def __init__(self, surface, score=0): self.surface = surface self.pumpkin = Pumpkin(self.surface, 0.5) self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) self.update_text(score)
def __init__(self): super(Carving, self).__init__() self.brush_size = 8 self.drawing = False self.pumpkin = Pumpkin() self.line_start = None self.shade = pg.Surface(prepare.SCREEN_SIZE).convert() self.shade.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.shade_alpha = 255 self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.animations = pg.sprite.Group() self.brush_timer = 0 self.brush_cooldown = 50 self.layer_num = 0 self.buffer_dict = {}
def create_new_enemies_wave(self, enemy): if enemy is Ghost: for i in range(rnd.randint(1, self.difficulty.value[0])): pos = (-100 if rnd.randint(0, 100) % 2 == 0 else WIDTH + 100, rnd.randint(0, HEIGHT)) self.entities.append(Ghost(pos)) if enemy is Pumpkin: pos = (self.player.rect.centerx, -50) self.entities.append(Pumpkin(pos))
def create_entities(self): self.entities = [ Ghost((rnd.randint(-200, 0), rnd.randint(0, self.display.HEIGHT // 4))), Pumpkin((rnd.randint(0, WIDTH), -100)) ] self.player = Player( (self.display.WIDTH / 2, self.display.HEIGHT - 200), 'player_stand')
class ScoreArea(): def __init__(self, surface, score=0): self.surface = surface self.pumpkin = Pumpkin(self.surface, 0.5) self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) self.update_text(score) def update_text(self, score): """ Update the text content (score) and prepare it to be displayed """ self.score_text = " x " + str(score) self.score_text_image = self.font.render(self.score_text, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.score_text_rect = self.score_text_image.get_rect() = 5 self.score_text_rect.left = self.pumpkin.get_tilesize() def refresh(self): """ Display the sprite and the text """ self.pumpkin.draw() self.surface.blit(self.score_text_image, self.score_text_rect)
def __init__(self): super(Carving, self).__init__() self.brush_size = 8 self.drawing = False self.pumpkin = Pumpkin() self.line_start = None self.shade = pg.Surface(prepare.SCREEN_SIZE).convert() self.shade.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.shade_alpha = 255 self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.animations = pg.sprite.Group() self.brush_timer = 0 self.brush_cooldown = 50
class Carving(GameState): def __init__(self): super(Carving, self).__init__() self.brush_size = 8 self.drawing = False self.pumpkin = Pumpkin() self.line_start = None self.shade = pg.Surface(prepare.SCREEN_SIZE).convert() self.shade.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.shade_alpha = 255 self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.animations = pg.sprite.Group() self.brush_timer = 0 self.brush_cooldown = 50 self.layer_num = 0 self.buffer_dict = {} def startup(self, persistent): self.persist = persistent self.shade_alpha = 255 ani = Animation(shade_alpha=0, duration=3000, round_values=True, transition="linear") ani.start(self) self.animations.add(ani) def get_event(self, event): mods = pg.key.get_mods() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: self.drawing = True self.layer_num += 1 self.buffer_dict[self.layer_num] = pg.Surface(prepare.SCREEN_SIZE,pg.SRCALPHA) self.line_start = event.pos elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: self.drawing = False elif event.type== pg.KEYDOWN: if mods&pg.KMOD_CTRL: if event.key == pg.K_z: if self.layer_num == 0: pass elif self.layer_num >= 1: self.layer_num -= 1 elif event.key == pg.K_y: if self.layer_num + 1 in self.buffer_dict: self.layer_num += 1 else: pass def update(self, dt): self.brush_timer += dt keys = pg.key.get_pressed() if self.brush_timer > self.brush_cooldown: if keys[pg.K_DOWN]: self.brush_size = max(2, self.brush_size - 1) self.brush_timer = 0 elif keys[pg.K_UP]: self.brush_size += 1 self.brush_timer = 0 if self.drawing: mx, my = pg.mouse.get_pos() px, py = self.pumpkin.rect.topleft line_start = self.line_start[0] - px, self.line_start[1] - py pos = mx - px, my - py # pg.draw.line(self.pumpkin.work_surf, pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, # pos, self.brush_size*2 + 3) #, pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, self.brush_size) #, pg.Color(0, 0, 0), pos, self.brush_size) pg.draw.line(self.buffer_dict[self.layer_num], pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, pos, self.brush_size*2 + 3)[self.layer_num], pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, self.brush_size)[self.layer_num], pg.Color(0, 0, 0), pos, self.brush_size) self.line_start = mx, my if self.shade_alpha > 0: self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.pumpkin.update(dt) self.animations.update(dt) def draw(self, surface): surface.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.pumpkin.work_surf.fill((255, 255, 255)) self.pumpkin.work_surf.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) for i in range(self.layer_num): self.pumpkin.work_surf.blit(self.buffer_dict[i+1],(0,0)) self.pumpkin.draw(surface) if not self.drawing:, pg.Color("white"), pg.mouse.get_pos(), self.brush_size, 1) if self.shade_alpha > 0: surface.blit(self.shade, (0, 0))
class Carving(GameState): def __init__(self): super(Carving, self).__init__() self.brush_size = 8 self.drawing = False self.pumpkin = Pumpkin() self.line_start = None self.shade = pg.Surface(prepare.SCREEN_SIZE).convert() self.shade.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.shade_alpha = 255 self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.animations = pg.sprite.Group() self.brush_timer = 0 self.brush_cooldown = 50 def startup(self, persistent): self.persist = persistent self.shade_alpha = 255 ani = Animation(shade_alpha=0, duration=3000, round_values=True, transition="linear") ani.start(self) self.animations.add(ani) def get_event(self, event): if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: self.drawing = True self.line_start = event.pos elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: self.drawing = False def update(self, dt): self.brush_timer += dt keys = pg.key.get_pressed() if self.brush_timer > self.brush_cooldown: if keys[pg.K_DOWN]: self.brush_size = max(2, self.brush_size - 1) self.brush_timer = 0 elif keys[pg.K_UP]: self.brush_size += 1 self.brush_timer = 0 if self.drawing: mx, my = pg.mouse.get_pos() px, py = self.pumpkin.rect.topleft line_start = self.line_start[0] - px, self.line_start[1] - py pos = mx - px, my - py pg.draw.line(self.pumpkin.work_surf, pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, pos, self.brush_size*2 + 3), pg.Color(0, 0, 0), line_start, self.brush_size), pg.Color(0, 0, 0), pos, self.brush_size) self.line_start = mx, my if self.shade_alpha > 0: self.shade.set_alpha(self.shade_alpha) self.pumpkin.update(dt) self.animations.update(dt) def draw(self, surface): surface.fill(pg.Color(10, 5, 20)) self.pumpkin.draw(surface) if not self.drawing:, pg.Color("white"), pg.mouse.get_pos(), self.brush_size, 1) if self.shade_alpha > 0: surface.blit(self.shade, (0, 0))