    def calc_electron_density(self):
        Deproject the surface brightness profile to derive the 3D
        electron number density (and then gas mass density) profile
        by incorporating the cooling function profile.

        unit: [ cm^-3 ] if the units converted for input data
        if self.s_spline is None:
            self.fit_spline(spline="brightness", log10=["x", "y"])
        if self.cf_spline is None:
            self.fit_spline(spline="cooling_function", log10=[])
        s_new = self.eval_spline(spline="brightness", x=self.r)
        cf_new = self.eval_spline(spline="cooling_function", x=self.r)
        projector = Projection(rout=self.r + self.r_err)
        s_deproj = projector.deproject(s_new)
        # emission measure per unit volume
        em_v = s_deproj / cf_new
        ne = np.sqrt(em_v * AstroParams.ratio_ne_np)
        self.ne = ne
        return ne