=get_subject_filenames, input_names=['subject_id','brain_path','mask_path','atlas_path','tr_path','motion_params_path','func2std_mat_path','MNI3mm_path'], output_names=['brain','mask','atlas','tr','motion_param','func2std_mat', 'MNI3mm_path']), name='getSubjectFilenames') getSubjectFilenames.inputs.brain_path = brain_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.mask_path = mask_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.atlas_path = atlas_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.tr_path = tr_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.motion_params_path = motion_params_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.func2std_mat_path = func2std_mat_path getSubjectFilenames.inputs.MNI3mm_path = MNI3mm_path infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)] # ## Band Pass Filtering # Let's do a band pass filtering on the data using the # code from ### AFNI bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.1, despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'),name='bandpass') # bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.001, lowpass=0.01, # despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, # tr=2.0,outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'),name='bandpass') # ## Highpass filtering # In[506]: """ Perform temporal highpass filtering on the data """ # # os.chdir('/home1/varunk/Autism-Connectome-Analysis-bids-related/') highpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.009, lowpass=99999, despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'),name='highpass') # FSL bandpass/Highpass # highpass = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_tempfilt'), # iterfield=['in_file'], # name='highpass') # # highpass.inputs.op_string = '-bptf 27.77775001525879 -1' # 23.64 # 31.25 # ## Smoothing # ### Using 6mm fwhm # sigma = 6/2.3548 = 2.547987090198743 spatialSmooth = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-s 2.5479', suffix='_smoothed'), name='spatialSmooth') # ## Performs Gram Schmidt Process # # In[509]: def orthogonalize(in_file, mask_file): import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import os from os.path import join as opj def gram_schmidt(voxel_time_series, mean_vector): numerator =,mean_vector) dinominator =,mean_vector) voxel_time_series_orthogonalized = voxel_time_series - (numerator/dinominator)*mean_vector # TO CONFIRM IF THE VECTORS ARE ORTHOGONAL # sum_dot_prod = np.sum(,mean_vector)) # print('Sum of entries of orthogonalized vector = ',sum_dot_prod) return voxel_time_series_orthogonalized mask_data = nib.load(mask_file) mask = mask_data.get_data() brain_data = nib.load(in_file) brain = brain_data.get_data() x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain_data.shape # Find mean brain mean_vector = np.zeros(t_dim) num_brain_voxels = 0 # Count the number of brain voxels for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): if mask[i,j,k] == 1: mean_vector = mean_vector + brain[i,j,k,:] num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1 mean_vector = mean_vector / num_brain_voxels # Orthogonalize for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): if mask[i,j,k] == 1: brain[i,j,k,:] = gram_schmidt(brain[i,j,k,:], mean_vector) sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1] gsr_file_name = 'sub-' + sub_id + '_task-rest_run-1_bold.nii.gz' # gsr_file_name_nii = gsr_file_name + '.nii.gz' out_file = opj(os.getcwd(),gsr_file_name) # path brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header),gsr_file_name) return out_file # In[510]: globalSignalRemoval = Node(Function(function=orthogonalize, input_names=['in_file','mask_file'], output_names=['out_file']), name='globalSignalRemoval' ) # globalSignalRemoval.inputs.mask_file = mask_file # globalSignalRemoval.iterables = [('in_file',file_paths)] # ## GLM for regression of motion parameters # In[511]: def calc_residuals(in_file, motion_file): """ Calculates residuals of nuisance regressors -motion parameters for every voxel for a subject using GLM. Parameters ---------- in_file : string Path of a subject's motion corrected nifti file. motion_par_file : string path of a subject's motion parameters Returns ------- out_file : string Path of residual file in nifti format """ import nibabel as nb import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj nii = nb.load(in_file) data = nii.get_data().astype(np.float32) global_mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0 # Check and define regressors which are provided from files if motion_file is not None: motion = np.genfromtxt(motion_file) if motion.shape[0] != data.shape[3]: raise ValueError('Motion parameters {0} do not match data ' 'timepoints {1}'.format(motion.shape[0], data.shape[3])) if motion.size == 0: raise ValueError('Motion signal file {0} is ' 'empty'.format(motion_file)) # Calculate regressors regressor_map = {'constant' : np.ones((data.shape[3],1))} regressor_map['motion'] = motion X = np.zeros((data.shape[3], 1)) for rname, rval in regressor_map.items(): X = np.hstack((X, rval.reshape(rval.shape[0],-1))) X = X[:,1:] if np.isnan(X).any() or np.isnan(X).any(): raise ValueError('Regressor file contains NaN') Y = data[global_mask].T try: B = np.linalg.inv( except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: if "Singular matrix" in e: raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSingular matrix error: " "The nuisance regression configuration you " "selected may have been too stringent, and the " "regression could not be completed. Ensure your " "parameters are not too " "extreme.\n\n".format(e)) else: raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSomething went wrong with " "nuisance regression.\n\n".format(e)) Y_res = Y - data[global_mask] = Y_res.T img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()) subject_name = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] filename = subject_name + '_residual.nii.gz' out_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),filename ) img.to_filename(out_file) # alt to return out_file # In[512]: # Create a Node for above calc_residuals = Node(Function(function=calc_residuals, input_names=['in_file','motion_file'], output_names=['out_file']), name='calc_residuals') # ## Datasink # I needed to define the structure of what files are saved and where. # In[513]: # Create DataSink object dataSink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink') # Name of the output folder dataSink.inputs.base_directory = opj(base_directory,fc_datasink_name) # To create the substitutions I looked the `datasink` folder where I was redirecting the output. I manually selected the part of file/folder name that I wanted to change and copied below to be substituted. # # In[514]: # Define substitution strings so that the data is similar to BIDS substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-')] # Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node dataSink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # ### Following is a Join Node that collects the preprocessed file paths and saves them in a file # In[516]: def save_file_list_function(in_fc_map_brain_file): # Imports import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list = np.asarray(in_fc_map_brain_file) print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list)'fc_map_brain_file_list',file_list) file_name = 'fc_map_brain_file_list.npy' out_fc_map_brain_file = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name) # path return out_fc_map_brain_file # In[517]: save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_fc_map_brain_file'], output_names=['out_fc_map_brain_file']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_fc_map_brain_file'], name="save_file_list") # ## Create a FC node # # This node: # 1. Exracts the average time series of the brain ROI's using the atlas and stores # it as a matrix of size [ROIs x Volumes]. # 2. Extracts the Voxel time series and stores it in matrix of size [Voxels x Volumes] # # And save FC matrix files in shape of brains def pear_coff(in_file, atlas_file, mask_file): # code to find how many voxels are in the brain region using the mask # imports import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import os from os.path import join as opj mask_data = nib.load(mask_file) mask = mask_data.get_data() x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape atlasPath = atlas_file # Read the atlas atlasObject = nib.load(atlasPath) atlas = atlasObject.get_data() num_ROIs = int((np.max(atlas) - np.min(atlas) )) # Read the brain in_file brain_data = nib.load(in_file) brain = brain_data.get_data() x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_volumes = brain.shape num_brain_voxels = 0 x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): if mask[i,j,k] == 1: num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1 # Initialize a matrix of ROI time series and voxel time series ROI_matrix = np.zeros((num_ROIs, num_volumes)) voxel_matrix = np.zeros((num_brain_voxels, num_volumes)) # Fill up the voxel_matrix voxel_counter = 0 for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): if mask[i,j,k] == 1: voxel_matrix[voxel_counter,:] = brain[i,j,k,:] voxel_counter = voxel_counter + 1 # Fill up the ROI_matrix # Keep track of number of voxels per ROI as well by using an array - num_voxels_in_ROI[] num_voxels_in_ROI = np.zeros((num_ROIs,1)) # A column arrray containing number of voxels in each ROI for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): label = int(atlas[i,j,k]) - 1 if label != -1: ROI_matrix[label,:] = np.add(ROI_matrix[label,:], brain[i,j,k,:]) num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] = num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] + 1 ROI_matrix = np.divide(ROI_matrix,num_voxels_in_ROI) # Check if divide is working correctly X, Y = ROI_matrix, voxel_matrix # Subtract mean from X and Y X = np.subtract(X, np.mean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True)) Y = np.subtract(Y, np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True)) temp1 =,Y.T) temp2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(X,X), axis=1, keepdims=True)) temp3 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(Y,Y), axis=1, keepdims=True)) temp4 =,temp3.T) coff_matrix = np.divide(temp1, (temp4 + 1e-7)) # Check if any ROI is missing and replace the NAN values in coff_matrix by 0 if np.argwhere(np.isnan(coff_matrix)).shape[0] != 0: print("Some ROIs are not present. Replacing NAN in coff matrix by 0") np.nan_to_num(coff_matrix, copy=False) # TODO: when I have added 1e-7 in the dinominator, then why did I feel the need to replace NAN by zeros sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1] fc_file_name = sub_id + '_fc_map' print ("Pear Matrix calculated for subject: ",sub_id) roi_brain_matrix = coff_matrix brain_file = in_file x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain.shape (brain_data.header).set_data_shape([x_dim,y_dim,z_dim,num_ROIs]) brain_roi_tensor = np.zeros((brain_data.header.get_data_shape())) print("Creating brain for Subject-",sub_id) for roi in range(num_ROIs): brain_voxel_counter = 0 for i in range(x_dim): for j in range(y_dim): for k in range(z_dim): if mask[i,j,k] == 1: brain_roi_tensor[i,j,k,roi] = roi_brain_matrix[roi,brain_voxel_counter] brain_voxel_counter = brain_voxel_counter + 1 assert (brain_voxel_counter == len(roi_brain_matrix[roi,:])) print("Created brain for Subject-",sub_id) path = os.getcwd() fc_file_name = fc_file_name + '.nii.gz' out_file = opj(path,fc_file_name) brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain_roi_tensor, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header),out_file) fc_map_brain_file = out_file return fc_map_brain_file # In[521]: # Again Create the Node and set default values to paths pearcoff = Node(Function(function=pear_coff, input_names=['in_file','atlas_file','mask_file'], output_names=['fc_map_brain_file']), name='pearcoff') # # IMPORTANT: # * The ROI 255 has been removed due to resampling. Therefore the FC maps will have nan at that row. So don't use that ROI :) # * I came to know coz I keep getting this error: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide # * To debug it, I read the coff matrix and checked its diagnol to discover the nan value. # # # # ## Extract volumes # ExtractROI - For volCorrect extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_size=-1), output_type='NIFTI', name="extract") # ### Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data # # In[523]: func2std_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI_GZ', apply_xfm=True), name="func2std_xform") # motion_param_regression = 1 # band_pass_filtering = 0 # global_signal_regression = 0 # smoothing = 1 # volcorrect = 1 if num_proc == None: num_proc = 7 combination = 'motionRegress' + str(int(motion_param_regression)) + \ 'global' + str(int(global_signal_regression)) + 'smoothing' + str(int(smoothing)) +\ 'filt' + str(int(band_pass_filtering)) print("Combination: ",combination) binary_string = str(int(motion_param_regression)) + str(int(global_signal_regression)) + \ str(int(smoothing)) + str(int(band_pass_filtering)) + str(int(volcorrect)) base_dir = opj(base_directory,functional_connectivity_directory) # wf = Workflow(name=functional_connectivity_directory) wf = Workflow(name=combination) wf.base_dir = base_dir # Dir where all the outputs will be stored. wf.connect(infosource ,'subject_id', getSubjectFilenames, 'subject_id') # ------- Dynamic Pipeline ------------------------ nodes = [ calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, spatialSmooth, bandpass, volCorrect] # from nipype.interfaces import fsl old_node = getSubjectFilenames old_node_output = 'brain' binary_string = binary_string+'0' # so that the loop runs one more time for idx, include in enumerate(binary_string): # 11111 # motion_param_regression # global_signal_regression # smoothing # band_pass_filtering # volcorrect if old_node == calc_residuals: old_node_output = 'out_file' elif old_node == extract : old_node_output = 'roi_file' elif old_node == globalSignalRemoval: old_node_output = 'out_file' elif old_node == bandpass: old_node_output = 'out_file' elif old_node == highpass: old_node_output = 'out_file' elif old_node == spatialSmooth: old_node_output = 'out_file' elif old_node == volCorrect: old_node_output = 'out_file' if int(include): # if old_node is None: # # wf.add_nodes([nodes[idx]]) # # else: new_node = nodes[idx] if new_node == calc_residuals: wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])]) new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == extract : wf.connect([( volCorrect, extract, [('t_min','t_min')])]) new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == globalSignalRemoval: wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])]) new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == bandpass: wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])]) new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == highpass: wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, highpass, [('tr','tr')])]) #Commenting for FSL new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == spatialSmooth: new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == volCorrect: wf.connect([(infosource, volCorrect, [('subject_id','sub_id')])]) wf.connect([( volCorrect, extract, [('t_min','t_min')])]) new_node = extract new_node_input = 'in_file' wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input) old_node = new_node else: if idx == 3: # bandpas == 0 => Highpass new_node = highpass wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, highpass, [('tr','tr')])]) #Commenting for FSL new_node_input = 'in_file' wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input) old_node = new_node wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, pearcoff, 'in_file') wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames,'atlas', pearcoff, 'atlas_file') wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames, 'mask', pearcoff, 'mask_file') wf.connect(pearcoff, 'fc_map_brain_file', func2std_xform ,'in_file') wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames,'func2std_mat', func2std_xform, 'in_matrix_file') wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames, 'MNI3mm_path', func2std_xform,'reference') folder_name = combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file' wf.connect(func2std_xform, 'out_file', save_file_list, 'in_fc_map_brain_file') wf.connect(save_file_list, 'out_fc_map_brain_file', dataSink,folder_name) TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE = opj(base_directory,'crash_files') wf.config = {"execution": {"crashdump_dir": TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE}} wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png')'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc})
def dti_artifact_correction(wf_name="dti_artifact_correction"): """ Run the diffusion MRI pre-processing workflow against the diff files in `data_dir`. It will resample/regrid the diffusion image to have isometric voxels. Corrects for head motion correction and Eddy currents. Estimates motion outliers and exports motion reports using nipype.algorithms.RapidArt. Nipype Inputs ------------- dti_art_input.diff: traits.File path to the diffusion MRI image dti_art_input.bval: traits.File path to the bvals file dti_art_input.bvec: traits.File path to the bvecs file Nipype Outputs -------------- dti_art_output.eddy_corr_file: traits.File Eddy currents corrected DTI image. dti_art_output.bvec_rotated: traits.File Rotated bvecs file dti_art_output.brain_mask_1: traits.File Brain mask extracted using BET on the first B0 image. dti_art_output.brain_mask_2: traits.File Brain mask extracted using BET on the average B0 image, after motion correction. dti_art_output.acpq: traits.File Text file with acquisition parameters calculated for Eddy. dti_art_output.index: traits.File Text file with acquisition indices calculated for Eddy. dti_art_output.avg_b0: traits.File The average b=0 image extracted from the motion and eddy currents correted diffusion MRI. dti_art_output.hmc_corr_file: traits.File dti_art_output.hmc_corr_bvec: traits.File dti_art_output.hmc_corr_xfms: traits.File dti_art_output.art_displacement_files: traits.File dti_art_output.art_intensity_files: traits.File dti_art_output.art_norm_files: traits.File dti_art_output.art_outlier_files: traits.File dti_art_output.art_plot_files: traits.File dti_art_output.art_statistic_files: traits.File Returns ------- wf: nipype Workflow """ # specify input and output fields in_fields = ["diff", "bval", "bvec"] out_fields = ["eddy_corr_file", "bvec_rotated", "brain_mask_1", "brain_mask_2", "acqp", "index", "avg_b0", ] do_rapidart = get_config_setting("dmri.artifact_detect", True) if do_rapidart: out_fields += ["hmc_corr_file", "hmc_corr_bvec", "hmc_corr_xfms", "art_displacement_files", "art_intensity_files", "art_norm_files", "art_outlier_files", "art_plot_files", "art_statistic_files", ] # input interface dti_input = setup_node(IdentityInterface(fields=in_fields, mandatory_inputs=True), name="dti_art_input") # resample resample = setup_node(Function(function=reslice, input_names=['in_file', 'new_zooms', 'order', 'out_file'], output_names=['out_file']), name='dti_reslice') ## extract first b0 for Eddy and HMC brain mask list_b0 = pe.Node(Function(function=b0_indices, input_names=['in_bval'], output_names=['out_idx'],), name='b0_indices') extract_b0 = pe.Node(ExtractROI(t_size=1), name="extract_first_b0") # For Eddy, the mask is only used for selecting voxels for the estimation of the hyperparameters, # so isn’t very critical. # Note also that it is better with a too conservative (small) mask than a too big. bet_dwi0 = setup_node(BET(frac=0.3, mask=True, robust=True), name='bet_dwi_pre') pick_first = lambda lst: lst[0] # motion artifacts detection, requires linear co-registration for motion estimation. if do_rapidart: # head motion correction hmc = hmc_pipeline() art = setup_node(rapidart_dti_artifact_detection(), name="detect_artifacts") # Eddy eddy = setup_node(Eddy(method='jac'), name="eddy") ## acquisition parameters for Eddy write_acqp = setup_node(Function(function=dti_acquisition_parameters, input_names=["in_file"], output_names=["out_acqp", "out_index"],), name="write_acqp") ## rotate b-vecs rot_bvec = setup_node(Function(function=eddy_rotate_bvecs, input_names=["in_bvec", "eddy_params"], output_names=["out_file"],), name="rot_bvec") ## extract all b0s and average them after Eddy correction avg_b0_post = pe.Node(Function(function=b0_average, input_names=['in_dwi', 'in_bval'], output_names=['out_file'],), name='b0_avg_post') bet_dwi1 = setup_node(BET(frac=0.3, mask=True, robust=True), name='bet_dwi_post') # nlmeans denoise apply_nlmeans = get_config_setting("dmri.apply_nlmeans", True) if apply_nlmeans: nlmeans = setup_node(Function(function=nlmeans_denoise, input_names=['in_file', 'mask_file', 'out_file', 'N'], output_names=['out_file']), name='nlmeans_denoise') # output interface dti_output = setup_node(IdentityInterface(fields=out_fields), name="dti_art_output") # Create the workflow object wf = pe.Workflow(name=wf_name) # Connect the nodes wf.connect([ # resample to iso-voxel (dti_input, resample, [("diff", "in_file"),]), # read from input file the acquisition parameters for eddy (dti_input, write_acqp, [("diff", "in_file")]), # reference mask for hmc and eddy (dti_input, list_b0, [("bval", "in_bval")]), (resample, extract_b0, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (list_b0, extract_b0, [(("out_idx", pick_first), "t_min")]), (extract_b0, bet_dwi0, [("roi_file", "in_file")]), # Eddy (resample, eddy, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (bet_dwi0, eddy, [("mask_file", "in_mask")]), (dti_input, eddy, [("bval", "in_bval"), ("bvec", "in_bvec") ]), (write_acqp, eddy, [("out_acqp", "in_acqp"), ("out_index", "in_index") ]), # rotate bvecs (dti_input, rot_bvec, [("bvec", "in_bvec")]), (eddy, rot_bvec, [("out_parameter", "eddy_params")]), # final avg b0 (dti_input, avg_b0_post, [("bval", "in_bval")]), (eddy, avg_b0_post, [("out_corrected", "in_dwi" )]), (avg_b0_post, bet_dwi1, [("out_file", "in_file")]), # output (write_acqp, dti_output, [("out_acqp", "acqp"), ("out_index", "index")]), (bet_dwi0, dti_output, [("mask_file", "brain_mask_1")]), (bet_dwi1, dti_output, [("mask_file", "brain_mask_2")]), (rot_bvec, dti_output, [("out_file", "bvec_rotated")]), (avg_b0_post, dti_output, [("out_file", "avg_b0")]), ]) if apply_nlmeans: wf.connect([ # non-local means (eddy, nlmeans, [("out_corrected", "in_file")]), (bet_dwi1, nlmeans, [("mask_file", "mask_file")]), # output (nlmeans, dti_output, [("out_file", "eddy_corr_file")]), ]) else: wf.connect([ # output (eddy, dti_output, [("out_corrected", "eddy_corr_file")]), ]) if do_rapidart: wf.connect([ # head motion correction (dti_input, hmc, [("bval", "inputnode.in_bval"), ("bvec", "inputnode.in_bvec"), ]), (resample, hmc, [("out_file", "inputnode.in_file")]), (bet_dwi0, hmc, [("mask_file", "inputnode.in_mask")]), (list_b0, hmc, [(("out_idx", pick_first), "inputnode.ref_num"),]), # artifact detection (hmc, art, [("outputnode.out_file", "realigned_files"), ("outputnode.out_xfms", "realignment_parameters"), ]), (bet_dwi1, art, [("mask_file", "mask_file"),]), # output (hmc, dti_output, [("outputnode.out_file", "hmc_corr_file"), ("outputnode.out_bvec", "hmc_corr_bvec"), ("outputnode.out_xfms", "hmc_corr_xfms"), ]), (art, dti_output, [("displacement_files", "art_displacement_files"), ("intensity_files", "art_intensity_files"), ("norm_files", "art_norm_files"), ("outlier_files", "art_outlier_files"), ("plot_files", "art_plot_files"), ("statistic_files", "art_statistic_files"), ]), ]) return wf
"versions": [{ "title": Merge().version or "1.0", "description": f"Default fslmerge version for nipype {_NIPYPE_VERSION}.", # noqa: E501 "input": FSLMERGE_INPUT_SPECIFICATION, "output": FSLMERGE_OUTPUT_SPECIFICATION, "nested_results_attribute": "outputs.get_traitsfree", }], }, { "title": "fslroi", "description": "Extracts specific ROI from image.", "versions": [{ "title": ExtractROI().version or "1.0", "description": f"Default fslroi version for nipype {_NIPYPE_VERSION}.", # noqa: E501 "input": FSLROI_INPUT_SPECIFICATION, "output": FSLROI_OUTPUT_SPECIFICATION, "nested_results_attribute": "outputs.get_traitsfree", }], }, { "title": "topup", "description": "Estimates and corrects susceptibillity induced distortions.", # noqa: E501 "versions": [{ "title": TOPUP().version or "1.0", "description":
def init_eddy_wf(debug=False, name="eddy_wf"): """ Create a workflow for head-motion & Eddy currents distortion estimation with FSL. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str` Name of workflow (default: ``eddy_wf``) Inputs ------ dwi_file dwi NIfTI file Outputs ------- out_eddy The eddy corrected diffusion image.. """ from nipype.interfaces.fsl import Eddy, ExtractROI inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=["dwi_file", "metadata", "dwi_mask", "in_bvec", "in_bval"] ), name="inputnode", ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=["out_rotated_bvecs", "eddy_ref_image", "out_eddy"] ), name="outputnode", ) workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = f"""\ Geometrical distortions derived from the so-called Eddy-currents, and head-motion realignment parameters were estimated with the joint modeling of ``eddy_openmp``, included in FSL {Eddy().version} [@eddy]. """ eddy = pe.Node( Eddy(), name="eddy", ) if debug: eddy.inputs.niter = 1 eddy.inputs.is_shelled = True eddy.inputs.dont_peas = True eddy.inputs.nvoxhp = 100 # Generate the acqp and index files for eddy gen_eddy_files = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=["in_file", "in_meta"], output_names=["out_acqparams", "out_index"], function=gen_eddy_textfiles, ), name="gen_eddy_files", ) eddy_ref_img = pe.Node(ExtractROI(t_min=0, t_size=1), name="eddy_roi") # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, eddy, [ ("dwi_file", "in_file"), ("dwi_mask", "in_mask"), ("in_bvec", "in_bvec"), ("in_bval", "in_bval"), ]), (inputnode, gen_eddy_files, [ ("dwi_file", "in_file"), ("metadata", "in_meta") ]), (gen_eddy_files, eddy, [ ("out_acqparams", "in_acqp"), ("out_index", "in_index"), ]), (eddy, outputnode, [ ("out_corrected", "out_eddy"), ("out_rotated_bvecs", "out_rotated_bvecs") ]), (eddy, eddy_ref_img, [("out_corrected", "in_file")]), (eddy_ref_img, outputnode, [("roi_file", "eddy_ref_image")]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
def trimT(in_file, roi_file, t_min=0, t_size=-1): ExtractROI(in_file=in_file, roi_file=roi_file, t_min=t_min, t_size=t_size).run()
def make_w_preproc_anna(): n_in = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'prf_run1', 'prf_run2', ]), name='input') n_out = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'prf_preproc', ]), name='output') n_roi = Node(ExtractROI(), name='roi') n_roi.inputs.t_min = 5 n_roi.inputs.t_size = 1 n_volreg = Node(interface=Volreg(), name='volreg') n_volreg.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_volreg.inputs.zpad = 1 n_volreg.inputs.oned_file = 'pRF_run1_mov.1D' n_volreg2 = Node(interface=Volreg(), name='volreg2') n_volreg2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_volreg2.inputs.zpad = 1 n_volreg2.inputs.oned_file = 'pRF_run2_mov.1D' n_tcat = Node(interface=TCat(), name='tcat') n_tcat.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_tcat.inputs.rlt = '++' n_tcat2 = Node(interface=TCat(), name='tcat2') n_tcat2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_tcat2.inputs.rlt = '++' n_tcat = Node(interface=TCat(), name='tcat') n_tcat.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_tcat.inputs.rlt = '++' n_tcat2 = Node(interface=TCat(), name='tcat2') n_tcat2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_tcat2.inputs.rlt = '++' n_clip1 = Node(ClipLevel(), 'clip1') n_clip2 = Node(ClipLevel(), 'clip2') n_clip_both = Node(ClipLevel(), 'clip_both') n_mask1 = Node(Automask(), 'mask1') n_mask1.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_mask2 = Node(Automask(), 'mask2') n_mask2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_mask_both = Node(Automask(), 'mask_both') n_mask_both.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_calc1 = Node(Calc(), 'calc1') n_calc1.inputs.expr = 'step(a)*b' n_calc1.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_calc2 = Node(Calc(), 'calc2') n_calc2.inputs.expr = 'step(a)*b' n_calc2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_calc_both = Node(Calc(), 'calc_both') n_calc_both.inputs.expr = 'step(a)*b' n_calc_both.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_mean1 = Node(TStat(), 'mean1') n_mean1.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_mean2 = Node(TStat(), 'mean2') n_mean2.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_ratio1 = Node(Calc(), 'ratio1') n_ratio1.inputs.expr = '(a/b)' n_ratio1.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' n_ratio1.inputs.args = '-fscale' n_means = Node(Means(), name='means') n_means.inputs.datum = 'float' n_means.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI' w = Workflow('nipype_prf') w.connect(n_in, 'prf_run1', n_roi, 'in_file') w.connect(n_in, 'prf_run1', n_volreg, 'in_file') w.connect(n_roi, 'roi_file', n_volreg, 'basefile') w.connect(n_volreg, 'out_file', n_tcat, 'in_files') w.connect(n_in, 'prf_run2', n_volreg2, 'in_file') w.connect(n_roi, 'roi_file', n_volreg2, 'basefile') w.connect(n_volreg2, 'out_file', n_tcat2, 'in_files') w.connect(n_tcat, 'out_file', n_clip1, 'in_file') w.connect(n_tcat2, 'out_file', n_clip2, 'in_file') w.connect(n_tcat, 'out_file', n_mask1, 'in_file') w.connect(n_clip1, ('clip_val', _to_args), n_mask1, 'args') w.connect(n_tcat2, 'out_file', n_mask2, 'in_file') w.connect(n_clip2, ('clip_val', _to_args), n_mask2, 'args') w.connect(n_mask1, 'out_file', n_calc1, 'in_file_a') w.connect(n_tcat, 'out_file', n_calc1, 'in_file_b') w.connect(n_mask2, 'out_file', n_calc2, 'in_file_a') w.connect(n_tcat2, 'out_file', n_calc2, 'in_file_b') w.connect(n_tcat, 'out_file', n_mean1, 'in_file') w.connect(n_tcat2, 'out_file', n_mean2, 'in_file') w.connect(n_tcat, 'out_file', n_means, 'in_file_a') w.connect(n_tcat2, 'out_file', n_means, 'in_file_b') w.connect(n_means, 'out_file', n_mask_both, 'in_file') w.connect(n_means, 'out_file', n_clip_both, 'in_file') w.connect(n_clip_both, ('clip_val', _to_args), n_mask_both, 'args') w.connect(n_mask_both, 'out_file', n_calc_both, 'in_file_a') w.connect(n_means, 'out_file', n_calc_both, 'in_file_b') w.connect(n_calc_both, 'out_file', n_out, 'prf_preproc') return w
python3_env = "daniel" python2_env = "daniel2" cleanup = True """ do not edit below """ for i in range(len(file_in)): # get fileparts of input path_file, name_file, ext_file = get_filename(file_in[i]) # filenames file_vol0 = os.path.join(path_file, name_file + "_vol0" + ext_file) file_out = os.path.join(path_file, name_file + "_gnlcorr" + ext_file) # extract first volume fslroi = ExtractROI() fslroi.inputs.in_file = file_in[i] fslroi.inputs.roi_file = file_vol0 fslroi.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI" fslroi.inputs.t_min = 0 fslroi.inputs.t_size = 1 # exexute gnl correction gnl_correction(file_vol0, file_bash, file_coeff, python3_env, python2_env, path_file, False) # apply warp to first volume applywarp = ApplyWarp() applywarp.inputs.in_file = file_in[i] applywarp.inputs.ref_file = file_in[i]
def preproc(data_dir, sink_dir, subject, task, session, run, masks, motion_thresh, moco): from nipype.interfaces.fsl import MCFLIRT, FLIRT, FNIRT, ExtractROI, ApplyWarp, MotionOutliers, InvWarp, FAST #from nipype.interfaces.afni import AlignEpiAnatPy from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function from nilearn.plotting import plot_anat from nilearn import input_data #WRITE A DARA GRABBER def get_niftis(subject_id, data_dir, task, run, session): from os.path import join, exists t1 = join(data_dir, subject_id, 'session-{0}'.format(session), 'anatomical', 'anatomical-0', 'anatomical.nii.gz') #t1_brain_mask = join(data_dir, subject_id, 'session-1', 'anatomical', 'anatomical-0', 'fsl', 'anatomical-bet.nii.gz') epi = join(data_dir, subject_id, 'session-{0}'.format(session), task, '{0}-{1}'.format(task, run), '{0}.nii.gz'.format(task)) assert exists(t1), "t1 does not exist at {0}".format(t1) assert exists(epi), "epi does not exist at {0}".format(epi) standard = '/home/applications/fsl/5.0.8/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz' return t1, epi, standard data = Function( function=get_niftis, input_names=["subject_id", "data_dir", "task", "run", "session"], output_names=["t1", "epi", "standard"]) data.inputs.data_dir = data_dir data.inputs.subject_id = subject = run data.inputs.session = session data.inputs.task = task grabber = if session == 0: sesh = 'pre' if session == 1: sesh = 'post' #reg_dir = '/home/data/nbc/physics-learning/data/first-level/{0}/session-1/retr/retr-{1}/retr-5mm.feat/reg'.format(subject, run) #set output paths for quality assurance pngs qa1 = join( sink_dir, 'qa', '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_t1_flirt.png'.format(subject, session, task, run)) qa2 = join( sink_dir, 'qa', '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni_flirt.png'.format(subject, session, task, run)) qa3 = join( sink_dir, 'qa', '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni_fnirt.png'.format(subject, session, task, run)) confound_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_confounds.txt'.format(subject, session, task, run)) #run motion correction if indicated if moco == True: mcflirt = MCFLIRT(ref_vol=144, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ') mcflirt.inputs.in_file = grabber.outputs.epi #mcflirt.inputs.in_file = join(data_dir, subject, 'session-1', 'retr', 'retr-{0}'.format(run), 'retr.nii.gz') mcflirt.inputs.out_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mcf.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) flirty = motion = np.genfromtxt(flirty.outputs.par_file) else: print "no moco needed" motion = 0 #calculate motion outliers try: mout = MotionOutliers(metric='fd', threshold=motion_thresh) mout.inputs.in_file = grabber.outputs.epi mout.inputs.out_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_fd-gt-{3}mm'.format( subject, session, task, run, motion_thresh)) mout.inputs.out_metric_plot = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_metrics.png'.format( subject, session, task, run)) mout.inputs.out_metric_values = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_fd.txt'.format(subject, session, task, run)) moutliers = outliers = np.genfromtxt(moutliers.outputs.out_file) e = 'no errors in motion outliers, yay' except Exception as e: print(e) outliers = np.genfromtxt(mout.inputs.out_metric_values) #set everything above the threshold to 1 and everything below to 0 outliers[outliers > motion_thresh] = 1 outliers[outliers < motion_thresh] = 0 #concatenate motion parameters and motion outliers to form confounds file #outliers = outliers.reshape((outliers.shape[0],1)) conf = outliers np.savetxt(confound_file, conf, delimiter=',') #extract an example volume for normalization ex_fun = ExtractROI(t_min=144, t_size=1) ex_fun.inputs.in_file = flirty.outputs.out_file ex_fun.inputs.roi_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}-example_func.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) fun = warp = ApplyWarp(interp="nn", abswarp=True) if not exists( '/home/data/nbc/physics-learning/data/first-level/{0}/session-{1}/{2}/{2}-{3}/{2}-5mm.feat/reg/example_func2standard_warp.nii.gz' .format(subject, session, task, run)): #two-step normalization using flirt and fnirt, outputting qa pix flit = FLIRT(cost_func="corratio", dof=12) reg_func = reference=fun.outputs.roi_file, in_file=grabber.outputs.t1, searchr_x=[-180, 180], searchr_y=[-180, 180], out_file=join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_t1-flirt.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)), out_matrix_file=join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_t1-flirt.mat'.format( subject, session, task, run))) reg_mni = reference=grabber.outputs.t1, in_file=grabber.outputs.standard, searchr_y=[-180, 180], searchr_z=[-180, 180], out_file=join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-flirt-t1.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)), out_matrix_file=join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-flirt-t1.mat'.format( subject, session, task, run))) #plot_stat_map(aligner.outputs.out_file, bg_img=fun.outputs.roi_file, colorbar=True, draw_cross=False, threshold=1000, output_file=qa1a, dim=-2) display = plot_anat(fun.outputs.roi_file, dim=-1) display.add_edges(reg_func.outputs.out_file) display.savefig(qa1, dpi=300) display.close() display = plot_anat(grabber.outputs.t1, dim=-1) display.add_edges(reg_mni.outputs.out_file) display.savefig(qa2, dpi=300) display.close() perf = FNIRT(output_type='NIFTI_GZ') perf.inputs.warped_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-fnirt-t1.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) perf.inputs.affine_file = reg_mni.outputs.out_matrix_file perf.inputs.in_file = grabber.outputs.standard perf.inputs.subsampling_scheme = [8, 4, 2, 2] perf.inputs.fieldcoeff_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-fnirt-t1-warpcoeff.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) perf.inputs.field_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-fnirt-t1-warp.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) perf.inputs.ref_file = grabber.outputs.t1 reg2 = warp.inputs.field_file = reg2.outputs.field_file #plot fnirted MNI overlaid on example func display = plot_anat(grabber.outputs.t1, dim=-1) display.add_edges(reg2.outputs.warped_file) display.savefig(qa3, dpi=300) display.close() else: warpspeed = InvWarp(output_type='NIFTI_GZ') warpspeed.inputs.warp = '/home/data/nbc/physics-learning/data/first-level/{0}/session-{1}/{2}/{2}-{3}/{2}-5mm.feat/reg/example_func2standard_warp.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run) warpspeed.inputs.reference = fun.outputs.roi_file warpspeed.inputs.inverse_warp = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_mni-fnirt-t1-warp.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run)) mni2epiwarp = warp.inputs.field_file = mni2epiwarp.outputs.inverse_warp for key in masks.keys(): #warp takes us from mni to epi warp.inputs.in_file = masks[key] warp.inputs.ref_file = fun.outputs.roi_file warp.inputs.out_file = join( sink_dir, sesh, subject, '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_{4}.nii.gz'.format( subject, session, task, run, key)) net_warp = qa_file = join( sink_dir, 'qa', '{0}-session-{1}_{2}-{3}_qa_{4}.png'.format( subject, session, task, run, key)) display = plotting.plot_roi(net_warp.outputs.out_file, bg_img=fun.outputs.roi_file, colorbar=True, vmin=0, vmax=18, draw_cross=False) display.savefig(qa_file, dpi=300) display.close() return flirty.outputs.out_file, confound_file, e
def __init__(self, parent, dir_dic, bids): super().__init__(parent, dir_dic, bids) # Create interfaces ============================================================================================ # BET T1w_BET = Node(BET(), name="T1w_BET") T1w_BET.btn_string = 'T1w Brain Extraction' self.interfaces.append(T1w_BET) T1w_gad_BET = Node(BET(), name="T1w_gad_BET") T1w_gad_BET.btn_string = 'T1w Gadolinium Enhanced Brain Extraction' self.interfaces.append(T1w_gad_BET) T2w_dbs_BET = Node(BET(), name="T2w_dbs_BET") T2w_dbs_BET.btn_string = 'T2w DBS Acquisition Brain Extraction' self.interfaces.append(T2w_dbs_BET) dwi_BET = Node(BET(), name="dwi_BET") dwi_BET.btn_string = 'dwi Brain Extraction' self.interfaces.append(dwi_BET) # BFC T1w_BFC = Node(N4BiasFieldCorrection(), name="T1w_BFC") T1w_BFC.btn_string = 'T1w Bias Field Correction' self.interfaces.append(T1w_BFC) # Split dwi_ROI_b0 = Node(ExtractROI(), name="dwi_ROI_b0") dwi_ROI_b0.btn_string = 'dwi Extract b0' self.interfaces.append(dwi_ROI_b0) # Eddy current correction dwi_Eddy = Node(Eddy(), name="dwi_Eddy") dwi_Eddy.btn_string = 'dwi Eddy Current Correction' self.interfaces.append(dwi_Eddy) # Distortion correction # as this section is script/comment heavy it was put into a function self.distortion_correction_workflow() # Data output (i.e. sink) ====================================================================================== self.sink = Node(DataSink(), name="sink") self.sink.btn_string = 'data sink' self.sink.inputs.base_directory = self.dir_dic['data_dir'] self.jsink = Node(JSONFileSink(), name="jsink") self.jsink.btn_string = 'json sink' self.jsink.inputs.base_directory = self.dir_dic['data_dir'] # Initialize workflow ========================================================================================== = Workflow(name='pre_processing') # T1w BET to ants N4BiasFieldCorrection[(self.return_interface("T1w_BET"), self.return_interface("T1w_BFC"), [("out_file", "input_image")])])[(self.return_interface("T1w_BET"), self.return_interface("T1w_BFC"), [("mask_file", "mask_image")])]) # Eddy[(self.return_interface("dwi_BET"), self.return_interface("dwi_Eddy"), [("out_file", "in_file")])])[(self.return_interface("dwi_BET"), self.return_interface("dwi_Eddy"), [("mask_file", "in_mask")])]) # ROI b0[(self.return_interface("dwi_Eddy"), self.return_interface("dwi_ROI_b0"), [("out_corrected", "in_file")])]) # Distortion Correction: # b0_T1_Reg: # -i: moving image # -r: T1 # -x: T1 mask[(self.return_interface("dwi_ROI_b0"), self.return_interface("b0_T1w_Reg"), [("roi_file", "moving_image")])])[(self.return_interface("T1w_BFC"), self.return_interface("b0_T1w_Reg"), [("output_image", "fixed_image")])]) # test remove as doesn't seem useful (see self.distortion_correction_workflow()) and causes a crash when added #[(self.return_interface("T1w_BET"), self.return_interface("b0_T1w_Reg"), # [("mask_file", "fixed_image_mask")])]) # dwi_T1_Tran: # -i: Eddy corrected image # -r: Eddy corrected b0 # -t: transforms[(self.return_interface("dwi_Eddy"), self.return_interface("dwi_T1w_Tran"), [("out_corrected", "input_image")])])[(self.return_interface("dwi_ROI_b0"), self.return_interface("dwi_T1w_Tran"), [("roi_file", "reference_image")])])[(self.return_interface("b0_T1w_Reg"), self.return_interface("dwi_T1w_Tran"), [("composite_transform", "transforms")])]) # BaseInterface generates a dict mapping button strings to the workflow nodes # self.map_workflow() graph_file ="pre_processing", graph2use='flat') self.graph_file = graph_file.replace("pre_processing.png", "pre_processing_detailed.png") self.init_settings() self.init_ui()
def convert_single_subject(subj_folder): import os import nibabel as nb import numpy as np t1_folder = path.join(subj_folder, "PROCESSED", "MPRAGE", "SUBJ_111") subj_id = os.path.basename(subj_folder) print("Converting ", subj_id) numerical_id = (subj_id.split("_"))[1] bids_id = "sub-OASIS1" + str(numerical_id) bids_subj_folder = path.join(dest_dir, bids_id) if not os.path.isdir(bids_subj_folder): os.mkdir(bids_subj_folder) session_folder = path.join(bids_subj_folder, "ses-M00") if not os.path.isdir(session_folder): os.mkdir(path.join(session_folder)) os.mkdir(path.join(session_folder, "anat")) # In order do convert the Analyze format to Nifti the path to the .img file is required img_file_path = glob(path.join(t1_folder, "*.img"))[0] output_path = path.join( session_folder, "anat", bids_id + "_ses-M00_T1w.nii.gz" ) # First, convert to Nifti so that we can extract the s_form with NiBabel # (NiBabel creates an 'Spm2AnalyzeImage' object that does not contain 'get_sform' method img_with_wrong_orientation_analyze = nb.load(img_file_path) # OASIS-1 images have the same header but sform is incorrect # To solve this issue, we use header from images converted with FreeSurfer # to generate a 'clean hard-coded' header # affine: # [[ 0. 0. -1. 80.] # [ 1. 0. 0. -128.] # [ 0. 1. 0. -128.] # [ 0. 0. 0. 1.]] # fmt: off affine = np.array( [ 0, 0, -1, 80, 1, 0, 0, -128, 0, 1, 0, -128, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ).reshape(4, 4) # fmt: on s_form = affine.astype(np.int16) hdr = nb.Nifti1Header() hdr.set_data_shape((256, 256, 160)) hdr.set_data_dtype(np.int16) hdr["bitpix"] = 16 hdr.set_sform(s_form, code="scanner") hdr.set_qform(s_form, code="scanner") hdr["extents"] = 16384 hdr["xyzt_units"] = 10 img_with_good_orientation_nifti = nb.Nifti1Image( np.round(img_with_wrong_orientation_analyze.get_data()).astype( np.int16 ), s_form, header=hdr, ), output_path) # Header correction to obtain dim0 = 3 fslroi = ExtractROI( in_file=output_path, roi_file=output_path, t_min=0, t_size=1 )
import os from os.path import abspath from datetime import datetime from IPython.display import Image import pydot from nipype import Workflow, Node, MapNode, Function, config from nipype.interfaces.fsl import TOPUP, ApplyTOPUP, BET, ExtractROI, Eddy, FLIRT, FUGUE from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import MathsCommand import nipype.interfaces.utility as util import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt #Requirements for the workflow to run smoothly: All files as in NIfTI-format and named according to the following standard: #Images are from the tonotopy DKI sequences on the 7T Philips Achieva scanner in Lund. It should work with any DKI sequence and possibly also a standard DTI but the setting for B0-corrections, epi-distortion corrections and eddy current corrections will be wrong. #DKI file has a base name shared with bvec and bval in FSL format. E.g. "DKI.nii.gz" "DKI.bvec" and "DKI.bval". #There is one b0-volume with reversed (P->A) phase encoding called DKIbase+_revenc. E.g. "DKI_revenc.nii.gz". #Philips B0-map magnitude and phase offset (in Hz) images. #One input file for topup describing the images as specified by topup. #Set nbrOfThreads to number of available CPU threads to run the analyses. ### Need to make better revenc for the 15 version if we choose to use it (i.e. same TE and TR) #Set to relevant directory/parameters datadir=os.path.abspath("/Users/ling-men/Documents/MRData/testDKI") rawDKI_base='DKI_15' B0map_base = 'B0map' nbrOfThreads=6 print_graph = True acqparam_file = os.path.join(datadir,'acqparams.txt') index_file = os.path.join(datadir,'index.txt') #### #config.enable_debug_mode() DKI_nii=os.path.join(datadir, rawDKI_base+'.nii.gz') DKI_bval=os.path.join(datadir, rawDKI_base+'.bval')
##################################################### ### If Specified Create FMAP From DWI NIFTI Files ### ##################################################### DWI_FMAP=list(filter(lambda x: "_dwi.nii.gz" in x, FMAP_SCANS)) if OPT_GEN_FMAP_DWI == "TRUE" and DWI_SCANS and DWI_FMAP: JSON=list(filter(lambda x: "_dwi.json" in x, DWI_SCANS))[0] NIFTI=list(filter(lambda x: "_dwi.nii.gz" in x, DWI_SCANS))[0] CONTENT=json.load(open(JSON), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) PHASE_NEW=DICT_DIR.get(CONTENT.get("PhaseEncodingDirection")) TEMP_OUTPUT=list(filter(lambda x: "_dwi.nii.gz" in x, FMAP_SCANS))[0].replace("","") OUTPUT=TEMP_OUTPUT.replace([x for x in TEMP_OUTPUT.split("_") if "acq-" in x][0],"acq-{}".format(PHASE_NEW)) Extract = ExtractROI( in_file=NIFTI, roi_file=OUTPUT, output_type="NIFTI_GZ", t_min=0, t_size=1) json.dump(CONTENT, open(OUTPUT.replace("nii.gz","json"), "w"), indent=12) FMAP_SCANS=list(filter(lambda x:'/fmap/sub-' in x, directory_structure(DIR_SUB))) ############################################################# ### Create Directionary Keys of Task Names for FUNC Scans ### ############################################################# if FUNC_SCANS: FUNC_JSONS=list(filter(lambda x:'bold.json' in x, FUNC_SCANS)) for FUNC_JSON in FUNC_JSONS: if any(not 'task-' for elem in os.path.basename(FUNC_JSON).split("_")): Error = open(os.path.join('.', 'Fatal_BIDS_Error.txt'), 'w')
def make_workflow(n_fmap=10): n_in = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'func', 'fmap', ]), name='input') n_out = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'func1', 'func2', 'mean', ]), name='output') w = Workflow('preproc') w_mc_func = make_w_mcmean('func') if n_fmap == 1: # nipype cannot handle conditional nodes w_mc_fmap = identify_workflow() else: w_mc_fmap = make_w_mcmean('fmap') w_masking = make_w_masking() w_warp = make_w_warp() n_apply = Node(interface=NwarpApply(), name='warpapply') n_apply.inputs.out_file = 'preprocessed.nii' n_mean = Node(interface=TStat(), name='mean') n_mean.inputs.args = '-mean' n_mean.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI_GZ' n_roi1 = Node(ExtractROI(), 'split1') n_roi1.inputs.t_min = 0 n_roi1.inputs.roi_file = 'preprocessed_1.nii.gz' n_roi2 = Node(ExtractROI(), 'split2') n_roi2.inputs.roi_file = 'preprocessed_2.nii.gz' w.connect(n_in, 'fmap', w_mc_fmap, 'input.epi') w.connect(w_mc_fmap, 'output.mean', w_masking, 'input.fmap') w.connect(n_in, 'func', w_masking, 'input.func') w.connect(w_masking, 'output.func', w_mc_func, 'input.epi') w.connect(w_masking, 'output.fmap', w_warp, 'input.fmap') w.connect(w_mc_func, 'output.mean', w_warp, 'input.func') w.connect(w_mc_func, 'output.motion_parameters', w_warp, 'input.motion_parameters') w.connect(w_warp, 'output.warping', n_apply, 'warp') w.connect(w_masking, 'output.func', n_apply, 'in_file') w.connect(w_mc_fmap, 'output.mean', n_apply, 'master') w.connect(n_apply, 'out_file', n_mean, 'in_file') w.connect(n_apply, 'out_file', n_roi1, 'in_file') w.connect(n_apply, ('out_file', _half_dynamics), n_roi1, 't_size') w.connect(n_apply, 'out_file', n_roi2, 'in_file') w.connect(n_apply, ('out_file', _half_dynamics), n_roi2, 't_min') w.connect(n_apply, ('out_file', _half_dynamics), n_roi2, 't_size') w.connect(n_mean, 'out_file', n_out, 'mean') w.connect(n_roi1, 'roi_file', n_out, 'func1') w.connect(n_roi2, 'roi_file', n_out, 'func2') return w
def run(base_dir): template = '/home/brainlab/Desktop/Rudas/Data/Parcellation/TPM.nii' matlab_cmd = '/home/brainlab/Desktop/Rudas/Tools/spm12_r7487/spm12/ /home/brainlab/Desktop/Rudas/Tools/MCR/v713/ script' spm.SPMCommand.set_mlab_paths(matlab_cmd=matlab_cmd, use_mcr=True) print('SPM version: ' + str(spm.SPMCommand().version)) structural_dir = '/home/brainlab/Desktop/Rudas/Data/Propofol/Structurals/' experiment_dir = opj(base_dir, 'output/') output_dir = 'datasink' working_dir = 'workingdir' ''' subject_list = ['2014_05_02_02CB', '2014_05_16_16RA', '2014_05_30_30AQ', '2014_07_04_04HD'] ''' subject_list = [ '2014_05_02_02CB', '2014_05_16_16RA', '2014_05_30_30AQ', '2014_07_04_04HD', '2014_07_04_04SG', '2014_08_13_13CA', '2014_10_08_08BC', '2014_10_08_08VR', '2014_10_22_22CY', '2014_10_22_22TK', '2014_11_17_17EK', '2014_11_17_17NA', '2014_11_19_19SA', '2014_11_19_AK', '2014_11_25.25JK', '2014_11_27_27HF', '2014_12_10_10JR' ] # list of subject identifiers fwhm = 8 # Smoothing widths to apply (Gaussian kernel size) TR = 2 # Repetition time init_volume = 0 # Firts volumen identification which will use in the pipeline iso_size = 2 # Isometric resample of functional images to voxel size (in mm) # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=init_volume, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") # MCFLIRT - motion correction mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="motion_correction") # SliceTimer - correct for slice wise acquisition slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=TR), name="slice_timing_correction") # Smooth - image smoothing smooth = Node(spm.Smooth(fwhm=fwhm), name="smooth") n4bias = Node(N4Bias(out_file='t1_n4bias.nii.gz'), name='n4bias') descomposition = Node(Descomposition(n_components=20, low_pass=0.1, high_pass=0.01, tr=TR), name='descomposition') # Artifact Detection - determines outliers in functional images art = Node(ArtifactDetect(norm_threshold=2, zintensity_threshold=3, mask_type='spm_global', parameter_source='FSL', use_differences=[True, False], plot_type='svg'), name="artifact_detection") extract_confounds_ws_csf = Node( ExtractConfounds(out_file='ev_without_gs.csv'), name='extract_confounds_ws_csf') extract_confounds_gs = Node(ExtractConfounds(out_file='ev_with_gs.csv', delimiter=','), name='extract_confounds_global_signal') signal_extraction = Node(SignalExtraction( time_series_out_file='time_series.csv', correlation_matrix_out_file='correlation_matrix.png', atlas_identifier='cort-maxprob-thr25-2mm', tr=TR, plot=True), name='signal_extraction') art_remotion = Node(ArtifacRemotion(out_file='fmri_art_removed.nii'), name='artifact_remotion') # BET - Skullstrip anatomical anf funtional images bet_t1 = Node(BET(frac=0.5, robust=True, mask=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="bet_t1") # FAST - Image Segmentation segmentation = Node(FAST(output_type='NIFTI'), name="segmentation") # Normalize - normalizes functional and structural images to the MNI template normalize_fmri = Node(Normalize12(jobtype='estwrite', tpm=template, write_voxel_sizes=[2, 2, 2], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_fmri") gunzip = Node(Gunzip(), name="gunzip") normalize_t1 = Node(Normalize12( jobtype='estwrite', tpm=template, write_voxel_sizes=[iso_size, iso_size, iso_size], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_t1") normalize_masks = Node(Normalize12( jobtype='estwrite', tpm=template, write_voxel_sizes=[iso_size, iso_size, iso_size], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_masks") # Threshold - Threshold WM probability image threshold = Node(Threshold(thresh=0.5, args='-bin', output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="wm_mask_threshold") # FLIRT - pre-alignment of functional images to anatomical images coreg_pre = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="linear_warp_estimation") # FLIRT - coregistration of functional images to anatomical images with BBR coreg_bbr = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, cost='bbr', schedule=opj(os.getenv('FSLDIR'), 'etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch'), output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="nonlinear_warp_estimation") # Apply coregistration warp to functional images applywarp = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI'), name="registration_fmri") # Apply coregistration warp to mean file applywarp_mean = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="registration_mean_fmri") # Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data (alternativ to DataGrabber) anat_file = opj(structural_dir, '{subject_id}', 't1.nii') func_file = opj('{subject_id}', 'fmri.nii') templates = {'anat': anat_file, 'func': func_file} selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=base_dir), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") # Create a coregistration workflow coregwf = Workflow(name='coreg_fmri_to_t1') coregwf.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Create a preprocessing workflow preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the coregistration workflow coregwf.connect([ (bet_t1, n4bias, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (n4bias, segmentation, [('out_file', 'in_files')]), (segmentation, threshold, [(('partial_volume_files', get_latest), 'in_file')]), (n4bias, coreg_pre, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (threshold, coreg_bbr, [('out_file', 'wm_seg')]), (coreg_pre, coreg_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (n4bias, applywarp, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp_mean, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (n4bias, applywarp_mean, [('out_file', 'reference')]), ]) ## Use the following DataSink output substitutions substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-')] # ('_fwhm_', 'fwhm-'), # ('_roi', ''), # ('_mcf', ''), # ('_st', ''), # ('_flirt', ''), # ('.nii_mean_reg', '_mean'), # ('.nii.par', '.par'), # ] #subjFolders = [('fwhm-%s/' % f, 'fwhm-%s_' % f) for f in fwhm] #substitutions.extend(subjFolders) datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # Connect all components of the preprocessing workflow preproc.connect([ (infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (selectfiles, extract, [('func', 'in_file')]), (extract, mcflirt, [('roi_file', 'in_file')]), (mcflirt, slicetimer, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, coregwf, [('anat', 'bet_t1.in_file'), ('anat', 'nonlinear_warp_estimation.reference') ]), (mcflirt, coregwf, [('mean_img', 'linear_warp_estimation.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'nonlinear_warp_estimation.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'registration_mean_fmri.in_file')]), (slicetimer, coregwf, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'registration_fmri.in_file')]), (coregwf, art, [('registration_fmri.out_file', 'realigned_files')]), (mcflirt, art, [('par_file', 'realignment_parameters')]), (art, art_remotion, [('outlier_files', 'outlier_files')]), (coregwf, art_remotion, [('registration_fmri.out_file', 'in_file')]), (coregwf, gunzip, [('n4bias.out_file', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, normalize_fmri, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (art_remotion, normalize_fmri, [('out_file', 'apply_to_files')]), (selectfiles, normalize_t1, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (gunzip, normalize_t1, [('out_file', 'apply_to_files')]), (selectfiles, normalize_masks, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (coregwf, normalize_masks, [(('segmentation.partial_volume_files', get_wm_csf), 'apply_to_files')]), (normalize_fmri, smooth, [('normalized_files', 'in_files')]), (smooth, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), (normalize_masks, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('normalized_files', 'list_mask')]), (mcflirt, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('par_file', 'file_concat')]), #(smooth, extract_confounds_gs, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), #(normalize_t1, extract_confounds_gs, [(('normalized_files',change_to_list), 'list_mask')]), #(extract_confounds_ws_csf, extract_confounds_gs, [('out_file', 'file_concat')]), (smooth, signal_extraction, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), #(extract_confounds_gs, signal_extraction, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), (extract_confounds_ws_csf, signal_extraction, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), #(smooth, descomposition, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), #(extract_confounds_ws_csf, descomposition, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), #(extract_confounds_gs, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@confounds_with_gs')]), (extract_confounds_ws_csf, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@confounds_without_gs')]), (smooth, datasink, [('smoothed_files', 'preprocessing.@smoothed')]), (normalize_fmri, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@fmri_normalized')]), (normalize_t1, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@t1_normalized')]), (normalize_masks, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@masks_normalized')]), (signal_extraction, datasink, [('time_series_out_file', 'preprocessing.@time_serie')]), (signal_extraction, datasink, [('correlation_matrix_out_file', 'preprocessing.@correlation_matrix')]), (signal_extraction, datasink, [('fmri_cleaned_out_file', 'preprocessing.@fmri_cleaned_out_file')]), #(descomposition, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@descomposition')]), #(descomposition, datasink, [('plot_files', 'preprocessing.@descomposition_plot_files')]) ]) preproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True)
def main(paths, options_binary_string, ANAT, num_proc=7): json_path = paths[0] base_directory = paths[1] motion_correction_bet_directory = paths[2] parent_wf_directory = paths[3] # functional_connectivity_directory=paths[4] coreg_reg_directory = paths[5] atlas_resize_reg_directory = paths[6] subject_list = paths[7] datasink_name = paths[8] # fc_datasink_name=paths[9] atlasPath = paths[10] # brain_path=paths[11] # mask_path=paths[12] # atlas_path=paths[13] # tr_path=paths[14] # motion_params_path=paths[15] # func2std_mat_path=paths[16] # MNI3mm_path=paths[17] # demographics_file_path = paths[18] # phenotype_file_path = paths[19] data_directory = paths[20] number_of_subjects = len(subject_list) print("Working with ", number_of_subjects, " subjects.") # Create our own custom function - BIDSDataGrabber using a Function Interface. # In[858]: def get_nifti_filenames(subject_id, data_dir): # Remember that all the necesary imports need to be INSIDE the function for the Function Interface to work! from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout layout = BIDSLayout(data_dir) run = 1 anat_file_path = [ f.filename for f in layout.get( subject=subject_id, type='T1w', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz']) ] func_file_path = [ f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id, type='bold', run=run, extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz']) ] if len(anat_file_path) == 0: return None, func_file_path[0] # No Anatomical files present return anat_file_path[0], func_file_path[0] BIDSDataGrabber = Node(Function( function=get_nifti_filenames, input_names=['subject_id', 'data_dir'], output_names=['anat_file_path', 'func_file_path']), name='BIDSDataGrabber') # BIDSDataGrabber.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)] BIDSDataGrabber.inputs.data_dir = data_directory # ## Return TR def get_TR(in_file): from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout data_directory = '/home1/varunk/data/ABIDE1/RawDataBIDs' layout = BIDSLayout(data_directory) metadata = layout.get_metadata(path=in_file) TR = metadata['RepetitionTime'] return TR # ---------------- Added new Node to return TR and other slice timing correction params------------------------------- def _getMetadata(in_file): from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create a file handler handler = logging.FileHandler('progress.log') # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(handler) interleaved = True index_dir = False data_directory = '/home1/varunk/data/ABIDE1/RawDataBIDs' layout = BIDSLayout(data_directory) metadata = layout.get_metadata(path=in_file) print(metadata)'Extracting Meta Data of file: %s', in_file) try: tr = metadata['RepetitionTime'] except KeyError: print( 'Key RepetitionTime not found in task-rest_bold.json so using a default of 2.0 ' ) tr = 2 logger.error( 'Key RepetitionTime not found in task-rest_bold.json for file %s so using a default of 2.0 ', in_file) try: slice_order = metadata['SliceAcquisitionOrder'] except KeyError: print( 'Key SliceAcquisitionOrder not found in task-rest_bold.json so using a default of interleaved ascending ' ) logger.error( 'Key SliceAcquisitionOrder not found in task-rest_bold.json for file %s so using a default of interleaved ascending', in_file) return tr, index_dir, interleaved if slice_order.split(' ')[0] == 'Sequential': interleaved = False if slice_order.split(' ')[1] == 'Descending': index_dir = True return tr, index_dir, interleaved getMetadata = Node(Function( function=_getMetadata, input_names=['in_file'], output_names=['tr', 'index_dir', 'interleaved']), name='getMetadata') # ### Skipping 4 starting scans # Extract ROI for skipping first 4 scans of the functional data # > **Arguments:** # t_min: (corresponds to time dimension) Denotes the starting time of the inclusion # t_size: Denotes the number of scans to include # # The logic behind skipping 4 initial scans is to take scans after the subject has stabalized in the scanner. # In[863]: # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1), output_type='NIFTI', name="extract") # ### Slice time correction # Created a Node that does slice time correction # > **Arguments**: # index_dir=False -> Slices were taken bottom to top i.e. in ascending order # interleaved=True means odd slices were acquired first and then even slices [or vice versa(Not sure)] slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(output_type='NIFTI'), name="slicetimer") # ### Motion Correction # Motion correction is done using fsl's mcflirt. It alligns all the volumes of a functional scan to each other # MCFLIRT - motion correction mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="mcflirt") # Just a dummy node to transfer the output of Mcflirt to the next workflow. Needed if we didnt want to use the Mcflirt from_mcflirt = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file']), name="from_mcflirt") # ### Skull striping # I used fsl's BET # In[868]: skullStrip = Node(BET(mask=False, frac=0.3, robust=True), name='skullStrip') # # *Note*: Do not include special characters in ```name``` field above coz then wf.writegraph will cause issues # ## Resample # I needed to resample the anatomical file from 1mm to 3mm. Because registering a 1mm file was taking a huge amount of time. # # In[872]: # Resample - resample anatomy to 3x3x3 voxel resolution resample_mni = Node( Resample( voxel_size=(3, 3, 3), resample_mode='Cu', # cubic interpolation outputtype='NIFTI'), name="resample_mni") resample_anat = Node( Resample( voxel_size=(3, 3, 3), resample_mode='Cu', # cubic interpolation outputtype='NIFTI'), name="resample_anat") # In[873]: resample_atlas = Node( Resample( voxel_size=(3, 3, 3), resample_mode='NN', # cubic interpolation outputtype='NIFTI'), name="resample_atlas") resample_atlas.inputs.in_file = atlasPath # # Matrix operations # ### For concatenating the transformation matrices concat_xform = Node(ConvertXFM(concat_xfm=True), name='concat_xform') # Node to calculate the inverse of func2std matrix inv_mat = Node(ConvertXFM(invert_xfm=True), name='inv_mat') # ## Extracting the mean brain meanfunc = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-Tmean', suffix='_mean'), name='meanfunc') meanfuncmask = Node(interface=BET(mask=True, no_output=True, frac=0.3), name='meanfuncmask') # ## Apply Mask # Does BET (masking) on the whole func scan [Not using this, creates bug for join node] maskfunc = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_bet', op_string='-mas'), name='maskfunc') # Does BET (masking) on the mean func scan maskfunc4mean = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_bet', op_string='-mas'), name='maskfunc4mean') # ## Datasink # I needed to define the structure of what files are saved and where. # Create DataSink object dataSink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink') # Name of the output folder dataSink.inputs.base_directory = opj(base_directory, datasink_name) # Define substitution strings so that the data is similar to BIDS substitutions = [ ('_subject_id_', 'sub-'), ('_resample_brain_flirt.nii_brain', ''), ('_roi_st_mcf_flirt.nii_brain_flirt', ''), ('task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf.nii', 'motion_params'), ('T1w_resample_brain_flirt_sub-0050002_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf_mean_bet_flirt', 'fun2std') ] # Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node dataSink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # ### Apply Mask to functional data # Mean file of the motion corrected functional scan is sent to # skullStrip to get just the brain and the mask_image. # Mask_image is just a binary file (containing 1 where brain is present and 0 where it isn't). # After getting the mask_image form skullStrip, apply that mask to aligned # functional image to extract its brain and remove the skull # In[889]: # Function # in_file: The file on which you want to apply mask # in_file2 = mask_file: The mask you want to use. Make sure that mask_file has same size as in_file # out_file : Result of applying mask in in_file -> Gives the path of the output file def applyMask_func(in_file, in_file2): import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import os from os.path import join as opj # convert from unicode to string : u'/tmp/tmp8daO2Q/..' -> '/tmp/tmp8daO2Q/..' i.e. removes the prefix 'u' mask_file = in_file2 brain_data = nib.load(in_file) mask_data = nib.load(mask_file) brain = brain_data.get_data().astype('float32') mask = mask_data.get_data() # applying mask by multiplying elementwise to the binary mask if len(brain.shape) == 3: # Anat file brain = np.multiply(brain, mask) elif len(brain.shape) > 3: # Functional File for t in range(brain.shape[-1]): brain[:, :, :, t] = np.multiply(brain[:, :, :, t], mask) else: pass # Saving the brain file path = os.getcwd() in_file_split_list = in_file.split('/') in_file_name = in_file_split_list[-1] out_file = in_file_name + '_brain.nii.gz' # changing name brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain, affine=brain_data.affine, header=brain_data.header), out_file) out_file = opj(path, out_file) out_file2 = in_file2 return out_file, out_file2 # #### Things learnt: # 1. I found out that whenever a node is being executed, it becomes the current directory and whatever file you create now, will be stored here. # 2. #from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()() # Debugger doesnt work in nipype # Wrap the above function inside a Node # In[890]: applyMask = Node(Function(function=applyMask_func, input_names=['in_file', 'in_file2'], output_names=['out_file', 'out_file2']), name='applyMask') # ### Some nodes needed for Co-registration and Normalization # Node for getting the xformation matrix func2anat_reg = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI'), name="func2anat_reg") # Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data func2std_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI', apply_xfm=True), name="func2std_xform") # Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data std2func_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI', apply_xfm=True, interp='nearestneighbour'), name="std2func_xform") # Node for Normalizing/Standardizing the anatomical and getting the xformation matrix anat2std_reg = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI'), name="anat2std_reg") # I wanted to use the MNI file as input to the workflow so I created an Identity # Node that reads the MNI file path and outputs the same MNI file path. # Then I connected this node to whereever it was needed. MNI152_2mm = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['standard_file', 'mask_file']), name="MNI152_2mm") # Set the mask_file and standard_file input in the Node. This setting sets the input mask_file permanently. MNI152_2mm.inputs.mask_file = os.path.expandvars( '$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz') MNI152_2mm.inputs.standard_file = os.path.expandvars( '$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz') # MNI152_2mm.inputs.mask_file = '/usr/share/fsl/5.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz' # MNI152_2mm.inputs.standard_file = '/usr/share/fsl/5.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz' # ## Band Pass Filtering # Let's do a band pass filtering on the data using the code from ### AFNI bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.008, lowpass=0.08, despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='bandpass') # ### Following is a Join Node that collects the preprocessed file paths and saves them in a file # In[902]: def save_file_list_function_in_brain(in_brain): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list = np.asarray(in_brain) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list)'brain_file_list', file_list) file_name = 'brain_file_list.npy' out_brain = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name) # path return out_brain def save_file_list_function_in_mask(in_mask): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list2 = np.asarray(in_mask) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list2)'mask_file_list', file_list2) file_name2 = 'mask_file_list.npy' out_mask = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name2) # path return out_mask def save_file_list_function_in_motion_params(in_motion_params): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list3 = np.asarray(in_motion_params) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list3)'motion_params_file_list', file_list3) file_name3 = 'motion_params_file_list.npy' out_motion_params = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name3) # path return out_motion_params def save_file_list_function_in_motion_outliers(in_motion_outliers): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list4 = np.asarray(in_motion_outliers) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list4)'motion_outliers_file_list', file_list4) file_name4 = 'motion_outliers_file_list.npy' out_motion_outliers = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name4) # path return out_motion_outliers def save_file_list_function_in_joint_xformation_matrix( in_joint_xformation_matrix): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list5 = np.asarray(in_joint_xformation_matrix) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list5)'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list', file_list5) file_name5 = 'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list.npy' out_joint_xformation_matrix = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name5) # path return out_joint_xformation_matrix def save_file_list_function_in_tr(in_tr): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj tr_list = np.asarray(in_tr) print('######################## TR List ######################: \n', tr_list)'tr_list', tr_list) file_name6 = 'tr_list.npy' out_tr = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name6) # path return out_tr def save_file_list_function_in_atlas(in_atlas): import numpy as np import os from os.path import join as opj file_list7 = np.asarray(in_atlas) print('######################## File List ######################: \n', file_list7)'atlas_file_list', file_list7) file_name7 = 'atlas_file_list.npy' out_atlas = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name7) # path return out_atlas save_file_list_in_brain = JoinNode(Function( function=save_file_list_function_in_brain, input_names=['in_brain'], output_names=['out_brain']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_brain'], name="save_file_list_in_brain") save_file_list_in_mask = JoinNode(Function( function=save_file_list_function_in_mask, input_names=['in_mask'], output_names=['out_mask']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_mask'], name="save_file_list_in_mask") save_file_list_in_motion_outliers = JoinNode( Function(function=save_file_list_function_in_motion_outliers, input_names=['in_motion_outliers'], output_names=['out_motion_outliers']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_motion_outliers'], name="save_file_list_in_motion_outliers") save_file_list_in_motion_params = JoinNode( Function(function=save_file_list_function_in_motion_params, input_names=['in_motion_params'], output_names=['out_motion_params']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_motion_params'], name="save_file_list_in_motion_params") save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix = JoinNode( Function(function=save_file_list_function_in_joint_xformation_matrix, input_names=['in_joint_xformation_matrix'], output_names=['out_joint_xformation_matrix']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_joint_xformation_matrix'], name="save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix") save_file_list_in_tr = JoinNode(Function( function=save_file_list_function_in_tr, input_names=['in_tr'], output_names=['out_tr']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_tr'], name="save_file_list_in_tr") save_file_list_in_atlas = JoinNode(Function( function=save_file_list_function_in_atlas, input_names=['in_atlas'], output_names=['out_atlas']), joinsource="infosource", joinfield=['in_atlas'], name="save_file_list_in_atlas") # save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix', 'in_tr', 'in_atlas'], # output_names=['out_brain','out_mask','out_motion_params','out_motion_outliers','out_joint_xformation_matrix','out_tr', 'out_atlas']), # joinsource="infosource", # joinfield=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix','in_tr', 'in_atlas'], # name="save_file_list") # def save_file_list_function(in_brain, in_mask, in_motion_params, in_motion_outliers, in_joint_xformation_matrix, in_tr, in_atlas): # # Imports # import numpy as np # import os # from os.path import join as opj # # # file_list = np.asarray(in_brain) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list) # #'brain_file_list',file_list) # file_name = 'brain_file_list.npy' # out_brain = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name) # path # # # file_list2 = np.asarray(in_mask) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list2) # #'mask_file_list',file_list2) # file_name2 = 'mask_file_list.npy' # out_mask = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name2) # path # # # file_list3 = np.asarray(in_motion_params) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list3) # #'motion_params_file_list',file_list3) # file_name3 = 'motion_params_file_list.npy' # out_motion_params = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name3) # path # # # file_list4 = np.asarray(in_motion_outliers) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list4) # #'motion_outliers_file_list',file_list4) # file_name4 = 'motion_outliers_file_list.npy' # out_motion_outliers = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name4) # path # # # file_list5 = np.asarray(in_joint_xformation_matrix) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list5) # #'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list',file_list5) # file_name5 = 'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list.npy' # out_joint_xformation_matrix = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name5) # path # # tr_list = np.asarray(in_tr) # print('######################## TR List ######################: \n',tr_list) # #'tr_list',tr_list) # file_name6 = 'tr_list.npy' # out_tr = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name6) # path # # # file_list7 = np.asarray(in_atlas) # print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list7) # #'atlas_file_list',file_list7) # file_name7 = 'atlas_file_list.npy' # out_atlas = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name7) # path # # # # # return out_brain, out_mask, out_motion_params, out_motion_outliers, out_joint_xformation_matrix, out_tr , out_atlas # # # # save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix', 'in_tr', 'in_atlas'], # output_names=['out_brain','out_mask','out_motion_params','out_motion_outliers','out_joint_xformation_matrix','out_tr', 'out_atlas']), # joinsource="infosource", # joinfield=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix','in_tr', 'in_atlas'], # name="save_file_list") # ### Motion outliers motionOutliers = Node(MotionOutliers(no_motion_correction=False, metric='fd', out_metric_plot='fd_plot.png', out_metric_values='fd_raw.txt'), name='motionOutliers') # ## Workflow for atlas registration from std to functional wf_atlas_resize_reg = Workflow(name=atlas_resize_reg_directory) wf_atlas_resize_reg.connect([ # Apply the inverse matrix to the 3mm Atlas to transform it to func space (maskfunc4mean, std2func_xform, [(('out_file', 'reference'))]), (resample_atlas, std2func_xform, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), # Now, applying the inverse matrix (inv_mat, std2func_xform, [('out_file', 'in_matrix_file')] ), # output: Atlas in func space (std2func_xform, save_file_list_in_atlas, [('out_file', 'in_atlas')]), # ---------------------------Save the required files -------------------------------------------- (save_file_list_in_motion_params, dataSink, [('out_motion_params', 'motion_params_paths.@out_motion_params')]), (save_file_list_in_motion_outliers, dataSink, [('out_motion_outliers', 'motion_outliers_paths.@out_motion_outliers') ]), (save_file_list_in_brain, dataSink, [('out_brain', 'preprocessed_brain_paths.@out_brain')]), (save_file_list_in_mask, dataSink, [('out_mask', 'preprocessed_mask_paths.@out_mask')]), (save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix, dataSink, [('out_joint_xformation_matrix', 'joint_xformation_matrix_paths.@out_joint_xformation_matrix')]), (save_file_list_in_tr, dataSink, [('out_tr', 'tr_paths.@out_tr')]), (save_file_list_in_atlas, dataSink, [('out_atlas', 'atlas_paths.@out_atlas')]) ]) # In[909]: wf_coreg_reg = Workflow(name=coreg_reg_directory) # wf_coreg_reg.base_dir = base_directory # Dir where all the outputs will be stored(inside coregistrationPipeline folder). if ANAT == 1: wf_coreg_reg.connect(BIDSDataGrabber, 'anat_file_path', skullStrip, 'in_file') # Resampled the anat file to 3mm wf_coreg_reg.connect(skullStrip, 'out_file', resample_anat, 'in_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect( resample_anat, 'out_file', func2anat_reg, 'reference' ) # Make the resampled file as reference in func2anat_reg # Sec 1. The above 3 steps registers the mean image to resampled anat image and # calculates the xformation matrix .. I hope the xformation matrix will be saved wf_coreg_reg.connect(MNI152_2mm, 'standard_file', resample_mni, 'in_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect(resample_mni, 'out_file', anat2std_reg, 'reference') wf_coreg_reg.connect(resample_anat, 'out_file', anat2std_reg, 'in_file') # Calculates the Xformationmatrix from anat3mm to MNI 3mm # We can get those matrices by refering to func2anat_reg.outputs.out_matrix_file and similarly for anat2std_reg wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', concat_xform, 'in_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect(anat2std_reg, 'out_matrix_file', concat_xform, 'in_file2') wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file', dataSink, 'tranformation_matrix_fun2std.@out_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file', save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix, 'in_joint_xformation_matrix') # Now inverse the func2std MAT to std2func wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file', wf_atlas_resize_reg, 'inv_mat.in_file') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Registration of Functional to MNI 3mm space w/o using anatomical if ANAT == 0: print('Not using Anatomical high resoulution files') wf_coreg_reg.connect(MNI152_2mm, 'standard_file', resample_mni, 'in_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect( resample_mni, 'out_file', func2anat_reg, 'reference' ) # Make the resampled file as reference in func2anat_reg wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', dataSink, 'tranformation_matrix_fun2std.@out_file') wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix, 'in_joint_xformation_matrix') # Now inverse the func2std MAT to std2func wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', wf_atlas_resize_reg, 'inv_mat.in_file') # ## Co-Registration, Normalization and Bandpass Workflow # 1. Co-registration means alligning the func to anat # 2. Normalization means aligning func/anat to standard # 3. Applied band pass filtering in range - highpass=0.008, lowpass=0.08 # In[910]: wf_motion_correction_bet = Workflow(name=motion_correction_bet_directory) # wf_motion_correction_bet.base_dir = base_directory wf_motion_correction_bet.connect([ (from_mcflirt, meanfunc, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), (meanfunc, meanfuncmask, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (from_mcflirt, applyMask, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), # 1 (meanfuncmask, applyMask, [ ('mask_file', 'in_file2') ]), # 2 output: 1&2, BET on coregistered fmri scan (meanfunc, maskfunc4mean, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), # 3 (meanfuncmask, maskfunc4mean, [('mask_file', 'in_file2')]), # 4 output: 3&4, BET on mean func scan (applyMask, save_file_list_in_brain, [('out_file', 'in_brain')]), (applyMask, save_file_list_in_mask, [('out_file2', 'in_mask')]), (maskfunc4mean, wf_coreg_reg, [('out_file', 'func2anat_reg.in_file')]) ]) infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list)] # Create the workflow wf = Workflow(name=parent_wf_directory) # base_dir = opj(s,'result') wf.base_dir = base_directory # Dir where all the outputs will be stored(inside BETFlow folder). # wf.connect([ (infosource, BIDSDataGrabber, [('subject_id','subject_id')]), # (BIDSDataGrabber, extract, [('func_file_path','in_file')]), # # (BIDSDataGrabber,getMetadata, [('func_file_path','in_file')]), # # (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('tr','time_repetition')]), # # # (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('index_dir','index_dir')]), # # (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('interleaved','interleaved')]), # # (getMetadata,save_file_list_in_tr, [('tr','in_tr')]), # # (extract,slicetimer,[('roi_file','in_file')]), # # (slicetimer, mcflirt,[('slice_time_corrected_file','in_file')]) # (mcflirt,dataSink,[('par_file','motion_params.@par_file')]), # saves the motion parameters calculated before # # (mcflirt,save_file_list_in_motion_params,[('par_file','in_motion_params')]), # # (mcflirt,wf_motion_correction_bet,[('out_file','from_mcflirt.in_file')]) # ]) # # Run it in parallel #'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc}) # # # # # Visualize the detailed graph # # from IPython.display import Image # wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True) # Options: # discard 4 Volumes (extract), slicetimer, mcflirt print('Preprocessing Options:') print('Skipping 4 dummy volumes - ', options_binary_string[0]) print('Slicetiming correction - ', options_binary_string[1]) print('Finding Motion Outliers - ', options_binary_string[2]) print('Doing Motion Correction - ', options_binary_string[3]) # ANAT = 0 nodes = [extract, slicetimer, motionOutliers, mcflirt] wf.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', BIDSDataGrabber, 'subject_id') wf.connect(BIDSDataGrabber, 'func_file_path', getMetadata, 'in_file') wf.connect(getMetadata, 'tr', save_file_list_in_tr, 'in_tr') old_node = BIDSDataGrabber old_node_output = 'func_file_path' for idx, include in enumerate(options_binary_string): if old_node == extract: old_node_output = 'roi_file' elif old_node == slicetimer: old_node_output = 'slice_time_corrected_file' # elif old_node == mcflirt: # old_node_output = 'out_file' if int(include): new_node = nodes[idx] if new_node == slicetimer: wf.connect(getMetadata, 'tr', slicetimer, 'time_repetition') wf.connect(getMetadata, 'index_dir', slicetimer, 'index_dir') wf.connect(getMetadata, 'interleaved', slicetimer, 'interleaved') new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == extract: new_node_input = 'in_file' elif new_node == mcflirt: new_node_input = 'in_file' wf.connect(mcflirt, 'par_file', dataSink, 'motion_params.@par_file' ) # saves the motion parameters calculated before wf.connect(mcflirt, 'par_file', save_file_list_in_motion_params, 'in_motion_params') wf.connect(mcflirt, 'out_file', wf_motion_correction_bet, 'from_mcflirt.in_file') elif new_node == motionOutliers: wf.connect(meanfuncmask, 'mask_file', motionOutliers, 'mask') wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_file', dataSink, 'motionOutliers.@out_file') wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_metric_plot', dataSink, 'motionOutliers.@out_metric_plot') wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_metric_values', dataSink, 'motionOutliers.@out_metric_values') wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_file', save_file_list_in_motion_outliers, 'in_motion_outliers') new_node_input = 'in_file' wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input) continue wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input) old_node = new_node else: if idx == 3: # new_node = from_mcflirt # new_node_input = 'from_mcflirt.in_file' wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, wf_motion_correction_bet, 'from_mcflirt.in_file') # old_node = new_node TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE = opj(base_directory, 'crash_files') wf.config = {"execution": {"crashdump_dir": TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE}} # Visualize the detailed graph # from IPython.display import Image wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True) # Run it in parallel'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc})
def run(self): matlab_cmd = self.paths['spm_path'] + ' ' + self.paths[ 'mcr_path'] + '/ script' spm.SPMCommand.set_mlab_paths(matlab_cmd=matlab_cmd, use_mcr=True) print(matlab_cmd) print('SPM version: ' + str(spm.SPMCommand().version)) experiment_dir = opj(self.paths['input_path'], 'output/') output_dir = 'datasink' working_dir = 'workingdir' subject_list = self.subject_list # list of subject identifiers fwhm = self.parameters[ 'fwhm'] # Smoothing widths to apply (Gaussian kernel size) tr = self.parameters['tr'] # Repetition time init_volume = self.parameters[ 'init_volume'] # Firts volumen identification which will use in the pipeline iso_size = self.parameters[ 'iso_size'] # Isometric resample of functional images to voxel size (in mm) low_pass = self.parameters['low_pass'] high_pass = self.parameters['high_pass'] t1_relative_path = self.paths['t1_relative_path'] fmri_relative_path = self.paths['fmri_relative_path'] # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=init_volume, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") #FSL # MCFLIRT - motion correction mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="motion_correction") #FSL # SliceTimer - correct for slice wise acquisition slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=tr), name="slice_timing_correction") #FSL # Smooth - image smoothing denoise = Node(Denoise(), name="denoising") #Interfaces with dipy smooth = Node(spm.Smooth(fwhm=fwhm), name="smooth") #SPM n4bias = Node(N4Bias(out_file='t1_n4bias.nii.gz'), name='n4bias') #Interface with SimpleITK descomposition = Node(Descomposition(n_components=20, low_pass=0.1, high_pass=0.01, tr=tr), name='descomposition') #Interface with nilearn # Artifact Detection - determines outliers in functional images art = Node(ArtifactDetect(norm_threshold=2, zintensity_threshold=3, mask_type='spm_global', parameter_source='FSL', use_differences=[True, False], plot_type='svg'), name="artifact_detection") #Rapidart extract_confounds_ws_csf = Node( ExtractConfounds(out_file='ev_without_gs.csv'), name='extract_confounds_ws_csf') #Interfece extract_confounds_gs = Node(ExtractConfounds(out_file='ev_with_gs.csv', delimiter=','), name='extract_confounds_global_signal') signal_extraction = Node(SignalExtraction( time_series_out_file='time_series.csv', correlation_matrix_out_file='correlation_matrix.png', labels_parcellation_path=self.paths['labels_parcellation_path'], mask_mni_path=self.paths['mask_mni_path'], tr=tr, low_pass=low_pass, high_pass=high_pass, plot=False), name='signal_extraction') signal_extraction.iterables = [('image_parcellation_path', self.paths['image_parcellation_path'])] art_remotion = Node( ArtifacRemotion(out_file='fmri_art_removed.nii'), name='artifact_remotion') #This interface requires implementation # BET - Skullstrip anatomical anf funtional images bet_t1 = Node(BET(frac=0.5, robust=True, mask=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="bet_t1") #FSL # FAST - Image Segmentation segmentation = Node(FAST(output_type='NIFTI'), name="segmentation") #FSL # Normalize - normalizes functional and structural images to the MNI template normalize_fmri = Node(Normalize12( jobtype='estwrite', tpm=self.paths['template_spm_path'], write_voxel_sizes=[iso_size, iso_size, iso_size], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_fmri") #SPM gunzip = Node(Gunzip(), name="gunzip") normalize_t1 = Node(Normalize12( jobtype='estwrite', tpm=self.paths['template_spm_path'], write_voxel_sizes=[iso_size, iso_size, iso_size], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_t1") normalize_masks = Node(Normalize12( jobtype='estwrite', tpm=self.paths['template_spm_path'], write_voxel_sizes=[iso_size, iso_size, iso_size], write_bounding_box=[[-90, -126, -72], [90, 90, 108]]), name="normalize_masks") # Threshold - Threshold WM probability image threshold = Node(Threshold(thresh=0.5, args='-bin', output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="wm_mask_threshold") # FLIRT - pre-alignment of functional images to anatomical images coreg_pre = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="linear_warp_estimation") # FLIRT - coregistration of functional images to anatomical images with BBR coreg_bbr = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, cost='bbr', schedule=opj(os.getenv('FSLDIR'), 'etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch'), output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="nonlinear_warp_estimation") # Apply coregistration warp to functional images applywarp = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI'), name="registration_fmri") # Apply coregistration warp to mean file applywarp_mean = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="registration_mean_fmri") # Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data (alternativ to DataGrabber) anat_file = opj('{subject_id}', t1_relative_path) func_file = opj('{subject_id}', fmri_relative_path) #anat_file = opj('{subject_id}/anat/', 'data.nii') #func_file = opj('{subject_id}/func/', 'data.nii') templates = {'anat': anat_file, 'func': func_file} selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles( templates, base_directory=self.paths['input_path']), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") # Create a coregistration workflow coregwf = Workflow(name='coreg_fmri_to_t1') coregwf.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Create a preprocessing workflow preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the coregistration workflow coregwf.connect([ (bet_t1, n4bias, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (n4bias, segmentation, [('out_file', 'in_files')]), (segmentation, threshold, [(('partial_volume_files', get_latest), 'in_file')]), (n4bias, coreg_pre, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (threshold, coreg_bbr, [('out_file', 'wm_seg')]), (coreg_pre, coreg_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (n4bias, applywarp, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp_mean, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file') ]), (n4bias, applywarp_mean, [('out_file', 'reference')]), ]) ## Use the following DataSink output substitutions substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-')] # ('_fwhm_', 'fwhm-'), # ('_roi', ''), # ('_mcf', ''), # ('_st', ''), # ('_flirt', ''), # ('.nii_mean_reg', '_mean'), # ('.nii.par', '.par'), # ] # subjFolders = [('fwhm-%s/' % f, 'fwhm-%s_' % f) for f in fwhm] # substitutions.extend(subjFolders) datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions # Connect all components of the preprocessing workflow preproc.connect([ (infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (selectfiles, extract, [('func', 'in_file')]), (extract, mcflirt, [('roi_file', 'in_file')]), (mcflirt, slicetimer, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, denoise, [('anat', 'in_file')]), (denoise, coregwf, [('out_file', 'bet_t1.in_file'), ('out_file', 'nonlinear_warp_estimation.reference')]), (mcflirt, coregwf, [('mean_img', 'linear_warp_estimation.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'nonlinear_warp_estimation.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'registration_mean_fmri.in_file')]), (slicetimer, coregwf, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'registration_fmri.in_file')]), (coregwf, art, [('registration_fmri.out_file', 'realigned_files') ]), (mcflirt, art, [('par_file', 'realignment_parameters')]), (art, art_remotion, [('outlier_files', 'outlier_files')]), (coregwf, art_remotion, [('registration_fmri.out_file', 'in_file') ]), (coregwf, gunzip, [('n4bias.out_file', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, normalize_fmri, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (art_remotion, normalize_fmri, [('out_file', 'apply_to_files')]), (selectfiles, normalize_t1, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (gunzip, normalize_t1, [('out_file', 'apply_to_files')]), (selectfiles, normalize_masks, [('anat', 'image_to_align')]), (coregwf, normalize_masks, [(('segmentation.partial_volume_files', get_wm_csf), 'apply_to_files')]), (normalize_fmri, smooth, [('normalized_files', 'in_files')]), (smooth, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file') ]), (normalize_masks, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('normalized_files', 'list_mask')]), (mcflirt, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('par_file', 'file_concat')]), (art, extract_confounds_ws_csf, [('outlier_files', 'outlier_files') ]), # (smooth, extract_confounds_gs, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), # (normalize_t1, extract_confounds_gs, [(('normalized_files',change_to_list), 'list_mask')]), # (extract_confounds_ws_csf, extract_confounds_gs, [('out_file', 'file_concat')]), (smooth, signal_extraction, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), # (extract_confounds_gs, signal_extraction, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), (extract_confounds_ws_csf, signal_extraction, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), #(smooth, descomposition, [('smoothed_files', 'in_file')]), #(extract_confounds_ws_csf, descomposition, [('out_file', 'confounds_file')]), # (extract_confounds_gs, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@confounds_with_gs')]), (denoise, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@t1_denoised')]), (extract_confounds_ws_csf, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@confounds_without_gs')]), (smooth, datasink, [('smoothed_files', 'preprocessing.@smoothed') ]), (normalize_fmri, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@fmri_normalized')]), (normalize_t1, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@t1_normalized')]), (normalize_masks, datasink, [('normalized_files', 'preprocessing.@masks_normalized')]), (signal_extraction, datasink, [('time_series_out_file', 'preprocessing.@time_serie')]), (signal_extraction, datasink, [('correlation_matrix_out_file', 'preprocessing.@correlation_matrix')]) ]) #(signal_extraction, datasink, # [('fmri_cleaned_out_file', 'preprocessing.@fmri_cleaned_out_file')])]) #, #(descomposition, datasink, [('out_file', 'preprocessing.@descomposition')]), #(descomposition, datasink, [('plot_files', 'preprocessing.@descomposition_plot_files')]) #]) preproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True)