def load(): try: r = 0 list = glob(ent_dir) list.sort() # list = [ "pdb/vq" ] for dir in list: sys.__stdout__.write("\n"+dir) sys.__stdout__.flush() for file in glob(dir+"/pdb*"): name = os.path.split(file)[-1] name = string.split(name,'.')[0] cmd.disable() cmd.load(file,name) cmd.show_as("cartoon",name) cmd.refresh() cmd.dss(name) cmd.refresh() time.sleep(0.1) sys.__stdout__.write(".") sys.__stdout__.flush() sys.__stdout__.write("("+str(cmd.count_atoms())+")") sys.__stdout__.flush() cmd.dss() cmd.delete('all') except: traceback.print_exc()
def _view(mol, viewname): topo = tempname(suffix=".cif") xtc = tempname(suffix=".xtc") mol.write(topo) mol.write(xtc) cmd.delete(viewname) cmd.load(topo, viewname) cmd.load_traj(xtc, viewname, state=1) cmd.dss() # Guess SS os.remove(topo) os.remove(xtc) showing[viewname] = True
def clean(pose): """Deletes everything and load the validated models""" cmd.delete('all') cmd.load('%s_Ca.pdb' % pose) cmd.load('%s_Cb.pdb' % pose) cmd.load('%s_CaCb.pdb' % pose) cmd.intra_fit('%s_Ca' % pose, 0, quiet=1) cmd.intra_fit('%s_Cb' % pose, 0, quiet=1) cmd.intra_fit('%s_CaCb' % pose, 0, quiet=1) cmd.dss('all') cmd.disable('%s_Ca' % pose) cmd.disable('%s_Cb' % pose)
def _gpssLoadPdb(pdbCode,reinitialize): pdbCode = pdbCode.lower() GPSSpdbCode = 'GPSS_' + pdbCode _gpssVersionCheck('0.3'); if cmd.get_names().count(GPSSpdbCode) < 1: if reinitialize==1:'reinitialize') pdbFile = urllib2.urlopen(''+ 'gpssServerPymol.php?pdbId='+ pdbCode + '&mode=pdbFile').read() if pdbFile: pdbFile = urllib2.urlopen(''+ 'gpssServerPymol.php?pdbId='+ pdbCode + '&mode=pdbFile') cmd.read_pdbstr(,GPSSpdbCode) # Make structure pretty # David Borhani, 14-JAN-2009 # Changed to color by chain, show lines only, keep user's bg color.'set bg_rgb=[1,1,1]')'hide everything') cmd.hide('everything', GPSSpdbCode)'dss') cmd.dss(GPSSpdbCode) #util.cbc(selection='(GPSS-' + pdbCode + ')',first_color=7,quiet=1,legacy=1,_self=cmd) #sel_string = '("' + GPSSpdbCode + '")''util.cbc(selection=' + sel_string + ',first_color=9,quiet=1,legacy=1)')'util.cbc(selection=("' + GPSSpdbCode + '"),first_color=9,quiet=1,legacy=1)')'show lines, ' + GPSSpdbCode)'lines', GPSSpdbCode)'show cartoon, ' + GPSSpdbCode)'color gray') return True else: tkMessageBox.showerror('GPSS ', pdbCode + ' was not found on the GPSS server.')'zoom GPSS-'+pdbCode) cmd.zoom(GPSSpdbCode, animate=0) else: return True
def load_crd(filename, object=''): """ Load a fDynamo coordinates file (.crd) Parameters ---------- filename : str file path object : str, optional name of the object (def: filename prefix) """ if not object: object = "".join(os.path.basename(filename).rpartition('.')[:-2]) # read file as list of strings with open(filename, "rt") as f: crd_file = f.readlines() # remove comment lines, trailing comments and space split crd_file = [ line.split("!")[0].split() for line in crd_file if line.strip() and not line.startswith("!") ] # reversed dictionary of atomic numbers to elements atomic_number_inv = {n: elem for elem, n in atomic_number.items()} # create new model and append crd's atoms model = Indexed() a = Atom() a.hetatm = False for line in crd_file: if line[0].lower() == "subsystem": a.segi = str(line[2]) elif line[0].lower() == "residue": a.resi_number = int(line[1]) a.resn = str(line[2]) elif len(line) != 6: continue else: = str(line[1]) a.symbol = atomic_number_inv[int(line[2])] a.coord = (float(line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5])) model.add_atom(deepcopy(a)) model.update_index() cmd.load_model(model, object) cmd.rebond(object) cmd.dss(object) print(f" pyDYNAMON: \"{filename}\" loaded as \"{object}\"")
if show_fragments: files = glob(f'{path}/Mpro-x*.mol2') for filename in files: print(filename) match ='Mpro-(?P<fragment>x\d+)_', filename) fragment ='fragment') cmd.load(filename, f'fragment-{fragment}')'fragments', 'fragments-*') # remove waters cmd.remove('resn HOH') cmd.deselect() # Show molecular representation cmd.hide('all') cmd.dss('6lu7') cmd.bg_color('white') util.cbaw('*-protein')'sticks', f'*-protein and not hydrogen')'surface', f'*-protein') cmd.disable('*-protein') cmd.enable('N3-protein')'sticks', f'({molecule}-protein and not hydrogen) within 7 of N3-ligand') cmd.set('surface_color', 'white') molecule = 'N3''sticks', f'{molecule}-ligand and not hydrogen')'cartoon', f'{molecule}-protein') if show_fragments:
def bfactorRamp(mol, color1="blue", color2="red", color3="yellow", cartoon="off", cartoon_putty="off", invcolor="grey40", style="off", fancy="off"): ''' DESCRIPTION Version: bfactorRamp_v1.1 Author : Erik Breslmayr; April 2020 - bfactorRamp colors the molecule of choise in regard of bfactors provided in the pdb file and adds a color legend starting from the lowest to the highest bfactor. - Additionally some styling features are included, for nicer visualization Usage: bfactorRamp mol, color1, color2, color3, cartoon=on or off, cartoon_putty=on or off, invcolor=color, style=on or off, fancy=on or off mol = any object selection (within one single object!) color1,2,3 (optional) = three colors, first for lowest, second for middle and third for highest bfactors cartoon (optional) = on or off -> enbales cartoon representation cartoon_putty (optional) = on or off -> enbales cartoon_putty representation invcolor (optional) = add color, which should represent not selected atoms style (optional) = styles the cartoon representation in regard of helix oval length and width fancy = changes to fancy helices representaton Defaults: - spectrum colors: blue, red, yellow - cartoon: off - cartoon_putty: off - invcolor: grey40 - style: off - fancy: off Examples: > bfactorRamp objectName -> uses all defaults > bfactorRamp objectName, red, green, grey -> changes the colors for the spectrum > bfactorRamp objectName, cartoon=on -> turns cartoon representation on > bfactorRamp objectName, cartoon=on -> turns cartoon_putty representation on > bfactorRamp objectName, invcolor=green -> changes the color of the not selected region to green > bfactorRamp objectName, style=on -> changes helices style and not selected region will be transparent > bfactorRamp objectName, fancy=on -> changes helices style to fancy and not selected region will be transparent ''' obj = cmd.get_object_list(mol)[0] range = cmd.spectrum("b", "%s %s %s" % (color1, color2, color3), mol)"invSele", "!%s" % (mol)) cmd.color(invcolor, "invSele") cmd.ramp_new("ramp", obj, range, color=["%s" % (color1), "%s" % (color2), "%s" % (color3)]) #reset styles cmd.set("cartoon_transparency", 0, "enabled") cmd.set("cartoon_oval_length", 1.2, obj) cmd.set("cartoon_oval_width", 0.25, obj) cmd.set("cartoon_fancy_helices", 0, obj) cmd.set("cartoon_highlight_color", -1, obj) if cartoon == "on": cmd.show_as("cartoon", mol) cmd.dss(obj, 1) cmd.recolor() if cartoon_putty == "on": cmd.show_as("cartoon", mol) cmd.cartoon("putty", mol) cmd.recolor() if style == "on": cmd.set("cartoon_transparency", 0.5, "invSele") cmd.set("cartoon_oval_length", 0.8, obj) cmd.set("cartoon_oval_width", 0.2, obj) if fancy == "on": cmd.set("cartoon_transparency", 0.5, "invSele") cmd.set("cartoon_highlight_color", invcolor, obj) cmd.set("cartoon_fancy_helices", 1, obj) #Output for screen print("for help type: help bfactorRamp") print("") print("Minimum bfactor: %s | Maximum bfactor: %s" % (range[0], range[1])) print("") print("Following settings were taken:") print("- mol : %s" % (obj)) print("- color1,2,3 : %s, %s, %s" % (color1, color2, color3)) print("- cartoon : %s" % (cartoon)) print("- cartoon_putty : %s" % (cartoon_putty)) print("- invcolor : %s" % (invcolor)) print("- style : %s" % (style)) print("- fancy : %s" % (fancy)) return (color1, color2, color3)
#pymol.finish_launching() # Delete everything cmd.rewind() cmd.reset() cmd.delete('all') # Retain order and IDs for imported atoms cmd.set('retain_order', 1) cmd.set('pdb_retain_ids', 1) # Load PDB file cmd.load(pdb_filename, 'complex') # Recognize helices and sheets cmd.dss() # Align everything cmd.intra_fit('all') # Set up display cmd.remove('resn WAT') # remove waters'receptor', '(not resn MOL) and (not resn WAT) and (not hydrogen)')'ligand', 'resn MOL') cmd.deselect() cmd.hide('all')'cartoon', 'receptor')'spheres', 'ligand') util.cbay('ligand') cmd.color('green', 'receptor')'set all_states,0') cmd.set('two_sided_lighting', 'on') cmd.set('transparency', '0.2') cmd.load('../data/origins.pdb', 'origins') cmd.load('../data/v_origins.pdb', 'v_origins')'nb_spheres', 'origins')'nb_spheres', 'v_origins') load_trajectory = $load_trajectory if load_trajectory: cmd.load("../data/trajectory.pdb", "structure", discrete=1) cmd.dss("structure") else: cmd.load('../data/$pdb_representant', 'structure') cmd.hide('lines', 'structure')'cartoon', 'structure') cmd.color('gray', 'structure') cmd.mset("1 -%d" % cmd.count_states()) for frame in range(1,cmd.count_states()+1): cmd.mdo(frame, "computeSpheres(" + str(frame) + ")") cmd.frame(1)
def read_moestr(contents, object, state=0, finish=1, discrete=1, quiet=1, zoom=-1, _self=cmd): moestr = contents name = object import sys if sys.version_info[0] > 2 and isinstance(moestr, bytes): moestr = moestr.decode() cmd = _self mr = MOEReader() mr.appendFromStr(moestr) split_chains = cmd.get_setting_int("moe_separate_chains") if hasattr(mr, 'system'): have_valences = 0 chain_count = 0 cmd.set_color("_aseg0", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) aseg_color = cmd.get_color_index("_aseg0") aseg_flag = 0 aseg_rep = {} model = Indexed() molecule = mr.system['molecule'] if 'atoms' in molecule: n_atom = molecule['atoms'] model.atom = [Atom() for x in range(n_atom)] residues = {} chains = {} for columns, data in molecule['attr']: for row in data: cur_atom = None for key, value in zip(columns, row): key = key[0] if key == 'ID': ID = value else: aProp = _atom_prop_map.get(key, None) if aProp != None: setattr(model.atom[ID - 1], aProp, value) else: xyz = _atom_coord_map.get(key, None) if xyz != None: coord = list(model.atom[ID - 1].coord) coord[xyz] = value model.atom[ID - 1].coord = coord elif key in _atom_vis_map: atom = model.atom[ID - 1] if hasattr(atom, 'visible'): visible = atom.visible else: visible = _default_visible if key == 'aBondLook': if value == 'cylinder': atom.visible = 0x00000001 | visible elif value == 'line': atom.visible = 0x00000080 | visible elif value == 'none': atom.visible = -129 & Visible # 0xFFFFFF7F elif key == 'aNucleusLook': if value == 'sphere': atom.visible = 0x00000002 | visible elif value == 'small-sphere': # need to set sphere_scale=0.2 for these atoms atom.visible = 0x00000002 | visible atom.sphere_scale = 0.2 elif value == 'point': # nonbonded atom.visible = 0x00000800 | visible elif value == 'none': atom.visible = -2067 & visible # 0xFFFFF7ED elif key == 'aHidden': atom.visible = 0 atom.hidden = 1 if hasattr( atom, 'hidden' ): # be sure that hidden atoms aren't shown atom.visible = 0 elif key in _atom_color_map: if key == 'aRGB': model.atom[ID - 1].trgb = value elif key == 'aColorBy': model.atom[ID - 1].aColorBy = value elif key in _atom_label_map: atom = model.atom[ID - 1] if hasattr(atom, 'label_dict'): atom.label_dict[key] = None else: atom.label_dict = {key: None} elif key in _residue_prop_map: resi_dict = residues.get(ID, {}) resi_dict[key] = value residues[ID] = resi_dict elif key in _chain_prop_map: chain_dict = chains.get(ID, {}) if ID not in chains: chain_count = chain_count + 1 chain_dict['count'] = chain_count chain_dict[key] = value chains[ID] = chain_dict chn_keys = list(chains.keys()) chn_keys.sort() res_keys = list(residues.keys()) res_keys.sort() # map chain properties onto residues chn_resi = 0 ch_colors = copy.deepcopy(_ch_colors) unique_chain_names = {} for chn_idx in chn_keys: chain_dict = chains[chn_idx] cName = make_valid_name(chain_dict.get('cName', '')) segi = cName[0:4] chain = cName[-1:] if not len(cName): if 'count' in chain_dict: cName = "chain_" + str(chain_dict['count']) else: cName = str(chn_idx) if cName not in unique_chain_names: unique_chain_names[cName] = cName else: cnt = 2 while (cName + "_" + str(cnt)) in unique_chain_names: cnt = cnt + 1 newCName = cName + "_" + str(cnt) unique_chain_names[newCName] = cName cName = newCName chain_dict['chain_color'] = ch_colors[0] ch_colors = ch_colors[1:] + [ch_colors[0]] cResCount = chain_dict.get('cResidueCount', 0) for res_idx in range(chn_resi, chn_resi + cResCount): resi_dict = residues[res_keys[res_idx]] resi_dict['chain'] = chain resi_dict['segi'] = segi resi_dict['cName'] = cName resi_dict['chain_dict'] = chain_dict chn_resi = chn_resi + cResCount # map residue properties onto atoms res_atom = 0 for res_idx in res_keys: resi_dict = residues[res_idx] rRibbonMode = resi_dict.get('rRibbonMode', 'none') rAtomCount = resi_dict['rAtomCount'] rType = resi_dict.get('rType', '') if rAtomCount > 0: for at_idx in range(res_atom, res_atom + rAtomCount): atom = model.atom[at_idx] setattr( atom, 'resi', string.strip( str(resi_dict.get('rUID', '')) + resi_dict.get('rINS', ''))) setattr(atom, 'resn', resi_dict.get('rName', '')) setattr(atom, 'chain', resi_dict.get('chain', '')) setattr(atom, 'segi', resi_dict.get('segi', '')) setattr(atom, 'custom', resi_dict.get('cName', '')) # add labels if hasattr(atom, 'label_dict'): label = '' label_dict = atom.label_dict if 'aLabelElement' in label_dict: label = atom.symbol if 'aLabelRes' in label_dict: if len(label): label = label + "," label = label + atom.resn + "_" + atom.resi if 'aLabelName' in label_dict: if len(label): label = label + "." label = label + atom.label = label if rType not in ['none', 'heme']: atom.hetatm = 0 # all normal atoms else: atom.flags = 0x02000000 # hetatom or ligand -- ignore when surfacing if rRibbonMode != 'none': if hasattr(atom, 'visible'): visible = atom.visible else: visible = _default_visible rRibbonColorBy = resi_dict['rRibbonColorBy'] repeat = 1 while repeat: repeat = 0 if rRibbonColorBy in ['rgb', 'r:rgb' ]: # handled automatically pass elif rRibbonColorBy == 'chain': chain_dict = resi_dict['chain_dict'] cColorBy = chain_dict['cColorBy'] if cColorBy == 'rgb': cColorBy = 'c:rgb' rRibbonColorBy = cColorBy repeat = 1 rRibbon_color = 0 rRibbon_trgb = 0xFFFFFF # default -- white # now color ribbon if rRibbonColorBy == 'r:rgb': rRibbon_trgb = resi_dict.get('rRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif rRibbonColorBy == 'rgb': rRibbon_trgb = resi_dict.get( 'rRibbonRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif rRibbonColorBy == 'c:rgb': chain_dict = resi_dict['chain_dict'] rRibbon_trgb = chain_dict.get('cRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif rRibbonColorBy == 'r:aseg': rRibbon_trgb = None rRibbon_color = aseg_color aseg_flag = 1 elif rRibbonColorBy == 'tempfactor': pass # TO DO elif rRibbonColorBy == 'c:number': # per chain colors rRibbon_trgb = chain_dict['chain_color'] if rRibbonMode in ['line', 'trace']: atom.visible = 0x00000040 | visible # PyMOL ribbon if rRibbon_trgb != None: atom.ribbon_trgb = rRibbon_trgb else: atom.ribbon_color = rRibbon_color aseg_rep['ribbon'] = 1 else: atom.visible = 0x00000020 | visible # PyMOL cartoon if rRibbon_trgb != None: atom.cartoon_trgb = rRibbon_trgb else: atom.cartoon_color = rRibbon_color aseg_rep['cartoon'] = 1 if hasattr(atom, 'label'): if hasattr(atom, 'visible'): visible = atom.visible else: visible = _default_visible atom.visible = 0x00000028 | visible # labels if not hasattr(atom, 'aColorBy'): atom.aColorBy = 'element' if hasattr(atom, 'aColorBy'): aColorBy = atom.aColorBy repeat = 1 while repeat: repeat = 0 if aColorBy == 'ribbon': aColorBy = resi_dict.get('rRibbonColorBy') if aColorBy == 'rgb': aColorBy = 'rib:rgb' else: repeat = 1 # TO DO still need to handle "cartoon_color", "ribbon_color" elif aColorBy == 'element': if hasattr(atom, 'trgb'): del atom.trgb elif aColorBy in ['rgb', 'a:rgb' ]: # handled automatically pass elif aColorBy == 'residue': rColorBy = resi_dict.get('rColorBy') if rColorBy == 'rgb': rColorBy = 'r:rgb' aColorBy = rColorBy repeat = 1 elif aColorBy == 'chain': chain_dict = resi_dict['chain_dict'] cColorBy = chain_dict['cColorBy'] if cColorBy == 'rgb': cColorBy = 'c:rgb' aColorBy = cColorBy repeat = 1 # now color atom... if aColorBy == 'r:rgb': atom.trgb = resi_dict.get('rRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif aColorBy == 'rib:rgb': atom.trgb = resi_dict.get('rRibbonRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif aColorBy == 'c:rgb': chain_dict = resi_dict['chain_dict'] atom.trgb = chain_dict.get('cRGB', 0xFFFFFF) elif aColorBy == 'r:aseg': pass # TO DO elif aColorBy == 'tempfactor': pass # TO DO elif aColorBy == 'c:number': # per chain colors atom.trgb = chain_dict['chain_color'] res_atom = res_atom + rAtomCount bond_list = molecule.get('bond', []) for bond in bond_list: new_bond = Bond() new_bond.index = [bond[0] - 1, bond[1] - 1] if len(bond) > 2: new_bond.order = bond[2] if bond[2] == 2: # work around .MOE bug with triple bonds if model.atom[new_bond.index[0]].hybridization == 'sp': if model.atom[new_bond.index[1]].hybridization == 'sp': new_bond.order = 3 have_valences = 1 if 'ViewOrientationY' in mr.system: vy = mr.system['ViewOrientationY'] vz = mr.system['ViewOrientationZ'] pos = mr.system['ViewLookAt'] scale = mr.system['ViewScale'] vx = cpv.cross_product(vy, vz) m = [cpv.normalize(vx), cpv.normalize(vy), cpv.normalize(vz)] m = cpv.transpose(m) asp_rat = 0.8 # MOE default (versus 0.75 for PyMOL) cmd.set("field_of_view", 25.0) fov = float(cmd.get("field_of_view")) window_height = scale * asp_rat dist = (0.5 * window_height) / math.atan(3.1415 * (0.5 * fov) / 180.0) new_view = tuple(m[0] + m[1] + m[2] + [0.0, 0.0, -dist] + pos + [dist * 0.5, dist * 1.5, 0.0]) cmd.set_view(new_view) zoom = 0 cmd.set("auto_color", 0) cmd.set_color("carbon", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # default MOE grey obj_name = name + ".system" if split_chains < 0: # by default, don't split chains if over 50 objects would be created if len(unique_chain_names) > 50: split_chains = 0 if not split_chains: cmd.load_model(model, obj_name, state=state, finish=finish, discrete=discrete, quiet=quiet, zoom=zoom) obj_name_list = [obj_name] else: cmd.load_model(model, obj_name, state=state, finish=finish, discrete=discrete, quiet=1, zoom=zoom) obj_name_list = [] system_name = obj_name for chain in unique_chain_names.keys(): obj_name = name + "." + chain obj_name_list.append(obj_name)"_moe_ext_tmp", "custom %s" % chain, domain=system_name) cmd.extract(obj_name, "_moe_ext_tmp", quiet=quiet, zoom=0) # cmd.extract(obj_name,system_name+" and text_type %s"%chain,quiet=quiet) cmd.delete("_moe_ext_tmp") if not cmd.count_atoms(system_name): cmd.delete(system_name) else: obj_name_list.append(system_name) cmd.order(name + ".*", sort=1) for obj_name in obj_name_list: cmd.set("stick_radius", 0.1, obj_name) cmd.set("line_width", 2.0, obj_name) cmd.set("label_color", "white", obj_name) cmd.set("nonbonded_size", 0.05, obj_name) # temporary workaround... if have_valences: # if this MOE file has valences, then show em! cmd.set("valence", 1, obj_name) cmd.set("stick_valence_scale", 1.25, obj_name) if aseg_flag: cmd.dss(obj_name) if 'cartoon' in aseg_rep: cmd.set("cartoon_color", "red", obj_name + " and cartoon_color _aseg0 and ss h") cmd.set("cartoon_color", "yellow", obj_name + " and cartoon_color _aseg0 and ss s") cmd.set( "cartoon_color", "cyan", obj_name + " and cartoon_color _aseg0 and not ss h+s") if 'ribbon' in aseg_rep: cmd.set("ribbon_color", "red", obj_name + " and ribbon_color _aseg0 and ss h" ) # need selection op ribbon_color cmd.set("ribbon_color", "yellow", obj_name + " and ribbon_color _aseg0 and ss s") cmd.set( "ribbon_color", "cyan", obj_name + " and ribbon_color _aseg0 and not ss h+s") if 'ViewZFront' in mr.system: moe_front = mr.system['ViewZFront'] moe_width = mr.system['ViewZWidth'] extent = cmd.get_extent( name) # will this work with groups? TO DO: check! dx = (extent[0][0] - extent[1][0]) dy = (extent[0][1] - extent[1][1]) dz = (extent[0][2] - extent[1][2]) half_width = 0.5 * math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) cmd.clip("atoms", 0.0, name) cur_view = cmd.get_view() center = (cur_view[-3] + cur_view[-2]) * 0.5 # center of clipping slab front = center - half_width back = center + half_width width = half_width * 2 new_view = tuple( list(cur_view[0:15]) + [ front + width * moe_front, front + width * (moe_front + moe_width), 0.0 ]) cmd.set_view(new_view) if 'graphics' in mr.system: cgo_cnt = 1 lab_cnt = 1 unique_cgo_names = {} for graphics in mr.system['graphics']: cgo = [] for gvertex in graphics.get('gvertex', []): vrt = gvertex[0] seg_list = gvertex[1]['seg'] idx = gvertex[1]['idx'] len_idx = len(idx) if not cmd.is_list(seg_list): seg_list = [seg_list] * (len_idx / seg_list) last_seg = None ix_start = 0 for seg in seg_list: if seg != last_seg: if last_seg != None: cgo.append(END) if seg == 3: cgo.extend([BEGIN, TRIANGLES]) elif seg == 2: cgo.extend([BEGIN, LINES]) elif seg == 1: cgo.extend([BEGIN, POINTS]) ix_stop = seg + ix_start if seg == 3: for s in idx[ix_start:ix_stop]: v = vrt[s - 1] cgo.extend([ COLOR, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 16)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 8)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0])) / 255.0 ]) if len(v) > 4: cgo.extend([NORMAL, v[4], v[5], v[6]]) cgo.extend([VERTEX, v[1], v[2], v[3]]) elif seg == 2: for s in idx[ix_start:ix_stop]: v = vrt[s - 1] cgo.extend([ COLOR, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 16)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 8)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0])) / 255.0 ]) if len(v) > 4: cgo.extend([NORMAL, v[4], v[5], v[6]]) cgo.extend([VERTEX, v[1], v[2], v[3]]) elif seg == 1: for s in idx[ix_start:ix_stop]: v = vrt[s - 1] cgo.extend([ COLOR, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 16)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0] >> 8)) / 255.0, (0xFF & (v[0])) / 255.0 ]) if len(v) > 4: cgo.extend([NORMAL, v[4], v[5], v[6]]) cgo.extend([VERTEX, v[1], v[2], v[3]]) ix_start = ix_stop last_seg = seg if last_seg != None: cgo.append(END) for gtext in graphics.get('gtext', []): lab_name = name + ".label_%02d" % lab_cnt exists = 0 for entry in gtext: exists = 1 cmd.pseudoatom(lab_name, pos=[ float(entry[1]), float(entry[2]), float(entry[3]) ], color="0x%06x" % entry[0], label=entry[4]) if exists: cmd.set('label_color', -1, lab_name) lab_cnt = lab_cnt + 1 # TO DO -- via CGO's? if len(cgo): cgo_name = name + "." + make_valid_name( graphics.get('GTitle', 'graphics')) if cgo_name not in unique_cgo_names: unique_cgo_names[cgo_name] = cgo_name else: cnt = 2 while cgo_name + "_" + str(cnt) in unique_cgo_names: cnt = cnt + 1 new_name = cgo_name + "_" + str(cnt) unique_cgo_names[new_name] = new_name cgo_name = new_name cmd.load_cgo(cgo, cgo_name, state=state, quiet=quiet, zoom=0) cgo_cnt = cgo_cnt + 1 cmd.set("two_sided_lighting", 1) # global setting... cmd.set("cgo_line_width", 2, cgo_name) if 'GTransparency' in graphics: g_trans = graphics['GTransparency'] if len(g_trans) >= 2: if g_trans[0] != 0: cmd.set('cgo_transparency', '%1.6f' % (g_trans[0] / 255.0), cgo_name) cmd.set('transparency_global_sort') if 'meter' in mr.system: meter_name = name + ".meter" exists = 0 for meter_block in mr.system['meter']: if meter_block[0][0:2] == ['type', 'atoms']: for meter in meter_block[1]: (type, atoms) = meter[0:2] arg = tuple([meter_name] + list( map(lambda x, o=name: o + " and id " + str(x - 1), atoms))) getattr(cmd, type)(*arg) exists = 1 if exists: cmd.color("green", meter_name) # print mr.system['meter'] elif hasattr(mr, 'feature'): model = Indexed() cols = mr.feature[0] rows = mr.feature[1] col = {} cnt = 0 for a in cols: col[a] = cnt cnt = cnt + 1 for row in rows: atom = Atom() atom.coord = [row[col['x']], row[col['y']], row[col['z']]] atom.vdw = row[col['r']] atom.custom = row[col['expr']] model.atom.append(atom) obj_name = name + ".feature" cmd.load_model(model, obj_name, state=state, finish=finish, discrete=discrete, quiet=quiet, zoom=zoom) rank = 1 for row in rows: cmd.color("0x%06x" % row[col['color']], obj_name + " & id %d" % (rank - 1)) rank = rank + 1"mesh", obj_name) cmd.set("min_mesh_spacing", 0.55, obj_name) cmd.label(obj_name, "' '+custom") cmd.set("label_color", "yellow", obj_name) else: print(dir(mr))
def test_dss(self): ss_list = [] cmd.fab('A' * 6, ss=1) cmd.dss() cmd.iterate('2-5/CA', 'ss_list.append(ss)', space=locals()) self.assertEqual(ss_list, ['H', 'H', 'H', 'H'])
# pymol.finish_launching() # Delete everything cmd.rewind() cmd.reset() cmd.delete("all") # Retain order and IDs for imported atoms cmd.set("retain_order", 1) cmd.set("pdb_retain_ids", 1) # Load PDB file cmd.load(pdb_filename, "complex") # Recognize helices and sheets cmd.dss() # Align everything cmd.intra_fit("all") # Set up display cmd.remove("resn WAT") # remove waters"receptor", "(not resn MOL) and (not resn WAT) and (not hydrogen)")"ligand", "resn MOL") cmd.deselect() cmd.hide("all")"cartoon", "receptor")"spheres", "ligand") util.cbay("ligand") cmd.color("green", "receptor")
def load_cnstr(self): """ Load constraint file """ self._cnstrfile.load() names = [] eval_method = self.settings.config.get('eval_method', 'contact') contact_type = self.settings.config.get('contact_type') groupname = self.settings.args.get('group') if self.settings.args.get('writefiles', False): outfile = open( "%s.out" % os.path.join(self.settings.args.get('output'), self.settings.args.get('prefix')), 'w') extra = "\t".join(("lower", "target", "upper")) if \ eval_method == "bound" else "" outfile.write("\t".join(("resid1", "resid2", "atm1", "atm2", "dist_ref" if self._reflag else "dist", eval_method, extra, "spec"))) else: outfile = None target, upper, lower, spec = None, None, None, None dist = [] for idline in self._cnstrfile.lines: # For each restraint # print(idline + 1 == len(self._cnstrfile.lines)) # If outfile and assignflag OR last line, save oldresults line = self._cnstrfile.lines[idline] # If assignflag, initialize all cnstr vars # Else if ambiflag, add vars to cnstr # Else return error resids = (line.get('resid1', ''), line.get('resid2', '')) atms = (line.get('atm1', ''), line.get('atm2', '')) ambiflag = line.get('ambiflag', False) assignflag = line.get('assignflag', False) if assignflag: dist = [] spec = line.get('spec', 'noname') target = line.get('target', None) upper = line.get('upper', None) lower = line.get('lower', None) if target: upper = float(target) + float(upper) if upper else None lower = float(target) - float(lower) if lower else None if groupname and line.get(groupname) in ("False", "True"): group = groupname if line.get(groupname) == "True" \ else "un" + groupname else: group = line.get('group', None) extra = "\t".join((str(lower), str(target), str(upper))) if \ eval_method == "bound" else "" # TODO: add a violation tolerance ? if '' in atms: LOG.warning('No atms related to cnsrt at line %s' % (idline + 1)) if '' in resids: LOG.error('No cnstr at line %s' % (idline + 1)) continue # TODO: condition below can be simplified ... # Setting pymol selections if (contact_type == "all") or \ (contact_type == "min" and atms == ("CA", "CA")): sel1 = '%s and resi %s and name %s' % ( self._pdbname, resids[0], atms[0]) if atms[0] \ else '%s and resi %d' % (self._pdbname, resids[0]) sel2 = '%s and resi %s and name %s' % ( self._pdbname, resids[1], atms[1]) if atms[1] \ else '%s and resi %d' % (self._pdbname, resids[1]) sel3 = '{ref} and resi {resid1} and name {atm1}'.format( resid1=resids[0], atm1=atms[0], ref=self._refname) sel4 = '{ref} and resi {resid2} and name {atm2}'.format( resid2=resids[1], atm2=atms[1], ref=self._refname)"Selecting restraint at line %s" % (idline + 1)) else: LOG.debug("Ignoring line %s", idline + 1) LOG.debug("%s", line) continue # If ambig flag, append new dist to dist list # Otherwise initialize dist list with new dist if self._reflag: # If structure given, we look at reference distance dist = cmd.get_distance(sel3, sel4) else: dist = cmd.get_distance(sel1, sel2) # TODO: condition below can be simplified # Group can be decided by a contact treshold in the structure or in # the reference (if given). It can also be if distances in the # structure (or ref if given) lie inside bounds defined in the # cnstr file if not group: group = self._contact_label(eval_method, dist, lower, upper, idline) # PYMOL cmd.distance calls name = "_".join(('mobile', spec, group)) nameref = "_".join(('ref', spec, group)) if self._reflag \ else None if name not in names: names.append(name) if self._reflag: names.append(nameref) try: LOG.debug("Distance cmd on %s and %s with groupname %s", sel1, sel2, name) cmd.distance(name, sel1, sel2) if self._reflag: LOG.debug("Distance cmd on %s and %s with groupname %s", sel3, sel4, nameref) cmd.distance(nameref, sel3, sel4) except CmdException: LOG.error("Wrong selection") # OUTPUT line if outfile: outfile.write("\n%s" % "\t".join( (resids[0], resids[1], atms[0], atms[1], str(dist), group, extra, spec))) for name in names: if name.endswith("_FP") or name.endswith("_viol"): color = self.settings.config.get("fp_color", 'red') cmd.color(color, name) if 'mobile' in name and self._reflag: # If reference structure given, we look first at reference # contacts cmd.disable(name) else: color = self.settings.config.get("tp_color", 'green') cmd.color(color, name) if 'mobile' in name and self._reflag: cmd.disable(name) cmd.show_as(self.settings.config.get('view', 'cartoon')) cmd.dss()'dashes') if contact_type == "all":'sticks') cmd.set('stick_radius', self.settings.config.get('stick_radius', 0.05)) cmd.set('dash_width', self.settings.config.get('dash_width', 0.5)) cmd.set('dash_gap', self.settings.config.get('dash_gap', 0.5)) cmd.set('stick_transparency', self.settings.config.get('stick_alpha', 0.8)) # cmd.hide('labels') cmd.color(self.settings.config.get('color', 'gray'), self._pdbname) if self._reflag: cmd.spectrum(selection=self._refname) if outfile: outfile.close()