def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp=True) # convert the paths prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) arguments[RENDER_DIR] = helper.mapPath(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) arguments[SCENE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) env = helper.getEnv(am_version=arguments[ARNOLD_VERSION], maya_version=arguments[MAYA_VERSION], shave_version=arguments[SHAVE_VERSION], crowd_version="", home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin"), use_shave=0) # init log helper.printStartLog("mayarunner", "v1.0") cmdArgs = helper.buildMayaCommand("MikserActionMayaRender", arguments, [prodPath, arguments[SCENE]], env) print "Executing command : %s" % str(cmdArgs) comp = 0.1 updateCompletion(comp) ret = helper.execute(cmdArgs, env) print ret
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp=True) cmd = arguments[CMD] print 'Running command "%s"' % cmd updateCompletion(0) helper.execute(cmd.split(" "), env=os.environ) updateCompletion(1)
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper self.helper = PuliActionHelper() # convert the paths prodPath = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) arguments[NUKE_SCENE] = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[NUKE_SCENE]) outImages = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGES]) # set the env env = self.helper.getEnv(nuke_rep=arguments[NUKE_VERSION], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=self.helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin")) # init log self.helper.printStartLog("NukeXRunner", "1.0") # replace the local nuke scene argument in the argslist if outImages != "": localNukeScene = self.updateOutputFiles(arguments[NUKE_SCENE], outImages, arguments[WRITE_NODE]) arguments["nukex"]="1" cmdArgs = self.helper.buildNukeCommand(arguments, localNukeScene) #cmdArgs.insert(1,"--nukex") updateCompletion(0.1) updateMessage("Executing command %s" % cmdArgs) print "\nExecuting command : %s\n" % cmdArgs sys.stdout.flush() out = subprocess.Popen(cmdArgs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, env=env) completedFrames = 0 totalFrames = (int(arguments[END]) - int(arguments[START]) + 1) // int(arguments[STEP]) while True: line = out.stdout.readline() if not line: break print line, sys.stdout.flush() if re.match(FRAME_WRITE_PATTERN, line): completedFrames += 1 print "-- frame %d of %d rendered --" % (completedFrames, totalFrames) sys.stdout.flush() updateMessage("%d frames rendered" % completedFrames) updateCompletion(float(completedFrames) / totalFrames) if completedFrames == totalFrames: print "\nrender done." updateMessage("render done.") updateCompletion(1) break if completedFrames != totalFrames: raise Exception, "Incomplete job: %d/%d images rendered" % (completedFrames, totalFrames)
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper() # get input sequence seq = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) parentDir = os.path.dirname(seq) self.srcDirName = os.path.basename(parentDir) # convert the paths prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) # get start and end self.start = arguments[START] self.end = arguments[END] # cmdline self.cmd = helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin/bin/exrmakescanlined") # temp dir self.tmpDir = os.path.join(prodPath, "_admin", "mikser", "tmp") if not os.path.isdir(self.tmpDir): os.mkdir(self.tmpDir) os.path.walk(parentDir, self.visit, "")
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp = True) env = {} env["RLM_LICENSE"] = "2764@dispatch:2375@kiwi:5053@kiwi" # init log helper.printStartLog("milkrunner", "v1.0") # cmd path cmdArgs = [helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin/Milk/milk")] # pre args if PRE_ARGS in arguments.keys() and len(arguments[PRE_ARGS]) != 0: cmdArgs.extend(shlex.split(arguments[PRE_ARGS])) cmdArgs += ["-fi", arguments[SCENE]] cmdArgs += ["-ti","%s-%s" % (arguments[START],arguments[END])] # middle args if MID_ARGS in arguments.keys() and len(arguments[MID_ARGS]) != 0: cmdArgs.extend(shlex.split(arguments[MID_ARGS])) cmdArgs += ["-to","%s-%s" % (arguments[START],arguments[END])] # resize arg if WIDTH in arguments.keys() and HEIGHT in arguments.keys() and len(str(arguments[WIDTH])) != 0 and len(str(arguments[HEIGHT])) != 0: cmdArgs += ["-resize", str(arguments[WIDTH]), str(arguments[HEIGHT])] # fileout arg cmdArgs += ["-fo", arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGES]] # post args if POST_ARGS in arguments.keys() and len(arguments[POST_ARGS]) != 0: cmdArgs.extend(shlex.split(arguments[POST_ARGS])) # overwrite if int(arguments[OVERWRITE]): cmdArgs.append("-overwrite") else: cmdArgs.append("-pass") # launch cmd updateCompletion(0) print cmdArgs helper.execute(cmdArgs, env) updateCompletion(1) print "done."
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper() ### #Pull info from decomposer ### mayaScene = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) mayaSceneRootName = '3d_pr' if mayaScene.count(mayaSceneRootName) == 0: # TODO: a real mikser warning and exit print 'Warning: unable to find the maya root directory' #check existence and writability of render dir renderDir = arguments[RENDER_DIR] helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(renderDir, 'render dir') if not os.access(renderDir, os.W_OK): print 'Error: unable to write in %s' % renderDir raise Exception self.melArgs[1] = str(arguments[START]) self.melArgs[2] = str(arguments[END]) self.melArgs[5] = arguments[RENDER_DIR] self.melArgs[7] = os.path.splitext(arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE])[0] try: self.melArgs[3] = 'OneFile' if int(arguments[ONE_FILE]) == 1 else 'OneFilePerFrame' except KeyError: pass self.updateMelArgs(11, SIMULATION_RATE, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(12, SAVE_RATE, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(16, DENSITY, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(17, VELOCITY, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(18, TEMPERATURE, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(19, FUEL, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(20, COLOR, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(21, TEXTURE, arguments) self.updateMelArgs(22, FALLOFF, arguments) melArgsString = ' '.join(self.melArgs) argsList = ['mel', melArgsString] argsList += [FLUID, arguments[FLUID]] readyForJsonArgs = '"%s"' % str(argsList) # this formatting is needed in MikserCommonRender.MikserCommonHeaderAndInit ### #Env set up ### prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) env = helper.getEnv(maya_version=arguments['maya'], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin")) ### #Additionnal arguments ### # maya's python if platform.system() == 'Linux': mayaPython = env["MAYA_LOCATION"] + "/bin/python-bin" else: mayaPython = env["MAYA_LOCATION"] + "\\bin\\mayapy.exe" # script doing the actual simulation baking process mayaGenFluidScript = '/s/apps/lin/maya/scripts/' ### #Execute the command line ### argsListN = [mayaPython, mayaGenFluidScript, readyForJsonArgs, prodPath, mayaScene] print 'Launching maya python (%s)' % mayaPython print 'With script: %s' % mayaGenFluidScript print 'And arguments: %s' % readyForJsonArgs print 'Using maya scene: %s' % mayaScene updateCompletion(0) helper.execute(argsListN, env=env) # update the completion updateCompletion(0.7) ### #Check cache file existence ### cacheFile = os.path.join(arguments[RENDER_DIR], arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE]+'.xml') if not os.path.exists(cacheFile): print "Error: cache file %s has not been written" % cacheFile raise Exception ### #This is the end ### print "\n\n---- %s has been written SUCCESSFULLY ----" % cacheFile
class NukeRunner(CommandRunner): def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper self.helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp=True) # convert the paths prodPath = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) arguments[NUKE_SCENE] = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[NUKE_SCENE]) outImages = self.helper.mapPath(arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGES]) # set the env env = self.helper.getEnv(nuke_rep=arguments[NUKE_VERSION], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=self.helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin")) # init log self.helper.printStartLog("NukeRunner", "1.2") # replace the local nuke scene argument in the argslist if outImages != "": localNukeScene = self.updateOutputFiles(arguments[NUKE_SCENE], outImages, arguments[WRITE_NODE]) cmdArgs = self.helper.buildNukeCommand(arguments, localNukeScene) updateCompletion(0.1) updateMessage("Executing command %s" % cmdArgs) print "\nExecuting command : %s\n" % cmdArgs sys.stdout.flush() out = subprocess.Popen(cmdArgs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, env=env) begintime = time.time() completedFrames = 0 totalFrames = (int(arguments[END]) - int(arguments[START]) + 1) // int(arguments[STEP]) if arguments.get("views", ''): totalFrames = totalFrames * len(arguments["views"].split(",")) while True: line = out.stdout.readline() if not line: break print line, sys.stdout.flush() if re.match(FRAME_WRITE_PATTERN, line): completedFrames += 1 print "%s -- frame %d of %d rendered --" % (time.strftime('[%H:%M:%S]', time.gmtime(time.time() - begintime)), completedFrames, totalFrames) sys.stdout.flush() updateMessage("%d frames rendered" % completedFrames) updateCompletion(float(completedFrames) / totalFrames) if completedFrames == totalFrames: print "\nrender done." updateMessage("render done.") updateCompletion(1) break out.terminate() if completedFrames != totalFrames: raise Exception("Incomplete job: %d/%d images rendered" % (completedFrames, totalFrames)) def updateOutputFiles(self, srcNukeFilePath, outImages, writeNode): if self.helper.isLinux(): tempDir = "/tmp" else: tempDir = "T:/Temp" outImages = outImages.replace("\\", "/") date = dateStr = date.strftime("%d%m%Y_%H_%M_%S") localNukeScene = os.path.join(tempDir, os.path.basename(srcNukeFilePath) + "_" + dateStr + ".nk") ## Creating render images dir outFolder = os.path.dirname(outImages) if "%v" in outFolder or "%V" in outFolder: ## test parsing views srcNukeFile = open(srcNukeFilePath, 'r') lines = srcNukeFile.readlines() srcNukeFile.close() lines.reverse() index = lines.index(" name " + writeNode + "\n") onlyLeft = False onlyRight = False for i in range(index, len(lines)): if 'views {' in lines[i]: if 'left' in lines[i]: onlyLeft = True else: onlyRight = True if 'Write {' in lines[i]: break if "%v" in outFolder: if not onlyRight: self.helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(outFolder.replace('%v', 'l'), "render dir left") if not onlyLeft: self.helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(outFolder.replace('%v', 'r'), "render dir right") elif "%V" in outFolder: if not onlyRight: self.helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(outFolder.replace('%V', 'left'), "render dir left") if not onlyLeft: self.helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(outFolder.replace('%V', 'right'), "render dir right") else: self.helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(outFolder, 'render dir') srcNukeFile = open(srcNukeFilePath, 'r') ## Creating nuke tmp out file in tempDir dstNukeFile = open(localNukeScene, 'w') ## Copying nuke file in tempFile contentStr = srcNukeFile.close() dstNukeFile.write(contentStr) outImagesPadding = outImages.count("#") if outImagesPadding: outStrPadding = "%0" + str(outImagesPadding) + "d" inStrPadding = "" inStrPadding = inStrPadding.rjust(outImagesPadding, "#") outImages = outImages.replace(inStrPadding, outStrPadding) dstNukeFile.write("\n#### ADDED BY PULI : " + dateStr + " ###\n") ## Pre scripts # dstNukeFile.write("\n## PRE SCRIPTS ###\n\n") # for scripPath in inScripts: # dstNukeFile.write("load \"" + scripPath + "\"\n") # Write Node dstNukeFile.write("\n## WRITE NODE ###\n") dstNukeFile.write("\nknob " + writeNode + ".file \"" + outImages + "\"\n") print "\nLocal Nuke scene created : '" + localNukeScene + "'." dstNukeFile.close() return localNukeScene
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp = True) start = int(arguments[START]) end = int(arguments[END]) padding = int(arguments[PADDING]) prefix = str(arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE]) # convert the paths prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) arguments[RENDER_DIR] = helper.mapPath(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) arguments[SCENE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) # set the env env = helper.getEnv(am_version=arguments[ARNOLD_VERSION], maya_version=arguments[MAYA_VERSION], shave_version=arguments[SHAVE_VERSION], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin")) helper.printStartLog("MentalRayRunner", "v1.1") cmdArgs = helper.buildMayaCommand("MikserActionMentalRayRender", arguments, [prodPath, arguments[SCENE]], env) print "Executing command : %s" % str(cmdArgs) comp = 0.1 updateCompletion(comp) ret = helper.execute(cmdArgs, env) if ret != 0: raise Exception("A problem occured in the render script, see log") # check images layer2Render = [] if RENDER_LAYERS in arguments: layer2Render = str(arguments[RENDER_LAYERS]).split(",") if len(layer2Render): for layer in layer2Render: for frameInt in range(start, end+1): frameStr = str(frameInt).rjust(padding, "0") # FIXME improve this... # check the file if layer == "defaultRenderLayer": layerfolder = "masterLayer" else: layerfolder = layer renderdir = str(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) + "/" + layerfolder + "/" filename = renderdir + prefix + "-" + layer + "." + frameStr + "." + str(arguments[FORMAT]) print "Checking \"%s\"..." % filename if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception("File does not exist") else: print "OK." else: for frameInt in range(start, end+1): frameStr = str(frameInt).rjust(padding, "0") # check the file filename = str(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) + "/" + prefix + "." + frameStr + "." + str(arguments[FORMAT]) print "Checking \"%s\"..." % filename if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception("File does not exist") else: print "OK." updateCompletion(1) print "\nrender done."
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): frameCompletionPattern = re.compile("\| (.*)% done .* rays/pixel") # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper(cleanTemp=True) # convert the paths projPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROD]) arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE]) arguments[RENDER_DIR] = helper.mapPath(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) arguments[SCENE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) # set the env use_shave = 0 if MTOA_EXTENSIONS in arguments.keys() and SHAVE_VERSION in arguments[MTOA_EXTENSIONS]: use_shave = 1 crowd_version = "" if CROWD_VERSION in arguments.keys(): crowd_version = arguments[CROWD_VERSION] env = helper.getEnv(am_version=arguments[ARNOLD_VERSION], maya_version=arguments[MAYA_VERSION], shave_version=arguments[SHAVE_VERSION], crowd_version=crowd_version, home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin"), use_shave=use_shave) # init log helper.printStartLog("mtoarunner", "v2.1") # check existence of output ass folders helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE], "output ass folder") helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[RENDER_DIR], "render dir") # MtoA Extensions extensionsNodesSearchPath = [] if MTOA_EXTENSIONS in arguments.keys(): xtensions = arguments[MTOA_EXTENSIONS] addonPath = env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + "/add-ons" if xtensions == "<All>": # List directories in add-ons to add all extensions print "Will force load of all MtoA extensions available :" if not os.path.isdir(addonPath): print "No Extension dir found" else: print "Search in " + addonPath fileList = os.listdir(addonPath) if fileList: fileList.sort() nb = 0 for nb, extfile in enumerate(fileList): if os.path.isdir(addonPath + "/" + extfile): print " [ %s ]" % (extfile) arguments['le'] = extfile if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(addonPath, extfile, "nodes")): extensionsNodesSearchPath += ["-l", os.path.join(addonPath, extfile, "nodes")] if nb == 0: extStr = extfile else: extStr = extStr + ',' + extfile if nb: arguments['le'] = extStr else: print "No Extension found" else: print "Empty directory." else: lesExt = xtensions.split(",") for xt in lesExt: extName = xt.strip() if extName: print "Will force load of MtoA Extension : [ %s ]" % (extName) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(addonPath, extName, "nodes")): extensionsNodesSearchPath += ["-l", os.path.join(addonPath, extName, "nodes")] arguments['le'] = xtensions # Add arg to write outputs image files list outputsFile = '/datas/tmp/filestocheck_' +'%y%m%d_%H%M%S') arguments['ifo'] = outputsFile cmdArgs = helper.buildMayaCommand("MikserActionMtoARender", arguments, [projPath, arguments[SCENE]], env) # Execute the command line that will export the ass print '\nLaunch export command "%s"' % cmdArgs comp = 0.0 updateCompletion(comp) ret = helper.execute(cmdArgs, env=env) print '====================================================' print ' MikserActionMtoARender returns with code %d' % (ret) print '====================================================' if ret != 0: print ' Export failed, exiting...' raise Exception(' Export failed, exiting...') # update the completion #comp = 0.3 #updateCompletion(comp) # Extra kick flags extraKickFlags = [] if EXTRA_KICK_FLAGS in arguments.keys(): extraKickFlags = self.parseExtraKickArgs(arguments[EXTRA_KICK_FLAGS]) # kick the ass to render images # kick -l /s/apps/arnold/mArny2.27.21/shaders ./RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass -dcau -log -v 2 # au lieu de # kick -nstdin -dp -i /datas/tmp/assfiles/RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass start = int(arguments[START]) end = int(arguments[END]) totalFrames = end - start + 1 tiledDestination = arguments[RENDER_DIR] + "_Tiled" helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(tiledDestination, "tiled directory") for frameInt in range(start, end + 1): argList = [env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + "/bin/kick"] frameStr = str(frameInt).rjust(int(arguments[PADDING]), "0") # add the arguments to the kick command line argList += ["-l", env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + "/nodes"] # add extensions paths argList += extensionsNodesSearchPath assFilePath = arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + ".ass" # support for compress ass if COMPRESS_ASS in arguments.keys(): if int(arguments[COMPRESS_ASS]): assFilePath += ".gz" if assFilePath.find(" ") != -1: assFilePath = "\"" + assFilePath + "\"" argList += [assFilePath] argList += ["-nokeypress"] argList += ["-dp"] argList += ["-dw"] argList += ["-log"] # no license check if NO_LIC_CHECK in arguments.keys(): if int(arguments[NO_LIC_CHECK]): argList += ["-sl"] # verbose level if VERBOSE_LEVEL in arguments.keys(): argList += ["-v", str(arguments[VERBOSE_LEVEL])] # number of threads if NUMBER_OF_THREADS in arguments.keys(): argList += ["-t", str(arguments[NUMBER_OF_THREADS])] # Extra kick flags argList += extraKickFlags # kick the command print "\nKicking command : " + " ".join(argList) #kickret = helper.execute(argList, env=env) out = subprocess.Popen(argList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, env=env) rc = None while rc is None: line = out.stdout.readline() if not line: break print line, sys.stdout.flush() fcp = if fcp: framecomp = float( fc = float(framecomp / 100) / float(totalFrames) updateCompletion(comp + fc) rc = out.poll() out.communicate() rc = out.poll() print '====================================================' print ' kick command returns with code %d' % rc print '====================================================' if rc != 0: print ' Kick command failed...' raise Exception(' Kick command failed...') comp += 1.0 / float(totalFrames) # suppression of ass files if not int(arguments[LEAVE_ASS_FILES]): try: os.remove(assFilePath) except OSError: print "\nFailed to remove '" + assFilePath + "'\n" else: print "\nLeaving Ass extfile on disk : '" + assFilePath + "'\n" # Check the output image files by reading outputs extfile # Make them scanlined if in exr format self.invertedFormatsMap = {'1': 'jpg', '2': 'tif', '3': 'exr', '4': 'png'} print "\nCheck render outputs :" outputsByFrame = outputsFile + '.' + frameStr lines = [] try: outputsFileHdl = open(outputsByFrame, "r") lines = outputsFileHdl.readlines() outputsFileHdl.close() except IOError: filename = arguments[RENDER_DIR] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + "." + self.invertedFormatsMap[str(arguments[FORMAT])] lines = [filename] for line in lines: # Check filename = line.rstrip() print "> %s" % filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception("file does not exist!") print " OK." # exrmakescanlined make_scanlined = 1 if MAKE_SCANLINED in arguments: make_scanlined = int(arguments[MAKE_SCANLINED]) if make_scanlined: extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] if extension == 'exr': print " Make exr scanlined..." exrscanlinedCmdArgs = ["/s/apps/lin/bin/exrmakescanlined"] exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append("-v") exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append(filename) dest = '/tmp/' + os.path.basename(filename) exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append(dest) output, error = subprocess.Popen(exrscanlinedCmdArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() #print output if "nothing to do" in output: print " Nothing to do." elif error: print output print error else: # move the extfile in a tiled dir and replace it with the new extfile oldy = filename.replace(arguments[RENDER_DIR], tiledDestination) print ' Replace image by scanlined version and move it to : ' print ' ' + oldy shutil.move(filename, oldy) shutil.move(dest, filename) # idiff comparison idiffcmd = ["/s/apps/lin/bin/idiff"] idiffcmd.append(filename) idiffcmd.append(oldy) devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') idiffret = subprocess.Popen(idiffcmd, env=os.environ, stdout=devnull).wait() #idiffret = helper.execute(idiffcmd, env=os.environ) # if no difference, delete the tiled version if idiffret == 0: print " idiff : Tiled and Scanlined images match, removing Tiled version..." os.remove(oldy) print " Tiled version removed." # FIXME check permissions import stat st = os.stat(filename) if not bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IRGRP) or not bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP): logtemp = open("/s/apps/lin/puli/tmplog.csv", 'a') import socket logtemp.write("%s\t%s\t%s\tmtoa\t%s\t%s\n" % (filename, socket.gethostname(), os.path.basename(prodPath), oct(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)), time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime()))) logtemp.close() # Suppress image outputs list try: os.remove(outputsByFrame) except OSError: print "\nFailed to remove %s\n" % outputsByFrame # update completion #comp += 0.7 / totalFrames #updateCompletion(comp) updateCompletion(1) print "\nrender done."
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper() # convert the paths prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROJECT]) env = helper.getEnv(am_version=arguments[ARNOLD_VERSION], maya_version=arguments[MAYA_VERSION], shave_version=arguments[SHAVE_VERSION], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin")) # this is necessary for the python-bin of maya to work properly env["PYTHONHOME"] = env["MAYA_LOCATION"] # init log helper.printStartLog("MarnyRunner", "v1.1") # check existence of output ass folders helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE], "output ass folder") helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[RENDER_DIR], "render dir") cmdArgs = helper.buildMayaCommand("MikserActionMarnyRender", arguments, None, env) # Execute the command line that will export the ass updateCompletion(0) helper.execute(cmdArgs, env=env) # update the completion comp = 0.3 updateCompletion(comp) # kick the ass to render images # kick -l /s/apps/arnold/mArny2.27.21/shaders ./RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass -dcau -log -v 2 # au lieu de # kick -nstdin -dp -i /tmp/assfiles/RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass start = int(arguments[START]) end = int(arguments[END]) + 1 for frameInt in range(start, end): argList = [env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + "/bin/kick"] frameStr = str(frameInt).rjust(int(arguments[PADDING]), "0") # add the arguments to the kick command line argList += ["-l", env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + "/shaders"] assFilePath = arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + ".ass" if assFilePath.find(" ") != -1: assFilePath = "\"" + assFilePath + "\"" argList += [assFilePath] argList += ["-dcau"] argList += ["-log"] argList += ["-%s" % VERBOSE_LEVEL, "2"] # kick the command print "\nKicking command : " + " ".join(argList) kickOut = subprocess.Popen(argList, close_fds=True, env=env) kickOut.communicate() # check the file filename = arguments[RENDER_DIR] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + "." + str(arguments[FORMAT]) print "Checking \"%s\"..." % filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception print "OK." # update completion comp += 0.7 / (end - start) updateCompletion(comp) updateCompletion(1) print "\nrender done."
def execute(self, arguments, updateCompletion, updateMessage): # init the helper helper = PuliActionHelper() # convert the paths prodPath = helper.mapPath(arguments[PROD]) arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE]) arguments[RENDER_DIR] = helper.mapPath(arguments[RENDER_DIR]) arguments[SCENE] = helper.mapPath(arguments[SCENE]) projPath = os.path.dirname(arguments[SCENE].split('scenes')[0]) cameras = arguments["cam"].split(',') # init log helper.printStartLog("mtoa_sa runner", "v0.0") # check existence of output ass folders helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE], "output ass folder") helper.checkExistenceOrCreateDir(arguments[RENDER_DIR], "render dir") env = helper.getEnv(am_version=arguments[ARNOLD_VERSION], maya_version=arguments[MAYA_VERSION], shave_version=arguments[SHAVE_VERSION], crowd_version=arguments[CROWD_VERSION], home=os.environ["HOME"], job=os.path.basename(prodPath), jobdrive=os.path.dirname(prodPath), applis=helper.mapPath("/s/apps/lin"), use_shave=0) # print "Forcing custom mtoa variables" env['ARNOLD_LOCATION'] = '/s/apps/lin/arnold/mtoa0.22.0' self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'AM_DRIVE', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"]) self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_MODULE_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"]) self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'PYTHONPATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/scripts') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_PRESET_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/presets') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'XBMLANGPATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/icons/%B') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/plug-ins') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/lib') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'ARNOLD_PLUGIN_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/shaders') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_RENDER_DESC', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"]) self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/bin') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/scripts/mtoa/2013/mel') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/scripts') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'MAYA_PLUG_IN_RESOURCE_PATH', env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + '/resources') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'ARNOLD_LICENSE_PORT', '5053') self.setSolidAngleEnv(env, 'ARNOLD_LICENSE_HOST', 'jacket') print "################################################" print " ASS EXPORT:", int(arguments.get(GENERATE_ASS_FILE, '1')) print " KICK:", int(arguments.get(LAUNCH_KICK, '1')) print "################################################" if int(arguments.get(GENERATE_ASS_FILE, '1')): #if exportTest: #+/+Mikanada+/+ cmdArgs = helper.buildMayaCommand("MikserActionMtoA_SARender", arguments, [projPath, arguments[SCENE]], env) # Execute the command line that will export the ass print '\nLaunch export command "%s"' % cmdArgs comp = 0 updateCompletion(comp) startTime = time.time() ret = helper.execute(cmdArgs, env=env) print '====================================================' print ' MikserActionMtoA_SARender returns with code %d' % (ret) print ' Process took %s s' %str(time.time() - startTime).split('.')[0] print '====================================================' # # mtoa exits with an error code.... Arrrrhhh # if ret != 0: print 'Warning, maya has been quit with an error code' # Extra kick flags extraKickFlags = [] if EXTRA_KICK_FLAGS in arguments.keys(): extraKickFlags = self.parseExtraKickArgs(arguments[EXTRA_KICK_FLAGS]) # kick the ass to render images # kick -l /s/apps/arnold/mArny2.27.21/shaders ./RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass -dcau -log -v 2 # au lieu de # kick -nstdin -dp -i /datas/tmp/assfiles/RE-sq14sh20-all_z-v002.1019.ass start = int(arguments[START]) end = int(arguments[END]) totalFrames = end - start + 1 frameCompletionPattern = re.compile("\| (.*)% done .* rays/pixel") argList = [ env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + "/bin/kick"] argList += ["-l", env["ARNOLD_LOCATION"] + '/' + env["MAYA_VERSION"] + "/shaders"] argList += ["-nokeypress"] argList += ["-dp"] argList += ["-dw"] argList += ["-log"] # no license check if NO_LIC_CHECK in arguments.keys(): if int(arguments[NO_LIC_CHECK]): argList += ["-sl"] # verbose level if VERBOSE_LEVEL in arguments.keys(): argList += ["-v", str(arguments[VERBOSE_LEVEL])] # number of threads if NUMBER_OF_THREADS in arguments.keys(): argList += ["-t", str(arguments[NUMBER_OF_THREADS])] # anti-aliasing samples if ANTI_ALIASING_SAMPLES in arguments.keys(): argList += ["-as", str(arguments[ANTI_ALIASING_SAMPLES])] # Extra kick flags argList += extraKickFlags for frameInt in range(start, end + 1): frameStr = str(frameInt).rjust(int(arguments[PADDING]), "0") # add the arguments to the kick command line assFilePath = arguments[OUTPUT_ASS_FILE] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + ".ass" # support for compress ass if COMPRESS_ASS in arguments.keys(): if int(arguments[COMPRESS_ASS]): assFilePath += ".gz" if assFilePath.find(" ") != -1: assFilePath = "\"" + assFilePath + "\"" cmdList = argList[:] cmdList.append(assFilePath) # kick the command print "\nKicking command : " + " ".join(cmdList) os.umask(2) out = subprocess.Popen(cmdList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, env=env) rc = None while rc is None: line = out.stdout.readline() if not line: break print line, sys.stdout.flush() fcp = if fcp: framecomp = float( fc = float(framecomp / 100) / float(totalFrames) updateCompletion(comp + fc) rc = out.poll() out.communicate() rc = out.poll() print '====================================================' print ' kick command returns with code %d' % rc print '====================================================' if rc != 0: print ' Kick command failed...' raise Exception(' Kick command failed...') comp += 1.0 / float(totalFrames) # suppression of ass files if not int(arguments[LEAVE_ASS_FILES]): try: os.remove(assFilePath) except OSError: print "\nFailed to remove '" + assFilePath + "'\n" else: print "\nLeaving Ass file on disk : '" + assFilePath + "'\n" self.invertedFormatsMap = {'1': 'jpg', '2': 'tif', '3': 'exr', '4': 'png'} filename = arguments[RENDER_DIR] + "/" + arguments[OUTPUT_IMAGE] + "." + frameStr + "." + self.invertedFormatsMap[str(arguments[FORMAT])] # Check file existence filename = filename.rstrip() print "> %s" % filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception("file does not exist!") print " OK." # exrmakescanlined make_scanlined = 1 if MAKE_SCANLINED in arguments and os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] == 'exr': print " Make exr scanlined..." exrscanlinedCmdArgs = ["/s/apps/lin/bin/exrmakescanlined-test"] exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append("-c") exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append(filename) tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='/tmp/') dest = tf.close() exrscanlinedCmdArgs.append(dest) subp = subprocess.Popen(exrscanlinedCmdArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = subp.communicate() if subp.returncode == 0: # idiff comparison idiffcmd = ["/s/apps/lin/bin/idiff-1.1.7"] idiffcmd.append(filename) idiffcmd.append(dest) devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') idiffret = subprocess.Popen(idiffcmd, env=os.environ, stdout=devnull).wait() if True: print " idiff : tiled and scanlined images match, replacing the tiled version..." shutil.move(dest, filename+".tmp") os.rename(filename+".tmp", filename) print " tiled version overwritten" else : print " idiff : Keeping Tiled version : images do not match !!!" # FIXME check permissions import stat st = os.stat(filename) if not bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IRGRP) or not bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP): logtemp = open("/s/apps/lin/puli/tmplog.csv", 'a') import socket logtemp.write("%s\t%s\t%s\tmtoa\t%s\t%s\n" % (filename, socket.gethostname(), os.path.basename(prodPath), oct(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)), time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime()))) logtemp.close() elif subp.returncode == 1: print " Nothing to do." elif error: print error else: print "an error has occured, keeping the tiled version" updateCompletion(1) print "\nrender done."