def _plot_valfun(self, VMat, xlim=None, ylim=None): """ :returns: handle to the figure """ plt.figure("Value Function") #pl.xticks(self.xTicks,self.xTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.yticks(self.yTicks,self.yTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.xlabel(r"$\theta$ (degree)") #pl.ylabel(r"$\dot{\theta}$ (degree/sec)") plt.title('Value Function') if xlim is not None and ylim is not None: extent = [xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]] else: extent = [0, 1, 0, 1] self.valueFunction_fig = plt.imshow( VMat, cmap='ValueFunction', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=extent) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=VMat.min(), vmax=VMat.max()) self.valueFunction_fig.set_data(VMat) self.valueFunction_fig.set_norm(norm) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0, s=None): if s is None: s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.domain_fig is None: self.agent_fig = plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='GridWorld', interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=5) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) # pl.tight_layout() self.agent_fig = plt.gca().plot(s[1], s[0], 'kd', markersize=20.0 - self.COLS) self.agent_fig.pop(0).remove() self.agent_fig = plt.figure("Domain") #mapcopy = copy( #mapcopy[s[0],s[1]] = self.AGENT # self.domain_fig.set_data(mapcopy) # Instead of '>' you can use 'D', 'o' self.agent_fig = plt.gca().plot(s[1], s[0], 'k>', markersize=20.0 - self.COLS) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.circles is None: self.domain_fig = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.figure(1, (self.chainSize * 2 / 10.0, 2)) self.domain_fig.set_xlim(0, self.chainSize * 2 / 10.0) self.domain_fig.set_ylim(0, 2) self.domain_fig.add_patch( mpatches.Circle( (1 / 5.0 + 2 / 10.0 * (self.chainSize - 1), self.Y), self.RADIUS * 1.1, fc="w")) # Make the last one double circle self.domain_fig.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.domain_fig.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.circles = [ mpatches.Circle((1 / 5.0 + 2 / 10.0 * i, self.Y), self.RADIUS, fc="w") for i in range(self.chainSize) ] for i in range(self.chainSize): self.domain_fig.add_patch(self.circles[i]) for p in self.circles: p.set_facecolor('w') for p in self.GOAL_STATES: self.circles[p].set_facecolor('g') self.circles[s].set_facecolor('k') plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0, s=None): if s is None: s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.domain_fig is None: self.agent_fig = plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='GridWorld', interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=5) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) # pl.tight_layout() self.agent_fig = plt.gca( ).plot(s[1], s[0], 'kd', markersize=20.0 - self.COLS) self.agent_fig.pop(0).remove() self.agent_fig = plt.figure("Domain") #mapcopy = copy( #mapcopy[s[0],s[1]] = self.AGENT # self.domain_fig.set_data(mapcopy) # Instead of '>' you can use 'D', 'o' self.agent_fig = plt.gca( ).plot(s[1], s[0], 'k>', markersize=20.0 - self.COLS) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=None): if a is not None: a = self.actions[a] T = np.empty((self.d, 2)) T[:, 0] = np.cos(self.theta) T[:, 1] = np.sin(self.theta) R =, T) R1 = R - .5 * self.lengths[:, None] * T R2 = R + .5 * self.lengths[:, None] * T Rx = np.hstack([R1[:, 0], R2[:, 0]]) + self.pos_cm[0] Ry = np.hstack([R1[:, 1], R2[:, 1]]) + self.pos_cm[1] print(Rx) print(Ry) f = plt.figure("Swimmer Domain") if not hasattr(self, "swimmer_lines"): plt.plot(0., 0., "ro") self.swimmer_lines = plt.plot(Rx, Ry)[0] self.action_text = plt.text(-2, -8, str(a)) plt.xlim(-5, 15) plt.ylim(-10, 10) else: self.swimmer_lines.set_data(Rx, Ry) self.action_text.set_text(str(a)) plt.figure("Swimmer Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Swimmer Domain").canvas.flush_events()
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.circles is None: self.domain_fig = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.figure(1, (self.chainSize * 2 / 10.0, 2)) self.domain_fig.set_xlim(0, self.chainSize * 2 / 10.0) self.domain_fig.set_ylim(0, 2) self.domain_fig.add_patch( mpatches.Circle((1 / 5.0 + 2 / 10.0 * (self.chainSize - 1), self.Y), self.RADIUS * 1.1, fc="w")) # Make the last one double circle self.domain_fig.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.domain_fig.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.circles = [mpatches.Circle((1 / 5.0 + 2 / 10.0 * i, self.Y), self.RADIUS, fc="w") for i in range(self.chainSize)] for i in range(self.chainSize): self.domain_fig.add_patch(self.circles[i]) for p in self.circles: p.set_facecolor('w') for p in self.GOAL_STATES: self.circles[p].set_facecolor('g') self.circles[s].set_facecolor('k') plt.draw()
def showExploration(self): plt.figure() plt.scatter([i[0] for i in self.visited_states], [i[1] for i in self.visited_states], color='k') plt.scatter([self.src['x']], [self.src['y']], color='r') plt.scatter([['x']], [['y']], color='b')
def showLearning(self, representation): pi = np.zeros( (self.X_discretization, self.XDot_discretization), 'uint8') V = np.zeros((self.X_discretization, self.XDot_discretization)) if self.valueFunction_fig is None: self.valueFunction_fig = plt.figure("Value Function") self.valueFunction_im = plt.imshow( V, cmap='ValueFunction', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=self.MIN_RETURN, vmax=self.MAX_RETURN) plt.xticks(self.xTicks, self.xTicksLabels, fontsize=12) plt.yticks(self.yTicks, self.yTicksLabels, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r"$x$") plt.ylabel(r"$\dot x$") self.policy_fig = plt.figure("Policy") self.policy_im = plt.imshow( pi, cmap='MountainCarActions', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=self.actions_num) plt.xticks(self.xTicks, self.xTicksLabels, fontsize=12) plt.yticks(self.yTicks, self.yTicksLabels, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r"$x$") plt.ylabel(r"$\dot x$") for row, xDot in enumerate(np.linspace(self.XDOTMIN, self.XDOTMAX, self.XDot_discretization)): for col, x in enumerate(np.linspace(self.XMIN, self.XMAX, self.X_discretization)): s = [x, xDot] Qs = representation.Qs(s, False) As = self.possibleActions() pi[row, col] = representation.bestAction(s, False, As) V[row, col] = max(Qs) self.valueFunction_im.set_data(V) self.policy_im.set_data(pi) self.valueFunction_fig = plt.figure("Value Function") plt.draw() self.policy_fig = plt.figure("Policy") plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a): s = self.state # Plot the car x, y, speed, heading = s car_xmin = x - self.REAR_WHEEL_RELATIVE_LOC car_ymin = y - self.CAR_WIDTH / 2. if self.domain_fig is None: # Need to initialize the figure self.domain_fig = plt.figure() # Goal plt.gca().add_patch( plt.Circle(self.GOAL, radius=self.GOAL_RADIUS, color='g', alpha=.4)) plt.xlim([self.XMIN, self.XMAX]) plt.ylim([self.YMIN, self.YMAX]) plt.gca().set_aspect('1') # Car if self.car_fig is not None: plt.gca().patches.remove(self.car_fig) self.car_fig = mpatches.Rectangle([car_xmin, car_ymin], self.CAR_LENGTH, self.CAR_WIDTH, alpha=.4) rotation = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around( x, y, heading * 180 / np.pi) + plt.gca().transData self.car_fig.set_transform(rotation) plt.gca().add_patch(self.car_fig) plt.draw()
def plot(self, y="return", x="learning_steps", save=False): """Plots the performance of the experiment This function has only limited capabilities. For more advanced plotting of results consider :py:class:`Tools.Merger.Merger`. """ labels = rlpy.Tools.results.default_labels performance_fig = plt.figure("Performance") res = self.result plt.plot(res[x], res[y], '-bo', lw=3, markersize=10) plt.xlim(0, res[x][-1] * 1.01) y_arr = np.array(res[y]) m = y_arr.min() M = y_arr.max() delta = M - m if delta > 0: plt.ylim(m - .1 * delta - .1, M + .1 * delta + .1) xlabel = labels[x] if x in labels else x ylabel = labels[y] if y in labels else y plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) if save: path = os.path.join( self.full_path, "{:3}-performance.pdf".format(self.exp_id)) performance_fig.savefig(path, transparent=True, pad_inches=.1) plt.ioff()
def plot(self, y="return", x="learning_steps", save=False): """Plots the performance of the experiment This function has only limited capabilities. For more advanced plotting of results consider :py:class:`Tools.Merger.Merger`. """ labels = rlpy.Tools.results.default_labels performance_fig = plt.figure("Performance") res = self.result plt.plot(res[x], res[y], '-bo', lw=3, markersize=10) plt.xlim(0, res[x][-1] * 1.01) y_arr = np.array(res[y]) m = y_arr.min() M = y_arr.max() delta = M - m if delta > 0: plt.ylim(m - .1 * delta - .1, M + .1 * delta + .1) xlabel = labels[x] if x in labels else x ylabel = labels[y] if y in labels else y plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) if save: path = os.path.join(self.full_path, "{:3}-performance.pdf".format(self.exp_id)) performance_fig.savefig(path, transparent=True, pad_inches=.1) plt.ioff()
def showDomain(self, a): s = self.state # Plot the car x, y, speed, heading = s car_xmin = x - self.REAR_WHEEL_RELATIVE_LOC car_ymin = y - old_div(self.CAR_WIDTH, 2.) if self.domain_fig is None: # Need to initialize the figure self.domain_fig = plt.figure() # Goal plt.gca( ).add_patch( plt.Circle( self.GOAL, radius=self.GOAL_RADIUS, color='g', alpha=.4)) plt.xlim([self.XMIN, self.XMAX]) plt.ylim([self.YMIN, self.YMAX]) plt.gca().set_aspect('1') # Car if self.car_fig is not None: plt.gca().patches.remove(self.car_fig) self.car_fig = mpatches.Rectangle( [car_xmin, car_ymin], self.CAR_LENGTH, self.CAR_WIDTH, alpha=.4) rotation = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around( x, y, heading * 180 / np.pi) + plt.gca().transData self.car_fig.set_transform(rotation) plt.gca().add_patch(self.car_fig) plt.draw()
def _plot_policy(self, piMat, title="Policy", var="policy_fig", xlim=None, ylim=None): """ :returns: handle to the figure """ if getattr(self, var, None) is None: plt.figure(title) # define the colormap cmap = # extract all colors from the .jet map cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] # force the first color entry to be grey cmaplist[0] = (.5, .5, .5, 1.0) # create the new map cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N) # define the bins and normalize bounds = np.linspace(0, self.actions_num, self.actions_num + 1) norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) if xlim is not None and ylim is not None: extent = [xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]] else: extent = [0, 1, 0, 1] self.__dict__[var] = plt.imshow(piMat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extent=extent) #pl.xticks(self.xTicks,self.xTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.yticks(self.yTicks,self.yTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.xlabel(r"$\theta$ (degree)") #pl.ylabel(r"$\dot{\theta}$ (degree/sec)") plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() plt.figure(title) self.__dict__[var].set_data(piMat) plt.draw()
def gridworld_showlearning(self, representation): dom = self.actual_domain if self.valueFunction_fig is None: plt.figure("Value Function") self.valueFunction_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='ValueFunction', interpolation='nearest', vmin=dom.MIN_RETURN, vmax=dom.MAX_RETURN) plt.xticks(np.arange(dom.COLS), fontsize=12) plt.yticks(np.arange(dom.ROWS), fontsize=12) # Create quivers for each action. 4 in total plt.figure("Value Function") V = self.get_value_function(representation) # print Acts # Show Value Function self.valueFunction_fig.set_data(V) plt.draw()
def _plot_policy(self, piMat, title="Policy", var="policy_fig", xlim=None, ylim=None): """ :returns: handle to the figure """ if getattr(self, var, None) is None: plt.figure(title) # define the colormap cmap = # extract all colors from the .jet map cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] # force the first color entry to be grey cmaplist[0] = (.5, .5, .5, 1.0) # create the new map cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N) # define the bins and normalize bounds = np.linspace(0, self.actions_num, self.actions_num + 1) norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) if xlim is not None and ylim is not None: extent = [xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]] else: extent = [0, 1, 0, 1] self.__dict__[var] = plt.imshow( piMat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extent=extent) #pl.xticks(self.xTicks,self.xTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.yticks(self.yTicks,self.yTicksLabels, fontsize=12) #pl.xlabel(r"$\theta$ (degree)") #pl.ylabel(r"$\dot{\theta}$ (degree/sec)") plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() plt.figure(title) self.__dict__[var].set_data(piMat) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0): # Draw the environment s = self.state world = np.zeros((self.blocks, self.blocks), 'uint8') undrawn_blocks = np.arange(self.blocks) while len(undrawn_blocks): A = undrawn_blocks[0] B = s[A] undrawn_blocks = undrawn_blocks[1:] if B == A: # => A is on Table world[0, A] = A + 1 # 0 is white thats why! else: # See if B is already drawn i, j = findElemArray2D(B + 1, world) if len(i): world[i + 1, j] = A + 1 # 0 is white thats why! else: # Put it in the back of the list undrawn_blocks = np.hstack((undrawn_blocks, [A])) if self.domain_fig is None: plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.imshow( world, cmap='BlocksWorld', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') # ,vmin=0,vmax=self.blocks) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.blocks), fontsize=FONTSIZE) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.blocks), fontsize=FONTSIZE) # pl.tight_layout() plt.axis('off') else: self.domain_fig.set_data(world) plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events()
def showDomain(self, a): if self.gcf is None: self.gcf = plt.gcf() s = self.state # Plot the car x, y, speed, heading = s car_xmin = x - self.REAR_WHEEL_RELATIVE_LOC car_ymin = y - self.CAR_WIDTH / 2. if self.domain_fig is None: # Need to initialize the figure self.domain_fig = plt.figure() # Goal plt.gca( ).add_patch( plt.Circle( self.GOAL, radius=self.GOAL_RADIUS, color='g', alpha=.4)) plt.xlim([self.XMIN, self.XMAX]) plt.ylim([self.YMIN, self.YMAX]) plt.gca().set_aspect('1') # Car if self.car_fig is not None: plt.gca().patches.remove(self.car_fig) if self.slips: slip_x, slip_y = zip(*self.slips) try: line = plt.axes().lines[0] if len(line.get_xdata()) != len(slip_x): # if plot has discrepancy from data line.set_xdata(slip_x) line.set_ydata(slip_y) except IndexError: plt.plot(slip_x, slip_y, 'x', color='b') self.car_fig = mpatches.Rectangle( [car_xmin, car_ymin], self.CAR_LENGTH, self.CAR_WIDTH, alpha=.4) rotation = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around( x, y, heading * 180 / np.pi) + plt.gca().transData self.car_fig.set_transform(rotation) plt.gca().add_patch(self.car_fig) plt.draw() # self.gcf.canvas.draw() plt.pause(0.001)
def showDomain(self, a=0, s=None): """ shows a live graph of each concentration """ # only update the graph every couple of steps, otherwise it is # extremely slow if self.t % self.show_domain_every != 0 and not self.t >= self.episodeCap: return n = self.state_space_dims + 1 names = list(self.state_names) + ["Action"] colors = ["b", "b", "b", "b", "r", "g", "k"] handles = getattr(self, "_state_graph_handles", None) plt.figure("Domain", figsize=(12, 10)) if handles is None: handles = [] f, axes = plt.subplots( n, sharex=True, num="Domain", figsize=(12, 10)) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) for i in range(n): ax = axes[i] d = np.arange(self.episodeCap + 1) * 5 ax.set_ylabel(names[i]) ax.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) handles.append( ax.plot(d, self.episode_data[i], color=colors[i])[0]) self._state_graph_handles = handles ax.set_xlabel("Days") for i in range(n): handles[i].set_ydata(self.episode_data[i]) ax = handles[i].get_axes() ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0, s=None): """ shows a live graph of each concentration """ # only update the graph every couple of steps, otherwise it is # extremely slow if self.t % self.show_domain_every != 0 and not self.t >= self.episodeCap: return n = self.state_space_dims + 1 names = list(self.state_names) + ["Action"] colors = ["b", "b", "b", "b", "r", "g", "k"] handles = getattr(self, "_state_graph_handles", None) plt.figure("Domain", figsize=(12, 10)) if handles is None: handles = [] f, axes = plt.subplots(n, sharex=True, num="Domain", figsize=(12, 10)) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) for i in range(n): ax = axes[i] d = np.arange(self.episodeCap + 1) * 5 ax.set_ylabel(names[i]) ax.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) handles.append( ax.plot(d, self.episode_data[i], color=colors[i])[0]) self._state_graph_handles = handles ax.set_xlabel("Days") for i in range(n): handles[i].set_ydata(self.episode_data[i]) ax = handles[i].get_axes() ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0): # Draw the environment s = self.state s = s[0] if self.circles is None: fig = plt.figure(1, (self.chainSize * 2, 2)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, aspect=1.) ax.set_xlim(0, self.chainSize * 2) ax.set_ylim(0, 2) # Make the last one double circle ax.add_patch( mpatches.Circle((1 + 2 * (self.chainSize - 1), self.Y), self.RADIUS * 1.1, fc="w")) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.circles = [mpatches.Circle((1 + 2 * i, self.Y), self.RADIUS, fc="w") for i in range(self.chainSize)] for i in range(self.chainSize): ax.add_patch(self.circles[i]) if i != self.chainSize - 1: fromAtoB( 1 + 2 * i + self.SHIFT, self.Y + self.SHIFT, 1 + 2 * (i + 1) - self.SHIFT, self.Y + self.SHIFT) if i != self.chainSize - 2: fromAtoB( 1 + 2 * (i + 1) - self.SHIFT, self.Y - self.SHIFT, 1 + 2 * i + self.SHIFT, self.Y - self.SHIFT, 'r') fromAtoB( .75, self.Y - 1.5 * self.SHIFT, .75, self.Y + 1.5 * self.SHIFT, 'r', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=-1.2') [p.set_facecolor('w') for p in self.circles] self.circles[s].set_facecolor('k') plt.draw()
def plot_trials(self, y="eps_return", x="learning_steps", average=10, save=False): """Plots the performance of the experiment This function has only limited capabilities. For more advanced plotting of results consider :py:class:`Tools.Merger.Merger`. """ def movingaverage(interval, window_size): window = np.ones(int(window_size)) / float(window_size) return np.convolve(interval, window, 'same') labels = rlpy.Tools.results.default_labels performance_fig = plt.figure("Performance") trials = self.trials y_arr = np.array(trials[y]) if average: assert type(average) is int, "Filter length is not an integer!" y_arr = movingaverage(y_arr, average) plt.plot(trials[x], y_arr, '-bo', lw=3, markersize=10) plt.xlim(0, trials[x][-1] * 1.01) m = y_arr.min() M = y_arr.max() delta = M - m if delta > 0: plt.ylim(m - .1 * delta - .1, M + .1 * delta + .1) xlabel = labels[x] if x in labels else x ylabel = labels[y] if y in labels else y plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) if save: path = os.path.join(self.full_path, "{:3}-trials.pdf".format(self.exp_id)) performance_fig.savefig(path, transparent=True, pad_inches=.1) plt.ioff()
def showDomain(self, a): s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.domain_fig is None: plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='IntruderMonitoring', interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=3) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) if self.ally_fig is not None: self.ally_fig.pop(0).remove() self.intruder_fig.pop(0).remove() s_ally = s[0:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape((-1, 2)) s_intruder = s[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape((-1, 2)) self.ally_fig = plt.plot( s_ally[:, 1], s_ally[:, 0], 'bo', markersize=30.0, alpha=.7, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=2) self.intruder_fig = plt.plot( s_intruder[:, 1], s_intruder[:, 0], 'g>', color='gray', markersize=30.0, alpha=.7, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=2) plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events()
def showDomain(self, a): s = self.state # Draw the environment if self.domain_fig is None: plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='IntruderMonitoring', interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=3) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=FONTSIZE) if self.ally_fig is not None: self.ally_fig.pop(0).remove() self.intruder_fig.pop(0).remove() s_ally = s[0:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape((-1, 2)) s_intruder = s[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape((-1, 2)) self.ally_fig = plt.plot(s_ally[:, 1], s_ally[:, 0], 'bo', markersize=30.0, alpha=.7, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=2) self.intruder_fig = plt.plot(s_intruder[:, 1], s_intruder[:, 0], 'g>', color='gray', markersize=30.0, alpha=.7, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=2) plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events()
def showLearning(self, representation): if self.valueFunction_fig is None: plt.figure("Value Function") self.valueFunction_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='ValueFunction', interpolation='nearest', vmin=self.MIN_RETURN, vmax=self.MAX_RETURN) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=12) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=12) # Create quivers for each action. 4 in total X = np.arange(self.ROWS) - self.SHIFT Y = np.arange(self.COLS) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) DX = DY = np.ones(X.shape) C = np.zeros(X.shape) C[0, 0] = 1 # Making sure C has both 0 and 1 # length of arrow/width of bax. Less then 0.5 because each arrow is # offset, 0.4 looks nice but could be better/auto generated arrow_ratio = 0.4 Max_Ratio_ArrowHead_to_ArrowLength = 0.25 ARROW_WIDTH = 0.5 * Max_Ratio_ArrowHead_to_ArrowLength / 5.0 self.upArrows_fig = plt.quiver(Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='y', cmap='Actions', scale_units="height", scale=self.ROWS / arrow_ratio, width=-1 * ARROW_WIDTH) self.upArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) + self.SHIFT Y = np.arange(self.COLS) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.downArrows_fig = plt.quiver(Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='y', cmap='Actions', scale_units="height", scale=self.ROWS / arrow_ratio, width=-1 * ARROW_WIDTH) self.downArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) Y = np.arange(self.COLS) - self.SHIFT X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.leftArrows_fig = plt.quiver(Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='x', cmap='Actions', scale_units="width", scale=self.COLS / arrow_ratio, width=ARROW_WIDTH) self.leftArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) Y = np.arange(self.COLS) + self.SHIFT X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.rightArrows_fig = plt.quiver(Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='x', cmap='Actions', scale_units="width", scale=self.COLS / arrow_ratio, width=ARROW_WIDTH) self.rightArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.figure("Value Function") V = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) # Boolean 3 dimensional array. The third array highlights the action. # Thie mask is used to see in which cells what actions should exist Mask = np.ones((self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='bool') arrowSize = np.zeros((self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='float') # 0 = suboptimal action, 1 = optimal action arrowColors = np.zeros((self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='uint8') for r in xrange(self.ROWS): for c in xrange(self.COLS): if[r, c] == self.BLOCKED: V[r, c] = 0 if[r, c] == self.GOAL: V[r, c] = self.MAX_RETURN if[r, c] == self.PIT: V[r, c] = self.MIN_RETURN if[r, c] == self.EMPTY or[r, c] == self.START: s = np.array([r, c]) As = self.possibleActions(s) terminal = self.isTerminal(s) Qs = representation.Qs(s, terminal) bestA = representation.bestActions(s, terminal, As) V[r, c] = max(Qs[As]) Mask[c, r, As] = False arrowColors[c, r, bestA] = 1 for i in xrange(len(As)): a = As[i] Q = Qs[i] value = linearMap(Q, self.MIN_RETURN, self.MAX_RETURN, 0, 1) arrowSize[c, r, a] = value # Show Value Function self.valueFunction_fig.set_data(V) # Show Policy Up Arrows DX = arrowSize[:, :, 0] DY = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 0]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 0]) C =[:, :, 0], mask=Mask[:, :, 0]) self.upArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Down Arrows DX = -arrowSize[:, :, 1] DY = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 1]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 1]) C =[:, :, 1], mask=Mask[:, :, 1]) self.downArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Left Arrows DX = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DY = -arrowSize[:, :, 2] DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 2]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 2]) C =[:, :, 2], mask=Mask[:, :, 2]) self.leftArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Right Arrows DX = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DY = arrowSize[:, :, 3] DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 3]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 3]) C =[:, :, 3], mask=Mask[:, :, 3]) self.rightArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state if self.domain_fig is None: self.domain_fig = plt.figure( 1, (UAVLocation.SIZE * self.dist_between_locations + 1, self.NUM_UAV + 1)) plt.clf() # Draw the environment # Allocate horizontal 'lanes' for UAVs to traverse # Formerly, we checked if this was the first time plotting; wedge shapes cannot be removed from # matplotlib environment, nor can their properties be changed, without clearing the figure # Thus, we must redraw the figure on each timestep # if self.location_rect_vis is None: # Figure with x width corresponding to number of location states, UAVLocation.SIZE # and rows (lanes) set aside in y for each UAV (NUM_UAV total lanes). # Add buffer of 1 self.subplot_axes = self.domain_fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, aspect=1.) crashLocationX = 2 * \ (self.dist_between_locations) * (UAVLocation.SIZE - 1) self.subplot_axes.set_xlim(0, 1 + crashLocationX + self.RECT_GAP) self.subplot_axes.set_ylim(0, 1 + self.NUM_UAV) self.subplot_axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.subplot_axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) # Assign coordinates of each possible uav location on figure self.location_coord = [ 0.5 + (self.LOCATION_WIDTH / 2) + (self.dist_between_locations) * i for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1) ] self.location_coord.append(crashLocationX + self.LOCATION_WIDTH / 2) # Create rectangular patches at each of those locations self.location_rect_vis = [ mpatches.Rectangle([0.5 + (self.dist_between_locations) * i, 0], self.LOCATION_WIDTH, self.NUM_UAV * 2, fc='w') for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1) ] self.location_rect_vis.append( mpatches.Rectangle([crashLocationX, 0], self.LOCATION_WIDTH, self.NUM_UAV * 2, fc='w')) [ self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.location_rect_vis[i]) for i in range(4) ] self.comms_line = [ lines.Line2D([ 0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + (self.dist_between_locations) * i, 0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + (self.dist_between_locations) * i + self.RECT_GAP ], [self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5, self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5], linewidth=3, color='black', visible=False) for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 2) ] self.comms_line.append( lines.Line2D([ 0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + (self.dist_between_locations) * 2, crashLocationX ], [self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5, self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5], linewidth=3, color='black', visible=False)) # Create location text below rectangles locText = ["Base", "Refuel", "Communication", "Surveillance"] self.location_rect_txt = [ plt.text(0.5 + self.dist_between_locations * i + 0.5 * self.LOCATION_WIDTH, -0.3, locText[i], ha='center') for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1) ] self.location_rect_txt.append( plt.text(crashLocationX + 0.5 * self.LOCATION_WIDTH, -0.3, locText[UAVLocation.SIZE - 1], ha='center')) # Initialize list of circle objects uav_x = self.location_coord[UAVLocation.BASE] # Update the member variables storing all the figure objects self.uav_circ_vis = [ mpatches.Circle((uav_x, 1 + uav_id), self.UAV_RADIUS, fc="w") for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV) ] self.uav_text_vis = [None for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV)] # f**k self.uav_sensor_vis = [ mpatches.Wedge((uav_x + self.SENSOR_REL_X, 1 + uav_id), self.SENSOR_LENGTH, -30, 30) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV) ] self.uav_actuator_vis = [ mpatches.Wedge((uav_x, 1 + uav_id + self.ACTUATOR_REL_Y), self.ACTUATOR_HEIGHT, 60, 120) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV) ] # The following was executed when we used to check if the environment needed re-drawing: see above. # Remove all UAV circle objects from visualization # else: # [self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # [self.uav_text_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # [self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # For each UAV: # Draw a circle, with text inside = amt fuel remaining # Triangle on top of UAV for comms, black = good, red = bad # Triangle in front of UAV for surveillance sStruct = self.state2Struct(s) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV): # Assign all the variables corresponding to this UAV for this iteration; # this could alternately be done with a UAV class whose objects keep track # of these variables. Elect to use lists here since ultimately the state # must be a vector anyway. # State index corresponding to the location of this uav uav_location = sStruct.locations[uav_id] uav_fuel = sStruct.fuel[uav_id] uav_sensor = sStruct.sensor[uav_id] uav_actuator = sStruct.actuator[uav_id] # Assign coordinates on figure where UAV should be drawn uav_x = self.location_coord[uav_location] uav_y = 1 + uav_id # Update plot wit this UAV self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Circle((uav_x, uav_y), self.UAV_RADIUS, fc="w") self.uav_text_vis[uav_id] = plt.text(uav_x - 0.05, uav_y - 0.05, uav_fuel) if uav_sensor == SensorState.RUNNING: objColor = 'black' else: objColor = 'red' self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x + self.SENSOR_REL_X, uav_y), self.SENSOR_LENGTH, -30, 30, color=objColor) if uav_actuator == ActuatorState.RUNNING: objColor = 'black' else: objColor = 'red' self.uav_actuator_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x, uav_y + self.ACTUATOR_REL_Y), self.ACTUATOR_HEIGHT, 60, 120, color=objColor) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id]) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id]) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_actuator_vis[uav_id]) numHealthySurveil = np.sum( np.logical_and(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.SURVEIL, sStruct.sensor)) # We have comms coverage: draw a line between comms states to show this if (any(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.COMMS)): for i in xrange(len(self.comms_line)): self.comms_line[i].set_visible(True) self.comms_line[i].set_color('black') self.subplot_axes.add_line(self.comms_line[i]) # We also have UAVs in surveillance; color the comms line black if numHealthySurveil > 0: self.location_rect_vis[len(self.location_rect_vis) - 1].set_color('green') plt.draw() sleep(0.5)
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state plt.figure("Domain") if self.networkGraph is None: # or self.networkPos is None: self.networkGraph = nx.Graph() # enumerate all computer_ids, simulatenously iterating through # neighbors list and compstatus for computer_id, (neighbors, compstatus) in enumerate(zip(self.NEIGHBORS, s)): # Add a node to network for each computer self.networkGraph.add_node(computer_id, node_color="w") for uniqueEdge in self.UNIQUE_EDGES: self.networkGraph.add_edge( uniqueEdge[0], uniqueEdge[1], edge_color="k") # Add an edge between each neighbor self.networkPos = nx.circular_layout(self.networkGraph) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, node_color="w") nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edges_color="k") nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos) else: plt.clf() blackEdges = [] redEdges = [] greenNodes = [] redNodes = [] for computer_id, (neighbors, compstatus) in enumerate(zip(self.NEIGHBORS, s)): if (compstatus == self.RUNNING): greenNodes.append(computer_id) else: redNodes.append(computer_id) # Iterate through all unique edges for uniqueEdge in self.UNIQUE_EDGES: if (s[uniqueEdge[0]] == self.RUNNING and s[uniqueEdge[1]] == self.RUNNING): # Then both computers are working blackEdges.append(uniqueEdge) else: # If either computer is BROKEN, make the edge red redEdges.append(uniqueEdge) # "if redNodes", etc. - only draw things in the network if these lists aren't empty / null if redNodes: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, nodelist=redNodes, node_color="r", linewidths=2) if greenNodes: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, nodelist=greenNodes, node_color="w", linewidths=2) if blackEdges: nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edgelist=blackEdges, edge_color="k", width=2, style='solid') if redEdges: nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edgelist=redEdges, edge_color="k", width=2, style='dotted') nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos) plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events()
kernel_args=[kernel_width], active_threshold=active_threshold, discover_threshold=discover_threshold, normalization=False, max_active_base_feat=100, max_base_feat_sim=max_base_feat_sim) policy = SwimmerPolicy(representation) #policy = eGreedy(representation, epsilon=0.1) stat_bins_per_state_dim = 20 # agent = SARSA(representation,policy,domain,initial_learn_rate=initial_learn_rate, # lambda_=.0, learn_rate_decay_mode="boyan", boyan_N0=boyan_N0) opt["agent"] = SARSA( policy, representation, discount_factor=domain.discount_factor, lambda_=lambda_, initial_learn_rate=initial_learn_rate, learn_rate_decay_mode="boyan", boyan_N0=boyan_N0) experiment = Experiment(**opt) return experiment if __name__ == '__main__': from import run_profiled # run_profiled(make_experiment) experiment = make_experiment(1), visualize_learning=True) # experiment.plot() # from rlpy.Tools import plt plt.figure() for i in range(9): plt.plot(experiment.state_counts_learn[i], label="Dim " + str(i)) plt.legend()
def showExploration(self): plt.figure() plt.scatter([i[0] for i in self.visited_states],[i[1] for i in self.visited_states], color='k') plt.scatter([self.src['x']],[self.src['y']], color='r') plt.scatter([['x']],[['y']], color='b')
def showLearning(self, representation): if self.valueFunction_fig is None: plt.figure("Value Function") self.valueFunction_fig = plt.imshow(, cmap='ValueFunction', interpolation='nearest', vmin=self.MIN_RETURN, vmax=self.MAX_RETURN) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.COLS), fontsize=12) plt.yticks(np.arange(self.ROWS), fontsize=12) # Create quivers for each action. 4 in total X = np.arange(self.ROWS) - self.SHIFT Y = np.arange(self.COLS) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) DX = DY = np.ones(X.shape) C = np.zeros(X.shape) C[0, 0] = 1 # Making sure C has both 0 and 1 # length of arrow/width of bax. Less then 0.5 because each arrow is # offset, 0.4 looks nice but could be better/auto generated arrow_ratio = 0.4 Max_Ratio_ArrowHead_to_ArrowLength = 0.25 ARROW_WIDTH = 0.5 * Max_Ratio_ArrowHead_to_ArrowLength / 5.0 self.upArrows_fig = plt.quiver( Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='y', cmap='Actions', scale_units="height", scale=self.ROWS / arrow_ratio, width=- 1 * ARROW_WIDTH) self.upArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) + self.SHIFT Y = np.arange(self.COLS) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.downArrows_fig = plt.quiver( Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='y', cmap='Actions', scale_units="height", scale=self.ROWS / arrow_ratio, width=- 1 * ARROW_WIDTH) self.downArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) Y = np.arange(self.COLS) - self.SHIFT X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.leftArrows_fig = plt.quiver( Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='x', cmap='Actions', scale_units="width", scale=self.COLS / arrow_ratio, width=ARROW_WIDTH) self.leftArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) X = np.arange(self.ROWS) Y = np.arange(self.COLS) + self.SHIFT X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) self.rightArrows_fig = plt.quiver( Y, X, DY, DX, C, units='x', cmap='Actions', scale_units="width", scale=self.COLS / arrow_ratio, width=ARROW_WIDTH) self.rightArrows_fig.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.figure("Value Function") V = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) # Boolean 3 dimensional array. The third array highlights the action. # Thie mask is used to see in which cells what actions should exist Mask = np.ones( (self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='bool') arrowSize = np.zeros( (self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='float') # 0 = suboptimal action, 1 = optimal action arrowColors = np.zeros( (self.COLS, self.ROWS, self.actions_num), dtype='uint8') for r in xrange(self.ROWS): for c in xrange(self.COLS): if[r, c] == self.BLOCKED: V[r, c] = 0 if[r, c] == self.GOAL: V[r, c] = self.MAX_RETURN if[r, c] == self.PIT: V[r, c] = self.MIN_RETURN if[r, c] == self.EMPTY or[r, c] == self.START: s = np.array([r, c]) As = self.possibleActions(s) terminal = self.isTerminal(s) Qs = representation.Qs(s, terminal) bestA = representation.bestActions(s, terminal, As) V[r, c] = max(Qs[As]) Mask[c, r, As] = False arrowColors[c, r, bestA] = 1 for i in xrange(len(As)): a = As[i] Q = Qs[i] value = linearMap( Q, self.MIN_RETURN, self.MAX_RETURN, 0, 1) arrowSize[c, r, a] = value # Show Value Function self.valueFunction_fig.set_data(V) # Show Policy Up Arrows DX = arrowSize[:, :, 0] DY = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 0]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 0]) C =[:, :, 0], mask=Mask[:,:, 0]) self.upArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Down Arrows DX = -arrowSize[:, :, 1] DY = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 1]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 1]) C =[:, :, 1], mask=Mask[:,:, 1]) self.downArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Left Arrows DX = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DY = -arrowSize[:, :, 2] DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 2]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 2]) C =[:, :, 2], mask=Mask[:,:, 2]) self.leftArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) # Show Policy Right Arrows DX = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS)) DY = arrowSize[:, :, 3] DX =, mask=Mask[:, :, 3]) DY =, mask=Mask[:, :, 3]) C =[:, :, 3], mask=Mask[:,:, 3]) self.rightArrows_fig.set_UVC(DY, DX, C) plt.draw()
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state if self.domain_fig is None: plt.figure("Domain") self.domain_fig = plt.figure( 1, (UAVLocation.SIZE * self.dist_between_locations + 1, self.NUM_UAV + 1)) plt.clf() # Draw the environment # Allocate horizontal 'lanes' for UAVs to traverse # Formerly, we checked if this was the first time plotting; wedge shapes cannot be removed from # matplotlib environment, nor can their properties be changed, without clearing the figure # Thus, we must redraw the figure on each timestep # if self.location_rect_vis is None: # Figure with x width corresponding to number of location states, UAVLocation.SIZE # and rows (lanes) set aside in y for each UAV (NUM_UAV total lanes). # Add buffer of 1 self.subplot_axes = self.domain_fig.add_axes( [0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, aspect=1.) crashLocationX = 2 * \ (self.dist_between_locations) * (UAVLocation.SIZE - 1) self.subplot_axes.set_xlim(0, 1 + crashLocationX + self.RECT_GAP) self.subplot_axes.set_ylim(0, 1 + self.NUM_UAV) self.subplot_axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.subplot_axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) # Assign coordinates of each possible uav location on figure self.location_coord = [0.5 + (old_div(self.LOCATION_WIDTH, 2)) + (self.dist_between_locations) * i for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1)] self.location_coord.append(crashLocationX + old_div(self.LOCATION_WIDTH, 2)) # Create rectangular patches at each of those locations self.location_rect_vis = [mpatches.Rectangle( [0.5 + (self.dist_between_locations) * i, 0], self.LOCATION_WIDTH, self.NUM_UAV * 2, fc='w') for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1)] self.location_rect_vis.append( mpatches.Rectangle([crashLocationX, 0], self.LOCATION_WIDTH, self.NUM_UAV * 2, fc='w')) [self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.location_rect_vis[i]) for i in range(4)] self.comms_line = [lines.Line2D( [0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + (self.dist_between_locations) * i, 0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + ( self.dist_between_locations) * i + self.RECT_GAP], [self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5, self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5], linewidth=3, color='black', visible=False) for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 2)] self.comms_line.append( lines.Line2D( [0.5 + self.LOCATION_WIDTH + (self.dist_between_locations) * 2, crashLocationX], [self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5, self.NUM_UAV * 0.5 + 0.5], linewidth=3, color='black', visible=False)) # Create location text below rectangles locText = ["Base", "Refuel", "Communication", "Surveillance"] self.location_rect_txt = [plt.text( 0.5 + self.dist_between_locations * i + 0.5 * self.LOCATION_WIDTH, -0.3, locText[i], ha='center') for i in range(UAVLocation.SIZE - 1)] self.location_rect_txt.append( plt.text(crashLocationX + 0.5 * self.LOCATION_WIDTH, -0.3, locText[UAVLocation.SIZE - 1], ha='center')) # Initialize list of circle objects uav_x = self.location_coord[UAVLocation.BASE] # Update the member variables storing all the figure objects self.uav_circ_vis = [mpatches.Circle( (uav_x, 1 + uav_id), self.UAV_RADIUS, fc="w") for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV)] self.uav_text_vis = [None for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV)] # f**k self.uav_sensor_vis = [mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x + self.SENSOR_REL_X, 1 + uav_id), self.SENSOR_LENGTH, -30, 30) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV)] self.uav_actuator_vis = [mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x, 1 + uav_id + self.ACTUATOR_REL_Y), self.ACTUATOR_HEIGHT, 60, 120) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV)] # The following was executed when we used to check if the environment needed re-drawing: see above. # Remove all UAV circle objects from visualization # else: # [self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # [self.uav_text_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # [self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id].remove() for uav_id in range(0,self.NUM_UAV)] # For each UAV: # Draw a circle, with text inside = amt fuel remaining # Triangle on top of UAV for comms, black = good, red = bad # Triangle in front of UAV for surveillance sStruct = self.state2Struct(s) for uav_id in range(0, self.NUM_UAV): # Assign all the variables corresponding to this UAV for this iteration; # this could alternately be done with a UAV class whose objects keep track # of these variables. Elect to use lists here since ultimately the state # must be a vector anyway. # State index corresponding to the location of this uav uav_location = sStruct.locations[uav_id] uav_fuel = sStruct.fuel[uav_id] uav_sensor = sStruct.sensor[uav_id] uav_actuator = sStruct.actuator[uav_id] # Assign coordinates on figure where UAV should be drawn uav_x = self.location_coord[uav_location] uav_y = 1 + uav_id # Update plot wit this UAV self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Circle( (uav_x, uav_y), self.UAV_RADIUS, fc="w") self.uav_text_vis[uav_id] = plt.text( uav_x - 0.05, uav_y - 0.05, uav_fuel) if uav_sensor == SensorState.RUNNING: objColor = 'black' else: objColor = 'red' self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x + self.SENSOR_REL_X, uav_y), self.SENSOR_LENGTH, -30, 30, color=objColor) if uav_actuator == ActuatorState.RUNNING: objColor = 'black' else: objColor = 'red' self.uav_actuator_vis[uav_id] = mpatches.Wedge( (uav_x, uav_y + self.ACTUATOR_REL_Y), self.ACTUATOR_HEIGHT, 60, 120, color=objColor) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_circ_vis[uav_id]) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_sensor_vis[uav_id]) self.subplot_axes.add_patch(self.uav_actuator_vis[uav_id]) numHealthySurveil = np.sum( np.logical_and( sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.SURVEIL, sStruct.sensor)) # We have comms coverage: draw a line between comms states to show this if (any(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.COMMS)): for i in range(len(self.comms_line)): self.comms_line[i].set_visible(True) self.comms_line[i].set_color('black') self.subplot_axes.add_line(self.comms_line[i]) # We also have UAVs in surveillance; color the comms line black if numHealthySurveil > 0: self.location_rect_vis[ len(self.location_rect_vis) - 1].set_color('green') plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events() sleep(0.5)
def showDomain(self, a=0): s = self.state plt.figure("Domain") if self.networkGraph is None: # or self.networkPos is None: self.networkGraph = nx.Graph() # enumerate all computer_ids, simulatenously iterating through # neighbors list and compstatus for computer_id, (neighbors, compstatus) in enumerate(zip(self.NEIGHBORS, s)): # Add a node to network for each computer self.networkGraph.add_node(computer_id, node_color="w") for uniqueEdge in self.UNIQUE_EDGES: self.networkGraph.add_edge( uniqueEdge[0], uniqueEdge[1], edge_color="k") # Add an edge between each neighbor self.networkPos = nx.circular_layout(self.networkGraph) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, node_color="w") nx.draw_networkx_edges( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edges_color="k") nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos) else: plt.clf() blackEdges = [] redEdges = [] greenNodes = [] redNodes = [] for computer_id, (neighbors, compstatus) in enumerate(zip(self.NEIGHBORS, s)): if(compstatus == self.RUNNING): greenNodes.append(computer_id) else: redNodes.append(computer_id) # Iterate through all unique edges for uniqueEdge in self.UNIQUE_EDGES: if(s[uniqueEdge[0]] == self.RUNNING and s[uniqueEdge[1]] == self.RUNNING): # Then both computers are working blackEdges.append(uniqueEdge) else: # If either computer is BROKEN, make the edge red redEdges.append(uniqueEdge) # "if redNodes", etc. - only draw things in the network if these lists aren't empty / null if redNodes: nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, nodelist=redNodes, node_color="r", linewidths=2) if greenNodes: nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, nodelist=greenNodes, node_color="w", linewidths=2) if blackEdges: nx.draw_networkx_edges( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edgelist=blackEdges, edge_color="k", width=2, style='solid') if redEdges: nx.draw_networkx_edges( self.networkGraph, self.networkPos, edgelist=redEdges, edge_color="k", width=2, style='dotted') nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.networkGraph, self.networkPos) plt.figure("Domain").canvas.draw() plt.figure("Domain").canvas.flush_events()
def showDomain(self, a): s = self.state # Plot the car and an arrow indicating the direction of accelaration # Parts of this code was adopted from Jose Antonio Martin H. # <*****@*****.**> online source code pos, vel = s if self.domain_fig is None: # Need to initialize the figure self.domain_fig = plt.figure("Mountain Car Domain") # plot mountain mountain_x = np.linspace(self.XMIN, self.XMAX, 1000) mountain_y = np.sin(3 * mountain_x) plt.gca( ).fill_between(mountain_x, min(mountain_y) - self.CAR_HEIGHT * 2, mountain_y, color='g') plt.xlim([self.XMIN - .2, self.XMAX]) plt.ylim( [min(mountain_y) - self.CAR_HEIGHT * 2, max(mountain_y) + self.CAR_HEIGHT * 2]) # plot car = lines.Line2D([], [], linewidth=20, color='b', alpha=.8) plt.gca().add_line( # Goal plt.plot(self.GOAL, np.sin(3 * self.GOAL), 'yd', markersize=10.0) plt.axis('off') plt.gca().set_aspect('1') self.domain_fig = plt.figure("Mountain Car Domain") #pos = 0 #a = 0 car_middle_x = pos car_middle_y = np.sin(3 * pos) slope = np.arctan(3 * np.cos(3 * pos)) car_back_x = car_middle_x - self.CAR_WIDTH * np.cos(slope) / 2. car_front_x = car_middle_x + self.CAR_WIDTH * np.cos(slope) / 2. car_back_y = car_middle_y - self.CAR_WIDTH * np.sin(slope) / 2. car_front_y = car_middle_y + self.CAR_WIDTH * np.sin(slope) / 2.[car_back_x, car_front_x], [car_back_y, car_front_y]) # wheels # plott(x(1)-0.05,sin(3*(x(1)-0.05))+0.06,'ok','markersize',12,'MarkerFaceColor',[.5 .5 .5]); # plot(x(1)+0.05,sin(3*(x(1)+0.05))+0.06,'ok','markersize',12,'MarkerFaceColor',[.5 .5 .5]); # Arrows if self.actionArrow is not None: self.actionArrow.remove() self.actionArrow = None if self.actions[a] > 0: self.actionArrow = fromAtoB( car_front_x, car_front_y, car_front_x + self.ARROW_LENGTH * np.cos(slope), car_front_y + self.ARROW_LENGTH * np.sin(slope), #car_front_x + self.CAR_WIDTH*cos(slope)/2., car_front_y + self.CAR_WIDTH*sin(slope)/2.+self.CAR_HEIGHT, 'k', "arc3,rad=0", 0, 0, 'simple' ) if self.actions[a] < 0: self.actionArrow = fromAtoB( car_back_x, car_back_y, car_back_x - self.ARROW_LENGTH * np.cos(slope), car_back_y - self.ARROW_LENGTH * np.sin(slope), #car_front_x + self.CAR_WIDTH*cos(slope)/2., car_front_y + self.CAR_WIDTH*sin(slope)/2.+self.CAR_HEIGHT, 'r', "arc3,rad=0", 0, 0, 'simple' ) plt.draw()