    def __call__(self, info, request):
        # Support running under the same instance for local devleopment and for
        # test.pypi.io which will continue to host it's own uploader.
        if self.val is None:
            return True

        return is_same_domain(request.domain, self.val)
    def __call__(self, info, request):
        # Support running under the same instance for local devleopment and for
        # test.pypi.io which will continue to host it's own uploader.
        if self.val is None:
            return True

        return is_same_domain(request.domain, self.val)
def check_csrf_origin(request, trusted_origins=None, raises=True):
    Check the ``Origin`` of the request to see if it is a cross site request or

    If the value supplied by the ``Origin`` or ``Referer`` header isn't one of
    the trusted origins and ``raises`` is ``True``, this function will raise a
    :exc:`pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFOrigin` exception, but if ``raises`` is
    ``False``, this function will return ``False`` instead. If the CSRF origin
    checks are successful this function will return ``True`` unconditionally.

    Additional trusted origins may be added by passing a list of domain (and
    ports if non-standard like ``['example.com', 'dev.example.com:8080']``) in
    with the ``trusted_origins`` parameter. If ``trusted_origins`` is ``None``
    (the default) this list of additional domains will be pulled from the
    ``pyramid.csrf_trusted_origins`` setting.

    Note that this function will do nothing if ``request.scheme`` is not

    .. versionadded:: 1.7

    .. versionchanged:: 1.9
       Moved from :mod:`pyramid.session` to :mod:`pyramid.csrf`

    def _fail(reason):
        if raises:
            raise BadCSRFOrigin(reason)
            return False

    if request.scheme == "https":
        # Suppose user visits http://example.com/
        # An active network attacker (man-in-the-middle, MITM) sends a
        # POST form that targets https://example.com/detonate-bomb/ and
        # submits it via JavaScript.
        # The attacker will need to provide a CSRF cookie and token, but
        # that's no problem for a MITM when we cannot make any assumptions
        # about what kind of session storage is being used. So the MITM can
        # circumvent the CSRF protection. This is true for any HTTP connection,
        # but anyone using HTTPS expects better! For this reason, for
        # https://example.com/ we need additional protection that treats
        # http://example.com/ as completely untrusted. Under HTTPS,
        # Barth et al. found that the Referer header is missing for
        # same-domain requests in only about 0.2% of cases or less, so
        # we can use strict Referer checking.

        # Determine the origin of this request
        origin = request.headers.get("Origin")
        if origin is None:
            origin = request.referrer

        # Fail if we were not able to locate an origin at all
        if not origin:
            return _fail("Origin checking failed - no Origin or Referer.")

        # Parse our origin so we we can extract the required information from
        # it.
        originp = urlparse(origin)

        # Ensure that our Referer is also secure.
        if originp.scheme != "https":
            return _fail(
                "Referer checking failed - Referer is insecure while host is "

        # Determine which origins we trust, which by default will include the
        # current origin.
        if trusted_origins is None:
            trusted_origins = aslist(

        if request.host_port not in set(["80", "443"]):

        # Actually check to see if the request's origin matches any of our
        # trusted origins.
        if not any(
                is_same_domain(originp.netloc, host)
                for host in trusted_origins):
            reason = (
                "Referer checking failed - {0} does not match any trusted "
            return _fail(reason.format(origin))

    return True
    def _callFUT(self, *args, **kw):
        from pyramid.util import is_same_domain

        return is_same_domain(*args, **kw)
 def _callFUT(self, *args, **kw):
     from pyramid.util import is_same_domain
     return is_same_domain(*args, **kw)
def check_csrf_origin(request, trusted_origins=None, raises=True):
    Check the Origin of the request to see if it is a cross site request or

    If the value supplied by the Origin or Referer header isn't one of the
    trusted origins and ``raises`` is ``True``, this function will raise a
    :exc:`pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFOrigin` exception but if ``raises`` is
    ``False`` this function will return ``False`` instead. If the CSRF origin
    checks are successful this function will return ``True`` unconditionally.

    Additional trusted origins may be added by passing a list of domain (and
    ports if nonstandard like `['example.com', 'dev.example.com:8080']`) in
    with the ``trusted_origins`` parameter. If ``trusted_origins`` is ``None``
    (the default) this list of additional domains will be pulled from the
    ``pyramid.csrf_trusted_origins`` setting.

    Note that this function will do nothing if request.scheme is not https.

    .. versionadded:: 1.7
    def _fail(reason):
        if raises:
            raise BadCSRFOrigin(reason)
            return False

    if request.scheme == "https":
        # Suppose user visits http://example.com/
        # An active network attacker (man-in-the-middle, MITM) sends a
        # POST form that targets https://example.com/detonate-bomb/ and
        # submits it via JavaScript.
        # The attacker will need to provide a CSRF cookie and token, but
        # that's no problem for a MITM when we cannot make any assumptions
        # about what kind of session storage is being used. So the MITM can
        # circumvent the CSRF protection. This is true for any HTTP connection,
        # but anyone using HTTPS expects better! For this reason, for
        # https://example.com/ we need additional protection that treats
        # http://example.com/ as completely untrusted. Under HTTPS,
        # Barth et al. found that the Referer header is missing for
        # same-domain requests in only about 0.2% of cases or less, so
        # we can use strict Referer checking.

        # Determine the origin of this request
        origin = request.headers.get("Origin")
        if origin is None:
            origin = request.referrer

        # Fail if we were not able to locate an origin at all
        if not origin:
            return _fail("Origin checking failed - no Origin or Referer.")

        # Parse our origin so we we can extract the required information from
        # it.
        originp = urlparse.urlparse(origin)

        # Ensure that our Referer is also secure.
        if originp.scheme != "https":
            return _fail(
                "Referer checking failed - Referer is insecure while host is "

        # Determine which origins we trust, which by default will include the
        # current origin.
        if trusted_origins is None:
            trusted_origins = aslist(
                    "pyramid.csrf_trusted_origins", [])

        if request.host_port not in set(["80", "443"]):

        # Actually check to see if the request's origin matches any of our
        # trusted origins.
        if not any(is_same_domain(originp.netloc, host)
                   for host in trusted_origins):
            reason = (
                "Referer checking failed - {0} does not match any trusted "
            return _fail(reason.format(origin))

    return True