def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    unittest_glob = opts.unittest_glob
    temp_filepath = opts.temp_filepath
    script_usage_tests = opts.script_usage_tests
    suppress_unit_tests = opts.suppress_unit_tests
    suppress_script_usage_tests = opts.suppress_script_usage_tests

    # since the test data is in the tests folder just add scripts_test_data
    emperor_test_data_dir = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)),

    # offer the option for the user to pass the scripts dir from the command
    # line since there is no other way to get the scripts dir. If not provided
    # the base structure of the repository will be assumed. Note that for both
    # cases we are using absolute paths, to avoid unwanted failures.
    if opts.emperor_scripts_dir is None:
        emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(
            join(get_emperor_project_dir(), 'scripts/'))

        # let's try to guess cases for qiime-deploy type of installs
        if get_emperor_project_dir().endswith('/lib'):
            emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(
                join(get_emperor_project_dir()[:-3], 'scripts/'))

        emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(opts.emperor_scripts_dir)

    # make a sanity check
    if (suppress_unit_tests and suppress_script_usage_tests):
        option_parser.error("All tests have been suppresed. Nothing to run.")

    test_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__))

    unittest_good_pattern = re.compile('OK\s*$')
    application_not_found_pattern = re.compile('ApplicationNotFoundError')
    python_name = 'python'
    bad_tests = []
    missing_application_tests = []

    # Run through all of Emperor's unit tests, and keep track of any files which
    # fail unit tests, note that these are the unit tests only
    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        unittest_names = []
        if not unittest_glob:
            for root, dirs, files in walk(test_dir):
                for name in files:
                    if name.startswith('test_') and name.endswith('.py'):
                        unittest_names.append(join(root, name))
            for fp in glob(unittest_glob):
                fn = split(fp)[1]
                if fn.startswith('test_') and fn.endswith('.py'):


        for unittest_name in unittest_names:
            print "Testing %s:\n" % unittest_name
            command = '%s %s -v' % (python_name, unittest_name)
            stdout, stderr, return_value = qcli_system_call(command)
            print stderr
            if not unittest_good_pattern.search(stderr):
                if application_not_found_pattern.search(stderr):

    script_usage_failures = 0

    # choose to run some of the script usage tests or all the available ones
    if not suppress_script_usage_tests and exists(emperor_test_data_dir) and\
        if script_usage_tests != None:
            script_tests = script_usage_tests.split(',')
            script_tests = None
        # Run the script usage testing functionality; note that depending on the
        # module where this was imported, the name of the arguments will change
        # that's the reason why I added the name of the arguments in here
        script_usage_result_summary, script_usage_failures = \
            run_script_usage_tests( emperor_test_data_dir,  # test_data_dir
                                    emperor_scripts_dir,    # scripts_dir
                                    temp_filepath,          # working_dir
                                    True,                   # verbose
                                    script_tests,           # tests
                                    None,                   # failure_log_fp
                                    False)                  # force_overwrite

    print "==============\nResult summary\n=============="

    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        print "\nUnit test result summary\n------------------------\n"
        if bad_tests:
            print "\nFailed the following unit tests.\n%s" % '\n'.join(

        if missing_application_tests:
            print "\nFailed the following unit tests, in part or whole due "+\
                "to missing external applications.\nDepending on the Emperor "+\
                "features you plan to use, this may not be critical.\n%s"\
                % '\n'.join(missing_application_tests)

        if not (missing_application_tests or bad_tests):
            print "\nAll unit tests passed.\n\n"

    if not suppress_script_usage_tests:
        if exists(emperor_test_data_dir) and exists(emperor_scripts_dir):
            print "\nScript usage test result summary"+\
            print script_usage_result_summary
                "\nCould not run script usage tests.\nThe Emperor scripts "
                "directory could not be automatically located, try supplying "
                " it manually using the --emperor_scripts_dir option.")

    # In case there were no failures of any type, exit with a return code of 0
    return_code = 1
    if (len(bad_tests) == 0 and len(missing_application_tests) == 0
            and script_usage_failures == 0):
        return_code = 0

    return return_code
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    unittest_glob = opts.unittest_glob
    temp_filepath = opts.temp_filepath
    script_usage_tests = opts.script_usage_tests
    suppress_unit_tests = opts.suppress_unit_tests
    suppress_script_usage_tests = opts.suppress_script_usage_tests
    suppress_javascript_unit_tests = opts.suppress_javascript_unit_tests

    # since the test data is in the tests folder just add scripts_test_data
    emperor_test_data_dir = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)),

    # offer the option for the user to pass the scripts dir from the command
    # line since there is no other way to get the scripts dir. If not provided
    # the base structure of the repository will be assumed. Note that for both
    # cases we are using absolute paths, to avoid unwanted failures.
    if opts.emperor_scripts_dir is None:
        emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(join(get_emperor_project_dir(),

        # let's try to guess cases for qiime-deploy type of installs
        if get_emperor_project_dir().endswith('/lib'):
            emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(join(get_emperor_project_dir()[:-3],

        emperor_scripts_dir = abspath(opts.emperor_scripts_dir)

    # make a sanity check
    if (suppress_unit_tests and suppress_script_usage_tests and
        option_parser.error("All tests have been suppresed. Nothing to run.")

    test_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__))

    unittest_good_pattern = re.compile('OK\s*$')
    application_not_found_pattern = re.compile('ApplicationNotFoundError')
    python_name = 'python'
    bad_tests = []
    missing_application_tests = []

    # Run through all of Emperor's unit tests, and keep track of any files which
    # fail unit tests, note that these are the unit tests only
    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        unittest_names = []
        if not unittest_glob:
            for root, dirs, files in walk(test_dir):
                for name in files:
                    if name.startswith('test_') and name.endswith('.py'):
            for fp in glob(unittest_glob):
                fn = split(fp)[1]
                if fn.startswith('test_') and fn.endswith('.py'):


        for unittest_name in unittest_names:
            print "Testing %s:\n" % unittest_name
            command = '%s %s -v' % (python_name, unittest_name)
            stdout, stderr, return_value = qcli_system_call(command)
            print stderr
            if not unittest_good_pattern.search(stderr):
                if application_not_found_pattern.search(stderr):

    script_usage_failures = 0

    # choose to run some of the script usage tests or all the available ones
    if not suppress_script_usage_tests and exists(emperor_test_data_dir) and\
        if script_usage_tests != None:
            script_tests = script_usage_tests.split(',')
            script_tests = None

        initial_working_directory = getcwd()

        # Run the script usage testing functionality; note that depending on the
        # module where this was imported, the name of the arguments will change
        # that's the reason why I added the name of the arguments in here
        script_usage_result_summary, script_usage_failures = \
            run_script_usage_tests( emperor_test_data_dir,  # test_data_dir
                                    emperor_scripts_dir,    # scripts_dir
                                    temp_filepath,          # working_dir
                                    True,                   # verbose
                                    script_tests,           # tests
                                    None,                   # failure_log_fp
                                    False)                  # force_overwrite

        # running script usage tests breaks the current working directory

    if not suppress_javascript_unit_tests:
        runner = join(test_dir, 'javascript_tests', 'runner.js')
        index = join(test_dir, 'javascript_tests', 'index.html')

        o, e, r = qcli_system_call('phantomjs %s %s' % (runner, index))

        if o:
            print o
        if e:
            print e

        # if all the tests passed
        javascript_tests_passed = True if r == 0 else False
        javascript_tests_passed = True

    print "==============\nResult summary\n=============="

    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        print "\nUnit test result summary\n------------------------\n"
        if bad_tests:
            print "\nFailed the following unit tests.\n%s" %'\n'.join(bad_tests)
        if missing_application_tests:
            print "\nFailed the following unit tests, in part or whole due "+\
                "to missing external applications.\nDepending on the Emperor "+\
                "features you plan to use, this may not be critical.\n%s"\
                % '\n'.join(missing_application_tests)
        if not(missing_application_tests or bad_tests):
            print "\nAll unit tests passed.\n"

    if not suppress_script_usage_tests:
        if exists(emperor_test_data_dir) and exists(emperor_scripts_dir):
            print "\nScript usage test result summary"+\
            print script_usage_result_summary
            print ("\nCould not run script usage tests.\nThe Emperor scripts "
                "directory could not be automatically located, try supplying "
                " it manually using the --emperor_scripts_dir option.")

    if not suppress_javascript_unit_tests:
        print ('\nJavaScript unit tests result summary\n'
        if javascript_tests_passed:
            print 'All JavaScript unit tests passed.\n'
            print 'JavaScript unit tests failed, check the summary above.'

    # In case there were no failures of any type, exit with a return code of 0
    return_code = 1
    if (len(bad_tests) == 0 and len(missing_application_tests) == 0 and
        script_usage_failures == 0 and javascript_tests_passed):
        return_code = 0

    return return_code
文件: all_tests.py 项目: wangjs/ili
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    unittest_glob = opts.unittest_glob
    temp_filepath = opts.temp_filepath
    script_usage_tests = opts.script_usage_tests
    suppress_unit_tests = opts.suppress_unit_tests
    suppress_script_usage_tests = opts.suppress_script_usage_tests
    suppress_javascript_unit_tests = opts.suppress_javascript_unit_tests

    # since the test data is in the tests folder just add scripts_test_data
    ili_test_data_dir = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), 'scripts_test_data/')

    # offer the option for the user to pass the scripts dir from the command
    # line since there is no other way to get the scripts dir. If not provided
    # the base structure of the repository will be assumed. Note that for both
    # cases we are using absolute paths, to avoid unwanted failures.
    if opts.ili_scripts_dir is None:
        ili_scripts_dir = abspath(join(get_ili_project_dir(), 'scripts/'))
        ili_scripts_dir = abspath(opts.ili_scripts_dir)

    # make a sanity check
    if (suppress_unit_tests and suppress_script_usage_tests
            and suppress_javascript_unit_tests):
        option_parser.error("All tests have been suppresed. Nothing to run.")

    test_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__))

    unittest_good_pattern = re.compile('OK\s*$')
    application_not_found_pattern = re.compile('ApplicationNotFoundError')
    python_name = 'python'
    bad_tests = []
    missing_application_tests = []

    # Run through all of ili's unit tests, and keep track of any files
    # which fail unit tests, note that these are the unit tests only
    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        unittest_names = []
        if not unittest_glob:
            for root, dirs, files in walk(test_dir):
                for name in files:
                    if name.startswith('test_') and name.endswith('.py'):
                        unittest_names.append(join(root, name))
            for fp in glob(unittest_glob):
                fn = split(fp)[1]
                if fn.startswith('test_') and fn.endswith('.py'):


        for unittest_name in unittest_names:
            print "Testing %s:\n" % unittest_name
            command = '%s %s -v' % (python_name, unittest_name)
            stdout, stderr, return_value = qcli_system_call(command)
            print stderr
            if not unittest_good_pattern.search(stderr):
                if application_not_found_pattern.search(stderr):

    script_usage_failures = 0

    # choose to run some of the script usage tests or all the available ones
    if (not suppress_script_usage_tests and exists(ili_test_data_dir)
            and exists(ili_scripts_dir)):
        if script_usage_tests is not None:
            script_tests = script_usage_tests.split(',')
            script_tests = None

        initial_working_directory = getcwd()

        # Run the script usage testing functionality; note that depending on
        # the module where this was imported, the name of the arguments will
        # change that's the reason why I added the name of the arguments in
        # here
        script_usage_result_summary, script_usage_failures = \
            run_script_usage_tests(ili_test_data_dir,      # test_data_dir
                                   ili_scripts_dir,        # scripts_dir
                                   temp_filepath,          # working_dir
                                   True,                   # verbose
                                   script_tests,           # tests
                                   None,                   # failure_log_fp
                                   False)                  # force_overwrite

        # running script usage tests breaks the current working directory

    if not suppress_javascript_unit_tests:
        runner = join(test_dir, 'javascript_tests', 'runner.js')
        index = join(test_dir, 'javascript_tests', 'index.html')

        o, e, r = qcli_system_call('phantomjs %s %s' % (runner, index))

        if o:
            print o
        if e:
            print e

        # if all the tests passed
        javascript_tests_passed = True if r == 0 else False
        javascript_tests_passed = True

    print "==============\nResult summary\n=============="

    if not suppress_unit_tests:
        print "\nUnit test result summary\n------------------------\n"
        if bad_tests:
            print("\nFailed the following unit tests.\n%s" %

        if missing_application_tests:
                "\nFailed the following unit tests, in part or whole due "
                "to missing external applications.\nDepending on the "
                "ili features you plan to use, this may not be "
                "critical.\n%s" % '\n'.join(missing_application_tests))

        if not (missing_application_tests or bad_tests):
            print "\nAll unit tests passed.\n"

    if not suppress_script_usage_tests:
        if exists(ili_test_data_dir) and exists(ili_scripts_dir):
                "\nScript usage test result summary"
            print script_usage_result_summary
                "\nCould not run script usage tests.\nThe ili scripts "
                "directory could not be automatically located, try "
                "supplying it manually using the --ili_scripts_dir "

    if not suppress_javascript_unit_tests:
            '\nJavaScript unit tests result summary\n'
        if javascript_tests_passed:
            print 'All JavaScript unit tests passed.\n'
            print 'JavaScript unit tests failed, check the summary above.'

    # In case there were no failures of any type, exit with a return code of 0
    return_code = 1
    if (len(bad_tests) == 0 and len(missing_application_tests) == 0
            and script_usage_failures == 0 and javascript_tests_passed):
        return_code = 0

    return return_code