class Robot:

    def __init__(self, mqtt_client, logger):
        # Create Planet and planet_name variable
        self.planet = Planet()
        self.planet_name = None

        # Setup Sensors, Motors and Odometry
        self.rm = ev3.LargeMotor("outB")
        self.lm = ev3.LargeMotor("outC")
        self.sound = ev3.Sound()
        self.odometry = Odometry(self.lm, self.rm)
        self.motors = Motors(self.odometry)
        self.cs = ColorSensor(self.motors)
        self.us = Ultrasonic()

        # Setup Communication
        self.communication = Communication(mqtt_client, logger, self)

        # Create variable to write to from communication
        self.start_location = None
        self.end_location = None
        self.path_choice = None
        self.running = True

    def run(self):
        counter = 0
        bottle_detected = False
        previous_l, previous_r, previous_b = 0, 0, 350

        start_message = """
#                                #
#     RoboLab Praktikum 2020     #
#      Exploration by Paula      #
#          ❰❱ with ❤ by          #
#        Eric, Marc, Nico        #
#                                #
        # Print start screen

        # Calibrate colors for better color accuracy

        # Wait until we want to start
        print("» Press Button to start")
        start_time = time.time()
        print(time.strftime("Starttime: %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))

        print("Lets start to explore...")

        # Start fancy features
        feature_threads = features.start_features(self)

        # Main robot loop
        while self.running:
            # Test if robot detect an obstacle
            if self.us.get_distance() < 15:
                # Rotate robot to drive back, and save that an obstacle was detected
                print("Obstacle detected")
                bottle_detected = True

            # Test if robot reached node
            if self.cs.get_node() in ["blue", "red"] and counter == 0:
                counter += 1

                # Drive to center of node to better scanning
                self.motors.drive_in_center_of_node(100, 2)

                # Check if robot reached first node
                if self.planet_name is None:
                    # Tell mothership to send planet information (planet_name and start coordinates)

                    # Wait until message is received
                    while self.planet_name is None:

                    # Reset odometry of last path, not used for first path

                    # Current robot orientation
                    forward_dir = self.start_location[1]

                    # End-position and direction of incoming path
                    self.end_location = (self.start_location[0], (forward_dir + 180) % 360)

                    # Save path as blocked for better path calculation
                    self.planet.add_path(self.end_location, self.end_location, -1)
                    # Test if path is known
                    if self.start_location[0] in self.planet.planet_dict \
                            and self.start_location[1] in self.planet.planet_dict[self.start_location[0]]:
                        # Get end node from planet dictionary
                        ((x, y), send_dir, _) = self.planet.planet_dict[self.start_location[0]][self.start_location[1]]

                        # Reset odometry of last path, not used for first path
                        # Calculate postion and direction from odometry
                        x, y, forward_dir = self.odometry.calculate_path(
                            self.start_location[1], bottle_detected, self.start_location[0][0], self.start_location[0][1])

                        # Direction facing back, used for path-message
                        send_dir = (forward_dir + 180) % 360

                    # Send path to mothership get real position and direction
                    self.communication.send_path(self.start_location, ((x, y), send_dir), bottle_detected)

                    # Wait until message is received
                    while self.end_location is None:

                # Position of current node
                current_pos = self.end_location[0]
                # Direction of robot
                forward_dir = (self.end_location[1] + 180) % 360

                # Test if robot already scanned node
                if current_pos in self.planet.scanned_nodes:
                    # If scanned, wait if mothership sends information like target and pathUnveiled
                    # Scan node for posible directions
                    possible_dirs = self.cs.analyze(forward_dir)

                    # Save direction into unexlored edges if they aren't in the planet dictionary
                    for d in possible_dirs:
                        if current_pos not in self.planet.planet_dict \
                                or d not in self.planet.planet_dict[current_pos].keys():
                            self.planet.add_unexplored_edge(current_pos, d)

                    # Mark node as scanned

                # Test if robot reached the target
                if current_pos == self.planet.target:
                    # Send targetReached to mothership
                    self.communication.send_target_reached("Target reached!")

                    # Wait until confirmation
                    while self.running:

                # Calculate next direction based on planet information and posible directions
                next_dir = self.choose_dir()

                # If no direction is found: Exloration completed
                if next_dir == -1:
                    # Send explorationCompleted to mothership
                    self.communication.send_exploration_completed("Exloration completed!")

                    # Wait until confirmation
                    while self.running:

                # Save new starting postion for next path
                self.start_location = (self.end_location[0], next_dir)

                # Rotate to new path
                self.cs.select_new_path(forward_dir, next_dir)

                # Reset variables
                self.end_location = None
                bottle_detected = False
                # Follow line and save last data for next tick
                previous_l, previous_r, previous_b = self.motors.follow_line(self.cs, previous_l, previous_r, previous_b)
                # new (better solution?) -> multiple times calles -> ticks_previous needed
                counter = 0

        print(time.strftime("Endtime: %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
        delta = (time.time() - start_time) / 60
        print("Timedelta: %.2f min" % delta)

        for thread in feature_threads:

    def choose_dir(self):
        # Next direction, -1 = no direction found
        choice = -1

        # Test if target is set
        if self.planet.target is not None:
            # Calculate shortest path to target
            shortest = self.planet.shortest_path(self.end_location[0], self.planet.target)

            # Test if target is reachable
            if shortest is not None:
                # Select first direction to get to target
                choice = shortest[0][1]

        # Test if no direction is set (no target or target not reachable)
        if choice == -1:
            # Nodes which need be explored
            incomplete_nodes = []
            # Shortest distance to unexplored node
            distance = math.inf
            # Nearest node
            nearest = None

            # Collect all node, which have open paths
            for node in self.planet.unexplored_edges.keys():

            # Collect all node, which aren't scanned
            for node in self.planet.get_nodes():
                if node not in self.planet.scanned_nodes:

            # Test if all nodes are explored
            if len(incomplete_nodes) == 0:
                return -1

            # Calculate nearest open node
            for node in incomplete_nodes:
                cur = self.planet.shortest_distance(self.end_location[0], node)
                if cur < distance:
                    distance = cur
                    nearest = node

            # Test if no open node is reachable (explorationCompleted)
            if distance == math.inf:
                return -1
            # Test if open node is reached, choose first open path
            elif distance == 0:
                choice = self.planet.unexplored_edges[nearest][0]
            # Otherwise drive to open node (select first direction to get to open node)
                choice = self.planet.shortest_next_dir(self.end_location[0], nearest)

        # Send pathSelect to mothership
        self.communication.send_path_select((self.end_location[0], choice))

        # Wait until message receive or 3sec (answer optional)
        start_time = time.time()
        while self.path_choice is None and time.time() - start_time < 3.0:

        # Test if mothership overwrites direction, use forced direction
        if self.path_choice is not None:
            choice = self.path_choice
        print("Next direction: %s" % Direction(choice))

        # Reset Variable
        self.path_choice = None

        # Play sound

        return choice