def keepalive(connection, version_msg): """ Periodically sends a ping message to the specified node to maintain open connection. Open connections are tracked in open set with the associated data stored in opendata set in Redis. """ node = connection.to_addr version = version_msg.get('version', "") user_agent = version_msg.get('user_agent', "") start_height = version_msg.get('start_height', 0) now = int(time.time()) data = node + (version, user_agent, now) REDIS_CONN.sadd('open', node) REDIS_CONN.sadd('opendata', data) start_height_key = "start_height:{}-{}".format(node[0], node[1]) start_height_ttl = SETTINGS['keepalive'] * 2 # > keepalive REDIS_CONN.setex(start_height_key, start_height_ttl, start_height) while True: gevent.sleep(SETTINGS['keepalive']) REDIS_CONN.setex(start_height_key, start_height_ttl, start_height) try: except socket.error as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break connection.close() REDIS_CONN.srem('open', node) REDIS_CONN.srem('opendata', data)
def keepalive(connection, version_msg): """ Periodically sends a ping message to the specified node to maintain open connection. Open connections are tracked in open set with the associated data stored in opendata set in Redis. """ node = connection.to_addr version = version_msg.get('version', "") user_agent = version_msg.get('user_agent', "") now = int(time.time()) data = node + (version, user_agent, now) REDIS_CONN.sadd('open', node) REDIS_CONN.sadd('opendata', data) redis_pipe = REDIS_CONN.pipeline() last_ping = now while True: try: wait = int(REDIS_CONN.get('elapsed')) except TypeError as err: wait = 60 if time.time() > last_ping + wait: nonce = random.getrandbits(64) try: except socket.error as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break last_ping = time.time() key = "ping:{}-{}:{}".format(node[0], node[1], nonce) redis_pipe.lpush(key, int(last_ping * 1000)) # in ms redis_pipe.expire(key, SETTINGS['ttl']) redis_pipe.execute() # Sink received messages to flush them off socket buffer try: connection.get_messages() except socket.timeout as err: pass except (ProtocolError, ConnectionError, socket.error) as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break gevent.sleep(0.3) connection.close() REDIS_CONN.srem('open', node) REDIS_CONN.srem('opendata', data)
def keepalive(connection, version_msg): """ Periodically sends a ping message to the specified node to maintain open connection. Open connections are tracked in open set with the associated data stored in opendata set in Redis. """ node = connection.to_addr version = version_msg.get('version', "") user_agent = version_msg.get('user_agent', "") now = int(time.time()) data = node + (version, user_agent, now) REDIS_CONN.sadd('open', node) REDIS_CONN.sadd('opendata', data) last_ping = now while True: try: ttl = int(REDIS_CONN.get('elapsed')) except TypeError as err: ttl = 60 if time.time() > last_ping + ttl: try: except socket.error as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break last_ping = time.time() try: msgs = connection.get_messages(commands=["ping"]) except socket.timeout as err: pass except (ProtocolError, socket.error) as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break else: for msg in msgs: logging.debug("Pong {} ({})".format(node, msg['nonce'])) connection.pong(msg['nonce']) gevent.sleep(0.3) connection.close() REDIS_CONN.srem('open', node) REDIS_CONN.srem('opendata', data)
def keepalive(connection, version_msg): """ Periodically sends a ping message to the specified node to maintain open connection. Open connections are tracked in open set with the associated data stored in opendata set in Redis. """ node = connection.to_addr version = version_msg.get('version', "") user_agent = version_msg.get('user_agent', "") now = int(time.time()) data = node + (version, user_agent, now) REDIS_CONN.sadd('open', node) REDIS_CONN.sadd('opendata', data) last_ping = now while True: try: ttl = int(REDIS_CONN.get('elapsed')) except TypeError as err: ttl = 60 if time.time() > last_ping + ttl: try: except socket.error as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break last_ping = time.time() # Sink received messages to flush them off socket buffer try: connection.get_messages() except socket.timeout as err: pass except (ProtocolError, socket.error) as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break gevent.sleep(0.3) connection.close() REDIS_CONN.srem('open', node) REDIS_CONN.srem('opendata', data)
def keepalive(connection, version_msg): """ Periodically sends a ping message to the specified node to maintain open connection and yields received inv messages. Open connections are tracked in open set with the associated data stored in opendata set in Redis. """ node = connection.to_addr version = version_msg.get('version', "") user_agent = version_msg.get('user_agent', "") start_height = version_msg.get('start_height', 0) now = int(time.time()) data = node + (version, user_agent, now) REDIS_CONN.sadd('open', node) REDIS_CONN.sadd('opendata', data) start_height_key = "start_height:{}-{}".format(node[0], node[1]) start_height_ttl = SETTINGS['keepalive'] * 2 # > keepalive REDIS_CONN.setex(start_height_key, start_height_ttl, start_height) last_ping = now while True: if time.time() > last_ping + SETTINGS['keepalive']: REDIS_CONN.expire(start_height_key, start_height_ttl) try: logging.debug("Ping: {}".format(node)) except socket.error as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break last_ping = time.time() try: msgs = connection.get_messages(commands=["inv"]) except socket.timeout as err: logging.debug("{}: {}".format(node, err)) except (ProtocolError, socket.error) as err: logging.debug("Closing {} ({})".format(node, err)) break else: yield msgs gevent.sleep() connection.close() REDIS_CONN.srem('open', node) REDIS_CONN.srem('opendata', data)