def _validateGenome(cls, choices, validateBinaryTracksIfPresent=True):
        from quick.multitrack.MultiTrackCommon import getGSuiteFromGalaxyTN
        from quick.application.ProcTrackOptions import ProcTrackOptions

        allGSuiteGalaxyTNs = [
            getattr(choices, key) for key in cls.GSUITE_FILE_OPTIONS_BOX_KEYS
        if all(allGSuiteGalaxyTNs):
            if (not cls._allowGenomeOverride(choices)
                ) and cls._getNumUniquelySpecifiedGenomes(choices) > 1:
                return cls.ERROR_GENOME_BUILD_MISMATCH + ', '.join(

            errorStr = GeneralGuiTool._checkGenome(choices.genome)
            if errorStr:
                return errorStr

            if not cls._allowMultipleGenomes(
                    choices) and choices.genome == GSuiteConstants.MULTIPLE:
                return cls.ERROR_MULTIPLE_GENOMES_NOT_ALLOWED

            if validateBinaryTracksIfPresent:
                for galaxyTN in allGSuiteGalaxyTNs:
                    gSuite = getGSuiteFromGalaxyTN(galaxyTN)
                    if gSuite.fileFormat == GSuiteConstants.PREPROCESSED and gSuite.location == GSuiteConstants.LOCAL:
                        for gSuiteTrack in gSuite.allTracks():
                            if not ProcTrackOptions.isValidTrack(
                                    choices.genome, gSuiteTrack.trackName,
                                return cls.ERROR_PREPROCESSED_TRACK_INVALID % gSuiteTrack.title
    def validateAndReturnErrors(choices):
        errorStr = GeneralGuiTool._checkGenome(choices.genome)
        if errorStr:
            return errorStr

        if not choices.seqs:
            return 'Please enter at least one sequence'
    def validateAndReturnErrors(choices):
        Should validate the selected input parameters. If the parameters are not
        valid, an error text explaining the problem should be returned. The GUI
        then shows this text to the user (if not empty) and greys out the
        execute button (even if the text is empty). If all parameters are valid,
        the method should return None, which enables the execute button.
        if choices.selectGenome == 'Yes':
            errorStr = GeneralGuiTool._checkGenome(choices.genome)
            if errorStr:
                return errorStr

        if not any(val is not None for val in choices.history.values()):
            return 'Please select at least one history element'
    def validateAndReturnErrors(cls, choices):
        #if choices[0] == 'Text' and choices[1].strip() == '':
        #    return 'You have to enter a search text'
        if cls.exception:
            return cls.exception

        if in [None, '--Select--'
                              ] or choices.subCategory in [None, '--Select--']:
            return ''
        #if choices.outputType == 'Categorized Search for Tracks':
        if not choices.filetype in [None, '', []] and len([
                x for x, selected in choices.filetype.iteritems() if selected
        ]) == 0:
            return 'You have to select at least one file type'

            if choices.downloadAndPreprocess == 'Yes':
                errorStr = cls._checkGenome(choices.genome)
                if errorStr:
                    return errorStr

        return GeneralGuiTool._checkGenome(choices.genome)