def budka_plus_cep(): ''' Draw the home for dogs :return: ''' draw.polygon(screen, (235, 191, 0), [[350, 450], [350, 650], [500, 700], [550, 650], [550, 450], [450, 300], [400, 350]]) draw.aalines(screen, BLACK, False, [[350, 450], [350, 650], [500, 700], [550, 650], [550, 450], [450, 300], [400, 350], [500, 500], [500, 700]]) draw.aalines(screen, BLACK, False, [[400, 350], [350, 450], [500, 500], [550, 450]]) draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, (375, 500, 100, 150)) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 610, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 610, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (357, 630, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (357, 630, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 650, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 650, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (345, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (345, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (325, 663, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (325, 663, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (305, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (305, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (285, 663, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (285, 663, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (265, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (265, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4)
def draw_heart(x, y, a, h, f, xline, yline, colors=[COLOR['Red'], COLOR['Black']]): ''' Рисует шарик-сердечко с заданными параметрами образующего треугольника и заданными координатами конца нитки с заданием угла поворота ---------------------------------------------------------- x - горизонтальная координата центра основания образующего треугольника y - вертикальная координата центра основания образующего треугольника a - основание образующего треугольника h - высота образующего треугольника f - угол поворота фигуры xline - горизонтальная координата конца нитки yline - вертикальная координата конца нитки colors - кортеж цветов. ''' draw_triangle(colors[0], x, y, a, h, f) screen, colors[0], (int(round(x + a * np.cos(f) / 2)), int(round(y - a * np.sin(f) / 2))), a // 2) screen, colors[0], (int(round(x - a * np.cos(f) / 2)), int(round(y - a * np.sin(f) / 2))), a // 2) pgd.aalines(screen, colors[1], False, [[x + h * np.sin(f), y + h * np.cos(f)], [xline, yline]])
def test_color_validation(self): surf = pygame.Surface((10, 10)) colors = 123456, (1, 10, 100), RED # but not '#ab12df' or 'red' ... points = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)) # 1. valid colors for col in colors: draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points) draw.lines(surf, col, True, points) draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150) draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1), col, (7, 3), 2) draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0) # 2. invalid colors for col in ('invalid', 1.256, object(), None, '#ab12df', 'red'): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.lines(surf, col, True, points) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError):, col, (7, 3), 2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0)
def update(self, surface, snake, prey): if self.id_and_pos in snake: if self.id_and_pos == snake[-1:][0]: polygon(surface, (210, 205, 10), self.points, 0) else: polygon(surface, (35, 125, 30), self.points, 0) elif self is prey: polygon(surface, self.prey_color, self.points, 0) else: polygon(surface, self.color, self.points, 0) aalines(surface, (210, 205, 10), 1, self.points, 1)
def drawPoly(view, transform, pointlist, lightlist, color = black, width = 0): lst = [ transform(p).xy() for p in pointlist ] draw.aalines(view.display, color, True, lst, True) #draw.polygon(view.display, color, lst, width) gfxdraw.filled_polygon(view.display, lst, color)
def render(self, screen: Surface, selected: List[Tuple]): if len(selected) > 0: circle_centres = [((col + 0.5) * self.block_width, (row + 0.5) * self.block_height) for (row, col) in selected] surface = self.image.copy() if len(selected) > 1: aalines(surface, Color(255, 255, 255), False, circle_centres) for centre in circle_centres: circle(surface, Color(255, 255, 255), centre, 5) screen.blit(surface, self.rect, special_flags=BLEND_MAX)
def draw(self, screen): screen.fill(BLACK) first = self.waves[0] amp = mapf(first.amp, b=(0, self.scale)) draw.aalines(screen, DARKER_GREY, True, [(x - amp * cos(first.phase), y - amp * sin(first.phase)) for x, y in self.origin_path]) origin = self.MIDDLE if not self.stop: for wave in self.waves[1:]: radius = mapf(wave.amp, b=(0, self.scale)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, int(origin.x), int(origin.y), int(max(2, radius)), GREY) angle = self.t * wave.freq + wave.phase end_point = origin + (radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle)) draw.aaline(screen, WHITE, origin.int_tuple, end_point.int_tuple) origin = end_point self.trail.append(origin) length = len(self.trail) if length > 1: if self.teleport: prev = self.trail[0] for i in self.trail[1:]: if prev.dist(i) < 10: draw.aaline(screen, NICE_RED, prev.float_tuple, i.float_tuple) prev = i else: draw.aalines(screen, NICE_RED, False, list(map(lambda x: x.float_tuple, self.trail))) if not self.stop: self.t += self.dt if length > self.trail_length + 15: self.stop = True if self.zoom: scaled = transform.scale2x(screen) screen.fill(BLACK) screen.blit(scaled, (self.size[0] / 2 - origin.x * 2, self.size[1] / 2 - origin.y * 2)) font = pygame.font.Font("NanumSquare.ttf", 17) text = font.render("", True, WHITE) rect = text.get_rect() rect.x = 10 rect.y = int(self.size[1] - rect.size[1] * 3 / 2) screen.blit(text, rect)
def draw(self, surf): if self.highlighted: r = self.get_margin_rect() fg = self.fg_color d = self.check_mark_tweak p1 = (r.left, r.centery - d) p2 = (r.centerx - d, r.bottom) p3 = (r.right, - d) if self.smooth: draw.aalines(surf, fg, False, [p1, p2, p3]) else: draw.lines(surf, fg, False, [p1, p2, p3])
def draw(self, surface, mouse_pos): if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): polygon(surface, (255 - self.color[0], 255 - self.color[1], 255 - self.color[2]), self.points, 0) else: polygon(surface, self.color, self.points, 0) aalines(surface, self.border_color, True, self.points, 1) #aalines(surface, self.border_color, True, ((self.rect.x, self.rect.y), # (self.rect.x + self.rect.width, self.rect.y), # (self.rect.x + self.rect.width, self.rect.y + self.rect.height), # (self.rect.x, self.rect.y + self.rect.height)), 1) surface.blit(self.lable, (self.rect.x + self.rect.width // 7, self.rect.y + self.rect.height // 2.8))
def draw_func(self, fun, n=20, colour='blue'): """ draw an arbitrary function with n line segments pass colour from tools.clrs or rgb value plot.draw_func( f(x), n = 20, colour = 'blue' ) -> None """ if str(colour) in colour = clrs[colour] line = [ self.to_screen(x, fun(x)) for x in np.linspace(self.lo_x, self.hi_x, num=n) ] pgdraw.aalines(self.screen, colour, False, line)
def renderHex(name, size = 64, color = Color(128,128,128), smooth = False, fill = False, dashed = False, width = 5): outscribeSize = size*2*math.tan(30*math.pi/180) surf = Surface((int(outscribeSize*2)+width*2,int(outscribeSize*2)+width*2)) surf.fill(Color(0,0,0)) points = [] for deg in range(0,360,60): rad = math.pi/180 * deg points.append((outscribeSize+width+math.cos(rad)*(outscribeSize), outscribeSize+width+math.sin(rad)*(outscribeSize))) if smooth: Draw.aalines(surf, color, True, points) else: Draw.lines(surf, color, True, points),name) print ("Hex {} rendered. Inscribed radius: {}".format(name,outscribeSize*math.cos(30*math.pi/180)))
def _draw_radar_outline(self, obj): from math import pi, cos, sin angle = theme.tank_radar_angle angle_r = (obj.status.direction - angle // 2) / 180.0 * pi angle_l = (obj.status.direction + angle // 2) / 180.0 * pi radar_range = theme.tank_radar_range points = [ Point(obj.status.x + cos(angle_r) * radar_range, obj.status.y + sin(angle_r) * radar_range), Point(obj.status.x + cos(angle_l) * radar_range, obj.status.y + sin(angle_l) * radar_range), Point(obj.status.x, obj.status.y) ] points = [x.to_screen() for x in points] aalines(self.screen, obj._debug_color, True, points)
def draw(self, screen): step = 360 / self.res points = [] i = 0 while i < self.res: points.append( Vector2( self.pos.x + cos(radians(i * step + self.spin)) * self.size / 2, self.pos.y + sin(radians(i * step + self.spin)) * self.size / 2)) i += 1 draw.aalines(screen, cfg.white, True, points) self.spin += 1 return
def draw(self, screen): # Create points of equilateral triangle around the center of the ship p1 = Vector2(cos(radians(self.dir)) * self.size + self.pos.x, sin(radians(self.dir)) * self.size + self.pos.y) p2 = Vector2(cos(radians(self.dir + 120)) * self.size + self.pos.x, sin(radians(self.dir + 120)) * self.size + self.pos.y) p3 = Vector2(cos(radians(self.dir + 240)) * self.size + self.pos.x, sin(radians(self.dir + 240)) * self.size + self.pos.y) points = [p1, p2, p3] # Draw ship with antialiased lines draw.aalines(screen, cfg.white, True, points) for B in self.bullets: B.draw(screen) return
def draw(self): Global.window.fill(BLACK) # clear display window Global.drawSurface.fill(DARKER_GRAY) # clear drawing surface pygame_draw.aalines(Global.drawSurface, Global.lineColor, False, self.vertices, 1) #image = pygame.transform.rotate(Global.drawSurface, self.spinAngle) # rect = image.get_rect(center = (GUI_WIDTH +, # set the position of the image's center # Global.window.blit(image, rect) # draw the rotated surface onto the window Global.window.blit(Global.drawSurface, (GUI_WIDTH, 0)) Global.guiSurface.fill(BLACK) # clear GUI surface for c in self.controls.values(): c.draw(Global.guiSurface) # draw all controls onto the GUI surface Global.window.blit(Global.guiSurface, (0, 0)) # draw the surface onto the window display.update()
def draw(self, theSurface: Surface): """ Args: theSurface: The surface to draw on """ if self.highlighted: r = self.get_margin_rect() fg = self.fg_color d = CHECK_MARK_TWEAK p1 = (r.left, r.centery - d) p2 = (r.centerx - d, r.bottom) p3 = (r.right, - d) if self.smooth: draw.aalines(theSurface, fg, False, [p1, p2, p3]) else: draw.lines(theSurface, fg, False, [p1, p2, p3])
def boys(y_head, colors=(COLOR['Black'], COLOR['Human'], COLOR['Blue']), place=[1, 4]): ''' Рисует мальчиков на заданных местах с фиксированным положением рук ---------------------------------------------------------- y_head - координата макушки мальчика colors - кортеж цветов place - лист с номером положений мальчиков ''' for i in place: for p in [-1, 1]: pgd.aalines(screen, colors[0], False, [[ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 2.5 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * 3 * HUMAN['Head'] * 0.9, y_head + 5 * HUMAN['Head'] * 0.9 ]]) pgd.aalines(screen, colors[0], False, [[ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 3.3 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * 5 * HUMAN['Head'] / 8, y_head + 7 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2 + HUMAN['Height'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * HUMAN['Head'], y_head + 7 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2 + HUMAN['Height'] ]]) pgd.ellipse( screen, colors[2], (HUMAN['Dist'] * i - HUMAN['Head'], y_head + 3 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, 2 * HUMAN['Head'], HUMAN['Height'])), colors[1], (HUMAN['Dist'] * i, y_head + HUMAN['Head']), HUMAN['Head'])
def update(cls): fondo = display.get_surface() rect = [fondo.fill(COLOR_BG)] if System.type_mode: color = (0, 255, 0) else: color = (255, 0, 0) r = fondo.blit(cls.typemode_label, (505, 360)) cls.typemode_mark.fill(color) fondo.blit(cls.typemode_mark, (r.right + 3, r.y)) rect.extend(cls.widgets.draw(fondo)) if cls.on_selection: corners = [ cls.selection.rect.topleft, cls.selection.rect.topright, cls.selection.rect.bottomright, cls.selection.rect.bottomleft ] draw.aalines(fondo, cls.selection.color, 1, corners) display.update(rect)
def __init__(self, radius, attitude=0): self.radius = radius self.attitude = attitude self.__sides_dict = dict() r1 = self.radius / cos(pi / 6) if self.attitude == 0: lines = [(round(cos(i / 6 * pi2) * self.radius / cos(pi / 6) + r1 + 1), round(sin(i / 6 * pi2) * self.radius / cos(pi / 6) + self.radius) + 1) for i in range(0, 6)] image = Surface((round(2 * r1) + 3, round(2 * self.radius) + 3)) else: lines = [(sin(i / 6 * pi2) * self.radius / cos(pi / 6) + self.radius, cos(i / 6 * pi2) * self.radius / cos(pi / 6) + r1) for i in range(0, 6)] image = Surface((round(2 * self.radius), round(2 * r1))) for side in _STONE_ENTITY_3: self.__sides_dict[side] = image.copy() self.__sides_dict[side].set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) draw.aalines(self.__sides_dict[side], _STONE_ENTITY_3[side], True, lines)
def draw_hexagon(Surface, position, radius=RADIUS): points = [(sin(i / 6 * tau) * radius + position[0], cos(i / 6 * tau) * radius + position[1]) for i in range(0, 6)] # Filled #pygame.draw.polygon(Surface, BLUE, points) # Only lines return aalines( Surface, BLACK, True, points, )
def show(screen): global t screen.fill(BLACK) # Original path draw.aalines(screen, DARKER_GREY, True, original_path) # Epicycles origin = MIDDLE # type: Vec2d for wave in waves: # Circle radius = mapf(wave.amp, b=(0, SCALE)), DARK_GREY, origin.int_tuple, int(max(2, radius)), 1) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, int(origin.x), int(origin.y), int(max(2, radius)), DARK_GREY) # Line angle = t * wave.freq + wave.phase end_point = origin + (radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle)) draw.aaline(screen, WHITE, origin.int_tuple, end_point.int_tuple) origin = end_point # Trail trail.append(origin.float_tuple) if len(trail) > trail_length: trail.pop(0) if len(trail) > 1: draw.aalines(screen, NICE_RED, False, trail) # Zoom if ZOOM: scaled = transform.scale2x(screen) screen.fill(BLACK) screen.blit(scaled, (WIDTH / 2 - origin.x * 2, HEIGHT / 2 - origin.y * 2)) t += dt
def head(): ''' draw the head of the dog :return: ''' draw.rect(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (45, 545, 80, 80)) # морда draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[45, 545], [125, 545], [125, 625], [45, 625]]) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (30, 545, 20, 30)) # left ear draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (30, 545, 20, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 1) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (30, 545, 20, 30), 0, pi, 1) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (120, 545, 20, 30)) # right ear draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (120, 545, 20, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 1) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (120, 545, 20, 30), 0, pi, 1) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, WHITE, (100, 570, 20, 15)) # right zrachok draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (100, 570, 20, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 2) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (100, 570, 20, 15), 0, pi, 2) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, WHITE, (50, 570, 20, 15)) # left zrachok draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (50, 570, 20, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 2) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (50, 570, 20, 15), 0, pi, 2) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (55, 575, 5, 5)) # tocka right draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (110, 575, 5, 5)) # tocka left draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (65, 590, 40, 20), pi, 2 * pi, 2) # mouth draw.polygon(SnoopDogg, WHITE, [[70, 605], [70, 615], [75, 610]]) # left tooth # animation is here draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (66, 170, 255), (70, 615 + i, 5, 5)) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (66, 170, 255), (100, 615 + k, 5, 5)) draw.polygon(SnoopDogg, WHITE, [[100, 605], [100, 615], [95, 610]]) # right tooth draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[70, 605], [70, 615], [75, 610]]) draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[100, 605], [100, 615], [95, 610]])
def clew(location, coefficient_size): # This function creates clew color_grey = (128, 128, 128) circle(win, color_grey, (location[0], location[1]), 50 / coefficient_size) circle(win, (0, 0, 0), (location[0], location[1]), 50 / coefficient_size, 2) aalines(win, (0, 0, 0), False, ((location[0] - 30 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 30 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 20 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 25 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 10 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 20 / coefficient_size), (location[0], location[1] + 10 / coefficient_size), (location[0] + 30 / coefficient_size, location[1] - 20 / coefficient_size))) aalines(win, (0, 0, 0), False, ((location[0] - 25 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 40 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 20 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 35 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 10 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 30 / coefficient_size), (location[0], location[1] + 20 / coefficient_size), (location[0] + 30 / coefficient_size, location[1] - 10 / coefficient_size))) aalines(win, (0, 0, 0), False, ((location[0] - 30 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 20 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 20 / coefficient_size, location[1] + 10 / coefficient_size), (location[0] - 10 / coefficient_size, location[1]), (location[0], location[1] - 10 / coefficient_size), (location[0] + 20 / coefficient_size, location[1] - 40 / coefficient_size)))
def draw_voronoi_dual(self): """ Draws the Delaunay triangulation of cell centers. """ points = [center.loc for center in self.centers] points.append(self.color_center.loc) try: dual = Delaunay(points) except (QhullError, ValueError): #Either too few points or points are degenerate. return simplices = [[dual.points[i].astype(int) for i in simplex] for simplex in dual.simplices] if self.fill: for simplex in simplices: polygon(self.WINDOW, self.color(simplex, dual=True), simplex) if self.outline: for simplex in simplices: aalines(self.WINDOW, (255, 255, 255), True, simplex, 1)
def draw_voronoi_cells(self): """ This function will handle drawing voronoi cells, drawing cell outlines, coloring cells. """ points = [center.loc for center in self.centers] points.append(self.color_center.loc) try: vor = Voronoi(points) except (QhullError, ValueError): #Either too few points or points are degenerate. return #----------------------------------------------------------------- #'polygons' equals all Voronoi regions with at least 3 drawable #vertices (We can't draw a polygon with fewer than 3 points.) along #with the center associated with each region. (We use the center #location to color the region.) # #vor.regions is a list of lists (a list for each region) of indices #of points in vor.vertices; in these lists a '-1' represents a #"point at infinity" -- these aren't drawable so we "forget" these #in our polygons list. #----------------------------------------------------------------- polygons = [(vor.points[np.where(vor.point_region == i)], [vor.vertices[j].astype(int) for j in reg if j != -1]) for i, reg in enumerate(vor.regions) if len(reg) > 3 or (len(reg) == 3 and -1 not in reg)] if self.fill: for center, poly in polygons: polygon(self.WINDOW, self.color(center), poly) if self.outline: for _, poly in polygons: aalines(self.WINDOW, (255, 255, 255), True, poly, 1)
def draw_case(self, df, x0=0, y0=0, n=20, colour='red'): """ draw a line from a starting position, with n line segments pass colour from tools.clrs or rgb value plot.draw_case( y'(x, y), x0 = 0, y0 = 0, n = 20, colour = 'red' ) -> None """ if str(colour) in colour = clrs[colour] # see if passed colour is in clrs def case(x, x0, y0): # generate an approximating function xs = [] ys = [] xspace = np.linspace(x0, x, num=n) h = xspace[1] - xspace[0] # step size for c, dx in enumerate(xspace): if c == 0: # assume starting position xs.append(x0) ys.append(y0) continue xs.append(dx) dy = df(xs[c - 1], ys[c - 1]) * h # follow slope ys.append(ys[c - 1] + dy) # to get new y return list(zip(xs, ys)) if self.hi_x > 0: cas = case(self.hi_x, x0, y0) line = [self.to_screen(point) for point in cas] pgdraw.aalines(self.screen, colour, False, line) if self.lo_x < 0: cas = case(self.lo_x, x0, y0) line = [self.to_screen(point) for point in cas] pgdraw.aalines(self.screen, colour, False, line)
def girls(y_head, colors=(COLOR['Black'], COLOR['Human'], COLOR['Pink']), place=[2, 3]): ''' Рисует девочек на заданных местах с фиксированным положением рук ---------------------------------------------------------- y_head - координата макушки девочки colors - кортеж цветов place - лист с номером положений девочек ''' for i in place: pgd.aalines( screen, colors[0], False, [[ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + (i - 2.5) * 2 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 2.5 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + (i - 2.5) * 6 * HUMAN['Head'] * 0.9, y_head + 5 * HUMAN['Head'] * 0.9 ]]) pgd.aalines( screen, colors[0], False, [[ HUMAN['Dist'] * i - (i - 2.5) * 2 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 2.5 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i - (i - 2.5) * 10 * HUMAN['Head'] / 4, y_head + 4 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i - (i - 2.5) * 11 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 3 * HUMAN['Head'] ]]) for p in [-1, 1]: pgd.aalines(screen, colors[0], False, [[ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * HUMAN['Head'] / 2, y_head + 3.3 * HUMAN['Head'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * 5 * HUMAN['Head'] / 8, y_head + 7 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2 + HUMAN['Height'] ], [ HUMAN['Dist'] * i + p * HUMAN['Head'], y_head + 7 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2 + HUMAN['Height'] ]]) draw_triangle(colors[2], HUMAN['Dist'] * i, y_head + 3 * HUMAN['Head'] / 2 + HUMAN['Height'], 2 * HUMAN['Head'], HUMAN['Height'], np.pi / 1), colors[1], (HUMAN['Dist'] * i, y_head + HUMAN['Head']), HUMAN['Head'])
def _draw_shape_draft(surface, shape): """Draw the shape on the given surface. Arguments: surface - drawing surface (an instance of pygame.Surface class); shape - shape to draw (an instance of one of the shape classes defined in shapes module); Result: bounding box, defined during the drawing; """ # Get some of the shape attributes ref_point = shape.get_ref_point() r_inner = shape.get_r_inner() # Draw the shape edges shape_bounds = draw.aalines( surface, SHAPE_COLOR, True, shape.get_vertices() ) # Draw the shape inner circle surface, SHAPE_COLOR, # NB! expects integer arguments map(int, ref_point), int(r_inner), 1 # circle edge width ) # Draw the cross in the inner circle center for (a, b) in ( ((-1, 0), (+1, 0)), ((0, +1), (0, -1)) ): draw.aaline( surface, SHAPE_COLOR, *[ [ ref_point[coord] + r_inner / 3 * p[coord] for coord in (0, 1) ] for p in (a, b) ] ) return shape_bounds
def aalines(self, color, closed, pointlist, blend=1): """アンチエイリアス処理のなされた複数の連結された直線を描画します. Parameters ---------- color : tuple of int 描画に使用される色を指定します. closed : bool Trueに設定された場合, 始点と終点を直線でつないで描画します. pointlist : array-like 頂点の座標を格納した2次元配列. 配列の2次元目の要素数は2で, 少なくとも2点以上の座標を設定する必要があります. blend : int or bool Trueに設定された場合、描画位置のピクセルに上書きはされず , 半透明の状態で描画されます. Returns ------- rect : pygame.Rect 描画によって影響を受けた範囲を示すpygame.Rectオブジェクトを返します. """ return pyd.aalines(, color, closed, pointlist, blend)
def _draw_shape_draft(surface, shape): """Draw the shape on the given surface. Arguments: surface - drawing surface (an instance of pygame.Surface class); shape - shape to draw (an instance of one of the shape classes defined in shapes module); Result: bounding box, defined during the drawing; """ # Get some of the shape attributes ref_point = shape.get_ref_point() r_inner = shape.get_r_inner() # Draw the shape edges shape_bounds = draw.aalines(surface, SHAPE_COLOR, True, shape.get_vertices()) # Draw the shape inner circle surface, SHAPE_COLOR, # NB! expects integer arguments map(int, ref_point), int(r_inner), 1 # circle edge width ) # Draw the cross in the inner circle center for (a, b) in (((-1, 0), (+1, 0)), ((0, +1), (0, -1))): draw.aaline( surface, SHAPE_COLOR, *[[ref_point[coord] + r_inner / 3 * p[coord] for coord in (0, 1)] for p in (a, b)]) return shape_bounds
def aalines(self, color, points, closed=False, width=1, screen=False): points = points if screen else list(map(self._vec2_to_screen, points)) return draw.aalines(self.surface, color, closed, points, width)
def blit(self, surface): self.update() draw.aalines(surface, self.color, 1, self.points, 1)
def drawPoly(view, transform, pointlist, lightlist, color=black, width=0): lst = [transform(p).xy() for p in pointlist] draw.aalines(view.display, color, True, lst, True) #draw.polygon(view.display, color, lst, width) gfxdraw.filled_polygon(view.display, lst, color)
def draw(self, surface, rect): onScreen = [] if self.blank: self.blank = False self.maprender.blank = True # quadtree collision testing would be good here for entity, shape in self.area.shapes.items(): if entity.avatar: w, h = entity.avatar.image.get_size() try: points = shape.get_points() except AttributeError: temp_rect = entity.avatar.image.get_rect() = shape.body.position x, y = self.area.worldToPixel(temp_rect.topleft) else: l = 99999 t = 99999 r = 0 b = 0 for x, y in points: if x < l: l = x if x > r: r = x if y < t: t = y if y > b: b = y ax, ay = entity.avatar.axis x, y = self.area.worldToPixel((l-ax,b-ay)) x -= self.extent.left y -= onScreen.append((entity.avatar.image, Rect((x, y), (w, h)), 1)) # should not be sorted every frame #onScreen.sort(key=screenSorter) if parallax: self.parallaxrender.draw(surface, rect, []) dirty = self.maprender.draw(surface, rect, onScreen) if DEBUG: def translate((x, y)): return x - self.extent.left, y - for shape in try: points = [ translate(i) for i in shape.get_points() ] except AttributeError: pass else: draw.aalines(surface, (255,100,100), 1, points) continue try: radius = shape.radius pos = shape.body.position pos = translate((int(pos.x), int(pos.y))) except AttributeError: pass else:, (255,100,100), pos, int(radius), 1) continue #for i in onScreen: # draw.rect(surface, (100,255,100), i[1]) return dirty
def draw(self, surface, rect): onScreen = [] if self.blank: self.blank = False self.maprender.blank = True visible_shapes = for child in [ child for child in self.area if child.avatar]: shape = child.shapes[0] if shape not in visible_shapes: continue bb = x = bb.left - self.extent.left - child.avatar.axis.x y = - if hasattr(shape, "radius"): w, h = child.avatar.image.get_size() angle = -(math.degrees(shape.body.angle)) % 360 image = rotozoom(child.avatar.image.convert_alpha(), angle, 1.0) ww, hh = image.get_size() rrect = Rect(x, y-h, ww, hh) rrect.move_ip((w-ww)/2, (h-hh)/2) else: w, h = child.avatar.image.get_size() rrect = Rect(x, y - h, w, h) image = child.avatar.image onScreen.append((image, rrect, 1)) if parallax: self.parallaxrender.draw(surface, rect, []) dirty = self.maprender.draw(surface, rect, onScreen) if DEBUG: def translate((x, y)): return x - self.extent.left, y - for shape in try: points = [ translate(i) for i in shape.get_points() ] except AttributeError: pass else: draw.aalines(surface, (255,100,100), 1, points) continue try: radius = shape.radius pos = shape.body.position pos = translate(pos) pos += shape.offset except AttributeError: pass else: pos = map(int, pos), (255,100,100), pos, int(radius), 1) continue return dirty