文件: pf.py 项目: sgrim3/comprobo15
    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        # TODO: implement this
        #print str(msg.range[0])
        #We ctually need to go through all of the range so a for loop form 0 to 360
        #We also need to delete any ranges that return 0 because that is a false reading and causes problems
        #print msg

        for part in self.particle_cloud:
            total_distace = 0
            average_distance = 0
            count = 0
            for angle in range(359):
                distance_in_front = msg.ranges[angle]
                if distance_in_front == 0:
                    count +=1
                    rad = angle/360 * 2 * math.pi
                    part.x = part.x + distance_in_front*math.cos(part.theta + rad)
                    part.y = part.y + distance_in_front*math.sin(part.theta + rad)
                    distance = OccupancyField.get_closest_obstacle_distance(self.occupancy_field, part.x, part.y)
                    total_distace += distance
            average_distance = total_distace/count
class ParticleMatcher(object):
    #map is a 2D array passed with a singular data value on whether or not there is
    #something in the coordinate
    def __init__(self):
        #self.map_ = map_
        self.OF = OccupancyField()

    def d2p(self, d, eps=1e-3):
        # return d.max() - d + eps # linear-mode
        # return (1.0 / (d + eps)) # inverse-mode

        kp, kx = 0.5, 1.0  # configure as p=50% match at 1.0m distance
        k = (-np.log(kp) / kx)
        return np.exp(-k * d)

    def match(self, particle_list, scan, min_num=5):
        if (len(scan) <= min_num):
            return None
        #scan is a list of [angle, theta]
        min_dist = np.min(scan[:, 1])
        #print('ps', particle_list)
        #dist = [self.OF.get_closest_obstacle_distance(p[0], p[1]) for p in particle_list]
        ps = particle_list
        dist = self.OF.get_closest_obstacle_distance(ps[:, 0], ps[:, 1])
        dist = np.asarray(dist, dtype=np.float32)
        )] = np.inf  # WARNING : setting to np.inf doesn't work for linear-mode d2p.
        cost = np.abs(np.subtract(dist, min_dist))

        #print('dist stats : min {} max {} std {}'.format(dist.min(),dist.max(),dist.std()))
        #cost = np.abs(np.subtract(dist, min_dist))
        #cost[np.isnan(cost)] = 0 # set nan cost to zero to prevent artifacts
        #weight = cost.max() - cost + 1e-3

        weight = self.d2p(cost)

        #weight = 1.0 / cost
        # TODO : determine inverse vs. linear cost performance comparison

        #weight[np.isnan(dist)] = 0 # set nan weight to zero to make sure it doesn't get sampled
        #print('ws', weight)
        return weight
class MapModel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()

    Function: get_valid_point

    Generate a random point from the map.


    def get_valid_point(self):
        #TODO: Use the pose estimate function, like in the example. This may need to move out of map model
        # x axis is width
        max_width = self.occupancy_field.map.info.width * self.occupancy_field.map.info.resolution / 4.0
        # y axis is height
        max_height = self.occupancy_field.map.info.height * self.occupancy_field.map.info.resolution / 4.0

        return (random.uniform(-1.0 * max_width, max_width),
                random.uniform(-1.0 * max_height, max_height))

    Function: get_predicted_obstacle_error
    Inputs: int distance_reading (measurement from the laser scan)
            float x: (map frame)
            float y: (map frame)
            int angle: degrees (map frame) (must have accounted for robot's yaw)

    Use a laser scan reading to project the theoretical position of where an obstacle
    should be in a direction (angle).
    Return the distance to the closest obstacle from this position on the given map.
    This distance corresponds to the error between the predicted obstacle position
    and its location on the map given a hypothetical robot position.
    A smaller error means the reading is more likely from the given position


    def get_predicted_obstacle_error(self, distance_reading, x, y, angle):
        # Predict location of objects based on laser scan reading.
        predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y = self.move_coordinate(
            x, y, angle, distance_reading)

        # Find the closest obstacle to the predicted obstacle position
        predicted_reading = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
            predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y)
        print("Predicted x: {}, y: {}, reading: {}".format(
            predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y, predicted_reading))
        return predicted_reading

    Function: move_coordinate
    Inputs: float x
            float y
            int angle: degrees
            int distance

    Return a point which is the given distance away from (x, y) in the angle direction.


    def move_coordinate(self, x, y, angle, distance):
        return (x + cos(radians(angle)) * distance,
                y + sin(radians(angle)) * distance)

    def get_origin_marker(self):
        origin_pose = self.occupancy_field.map.info.origin
        """header = Header(frame_id = "map",stamp=rospy.Time(0))
        pose = origin_pose
        scale = Vector3(1,1,1)
        color = ColorRGBA(255,0,0,255)
        type = 2
        origin_marker = Marker(header=header,pose=pose,scale=scale,color=color,type=type)"""
        return origin_pose
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.n_particles = 500          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.1
        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap)
            map = static_map().map
            print("Could not receive map")

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        mean_x = 0
        mean_y = 0
        mean_theta = 0
        mean_x_vector = 0
        mean_y_vector = 0

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            mean_x += p.x*p.w
            mean_y += p.y*p.w
            mean_x_vector += math.cos(p.theta)*p.w
            mean_y_vector += math.sin(p.theta)*p.w
        mean_theta = math.atan2(mean_y_vector, mean_x_vector)
        self.robot_pose = Particle(x=mean_x,y=mean_y,theta=mean_theta).as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = {'x': new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     'y': new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     'theta': new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]}
            delta['r'] = math.sqrt(delta['x']**2 + delta['y']**2)
            delta['rot'] = angle_diff(math.atan2(delta['y'],delta['x']), old_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.x += delta['r']*math.cos(delta['rot'] + p.theta)
            p.y += delta['r']*math.sin(delta['rot'] + p.theta)
            p.theta += delta['theta']

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO(NOPE): nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        indices = [i for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud))]
        probs = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]
        # print('b')
        # print(probs)
        new_indices = self.draw_random_sample(choices=indices, probabilities=probs, n=(self.n_particles))
        new_particles = []
        for i in new_indices:
            clean_index = int(i)
            old_particle = self.particle_cloud[clean_index]
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            weight_sum = 0
            for i in range(360):
                n_o = p.nearest_obstacle(i, msg.ranges[i])
                error = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(n_o[0], n_o[1])
                weight_sum += math.exp(-error*error/(2*self.sigma**2))
            p.w = weight_sum / 360
            # print(p.w)

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        for i in range(self.n_particles):

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        w = [deepcopy(p.w) for p in self.particle_cloud]
        z = sum(w)
        if z > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w = w[i] / z
            for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w = 1/len(self.particle_cloud)
        print(sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]))

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "stable_scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 100  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.12  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 5  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # Define additional constants
        self.initial_position_deviation = 0.3  # the std deviation (meters) to use for the initial particles' position distribution
        self.initial_angle_deviation = math.pi / 6  # the std deviation (degrees) to use for the initial particles' angle distribution
        self.resample_position_deviation = 0.05
        self.resample_angle_deviation = math.pi / 10

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField
        getMap = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(getMap().map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # First make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        x, y, unit_x, unit_y = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            x += p.x
            y += p.y
            unit_x += math.cos(p.theta)
            unit_y += math.sin(p.theta)

        # Assign the latest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        self.robot_pose = Pose(
            Point(x / len(self.particle_cloud), y / len(self.particle_cloud),
                0, 0, math.atan2(unit_y, unit_x))))

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        dx, dy, dtheta = delta
        ds = math.hypot(dx, dy)
        rotationOne = math.atan2(dy, dx) - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]
        rotationTwo = dtheta - rotationOne

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # Rotate particle to face its destination coordinate

            # Advance the particle forward in its coordinate frame
            particle.x += ds * math.cos(particle.theta)
            particle.y += ds * math.sin(particle.theta)

            # Rotate particle to face its final heading

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        self.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(
            self.particle_cloud, [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud],

        # Add noise to resample
        self.particle_cloud = [
                float(normal(p.x, self.resample_position_deviation)),
                float(normal(p.y, self.resample_position_deviation)),
                float(normal(p.theta, self.resample_angle_deviation)),
            ) for p in self.particle_cloud

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            coordinate_list = []
            x, y, theta = (particle.x, particle.y, particle.theta)

            for lidarAngle, dist in enumerate(msg.ranges):
                if dist != 0.0:
                    lidarAngle = math.radians(lidarAngle)
                    angle = angle_normalize(theta + lidarAngle)
                    coordinate_list.append((x + dist * math.cos(angle),
                                            y + dist * math.sin(angle)))

            likelihood = 0

            for point in coordinate_list:
                closestDist = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    point[0], point[1])
                likelihood += math.e**-(closestDist * 100)

            particle.w *= likelihood

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        x, y, theta = xy_theta

        self.particle_cloud = [
                float(normal(x, self.initial_position_deviation)),
                float(normal(y, self.initial_position_deviation)),
                float(normal(theta, self.initial_angle_deviation)),
            ) for n in xrange(self.n_particles)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        normFactor = sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud])
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= normFactor

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (len(self.current_odom_xy_theta) < 3
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer
            TODO: if you want to learn a lot about tf, reimplement this... I can provide
                  you with some hints as to what is going on here. """
         rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
                                          self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
class ParticleFilter(object):
    Class to represent Particle Filter ROS Node
    Subscribes to /initialpose for initial pose estimate
    Publishes top particle estimate to /particlebest and all particles in cloud to /particlecloud
    def __init__(self):
        __init__ function to create main attributes, setup threshold values, setup rosnode subs and pubs
        self.initialized = False
        self.num_particles = 150
        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update
        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.lidar_points = []
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",
        self.best_particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlebest",
        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from
        self.best_guess = (
            None, None)  # (index of particle with highest weight, its weight)
        self.particles_to_replace = .075
        self.n_effective = 0  # this is a measure of the particle diversity

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot
        # location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # create instances of two helper objects that are provided to you
        # as part of the project
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        print("xy_theta", xy_theta)
            xy_theta)  # creates particle cloud at position passed in
        # by message
        print("INITIALIZING POSE")

        # Use the helper functions to fix the transform
    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta):
        Creates initial particle cloud based on robot pose estimate position
        self.particle_cloud = []
        angle_variance = math.pi / 10  # POint the points in the general direction of the robot
        x_cur = xy_theta[0]
        y_cur = xy_theta[1]
        theta_cur = self.transform_helper.angle_normalize(xy_theta[2])
        # print("theta_cur: ", theta_cur)
        for i in range(self.num_particles):
            # Generate values for and add a new particle!!
            x_rel = random.uniform(-.3, .3)
            y_rel = random.uniform(-.3, .3)
            new_theta = (random.uniform(theta_cur - angle_variance,
                                        theta_cur + angle_variance))
            # TODO: Could use a tf transform to add x and y in the robot's coordinate system
            new_particle = Particle(x_cur + x_rel, y_cur + y_rel, new_theta)
        print("Done initializing particles")
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)
        print("normalized correctly")
        print("updated robot pose")

    def normalize_particles(self):
        Normalizes particle weights to total but retains weightage
        total_weights = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud])
        # if your weights aren't normalized then normalize them
        if total_weights != 1.0:
            for i in self.particle_cloud:
                i.w = i.w / total_weights

    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose in the map frame given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose based on all the high weight particles
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        print("Normalized particles in update robot pose")

        # create average pose for robot pose based on entire particle cloud
        average_x = 0
        average_y = 0
        average_theta = 0

        # walk through all particles, calculate weighted average for x, y, z, in particle map.
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            average_x += p.x * p.w
            average_y += p.y * p.w
            average_theta += p.theta * p.w

        # # create new particle representing weighted average values, pass in Pose to new robot pose
        self.robot_pose = Particle(average_x, average_y,

            self.robot_pose, timestamp)
        print("Done fixing map to odom")

    def publish_particles(self):
        Publish entire particle cloud as pose array for visualization in RVIZ
        Also publish the top / best particle based on its weight
        # Convert the particles from xy_theta to pose!!
        pose_particle_cloud = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:

        # doing shit based off best pose
        best_pose_quat = max(self.particle_cloud,
        #self.best_particle_pub.publish(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id=self.map_frame), pose=best_pose_quat)

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.
            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # TODO: FIX noise incorporation into movement.

        min_travel = 0.2
        xy_spread = 0.02 / min_travel  # More variance with driving forward
        theta_spread = .005 / min_travel

        random_vals_x = np.random.normal(0, abs(delta[0] * xy_spread),
        random_vals_y = np.random.normal(0, abs(delta[1] * xy_spread),
        random_vals_theta = np.random.normal(0, abs(delta[2] * theta_spread),

        for p_num, p in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            # compute phi, or basically the angle from 0 that the particle
            # needs to be moving - phi equals OG diff angle - robot angle + OG partilce angle
            # ADD THE NOISE!!
            noisy_x = (delta[0] + random_vals_x[p_num])
            noisy_y = (delta[1] + random_vals_y[p_num])

            ang_of_dest = math.atan2(noisy_y, noisy_x)
            # calculate angle needed to turn in angle_to_dest
            ang_to_dest = self.transform_helper.angle_diff(
                self.current_odom_xy_theta[2], ang_of_dest)
            d = math.sqrt(noisy_x**2 + noisy_y**2)

            phi = p.theta + ang_to_dest
            p.x += math.cos(phi) * d
            p.y += math.sin(phi) * d
            p.theta += self.transform_helper.angle_normalize(
                delta[2] + random_vals_theta[p_num])

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        calculate particle weights based off laser scan data passed into param
        # print("Updating particles with Laser")
        lidar_points = msg.ranges

        for p_deg, p in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            # do we need to compute particle pos in diff frame?
            p.occ_scan_mapped = []  # reset list
            for scan_distance in lidar_points:
                # handle edge case
                if scan_distance == 0.0:
                # calc a delta theta and use that to overlay scan data onto the particle headings
                pt_rad = deg2rad(p_deg)
                particle_pt_theta = self.transform_helper.angle_normalize(
                    p.theta + pt_rad)
                particle_pt_x = p.x + math.cos(
                    particle_pt_theta) * scan_distance
                particle_pt_y = p.y + math.sin(
                    particle_pt_theta) * scan_distance
                # calculate distance from every single scan point in particle frame
                occ_value = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    particle_pt_x, particle_pt_y)
                # Think about cutting off max penalty if occ_value is too big

            # assign weights based off newly assigned occ_scan_mapped
            # apply gaussian e**-d**2 to every weight, then cube to emphasize
            p.occ_scan_mapped = [(math.e / (d)**2) if (d)**2 != 0 else
                                 (math.e / (d + .01)**2)
                                 for d in p.occ_scan_mapped]
            p.occ_scan_mapped = [d**3 for d in p.occ_scan_mapped]
            p.w = sum(p.occ_scan_mapped)
            #print("Set weight to: ", p.w)
            p.occ_scan_mapped = []

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def resample_particles(self):
        Re initialize particles in self.particle_cloud
        based on preivous weightages.
        weights = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]

        # after calculating all particle weights, we want to calc the n_effective
        # self.n_effective = 0
        self.n_effective = 1 / sum(
            [w**2 for w in weights])  # higher is more diversity, so less noise
        print("n_effective: ", self.n_effective)

        temp_particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(
            self.particle_cloud, weights,
            int((1 - self.particles_to_replace) * self.num_particles))
        # temp_particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, weights, self.num_particles)

        particle_cloud_to_transform = self.draw_random_sample(
            self.particle_cloud, weights, self.num_particles - int(
                (1 - self.particles_to_replace) * self.num_particles))

        # NOISE POLLUTION - larger noise, smaller # particles
        # normal_std_xy = .25
        normal_std_xy = 10 / self.n_effective  # feedback loop? 8,3
        normal_std_theta = 3 / self.n_effective
        # normal_std_theta = math.pi/21
        random_vals_x = np.random.normal(0, normal_std_xy,
        random_vals_y = np.random.normal(0, normal_std_xy,
        random_vals_theta = np.random.normal(0, normal_std_theta,

        for p_num, p in enumerate(
                particle_cloud_to_transform):  # add in noise in x,y, theta
            p.x += random_vals_x[p_num]
            p.y += random_vals_y[p_num]
            p.theta += random_vals_theta[p_num]

        # reset the partilce cloud based on the newly transformed particles
        self.particle_cloud = temp_particle_cloud + particle_cloud_to_transform

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        Callback function for recieving laser scan - should pass data into global scan object
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        # grab from listener & store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # Now we've done all calcs, we exit the scan_recieved() method by either initializing a cloud
        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # TODO: Where do we get the xy_theta needed for initialize_particle_cloud?

        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def run(self):
        main run loop for rosnode
        r = rospy.Rate(5)
        print("Nathan and Adi ROS Loop code is starting!!!")
        while not (rospy.is_shutdown()):
            # in the main loop all we do is continuously broadcast the latest
            # map to odom transform
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 100          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.08 

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markers", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        # Dados do Laser: Mapa de verossimilhança/Occupancy field/Likehood map e Traçado de raios.
        # Traçado de raios: Leitura em ângulo que devolve distância, através do sensor. Dado o mapa,
        # extender a direção da distância pra achar um obstáculo. 
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        #atualização de posição(odometria)
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        #Chamar o mapa a partir de funcao externa
        mapa = chama_mapa.obter_mapa()

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(mapa)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        print("Update Robot Pose")
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        #Variaveis para soma do X,Y e angulo Theta da particula
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        theta_sum = 0

        #Loop de soma para as variaveis relativas a probabilidade da particula
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            x_sum += p.x * p.w
            y_sum += p.y * p.w
            theta_sum += p.theta * p.w

        #Atributo robot_pose eh o pose da melhor particula possivel a partir das variaveis de soma
        self.robot_pose = Particle(x=x_sum, y=y_sum, theta=theta_sum).as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self,msg):
        print("Update Particles with Odom")
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        #R eh o raio feito a partir de um pitagoras com o X e Y da variacao Delta
        r = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)

        #Funcao para conseguir um valor entre -pi e pi e subtrair o antigo valor de theta. (Achei um pouco confusa, )
        phi = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0])-old_odom_xy_theta[2]
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.x += r*math.cos(phi+particle.theta)
            particle.y += r*math.sin(phi+particle.theta)
            particle.theta += delta[2]
        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        #Primeiro de tudo, normalizar particulas

        #Criar array do numpy vazia do tamanho do numero de particulas.
        values = np.empty(self.n_particles)

        #Preencher essa lista com os indices das particulas
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            values[i] = i

        #Criar uma lista para novas particulas
        new_particles = []

        #Criar lista com os indices das particulas com mais probabilidade
        random_particles = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(values,[p.w for p in self.particle_cloud],self.n_particles)
        for i in random_particles:
            #Transformar o I em inteiro para corrigir bug de float
            int_i = int(i)

            #Pegar particula na possicao I na nuvem de particulas.
            p = self.particle_cloud[int_i]

            #Adicionar particulas somando um valor aleatorio da distribuicao gauss com media = 0 e desvio padrao = 0.025

        #Igualar nuvem de particulas a novo sample criado
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles
        #Normalizar mais uma vez as particulas.

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        print("Update Particles with laser")
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            for i in range(360):
                #Distancia no angulo I
                distancia = msg.ranges[i]

                x = distancia * math.cos(i + p.theta)
                y = distancia * math.sin(i + p.theta)

                #Verificar se distancia minima eh diferente de nan
                erro_nan = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
                if erro_nan is not float('nan'):
                    # Adicionar valor para corrigir erro de nan (Retirado de outro codigo)
                    p.w += math.exp(-erro_nan*erro_nan/(2*self.sigma**2))

        #Normalizar particulas e criar um novo sample das mesmas

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    #Nao estou usando esse metodo. Apenas o weighted_values
    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        print("Draw Random Sample")
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        print("Update Initial Pose")
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        self.particle_cloud = []
        # TODO create particles

        # Criando particula
        print("Inicializacao da Cloud de Particulas")

        #Valor auxiliar para nao dar erro na hora de criacao das particulas. Irrelevante
        valor_aux = 0.3
        for i in range (self.n_particles):
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(0, 0, 0, valor_aux))

        # Randomizar particulas em volta do robo.
        for i in self.particle_cloud:
            i.x = xy_theta[0]+ random.uniform(-1,1)
            i.y = xy_theta[1]+ random.uniform(-1,1)
            i.theta = xy_theta[2]+ random.uniform(-45,45)
        #Normalizar as particulas e dar update na posicao do robo

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """

        #Soma total das probabilidades das particulas
        w_sum = sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud])

        #Dividir cada probabilidade de uma particula pela soma total
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= w_sum
        # TODO: implement this

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        print("Publicar Particulas.")
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            print("Not Initialized")
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,rospy.Time(0))):
            print("Not 2")
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,rospy.Time(0))):
            print("Not 3")
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp = rospy.Time(0),
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    # direcionar particulas quando um obstaculo é identificado.

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        print("Fix Map to Odom Transform")
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self, map_fname):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "batman/base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "batman/odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "batman/scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 500  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.02  # guess for how inaccurate lidar readings are in meters
        self.beacon_sigma = 2
        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("bl_particlecloud",
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markers",
        self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/batman/pose",
        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan,

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.laser_pose = None
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.cnt = 0
        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        self.map_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.map = self.map_server().map
        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(self.map)

        with open(map_fname, 'r') as map_file:
            self.refpoints = [
                yaml.load(x) for x in map_file.read().split('---')[:-1]
            self.ref_vector_dimension = len(self.refpoints[0]['rssi'].keys())
            self.beacons_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                BeaconsScan, self.beacons_received)

        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            Computed by taking the weighted average of poses.
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        x = 0
        y = 0
        theta = 0
        angles = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:

            x += particle.x * particle.w
            y += particle.y * particle.w
            v = [
                particle.w * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta)),
                particle.w * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta))
        theta = sum_vectors(angles)
        orientation_tuple = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            0, 0, theta)
        self.robot_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=x, y=y),
            PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id="map"),

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            r1 = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            d = math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2))

            particle.theta += r1 % 360
            particle.x += d * math.cos(particle.theta) + normal(0, 0.1)
            particle.y += d * math.sin(particle.theta) + normal(0, 0.1)
            particle.theta += (delta[2] - r1 + normal(0, 0.1)) % 360
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        newParticles = []
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            # resample the same # of particles
            choice = random_sample()
            # all the particle weights sum to 1
            csum = 0  # cumulative sum
            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                csum += particle.w
                if csum >= choice:
                    # if the random choice fell within the particle's weight
        self.particle_cloud = newParticles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            tot_prob = 0
            for index, scan in enumerate(msg.ranges):
                x, y = self.transform_scan(particle, scan, index)
                # transform scan to view of the particle
                d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x, y)
                # calculate nearest distance to particle's scan (should be near 0 if it's on robot)
                if not math.isnan(d):
                    tot_prob += math.exp((-d**2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))
                # add probability (0 to 1) to total probability

            tot_prob = tot_prob / len(msg.ranges)
            # normalize total probability back to 0-1
            particle.w *= tot_prob
            # assign particles weight


    def transform_scan(self, particle, distance, theta):
        """ Calculates the x and y of a scan from a given particle
        particle: Particle object
        distance: scan distance (from ranges)
        theta: scan angle (range index)
        return (particle.x +
                distance * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)),
                particle.y +
                distance * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)))

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        self.particle_cloud = []
        nonoccupied_points = self.occupancy_field.free_cells[:]

        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            indx = random.randint(0, len(nonoccupied_points) - 1)
            particle = Particle(nonoccupied_points[indx]['x'],
                                random.random() * 360)
            del nonoccupied_points[indx]

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        tot_weight = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]) or 1
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w = particle.w / tot_weight

    def publish_particles(self):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

        marker_array = []
        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            marker = Marker(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(),
                            scale=Vector3(x=particle.w * 2,
                                          y=particle.w * 1,
                                          z=particle.w * 5),
                            color=ColorRGBA(r=1, a=1))


    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not self.laser_pose:
            p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
            self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
                self.base_frame, p)

        self.recent_scan = msg
        # self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
        # self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
        # self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # self.publish_particles()

    def beacons_received(self, msg):
        if not self.refpoints:
        distribution = []
        for point in self.refpoints:
            squared_dist = 0.0
            for beacon in msg.beacons:
                squared_dist += (beacon.rssi - point['rssi'][beacon.name])**2
            dist = np.sqrt(squared_dist)

            measurement = {
                'x': point['x'],
                'y': point['y'],
                'dist': dist,


        sorted_dist = sorted(distribution[:], key=lambda x: x['dist'])
        avg_pose = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
        selected_ones = sorted_dist[:1]
        for measurement in selected_ones:
            avg_pose['x'] += measurement['x'] * measurement['dist']
            avg_pose['y'] += measurement['y'] * measurement['dist']
        avg_pose['x'] /= sum(item['dist'] for item in selected_ones)
        avg_pose['y'] /= sum(item['dist'] for item in selected_ones)

        # Make cloud great again
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            dist = math.sqrt((particle.x - avg_pose['x'])**2 +
                             (particle.y - avg_pose['y'])**2)
            prob = math.exp((-dist**2) / (2 * self.beacon_sigma**2))
            particle.w = prob

        # Create new cloud
        # for i in range(self.n_particles-1):
        #     # initial facing of the particle
        #     theta = random.random() * 360
        #     # compute params to generate x,y in a circle
        #     other_theta = random.random() * 360
        #     radius = random.random() * 1.5
        #     # x => straight ahead
        #     x = radius * math.sin(other_theta) + avg_pose['x']
        #     y = radius * math.cos(other_theta) + avg_pose['y']
        #     particle = Particle(x, y, theta)
        #     self.particle_cloud.append(particle)

        if self.cnt is 0:
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density

            self.cnt = 5

        self.cnt -= 1


    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
         rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
class ParticleFilter(object):
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
    def __init__(self, top_particle_pub, particle_cloud_pub, particle_cloud_marker_pub):
        # # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot
        # # location (for instance using rviz)
        # rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        #                  PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
        #                  self.update_initial_pose)

        self.top_particle_pub = top_particle_pub
        self.particle_cloud_pub = particle_cloud_pub
        self.particle_cloud_marker_pub = particle_cloud_marker_pub

        # create instances of two helper objects that are provided to you
        # as part of the project
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.particles = []
        self.markerArray = MarkerArray()

    def gauge_particle_position(self):
        xs = [particle.x for particle in self.particles]
        ys = [particle.y for particle in self.particles]

        print("min x: {} --- average x: {} --- max x: {} \nmin y: {} --- average y: {} --- max y: {}".format(
            min(xs), sum(xs)/len(xs), max(xs), min(ys), sum(ys)/len(ys), max(ys) 

    def get_marker(self, x, y):
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        marker.type = marker.SPHERE
        marker.pose.position.x = x
        marker.pose.position.y = y
        marker.pose.position.z = 0
        marker.scale.x = 0.3
        marker.scale.y = 0.3
        marker.scale.z = 0.3
        marker.color.a = 1.0
        marker.color.r = 0.0
        marker.color.g = 1.0
        marker.color.b = 0.0
        return marker

    def draw_markerArray(self):
        markerArray = MarkerArray()
        for p in self.particles:
            m = self.get_marker(p.x, p.y)

    def publish_particle_cloud(self):
        msg = PoseArray()
        msg.header.frame_id = "map"

        # Make pose from particle for all particles
        msg.poses = [particle.get_pose() for particle in self.particles]

        # Publish

    def publish_top_particle(self):
        msg = PoseArray()

        top_particle = self.particles[0]

        for particle in self.particles:
            if particle.weight > top_particle.weight:
                top_particle = particle

        # print(msg)

        return top_particle.get_pose()

    def gen_init_particles(self):
        """Generating random particles with x, y, and t values"""
        # width = self.occupancy_field.map.info.width
        # height = self.occupancy_field.map.info.height
        width = 10
        height = 10
        print("map width: {}, height: {}".format(width, height))
        for i in range(500):
            # x = r.randrange(0,width)
            # y = r.randrange(0,height)
            x = r.uniform(-5, 5)
            y = r.uniform(-5, 5)
            t = math.radians(r.randrange(0,360))
            p = Particle(x,y,t)

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter
            based on a pose estimate.  These pose estimates could be generated
            by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = \

        # TODO this should be deleted before posting
        # initialize your particle filter based on the xy_theta tuple

    def resample_particles(self):
        """Resample particles with replacement."""
        if len(self.particles):
            weights = [particle.weight  if not math.isnan(particle.weight) else 0.0001 for particle in self.particles]
            total_weight = sum(weights)
            weights = [weight / total_weight for weight in weights]

            before = time.time()
            self.particles = [particle.deep_copy() for particle in list(np.random.choice(
            # self.particles = [particle for particle in list(np.random.choice(
            after = time.time()
            print("************************************timer: {}".format(after-before))
            print("number of particles: {}".format(len(self.particles)))
            print("No particles to resample from")
            return None

    def update_all_particles(self, transform):
        for particle in self.particles:
            # self.update_particle(particle, transform)
            self.update_particle_with_randomness(particle, transform)

    def update_particle_with_randomness(self, particle, transform):
        # TODO(matt): Make this a tunable param
        DISTANCE_VAR_SCALE = 0.001
        ANGLE_VAR_SCALE = math.radians(0.5)

        # NOTE: We scale the variance instead of the standard deviation because
        # that makes it independent of the update time (the noise in one update
        # will be the same as the sum of the noise in two updates)
        distance = math.sqrt(transform['translation'][0]**2 + transform['translation'][1]**2)
        translation_mean, translation_var = 0, DISTANCE_VAR_SCALE #* distance  # scale with magnitude
        rotation_mean, rotation_var = 0, ANGLE_VAR_SCALE

        modified_transform = transform
        # modified_transform['translation'][0] += float(np.random.normal(translation_mean, math.sqrt(translation_var), 1))
        # modified_transform['translation'][1] += float(np.random.normal(translation_mean, math.sqrt(translation_var), 1))
        # modified_transform['rotation'] += float(np.random.normal(rotation_mean, math.sqrt(rotation_var)))

        modified_transform['translation'][0] += float(np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, 1))
        modified_transform['translation'][1] += float(np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, 1))
        modified_transform['rotation'] += float(np.random.uniform(-math.radians(5), -math.radians(5), 1))

        self.update_particle(particle, modified_transform)

    def update_particle(self, particle, transform):
        # rotate translation in the particle's direction
        particle_translation = self.transform_helper.rotate_2d_vector(transform['translation'], particle.theta)


    # def compare_points(self):
    #     """Compares translated particle to lidar scans, returns weights values"""
    #     distances = []
    #     errordis = 0
    #     for a in range(500):
    #         particle.ParticleCloud(self.particle[a])
    #         for b in range(8):
    #             d[b] = OccupancyField.get_closest_obstacle_distance(particle.ParticleCloud[b][1],particle.ParticleCloud[b][2])
    #         particle.Particle.weight = 1 / (sum(d) + .01)

    def compare_points(self, robo_pts):
        """ This function determines the weights for each particle.

            robo_pts (list): is a list of lidar readings for n directions. It can
                             be obtained by calling get_x_directions in robot localizerself.
        for p in self.particles:
            p_cloud = ParticleCloud(p)
            d = []
            for pt in p_cloud.pts:
                if pt[1] != 0:
                    d dist = abs(self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(pt[0],pt[1]))
            p.weight = 1 / (sum(d) + .01)

    def run(self):
class ParticleFilter(object):
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
    def __init__(self):

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot
        # location (for instance using rviz)

        # publisher for the particle cloud for visualizing in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # create instances of two helper objects that are provided to you
        # as part of the project
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()

        self.particles = Particles()

        self.ranges = []

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter
            based on a pose estimate.  These pose estimates could be generated
            by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = \

        # TODO this should be deleted before posting
        # initialize your particle filter based on the xy_theta tuple

    def add_noise_to_particles(self, position_change):
        # OUTPUT FORMAT : List[Tuple(x, y, theta, original particle position)]
        current_particles = self.particles.get_locations()
        new_particles = []

        for particle in current_particles:
            for i in range(NEW_PARTICLES):
                x_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=.25)
                y_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=.25)
                theta_noise = np.random.randint(360)
                # appending (x, y, theta, original particle position)
                new_particles.append((particle[0] + position_change.x + x_noise, particle[1] + position_change.y + y_noise, (particle[2] + position_change.z + theta_noise) % 360, particle))

            return new_particles

    def calculate_particle_probs(self, particles):
        # OUTPUT FORMAT : List[Tuple(cur_loc, prev_loc, confidence weight)]
        # iterate through particles, determine likelihood of each
        total_weight = 0
        potential_locations = []
        for loc_tuple in particles:
            # get actual measured distance and the map's distance to the closest obstacle
            measured_distance = self.get_closest_obstacle_from_laserscan()[1]
            map_distance = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(loc_tuple[0], loc_tuple[1])
            # basic weight calculator based on measured and map distances
            if measured_distance == 0 and map_distance == 0:
                new_weight == 0
            elif measured_distance == 0 or map_distance == 0:
                new_weight == 0
            elif measured_distance-map_distance != 0:
                new_weight = 1/abs(measured_distance-map_distance)
                new_weight = 500

            # appending in format (cur_loc, prev_loc, confidence weight)
            potential_locations.append(((loc_tuple[0], loc_tuple[1], loc_tuple[2]), loc_tuple[3], new_weight))
            total_weight += new_weight

        # normalize the weight to be a probability
        if total_weight:
            return [(cur_loc, prev_loc, new_weight / total_weight) for cur_loc, prev_loc, new_weight in potential_locations]
        return potential_locations

    def get_closest_obstacle_from_laserscan(self):
        # this function is used to calculate probabilties of each particle
        closest_laserscan = (0,0)
        for i, scan_val in enumerate(self.ranges):
            if scan_val > 0 and (scan_val < closest_laserscan[1] or closest_laserscan[1] == 0):
                closest_laserscan = (i, scan_val)
        return closest_laserscan

    def run(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(5)
        scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.update_ranges)
        scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/pos_change', Vector3, self.position_update_listener)
        while not(rospy.is_shutdown()):
            # in the main loop all we do is continuously broadcast the latest
            # map to odom transform
    def position_update_listener(self, msg):
        # function serves to update the positions of the particles each time it is called
        pos_change = msg
        new_particles = self.add_noise_to_particles(pos_change)
        potential_locations = self.calculate_particle_probs(new_particles)

    def update_ranges(self, msg):
        # callback function from listener
        self.ranges = msg.ranges
文件: pf.py 项目: rdedhia/comprobo15
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            number_of_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.number_of_particles = 1000          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # Fetch map using OccupancyField
        static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(static_map().map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        avg_x = 0
        avg_y = 0
        theta_x = 0
        theta_y = 0
        # Multiple x and y by particle weights to find new robot pose
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            avg_x += particle.x * particle.w
            avg_y += particle.y * particle.w
            theta_x += math.cos(particle.theta) * particle.w
            theta_y += math.sin(particle.theta) * particle.w
        # Calculate theta using arc tan of x and y components of all thetas multiplied by particle weights
        avg_theta = math.atan2(theta_y, theta_x)
        avg_particle = Particle(x=avg_x, y=avg_y, theta=avg_theta)
        # Update robot pose based on average particle
        self.robot_pose = avg_particle.as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        temp = []
        # Use trigonometry to update particles based on new odometry pose
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            psy = math.atan2(delta[1],delta[0])-old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            intermediate_theta = particle.theta + psy
            # Calculate radius based on change in x and y
            r = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)
            # Update x and y based on radius and new angle
            new_x = particle.x + r*math.cos(intermediate_theta) + np.random.randn()*0.1
            new_y = particle.y + r*math.sin(intermediate_theta) + np.random.randn()*0.1
            # Add change in angle to old angle
            new_theta = delta[2]+particle.theta + np.random.randn()*0.1
        self.particle_cloud = temp

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        probabilities = []
        # create list of particle weights to pass into draw_random_sample for resampling
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            print particle.w
        print '\n'
        temp_particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, probabilities, 100)
        self.particle_cloud = []
        for particle in temp_particle_cloud:
            for i in range(10):

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        temp = 0
        ranges = []
        min_range = 5

        for item in msg.ranges:
            # set ranges to 5 if the laser scan is 0
            if item == 0:
        # do weighted averages for cleaner data
        for i in range(355):
            avg = sum(ranges[i:i+5]) / len(ranges[i:i+5])
            if avg < min_range:
                min_range = avg
                min_theta = (i + 2.5)*math.pi / 180.0
        # find the minimum range across 360 angles, this probably caused an issue
        r = min_range

        # Update particle x, y, theta based on min range, previous particles
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            x = particle.x+r*math.cos(particle.theta + min_theta)
            y = particle.y+r*math.sin(particle.theta + min_theta)
            temp = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
            # Update particle weights using a sharp Gaussian
            particle.w = np.exp(-np.power(temp, 2.) / (2 * np.power(0.3, 2.)))

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # Initialize particle cloud with a decent amount of noise
        for i in range (0,self.number_of_particles):

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        particle_sum = 0
        # Sum up particle weights to divide by for normalization
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle_sum += particle.w
        # Make all particle weights add to 1
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= particle_sum

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
class RobotLocalizer(object):
    The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        self.pf = ParticleFilter()

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # Robot base frame
        self.map_frame = "map"  # Map coord frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # Odom coord frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # Laser scan topic

        self.linear_threshold = 0.1  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.angular_threshold = math.pi / 10  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.max_dist = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.odom_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.robot_pose = Pose()

        self.robot_pose = Pose()

        self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.process_scan)
        # init pf
        # subscribers and publisher
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry,
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
        # enable listening for and broadcasting coord transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        print("initialization complete")
        self.initialized = True

    def robot_pose_updater(self):
        ''' Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles by computing the mean pose'''


        # Calculate avg particle position based on pose
        mean_particle = Particle(0, 0, 0, 0)
        mean_particle_theta_x = 0
        mean_particle_theta_y = 0
        for particle in self.pf.particle_cloud:
            mean_particle.x += particle.x * particle.w
            mean_particle.y += particle.y * particle.w

            # Using trig to calculate angle (@Paul I hate Trigonometry!)
            distance_vector = np.sqrt(
                np.square(particle.y) + np.square(particle.x))
            mean_particle_theta_x += distance_vector * np.cos(
                particle.theta) * particle.w
            mean_particle_theta_y += distance_vector * np.sin(
                particle.theta) * particle.w

        mean_particle.theta = np.arctan2(float(mean_particle_theta_y),

        self.robot_pose = mean_particle.particle_to_pose()

    # Get the laser messages
    def laserCallback(self, msg):
        self.laserCallback = msg

    def odom_particle_updater(self, msg):
        ''' Updates particles based on new odom pose using a delta value for x,y,theta'''
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change (delta) in x,y,theta
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        odom_noise = .25  # noise level
        updates the particles based on angle1, dist, and angle2.
        angle1: Angle by which the robot rotates to face new xy position
        dist: Distance to move forward to xy position
        angle2: Angle by which the robot rotates to face final direction
        for particle in self.pf.particle_cloud:
            # calculates angle1, d, and angle2
            angle1 = np.arctan2(float(delta[1]), float(
                delta[0])) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            dist = np.sqrt(np.square(delta[0]) + np.square(delta[1]))
            angle2 = delta[2] - angle1

            # updates the particles with the above variables, while also adding in some noise
            #This is the part of class where Paul moved and we all updated based on that movement
            particle.theta = particle.theta + angle1 * (
                random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.x = particle.x + dist * np.cos(
                particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise +
                                   (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.y = particle.y + dist * np.sin(
                particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise +
                                   (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.theta = particle.theta + angle2 * (
                random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))

    def particle_resampler(self):
        '''Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.'''
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        particle_list = []
        weights = []
        num_samples = len(self.pf.particle_cloud)
        for particle in self.pf.particle_cloud:

        self.pf.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(
            particle_list, weights, num_samples)

    def draw_random_sample(self, choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        # sets up an index list for the chosen particles, and makes bins for the probabilities
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(
            random_sample(n), bins
        )]  # chooses the new particles based on the probabilities of the old ones
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
            )  # makes the new particle cloud based on the chosen particles
        return samples

    def laser_particle_updater(self, msg):
        '''Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg'''

        # Find the total error for each particle based on 36 laser measurements taken from the Neato's actual position
        for particle in self.pf.particle_cloud:
            error = []
            for theta in range(0, 360, 10):
                rad = np.radians(theta)
                err = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    particle.x +
                    msg.ranges[theta] * np.cos(particle.theta + rad),
                    particle.y +
                    msg.ranges[theta] * np.sin(particle.theta + rad))
                if (
                ):  # if the get_closest_obstacle_distance method finds that a point is out of bounds, then the particle can't ever be it
                    particle.w = 0
            if (
                    sum(error) == 0
            ):  # if the particle is basically a perfect match, then we make the particle almost always enter the next iteration through resampling
                particle.w = 1.0
                particle.w = 1.0 / sum(
                )  # the errors are inverted such that large errors become small and small errors become large

    def pose_updater(self, msg):
        ''' Restart particle filter based on updated pose '''
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        print("particle cloud initialized")

    def process_scan(self, msg):
        '''Handling laser data to update our understanding of the robot based on laser and odometry'''
        if not (self.initialized):
            print("first if not")
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform('base_link', msg.header.frame_id,
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform('base_link', 'odom',
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node
        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        pose = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, pose)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        pose = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, pose)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not (self.pf.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometry pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.linear_threshold or self.angular_threshold
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
            print("Trying to initialize!")
            print("Initialized finally!")
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            #self.odom_particle_updater(msg)    # update based on odometry
            #self.laser_particle_updater(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            #self.robot_pose_updater()                # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
                odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
                the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = \
        pose = PoseStamped(
                translation, rotation),
            header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame))
                                          self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
            self.odom_frame, pose)
         self.rotation) = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_inverse_transform(

    def send_last_map_to_odom_transform(self):
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
            print("sup dude")
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), 'odom', 'map')
class ParticleFilter():

    def __init__(self):
        self.lidar_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/scan",LaserScan, self.lidar_callback)
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom",Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        self.all_particles_pub = rospy.Publisher("/visualization_particles", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)
        self.init_particles_pub = rospy.Publisher("/visualization_init",MarkerArray,queue_size=10)
        self.initial_estimate_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/initialpose",PoseWithCovarianceStamped,self.pose_estimate_callback)

        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.number_of_particles = 20
        self.particles = np.ones([3,self.number_of_particles], dtype=np.float)
        self.weights = np.ones(self.number_of_particles, dtype=np.float)
        pos_std_dev = 0.25
        ori_std_dev = 25 * math.pi / 180
        self.initial_std_dev = np.array([[pos_std_dev, pos_std_dev, ori_std_dev]]).T

        self.lidar_std_dev = 0.05
        self.resample_threshold = 0.2
        self.scan = None
        self.prev_pose = None
        self.delta_pose = None
        self.initial_pose_estimate = None
        self.pose = None


    def sample_points(self, mean, std):
        # samples a uniform distribution of points
        stds = np.repeat(std, self.number_of_particles, 1)
        self.particles = np.random.normal(mean, stds,

    def resample_points(self):
        # Takes the weights of each particle and resamples them according to that weight
        replace_inds = self.weights < self.resample_threshold
        kept_weights = self.weights[~replace_idns]
        probs = kept_weights / sum(kept_weights)

        if sum(replace_inds) == 0:
            rospy.logerr("No weights")
            for i in replace_inds:
                choice = np.random.choice(kept_weights.size, p=probs)
                weight = kept_weights[choice]
                self.particles[:, i] = self.particles[:, choice]
                self.weights[i] = weight

    def apply_odom_transform(self):
        # Takes rotation and translation from odom and transforms the particles accordingly. Also adds a bit of noise
        self.delta_pose = self.pose - self.prev_pose
        delta_std = abs(self.delta_pose) * np.transpose([[1.5, 1.5, 0.7]])
        noisy_deltas = self.sample_points(self.delta_pose, delta_std)

        self.particles += noisy_deltas

        self.prev_pose = self.pose

    def lidar_callback(self,msg):
        # Lidar Subscriber callback function.
        self.scan = msg.ranges;

    def odom_callback(self,msg):
        x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
        y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
        t = euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.pose.orientation.w,msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,msg.pose.pose.orientation.z])[0]
        pose = -np.array([[x,y,t]]).T
        if self.prev_pose == None:
            self.prev_pose = pose
            self.pose = pose
            self.pose = pose

        self.plot_particles(self.particles, ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0.5, 0.5), self.all_particles_pub)

    def pose_estimate_callback(self,msg):
        rospy.logdebug("Callback Good")
        position = msg.pose.pose.position
        orientation = euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.pose.orientation.w,msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,msg.pose.pose.orientation.z])[0]
        pose = [position.x,position.y,orientation - math.pi]
        self.initial_pose_estimate = np.array([pose]).T

    def calc_prob(self):
        # Reweight particles based on compatibility with laser scan

        for i, p in enumerate(self.particles.T):
            weight_sum = 0
            xs,ys = self.polar_to_cartesian(self.scan, np.radians(range(361)),p[2])
            lidar_x = xs + p[0]
            lidar_y = ys + p[1]

            # Average the probability associated with each LIDAR reading
            for x, y in zip(lidar_x,lidar_y):
                dist = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
                prob = norm(0, self.lidar_std_dev).pdf(dist) / (0.4 / self.lidar_std_dev)
                weight_sum += prob
            self.weights[i] = weight_sum / 361

    def update_transform(self, pose, target_frame='base_laser_link'):
        # Updates the transform between the map frame and the odom frame
        br = TransformBroadcaster()
        br.sendTransform((pose[0], pose[1], 0),
                          quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]+math.pi),

    def polar_to_cartesian(self, rs, thetas, theta_offset):
        # read the function name ok
        np_rs = np.array(rs)
        np_thetas = np.array(thetas)+theta_offset

        xs = np_rs * np.cos(np_thetas)
        ys = np_rs * np.sin(np_thetas)

        return xs, ys

    def plot_particles(self, particles, color, pub):
        marker_array = MarkerArray()
        for i, particle in enumerate(particles):
            nextMarker = Marker()
            x = particle[0]
            y = particle[1]
            t = particle[2]
            nextMarker.header = Header(stamp = rospy.Time.now(), frame_id="map")
            nextMarker.id = i;
            nextMarker.type = Marker.ARROW
            nextMarker.points = [Point(x,y,0), Point(x+math.cos(t), y+math.sin(t), 0)]
            # nextMarker.pose = Pose(Point(x,y,0), Quaternion(0,0,0,0))
            nextMarker.scale = Vector3(0.1,0.3,0.2)
            nextMarker.color = color
            nextMarker.action = Marker.ADD

    def main(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(5)

        while(not rospy.is_shutdown() and (self.scan == None or self.initial_pose_estimate == None or self.pose == None)):
            rospy.logwarn("Still Missing Something")

        # TODO: get inital pose estimate from RVIZ
        self.sample_points(self.initial_pose_estimate, self.initial_std_dev)
        counter = 0
        while(not rospy.is_shutdown()):

            max_weight = max(self.weights)
            best_pose = self.particles[self.weights.index(max_weight)]
            if counter % 20 == 0:
                rospy.loginfo("Calculating Probability")

            counter += 1
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initialization is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 150  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.radius = 2  # ac 109_1
        #self.radius = 1 # ac_109_2

        self.num_best_particles = 5  # ac 109_1
        # self.num_best_particles = 8 # ac 109_2

        # standard deviation of random noise distribution (Gaussian) for updating particle with odom
        # self.sigma_random_noise_update_odom = 0.01 # parameter for trying to not require a good initial estimate
        self.sigma_random_noise_update_odom = 0.008

        # standard deviation of p(z^k_t | x_t, map)
        self.sigma_hit_update_scan = 0.01
        #self.sigma_hit_update_scan = 0.05 # parameter for trying to not require a good initial estimate (did not work)
        self.z_hit = 1
        self.z_rand = 0

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        # self.robot_pose = Pose()

        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        theta_sum = 0

        # Take the average of the best particles to be the robot's pose estimate
        particles_most_likely = sorted(self.particle_cloud,
                                       key=lambda x: x.w,
        for p in particles_most_likely[0:self.num_best_particles]:
            x_sum += p.x
            y_sum += p.y
            theta_sum += p.theta
            # should not do this, for some reason messed up the yaw
            # theta_sin_sum += math.sin(p.theta)
            # theta_cos_sum += math.cos(p.theta)

        x_avg = x_sum / self.num_best_particles
        y_avg = y_sum / self.num_best_particles
        theta_avg = theta_sum / self.num_best_particles
        # theta_avg = math.atan2(theta_sin_sum, theta_cos_sum) / self.num_best_particles (this is bad)

        mean_pose = Particle(x_avg, y_avg, theta_avg)
        self.robot_pose = mean_pose.as_pose()

            self.robot_pose, timestamp)

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # Update the odom of the particles accordingly
        d = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.x += d * math.cos(p.theta) + normal(
                0, self.sigma_random_noise_update_odom)
            p.y += d * math.sin(p.theta) + normal(
                0, self.sigma_random_noise_update_odom)
            p.theta += delta[2] + normal(0,

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        # Sort the particles first
        particles_most_likely = sorted(self.particle_cloud,
                                       key=lambda x: x.w,
        new_particle_cloud = []
        # Low variance resampler from Probabilistic Robotics p87
        count_inv = 1.0 / self.n_particles  # the case when particles have equal weights
        r_num = random.uniform(
            0, 1) * count_inv  # draw a number in the interval [0,1/M]
        for m in range(self.n_particles):
            # Repeatedly add fixed amount to 1/M to random number r where 1/M represents the case where particles have
            # equal weights
            u = r_num + m * count_inv
            c = 0  # cumulative weights of particles
            for particle in particles_most_likely:
                c += particle.w
                # Add the first particle i such that the sum of weights of all particles from 0->i >= u
                if c >= u:
        self.particle_cloud = new_particle_cloud

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        scans = msg.ranges
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            total_prob = 1
            for angle, scan in enumerate(scans):
                if not math.isinf(scan):
                    # convert scan measurement from view of the particle to map
                    x_scan = particle.x + scan * math.cos(particle.theta +
                    y_scan = particle.y + scan * math.sin(particle.theta +
                    d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                        x_scan, y_scan)
                    # Compute p(z^k_t | x_t, map)
                    p_z_hit = self.z_hit * math.exp(
                        -d**2 / (2 * (self.sigma_hit_update_scan**2))
                    ) / (self.sigma_hit_update_scan * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi))
                    p_z_rand = self.z_rand / self.laser_max_distance  # z_random / z_max Probabilistic Robotics p143
                    p_z = p_z_hit + p_z_rand
                    # We sum the cube of the probability
                    # total_prob += p_z ** 3 # trying to make the model not require a good initial estimate
                    total_prob += p_z**6

            # total_prob = total_prob/len(msg.ranges) # It works better not to average -> converge faster
            # Reassign weight with newly computed  p(z_t | x_t, map)
            particle.w = total_prob


    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp, xy_theta)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is omitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta is None:
            xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.particle_cloud = []
            Particle(xy_theta[0], xy_theta[1], xy_theta[2]))
        for p in range(self.n_particles - 1):
            p_yaw = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
            radius = random.uniform(0, 1) * self.radius
            theta_facing = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
            # Forward x axis of Neato is x
            p_x = radius * math.sin(theta_facing) + xy_theta[0]
            p_y = radius * math.cos(theta_facing) + xy_theta[1]
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(p_x, p_y, p_yaw))


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        total_weight = 0
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            total_weight += p.w

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.w = p.w / total_weight

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # wait a little while to see if the transform becomes available.  This fixes a race
        # condition where the scan would arrive a little bit before the odom to base_link transform
        # was updated.
                                          self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp,
        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 1000  # the number of particles to use
        self.n_angles = 20  # the number of angles to use from the range scan. Value contained in the interval [1,360]
        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.std_x = 1  # std of x
        self.std_y = 1  # std of y

        self.marker_multiplier = self.n_particles / 5

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markerpub",
        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan,

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        get_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        map = get_map().map

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        mean_x = sum(
            [particle.w * particle.x for particle in self.particle_cloud])
        mean_y = sum(
            [particle.w * particle.y for particle in self.particle_cloud])

        theta_x = np.mean([
            particle.w * math.cos(particle.theta)
            for particle in self.particle_cloud
        theta_y = np.mean([
            particle.w * math.sin(particle.theta)
            for particle in self.particle_cloud
        mean_theta = math.atan2(theta_y, theta_x)

        self.robot_pose = Particle(mean_x, mean_y, mean_theta).as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        print "delta: ", delta
        x, y = delta[0], delta[1]
        r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        theta = np.arctan2(float(y), float(x))
        phi = theta - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.x += r * math.cos(phi + particle.theta)
            particle.y += r * math.sin(phi + particle.theta)
            particle.theta += delta[2]
            # particle.theta += phi + delta[2]

        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        # draw_random_sample
        self.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(
            [particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud], self.n_particles)


    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        test_angles = np.asarray(np.linspace(0, 360, self.n_angles + 1)[:-1],
        for angle in test_angles:
            r_min_d = msg.ranges[angle]

            # ignore when a scan finds nothing
            if r_min_d == 0.0:
            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                ref_x = particle.x + r_min_d * math.cos(angle * np.pi / 180 +
                ref_y = particle.y + r_min_d * math.sin(angle * np.pi / 180 +
                p_min_d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    ref_x, ref_y)
                particle.w *= math.exp(-p_min_d**2)

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the prob weighted_valuesability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        (x, y, theta) = xy_theta

        # Create N particles centered around initial guess
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            sample_x = x + randn() * self.std_x
            sample_y = y + randn() * self.std_y
            sample_theta = theta + uniform() * (2 * np.pi)
                Particle(sample_x, sample_y, sample_theta))


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        total = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud])
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= total

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz
        marker_array = []
        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            marker = Marker(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(),
                                x=particle.w * 2 * self.marker_multiplier,
                                y=particle.w * 1 * self.marker_multiplier,
                                z=particle.w * 4 * self.marker_multiplier),
                            color=ColorRGBA(r=1, a=1))


    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        #ZCW isnt laser in base frame alreay???
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # print new_odom_xy_theta
        # print self.current_odom_xy_theta
        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            print "before initialize particle_cloud"
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
            print "self.current_odom_xy_theta", self.current_odom_xy_theta

        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
            print "sum, length: ", (sum([
                particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud
            ]), len(self.particle_cloud))
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
         rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",
        self.weight_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker',

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        # Holds all particles
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # Holds pre-normalized probabilities for each particle
        self.scan_probabilities = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # Calculate the mean pose
        if self.particle_cloud:
            mean_x, mean_y, mean_theta = 0, 0, 0
            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                mean_x += particle.x
                mean_y += particle.y
                mean_theta += particle.theta
            mean_x /= len(self.particle_cloud)
            mean_y /= len(self.particle_cloud)
            mean_theta /= len(self.particle_cloud)
            self.robot_pose = Particle(mean_x, mean_y, mean_theta).as_pose()
            self.robot_pose = Pose()

            self.robot_pose, timestamp)

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # Modify particles using delta and inject noise.
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # Step 1: turn particles in direction of translation
            # Compute the unit vector of the desired heading to move in
            heading_mag = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)
            heading_uv = np.array(
                [delta[0] / heading_mag, delta[1] / heading_mag])

            # Compute the unit vector of the robot's current heading
            robot_uv = np.array([

            # Calculate the angle r_1 that is between the current heading and target heading
            r_1 = np.arccos(np.dot(robot_uv, heading_uv))

            particle.theta += r_1 + np.random.normal(scale=.05)

            # Step 2: move particles forward distance of translation
            d = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 +
                          delta[1]**2) + np.random.normal(scale=.05)
            # Decompose the translation vector into x and y componenets
            particle.x += d * np.cos(particle.theta)
            particle.y += d * np.sin(particle.theta)

            # Step 3: turn particles to final angle
            r_2 = delta[2] - r_1
            particle.theta += r_2

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        weights = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:

        choices = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, weights,

        # Reset particle cloud
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # Populate particle cloud with sampled choices
        for chosen_particle in choices:
                Particle(chosen_particle.x, chosen_particle.y,
                         chosen_particle.theta, chosen_particle.w))

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        lidar_scan_angles = range(360)

        # Populates lidar_scan list with (theta, distance) for each lidar scan angle
        lidar_scan = []
        for theta in lidar_scan_angles:
            distance = msg.ranges[theta]
            point = (theta, distance)

        # Calculates the probability that each particle is the best estimate for the robot location
        self.scan_probabilities = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            particle_theta_prob = []
            for point in lidar_scan:
                x_vector = p.x + point[1] * math.cos(
                    math.radians(point[0]) + p.theta)
                y_vector = p.y + point[1] * math.sin(
                    math.radians(point[0]) + p.theta)
                closest_object = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    x_vector, y_vector)
                # Calculate probabilities using a tuned function
                particle_theta_prob.append(1 / ((0.1 * closest_object)**2 + 1))

            # Combine probability at every theta for every particle
                reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, particle_theta_prob))

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp, xy_theta)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is omitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta is None:
            xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(

        # Create particles based on gaussian distribution centered around xy_theta
        self.particle_cloud = []
        for g in range(self.n_particles):
            x = np.random.normal(xy_theta[0], scale=0.3)
            y = np.random.normal(xy_theta[1], scale=0.3)
            theta = np.random.normal(xy_theta[2], scale=0.1)
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(x, y, theta, 1))


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        # Check if scan probabilities has been populated for each particle
        if len(self.scan_probabilities) == len(self.particle_cloud):
            sum_of_prob = sum(self.scan_probabilities)

            for i, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
                particle.w = self.scan_probabilities[i] / sum_of_prob

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def publish_weights(self, msg):
        # Visualize particle weights in rviz to get a better debug each particle
        weight_markers = MarkerArray()
        for i, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        # wait a little while to see if the transform becomes available.  This fixes a race
        # condition where the scan would arrive a little bit before the odom to base_link transform
        # was updated.
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id,
        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 500  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.1  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 12  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",
        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server
            map_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
            map = map_server().map
            print map.info.resolution
            print "Service call failed!"

        # initializes the occupancyfield which contains the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        print "initialized"
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # for the pose, calculate the particle's mean location
        mean_particle = Particle(0, 0, 0, 0)
        mean_particle_theta_x = 0
        mean_particle_theta_y = 0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            mean_particle.x += particle.x * particle.w
            mean_particle.y += particle.y * particle.w

            # angle is calculated using trig to account for angle runover
            distance_vector = np.sqrt(
                np.square(particle.y) + np.square(particle.x))
            mean_particle_theta_x += distance_vector * np.cos(
                particle.theta) * particle.w
            mean_particle_theta_y += distance_vector * np.sin(
                particle.theta) * particle.w

        mean_particle.theta = np.arctan2(float(mean_particle_theta_y),

        self.robot_pose = mean_particle.as_pose()

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        odom_noise = .3  # level of noise put into particles after update from odom to introduce variability

        # updates the particles based on r1, d, and r2. For more information on this, consult the website
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # calculates r1, d, and r2
            r1 = np.arctan2(float(delta[1]), float(
                delta[0])) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            d = np.sqrt(np.square(delta[0]) + np.square(delta[1]))
            r2 = delta[2] - r1

            # updates the particles with the above variables, while also adding in some noise
            particle.theta = particle.theta + r1 * (
                random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.x = particle.x + d * np.cos(
                particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise +
                                   (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.y = particle.y + d * np.sin(
                particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise +
                                   (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))
            particle.theta = particle.theta + r2 * (
                random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0))

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        # creates choices and probabilities lists, which are the particles and their respective weights
        choices = []
        probabilities = []
        num_samples = len(self.particle_cloud)
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:

        # re-makes the particle cloud according to a random sample based on the probability distribution of the weights
        self.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities,

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """

        # for each particle, find the total error based on 36 laser measurements taken from the Neato's actual position
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            error = []
            for theta in range(0, 360, 10):
                rad = np.radians(theta)
                err = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    particle.x +
                    msg.ranges[theta] * np.cos(particle.theta + rad),
                    particle.y +
                    msg.ranges[theta] * np.sin(particle.theta + rad))
                if (
                ):  # if the get_closest_obstacle_distance method finds that a point is out of bounds, then the particle can't never be it
                    particle.w = 0
                )  # each error is appended up to a power to make more likely particles have higher probability
            if (
                    sum(error) == 0
            ):  # if the particle is basically a perfect match, then we make the particle almost always enter the next iteration through resampling
                particle.w = 1.0
                particle.w = 1.0 / sum(
                )  # the errors are inverted such that large errors become small and small errors become large

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        # sets up an index list for the chosen particles, and makes bins for the probabilities
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(
            random_sample(n), bins
        )]  # chooses the new particles based on the probabilities of the old ones
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
            )  # makes the new particle cloud based on the chosen particles
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """

        # levels of noise to introduce variability
        lin_noise = 1
        ang_noise = math.pi / 2.0

        #  if doesn't exist, use odom
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # make a new particle cloud, and then create a bunch of particles at the initial location with some added noise
        self.particle_cloud = []
        for x in range(self.n_particles):
            x = xy_theta[0] + (random_sample() * lin_noise - (lin_noise / 2.0))
            y = xy_theta[1] + (random_sample() * lin_noise - (lin_noise / 2.0))
            theta = xy_theta[2] + (random_sample() * ang_noise -
                                   (ang_noise / 2.0))
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(x, y, theta))

        # normalize particles because all weights were originall set to 1 on default

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        # takes the sum, and then divides all weights by the sum
        weights_sum = sum(particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud)
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= weights_sum

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        """Publishes the particles out for visualization and other purposes"""
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer"""
         rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
                                          self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
class ParticleFilter():
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize node and attributes

        # Subscribers
        self.lidar_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/scan", LaserScan,
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        self.initial_estimate_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publishers
        self.all_particles_pub = rospy.Publisher("/visualization_particles",
        self.init_particles_pub = rospy.Publisher("/visualization_init",
        self.new_particles_pub = rospy.Publisher("/particlecloud",

        # constants
        self.number_of_particles = 30
        pos_std_dev = 0.25
        ori_std_dev = 25 * math.pi / 180
        self.initial_std_dev = np.array(
            [[pos_std_dev, pos_std_dev, ori_std_dev]]).T
        self.lidar_std_dev = 0.02
        self.resample_threshold = 0.1

        # changing attributes
        self.particles = np.ones([3, self.number_of_particles], dtype=np.float)
        self.weights = np.ones(self.number_of_particles, dtype=np.float)
        self.odom_tf_time = 0
        self.base_tf_time = 0
        self.scan = None
        self.prev_pose = None
        self.delta_pose = None
        self.initial_pose_estimate = None
        self.pose = None

        # helper classes
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()


    def lidar_callback(self, msg):
        # Lidar Subscriber callback function.
        self.scan = msg.ranges

    def odom_callback(self, msg):
        # Odometry Subscriber callback function.
        x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
        y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
        t = euler_from_quaternion([
            msg.pose.pose.orientation.w, msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,
            msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
        pose = -np.array([[x, y, t]]).T
        if self.prev_pose is None:
            self.prev_pose = pose
        self.pose = pose


    def pose_estimate_callback(self, msg):
        # Rviz pose estimate callback function.
        position = msg.pose.pose.position
        orientation = euler_from_quaternion([
            msg.pose.pose.orientation.w, msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,
            msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
        pose = [position.x, position.y, -orientation - math.pi]
        self.initial_pose_estimate = np.array([pose]).T

    def sample_points(self, mean, std):
        # samples a uniform distribution of points
        stds = np.repeat(std, self.number_of_particles, 1)
        return np.random.normal(mean, stds, [3, self.number_of_particles])

    def resample_points(self):
        # Takes the weights of each particle and resamples them according to that weight
        replace = self.weights < self.resample_threshold
        kept_weights = np.multiply(replace, self.weights)
        probs = kept_weights / sum(kept_weights)
        replace_inds = np.arange(self.weights.size)[replace]

        if kept_weights.size == 0:
            rospy.logerr("No particles meet threshold")
            for i in replace_inds:
                choice = np.random.choice(kept_weights.size, p=probs)
                weight = kept_weights[choice]
                self.particles[:, i] = self.particles[:, choice]
                self.weights[i] = weight

    def apply_odom_transform(self):
        # Takes rotation and translation from odom and transforms the particles accordingly. Also adds a bit of noise
        self.delta_pose = self.pose - self.prev_pose
        self.prev_pose = self.pose

        if abs(
        ) < 0.5:  # this was added to get rid of the orientation wrap around effect
            delta_std = abs(self.delta_pose) * np.transpose([[1.5, 1.5, 0.9]])
            noisy_deltas = self.sample_points(self.delta_pose, delta_std)

            self.particles = self.particles + noisy_deltas

    def calc_prob(self):
        # Reweight particles based on compatibility with laser scan
        scan = self.scan
        particles = self.particles
        for i, p in enumerate(self.particles.T):
            weight_sum = 0
            xs, ys = self.polar_to_cartesian(self.scan, np.radians(range(361)),
            lidar_x = xs + p[0]
            lidar_y = ys + p[1]

            # Average the probability associated with each LIDAR reading
            for x, y in zip(lidar_x[::2], lidar_y[::2]):
                dist = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x, y)
                prob = norm(0, self.lidar_std_dev).pdf(dist) / (
                    0.4 / self.lidar_std_dev)
                weight_sum += prob**3
            self.weights[i] = weight_sum / len(lidar_x[::2])

    def update_transform(self, pose, target_frame='base_laser_link'):
        # Currently unused, Updates the transform between the map frame and the odom frame
        if ((rospy.get_rostime() != self.odom_tf_time
             and target_frame == 'odom')
                or (rospy.get_rostime() != self.base_tf_time
                    and target_frame == 'base_laser_link')):
                (pose[0], pose[1], 0),
                quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2] + math.pi),
                rospy.get_rostime(), target_frame, 'map')
        if (target_frame == 'odom'):
            self.odom_tf_time = rospy.get_rostime()
            self.base_tf_time = rospy.get_rostime()

    def polar_to_cartesian(self, rs, thetas, theta_offset):
        # read the function name ok
        np_rs = np.array(rs)
        np_thetas = np.array(thetas) + theta_offset

        xs = np_rs * np.cos(np_thetas)
        ys = np_rs * np.sin(np_thetas)

        return xs, ys

    def plot_particles(self, particles):
        # plots the particles in the pose array particle cloud topic
        pose_array = PoseArray()
        pose_array.header = Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id="map")
        for i, particle in enumerate(particles.T):
            w = self.weights[i] * 10
            nextPose = Pose()
            nextPose.position = Point(x=particle[0], y=particle[1], z=0)
            nextPose.orientation = Quaternion(
                *quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, particle[2]))

    def calc_avg_particle(self):
        # calculates the weighted average position of the particles
        return np.sum(self.particles * self.weights, axis=1) / sum(

    def main(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(5)

        while (not rospy.is_shutdown()
               and (self.scan is None or self.initial_pose_estimate is None
                    or self.pose is None)):
                "One of the necessary components has not yet been initialized")

        self.particles = self.sample_points(self.initial_pose_estimate,
        while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
            best_pose = self.calc_avg_particle()
            robot_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=best_pose[0], y=best_pose[1]),
                                  *quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, best_pose[2])))
                robot_pose, rospy.Time.now())
class ParticleFilter(object):
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid

    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300  # the number of particles to use
        self.p_lost = .4  # The probability given to the robot being "lost" at any given time
        self.outliers_to_keep = int(self.n_particles * self.p_lost * 0.5)  # The number of outliers to keep around

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # Make a ros service call to the /static_map service to get a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid map.
        # Then use OccupancyField to make the map object

        robotMap = rospy.ServiceProxy('/static_map', GetMap)().map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(robotMap)
        print "OccupancyField initialized", self.occupancy_field

        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)

            Our strategy is #2 to enable better tracking of unlikely particles in the future
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        chosen_one = max(self.particle_cloud, key=lambda p: p.w)
        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        self.robot_pose = chosen_one.as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     angle_diff(new_odom_xy_theta[2], self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]))

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for i, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            # TODO: Change odometry uncertainty to be ROS param

            # Calculate the angle difference between the old odometry position
            # and the old particle position. Then create a rotation matrix between
            # the two angles
            rotationmatrix = self.make_rotation_matrix(particle.theta - old_odom_xy_theta[2])

            # rotate the motion vector, add the result to the particle
            rotated_delta = np.dot(rotationmatrix, delta[:2])

            linear_randomness = np.random.normal(1, 0.2)
            angular_randomness = np.random.uniform(particle.turn_multiplier, 0.3)

            particle.x += rotated_delta[0] * linear_randomness
            particle.y += rotated_delta[1] * linear_randomness

            particle.theta += delta[2] * angular_randomness

            # Make sure the particle's angle doesn't wrap
            particle.theta = angle_diff(particle.theta, 0)

    def make_rotation_matrix(self, theta):
        """ make_rotation_matrix returns a rotation matrix given angle theta

            theta (number): the angle of rotation in radians CCW

            ndarray: a two by two rotation matrix

        sinTheta = np.sin(theta)
        cosTheta = np.cos(theta)

        return np.array([[cosTheta, -sinTheta],
                         [sinTheta, cosTheta]])

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def lost_particles(self):
        """ lost_particles predicts which paricles are "lost" using unsupervised outlier detection.
            In this case, we choose to use Scikit Learn - OneClassSVM


            inliers = particles that are not lost
            outlier = particles that are lost
        # First format training data
        x = [p.x for p in self.particle_cloud]
        y = [p.y for p in self.particle_cloud]
        X_train = np.array(zip(x, y))

        # Next make unsupervised outlier detection model
        # We have chosen to use OneClassSVM
        # Lower nu to detect fewer outliers
        # Here, we use 1/2 of the lost probability : self.p_lost / 2.0
        clf = OneClassSVM(nu=.3, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.1)

        # Predict inliers and outliers
        y_pred_train = clf.predict(X_train)

        # Create inlier and outlier particle lists
        inliers = []
        outliers = []

        # Iterate through particles and predictions to populate lists
        for p, pred in zip(self.particle_cloud, y_pred_train):
            if pred == 1:
            elif pred == -1:

        return inliers, outliers

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # TODO: Dynamically decide how many particles we need

        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        # Calculate inlaying and exploring particle sets
        inliers, outliers = self.lost_particles()
        desired_outliers = int(self.n_particles * self.p_lost)
        desired_inliers = int(self.n_particles - desired_outliers)

        # Calculate the average turn_multiplier of the inliers
        mean_turn_multipler = np.mean([p.turn_multiplier for p in inliers])
        print "Estimated turn multiplier:", mean_turn_multipler

        # Recalculate inliers
        probabilities = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]
        new_inliers = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, probabilities, desired_inliers)

        # Recalculate outliers
        # This keeps some number of outlying particles around unchanged, and spreads the rest randomly around the map.
        if desired_outliers > min(len(outliers), self.outliers_to_keep):
            outliers.sort(key=lambda p: p.w, reverse=True)

            num_to_make = desired_outliers - min(len(outliers), self.outliers_to_keep)

            new_outliers = outliers[:self.outliers_to_keep] + \
                           [Particle().generate_uniformly_on_map(self.occupancy_field.map) for _ in xrange(num_to_make)]
            for p in new_outliers:
                p.turn_multiplier = mean_turn_multipler
            new_outliers = outliers[:desired_outliers]

        # Set all of the weights back to the same value. Concentration of particles now reflects weight.
        new_particles = new_inliers + new_outliers

        for p in new_particles:
            p.w = 1.0
            p.turn_multiplier = np.random.normal(p.turn_multiplier, 0.1)

        self.particle_cloud = new_particles

    def laser_uncertainty_model(distErr):
        Computes the probability of the laser returning a point distance distErr from the wall.
        Note that this uses an exponential distribution instead of anything reasonable for computational speed.

            distErr (float): The distance between the point returned and the nearest
                            wall on the map (in meters)

            probability (float): A probability, in the range 0...1

        # TODO: make these into rosparams
        k = 0.1  # meters of half-life of distance probability for main distribution
        probMiss = 0.05  # Base probability that the laser scan is totally confused

        distErr = abs(distErr)

        return (1 / (1 + probMiss)) * (probMiss + 1 / (distErr / k + 1))

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg
            msg (LaserScan): incoming message

        # Transform to cartesian coordinates
        scan_points = PointCloud()
        scan_points.header = msg.header

        for i, range in enumerate(msg.ranges):
            if range == 0:
            # Calculate point in laser coordinate frame
            angle = msg.angle_min + i * msg.angle_increment
            x = range * np.cos(angle)
            y = range * np.sin(angle)
            scan_points.points.append(Point32(x=x, y=y))

        # Transform into base_link coordinates
        scan_points = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud('base_link', scan_points)

        # For each particle...
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:

            # Create a 3x3 matrix that transforms points from the origin to the particle
            rotmatrix = np.matrix([[np.cos(particle.theta), -np.sin(particle.theta), 0],
                                   [np.sin(particle.theta), np.cos(particle.theta), 0],
                                   [0, 0, 1]])
            transmatrix = np.matrix([[1, 0, particle.x],
                                     [0, 1, particle.y],
                                     [0, 0, 1]])
            mat33 = np.dot(transmatrix, rotmatrix)

            # Iterate through the points in the laser scan

            probabilities = []
            for point in scan_points.points:
                # Move the point onto the particle
                xy = np.dot(mat33, np.array([point.x, point.y, 1]))

                # Figure out the probability of that point
                distToWall = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(xy.item(0), xy.item(1))
                if np.isnan(distToWall):


            # Combine those into probability of this scan given hypothesized location
            # This is the bullshit thing Paul showed
            # TODO: exponent should be a rosparam
            totalProb = np.sum([p ** 3 for p in probabilities]) / len(probabilities)

            # Update the particle's probability with new info

            particle.w *= totalProb

        # Normalize particles

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
                choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
                probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
                n: the number of samples

                samples (List): A list of n elements, deep-copied from choices
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta is None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        linear_variance = 0.5  # meters
        angular_variance = 4

        xs = np.random.normal(xy_theta[0], linear_variance, size=self.n_particles)
        ys = np.random.normal(xy_theta[1], linear_variance, size=self.n_particles)
        thetas = np.random.vonmises(xy_theta[2], angular_variance, size=self.n_particles)

        self.particle_cloud = [Particle(x=xs[i], y=ys[i], theta=thetas[i]) for i in xrange(self.n_particles)]


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """

        total = sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud])

        if total != 0:
            for p in self.particle_cloud:
                p.w /= total

                # Plan: divide each by the sum of all
                # TODO: implement this

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        startTime = time.clock()

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
                      math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
                      math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
            print "Calculation time: {}ms".format((time.clock() - startTime) * 1000)

        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer
            TODO: if you want to learn a lot about tf, reimplement this... I can provide
                  you with some hints as to what is going on here. """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation, rotation),
                        header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame))
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.0))
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
class SensorLikelihoodTest(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.tf_helper = TFHelper()

        self.latest_scan_ranges = []
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.read_sensor)

        self.odom_poses = PoseArray()
        self.odom_poses.header.frame_id = "odom"
        self.particle_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/particle_pose_array',
        self.odom_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('odom_pose',
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_marker_array',

        self.p_distrib = ParticleDistribution()
        # self.p = Particle(x=0, y=0, theta=0, weight=1)

        self.particle_poses = PoseArray()
        self.particle_poses.header.frame_id = "map"

        self.last_odom_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.last_odom_pose.header.frame_id = "odom"
        self.last_odom_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)

        self.base_link_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.base_link_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        self.base_link_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        self.counter = 0
        self.is_first = True

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot
        # location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

    def init_particles(self):
        self.p_distrib.particle_list = []
        # generate initial list of hypothesis (particles)
        for i in range(self.p_distrib.num_particles):
            # Find a random valid point on the map
            x = random.uniform(-2, 2)
            y = random.uniform(-2, 2)
            theta = random.randint(0, 361)
            weight = 1.0 / self.p_distrib.num_particles
            # Add new particle to list
                Particle(x=x, y=y, theta=theta, weight=weight))
        # Normalize weights
        # self.p_distrib.normalize_weights()

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter
            based on a pose estimate.  These pose estimates could be generated
            by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = \

        # initialize your particle filter based on the xy_theta tuple

    def read_sensor(self, scan_msg):
        self.latest_scan_ranges = scan_msg.ranges

    def run(self):
        self.tf_helper.fix_map_to_odom_transform(Pose(), rospy.Time(0))
        r = rospy.Rate(1)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                (trans, rot) = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.lookupTransform(
                    '/odom', '/base_link', rospy.Time(0))
                # print("Transform: Trans: {} \n Rot: {}".format(trans, rot))

                if (self.latest_scan_ranges != []):
                    new_odom_pose = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.transformPose(
                        'odom', self.base_link_pose)
                    self.odom_poses.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

                    # new_odom_pose_map = self.tf_helper.tf_listener.transformPose('map', new_odom_pose)
                    new_odom_x, new_odom_y, new_odom_theta = self.tf_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
                    last_odom_x, last_odom_y, last_odom_theta = self.tf_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(

                    x_change = new_odom_x - last_odom_x
                    y_change = new_odom_y - last_odom_y
                    angular_change = self.tf_helper.angle_diff(
                        new_odom_theta, last_odom_theta)  # radians

                    print("x: {}, y: {}, theta: {}".format(
                        x_change, y_change, degrees(angular_change)))
                    self.is_first = False
                    if not self.is_first:
                        self.propagate(x_change, y_change, angular_change)

                    self.last_odom_pose = new_odom_pose

                    # # Update particle  to be in odom for check
                    # x, y, theta = self.tf_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(new_odom_pose_map.pose)
                    # print("x: {}, y: {}, theta: {}".format(x, y, theta))
                    # self.p.x = x
                    # self.p.y = y
                    # self.p.theta = degrees(theta)



                    # self.tf_helper.send_last_map_to_odom_transform()

                # x = raw_input("Press Enter to continue")

            except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,

    def propagate(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
        for p in self.p_distrib.particle_list:
            # Update the last odom pose in the process
            r = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
            angle = radians(
                p.theta)  # Add p.theta to account for particle's rotation
            # print("p.theta: {} + new_angle: {} = angle: {}".format(radians(self.p.theta), atan2(dy, dx), angle))
            p.x += r * cos(angle)
            p.y += r * sin(angle)
            p.theta = (p.theta + degrees(dtheta) +
                       random.randint(1, 180)) % 360  # Wrap angle

        self.particle_poses = self.p_distrib.get_particle_pose_array()
        self.particle_poses.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

    def get_how_likely(self):
        angles = [0, 45]  # Use only some of the angles for now
        num_angles = 0
        marker_arr = MarkerArray()
        for p in self.p_distrib.particle_list:

            for angle in angles:
                reading = self.latest_scan_ranges[angle]

                if (reading > 0.0):
                    print("Have a valid reading: {} at angle: {}".format(
                        reading, angle))
                    num_angles += 1

                    # Take into account robot's yaw
                    yaw = p.theta
                    angle_in_map = yaw + angle

                    predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y = self.move_coordinate(
                        p.x, p.y, angle_in_map, reading)
                    my_marker = Marker()
                    my_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                    my_marker.header.frame_id = "map"
                    my_marker.color.a = 0.5
                    my_marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
                    my_marker.id = self.counter
                    self.counter += 1
                    my_marker.pose.position.x = predicted_obstacle_x
                    my_marker.pose.position.y = predicted_obstacle_y
                    my_marker.lifetime = rospy.Time(1)

                    # error = self.get_predicted_obstacle_error(
                    #                             reading, pos[0], pos[1], angle_in_map)
                    predicted_reading = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                        predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y)
                    print("Predicted x: {}, y: {}, reading: {}".format(
                        predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y,
                    error = predicted_reading
                    if (predicted_reading !=
                            predicted_reading):  # Check for nan
                        print("Got Nan")
                        my_marker.color.g = 1.0
                        my_marker.scale.x = 0.1
                        my_marker.scale.y = 0.1
                        my_marker.scale.z = 0.1
                        my_marker.color.b = 1.0 - error
                        my_marker.color.r = error + 0.1
                        my_marker.scale.x = error + 0.1
                        my_marker.scale.y = error + 0.1
                        my_marker.scale.z = error + 0.1

                    # Gaussian probability
                    sigma = 0.1
                    p.weight += math.exp((-error**2) / (2 * sigma**2))

                if (num_angles > 0):
                    p.weight = p.weight / num_angles


    def get_predicted_obstacle_error(self, distance_reading, x, y, angle):
        # Predict location of objects based on laser scan reading.
        predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y = self.move_coordinate(
            x, y, angle, distance_reading)

        # Find the closest obstacle to the predicted obstacle position
        predicted_reading = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
            predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y)
        print("Predicted x: {}, y: {}, reading: {}".format(
            predicted_obstacle_x, predicted_obstacle_y, predicted_reading))
        return predicted_reading

    def move_coordinate(self, x, y, angle, distance):
        return (x + cos(radians(angle)) * distance,
                y + sin(radians(angle)) * distance)

    def get_uniform_probability(self, error):
        # x axis is width
        max_width = 1.0 * self.occupancy_field.map.info.width * map_model.occupancy_field.map.info.resolution / 2.0
        # y axis is height
        max_height = 1.0 * self.occupancy_field.map.info.height * map_model.occupancy_field.map.info.resolution / 2.0
        max_distance = sqrt(max_width**2 + max_height**2)

        return (max_distance - error) / max_distance
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 600  # the number of particles to use
        self.particle_init_options = ParticleInitOptions.UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION

        self.d_thresh = 0.1  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 12.0  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.num_lidar_points = 180  # int from 1 to 360

        # Note: self.laser_max_distance is NOT implemented
        # TODO: Experiment with setting a max acceptable distance for lidar scans
        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # publish our hypotheses points
        self.hypothesis_pub = rospy.Publisher("hypotheses",

        # Publish our hypothesis points right before they get udpated through odom
        self.before_odom_hypothesis_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            "before_odom_hypotheses", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # Publish where the hypothesis points will be once they're updated with the odometry
        self.future_hypothesis_pub = rospy.Publisher("future_hypotheses",

        # Publish the lidar scan that pf.py sees
        self.lidar_pub = rospy.Publisher("lidar_visualization",

        # Publish the lidar scan projected from the first hypothesis
        self.projected_lidar_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            "projected_lidar_visualization", MarkerArray, queue_size=1)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # assign the best particle's pose to self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object

        best_particle = self.particle_cloud[0]
        for particle in self.particle_cloud[1:]:
            if particle.w > best_particle.w:
                best_particle = particle

        self.robot_pose = best_particle.as_pose()

            self.robot_pose, timestamp)

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # Publish a visualization of all our particles before they get updated
        timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        particle_color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        particle_markers = [
            particle.as_marker(timestamp, count, "before_odom_hypotheses",
            for count, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud)

        # Publish the visualization of all the particles in Rviz

        # delta xy_theta is relative to the odom frame, which is a global frame
        # Global Frame -> Robot Frame

        # Delta also works for relative to robot _> need to rotate it properly
        # Robot Frame - Rotate it so that it's projected from the particle in the particle frame
        # Need the difference between the particle theta and the robot theta
        # That's how much to rotate it by

        # diff_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta[2] -

        # Particle Frame -> Global Frame

        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            diff_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta[2] - (particle.theta -

            partRotMtrx = np.array([[np.cos(diff_theta), -np.sin(diff_theta)],
            translationMtrx = np.array([[delta[0]], [delta[1]]])
            partTranslationOp = partRotMtrx.dot(translationMtrx)

            # update particle position to move with delta
            self.particle_cloud[index].x -= partTranslationOp[0, 0]
            self.particle_cloud[index].y -= partTranslationOp[1, 0]
            self.particle_cloud[index].theta += delta[2]

            if len(self.particle_cloud) == 1:  # For debugging purposes
                print("Robot Theta: ", self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
                print("Particle Theta:", particle.theta)
                print("Diff Theta: ", diff_theta)
                print("Deltas before transformations:\nDelta x: ", delta[0],
                      " | Delta y: ", delta[1], " | Delta theta: ", delta[2])
                print("Deltas after transformations:\nDelta x: ",
                      partTranslationOp[0, 0], " | Delta y: ",
                      partTranslationOp[1, 0])

        # Build up a list of all the just moved particles as Rviz Markers
        timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        particle_color = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        particle_markers = [
            particle.as_marker(timestamp, count, "future_hypotheses",
            for count, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud)

        # Publish the visualization of all the particles in Rviz

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.

        # cull particles
        # set looping variable values and initalize array to store significant points

        def returnFunc(part):
            return part.w

        self.particle_cloud.sort(key=returnFunc, reverse=True)

        numResamplingNodes = 500
        resamplingNodes = self.particle_cloud[0:numResamplingNodes]

        # Calculate the number of particles to cluster around each resamplingNode
        cluster_size = math.ceil(
            (self.n_particles - numResamplingNodes) / numResamplingNodes)

        # Uniformly cluster the lowest weighted particles around the highest weighted particles (resamplingNodes)
        num_cluster = 0
        cluster_radius = 0.25
        cluster_theta_range = math.pi / 2.0
        for resamplingNode in resamplingNodes:
            start_cluster_index = numResamplingNodes + num_cluster * cluster_size
            end_cluster_index = start_cluster_index + cluster_size
            if end_cluster_index > len(self.particle_cloud):
                end_cluster_index = len(self.particle_cloud)
            for particle_index in range(start_cluster_index,
                self.particle_cloud[particle_index].x = uniform(
                    (resamplingNode.x - cluster_radius),
                    (resamplingNode.x + cluster_radius))
                self.particle_cloud[particle_index].y = uniform(
                    (resamplingNode.y - cluster_radius),
                    (resamplingNode.y + cluster_radius))
                self.particle_cloud[particle_index].theta = uniform(
                    (resamplingNode.w - cluster_theta_range),
                    (resamplingNode.w + cluster_theta_range))
                self.particle_cloud[particle_index].w = resamplingNode.w
                # self.particle_cloud[particle_index].w = uniform((resamplingNode.w - cluster_theta_range),(resamplingNode.w + cluster_theta_range))
            num_cluster += 1

        # TODO: Experiment with clustering points dependending on weight of the resamplingNode
        # #repopulate field
        # #loop through all the significant weighted particles (or nodes in the probability field)
        # nodeIndex = 0
        # particleIndex = 0
        # while nodeIndex < len(resamplingNodes):
        #     #place points around nodes
        #     placePointIndex = 0
        #     #loop through the number of points that need to be placed given the weight of the particle
        #     while placePointIndex < self.n_particles * resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].w:
        #         #place point in circular area around node
        #         radiusRepopCircle = resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].w*10.0
        #         #create a point in the circular area
        #         self.particle_cloud[particleIndex] = Particle(uniform((resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].x - radiusRepopCircle),(resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].x + radiusRepopCircle)),uniform((resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].y - radiusRepopCircle),(resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].y + radiusRepopCircle)),resamplingNodes[nodeIndex].theta)
        #         #update iteration variables
        #         particleIndex += 1
        #         placePointIndex += 1
        #     nodeIndex += 1

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        # Note: This only updates the weights. This does not move the particles themselves

        # Only get the specified number of lidar points at regular slices
        downsampled_angle_range_list = []
        downsampled_angles = np.linspace(0, 360, self.num_lidar_points, False)
        downsampled_angles_int = downsampled_angles.astype(int)
        for angle, range_ in enumerate(msg.ranges[0:360]):
            if angle in downsampled_angles_int:
                downsampled_angle_range_list.append((angle, range_))

        # Filter out invalid ranges
        filtered_angle_range_list = []
        for angle, range_ in downsampled_angle_range_list:
            if range_ != 0.0:
                filtered_angle_range_list.append((angle, range_))

        # Transform ranges into numpy array of xs and ys
        relative_to_robot = np.zeros((len(filtered_angle_range_list), 2))
        for index, (angle, range_) in enumerate(filtered_angle_range_list):
                              0] = range_ * np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180.0)  # xs
                              1] = range_ * np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180.0)  # ys

        # Build up an array of lidar markers for visualization
        lidar_markers = []
        for index, xy_point in enumerate(relative_to_robot):
                build_lidar_marker(msg.header.stamp, xy_point[0], xy_point[1],
                                   index, "base_link", "lidar_visualization",
                                   (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)))

        # Make sure to delete any old markers
        num_deletion_markers = 360 - len(lidar_markers)
        for _ in range(num_deletion_markers):
            marker_id = len(lidar_markers)
                build_deletion_marker(msg.header.stamp, marker_id,

        # Publish lidar points for visualization

        # For every particle (hypothesis) we have
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # Combine the xy positions of the scan with the xy w of the hypothesis
            # Rotation matrix could be helpful here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)

            # Build our rotation matrix
            R = np.array([[np.cos(particle.theta), -np.sin(particle.theta)],

            # Rotate the points according to particle orientation
            relative_to_particle = (R.dot(relative_to_robot.T)).T
            # relative_to_particle = relative_to_robot.dot(R)

            # Translate points to be relative to map origin
            relative_to_map = deepcopy(relative_to_particle)
                            0:1] = relative_to_map[:,
                                                   0:1] + particle.x * np.ones(
                                                        shape[0], 1))
                            1:2] = relative_to_map[:,
                                                   1:2] + particle.y * np.ones(
                                                        shape[0], 1))

            # Get the distances of each projected point to nearest obstacle
            distance_list = []
            for xy_projected_point in relative_to_map:
                distance = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    xy_projected_point[0], xy_projected_point[1])
                if not np.isfinite(distance):
                    # Note: ac109 map has approximately a 10x10 bounding box
                    # Hardcode 1m as the default distance in case the projected point is off the map
                    distance = 1.0

            # Calculate a weight for for this particle
            # Note: The further away a projected point is from an obstacle point,
            #       the lower its weight should be
            weight = 1.0 / sum(distance_list)
            particle.w = weight

        # Normalize the weights

        # Grab the first particle
        particle = self.particle_cloud[0]

        # Visualize the projected points around that particle
        projected_lidar_markers = []
        for index, xy_point in enumerate(relative_to_map):
                build_lidar_marker(msg.header.stamp, xy_point[0], xy_point[1],
                                   index, "map",

        # Make sure to delete any old markers
        num_deletion_markers = 360 - len(projected_lidar_markers)
        for _ in range(num_deletion_markers):
            marker_id = len(projected_lidar_markers)
                build_deletion_marker(msg.header.stamp, marker_id,

        # Publish the projection visualization to rviz

        # Build up a list of all the particles as Rviz Markers
        timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        particle_markers = [
            particle.as_marker(timestamp, count)
            for count, particle in enumerate(n.particle_cloud)

        # Publish the visualization of all the particles in Rviz

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp, xy_theta)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is omitted, the odometry will be used """

        # TODO: Check if moving the xy_theta stuff to where the robot initializes around a given set of points is helpful
        # if xy_theta is None:
        #     xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # Check how the algorithm should initialize its particles

        # Distribute particles uniformly with parameters defining the number of particles and bounding box
        if self.particle_init_options == ParticleInitOptions.UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION:
            #create an index to track the x cordinate of the particles being created

            #calculate the number of particles to place widthwize vs hightwize along the map based on the number of particles and the dimensions of the map
            num_particles_x = math.sqrt(self.n_particles)
            num_particles_y = num_particles_x

            index_x = -3
            #iterate over the map to place points in a uniform grid
            while index_x < 4:

                index_y = -4
                while index_y < 3:
                    #create a particle at the location with a random orientation
                    new_particle = Particle(index_x, index_y,
                                            uniform(0, 2 * math.pi))
                    #add the particle to the particle array

                    #increment the index to place the next particle
                    index_y += 7 / (num_particles_y)
                #increment index to place next column of particles
                index_x += 7 / num_particles_x

        # Distribute particles uniformly, but hard-coded (mainly for quick tests)
        elif self.particle_init_options == ParticleInitOptions.UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION_HARDCODED:
            # Make a list of hypotheses that can update based on values
            xs = np.linspace(-3, 4, 21)
            ys = np.linspace(-4, 3, 21)
            for y in ys:
                for x in xs:
                    for i in range(5):
                        new_particle = Particle(
                            x, y, np.random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi))

        # Create a single arbitrary particle (For debugging)
        elif self.particle_init_options == ParticleInitOptions.SINGLE_PARTICLE:
            new_particle = Particle(3.1, 0.0, -0.38802401685700466 + math.pi)

        # TODO: Set up robot pose on particle cloud initialization
        # self.update_robot_pose(timestamp)

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        #set variable inital values
        index = 0
        weightSum = 0

        # calulate the total particle weight
        while index < len(self.particle_cloud):
            weightSum += self.particle_cloud[index].w
            index += 1
        index = 0

        #normalize the weight for each particle by divifdng by the total weight
        while index < len(self.particle_cloud):
                index].w = self.particle_cloud[index].w / weightSum
            index += 1


    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300                # the number of particles to use
        self.initial_uncertainty_xy = 1       # Amplitute factor of initial x and y uncertainty
        self.initial_uncertainty_theta = 0.5  # Amplitude factor of initial theta uncertainty
        self.variance_scale = 0.15             # Scaling term for variance effect on resampling
        self.n_particles_average = 20          # Number of particles to average for pose update
        self.linear_var_thresh = 0.05           # Maximum confidence along x/y (meters)
        self.angular_var_thresh = 0.2          # Maximum confidence along theta (radians)
        # self.resample_noise_xy = 0.1          # Amplitude factor of resample x and y noise
        # self.resample_noise_theta = 0.1       # Amplitude factor of resample theta noise

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        # publish custom particle array messge type
        self.particle_viz_pub = rospy.Publisher("weighted_particlecloud", ParticleArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud, self.projected_scan_received)

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)

            Our implementation averages a couple of the best particles to update the
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        sum_x, sum_y, sum_theta = 0, 0, 0

        # sort our particles by weight
        best_particles = sorted(self.particle_cloud)
        # take the top particles with the highest weights
        best_particles = best_particles[-self.n_particles_average:]
        # find the average of this subset
        for p in best_particles:
            sum_x += p.x
            sum_y += p.y
            sum_theta += p.theta

        # Assign the latest pose into self.robot_pose as a Pose object
        self.robot_pose = self.transform_helper.convert_xy_and_theta_to_pose(

        self.transform_helper.fix_map_to_odom_transform(self.robot_pose, timestamp)

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])# COUNTERCLOCKWISE

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # update particles
        r = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
        	particle.x += r*math.cos(particle.theta)
        	particle.y += r*math.sin(particle.theta)
        	particle.theta += delta[2]

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        xs, ys, thetas, weights = [],[],[],[]

        # Make a list of particle stats for draw_random_sample to use
        for p in self.particle_cloud:

        # Throw out some particles
        self.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud,
            weights, self.n_particles)

        # Compute variance of particles
        x_var = np.var(xs)
        y_var = np.var(ys)
        theta_var = np.var(weights)

         # Set a threshold for minimum linear and angular variance
         # This prevents our filter from becoming "overconfident" in the estimate
        if x_var < self.linear_var_thresh:
        	x_var = self.linear_var_thresh
        if y_var < self.linear_var_thresh:
        	y_var = self.linear_var_thresh
        if theta_var < self.angular_var_thresh:
        	theta_var = self.angular_var_thresh

        # Inject some noise into the new cloud based on current variance
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            noise = np.random.randn(3)
            p.x += noise[0] * x_var * self.variance_scale
            p.y += noise[1] * y_var * self.variance_scale
            p.theta += noise[2] * theta_var * self.variance_scale


    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            # Compute delta to x,y coords in map frame of each lidar point assuming
            # lidar is centered at the base_link
            # TODO: Account for the offset between the lidar and the base_link
            angles = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, num=361)
            dxs = np.array(msg.ranges) * np.cos(angles + p.theta)
            dys = np.array(msg.ranges) * np.sin(angles + p.theta)

            # Initialize total distance to 0
            d = 0
            # Initialize number of valid points
            valid_pts = len(dxs)

            for dx,dy in zip(dxs, dys):
                # Ignore points with invalid ranges
                if dx == 0 and dy == 0:

                # Apply delta
                x = p.x + dx
                y = p.y + dy

                # Find nearest point to each lidar point according to map
                dist = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x, y)
                # Check to make sure lidar point is actually on the map
                if not np.isnan(dist):
                    d += dist
                    valid_pts -= 1

            # If there aren't enough valid points for the particle, assume that it's
            # not good
            # TODO: Add a ROS param threshold for this
            if valid_pts < 10:
                p.w = 0
                # Update particle weight based on inverse of average squared difference
                if d != 0:
                    p.w = 1 / ((d ** 2)/valid_pts)
                    # If difference is exactly 0, something's likely wrong
                    rospy.logwarn("Computed difference between particle projection and lidar scan is exactly 0")


    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)
        self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp, xy_theta)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is omitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta is None:
            xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            noise = (np.random.randn(3)*self.initial_uncertainty_xy)
            noise[2] = np.random.randn()*self.initial_uncertainty_theta
            new_pose = np.array(xy_theta) + noise
            new_particle = Particle(*new_pose)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        cumulative_weight = 0

        # Compute cumulative weight
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            cumulative_weight += p.w

        # Normalize weights
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.w = p.w/cumulative_weight

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        custom_particle_msgs = []

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            particle_pose = p.as_pose()

            # Create new particle message
            new_particle = Particle()
            new_particle.pose = particle_pose
            new_particle.weight = p.w
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz
        # send our custom message to visualize weights in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete
            rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for initial pose estimate...")
            rospy.loginfo_once("Initial pose estimate found!")

        # wait a little while to see if the transform becomes available.  This fixes a race
        # condition where the scan would arrive a little bit before the odom to base_link transform
        # was updated.
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5))
        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(self.last_projected_stable_scan)
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud("base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            linear_mov: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            angular_mov: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 20
        self.linear_mov = 0.1
        self.angular_mov = math.pi / 10
        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0
        self.sigma = 0.05

        # Descomentar essa linha caso /initialpose seja publicada
        # self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        #     PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
        #     self.update_initial_pose)
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan,
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud_rmi",
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()

        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        self.map_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.map = self.map_server().map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(self.map)
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame,
                                          rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1.0))

        self.initialized = True

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # print 'new_odom_xy_theta', new_odom_xy_theta
        # Pega a posicao da odom (x,y,tehta)
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # print 'delta', delta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            d = math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2))
            # print 'particle_theta_1', particle.theta
            particle.x += d * (math.cos(particle.theta) + normal(0, 0.01))
            particle.y += d * (math.sin(particle.theta) + normal(0, 0.01))
            particle.theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]  #+ normal(0,0.05)

    # Systematic Resample
    def resample_particles(self):
        # for particle in self.particle_cloud:
        # print 'TODAS PART', particle.w, particle.x, particle.y
        weights = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:

        newParticles = []
        N = len(weights)

        positions = (np.arange(N) + random.random()) / N

        cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(weights)
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < N:
            if positions[i] < cumulative_sum[j]:
                i += 1
                j += 1

        self.particle_cloud = newParticles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        depths = []
        for dist in msg.ranges:
            if not np.isnan(dist):
        fullDepthsArray = msg.ranges[:]

        # Verifica se ha objetos proximos ao robot
        if len(depths) == 0:
            self.closest = 0
            self.position = 0
            self.closest = min(depths)
            self.position = fullDepthsArray.index(self.closest)
        # print 'self.position, self.closest', self.position, self.closest, self.xy_theta_aux
        # print msg, '/scan'

        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            tot_prob = 0.0
            for index, scan in enumerate(depths):
                x, y = self.transform_scan(particle, scan, index)
                # print 'x,y, scan', x, y, scan
                # usa o metodo get_closest_obstacle_distance para buscar o obstaculo mais proximo dentro do range x,y do grid map
                d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x, y)
                # quanto mais proximo de zero mais relevante
                tot_prob += math.exp((-d**2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))

            tot_prob = tot_prob / len(depths)
            if math.isnan(tot_prob):
                particle.w = 1.0
                particle.w = tot_prob
            # print 'LASER', particle.x, particle.y, particle.w

    def transform_scan(self, particle, distance, theta):
        return (particle.x +
                distance * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)),
                particle.y +
                distance * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)))

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        print 'Cria o set inicial de particulas'
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
            x, y, theta = xy_theta

        # Altere este parametro para aumentar a circunferencia do filtro de particulas
        # Na VM ate 1 e suportado
        rad = 0.5

        self.particle_cloud = []
            Particle(xy_theta[0], xy_theta[1], xy_theta[2]))

        # print 'particle_values_W', self.particle_cloud[0].w
        # print 'particle_values_X', self.particle_cloud[0].x
        # print 'particle_values_Y', self.particle_cloud[0].y
        # print 'particle_values_THETA', self.particle_cloud[0].theta

        for i in range(self.n_particles - 1):
            # initial facing of the particle
            theta = random.random() * 360

            # compute params to generate x,y in a circle
            other_theta = random.random() * 360
            radius = random.random() * rad
            # x => straight ahead
            x = radius * math.sin(other_theta) + xy_theta[0]
            y = radius * math.cos(other_theta) + xy_theta[1]
            particle = Particle(x, y, theta)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        tot_weight = sum([particle.w
                          for particle in self.particle_cloud]) or 1.0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w = particle.w / tot_weight

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            ))  # transforma a particula em POSE para ser entendida pelo ROS
        # print 'PARTII', [particles.x for particles in self.particle_cloud]
        # Publica as particulas no rviz (particloud_rmi)

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        # print msg
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # print 'msg.header.frame_id', msg.header.frame_id
        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        # listener.getLatestCommonTime("/base_link",object_pose_in.header.frame_id)
        # p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        p = PoseStamped(
                    self.base_frame, self.map_frame),
                # p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(),
        # p_aux = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=self.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime("/base_link","/map"),
        p_aux = PoseStamped(
                    self.odom_frame, self.map_frame),
                # p_aux = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(),
        odom_aux = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.map_frame, p_aux)
        odom_aux_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(odom_aux.pose)
        # print 'odom_aux_xy_theta', odom_aux_xy_theta

        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # print 'self.odom_pose', self.odom_pose
        # (trans, root) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0))
        # self.odom_pose = trans
        # print trans, root
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.laser_pose.pose)
        xy_theta_aux = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] + odom_aux_xy_theta[0],
                        new_odom_xy_theta[1] + odom_aux_xy_theta[1],
        self.xy_theta_aux = xy_theta_aux

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.linear_mov
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.angular_mov):


class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "base_scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 500          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.08                # guess for how inaccurate lidar readings are in meters

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markers", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        self.map_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.map = self.map_server().map
        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(self.map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            Computed by taking the weighted average of poses.
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        x = 0
        y = 0
        theta = 0
        angles = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            x += particle.x * particle.w
            y += particle.y * particle.w
            v = [particle.w * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta)), particle.w * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta))]
        theta = sum_vectors(angles)
        orientation_tuple = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,theta)
        self.robot_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=x,y=y),orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation_tuple[0], y=orientation_tuple[1], z=orientation_tuple[2], w=orientation_tuple[3]))

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            r1 = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            d = math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2))

            particle.theta += r1 % 360
            particle.x += d * math.cos(particle.theta) + normal(0,0.1)
            particle.y += d * math.sin(particle.theta) + normal(0,0.1)
            particle.theta += (delta[2] - r1 + normal(0,0.1)) % 360
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        newParticles = []
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            # resample the same # of particles
            choice = random_sample()
            # all the particle weights sum to 1
            csum = 0 # cumulative sum
            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                csum += particle.w
                if csum >= choice:
                    # if the random choice fell within the particle's weight
        self.particle_cloud = newParticles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            tot_prob = 0
            for index, scan in enumerate(msg.ranges):
                x,y = self.transform_scan(particle,scan,index)
                # transform scan to view of the particle
                d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
                # calculate nearest distance to particle's scan (should be near 0 if it's on robot)
                tot_prob += math.exp((-d**2)/(2*self.sigma**2))
                # add probability (0 to 1) to total probability

            tot_prob = tot_prob/len(msg.ranges)
            # normalize total probability back to 0-1
            particle.w = tot_prob
            # assign particles weight

    def transform_scan(self, particle, distance, theta):
        """ Calculates the x and y of a scan from a given particle
        particle: Particle object
        distance: scan distance (from ranges)
        theta: scan angle (range index)
        return (particle.x + distance * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)),
                particle.y + distance * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)))

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        rad = 1 # meters

        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(xy_theta[0], xy_theta[1], xy_theta[2]))
        for i in range(self.n_particles-1):
            # initial facing of the particle
            theta = random.random() * 360

            # compute params to generate x,y in a circle
            other_theta = random.random() * 360
            radius = random.random() * rad
            # x => straight ahead
            x = radius * math.sin(other_theta) + xy_theta[0]
            y = radius * math.cos(other_theta) + xy_theta[1]
            particle = Particle(x,y,theta)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        tot_weight = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]) or 1
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w = particle.w/tot_weight;

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

        marker_array = []
        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            marker = Marker(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(),


    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            start_particles: the number of particles first initalized
            end_particles: the number of particles which end in the filter
            middle_step: the step at which the number of particles has decayed about 50%
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        """ Define a new particle filter

        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        self.kidnap = False
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.start_particles = 1000  # the number of particles to use
        self.end_particles = 200
        self.resample_count = 10
        self.middle_step = 10

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped,

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # publish weights for live graph node
        self.weight_pub = rospy.Publisher("/graph_data",

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        # change use_projected_stable_scan to True to use point clouds instead of laser scans
        self.use_projected_stable_scan = False
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = None
        if self.use_projected_stable_scan:
            # subscriber to the odom point cloud
            rospy.Subscriber("projected_stable_scan", PointCloud,

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()

        # publish the marker array
        # self.viz = rospy.Publisher('/particle_marker', Marker, queue_size=10)
        # self.marker = Marker()
        self.viz = rospy.Publisher('/particle_marker',
        self.markerArray = MarkerArray()

        self.initialized = True

    # assigns robot pose. used only a visual debugger, the real data comes from the bag file.
    def update_robot_pose(self, timestamp):
        #print("Guessing Robot Position")
        weights = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]
        index_best = weights.index(max(weights))
        best_particle = self.particle_cloud[index_best]

        self.robot_pose = self.transform_helper.covert_xy_and_theta_to_pose(
            best_particle.x, best_particle.y, best_particle.theta)
            self.robot_pose, timestamp)

    def projected_scan_received(self, msg):
        self.last_projected_stable_scan = msg

    # deadreckons particles with respect to robot motion.
    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ To apply the robot transformations to a particle, it can be broken down into a rotations, a linear movement, and another rotation (which could equal 0)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            delta_x = delta[0]
            delta_y = delta[1]
            delta_theta = delta[2]

            direction = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
            theta_1 = self.transform_helper.angle_diff(
                direction, self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            for p in self.particle_cloud:
                distance = math.sqrt((delta_x**2) +
                                     (delta_y**2)) + np.random.normal(
                                         0, 0.001)
                dx = distance * np.cos(p.theta + theta_1)
                dy = distance * np.sin(p.theta + theta_1)

                p.x += dx
                p.y += dy
                p.theta += delta_theta + np.random.normal(0, 0.005)

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # print("Resampling Particles")
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        particle_cloud_length = len(self.particle_cloud)

        n_particles = ParticleFilter.sigmoid_function(self.resample_count,
                                                      self.middle_step, 1)
        print("Number of Particles Reassigned: " + str(n_particles))

        norm_weights = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]
        # print("Weights: "+ str(norm_weights))

        top_percent = 0.20

        ordered_indexes = np.argsort(norm_weights)
        ordered_particles = [
            self.particle_cloud[index] for index in ordered_indexes
        best_particles = ordered_particles[int(particle_cloud_length *
                                               (1 - top_percent)):]

        new_particles = ParticleFilter.draw_random_sample(
            self.particle_cloud, norm_weights,
            n_particles - int(particle_cloud_length * top_percent))
        dist = 0.001  # adding a square meter of noise around each ideal particle
        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.particle_cloud += best_particles
        for p in new_particles:
            x_pos, y_pos, angle = p.x, p.y, p.theta
            x_particle = np.random.normal(x_pos, dist)
            y_particle = np.random.normal(y_pos, dist)
            theta_particle = np.random.normal(angle, 0.05)
                Particle(x_particle, y_particle, theta_particle))
        self.resample_count += 1

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        #transform laser data from particle's perspective to map coords
        #print("Assigning Weights")
        scan = msg.ranges
        num_particles = len(self.particle_cloud)
        num_scans = 361
        step = 2

        angles = np.arange(num_scans)  # will be scan indices (0-361)
        distances = np.array(scan)  # will be scan values (scan)
        angles_rad = np.deg2rad(angles)

        for p in self.particle_cloud:

            sin_values = np.sin(angles_rad + p.theta)
            cos_values = np.cos(angles_rad + p.theta)
            d_angles_sin = np.multiply(distances, sin_values)
            d_angles_cos = np.multiply(distances, cos_values)

            d_angles_sin = d_angles_sin[0:361:step]
            d_angles_cos = d_angles_cos[0:361:step]

            total_beam_x = np.add(p.x, d_angles_cos)
            total_beam_y = np.add(p.y, d_angles_sin)

            particle_distances = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                total_beam_x, total_beam_y)

            cleaned_particle_distances = [
                2 * np.exp(-(dist**2)) for dist in particle_distances
                if (math.isnan(dist) != True)

            p_d_cubed = np.power(cleaned_particle_distances, 3)
            p.w = np.sum(p_d_cubed)


    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        #print("Initial Pose Set")
        xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp, xy_theta)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, timestamp, xy_theta=None):
        Initialize the particle cloud.
        xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                    particle cloud around.  If this input is omitted, the odometry will be used 
        Also check to see if we are attempting the robot kidnapping problem or are given an initial 2D pose

        if self.kidnap:
            print("Kidnap Problem")
            x_bound, y_bound = self.occupancy_field.get_obstacle_bounding_box()

            x_particle = np.random.uniform(x_bound[0],
            y_particle = np.random.uniform(y_bound[0],
            theta_particle = np.deg2rad(
                np.random.randint(0, 360, size=self.start_particles))

            print("Starting with Inital Position")
            if xy_theta is None:
                print("No Position Definied")
                xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
            x, y, theta = xy_theta

            x_particle = np.random.normal(x, 0.25, size=self.start_particles)
            y_particle = np.random.normal(y, 0.25, size=self.start_particles)
            theta_particle = np.random.normal(theta,

        self.particle_cloud = [Particle(x_particle[i],\
                                        theta_particle[i]) \
                                for i in range(self.start_particles)]

    def normalize_particles(self, particle_list):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        #print("Normalize Particles")
        old_weights = [p.w for p in particle_list]
        new_weights = []
        for p in particle_list:
            p.w = float(p.w) / sum(old_weights)
        float_array = Float64MultiArray()
        float_array.data = new_weights

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        Publishes particle poses on the map.
        Uses Paul's default code at the moment, maybe later attempt to publish a visualization/MarkerArray

        particles_conv = []

        for num, p in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):


        # self.marker_update("map", self.particle_cloud, False)
        # self.viz.publish()

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        All control flow happens here!
        Special init case then goes into loop

        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        # wait a little while to see if the transform becomes available.  This fixes a race
        # condition where the scan would arrive a little bit before the odom to base_link transform
        # was updated.
        # self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5))
        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if not self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            print("Particle Cloud Empty")
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            print("UPDATING PARTICLES")
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            if self.last_projected_stable_scan:
                last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(
                last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
                self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud(
                    "base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift)

            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp)  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density

        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def marker_update(self, frame_id, p_cloud, delete):
        num = 0
        if (delete):
            self.markerArray.markers = []
            for p in p_cloud:
                marker = Marker()
                marker.header.frame_id = frame_id
                marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                marker.ns = "my_namespace"
                marker.id = num
                marker.type = Marker.ARROW
                marker.action = Marker.ADD
                marker.pose = p.as_pose()
                marker.pose.position.z = 0.5
                marker.scale.x = 1.0
                marker.scale.y = 0.1
                marker.scale.z = 0.1
                marker.color.a = 1.0  # Don't forget to set the alpha!
                marker.color.r = 1.0
                marker.color.g = 0.0
                marker.color.b = 0.0

                num += 1


    def sigmoid_function(value, max_output, min_output, middle, inc=1):
        particle_difference = max_output - min_output
        exponent = inc * (value - (middle / 2))
        return int(particle_difference / (1 + np.exp(exponent)) + min_output)
class ParticleFilter(object):
    Particle Filter ROS Node.

    def __init__(self):
        Initialize node and necessary helper functions and p

        # Helper functions and debugging.
        # Occupancy field used to get closest obstacle distance.
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField()
        # Helper functions for coordinate transformations and operations.
        self.transform_helper = TFHelper()
        # Set debug to true to print robot state information to the terminal.
        self.debug = True

        # Particle filter attributes.
        # List of each particle in the filter.
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # Config attributes:
            # n = Number of particles in the particle cloud.
            # xy_spread_size: Scale factor for the spread of the x and y
            #                 coordinates of the initial particle cloud.
            # theta_spread_size: Scale factor for the spread of the angles
            #                    in the initial particle cloud.
            # xy_update_thresh: Change in x and y coordinates of the robot
            #                   position (as determined by odometry data) at
            #                   which to re-estimate robot position and
            #                   resample the particle cloud.
            # theta_update_thresh: Change (in degrees) of the robot's
            #                   orientation (as determined by odometry data) at
            #                   which to re-estimate robot position and
            #                   resample the particle cloud.
        self.particle_cloud_config = {
            "n": 100,
            "xy_spread_size": 1,
            "theta_spread_size": 30,
            "xy_update_thresh": 0.005,
            "theta_update_thresh": 0.001
        # The mininum weight of a particle, used to ensure non weights are NaN.
        self.minimum_weight = 0.0000001

        # Robot location attributes.
        # Initial pose estimate, stored as a triple (x, y, theta).
        # Used to create particle cloud.
        self.xy_theta = None
        # Pose estimate, stored as a pose message type.
        # Used to track changes in pose and update pose markers.
        self.current_pose_estimate = Pose()
        # The overall change in the pose of the robot.
        self.pose_delta = [0, 0, 0]
        # Whether or not there is an initial pose value.
        self.pose_set = False
        # The frame of the robot base.
        self.base_frame = "base_link"
        # The name of the map coordinate frame.
        self.map_frame = "map"
        # The name of the odom coordinate frame.
        self.odom_frame = "odom"
        # The number of the most highly-weighted particles to incorporate
        # in the mean value used to update the robot position estimate.
        self.particles_to_incoporate_in_mean = 100
        # Adjustment factor for the magnitude of noise added to the cloud
        # during the resampling step.
        self.noise_adjustment_factor = 0.001

        # ROS Publishers/Subscribers
        # Listen for new approximate initial robot location.
        # Selected in rviz through the "2D Pose Estimate" button.
        # Get input data from laser scan.
        rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_scan_callback)
        # Publish particle cloud for rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("/particlecloud",

    def initialize_pose_estimate(self, msg):
        Initialize new pose estimate and particle cloud. Store the pose estimate as it as a
        triple with the format (x, y, theta).

        msg: PoseWithCovarianceStamped message received on the initialpose topic
             after selection of the "2D Pose Estimate" button in rviz.
        if self.debug:
            print("Got initial pose.")
        self.xy_theta = \
        self.pose_set = True

    def update_pose_estimate(self, timestamp):
        Update robot's pose estimate given the current particle cloud.
        Calculate the pose estimate using the mean of the most highly weighted
        particles, and then convert the mean coordinates and angle to a pose
        stored in self.current_pose_estimate. Call fix_map_to_odom transform
        to update the displayed current pose estimate.

        timestamp: The timestamp of the current particle cloud in type time.
        mean_x = 0
        mean_y = 0
        mean_theta = 0
        # Calculate the mean of the top  se
        particle_cloud_majority = sorted(self.particle_cloud, key=lambda x: x.w, reverse=True)
        for particle in particle_cloud_majority[self.particles_to_incoporate_in_mean:]:
            mean_x += particle.x * particle.w
            mean_y += particle.y * particle.w
            mean_theta = particle.theta * particle.w
        mean_x /= self.particles_to_incoporate_in_mean
        mean_y /= self.particles_to_incoporate_in_mean
        mean_theta /= self.particles_to_incoporate_in_mean

        # Use particle methods to convert particle to pose.
        current_pose_particle = Particle(mean_x, mean_y, mean_theta)
        self.current_pose_estimate = current_pose_particle.as_pose()

        # Send out next map to odom transform with updated pose estimate.
        self.transform_helper.fix_map_to_odom_transform(self.current_pose_estimate, timestamp)

    def normalize_particles(self):
        Ensures particle weights sum to 1 by finding the sum of the particle
        weights and then dividing each value by this sum.

        Modifies self.particle_cloud directly.
        # Ensure that none of the particle weights are NaN.
        total_w = sum(p.w for p in self.particle_cloud)
        if total_w != 1.0:
            for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w /= total_w

    def set_minimum_weight(self):
        Change any NaN weights in self.particle_cloud to the minimum weight
        value instead.

        Modifies self.particle_cloud directly.
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            if math.isnan(self.particle_cloud[i].w):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w = self.minimum_weight

    def create_particle_cloud(self, timestamp):
        Generate a new particle cloud using the parameters stored in
        self.particle_cloud_config, and then normalize the particles and
        update the current pose estimate based on the state of the created
        particle cloud.

        timestamp: The timestamp of the current particle cloud in type time.
        if (self.debug):
            print("Creating particle cloud.")
        if self.xy_theta is None:
            self.xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(

        # Sample particle values from normal distributions
        x_spread = np.random.normal(
        y_spread = np.random.normal(
        theta_spread = np.random.normal(
            self.xy_theta[2], np.deg2rad(self.particle_cloud_config["theta_spread_size"]), self.particle_cloud_config["n"])

        self.particle_cloud = []
        for (x, y, theta) in zip(x_spread, y_spread, theta_spread):
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(x, y, theta, 1))


    def resample(self):
        Select new distribution of particles, weighted by each particle's
        weight w. Then add some noise to the system to aid in visualization and
        increase system robustness.

        Modifies self.particle_cloud instance directly.
        if len(self.particle_cloud):
            weights = [particle.w  if not math.isnan(particle.w) else self.minimum_weight for particle in self.particle_cloud]

            # Resample points based on their weights.
            self.particle_cloud = [deepcopy(particle) for particle in list(np.random.choice(

            # Add noise to each particle.
            for p in self.particle_cloud:
               particle_noise = np.random.randn(3)
               p.x += particle_noise[0] * self.noise_adjustment_factor
               p.y += particle_noise[1] * self.noise_adjustment_factor
               p.theta += particle_noise[2] * self.noise_adjustment_factor

        if self.debug:
            print("Resampling executed.")

    def publish_particle_viz(self):
        Publish a visualization of self.particle_cloud for use in rviz.
                    p.as_pose() for p in self.particle_cloud]))

        if self.debug:
            print("Publishing new visualization.")

    def update_pose_delta(self, pose1, pose2):
        Calculate floating point distance between pose triples.

        pose1: The first pose, stored as a triple (x, y, theta).
        pose2: The second pose, stored as a triple (x, y, theta).
        Returns a new triple with the difference between the poses in the
        form of (x, y, theta) and also updates self.pose_delta.
        self.pose_delta[0] = pose2[0] - pose1[0]
        self.pose_delta[1] = pose2[1] - pose1[1]
        self.pose_delta[2] = self.transform_helper.angle_diff(pose2[2], pose1[2])
        return self.pose_delta

    def update_thresholds_met(self, msg):
        Calculate the estimated laser scan and robot pose, and then update the
        current pose. Return if the difference between the previous and current
        pose exceeds a given threshold.

        msg: Incoming laser scan data of message type LaserScan.

        Returns a boolean indicating whether the change in the robot's position
        exceeds the given movement threshold.
        # Calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base.
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.transform_helper.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # Find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry.
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.transform_helper.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)

        # Store the the odometry pose into (x,y,theta).
        current_pose = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(

        # If the old pose has not definition, the robot needs to move more.
        if not hasattr(self, "old_pose"):
            self.old_pose = current_pose
            return False

        # Otherwise, update self.pose_delta and return whether its magnitude
        # exceeds the threshold.
        x_d, y_d, theta_d = self.update_pose_delta(self.old_pose, current_pose)
        self.old_pose = current_pose
        return math.fabs(x_d) > self.particle_cloud_config["xy_update_thresh"] or \
            math.fabs(y_d) > self.particle_cloud_config["xy_update_thresh"] or \
            math.fabs(theta_d) > self.particle_cloud_config["theta_update_thresh"]

    def odom_update(self):
        Use self.pose_delta to update particle locations to reflect the change
        in the robot's position.

        Modifies self.particle_cloud directly.
        x_d, y_d, theta_d = self.pose_delta
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            self.particle_cloud[i].x -= x_d
            self.particle_cloud[i].y -= y_d
            self.particle_cloud[i].theta += theta_d

    def laser_update(self, msg):
        Use scan data in msg to update particle weights by using the occupancy
        field to determine the distance from the closest obstacle and
        adjusting the particle weights accordingly.

        msg: Incoming laser scan data of message type LaserScan.

        Modifies self.particle_cloud in place.
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # Get total distances for each angle for each particle.
            total_distance = 0
            x_values = msg.ranges * np.cos(np.degrees(np.arange(0, 361, dtype=float) + particle.theta))
            y_values = msg.ranges * np.sin(np.degrees(np.arange(0, 361, dtype=float) + particle.theta))

            for x, y in zip(x_values, y_values):

                # Disregard any invalid distances.
                if x == 0 and y == 0:
                o_d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(particle.x + x, particle.y + y)
                if not(math.isnan(o_d)) and o_d != 0:
                    # Cube the distance to weight closer objects more highly.
                    total_distance += o_d**3

            # Set particle weight to the inverse of the total distance.
            if total_distance > 0:
                particle.w = 1.0/total_distance

        # Ensure that particle weights sum to 1.

    def laser_scan_callback(self, msg):
        Process incoming laser scan data. If the change in position exceeds
        the thresholds, update the pose estimate and resample.

        msg: Incoming laser scan data of message type LaserScan.
        if not self.pose_set:

        self.transform_helper.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5))
        if not(self.transform_helper.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)) or \
                not(self.transform_helper.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp)):

        # Regardless of update, publish particle cloud visualization.

        if self.update_thresholds_met(msg):

            # Update the self.current_pose_estimate with the mean particle and resample.

            if self.debug:
                print("Update thresholds not met!")

    def run(self):
        As most of the processing happens through callback functions for laser
        scan and odometry data, simply publish the most recent transform for as
        long as the node runs.
        r = rospy.Rate(2)
        while not(rospy.is_shutdown()):
            # in the main loop all we do is continuously broadcast the latest
            # map to odom transform