def get_sparse_point(self, path_points): ''' This function takes in the points from graph search and removes some unnecessary ones Input: path_points a list[] of points in metrics Output: sparse_points a new list[] of points ''' start = path_points[0] # first point is the start goal = path_points[-1] # last goal # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(, self.resolution, self.margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) map = # initialize the map map_shape = # get the shape of the map [x, y, z] print(map_shape) ############################### for test mean_edge = np.array(map_shape).mean() * np.mean( self.resolution) # mean is used print(mean_edge, type(mean_edge)) dis_threshold = 0.2 * mean_edge # 0.5 * mean_edge print(dis_threshold) #=========== Connect the points if not collide ======== sparse_point = [start] # return the sparse point list available_point = start # set initial search point to be start point[0] check_point = path_points[1] # checking start from the second point points_queue = path_points.copy().tolist( ) # pop out the checked point / path_point is np.array, convert to list points_queue.pop( 0 ) # remove the first start / point_queue must be a list for "pop" attribute # while available_point is not goal: # is goal is updated then the whole path is checked while points_queue: # point_queue is not empty check_point = points_queue[0] # the queue is being popped if self.collision_detect(np.array(available_point), np.array(check_point), occ_map) is True: #and \ #np.linalg.norm(np.array(available_point)-np.array(check_point)) < dis_threshold: # no collision & distance within range, connect! points_queue.pop(0) # pop out the checked 1st point last_point = check_point # current check_point is checked, store into the last point if (np.array(check_point) == np.array(goal) ).all(): # 1. connection & 2. reached the goal point sparse_point.append( check_point ) # At goal: 1. point_queue[0]== goal is popped; 2. store the check_point=goal into path else: # collide, no pop; update: last_point --> available_point & sparse[], check_point start from this one in the next iter sparse_point.append( last_point) # store the last point into sparse points available_point = last_point # set teh last_point as the available_point return sparse_point # return the sparse point list
def getPath(start_index, goal_index, parent, map): path_index = [goal_index] while path_index[-1] != start_index: path_index.append(parent[path_index[-1]]) path_index = path_index[::-1] path = [] for i in path_index: if i == start_index: #and i == goal_index: # path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_negative_corner(map, i)) path.append(start) elif i == goal_index: path.append(goal) else: path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_center(map, i)) path = np.array(path) return path
def get_sparse_points(self, path): """ :param path: a path returned by astar algorithms :return: a trimmed path consists of sparse waypoints """ sparse_points = [] segment = len(self.path) - 1 # get segment number start_pt = self.path[0, :] goal_pt = self.path[-1, :] sparse_points.append(start_pt.tolist()) occ_map = OccupancyMap(, self.resolution, self.margin) for cur_seg_num in range(segment): dist = np.sqrt(sum((self.path[cur_seg_num + 1, :] - start_pt)**2)) if self.has_line_collided(start_pt, self.path[cur_seg_num + 1, :], occ_map): start_pt = self.path[cur_seg_num, :] sparse_points.append(start_pt.tolist()) goal_pt_exist = False # since we only append the previous pt else: if (dist > self.max_sparse_dist) or ( (cur_seg_num + 1) is segment): # end pt reached or max dist exceeded start_pt = self.path[cur_seg_num + 1, :] sparse_points.append(start_pt.tolist()) goal_pt_exist = True # if not collided, goal pt must be appended if goal_pt_exist is False: sparse_points.append(goal_pt.tolist()) # remove the points near the goal # del sparse_points[-2] # del sparse_points[-3] # del sparse_points[-4] sparse_points = np.asarray(sparse_points) return sparse_points
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) # print("start index: {}".format(start_index)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) # print( x_L, y_L, z_L =[0],[ 1],[2] # print(type(start_index)) # print(goal_index) if astar == True: flg = 1 else: flg = 0 frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.push(start_index, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start_index] = start_index cost_so_far[start_index] = 0 graph = create_graph(occ_map, x_L, y_L, z_L) # keep track of path using parent dictionary: parent_ND = {} parent_ND[start_index] = start_index # closed = set() ALL_INDEX = [] for i in range(x_L): for j in range(y_L): for k in range(z_L): ALL_INDEX.append((i, j, k)) closed = set(ALL_INDEX) # test graph: # print("test neighbors: {}".format(graph[(1,0,0)])) # path_idx path_idx = [] while not frontier.empty(): current_index = frontier.pop() # print("fron: {}".format(frontier._queue)) if current_index == goal_index: temp = current_index # print("temp: {}".format(temp)) # print(came_from) while temp != came_from[temp]: path_idx.append(temp) temp = came_from[temp] # print("path: {}".format(path_idx[::-1])) # print("path_length: {}".format(len(path_idx[::-1]))) path_idx.append(start_index) out_path_idx = path_idx[::-1] # print("out path index: {}".format(out_path_idx)) out_path = [] for idx in out_path_idx: temp_pos = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(idx) temp_pos = temp_pos.tolist() out_path.append(temp_pos) final_path_temp = np.array(out_path) # print(start) path_a = np.concatenate((start.reshape(1, 3), final_path_temp), axis=0) path_b = np.concatenate((path_a, goal.reshape(1, 3)), axis=0) # final_path_ = path_b # print("out path: {}".format(final_path)) return path_b # print(current_index) for next_index in graph[tuple(current_index)]: # Use position to compute cost & use index to store values: # Heuristics represents eu distance: current_pos = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(current_index) next_pos = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(next_index) new_cost = cost_so_far[current_index] + Heuristics( current_pos, next_pos) if next_index not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[ next_index]: # if next_index not in cost_so_far: # save path and judge if reach the goal: # parent_ND[next_index] = current_index # if next_index == goal_index: # temp = next_index # while (temp != parent_ND[temp]): # path_idx.append(temp) # temp = parent_ND[temp] # return list(path_idx[::-1]) cost_so_far[next_index] = new_cost next_pos = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(next_index) priority = new_cost + flg * Heuristics( goal, next_pos) # goal is already the position frontier.push(next_index, priority) came_from[next_index] = current_index return None
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) g_index = np.array(goal_index) def getNeighbors(curr_index, map): neighbors = [] diff = [-1, 0, 1] for i in diff: for j in diff: for k in diff: neighbor_index = [ curr_index[0] + i, curr_index[1] + j, curr_index[2] + k ] if (map.is_valid_index(neighbor_index) and not map.is_occupied_index(neighbor_index)): neighbors.append(tuple(neighbor_index)) neighbors.remove(curr_index) return neighbors def getPath(start_index, goal_index, parent, map): path_index = [goal_index] while path_index[-1] != start_index: path_index.append(parent[path_index[-1]]) path_index = path_index[::-1] path = [] for i in path_index: if i == start_index: #and i == goal_index: # path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_negative_corner(map, i)) path.append(start) elif i == goal_index: path.append(goal) else: path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_center(map, i)) path = np.array(path) return path # Initialize variables open = [] #list of nodes we can still step to isVisited = {} g = {} #cost parent = {} graph = ((i, j, k) for i in range(([0])) for j in range(([1])) for k in range(([2]))) for node in graph: isVisited[node] = False g[node] = np.inf parent[node] = 0 g[start_index] = 0 heappush(open, ([g[start_index], start_index])) iterations = 0 while (isVisited[goal_index] == False): curr_index = heappop(open)[1] if (isVisited[curr_index] == False): iterations += 1 isVisited[curr_index] = True curr_neighbors = getNeighbors(curr_index, occ_map) for v in curr_neighbors: neighbor_cost = g[curr_index] + np.linalg.norm( np.array(curr_index) - np.array(v)) if (astar): heuristic = np.linalg.norm(g_index - np.array(v)) else: heuristic = 0 if (neighbor_cost < g[v]): heappush(open, ([neighbor_cost + heuristic, v])) g[v] = neighbor_cost parent[v] = curr_index # build path if (isVisited[goal_index]): path = getPath(start_index, goal_index, parent, occ_map) print("Path found") # print(f"{iterations} nodes visited") print(f"{len(path)} nodes visited") else: print("Path not found") return path
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) # print('start',start) # print('end',goal) # Initialization---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PQ = [(0, start_index)] # Priority queue of open/ alive nodes g_v_cost = np.full(, np.inf) # Initially set all distances as inf p_v_parent = np.zeros(([0],[1],[2], 3)) # parent node neighbour = [] for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): for k in range(-1, 2): neighbour.append([i, j, k]) neighbour.remove([0, 0, 0]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # astar = True if not astar: # Dijkstra's Algorithm g_v_cost[start_index] = 0 # distance from start to start is 0 PQ = [(g_v_cost[start_index], start_index) ] # Priority queue initializes # , (g_v_cost[goal_index], goal_index) # heapq.heapify(PQ) # heapq.heapify(PQ) # print(PQ) # # print(g_v_cost[start_index]) # heappop(PQ) # # print('new',PQ) # if (g_v_cost[goal_index],goal_index) in PQ: # print('Yes') # print(np.min(g_v_cost)) cnt = 0 while len(PQ) > 0: # while (g_v_cost[goal_index], goal_index) in PQ and np.min(g_v_cost) < np.inf: min_element = heappop(PQ) # eg: (0.0,(2,2,2)) u = min_element[ 1] # note: here u is tuple. cannot do addition like array for i in range(26): v = np.asarray(u) + neighbour[i] # one neighbour if not occ_map.is_valid_index(v) or occ_map.is_occupied_index( v): pass elif g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] != np.inf: pass else: d = g_v_cost[u] + np.linalg.norm(v - u) if d < g_v_cost[( v[0], v[1], v[2] )]: # need tuple to access g_v_cost # A shorter path to v has been found g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] = d heappush(PQ, (d, (v[0], v[1], v[2]))) p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2], :] = u # print(p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2],:]) cnt += 1 # print('Dijk Node', cnt) else: # A* F = np.full(, np.inf) # F(v) = g(v) + h(v) g_v_cost[start_index] = 0 # distance from start to start is 0 F[start_index] = g_v_cost[start_index] + np.linalg.norm( np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(start_index)) PQ = [(F[start_index], start_index), (F[goal_index], goal_index)] # Priority queue initializes # while len(PQ) > 0: count = 0 while (F[goal_index], goal_index) in PQ and np.min(F) < np.inf: min_element = heappop(PQ) # eg: (0.0,(2,2,2)) u = min_element[ 1] # note: here u is tuple. cannot do addition like array for i in range(26): v = np.asarray(u) + neighbour[i] # one neighbour if not occ_map.is_valid_index(v) or occ_map.is_occupied_index( v): pass elif g_v_cost[( v[0], v[1], v[2] )] != np.inf: # I dont have to find 26 neighbours all the time pass else: d = g_v_cost[u] + np.linalg.norm(v - u) if d < g_v_cost[( v[0], v[1], v[2] )]: # need tuple to access g_v_cost # A shorter path to v has been found g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] = d heappush(PQ, (d, (v[0], v[1], v[2]))) p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2], :] = u F[(v[0], v[1], v[2] )] = g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] + np.linalg.norm( np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(v)) count += 1 # print('A Star Node:', count) # Find Path--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path = [] temp = goal_index while (temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]) != (start_index[0], start_index[1], start_index[2]): Path.append(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(temp)) temp = p_v_parent[int(temp[0]), int(temp[1]), int(temp[2])] Path.append(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(start_index)) Path.append(start) Path.reverse() Path.append(goal) return np.asarray(Path)
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) occ_map._init_map_from_world() all_cost = np.zeros( + 10000 # add a dummy large number for representing inf. all_cost[start_index] = 0 # add 0 cost for the start # heapq stores the tuple with cost and index Q = [] # heapq storing all the neighbor points if astar is True: h0 = np.sqrt((resolution[0] * (start_index[0] - goal_index[0])) ** 2 + (resolution[1] * (start_index[1] - goal_index[1])) ** 2 + (resolution[2] * (start_index[2] - goal_index[2])) ** 2) else: h0 = 0 heappush(Q, (0 + h0, start_index)) # push the start point parent = dict() # initialize a empty dict for storing parent nodes # finding the path while Q: cur_node = heappop(Q) if cur_node[1] is goal_index: break for neighbors in find_neighbors(cur_node[1]): if occ_map.is_valid_index(neighbors) and not occ_map.is_occupied_index(neighbors): if astar is True: # add heuristic if astar is activated h = np.sqrt((resolution[0] * (neighbors[0] - goal_index[0])) ** 2 + (resolution[1] * (neighbors[1] - goal_index[1])) ** 2 + (resolution[2] * (neighbors[2] - goal_index[2])) ** 2) else: h = 0 cost = all_cost[cur_node[1]] + np.sqrt((resolution[0] * (neighbors[0] - cur_node[1][0])) ** 2 + (resolution[1] * (neighbors[1] - cur_node[1][1])) ** 2 + (resolution[2] * (neighbors[2] - cur_node[1][2])) ** 2) if cost < all_cost[neighbors]: heappush(Q, (cost + h, neighbors)) # child found, push into heap all_cost[neighbors] = cost # update the cost matrix parent[neighbors] = cur_node[1] # print('Is goal still in dict? ', goal_index in parent.keys()) # check if the path exists if goal_index in parent.keys(): pass else: return None # traverse the parent nodes parent_key = goal_index # initialize the parent key as goal_index path = list() # initialize the path list while True: # goal_index in parent.keys(): parent_key = parent[parent_key] # update the next parent key if parent_key is start_index: break parent_in_metric = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(parent_key) path.append(tuple(parent_in_metric)) path.reverse() # reverse the order back path.insert(0, start) path.append(goal) path = np.asarray(path) return path
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) start_cost = 0 start_x,start_y,start_z = start_index goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) goal_x,goal_y,goal_z = goal_index goal_cost = np.inf heuristic = sqrt((start_x-goal_x)**2+(start_y-goal_y)**2+(start_z-goal_z)**2) start_f = heuristic goal_f = np.inf # Initialization Q = [] # priority queue of open nodes G = [] # all the graph path = np.array([list(goal)]) # initialize path # world representing in voxel x =[0] y =[1] z =[2] index = 0 pos = np.zeros((x,y,z)) # position in a list class grid(object): """ This class used to store features of a voxel """ def __init__(self,idx,cost_to_come=np.inf,parent=np.NaN,heu=heuristic,cost=np.inf): self.idx = idx self.cost_to_come = cost_to_come self.parent = parent self.heu = heu self.cost = cost # store the features of all node in an object list for i in range(x): for j in range(y): for k in range(z): pos[i][j][k]=index # store index if start_index == (i,j,k): vox = grid(idx=(i,j,k),cost_to_come=0) start_pos = index elif goal_index == (i,j,k): vox = grid(idx=(i,j,k)) goal_pos = index else: vox = grid(idx=(i,j,k)) index+=1 G.append(vox) # store all the voxel object in a list *** Do Not Change the idx*** if astar: heappush(Q,(start_f,G[start_pos].idx)) heappush(Q,(goal_f,G[goal_pos].idx)) # A* algorithm while (goal_cost,goal_index) in Q and Q[0][0]<np.inf: u = Q[0] # node that has smllest cost ux,uy,uz = u[1] # node's coordination heappop(Q) # alwasy pop out node that has smallest cost if (ux,uy,uz) == goal_index: break # push neigbor(u) into Q for dx in range(-1,2): for dy in range(-1,2): for dz in range(-1,2): if dx==0 and dy == 0 and dz==0: continue # update new node new_x = dx+ux new_y = dy+uy new_z = dz+uz is_valid_neigbor = occ_map.is_valid_index((new_x,new_y,new_z)) if is_valid_neigbor: is_occupy = occ_map.is_occupied_index((new_x,new_y,new_z)) if not is_occupy: idx_in_G = int(pos[new_x][new_y][new_z]) v = G[idx_in_G] c_u_v = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2) idx_of_u = int(pos[ux][uy][uz]) d = G[idx_of_u].cost_to_come+c_u_v if d<v.cost_to_come: heuristic = sqrt((new_x-goal_x)**2+(new_y-goal_y)**2+(new_z-goal_z)**2) f = heuristic+d # calculate the cost of a node G[idx_in_G] = grid((new_x,new_y,new_z),d,(ux,uy,uz),heuristic,f) # update new node's feature heappush(Q,(G[idx_in_G].cost,G[idx_in_G].idx)) # update the open list else: heappush(Q,(start_cost,G[start_pos].idx)) heappush(Q,(goal_cost,G[goal_pos].idx)) # Dijstra Algorithms starts here# while (goal_cost,goal_index) in Q and Q[0][0]<np.inf: u = Q[0] # node that has smllest cost ux,uy,uz = u[1] # node's coordination heappop(Q) # alwasy pop out node that has smallest cost # push neigbor(u) into h for dx in range(-1,2): for dy in range(-1,2): for dz in range(-1,2): if dx==0 and dy == 0 and dz==0: continue # update new node new_x = dx+ux new_y = dy+uy new_z = dz+uz is_valid_neigbor = occ_map.is_valid_index((new_x,new_y,new_z)) if is_valid_neigbor: is_occupy = occ_map.is_occupied_index((new_x,new_y,new_z)) if not is_occupy: idx_in_G = int(pos[new_x][new_y][new_z]) v = G[idx_in_G] c_u_v = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2) idx_of_u = int(pos[ux][uy][uz]) d = G[idx_of_u].cost_to_come+c_u_v if d<v.cost_to_come: G[idx_in_G] = grid((new_x,new_y,new_z),d,(ux,uy,uz)) # update new node's feature heappush(Q,(G[idx_in_G].cost_to_come,G[idx_in_G].idx)) # update open list # trace parent if np.any(np.isnan(G[goal_pos].parent)): return None else: parent_x,parent_y,parent_z = G[goal_pos].parent parent = occ_map.index_to_metric_center((parent_x,parent_y,parent_z)) path = np.r_[path,np.array([list(parent)])] idx_in_G = int(pos[parent_x][parent_y][parent_z]) while 1: parent_x,parent_y,parent_z = G[idx_in_G].parent parent = occ_map.index_to_metric_center((parent_x,parent_y,parent_z)) path = np.r_[path,np.array([list(parent)])] idx_in_G = int(pos[parent_x][parent_y][parent_z]) if idx_in_G == start_pos: break path = np.r_[path,np.array([list(start)])] path = np.flipud(path) return path
def __init__(self, world): self.resolution = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) self.margin = 0.25 self.occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, self.resolution, self.margin) self.D = np.zeros((4, 3))
class successors(object): def __init__(self, world): self.resolution = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) self.margin = 0.25 self.occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, self.resolution, self.margin) self.D = np.zeros((4, 3)) def reachable(self, Um, x_init, tau): # TODO ''' Given an initial state and set of motion primitives return the set of coeffecients which give all the reachable states * Also check for collsions Input Um = N X 1 X 3 np array of motion primitives tau = duration of motion primitive x_init = 1 X 17 array of initial state [x0, v0, a0, q0, w0] p0 = 1 X 3 -- postion in m v0 = 1 X 3 -- velocity in m/s a0 = 1 X 3 -- acceleration in m/s^2 q0 = 1 X 4 -- quaternion w0 = 1 X 3 -- angular velocity in 1/s^2 Output Rs = N X 3 X 3 np array of the reachable set from the initial point given the Um Cs = N X 1 np array of the cost of all the reachable points ''' N = Um.shape[0] J0 = Um x0 = x_init process_arr = [] Rs = np.zeros((N, 1, 16)) Cs = np.zeros((N, 1)) manager = multiprocessing.Manager() return_Rs = manager.dict() return_cc = manager.dict() D = np.zeros((N, 4, 3)) #pdb.set_trace() for i in range(N): collision_flag = False D[i, :, :] = np.append(x0[0:9], J0[i, :, :]).reshape((4, 3)) xf = D[0, :] + D[1, :] * tau + 0.5 * D[2, :] * tau**2 + ( 1 / 6) * D[3, :] * tau**3 collision_flag = self.collision_check(xf[0:2]) Cs[i] = np.sum(np.abs(J0[i, :, :])) # Forward Simulation and Collison Check rr, cc = self.forward_simulate(x0, J0, tau, D, Rs, Cs) return rr, cc def forward_simulate(self, x0, J0, tau, D, return_Rs, return_cc): # TODO ''' Given the desired trajectory run a forward simulation to identify if the desired trajectory can be followed and identify the dynamic feasibilty based on the ability of the controller to follow the trajectory Input: x0 = 1 X 17 array of initial state [x0, v0, a0, q0, w0] p0 = 1 X 3 -- postion in m v0 = 1 X 3 -- velocity in m/s a0 = 1 X 3 -- acceleration in m/s^2 q0 = 1 X 4 -- quaternion w0 = 1 X 3 -- angular velocity in 1/s^2 tau = Duration of planner Output: Rs = 3 X 3 np array of state at the end of the period after the simulation err_cs = M X 1 np array of the cost of the trajectory based on the controller's ability to follow the trajectory ''' t_final = tau initial_state = { 'x': tuple(x0[0:3]), 'v': tuple(x0[3:6]), 'q': tuple(x0[9:13]), 'w': tuple(x0[13:16]) } quadrotor = Quadrotor(quad_params) my_se3_controller = SE3Control(quad_params) # Traj object has been created to main tain consistency with the simulator which # needs the trajectory to be an ibject with an update function traj = trajectory(D) (sim_time, state, control, flat, exit, col_c) = simulate(initial_state, quadrotor, my_se3_controller, traj, t_final, self.occ_map) # TODO: Exit state check. Taking flat outputs if True: err = np.array( flat['x'][-1].shape ) # TODO check if order is stored in the same order in both dictionary err_cs = np.sum(np.absolute(err)) Rsx = flat['x'][-1] Rsv = flat['x_dot'][-1] # Rsx=state['x'][-1] # Rsv=state['v'][-1] Rsa = flat['x_ddot'][-1].reshape(729, 3) Rsq = np.zeros((729, 4)) Rsw = np.zeros((729, 3)) # pdb.set_trace() Rs = np.hstack((Rsx, Rsv, Rsa, Rsq, Rsw)) # pdb.set_trace() else: err_cs = np.inf Rs = None return_Rs = Rs return_cc = return_cc + err_cs + col_c.reshape(729, 1) return return_Rs, return_cc def collision_check(self, x): ''' Given a point in metric coordinates, identify if it is collision free Input: x = np array 3 X 1 of the (x,y,z) positions Ouput: Flag: True or False based on collision ''' idx = self.occ_map.metric_to_index(x) idx = idx[0] try: if[[0], idx[1], idx[2]]: return True else: return False except: return True
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) visited_nodes = [] cost2come = np.inf * np.ones_like( parent_nodes = 0 * np.empty_like( parent_nodes = parent_nodes.tolist() if astar: pHeap = [(0, 0, start_index)] else: pHeap = [(0, start_index)] # List all neighbors (26-connectivity) neighbors = [[-1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, -1], [0, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1], [1, -1, -1], [0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0]] while len(pHeap) > 0: if astar: f, cur_c2c, cur_index = heappop(pHeap) else: cur_c2c, cur_index = heappop(pHeap) if goal_index in visited_nodes: # exit if goal is visited break if not occ_map.is_valid_index(cur_index): # skip node if outside map continue if cur_index in visited_nodes: # skip node if already visited continue if occ_map.is_occupied_index(cur_index): # skip node if there's an obstacle there continue for i in neighbors: i = np.array(i) neighbor_ind = cur_index + i if not occ_map.is_valid_index(neighbor_ind): # skip neighbor if outside map continue if occ_map.is_occupied_index(neighbor_ind): # skip neighbor if occupied by obstacle continue if astar: dist = np.linalg.norm(i) c2c = cur_c2c + dist h = np.linalg.norm(np.array((cur_index))-np.array((goal_index)))**1.2 # heuristic (L2 Norm) f = c2c + h # f = g + h else: dist = np.linalg.norm(i) c2c = cur_c2c + dist if c2c < cost2come[(neighbor_ind)[0], (neighbor_ind)[1], (neighbor_ind)[2]]: cost2come[(neighbor_ind)[0], (neighbor_ind)[1], (neighbor_ind)[2]] = c2c if astar: heappush(pHeap, [f, c2c, tuple(neighbor_ind)]) else: heappush(pHeap, [c2c, tuple(neighbor_ind)]) parent_nodes[(neighbor_ind)[0]][(neighbor_ind)[1]][(neighbor_ind)[2]] = cur_index visited_nodes.append(tuple(cur_index)) if parent_nodes[goal_index[0]][goal_index[1]][goal_index[2]] == 0: return None # build path from start to goal using parent_nodes backTostart = np.array([]) path = np.array(goal) counter = 0 while not np.array_equal(backTostart,np.array(start_index)): if counter == 0: backTostart = parent_nodes[goal_index[0]][goal_index[1]][goal_index[2]] else: backTostart = parent_nodes[backTostart[0]][backTostart[1]][backTostart[2]] path = np.vstack((path,occ_map.index_to_metric_center(backTostart))) counter += 1 path = np.vstack((path, start)) path = np.flip(path,axis=0) return path
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) print('Start:', start_index) print('Goal:', goal_index) Cost_dic = {} Parent_dic = dict() # start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate([:]): for j, _ in enumerate([i][:]): for k, _ in enumerate([i][j][:]): if[i][j][ k] == False: # Only consider points where there are no obstacles parent = { tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): tuple(np.array([0, 0, 0])) } Parent_dic.update(parent) # Dictionary of Parents if tuple(np.array([i, j, k])) != start_index: cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): np.inf} else: cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): 0} Cost_dic.update(cost) # Dictionary of costs heap = [] node = 0 heappush(heap, [Cost_dic[start_index], start_index]) min_cost = heappop(heap) #<---------------<<<<< Reuse this # ---------- Done with intialization ------------------ goal_flag = 0 impossible = 0 flag = True # while heap and min_cost[0] < np.inf: if goal_index in Cost_dic.keys(): while goal_flag == 0: # while heap: U = min_cost[1] neigh = get_neighbour(U) neigh_idx = 0 no_neigbour = 0 g = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # <-------<< List to store cost of all neigbours h = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # <-------<< Heuristics f = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # <-------<< Varibale while neigh and neigh_idx < len(neigh): no_neigbour += 1 if neigh[neigh_idx] in Cost_dic.keys(): # A* in action if astar == True: #<----------------------<< Checking for A* flag if 0 <= neigh_idx < 18: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1.414 h[neigh_idx] = np.linalg.norm( np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(neigh[neigh_idx])) f[neigh_idx] = g[neigh_idx] + h[neigh_idx] elif neigh_idx in [19, 20, 22, 23]: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1.414 h[neigh_idx] = np.linalg.norm( np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(neigh[neigh_idx])) f[neigh_idx] = g[neigh_idx] + h[neigh_idx] else: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1 h[neigh_idx] = np.linalg.norm( np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(neigh[neigh_idx])) f[neigh_idx] = g[neigh_idx] + h[neigh_idx] if neigh[neigh_idx] == goal_index: print('Reached Goal') goal_flag = 1 if g[neigh_idx] < Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]]: Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = g[neigh_idx] heappush(heap, [f[neigh_idx], neigh[neigh_idx]]) Parent_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = U # Dijkstra in action else: if 0 <= neigh_idx < 18: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 5 elif neigh_idx in [19, 20, 22, 23]: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1.5 else: g[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1 if neigh[neigh_idx] == goal_index: print('Reached Goal') goal_flag = 1 if g[neigh_idx] < Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]]: Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = g[neigh_idx] heappush( heap, [Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]], neigh[neigh_idx]]) Parent_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = U neigh_idx += 1 # <-------------<< Goto next Neighbour if impossible != 1 and heap == []: impossible = 1 flag = False break min_cost = heappop(heap) #<---------------<<<<< Reuse this node += 1 # print('Cost to go: ', min_cost[0]) print('Nodes: ', node) path = [] point = goal_index while flag is True: # <-------------------<< Create the path list mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(Parent_dic[point]) # mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_negative_corner(Parent_dic[point]) path.append(mtpoint) point = Parent_dic[point] if point == start_index: flag = False if impossible == 0: path.append(start) path.reverse() path.append(goal) # k = path.sort() path = np.asarray(path) length = float( round(np.sum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(path, axis=0), axis=1)), 3)) print('Path Length: ', length) elif impossible == 1: path = None sparse_path = get_path(path, goal, length) # sparse_path = path return sparse_path else: goal_flag == 1 path = [] path = [start_index] path = np.asarray(path) print('Goal Not Reachable') return None
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar): """ Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,) margin, minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles. start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) astar, if True use A*, else use Dijkstra Output: path, xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the start and the last point must be the goal. If no path exists, return None. """ # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify. occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin) # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space. start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start)) goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal)) path = [goal] i, j, k = g = np.full((i, j, k), np.inf) p = np.zeros((i, j, k, 3)) G = [] co = 10 if astar: h1 = max( abs(start_index[0] - goal_index[0]) * co, abs(start_index[1] - goal_index[1]) * co, abs(start_index[2] - goal_index[2]) * co) # # euclidean # h1 = math.sqrt( # (abs(start_index[0] - goal_index[0]) * co) ** 2 + (abs(start_index[1] - goal_index[1]) * co) ** 2 + \ # (abs(start_index[2] - goal_index[2]) * co) ** 2) else: h1 = 0 g[start_index] = h1 count3 = 0 count4 = 0 heappush(G, (g[start_index], start_index)) heappush(G, (g[goal_index], goal_index)) state = np.zeros((i, j, k)) # 0 is not open, 1 is open, 2 is close state[start_index] = 1 # add start_index to open print("enter loop") while np.min(g) < np.inf and not state[ goal_index] == 2: # while there is node not open and the goal is not closed u = heappop(G)[1] state[u] = 2 count3 = count3 + 1 for i in range(u[0] - 1, u[0] + 2): for j in range(u[1] - 1, u[1] + 2): for k in range(u[2] - 1, u[2] + 2): v = (i, j, k) # determine the distance between voxel if occ_map.is_valid_index(v): if not occ_map.is_occupied_index(v): if not state[v] == 2: # if neighbot is not closed # calculate maximum distance count4 = count4 + 1 if astar: h = max( abs(goal_index[0] - v[0]) * co, abs(goal_index[1] - v[1]) * co, abs(goal_index[2] - v[2]) * co) # euclidean # h = math.sqrt( # (abs(goal_index[0] - v[0]) * co) ** 2 + (abs(goal_index[1] - v[1]) * co) ** 2 \ # + (abs(goal_index[2] - v[2]) * co) ** 2) else: h = 0 if abs(v[0] - u[0]) + abs(v[1] - u[1]) + abs( v[2] - u[2]) == 1: c = 10 elif abs(v[0] - u[0]) + abs(v[1] - u[1]) + abs( v[2] - u[2]) == 2: c = 14 else: c = 17 d = g[u] + c + h # print("in loop") if state[ v] == 1: # this neighbor is already opened if g[v] > d: G.remove((g[v], v)) g[v] = d p[v] = u heappush(G, (g[v], v)) elif state[ v] == 0: # this neighbor haven't been touched g[v] = d p[v] = u heappush(G, (g[v], v)) state[v] = 1 # print("count1") # print(count3) # print("count2") # print(count4) # print("out loop") temp = state[goal_index] f = p[goal_index] if (p[goal_index] == (0, 0, 0)).all(): # goal not found path = None else: pointer = goal_index while pointer != start_index: par = p[pointer] path.append(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(par)) ind1 = int(par[0]) ind2 = int(par[1]) ind3 = int(par[2]) pointer = (ind1, ind2, ind3) path.append(start) path.reverse() # print(path) path = np.asarray(path) return path
def __init__(self, world, start, goal): """ This is the constructor for the trajectory object. A fresh trajectory object will be constructed before each mission. For a world trajectory, the input arguments are start and end positions and a world object. You are free to choose the path taken in any way you like. You should initialize parameters and pre-compute values such as polynomial coefficients here. Parameters: world, World object representing the environment obstacles start, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) goal, xyz position in meters, shape=(3,) """ # You must choose resolution and margin parameters to use for path # planning. In the previous project these were provided to you; now you # must chose them for yourself. Your may try these default values, but # you should experiment with them! self.resolution = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) self.margin = 0.4 # You must store the dense path returned from your Dijkstra or AStar # graph search algorithm as an object member. You will need it for # debugging, it will be used when plotting results. self.path = graph_search(world, self.resolution, self.margin, start, goal, astar=True) # You must generate a sparse set of waypoints to fly between. Your # original Dijkstra or AStar path probably has too many points that are # too close together. Store these waypoints as a class member; you will # need it for debugging and it will be used when plotting results. self.points = np.zeros((1, 3)) # shape=(n_pts,3) self.points = self.path # Finally, you must compute a trajectory through the waypoints similar # to your task in the first project. One possibility is to use the # WaypointTraj object you already wrote in the first project. However, # you probably need to improve it using techniques we have learned this # semester. # STUDENT CODE HERE occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, self.resolution, self.margin) def check_collision(p1, p2): """ This function check whether the connection of two waypoints collides with each other Args: p1: coordinates of point 1, a shape(3,) array p2: coordinates of point 2, a shape(3,) array Returns: 1: The connection of two waypoint collide 0: The connection of two waypoint does not collide """ seg_length = 0.1 distance = np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) unit_vec = (p2 - p1) / distance segment = ceil(distance / seg_length) seg_length = distance / segment # re-define the length of each segment # store segment points for i in range(1, segment): seg_point = p1 + i * seg_length * unit_vec seg_point_x = seg_point[0] seg_point_y = seg_point[1] seg_point_z = seg_point[2] seg_point = (seg_point_x, seg_point_y, seg_point_z) is_valid = occ_map.is_valid_metric(seg_point) is_occupied = occ_map.is_occupied_metric(seg_point) if is_valid and not (is_occupied): bool_collide = 0 else: bool_collide = 1 break return bool_collide # optimize path check_point = start check_point_idx = 0 check_goal = goal idx = len(self.path) - 1 goal_idx = idx new_path = np.array([start]) while not (check_point == goal).all(): while check_collision(check_point, check_goal) and idx - check_point_idx > 1: idx = idx - 1 check_goal = self.path[idx] check_point = check_goal check_point_idx = idx check_goal = goal idx = goal_idx new_path = np.r_[new_path, [check_point]] self.path = new_path # quint trajectory starts here = self.path # type: np.array self.num_pts = len( self.acc_mean = 3.8 # the mean acceleartion self.t_segment = [0] self.t_between_pt = [] time_diff = 0 for i in range(0, self.num_pts - 1): time_diff = 2 * np.sqrt( np.linalg.norm([i + 1] -[i])) / self.acc_mean self.t_segment.append( time_diff + self.t_segment[i]) # time for waypoint to reach self.t_between_pt.append( time_diff) # time different between two points tg = self.t_between_pt[-1] A = np.zeros((6 * (self.num_pts - 1), 6 * (self.num_pts - 1))) # boundary constrain A[0, 5] = 1 A[1, 4] = 1 A[2, 3] = 2 A[-3, -6:] = np.array([tg**5, tg**4, tg**3, tg**2, tg, 1]) A[-2, -6:] = np.array([5 * tg**4, 4 * tg**3, 3 * tg**2, 2 * tg, 1, 0]) A[-1, -6:] = np.array([20 * tg**3, 12 * tg**2, 6 * tg, 2, 0, 0]) # continuous constrain for i in range(self.num_pts - 2): tg = self.t_between_pt[i] # position constrain A[2 * i + 3, i * 6:(i + 1) * 6] = np.array( [tg**5, tg**4, tg**3, tg**2, tg, 1]) A[2 * i + 4, (i + 2) * 6 - 1] = 1 # velosity constrain A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 2 + i, i * 6:(i + 1) * 6] = np.array( [5 * tg**4, 4 * tg**3, 3 * tg**2, 2 * tg, 1, 0]) A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 2 + i, (i + 2) * 6 - 2] = -1 # acceleration constrain A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 3 + i, i * 6:(i + 1) * 6] = np.array( [20 * tg**3, 12 * tg**2, 6 * tg, 2, 0, 0]) A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 3 + i, (i + 2) * 6 - 3] = -2 # jerk constrain A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 4 + i, i * 6:(i + 1) * 6] = np.array([60 * tg**2, 24 * tg, 6, 0, 0, 0]) A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 4 + i, (i + 2) * 6 - 4] = -6 # snap constrain A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 5 + i, i * 6:(i + 1) * 6] = np.array([120 * tg, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0]) A[3 + (self.num_pts - 2) * 5 + i, (i + 2) * 6 - 5] = -24 # P vector px = np.zeros((6 * (self.num_pts - 1), 1)) py = np.zeros((6 * (self.num_pts - 1), 1)) pz = np.zeros((6 * (self.num_pts - 1), 1)) px[0, 0] = start[0] py[0, 0] = start[1] pz[0, 0] = start[2] px[-3, 0] = goal[0] py[-3, 0] = goal[1] pz[-3, 0] = goal[2] for i in range(self.num_pts - 2): px[2 * i + 3, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 0] px[2 * i + 4, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 0] py[2 * i + 3, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 1] py[2 * i + 4, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 1] pz[2 * i + 3, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 2] pz[2 * i + 4, 0] = new_path[i + 1, 2] self.Cx = np.linalg.inv(A) @ px self.Cy = np.linalg.inv(A) @ py self.Cz = np.linalg.inv(A) @ pz