def test_mpl(): try: from pwtools import mpl try: import os print(os.environ['DISPLAY']) fig,ax = mpl.fig_ax(dpi=15,num=20) assert fig.dpi == 15 assert fig.number == 20 pl = mpl.Plot(dpi=15,num=20) assert pl.fig.dpi == 15 assert pl.fig.number == 20 dct = mpl.prepare_plots(['test'], dpi=15,num=20) assert dct['test'].fig.dpi == 15 assert dct['test'].fig.number == 20 except KeyError: tools.skip("no DISPLAY environment variable, skipping test") except ImportError: tools.skipping("couldn't import matplotlib, skipping test")
def test_mpl(): try: from pwtools import mpl try: import os print os.environ['DISPLAY'] fig,ax = mpl.fig_ax(dpi=15,num=20) assert fig.dpi == 15 assert fig.number == 20 pl = mpl.Plot(dpi=15,num=20) assert pl.fig.dpi == 15 assert pl.fig.number == 20 dct = mpl.prepare_plots(['test'], dpi=15,num=20) assert dct['test'].fig.dpi == 15 assert dct['test'].fig.number == 20 except KeyError: tools.skip("no DISPLAY environment variable, skipping test") except ImportError: tools.skipping("couldn't import matplotlib, skipping test")
# # Note that in general, you don't know to which frequency aliases have been put # and just using a bandpass around you desired frequency band won't help. The # only solution in this case is to avoid aliasing in the first place :) import numpy as np from pwtools import mpl from scipy.signal import hanning from scipy.fftpack import fft from pwtools.signal import fftsample, FIRFilter, pad_zeros pi = np.pi plt = mpl.plt plots = mpl.prepare_plots(["freq", "filt_pad", "filt_nopad"]) nyq = 100 # Hz df = 1.0 # Hz dt, nstep = fftsample(nyq, df, mode="f") t = np.linspace(0, 1, int(nstep)) filt1 = FIRFilter(cutoff=[10, 50], nyq=nyq, mode="bandpass", ripple=60, width=10) filt2 = FIRFilter(cutoff=[10, 50], nyq=nyq, mode="bandpass", ntaps=100, window="hamming") plots["freq"].ax.plot(filt1.w, abs(filt1.h), label="filt1") plots["freq"].ax.plot(filt2.w, abs(filt2.h), label="filt2") plots["freq"].ax.legend() for pad in [True, False]: x = np.sin(2 * pi * 20 * t) + np.sin(2 * pi * 80 * t) if pad: x = pad_zeros(x, nadd=len(x)) pl = plots["filt_pad"]
# Hz). As such, the aliased 50+120 signal behaves exactly like a 50+80 signal. # # Note that in general, you don't know to which frequency aliases have been put # and just using a bandpass around you desired frequency band won't help. The # only solution in this case is to avoid aliasing in the first place :) import numpy as np from pwtools import mpl from scipy.signal import hanning from scipy.fftpack import fft from pwtools.signal import fftsample, FIRFilter, pad_zeros pi = np.pi plt = mpl.plt plots = mpl.prepare_plots(['freq', 'filt_pad', 'filt_nopad']) nyq = 100 # Hz df = 1.0 # Hz dt, nstep = fftsample(nyq, df, mode='f') t = np.linspace(0, 1, int(nstep)) filt1 = FIRFilter(cutoff=[10, 50], nyq=nyq, mode='bandpass', ripple=60, width=10) filt2 = FIRFilter(cutoff=[10, 50], nyq=nyq, mode='bandpass', ntaps=100, window='hamming') plots['freq'].ax.plot(filt1.w, abs(filt1.h), label='filt1')
cryst_const=np.array([2.85]*3 + [60]*3), symbols=['Al','N']) io.write_lammps('lmp.struct', crys.scell(st,(3,3,3))) # write for nvt or npt common.file_write('', lmp_in_templ.format(ensemble=ens_txt)) # run lammps common.system("mpirun -np 2 lammps <", wait=True) # read trajectory trtxt_orig = io.read_lammps_md_txt('log.lammps') trdcd = io.read_lammps_md_dcd('log.lammps') # plotting plots = mpl.prepare_plots(['coords', 'coords_frac', 'velocity', 'cryst_const', 'cell']) for name,pl in plots.iteritems(): trtxt = trtxt_orig.copy() print name xtxt = getattr(trtxt, name) setattr(trtxt, name, None) xcalc = eval('trtxt.get_%s()' %name) if name == 'cell': sl = np.s_[Ellipsis] func = lambda x: np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], 9)) elif name in trtxt.attrs_nstep_3d: # coords_frac and coords: only x-coord (index=0) sl = np.s_[Ellipsis,0] func = lambda x: x else: sl = np.s_[Ellipsis]
cryst_const=np.array([2.85]*3 + [60]*3), symbols=['Al','N']) io.write_lammps('lmp.struct', crys.scell(st,(3,3,3))) # write for nvt or npt common.file_write('', lmp_in_templ.format(ensemble=ens_txt)) # run lammps common.system("mpirun -np 2 lammps <", wait=True) # read trajectory trtxt_orig = io.read_lammps_md_txt('log.lammps') trdcd = io.read_lammps_md_dcd('log.lammps') # plotting plots = mpl.prepare_plots(['coords', 'coords_frac', 'velocity', 'cryst_const', 'cell']) for name,pl in plots.items(): trtxt = trtxt_orig.copy() print(name) xtxt = getattr(trtxt, name) setattr(trtxt, name, None) xcalc = eval('trtxt.get_%s()' %name) if name == 'cell': sl = np.s_[Ellipsis] func = lambda x: np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], 9)) elif name in trtxt.attrs_nstep_3d: # coords_frac and coords: only x-coord (index=0) sl = np.s_[Ellipsis,0] func = lambda x: x else: sl = np.s_[Ellipsis]