def set_dem_file(): global ax_v, inps, img if inps.dem_file: dem =, datasetName='height')[0] ax_v = pp.plot_dem_yx(ax_v, dem) img = ax_v.imshow(d_v, cmap=inps.colormap, clim=inps.ylim_mat, interpolation='nearest')
def main(iargs=None): # Actual code. inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs) # Time Series Info atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] print('input file is ' + k + ': ' + inps.timeseries_file) if not k in ['timeseries', 'GIANT_TS']: raise ValueError('Only timeseries file is supported!') obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file) h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r') if k in ['GIANT_TS']: dateList = [ dt.fromordinal(int(i)).strftime('%Y%m%d') for i in h5['dates'][:].tolist() ] else: dateList = obj.dateList date_num = len(dateList) inps.dates, inps.yearList = ptime.date_list2vector(dateList) # Read exclude dates if inps.ex_date_list: input_ex_date = list(inps.ex_date_list) inps.ex_date_list = [] if input_ex_date: for ex_date in input_ex_date: if os.path.isfile(ex_date): ex_date = ptime.read_date_list(ex_date) else: ex_date = [ptime.yyyymmdd(ex_date)] inps.ex_date_list += list( set(ex_date) - set(inps.ex_date_list)) # delete dates not existed in input file inps.ex_date_list = sorted( list(set(inps.ex_date_list).intersection(dateList))) inps.ex_dates = ptime.date_list2vector(inps.ex_date_list)[0] inps.ex_idx_list = sorted( [dateList.index(i) for i in inps.ex_date_list]) print('exclude date:' + str(inps.ex_date_list)) # Zero displacement for 1st acquisition if inps.zero_first: if inps.ex_date_list: inps.zero_idx = min( list(set(range(date_num)) - set(inps.ex_idx_list))) else: inps.zero_idx = 0 # File Size length = int(atr['LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) print('data size in [y0,y1,x0,x1]: [%d, %d, %d, %d]' % (0, length, 0, width)) try: ullon = float(atr['X_FIRST']) ullat = float(atr['Y_FIRST']) lon_step = float(atr['X_STEP']) lat_step = float(atr['Y_STEP']) lrlon = ullon + width * lon_step lrlat = ullat + length * lat_step print('data size in [lat0,lat1,lon0,lon1]: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f]' % (lrlat, ullat, ullon, lrlon)) except: pass # Initial Pixel Coord if inps.lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): y = int((inps.lalo[0] - ullat) / lat_step + 0.5) x = int((inps.lalo[1] - ullon) / lon_step + 0.5) inps.yx = [y, x] if inps.ref_lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): y = int((inps.ref_lalo[0] - ullat) / lat_step + 0.5) x = int((inps.ref_lalo[1] - ullon) / lon_step + 0.5) inps.ref_yx = [y, x] # Display Unit if inps.disp_unit == 'cm': inps.unit_fac = 100.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'm': inps.unit_fac = 1.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'dm': inps.unit_fac = 10.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'mm': inps.unit_fac = 1000.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'km': inps.unit_fac = 0.001 else: raise ValueError('Un-recognized unit: ' + inps.disp_unit) if k in ['GIANT_TS']: print('data unit: mm') inps.unit_fac *= 0.001 else: print('data unit: m') print('display unit: ' + inps.disp_unit) # Flip up-down / left-right if inps.auto_flip: inps.flip_lr, inps.flip_ud = pp.auto_flip_direction(atr) else: inps.flip_ud = False inps.left_lr = False # Mask file if not inps.mask_file: if os.path.basename(inps.timeseries_file).startswith('geo_'): file_list = ['geo_maskTempCoh.h5'] else: file_list = ['maskTempCoh.h5', 'mask.h5'] try: inps.mask_file = ut.get_file_list(file_list)[0] except: inps.mask_file = None try: mask =, datasetName='mask')[0] mask[mask != 0] = 1 print('load mask from file: ' + inps.mask_file) except: mask = None print('No mask used.') # Initial Map d_v = inps.timeseries_file, datasetName=dateList[inps.epoch_num])[0] * inps.unit_fac if inps.ref_date: inps.ref_d_v = inps.timeseries_file, datasetName=inps.ref_date)[0] * inps.unit_fac d_v -= inps.ref_d_v if mask is not None: d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask) if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] data_lim = [np.nanmin(d_v), np.nanmax(d_v)] if not inps.ylim_mat: inps.ylim_mat = data_lim print('Initial data range: ' + str(data_lim)) print('Display data range: ' + str(inps.ylim_mat)) # Fig 1 - Cumulative Displacement Map if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') fig_v = plt.figure('Cumulative Displacement') # Axes 1 #ax_v = fig_v.add_subplot(111) # ax_v.set_position([0.125,0.25,0.75,0.65]) # This works on OSX. Original worked on Linux. # rect[left, bottom, width, height] ax_v = fig_v.add_axes([0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 0.65]) if inps.dem_file: dem =, datasetName='height')[0] ax_v = pp.plot_dem_yx(ax_v, dem) img = ax_v.imshow(d_v, cmap=inps.colormap, clim=inps.ylim_mat, interpolation='nearest') # Reference Pixel if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] ax_v.plot(inps.ref_yx[1], inps.ref_yx[0], 'ks', ms=6) else: try: ax_v.plot(int(atr['REF_X']), int(atr['REF_Y']), 'ks', ms=6) except: pass # Initial Pixel if inps.yx: ax_v.plot(inps.yx[1], inps.yx[0], 'ro', markeredgecolor='black') ax_v.set_xlim(0, np.shape(d_v)[1]) ax_v.set_ylim(np.shape(d_v)[0], 0) # Status Bar def format_coord(x, y): col = int(x + 0.5) row = int(y + 0.5) if 0 <= col < width and 0 <= row < length: z = d_v[row, col] try: lon = ullon + x * lon_step lat = ullat + y * lat_step return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f, lon=%.4f, lat=%.4f' % ( x, y, z, lon, lat) except: return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f' % (x, y, z) ax_v.format_coord = format_coord # Title and Axis Label ax_v.set_title( 'N = %d, Time = %s' % (inps.epoch_num, inps.dates[inps.epoch_num].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) if not 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): ax_v.set_xlabel('Range') ax_v.set_ylabel('Azimuth') # Flip axis if inps.flip_lr: ax_v.invert_xaxis() print('flip map left and right') if inps.flip_ud: ax_v.invert_yaxis() print('flip map up and down') # Colorbar cbar = fig_v.colorbar(img, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit) # Axes 2 - Time Slider ax_time = fig_v.add_axes([0.125, 0.1, 0.6, 0.07], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow', yticks=[]) tslider = Slider(ax_time, 'Years', inps.yearList[0], inps.yearList[-1], valinit=inps.yearList[inps.epoch_num]), np.ones(len(inps.yearList)), facecolor='black', width=0.01, ecolor=None) np.round( np.linspace(inps.yearList[0], inps.yearList[-1], num=5) * 100) / 100) def time_slider_update(val): """Update Displacement Map using Slider""" timein = tslider.val idx_nearest = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(inps.yearList) - timein)) ax_v.set_title( 'N = %d, Time = %s' % (idx_nearest, inps.dates[idx_nearest].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) d_v = h5[dateList[idx_nearest]][:] * inps.unit_fac if inps.ref_date: d_v -= inps.ref_d_v if mask is not None: d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask) if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] img.set_data(d_v) fig_v.canvas.draw() tslider.on_changed(time_slider_update) # Fig 2 - Time Series Displacement - Point fig_ts = plt.figure('Time series - point', figsize=inps.fig_size) ax_ts = fig_ts.add_subplot(111) # Read Error List inps.error_ts = None if inps.error_file: error_fileContent = np.loadtxt(inps.error_file, dtype=bytes).astype(str) inps.error_ts = error_fileContent[:, 1].astype( np.float) * inps.unit_fac if inps.ex_date_list: e_ts = inps.error_ts[:] inps.ex_error_ts = np.array([e_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) inps.error_ts = np.array([ e_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) def plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax, dis_ts, inps): dates = list(inps.dates) d_ts = dis_ts[:] if inps.ex_date_list: # Update displacement time-series dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates))) ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) d_ts = np.array([ dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) # Plot excluded dates (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, yerr=inps.ex_error_ts, fmt='-o', color='gray', ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, mfc='gray', elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width) # Plot kept dates (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(dates, d_ts, yerr=inps.error_ts, fmt='-o', ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width) return ax def plot_timeseries_scatter(ax, dis_ts, inps): dates = list(inps.dates) d_ts = dis_ts[:] if inps.ex_date_list: # Update displacement time-series dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates))) ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) d_ts = np.array([ dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) # Plot excluded dates ax.scatter(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, s=inps.marker_size**2, color='gray') # color='crimson' # Plot kept dates ax.scatter(dates, d_ts, s=inps.marker_size**2) return ax def update_timeseries(ax_ts, y, x): """Plot point time series displacement at pixel [y, x]""" d_ts = read_timeseries_yx( inps.timeseries_file, y, x, ref_yx=inps.ref_yx) * inps.unit_fac # for date in dateList: # d = h5[k].get(date)[y,x] # if inps.ref_yx: # d -= h5[k].get(date)[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] # d_ts.append(d*inps.unit_fac) if inps.zero_first: d_ts -= d_ts[inps.zero_idx] ax_ts.cla() if inps.error_file: ax_ts = plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) else: ax_ts = plot_timeseries_scatter(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) if inps.ylim: ax_ts.set_ylim(inps.ylim) for tick in ax_ts.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(inps.font_size) # Title title_ts = 'Y = %d, X = %d' % (y, x) try: lat = ullat + y * lat_step lon = ullon + x * lon_step title_ts += ', lat = %.4f, lon = %.4f' % (lat, lon) except: pass if inps.disp_title: ax_ts.set_title(title_ts) ax_ts = pp.auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax_ts, inps.yearList, fontSize=inps.font_size)[0] ax_ts.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=inps.font_size) ax_ts.set_ylabel('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit, fontsize=inps.font_size) fig_ts.canvas.draw() # Print to terminal print('\n---------------------------------------') print(title_ts) print(d_ts) # Slope estimation if inps.ex_date_list: inps.yearList_kept = [ inps.yearList[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ] d_ts_kept = [ d_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ] d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(inps.yearList_kept), np.array(d_ts_kept)) else: d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(inps.yearList), np.array(d_ts)) print('linear velocity: %.2f +/- %.2f [%s/yr]' % (d_slope[0], d_slope[4], inps.disp_unit)) return d_ts # Initial point time series plot if inps.yx: d_ts = update_timeseries(ax_ts, inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) else: d_ts = np.zeros(len(inps.yearList)) ax_ts = plot_timeseries_scatter(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) def plot_timeseries_event(event): """Event function to get y/x from button press""" if event.inaxes != ax_v: return ii = int(event.ydata + 0.5) jj = int(event.xdata + 0.5) d_ts = update_timeseries(ax_ts, ii, jj) # Output if inps.save_fig and inps.yx: print('save info for pixel ' + str(inps.yx)) if not inps.fig_base: inps.fig_base = 'y%d_x%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) # TXT - point time series outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.txt' header_info = 'timeseries_file=' + inps.timeseries_file header_info += '\ny=%d, x=%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) try: lat = ullat + inps.yx[0] * lat_step lon = ullon + inps.yx[1] * lon_step header_info += '\nlat=%.6f, lon=%.6f' % (lat, lon) except: pass if inps.ref_yx: header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%d, x=%d' % (inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]) else: header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%s, x=%s' % (atr['REF_Y'], atr['REF_X']) header_info += '\nunit=m/yr' np.savetxt(outName, list(zip(np.array(dateList), np.array(d_ts) / inps.unit_fac)), fmt='%s', delimiter=' ', header=header_info) print('save time series displacement in meter to ' + outName) # Figure - point time series outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.pdf' fig_ts.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi) print('save time series plot to ' + outName) # Figure - map outName = inps.fig_base + '_' + dateList[inps.epoch_num] + '.png' fig_v.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi) print('save map plot to ' + outName) # Final linking of the canvas to the plots. cid = fig_v.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', plot_timeseries_event) if inps.disp_fig: fig_v.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid)