def dehydrate(self, bundle): """ Always remove the password form the serialized bundle. """ del['password'] user = bundle.obj if 'notifications' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET['notifications'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.notifications import NotificationResource resource = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.all()[:settings.PANDA_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_SHOW] bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['notifications'] = notifications if 'exports' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET['exports'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.exports import ExportResource resource = ExportResource() exports = Export.objects.filter(creator=user) bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=e) for e in exports] exports = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['exports'] = exports if 'datasets' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET['datasets'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.datasets import DatasetResource resource = DatasetResource() datasets = user.datasets.all() bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=d) for d in datasets] datasets = [resource.simplify_bundle(resource.full_dehydrate(b)) for b in bundles]['datasets'] = datasets if 'search_subscriptions' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET['search_subscriptions'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.search_subscriptions import SearchSubscriptionResource resource = SearchSubscriptionResource() subscriptions = user.search_subscriptions.all() bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=s) for s in subscriptions] datasets = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['subscriptions'] = datasets return bundle
def make_user_login_response(user): """ Generate a response to a login request. """ nr = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.filter(read_at__isnull=True) bundles = [nr.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [nr.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles] return { 'email':, 'api_key': user.api_key.key, 'is_staff': user.is_staff, 'notifications': notifications }
def make_user_login_response(user): """ Generate a response to a login request. """ nr = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.all()[:settings.PANDA_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_SHOW] bundles = [nr.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [nr.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles] return { 'id':, 'email':, 'is_staff': user.is_staff, 'show_login_help': user.get_profile().show_login_help, 'notifications': notifications }
def make_user_login_response(user): """ Generate a response to a login request. """ nr = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.all()[:settings. PANDA_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_SHOW] bundles = [nr.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [nr.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles] return { 'id':, 'email':, 'is_staff': user.is_staff, 'show_login_help': user.get_profile().show_login_help, 'notifications': notifications }
def make_user_login_response(user): """ Generate a response to a login request. """ nr = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.filter(read_at__isnull=True) bundles = [nr.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [nr.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles] return { "id":, "email":, "api_key": user.api_key.key, "is_staff": user.is_staff, "show_login_help": user.get_profile().show_login_help, "notifications": notifications, }
def dehydrate(self, bundle): """ Always remove the password form the serialized bundle. """ del['password'] user = bundle.obj if 'notifications' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET[ 'notifications'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.notifications import NotificationResource resource = NotificationResource() notifications = user.notifications.all( )[:settings.PANDA_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_SHOW] bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=n) for n in notifications] notifications = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['notifications'] = notifications if 'exports' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET[ 'exports'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.exports import ExportResource resource = ExportResource() exports = Export.objects.filter(creator=user) bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=e) for e in exports] exports = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['exports'] = exports if 'datasets' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET[ 'datasets'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.datasets import DatasetResource resource = DatasetResource() datasets = user.datasets.all() bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=d) for d in datasets] datasets = [ resource.simplify_bundle(resource.full_dehydrate(b)) for b in bundles ]['datasets'] = datasets if 'search_subscriptions' in bundle.request.GET and bundle.request.GET[ 'search_subscriptions'].lower() == 'true': from panda.api.search_subscriptions import SearchSubscriptionResource resource = SearchSubscriptionResource() subscriptions = user.search_subscriptions.all() bundles = [resource.build_bundle(obj=s) for s in subscriptions] datasets = [resource.full_dehydrate(b) for b in bundles]['subscriptions'] = datasets return bundle