def remote_env_remove(login_info, env_id, env_apps): for app_name in env_apps: print(f'Deleting {app_name}...') remote_dir = f'~/.COMPSsApps/{env_id}/{app_name}' remote_app_remove(login_info, remote_dir) utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, [ f'rm -rf ~/.COMPSsApps/{env_id}', ])
def remote_submit_job(login_info: str, remote_dir: str, app_args: str, modules, envars=None) -> None: """ Execute the given command in the remote COMPSs environment. :param cmd: Command to execute. :returns: The execution stdout. """ enqueue_debug = '-d' if utils.is_debug() else '' commands = [ f'cd {remote_dir}', *modules, f'enqueue_compss {enqueue_debug} {app_args}' ] if envars: commands = [f'export {var}' for var in envars] + commands if utils.is_debug(): print('********* DEBUG *********') print('Remote submit job commands:') for cmd in commands: print('\t', '->', cmd) print('***************************') stdout = utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, commands) job_id = stdout.strip().split('\n')[-1].split(' ')[-1] print('Job submitted:', job_id) return job_id
def remote_cancel_job(login_info: str, job_id: str, modules): commands = [ *modules, f'python3 ~/.COMPSs/job_scripts/ {job_id}', ] stdout = utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, commands).strip() print(stdout)
def remote_app_deploy(app_dir: str, login_info: str, local_source: str, remote_dest_dir: str = None): print('Deploying app...') utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, [f'mkdir -p {app_dir}']) cmd_copy_files = f"scp -r {local_source}/* {login_info}:'{app_dir}/'" if os.path.isfile(local_source): cmd_copy_files = cmd_copy_files.replace('/*', ''), shell=True) if remote_dest_dir: print('App deployed to', remote_dest_dir) utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, [ f'echo {remote_dest_dir} > {app_dir}/.compss', f'mkdir -p {os.path.dirname(remote_dest_dir)}', f'ln -s {app_dir} {remote_dest_dir}' ])
def remote_list_job(login_info: str, modules): commands = [ *modules, f'python3 ~/.COMPSs/job_scripts/', ] stdout = utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, commands).strip() if stdout != 'SUCCESS': print(stdout) else: print('No jobs found')
def remote_list_apps(env_id: str, login_info: str, remote_home: str): commands = [ f'[ ! -d "{remote_home}/.COMPSsApps/{env_id}" ] && echo "NO_APPS"', f'ls ~/.COMPSsApps/{env_id}/', ] stdout = utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, commands).strip() apps = stdout.split('\n') if 'NO_APPS' in stdout or (len(apps) == 1 and apps[0] == ''): return [] return apps
def remote_run_app(remote_dir: str, login_info: str, env_name: str, command: str, modules): commands = [f'cd {remote_dir}', *modules, command] return utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, commands)
def remote_app_remove(login_info: str, app_dir: str): utils.ssh_run_commands( login_info, [f'cat {app_dir}/.compss | xargs rm -rf', f'rm -rf {app_dir}'])
def remote_exec_app(login_info: str, exec_cmd: str): return utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, [exec_cmd]).strip()
def remote_get_home(login_info: str): return utils.ssh_run_commands(login_info, ['echo $HOME']).strip()