    def print_tree(self, p: Policy) -> None:
        NOTE: this function is called right before cctrace.py exits and only once.
        NOTE: this is a best effort to compactly represent the process tree.

        def keeper(n: CCNode) -> bool:
            Returns True if this node is interesting, False otherwise.
            # configure processes are never keepers
            if n.name.endswith("configure"):
                return False

            # prune children
            n.children = filter(lambda c: keeper(c), n.children)

            # boring leafs are never keepers
            if n.is_leaf and n.color in [Colors.DGRAY, Colors.NO_COLOR]:
                return False

            return True

        roots = [r for r in self.roots if keeper(r)]

        duplicates = set()
        forrest = []

        # first remove duplicate subtrees
        for root in roots:
            for _, _, node in RenderTree(root, style=STY):

                marker = node.hash_subtree()
                if node.parent:
                    marker = hash((marker, node.parent.hash_roots()))
                if marker in duplicates:
                    par = node.parent
                    if par:
                        par.children = [c for c in par.children if c != node]

        # ... then print the forrest
        for root in roots:
            for pre, _, node in RenderTree(root, style=STY):

                ncolor = node.color

                # color policy-checked nodes green
                if p.is_checked(node.name) and p.check(node.name) is None:
                    ncolor = Colors.LGREEN

                # line = "{}{}{}".format(pre, ncolor, node.name)
                line = "{}{}{} ({})".format(pre, ncolor, node.name, node.pid)
                # nodes representing compiler drivers have version information
                cc_ver = get_tool_ver(node.name)
                if cc_ver:
                    line += Colors.DGRAY + " " + cc_ver
                line = line + Colors.NO_COLOR
