文件: hf.py 项目: ncrubin/pyscf
def get_pp_o1(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    coords = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = pyscf.pbc.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell)
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs)
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = np.empty(aoR.shape, np.complex128)
    for i in range(nao):
        aokG[:,i] = tools.fftk(aoR[:,i], cell.gs, coords, kpt)
    ngs = len(aokG)

    fakemol = pyscf.gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._env = np.zeros(5)
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NPRIM_OF ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NCTR_OF  ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_EXP  ] = 3
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_COEFF] = 4
    Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv+kpt)
    G_rad = pyscf.lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        pp = cell._pseudo[cell.atom_symbol(ia)]
        for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
            rl, nl, hl = proj
            if nl > 0:
                hl = np.asarray(hl)
                fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.ANG_OF] = l
                fakemol._env[3] = .5*rl**2
                fakemol._env[4] = rl**(l+1.5)*np.pi**1.25
                pYlm_part = pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gv, deriv=0)

                pYlm = np.empty((nl,l*2+1,ngs))
                for k in range(nl):
                    qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad*rl, l, k)
                    pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                # pYlm is real
                SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
    vppnl *= (1./ngs**2)

    return vpploc + vppnl
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell)
    vlocG[:, 0] = 0
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.mesh)
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = np.empty(aoR.shape, np.complex128)
    expmikr = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt))
    for i in range(nao):
        aokG[:, i] = tools.fftk(aoR[:, i], cell.mesh, expmikr)
    ngrids = len(aokG)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    hs, projGs = pseudo.get_projG(cell, kpt)
    for ia, [h_ia, projG_ia] in enumerate(zip(hs, projGs)):
        for l, h in enumerate(h_ia):
            nl = h.shape[0]
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.zeros((nl, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
                for i in range(nl):
                    SPG_lmi = SI[ia, :] * projG_ia[l][m][i]
                    SPG_lm_aoG[i, :] = np.einsum('g,gp->p', SPG_lmi.conj(),
                for i in range(nl):
                    for j in range(nl):
                        # Note: There is no (-1)^l here.
                        vppnl += h[i, j] * np.einsum('p,q->pq',
                                                     SPG_lm_aoG[i, :].conj(),
                                                     SPG_lm_aoG[j, :])
    vppnl *= (1. / ngrids**2)

    ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
    vpploc += 1. / cell.vol * np.sum(pseudo.get_alphas(cell)) * ovlp
    return vpploc + vppnl
文件: test_pp.py 项目: chrinide/pyscf
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell)
    vlocG[:,0] = 0
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.mesh)
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = np.empty(aoR.shape, np.complex128)
    expmikr = np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords,kpt))
    for i in range(nao):
        aokG[:,i] = tools.fftk(aoR[:,i], cell.mesh, expmikr)
    ngrids = len(aokG)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    hs, projGs = pseudo.get_projG(cell, kpt)
    for ia, [h_ia,projG_ia] in enumerate(zip(hs,projGs)):
        for l, h in enumerate(h_ia):
            nl = h.shape[0]
            for m in range(-l,l+1):
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.zeros((nl,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
                for i in range(nl):
                    SPG_lmi = SI[ia,:] * projG_ia[l][m][i]
                    SPG_lm_aoG[i,:] = np.einsum('g,gp->p', SPG_lmi.conj(), aokG)
                for i in range(nl):
                    for j in range(nl):
                        # Note: There is no (-1)^l here.
                        vppnl += h[i,j]*np.einsum('p,q->pq',
    vppnl *= (1./ngrids**2)

    ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
    vpploc += 1./cell.vol * np.sum(pseudo.get_alphas(cell)) * ovlp
    return vpploc + vppnl
def get_pp(mydf, kpts=None):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))

    gs = mydf.gs
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(gs)
    vpplocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell, Gv)
    vpplocG = -numpy.einsum('ij,ij->j', SI, vpplocG)
    vpplocG[0] = numpy.sum(
        pseudo.get_alphas(cell))  # from get_jvloc_G0 function
    ngs = len(vpplocG)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpp = [
        lib.dot(aoR.T.conj() * vpplocR, aoR)
        for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts_lst)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    fakemol = gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = numpy.zeros((1, gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    fakemol._bas = numpy.zeros((1, gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    ptr = gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = numpy.zeros(ptr + 10)
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NPRIM_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NCTR_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_EXP] = ptr + 3
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr + 4

    # buf for SPG_lmi upto l=0..3 and nl=3
    buf = numpy.empty((48, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)

    def vppnl_by_k(kpt):
        Gk = Gv + kpt
        G_rad = lib.norm(Gk, axis=1)
        aokG = ft_ao.ft_ao(cell, Gv, kpt=kpt) * (ngs / cell.vol)
        vppnl = 0
        for ia in range(cell.natm):
            symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
            if symb not in cell._pseudo:
            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
            p1 = 0
            for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
                rl, nl, hl = proj
                if nl > 0:
                    fakemol._bas[0, gto.ANG_OF] = l
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 3] = .5 * rl**2
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 4] = rl**(l + 1.5) * numpy.pi**1.25
                    pYlm_part = dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gk, deriv=0)

                    p0, p1 = p1, p1 + nl * (l * 2 + 1)
                    # pYlm is real, SI[ia] is complex
                    pYlm = numpy.ndarray((nl, l * 2 + 1, ngs),
                    for k in range(nl):
                        qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad * rl, l, k)
                        pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                    #:SPG_lmi = numpy.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                    #:SPG_lm_aoG = numpy.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                    #:tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                    #:vppnl += numpy.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
            if p1 > 0:
                SPG_lmi = buf[:p1]
                SPG_lmi *= SI[ia].conj()
                SPG_lm_aoGs = lib.zdot(SPG_lmi, aokG)
                p1 = 0
                for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
                    rl, nl, hl = proj
                    if nl > 0:
                        p0, p1 = p1, p1 + nl * (l * 2 + 1)
                        hl = numpy.asarray(hl)
                        SPG_lm_aoG = SPG_lm_aoGs[p0:p1].reshape(
                            nl, l * 2 + 1, -1)
                        tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                        vppnl += numpy.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(),
        return vppnl * (1. / ngs**2)

    for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst):
        vppnl = vppnl_by_k(kpt)
        if gamma_point(kpt):
            vpp[k] = vpp[k].real + vppnl.real
            vpp[k] += vppnl

    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3, ):
        vpp = vpp[0]
    return numpy.asarray(vpp)
def get_pp(mydf, kpts=None):
    """Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))

    gs = mydf.gs
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(gs)
    vpplocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell, Gv)
    vpplocG = -numpy.einsum("ij,ij->j", SI, vpplocG)
    vpplocG[0] = numpy.sum(pseudo.get_alphas(cell))  # from get_jvloc_G0 function
    ngs = len(vpplocG)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpp = [lib.dot(aoR.T.conj() * vpplocR, aoR) for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts_lst)]

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    fakemol = gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = numpy.zeros((1, gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    fakemol._bas = numpy.zeros((1, gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    ptr = gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = numpy.zeros(ptr + 10)
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NPRIM_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NCTR_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_EXP] = ptr + 3
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr + 4

    def vppnl_by_k(kpt):
        Gk = Gv + kpt
        G_rad = lib.norm(Gk, axis=1)
        aokG = ft_ao.ft_ao(cell, Gv, kpt=kpt) * (ngs / cell.vol)
        vppnl = 0
        for ia in range(cell.natm):
            symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
            if symb not in cell._pseudo:
            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
            for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
                rl, nl, hl = proj
                if nl > 0:
                    hl = numpy.asarray(hl)
                    fakemol._bas[0, gto.ANG_OF] = l
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 3] = 0.5 * rl ** 2
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 4] = rl ** (l + 1.5) * numpy.pi ** 1.25
                    pYlm_part = dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gk, deriv=0)

                    pYlm = numpy.empty((nl, l * 2 + 1, ngs))
                    for k in range(nl):
                        qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad * rl, l, k)
                        pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                    # pYlm is real
                    SPG_lmi = numpy.einsum("g,nmg->nmg", SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                    SPG_lm_aoG = numpy.einsum("nmg,gp->nmp", SPG_lmi, aokG)
                    tmp = numpy.einsum("ij,jmp->imp", hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                    vppnl += numpy.einsum("imp,imq->pq", SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
        return vppnl * (1.0 / ngs ** 2)

    for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst):
        vppnl = vppnl_by_k(kpt)
        if abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point
            vpp[k] = vpp[k].real + vppnl.real
            vpp[k] += vppnl

    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
        vpp = vpp[0]
    return vpp
文件: fft.py 项目: zhcui/mpi4pyscf
def get_pp(mydf, kpts=None):
    mydf = _sync_mydf(mydf)
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))
    if abs(kpts_lst).sum() < 1e-9:
        dtype = numpy.float64
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    mesh = mydf.mesh
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(mesh)
    vpplocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell, Gv)
    vpplocG = -numpy.einsum('ij,ij->j', SI, vpplocG)
    ngrids = len(vpplocG)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    nkpts = len(kpts_lst)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, mesh).real
    vpp = numpy.zeros((nkpts, nao, nao), dtype=dtype)
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_lst):
        ao_ks = ao_ks_etc[0]
        for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
            vpp[k] += lib.dot(ao.T.conj() * vpplocR[p0:p1], ao)
        ao = ao_ks = None
    vpp = mpi.reduce(lib.asarray(vpp))

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    fakemol = gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = numpy.zeros((1, gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    fakemol._bas = numpy.zeros((1, gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
    ptr = gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = numpy.zeros(ptr + 10)
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NPRIM_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.NCTR_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_EXP] = ptr + 3
    fakemol._bas[0, gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr + 4

    # buf for SPG_lmi upto l=0..3 and nl=3
    buf = numpy.empty((48, ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)

    def vppnl_by_k(kpt):
        Gk = Gv + kpt
        G_rad = lib.norm(Gk, axis=1)
        aokG = ft_ao.ft_ao(cell, Gv, kpt=kpt) * (ngrids / cell.vol)
        vppnl = 0
        for ia in range(cell.natm):
            symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
            if symb not in cell._pseudo:
            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
            p1 = 0
            for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
                rl, nl, hl = proj
                if nl > 0:
                    fakemol._bas[0, gto.ANG_OF] = l
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 3] = .5 * rl**2
                    fakemol._env[ptr + 4] = rl**(l + 1.5) * numpy.pi**1.25
                    pYlm_part = dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gk, deriv=0)

                    p0, p1 = p1, p1 + nl * (l * 2 + 1)
                    # pYlm is real, SI[ia] is complex
                    pYlm = numpy.ndarray((nl, l * 2 + 1, ngrids),
                    for k in range(nl):
                        qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad * rl, l, k)
                        pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                    #:SPG_lmi = numpy.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                    #:SPG_lm_aoG = numpy.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                    #:tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                    #:vppnl += numpy.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
            if p1 > 0:
                SPG_lmi = buf[:p1]
                SPG_lmi *= SI[ia].conj()
                SPG_lm_aoGs = lib.zdot(SPG_lmi, aokG)
                p1 = 0
                for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
                    rl, nl, hl = proj
                    if nl > 0:
                        p0, p1 = p1, p1 + nl * (l * 2 + 1)
                        hl = numpy.asarray(hl)
                        SPG_lm_aoG = SPG_lm_aoGs[p0:p1].reshape(
                            nl, l * 2 + 1, -1)
                        tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                        vppnl += numpy.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(),
        return vppnl * (1. / ngrids**2)

    vppnl = []
    for kpt in mpi.static_partition(kpts_lst):
    vppnl = mpi.gather(lib.asarray(vppnl))

    if rank == 0:
        for k in range(nkpts):
            if dtype == numpy.float64:
                vpp[k] += vppnl[k].real
                vpp[k] += vppnl[k]
        if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3, ):
            vpp = vpp[0]
        return vpp