 def setUp(self):
     A function run before each unit test in this class.
     self.inertia = 1.56764
     self.symmetry = 3
     self.barrier = 11.373
     self.quantum = True
     self.mode = HinderedRotor(
         inertia=(self.inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),
         barrier=(self.barrier, "kJ/mol"),
         fourier=([[4.58375, 0.841648, -5702.71, 6.02657, 4.7446],
                   [0.726951, -0.677255, 0.207032, 0.553307,
                    -0.503303]], "J/mol"),
    def setUp(self):
        A function run before each unit test in this class.
        self.nC4H10O = Species(
            label = 'n-C4H10O',
            conformer = Conformer(
                E0 = (-317.807,'kJ/mol'),
                modes = [
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([41.5091,215.751,233.258],"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(0.854054,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1, fourier=([[0.25183,-1.37378,-2.8379,0.0305112,0.0028088], [0.458307,0.542121,-0.599366,-0.00283925,0.0398529]],"kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(8.79408,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1, fourier=([[0.26871,-0.59533,-8.15002,-0.294325,-0.145357], [1.1884,0.99479,-0.940416,-0.186538,0.0309834]],"kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(7.88153,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1, fourier=([[-4.67373,2.03735,-6.25993,-0.27325,-0.048748], [-0.982845,1.76637,-1.57619,0.474364,-0.000681718]],"kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(2.81525,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=3, barrier=(2.96807,"kcal/mol")),
                spinMultiplicity = 1,
                opticalIsomers = 1,
            molecularWeight = (74.07,"g/mol"),
            transportData=TransportData(sigma=(5.94, 'angstrom'), epsilon=(559, 'K')),
            energyTransferModel = SingleExponentialDown(alpha0=(447.5*0.011962,"kJ/mol"), T0=(300,"K"), n=0.85),
        self.nC4H8 = Species(
            label = 'n-C4H8',
            conformer = Conformer(
                E0 = (-17.8832,'kJ/mol'),
                modes = [
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([22.2748,122.4,125.198],"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(5.28338,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=1, fourier=([[-0.579364,-0.28241,-4.46469,0.143368,0.126756], [1.01804,-0.494628,-0.00318651,-0.245289,0.193728]],"kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(2.60818,"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=3, fourier=([[0.0400372,0.0301986,-6.4787,-0.0248675,-0.0324753], [0.0312541,0.0538,-0.493785,0.0965968,0.125292]],"kJ/mol")),
                spinMultiplicity = 1,
                opticalIsomers = 1,
        self.H2O = Species(
            label = 'H2O',
            conformer = Conformer(
                E0 = (-269.598,'kJ/mol'),
                modes = [
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([0.630578,1.15529,1.78586],"amu*angstrom^2"), symmetry=2),
                spinMultiplicity = 1,
                opticalIsomers = 1,

        self.configuration = Configuration(self.nC4H8, self.H2O)
 def setUp(self):
     A function run before each unit test in this class.
     self.inertia = 1.56764
     self.symmetry = 3
     self.barrier = 11.373 
     self.quantum = True
     self.mode = HinderedRotor(
         inertia = (self.inertia,"amu*angstrom^2"), 
         symmetry = self.symmetry,
         barrier = (self.barrier,"kJ/mol"),
         fourier = ([ [4.58375, 0.841648, -5702.71, 6.02657, 4.7446], [0.726951, -0.677255, 0.207032, 0.553307, -0.503303] ],"J/mol"),
         quantum = self.quantum,
class TestHinderedRotor(unittest.TestCase):
    Contains unit tests of the HinderedRotor class.
    def setUp(self):
        A function run before each unit test in this class.
        self.inertia = 1.56764
        self.symmetry = 3
        self.barrier = 11.373
        self.quantum = True
        self.mode = HinderedRotor(
            inertia=(self.inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),
            barrier=(self.barrier, "kJ/mol"),
            fourier=([[4.58375, 0.841648, -5702.71, 6.02657, 4.7446],
                      [0.726951, -0.677255, 0.207032, 0.553307,
                       -0.503303]], "J/mol"),
        self.freemode = FreeRotor(
            inertia=(self.inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),

    def test_getRotationalConstant(self):
        Test getting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        Bexp = 10.7535
        Bact = self.mode.rotationalConstant.value_si
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Bexp, Bact, 4)
        Bact2 = self.freemode.rotationalConstant.value_si
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Bexp, Bact2, 4)

    def test_setRotationalConstant(self):
        Test setting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        B = self.mode.rotationalConstant
        B.value_si *= 2
        self.mode.rotationalConstant = B
        self.freemode.rotationalConstant = B
        Iexp = 0.5 * self.inertia
        Iact = self.mode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        Iact2 = self.freemode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Iexp, Iact, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Iexp, Iact2, 4)

    def test_getPotential_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPotential() method for a cosine potential.
        self.mode.fourier = None
        phi = numpy.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        V = numpy.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            V[i] = self.mode.getPotential(phi[i])

    def test_getPotential_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPotential() method for a Fourier series
        phi = numpy.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        V = numpy.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            V[i] = self.mode.getPotential(phi[i])

    def test_getPartitionFunction_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getPartitionFunction() method 
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.sqrt(
            8 * numpy.pi**3 * constants.kB * Tlist *
            self.freemode.inertia.value_si) / (self.symmetry * constants.h)
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.freemode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4 * Qexp)

    def test_getPartitionFunction_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([0.741953, 1.30465, 2.68553, 3.88146, 4.91235])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4 * Qexp)

    def test_getPartitionFunction_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([0.745526, 1.30751, 2.68722, 3.88258, 4.91315])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4 * Qexp)

    def test_getPartitionFunction_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([1.39947, 1.94793, 3.30171, 4.45856, 5.45188])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4 * Qexp)

    def test_getPartitionFunction_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([1.39364, 1.94182, 3.29509, 4.45205, 5.44563])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=5e-4 * Qexp)

    def test_getHeatCapacity_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getHeatCapacity() method 
        Cvexp = constants.R / 2.0
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        for T in Tlist:
            Cvact = self.freemode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4 * Cvexp)

    def test_getHeatCapacity_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array(
            [1.01741, 0.951141, 0.681919, 0.589263, 0.552028]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4 * Cvexp)

    def test_getHeatCapacity_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array(
            [1.17682, 1.01369, 0.698588, 0.596797, 0.556293]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4 * Cvexp)

    def test_getHeatCapacity_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array(
            [1.01271, 0.945341, 0.684451, 0.591949, 0.554087]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4 * Cvexp)

    def test_getHeatCapacity_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array(
            [1.01263, 0.946618, 0.685345, 0.592427, 0.554374]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-3 * Cvexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getEnthalpy() method
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Hexplist = constants.R * Tlist / 2.0
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.freemode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4 * Hexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([
            1.09556, 1.09949, 0.962738, 0.854617, 0.784333
        ]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4 * Hexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([
            1.08882, 1.09584, 0.961543, 0.854054, 0.784009
        ]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4 * Hexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([
            0.545814, 0.727200, 0.760918, 0.717496, 0.680767
        ]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4 * Hexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([
            0.548251, 0.728974, 0.762396, 0.718702, 0.681764
        ]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-3 * Hexp)

    def test_getEntropy_free(self):
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Q = numpy.array([self.freemode.getPartitionFunction(T) for T in Tlist])
        Sexplist = constants.R * (numpy.log(Q) + .5)
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.freemode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4 * Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.797089, 1.36543, 1.95062, 2.21083, 2.37608
                                ]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4 * Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.795154, 1.36396, 1.95005, 2.21055, 2.37592
                                ]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4 * Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.881906, 1.39397, 1.95536, 2.21232, 2.37673
                                ]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4 * Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.880170, 1.39260, 1.95483, 2.21207, 2.37658
                                ]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-3 * Sexp)

    def test_getSumOfStates_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
                0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))

    def test_getSumOfStates_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
            sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
                'NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates()'
        except NotImplementedError:

    def test_getSumOfStates_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
                0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))

    def test_getSumOfStates_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
                0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))

    def test_getDensityOfStates_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a classical
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2 * Qexp)

    def test_getDensityOfStates_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a Fourier 
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
            densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
                'NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates()'
        except NotImplementedError:

    def test_getDensityOfStates_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a classical
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2 * Qexp)

    def test_getDensityOfStates_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a Fourier 
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2 * Qexp)

    def test_repr(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be reconstructed from its repr()
        output with no loss of information.
        mode = None
        exec('mode = {0!r}'.format(self.mode))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat,
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)

    def test_pickle(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be pickled and unpickled with no
        loss of information.
        import cPickle
        mode = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(self.mode, -1))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat,
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)
class StatMechJob:
    A representation of a CanTherm statistical mechanics job. This job is used
    to compute and save the statistical mechanics information for a single
    species or transition state.
    def __init__(self, species, path):
        self.species = species
        self.path = path
        self.modelChemistry = ''
        self.frequencyScaleFactor = 1.0
        self.includeHinderedRotors = True
        self.applyBondEnergyCorrections = True

    def execute(self, outputFile=None, plot=False):
        Execute the statistical mechanics job, saving the results to the
        given `outputFile` on disk.
        if outputFile is not None:

    def load(self):
        Load the statistical mechanics parameters for each conformer from
        the associated files on disk. Creates :class:`Conformer` objects for
        each conformer and appends them to the list of confomers on the
        species object.
            'Loading statistical mechanics parameters for {0}...'.format(

        path = self.path

        TS = isinstance(self.species, TransitionState)

        global_context = {
            '__builtins__': None,
        local_context = {
            '__builtins__': None,
            'True': True,
            'False': False,
            'HinderedRotor': hinderedRotor,
            # File formats
            'GaussianLog': GaussianLog,
            'QchemLog': QchemLog,
            'MoleProLog': MoleProLog,
            'ScanLog': ScanLog,

        directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(path))

        with open(path, 'r') as f:
                exec f in global_context, local_context
            except (NameError, TypeError, SyntaxError), e:
                logging.error('The species file {0} was invalid:'.format(path))

            atoms = local_context['atoms']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "atoms" not found in species file {0!r}.'.

            bonds = local_context['bonds']
        except KeyError:
            bonds = {}

            linear = local_context['linear']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "linear" not found in species file {0!r}.'.

            externalSymmetry = local_context['externalSymmetry']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "externalSymmetry" not found in species file {0!r}.'

            spinMultiplicity = local_context['spinMultiplicity']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "spinMultiplicity" not found in species file {0!r}.'

            opticalIsomers = local_context['opticalIsomers']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "opticalIsomers" not found in species file {0!r}.'

            energy = local_context['energy']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "energy" not found in species file {0!r}.'.
        if isinstance(energy, dict):
                energy = energy[self.modelChemistry]
            except KeyError:
                raise InputError(
                    'Model chemistry {0!r} not found in from dictionary of energy values in species file {1!r}.'
                    .format(self.modelChemistry, path))
        if isinstance(energy, GaussianLog):
            energyLog = energy
            E0 = None
            energyLog.path = os.path.join(directory, energyLog.path)
        elif isinstance(energy, QchemLog):
            energyLog = energy
            E0 = None
            energyLog.path = os.path.join(directory, energyLog.path)
        elif isinstance(energy, MoleProLog):
            energyLog = energy
            E0 = None
            energyLog.path = os.path.join(directory, energyLog.path)
        elif isinstance(energy, float):
            energyLog = None
            E0 = energy

            geomLog = local_context['geometry']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "geometry" not found in species file {0!r}.'
        geomLog.path = os.path.join(directory, geomLog.path)

            statmechLog = local_context['frequencies']
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError(
                'Required attribute "frequencies" not found in species file {0!r}.'
        statmechLog.path = os.path.join(directory, statmechLog.path)

        if 'frequencyScaleFactor' in local_context:
                'Ignoring frequency scale factor in species file {0!r}.'.

            rotors = local_context['rotors']
        except KeyError:
            rotors = []

        # But don't consider hindered rotors if flag is not set
        if not self.includeHinderedRotors:
            rotors = []

        logging.debug('    Reading molecular degrees of freedom...')
        conformer = statmechLog.loadConformer(

        logging.debug('    Reading optimized geometry...')
        coordinates, number, mass = geomLog.loadGeometry()
        conformer.coordinates = (coordinates, "angstroms")
        conformer.number = number
        conformer.mass = (mass, "amu")

        logging.debug('    Reading energy...')
        # The E0 that is read from the log file is without the ZPE and corresponds to E_elec
        if E0 is None:
            E0 = energyLog.loadEnergy(self.frequencyScaleFactor)
            E0 = E0 * constants.E_h * constants.Na  # Hartree/particle to J/mol
        E0 = applyEnergyCorrections(
            E0, self.modelChemistry, atoms,
            bonds if self.applyBondEnergyCorrections else {})
        ZPE = statmechLog.loadZeroPointEnergy() * self.frequencyScaleFactor

        # The E0_withZPE at this stage contains the ZPE
        E0_withZPE = E0 + ZPE

        logging.debug('         Scaling factor used = {0:g}'.format(
        logging.debug('         ZPE (0 K) = {0:g} kcal/mol'.format(ZPE /
        logging.debug('         E0 (0 K) = {0:g} kcal/mol'.format(E0_withZPE /

        conformer.E0 = (E0_withZPE * 0.001, "kJ/mol")

        # If loading a transition state, also read the imaginary frequency
        if TS:
            self.species.frequency = (statmechLog.loadNegativeFrequency() *
                                      self.frequencyScaleFactor, "cm^-1")

        # Read and fit the 1D hindered rotors if applicable
        # If rotors are found, the vibrational frequencies are also
        # recomputed with the torsional modes removed
        F = statmechLog.loadForceConstantMatrix()
        if F is not None and len(mass) > 1 and len(rotors) > 0:

            logging.debug('    Fitting {0} hindered rotors...'.format(
            rotorCount = 0
            for scanLog, pivots, top, symmetry, fit in rotors:

                # Load the hindered rotor scan energies
                if isinstance(scanLog, GaussianLog):
                    scanLog.path = os.path.join(directory, scanLog.path)
                    Vlist, angle = scanLog.loadScanEnergies()
                    scanLogOutput = ScanLog(
                                                       rotorCount + 1)))
                    scanLogOutput.save(angle, Vlist)
                elif isinstance(scanLog, QchemLog):
                    scanLog.path = os.path.join(directory, scanLog.path)
                    Vlist, angle = scanLog.loadScanEnergies()
                    scanLogOutput = ScanLog(
                                                       rotorCount + 1)))
                    scanLogOutput.save(angle, Vlist)
                elif isinstance(scanLog, ScanLog):
                    scanLog.path = os.path.join(directory, scanLog.path)
                    angle, Vlist = scanLog.load()
                    raise Exception(
                        'Invalid log file type {0} for scan log.'.format(

                inertia = conformer.getInternalReducedMomentOfInertia(
                    pivots, top) * constants.Na * 1e23

                cosineRotor = HinderedRotor(inertia=(inertia,
                cosineRotor.fitCosinePotentialToData(angle, Vlist)
                fourierRotor = HinderedRotor(inertia=(inertia,
                fourierRotor.fitFourierPotentialToData(angle, Vlist)

                Vlist_cosine = numpy.zeros_like(angle)
                Vlist_fourier = numpy.zeros_like(angle)
                for i in range(angle.shape[0]):
                    Vlist_cosine[i] = cosineRotor.getPotential(angle[i])
                    Vlist_fourier[i] = fourierRotor.getPotential(angle[i])

                if fit == 'cosine':
                    rotor = cosineRotor
                elif fit == 'fourier':
                    rotor = fourierRotor
                elif fit == 'best':

                    rms_cosine = numpy.sqrt(
                            (Vlist_cosine - Vlist) * (Vlist_cosine - Vlist)) /
                        (len(Vlist) - 1)) / 4184.
                    rms_fourier = numpy.sqrt(
                        numpy.sum((Vlist_fourier - Vlist) *
                                  (Vlist_fourier - Vlist)) /
                        (len(Vlist) - 1)) / 4184.

                    # Keep the rotor with the most accurate potential
                    rotor = cosineRotor if rms_cosine < rms_fourier else fourierRotor
                    # However, keep the cosine rotor if it is accurate enough, the
                    # fourier rotor is not significantly more accurate, and the cosine
                    # rotor has the correct symmetry
                    if rms_cosine < 0.05 and rms_cosine / rms_fourier < 2.0 and rms_cosine / rms_fourier < 4.0 and symmetry == cosineRotor.symmetry:
                        rotor = cosineRotor


                    self.plotHinderedRotor(angle, Vlist, cosineRotor,
                                           fourierRotor, rotor, rotorCount,

                    rotorCount += 1

                '    Determining frequencies from reduced force constant matrix...'
            frequencies = numpy.array(
                projectRotors(conformer, F, rotors, linear, TS))

            # The frequencies have changed after projection, hence we need to recompute the ZPE
            # We might need to multiply the scaling factor to the frequencies
            ZPE = self.getZPEfromfrequencies(frequencies)
            E0_withZPE = E0 + ZPE
            # Reset the E0 of the conformer
            conformer.E0 = (E0_withZPE * 0.001, "kJ/mol")

        elif len(conformer.modes) > 2:
            frequencies = conformer.modes[2].frequencies.value_si
            rotors = numpy.array([])
            frequencies = numpy.array([])
            rotors = numpy.array([])

        for mode in conformer.modes:
            if isinstance(mode, HarmonicOscillator):
                mode.frequencies = (frequencies * self.frequencyScaleFactor,

        self.species.conformer = conformer
    def setUp(self):
        A function run before each unit test in this class.
        self.nC4H10O = Species(
                E0=(-317.807, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(74.07, "g/mol")),
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([41.5091, 215.751,
                                             233.258], "amu*angstrom^2"),
                        240.915, 341.933, 500.066, 728.41, 809.987, 833.93,
                        926.308, 948.571, 1009.3, 1031.46, 1076, 1118.4,
                        1184.66, 1251.36, 1314.36, 1321.42, 1381.17, 1396.5,
                        1400.54, 1448.08, 1480.18, 1485.34, 1492.24, 1494.99,
                        1586.16, 2949.01, 2963.03, 2986.19, 2988.1, 2995.27,
                        3026.03, 3049.05, 3053.47, 3054.83, 3778.88
                    ], "cm^-1")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(0.854054, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                      0.25183, -1.37378, -2.8379, 0.0305112,
                                                0.458307, 0.542121, -0.599366,
                                                -0.00283925, 0.0398529
                                            ]], "kJ/mol")),
                        inertia=(8.79408, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                            0.26871, -0.59533, -8.15002, -0.294325, -0.145357
                        ], [1.1884, 0.99479, -0.940416, -0.186538,
                            0.0309834]], "kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(7.88153, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                      -4.67373, 2.03735, -6.25993, -0.27325,
                                                -0.982845, 1.76637, -1.57619,
                                                0.474364, -0.000681718
                                            ]], "kJ/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(2.81525, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                  barrier=(2.96807, "kcal/mol")),
            molecular_weight=(74.07, "g/mol"),
            transport_data=TransportData(sigma=(5.94, 'angstrom'),
                                         epsilon=(559, 'K')),
                alpha0=(447.5 * 0.011962, "kJ/mol"), T0=(300, "K"), n=0.85),

        self.nC4H8 = Species(
                E0=(-17.8832, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(56.06, "g/mol")),
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([22.2748, 122.4,
                                             125.198], "amu*angstrom^2"),
                        308.537, 418.67, 636.246, 788.665, 848.906, 936.762,
                        979.97, 1009.48, 1024.22, 1082.96, 1186.38, 1277.55,
                        1307.65, 1332.87, 1396.67, 1439.09, 1469.71, 1484.45,
                        1493.19, 1691.49, 2972.12, 2994.31, 3018.48, 3056.87,
                        3062.76, 3079.38, 3093.54, 3174.52
                    ], "cm^-1")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(5.28338, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                      -0.579364, -0.28241, -4.46469, 0.143368,
                                                1.01804, -0.494628,
                                                -0.00318651, -0.245289,
                                            ]], "kJ/mol")),
                        inertia=(2.60818, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                            0.0400372, 0.0301986, -6.4787, -0.0248675,
                        ], [0.0312541, 0.0538, -0.493785, 0.0965968,
                            0.125292]], "kJ/mol")),

        self.H2O = Species(
                E0=(-269.598, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(18.01, "g/mol")),
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([0.630578, 1.15529,
                                             1.78586], "amu*angstrom^2"),
                        frequencies=([1622.09, 3771.85, 3867.85], "cm^-1")),

        self.N2 = Species(
            molecular_weight=(28.04, "g/mol"),
            transport_data=TransportData(sigma=(3.41, "angstrom"),
                                         epsilon=(124, "K")),

        self.TS = TransitionState(
                E0=(-42.4373, "kJ/mol"),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(74.07, "g/mol")),
                    NonlinearRotor(inertia=([40.518, 232.666,
                                             246.092], "u*angstrom**2"),
                        134.289, 302.326, 351.792, 407.986, 443.419, 583.988,
                        699.001, 766.1, 777.969, 829.671, 949.753, 994.731,
                        1013.59, 1073.98, 1103.79, 1171.89, 1225.91, 1280.67,
                        1335.08, 1373.9, 1392.32, 1417.43, 1469.51, 1481.61,
                        1490.16, 1503.73, 1573.16, 2972.85, 2984.3, 3003.67,
                        3045.78, 3051.77, 3082.37, 3090.44, 3190.73, 3708.52
                    ], "kayser")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(2.68206, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                  barrier=(3.35244, "kcal/mol")),
                    HinderedRotor(inertia=(9.77669, "amu*angstrom^2"),
                                      0.208938, -1.55291, -4.05398, -0.105798,
                                                2.00518, -0.020767, -0.333595,
                                                0.137791, -0.274578
                                            ]], "kJ/mol")),
            frequency=(-2038.34, 'cm^-1'),

        self.reaction = Reaction(
            products=[self.nC4H8, self.H2O],

        self.network = Network(
            products=[Configuration(self.nC4H8, self.H2O)],
            bath_gas={self.N2: 1.0},
class TestHinderedRotor(unittest.TestCase):
    Contains unit tests of the HinderedRotor class.
    def setUp(self):
        A function run before each unit test in this class.
        self.inertia = 1.56764
        self.symmetry = 3
        self.barrier = 11.373
        self.quantum = True
        self.mode = HinderedRotor(
            inertia=(self.inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),
            barrier=(self.barrier, "kJ/mol"),
            fourier=([[4.58375, 0.841648, -5702.71, 6.02657, 4.7446],
                      [0.726951, -0.677255, 0.207032, 0.553307,
                       -0.503303]], "J/mol"),
        self.freemode = FreeRotor(
            inertia=(self.inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),

    def test_get_rotational_constant(self):
        Test getting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        b_exp = 10.7535
        b_act = self.mode.rotationalConstant.value_si
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b_exp, b_act, 4)
        b_act2 = self.freemode.rotationalConstant.value_si
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b_exp, b_act2, 4)

    def test_set_rotational_constant(self):
        Test setting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        rotational_constant = self.mode.rotationalConstant
        rotational_constant.value_si *= 2
        self.mode.rotationalConstant = rotational_constant
        self.freemode.rotationalConstant = rotational_constant
        i_exp = 0.5 * self.inertia
        i_act = self.mode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        i_act2 = self.freemode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        self.assertAlmostEqual(i_exp, i_act, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(i_exp, i_act2, 4)

    def test_get_potential_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_potential() method for a cosine potential.
        self.mode.fourier = None
        phi = np.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        potential = np.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            potential[i] = self.mode.get_potential(phi[i])

    def test_get_potential_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_potential() method for a Fourier series
        phi = np.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        potential = np.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            potential[i] = self.mode.get_potential(phi[i])

    def test_get_partition_function_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.get_partition_function() method
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        q_exp_list = np.sqrt(
            8 * np.pi**3 * constants.kB * t_list *
            self.freemode.inertia.value_si) / (self.symmetry * constants.h)
        for temperature, q_exp in zip(t_list, q_exp_list):
            q_act = self.freemode.get_partition_function(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-4 * q_exp)

    def test_get_partition_function_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_partition_function() method for a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        q_exp_list = np.array([0.741953, 1.30465, 2.68553, 3.88146, 4.91235])
        for temperature, q_exp in zip(t_list, q_exp_list):
            q_act = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-4 * q_exp)

    def test_get_partition_function_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_partition_function() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        q_exp_list = np.array([0.745526, 1.30751, 2.68722, 3.88258, 4.91315])
        for temperature, q_exp in zip(t_list, q_exp_list):
            q_act = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-4 * q_exp)

    def test_get_partition_function_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_partition_function() method for a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        q_exp_list = np.array([1.39947, 1.94793, 3.30171, 4.45856, 5.45188])
        for temperature, q_exp in zip(t_list, q_exp_list):
            q_act = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-4 * q_exp)

    def test_get_partition_function_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_partition_function() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        q_exp_list = np.array([1.39364, 1.94182, 3.29509, 4.45205, 5.44563])
        for temperature, q_exp in zip(t_list, q_exp_list):
            q_act = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=5e-4 * q_exp)

    def test_get_heat_capacity_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.get_heat_capacity() method
        cv_exp = constants.R / 2.0
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        for temperature in t_list:
            cv_act = self.freemode.get_heat_capacity(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cv_exp, cv_act, delta=1e-4 * cv_exp)

    def test_get_heat_capacity_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_heat_capacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        cv_exp_list = np.array(
            [1.01741, 0.951141, 0.681919, 0.589263, 0.552028]) * constants.R
        for temperature, cv_exp in zip(t_list, cv_exp_list):
            cv_act = self.mode.get_heat_capacity(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cv_exp, cv_act, delta=1e-4 * cv_exp)

    def test_get_heat_capacity_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_heat_capacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        cv_exp_list = np.array(
            [1.17682, 1.01369, 0.698588, 0.596797, 0.556293]) * constants.R
        for temperature, cv_exp in zip(t_list, cv_exp_list):
            cv_act = self.mode.get_heat_capacity(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cv_exp, cv_act, delta=1e-4 * cv_exp)

    def test_get_heat_capacity_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_heat_capacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        cv_exp_list = np.array(
            [1.01271, 0.945341, 0.684451, 0.591949, 0.554087]) * constants.R
        for temperature, cv_exp in zip(t_list, cv_exp_list):
            cv_act = self.mode.get_heat_capacity(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cv_exp, cv_act, delta=1e-4 * cv_exp)

    def test_get_heat_capacity_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_heat_capacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        cv_exp_list = np.array(
            [1.01263, 0.946618, 0.685345, 0.592427, 0.554374]) * constants.R
        for temperature, cv_exp in zip(t_list, cv_exp_list):
            cv_act = self.mode.get_heat_capacity(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(cv_exp, cv_act, delta=1e-3 * cv_exp)

    def test_get_enthalpy_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.get_enthalpy() method
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        h_exp_list = constants.R * t_list / 2.0
        for temperature, h_exp in zip(t_list, h_exp_list):
            h_act = self.freemode.get_enthalpy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(h_exp, h_act, delta=1e-4 * h_exp)

    def test_get_enthalpy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_enthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        h_exp_list = np.array([1.09556, 1.09949, 0.962738, 0.854617, 0.784333
                               ]) * constants.R * t_list
        for temperature, h_exp in zip(t_list, h_exp_list):
            h_act = self.mode.get_enthalpy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(h_exp, h_act, delta=1e-4 * h_exp)

    def test_get_enthalpy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_enthalpy() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        h_exp_list = np.array([1.08882, 1.09584, 0.961543, 0.854054, 0.784009
                               ]) * constants.R * t_list
        for temperature, h_exp in zip(t_list, h_exp_list):
            h_act = self.mode.get_enthalpy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(h_exp, h_act, delta=1e-4 * h_exp)

    def test_get_enthalpy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_enthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        h_exp_list = np.array([
            0.545814, 0.727200, 0.760918, 0.717496, 0.680767
        ]) * constants.R * t_list
        for temperature, h_exp in zip(t_list, h_exp_list):
            h_act = self.mode.get_enthalpy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(h_exp, h_act, delta=1e-4 * h_exp)

    def test_get_enthalpy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_enthalpy() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        h_exp_list = np.array([
            0.548251, 0.728974, 0.762396, 0.718702, 0.681764
        ]) * constants.R * t_list
        for temperature, h_exp in zip(t_list, h_exp_list):
            h_act = self.mode.get_enthalpy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(h_exp, h_act, delta=1e-3 * h_exp)

    def test_get_entropy_free(self):
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        pf = np.array([
            for temperature in t_list
        s_exp_list = constants.R * (np.log(pf) + .5)
        for temperature, s_exp in zip(t_list, s_exp_list):
            s_act = self.freemode.get_entropy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s_exp, s_act, delta=1e-4 * s_exp)

    def test_get_entropy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_entropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        s_exp_list = np.array([0.797089, 1.36543, 1.95062, 2.21083, 2.37608
                               ]) * constants.R
        for temperature, s_exp in zip(t_list, s_exp_list):
            s_act = self.mode.get_entropy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s_exp, s_act, delta=1e-4 * s_exp)

    def test_get_entropy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_entropy() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        s_exp_list = np.array([0.795154, 1.36396, 1.95005, 2.21055, 2.37592
                               ]) * constants.R
        for temperature, s_exp in zip(t_list, s_exp_list):
            s_act = self.mode.get_entropy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s_exp, s_act, delta=1e-4 * s_exp)

    def test_get_entropy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_entropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        s_exp_list = np.array([0.881906, 1.39397, 1.95536, 2.21232, 2.37673
                               ]) * constants.R
        for temperature, s_exp in zip(t_list, s_exp_list):
            s_act = self.mode.get_entropy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s_exp, s_act, delta=1e-4 * s_exp)

    def test_get_entropy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_entropy() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        t_list = np.array([300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000])
        s_exp_list = np.array([0.880170, 1.39260, 1.95483, 2.21207, 2.37658
                               ]) * constants.R
        for temperature, s_exp in zip(t_list, s_exp_list):
            s_act = self.mode.get_entropy(temperature)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s_exp, s_act, delta=1e-3 * s_exp)

    def test_get_sum_of_states_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_sum_of_states() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sum_states = self.mode.get_sum_of_states(e_list)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        for n in range(10, len(e_list)):
                0.8 < np.sum(dens_states[0:n]) / sum_states[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(np.sum(dens_states[0:n]), sum_states[n]))

    def test_get_sum_of_states_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_sum_of_states() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
            sum_states = self.mode.get_sum_of_states(e_list)
                'NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.get_sum_of_states()'
        except NotImplementedError:

    def test_get_sum_of_states_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_sum_of_states() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sum_states = self.mode.get_sum_of_states(e_list)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        for n in range(10, len(e_list)):
                0.8 < np.sum(dens_states[0:n]) / sum_states[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(np.sum(dens_states[0:n]), sum_states[n]))

    def test_get_sum_of_states_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_sum_of_states() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        sum_states = self.mode.get_sum_of_states(e_list)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        for n in range(10, len(e_list)):
                0.8 < np.sum(dens_states[0:n]) / sum_states[n - 1] < 1.25,
                '{0} != {1}'.format(np.sum(dens_states[0:n]), sum_states[n]))

    def test_get_density_of_states_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_density_of_states() method using a classical
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        temperature = 100
        q_act = np.sum(dens_states *
                       np.exp(-e_list / constants.R / temperature))
        q_exp = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-2 * q_exp)

    def test_get_density_of_states_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_density_of_states() method using a Fourier
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
            dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
                'NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.get_density_of_states()'
        except NotImplementedError:

    def test_get_density_of_states_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_density_of_states() method using a classical
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        temperature = 100
        q_act = np.sum(dens_states *
                       np.exp(-e_list / constants.R / temperature))
        q_exp = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-2 * q_exp)

    def test_get_density_of_states_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.get_density_of_states() method using a Fourier
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        e_list = np.arange(0, 10000 * 11.96, 1 * 11.96)
        dens_states = self.mode.get_density_of_states(e_list)
        temperature = 100
        q_act = np.sum(dens_states *
                       np.exp(-e_list / constants.R / temperature))
        q_exp = self.mode.get_partition_function(temperature)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q_exp, q_act, delta=1e-2 * q_exp)

    def test_repr(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be reconstructed from its repr()
        output with no loss of information.
        namespace = {}
        exec('mode = {0!r}'.format(self.mode), globals(), namespace)
        self.assertIn('mode', namespace)
        mode = namespace['mode']
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat,
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)

    def test_pickle(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be pickled and unpickled with no
        loss of information.
        import pickle
        mode = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.mode, -1))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat,
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)
class TestHinderedRotor(unittest.TestCase):
    Contains unit tests of the HinderedRotor class.
    def setUp(self):
        A function run before each unit test in this class.
        self.inertia = 1.56764
        self.symmetry = 3
        self.barrier = 11.373 
        self.quantum = True
        self.mode = HinderedRotor(
            inertia = (self.inertia,"amu*angstrom^2"), 
            symmetry = self.symmetry,
            barrier = (self.barrier,"kJ/mol"),
            fourier = ([ [4.58375, 0.841648, -5702.71, 6.02657, 4.7446], [0.726951, -0.677255, 0.207032, 0.553307, -0.503303] ],"J/mol"),
            quantum = self.quantum,
        self.freemode = FreeRotor(
            inertia = (self.inertia,"amu*angstrom^2"), 
            symmetry = self.symmetry,
    def test_getRotationalConstant(self):
        Test getting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        Bexp = 10.7535
        Bact = self.mode.rotationalConstant.value_si
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Bexp, Bact, 4)
        Bact2 = self.freemode.rotationalConstant.value_si
    def test_setRotationalConstant(self):
        Test setting the HinderedRotor.rotationalConstant property.
        B = self.mode.rotationalConstant
        B.value_si *= 2
        self.mode.rotationalConstant = B
        self.freemode.rotationalConstant = B
        Iexp = 0.5 * self.inertia
        Iact = self.mode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        Iact2 = self.freemode.inertia.value_si * constants.Na * 1e23
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Iexp, Iact, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Iexp, Iact2, 4)
    def test_getPotential_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPotential() method for a cosine potential.
        self.mode.fourier = None
        phi = numpy.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        V = numpy.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            V[i] = self.mode.getPotential(phi[i])
    def test_getPotential_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPotential() method for a Fourier series
        phi = numpy.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 24.)
        V = numpy.zeros_like(phi)
        for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
            V[i] = self.mode.getPotential(phi[i])
    def test_getPartitionFunction_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getPartitionFunction() method 
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.sqrt(8*numpy.pi**3*constants.kB*Tlist*self.freemode.inertia.value_si)/(self.symmetry*constants.h)
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist,Qexplist):
            Qact = self.freemode.getPartitionFunction(T)
    def test_getPartitionFunction_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([0.741953, 1.30465, 2.68553, 3.88146, 4.91235])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4*Qexp)
    def test_getPartitionFunction_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([0.745526, 1.30751, 2.68722, 3.88258, 4.91315])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4*Qexp)
    def test_getPartitionFunction_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([1.39947, 1.94793, 3.30171, 4.45856, 5.45188])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-4*Qexp)
    def test_getPartitionFunction_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getPartitionFunction() method for a Fourier
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Qexplist = numpy.array([1.39364, 1.94182, 3.29509, 4.45205, 5.44563])
        for T, Qexp in zip(Tlist, Qexplist):
            Qact = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=5e-4*Qexp)
    def test_getHeatCapacity_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getHeatCapacity() method 
        Cvexp = constants.R/2.0
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        for T in Tlist:
            Cvact = self.freemode.getHeatCapacity(T)
    def test_getHeatCapacity_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array([1.01741, 0.951141, 0.681919, 0.589263, 0.552028]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4*Cvexp)
    def test_getHeatCapacity_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array([1.17682, 1.01369, 0.698588, 0.596797, 0.556293]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4*Cvexp)
    def test_getHeatCapacity_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a cosine
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array([1.01271, 0.945341, 0.684451, 0.591949, 0.554087]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-4*Cvexp)
    def test_getHeatCapacity_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getHeatCapacity() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Cvexplist = numpy.array([1.01263, 0.946618, 0.685345, 0.592427, 0.554374]) * constants.R
        for T, Cvexp in zip(Tlist, Cvexplist):
            Cvact = self.mode.getHeatCapacity(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Cvexp, Cvact, delta=1e-3*Cvexp)
    def test_getEnthalpy_free(self):
        Test the FreeRotor.getEnthalpy() method
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Hexplist = constants.R*Tlist/2.0
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.freemode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4*Hexp)
    def test_getEnthalpy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([1.09556, 1.09949, 0.962738, 0.854617, 0.784333]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4*Hexp)
    def test_getEnthalpy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([1.08882, 1.09584, 0.961543, 0.854054, 0.784009]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4*Hexp)

    def test_getEnthalpy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([0.545814, 0.727200, 0.760918, 0.717496, 0.680767]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-4*Hexp)
    def test_getEnthalpy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEnthalpy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Hexplist = numpy.array([0.548251, 0.728974, 0.762396, 0.718702, 0.681764]) * constants.R * Tlist
        for T, Hexp in zip(Tlist, Hexplist):
            Hact = self.mode.getEnthalpy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Hexp, Hact, delta=1e-3*Hexp)

    def test_getEntropy_free(self):
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Q = numpy.array([self.freemode.getPartitionFunction(T) for T in Tlist])
        Sexplist = constants.R*(numpy.log(Q)+.5)
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.freemode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4*Sexp)
    def test_getEntropy_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.797089, 1.36543, 1.95062, 2.21083, 2.37608]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4*Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.795154, 1.36396, 1.95005, 2.21055, 2.37592]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4*Sexp)

    def test_getEntropy_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.881906, 1.39397, 1.95536, 2.21232, 2.37673]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-4*Sexp)
    def test_getEntropy_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getEntropy() method using a Fourier series 
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Tlist = numpy.array([300,500,1000,1500,2000])
        Sexplist = numpy.array([0.880170, 1.39260, 1.95483, 2.21207, 2.37658]) * constants.R
        for T, Sexp in zip(Tlist, Sexplist):
            Sact = self.mode.getEntropy(T)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Sexp, Sact, delta=1e-3*Sexp)

    def test_getSumOfStates_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a cosine potential
        in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
            self.assertTrue(0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n-1] < 1.25, '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))

    def test_getSumOfStates_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
            sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
            self.fail('NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates()')
        except NotImplementedError:
    def test_getSumOfStates_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a cosine potential
        in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
            self.assertTrue(0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n-1] < 1.25, '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))

    def test_getSumOfStates_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getSumOfStates() method using a Fourier series
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        sumStates = self.mode.getSumOfStates(Elist)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        for n in range(10, len(Elist)):
            self.assertTrue(0.8 < numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]) / sumStates[n-1] < 1.25, '{0} != {1}'.format(numpy.sum(densStates[0:n]), sumStates[n]))
    def test_getDensityOfStates_classical_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a classical
        potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2*Qexp)

    def test_getDensityOfStates_classical_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a Fourier 
        series potential in the classical limit.
        self.mode.quantum = False
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
            densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
            self.fail('NotImplementedError not raised by HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates()')
        except NotImplementedError:
    def test_getDensityOfStates_quantum_cosine(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a classical
        potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        self.mode.fourier = None
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2*Qexp)

    def test_getDensityOfStates_quantum_fourier(self):
        Test the HinderedRotor.getDensityOfStates() method using a Fourier 
        series potential in the quantum limit.
        self.mode.quantum = True
        Elist = numpy.arange(0, 10000*11.96, 1*11.96)
        densStates = self.mode.getDensityOfStates(Elist)
        T = 100
        Qact = numpy.sum(densStates * numpy.exp(-Elist / constants.R / T))
        Qexp = self.mode.getPartitionFunction(T)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Qexp, Qact, delta=1e-2*Qexp)

    def test_repr(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be reconstructed from its repr()
        output with no loss of information.
        mode = None
        exec('mode = {0!r}'.format(self.mode))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.value.shape, mode.fourier.value.shape)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat, mode.fourier.value.flat):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)
    def test_pickle(self):
        Test that a HinderedRotor object can be pickled and unpickled with no
        loss of information.
        import cPickle
        mode = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(self.mode,-1))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.inertia.value, mode.inertia.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.inertia.units, mode.inertia.units, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.value.shape, mode.fourier.value.shape)
        for A0, A in zip(self.mode.fourier.value.flat, mode.fourier.value.flat):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(A0 / A, 1.0, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.fourier.units, mode.fourier.units)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.mode.barrier.value, mode.barrier.value, 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.barrier.units, mode.barrier.units)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.symmetry, mode.symmetry)
        self.assertEqual(self.mode.quantum, mode.quantum)
    inertia=(inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),
Q = mode.get_partition_function(T)
print('1/Q: %.2f' % (1 / Q))
print('V/RT: %.1f' % (0))
entropy = mode.get_entropy(T)
print('S: %.3f' % (entropy / 4.184))

barrier = 16 * (constants.R * T) / 1000
mode = HinderedRotor(
    inertia=(inertia, "amu*angstrom^2"),
    barrier=(barrier, "kJ/mol"),
phi = np.arange(0.0, 2 * constants.pi + 0.0001, constants.pi / 18.)
potential = np.zeros_like(phi)
for i in range(phi.shape[0]):
    potential[i] = mode.get_potential(phi[i]) / (constants.Na * constants.E_h)
freq = mode.get_frequency()  # in cm-1
print('1/Q: %.2f' % (1 / Q))
print('V/RT: %.1f' % (barrier / ((constants.R * T) / 1000)))
k = (freq * (2 * np.pi * constants.c * 100))**2  # in 1/s^2
#print('M: ',inertia)
#print('K: ',k)
    def setUp(self):
        A method that is called prior to each unit test in this class.
        ethylene = Species(
                E0=(44.7127, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(28.0313, 'amu'), ),
                            [3.41526, 16.6498, 20.065],
                            828.397, 970.652, 977.223, 1052.93, 1233.55,
                            1367.56, 1465.09, 1672.25, 3098.46, 3111.7,
                            3165.79, 3193.54
                    ), ),

        hydrogen = Species(
                E0=(211.794, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(1.00783, 'amu'), ),

        ethyl = Species(
                E0=(111.603, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(29.0391, 'amu'), ),
                            [4.8709, 22.2353, 23.9925],
                            482.224, 791.876, 974.355, 1051.48, 1183.21,
                            1361.36, 1448.65, 1455.07, 1465.48, 2688.22,
                            2954.51, 3033.39, 3101.54, 3204.73
                    ), ),
                        inertia=(1.11481, 'amu*angstrom^2'),
                        barrier=(0.244029, 'kJ/mol'),

        TS = TransitionState(
                E0=(266.694, 'kJ/mol'),
                    IdealGasTranslation(mass=(29.0391, 'amu'), ),
                            [6.78512, 22.1437, 22.2114],
                            412.75, 415.206, 821.495, 924.44, 982.714, 1024.16,
                            1224.21, 1326.36, 1455.06, 1600.35, 3101.46,
                            3110.55, 3175.34, 3201.88
                    ), ),
            frequency=(-750.232, 'cm^-1'),

        self.reaction = Reaction(
            reactants=[hydrogen, ethylene],
                A=(501366000.0, 'cm^3/(mol*s)'),
                Ea=(4.32508, 'kJ/mol'),
                T0=(1, 'K'),
                Tmin=(300, 'K'),
                Tmax=(2500, 'K'),

        # CC(=O)O[O]
        acetylperoxy = Species(
            thermo=Wilhoit(Cp0=(4.0 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           CpInf=(21.0 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           B=(500.0, "K"),
                           H0=(-6.151e+04, "J/mol"),
                           S0=(-790.2, "J/(mol*K)")),

        # C[C]=O
        acetyl = Species(
            thermo=Wilhoit(Cp0=(4.0 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           CpInf=(15.5 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           B=(500.0, "K"),
                           H0=(-1.439e+05, "J/mol"),
                           S0=(-524.6, "J/(mol*K)")),

        # [O][O]
        oxygen = Species(
            thermo=Wilhoit(Cp0=(3.5 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           CpInf=(4.5 * constants.R, "J/(mol*K)"),
                           B=(500.0, "K"),
                           H0=(1.453e+04, "J/mol"),
                           S0=(-12.19, "J/(mol*K)")),

        self.reaction2 = Reaction(
            reactants=[acetyl, oxygen],
                A=(2.65e12, 'cm^3/(mol*s)'),
                Ea=(0.0, 'kJ/mol'),
                T0=(1, 'K'),
                Tmin=(300, 'K'),
                Tmax=(2000, 'K'),