文件: OglText.py 项目: hasii2011/PyUt
    def Draw(self, dc: DC, withChildren: bool = False):
        Paint handler, draws the content of the shape.

            dc:     device context to draw to
            withChildren:   Redraw children or not
        OglObject.Draw(self, dc)

        w, h = self.GetSize()

        baseX, baseY = self.GetPosition()

        dc.SetClippingRegion(baseX, baseY, w, h)

        noteContent = cast(PyutText, self.getPyutObject()).content
        lines = LineSplitter().split(noteContent, dc, w - 2 * OglText.MARGIN)

        x = baseX + OglText.MARGIN
        y = baseY + OglText.MARGIN

        for line in range(len(lines)):
            dc.DrawText(lines[line], x, y + line * (dc.GetCharHeight() + 5))

    def Draw(self, dc: DC, withChildren: bool = False):
        Paint handler, draws the content of the shape.

            dc:     device context to draw to
            withChildren:   Redraw children or not
        OglObject.Draw(self, dc)

        w, h = self.GetSize()

            # lines = LineSplitter().split(self.getPyutObject().getName(), dc, w - 2 * MARGIN)
            # noteName = self.getPyutObject().getName()
            noteContent = self.getPyutObject().content
            lines = LineSplitter().split(noteContent, dc, w - 2 * OglNote.MARGIN)
        except (ValueError, Exception) as e:
            self.logger.error(f"Unable to display note - {e}")

        baseX, baseY = self.GetPosition()

        dc.SetClippingRegion(baseX, baseY, w, h)

        x = baseX + OglNote.MARGIN
        y = baseY + OglNote.MARGIN

        for line in range(len(lines)):
            dc.DrawText(lines[line], x, y + line * (dc.GetCharHeight() + 5))

        dc.DrawLine(baseX + w - OglNote.MARGIN, baseY, baseX + w, baseY + OglNote.MARGIN)

    def Draw(self, dc: DC, withChildren: bool = False):
        Draw the actor.
        @param  dc : Device context
        @param withChildren Draw the children or not

        @since 1.0
        @author Philippe Waelti <*****@*****.**>
        OglObject.Draw(self, dc)
        # Get current font

        # Gets the minimum bounding box for the shape
        width, height = self.GetSize()

        # Calculate the top center of the shape
        x, y = self.GetPosition()

        # drawing is restricted in the specified region of the device
        dc.SetClippingRegion(x, y, width, height)

        # Our sweet actor size
        actorWidth = width
        actorHeight = 0.8 * (height - 2.0 * MARGIN)  # 80 % of total height
        sizer = min(actorHeight, actorWidth)

        # Draw our actor head
        centerX = x + width // 2
        centerY = y + height // 2

        x = centerX - 0.2 * sizer
        y += MARGIN
        dc.DrawEllipse(x, y, 0.4 * sizer, 0.4 * sizer)

        # Draw body and arms
        x = centerX
        y += 0.4 * sizer
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)
        dc.DrawLine(x - 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.15 * actorHeight,
                    x + 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.15 * actorHeight)

        # And the feet
        y += 0.3 * actorHeight
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x - 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)

        # Draw our buddy name
        textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(
        y = centerY + 0.5 * height - MARGIN - 0.1 * actorHeight
        dc.DrawText(self.getPyutObject().getName(), x - 0.5 * textWidth, y)
    def Draw(self, dc, withChildren=False):
        Paint handler, draws the content of the shape.

        WARNING : Every change here must be reported in autoResize pyutMethod

            dc: device context to draw to

        pyutObject: PyutClass = cast(PyutClass, self.pyutObject)

        # Draw rectangle shape
        OglObject.Draw(self, dc)

        # drawing is restricted in the specified region of the device
        w, h = self._width, self._height
        x, y = self.GetPosition()  # Get position
        dc.SetClippingRegion(x, y, w, h)

        # Draw header
        (headerX, headerY, headerW,
         headerH) = self.calculateClassHeader(dc, True)
        y = headerY + headerH

        if pyutObject.showFields is True:
            # Draw line
            dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + w, y)

            # Draw fields
            (fieldsX, fieldsY, fieldsW,
             fieldsH) = self.calculateClassFields(dc, True, initialY=y)
            y = fieldsY + fieldsH
        # Draw line
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + w, y)
        # Method needs to be called even though returned values not used  -- TODO look at refactoring
        if pyutObject.showMethods is True:
            (methodsX, methodsY, methodsW,
             methodsH) = self.calculateClassMethods(dc,
            # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
            y = methodsY + methodsH

    def Draw(self, dc: DC, withChildren=False):
        Draw the actor.
        @param dc : Device context
        @param withChildren

        @since 1.0
        @author Philippe Waelti <*****@*****.**>
        OglObject.Draw(self, dc, withChildren)

        # Gets the minimum bounding box for the shape
        width, height = self.GetSize()

        # Calculate the top left of the shape
        x, y = self.GetPosition()

        # Draw ellipse
        dc.DrawEllipse(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2)

        # Draw text
        x += round(0.25 * width)
        y += round(0.25 * height)

        textWidth: int = round(0.6 * width)  # Text area width
        space: int = round(1.1 * dc.GetCharHeight())  # Space between lines

        # Drawing is restricted in the specified region of the device
        dc.SetClippingRegion(x, y, textWidth, round(0.6 * height))

        # Split lines
        lines = LineSplitter().split(self.pyutObject.getName(), dc, textWidth)

        # Draw text
        for line in lines:
            dc.DrawText(line, x, y)
            y += space

    def Draw(self, dc: DC, withChildren: bool = False):
        Draw an actor

            dc:     The device context to draw on
            withChildren:   Draw the children or not

        OglObject.Draw(self, dc)
        # Get current font

        # Gets the minimum bounding box for the shape
        width, height = self.GetSize()

        # Calculate the top center of the shape
        x, y = self.GetPosition()

        # drawing is restricted in the specified region of the device
        dc.SetClippingRegion(x, y, width, height)

        # Our sweet actor size
        actorWidth = width
        actorHeight = int(0.8 *
                          (height - 2.0 * MARGIN))  # 80 % of total height
        sizer = min(actorHeight, actorWidth)

        # Draw our actor head
        centerX = x + width // 2
        centerY = y + height // 2

        x = int(centerX - 0.2 * sizer)
        y += MARGIN
        percentageSizer: int = int(0.4 * sizer)
        # dc.DrawEllipse(x, y, 0.4 * sizer, 0.4 * sizer)
        dc.DrawEllipse(x, y, percentageSizer, percentageSizer)

        # Draw body and arms
        x = centerX
        y += round(0.4 * sizer)
        # dc.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)
        # dc.DrawLine(x - 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.15 * actorHeight,
        #             x + 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.15 * actorHeight)
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + round(0.3 * actorHeight))
        dc.DrawLine(round(x - 0.25 * actorWidth),
                    round(y + 0.15 * actorHeight),
                    round(x + 0.25 * actorWidth),
                    round(y + 0.15 * actorHeight))

        # And the feet
        # y += round(0.3 * actorHeight)
        # dc.DrawLine(x, y, x - 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)
        # dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + 0.25 * actorWidth, y + 0.3 * actorHeight)

        actorFeetPercentage: int = round(0.3 * actorHeight)
        y += round(actorFeetPercentage)
        # dc.DrawLine(x, y, x - 0.25 * actorWidth, y + actorFeetPercentage)
        # dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + 0.25 * actorWidth, y + actorFeetPercentage)
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x - round(0.25 * actorWidth),
                    y + actorFeetPercentage)
        dc.DrawLine(x, y, x + round(0.25 * actorWidth),
                    y + actorFeetPercentage)

        # Draw our buddy name
        textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(self.pyutObject.getName())

        # y = centerY + 0.5 * height - MARGIN - 0.1 * actorHeight
        y = round(centerY + 0.5 * height - MARGIN - 0.1 * actorHeight)

        # dc.DrawText(self.getPyutObject().getName(), x - 0.5 * textWidth, y)
        dc.DrawText(self.pyutObject.getName(), round(x - 0.5 * textWidth), y)