def savePlotAsTable(stackplots=None,spimposeplots=None,dataplots=None,outUrl='table.tex') : #tabtex=getPlotAsTable(stackplots,spimposeplots,dataplots) href=None if(stackplots is not None) : href=stackplots.At(0) if(href is None and spimposeplots is not None) : href=spimposeplots.At(0) if(href is None and dataplots is not None) : href=dataplots.At(0) if(href is None) : return colfmt='l' colnames='' for ibin in xrange(1,href.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) : colfmt += 'c' colnames += ' & ' + href.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(ibin) tabtex = '\\begin{table}[htp]\n' tabtex += '\\begin{center}\n' tabtex += '\\caption{}\n' tabtex += '\\label{tab:table}\n' tabtex += '\\begin{tabular}{'+colfmt+'} \\hline\n' tabtex += 'Process ' + colnames + '\\\\ \\hline\\hline\n' #create the sum if(stackplots.At(0) is not None) : stackSum = stackplots.At(0).Clone("totalstack") stackSum.SetTitle('Total expected') stackSum.Reset('ICE') for p in stackplots: stackSum.Add(p) stackplots.Add(stackSum) alllists = [stackplots, spimposeplots,dataplots ] for ll in alllists : for p in ll : tabtex += p.GetTitle() for ibin in xrange(1,p.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) : val = p.GetBinContent(ibin) valerr= p.GetBinError(ibin) try : tabtex += ' & ' fmtValue = toLatexRounded(val,valerr) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[","(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]",")") tabtex += fmtValue except : tabtex += ' & ' tabtex += '\\\\\n' tabtex += '\\hline\n' tabtex += '\\end{tabular}\n' tabtex += '\\end{center}\n' tabtex += '\\end{table}\n' fileObj = open(outUrl,"w") #fileObj.write(tabtex.Data()) fileObj.write(tabtex) fileObj.close()
def getInTableFormat(tit,h,isData=False,addErrors=True): tableRow='$'+tit+'$' tableRow=tableRow.replace('#','\\') tableRow=tableRow.replace(' ','~') for ibin in xrange(1,h.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) : val = h.GetBinContent(ibin) valerr= h.GetBinError(ibin) try: tableRow += ' & ' fmtValue = str(int(val)) if(not isData) : #fmtValue = '%3.0f' % val #fmtValue += '$\\pm$' #fmtValue += '%3.0f' % valerr fmtValue = '%3.2f' % val if(addErrors) : fmtValue = toLatexRounded(val,valerr) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[","(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]",")") tableRow += fmtValue except: tableRow += ' & ' return tableRow
def buildSFbSummary(inF, title, outDir): global SUMMARYCTR SUMMARYCTR += 1 #read results from the pickle file cachefile = open(inF, 'r') fitInfo = pickle.load(cachefile) effExpected = pickle.load(cachefile) effObserved = pickle.load(cachefile) sfbMeasurement = pickle.load(cachefile) systUncs = pickle.load(cachefile) effsystUncs = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() taggerDef = fitInfo['taggerDef'] taggerName = fitInfo['tagger'] nOPs = len(taggerDef) - 2 # see sliceVarName = fitInfo['slicevar'] btvCalib = ROOT.BTagCalibration(title) if sliceVarName == 'jetpt' else None #prepare graphs summaryGrs = {} for summaryType in ['eff', 'sfb']: for uncType in ['stat', 'total']: for iop in xrange(1, nOPs): if not iop in summaryGrs: summaryGrs[iop] = {} key = (summaryType, uncType) summaryGrs[iop][key] = ROOT.TGraphErrors() summaryGrs[iop][key].SetName( '%s_pass%d_%s_%s_%d' % (taggerName, iop, summaryType, uncType, SUMMARYCTR)) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetTitle(title) #print 'COLORS[(SUMMARYCTR-1)%4]: ', COLORS[(SUMMARYCTR-1)%4] summaryGrs[iop][key].SetMarkerColor(COLORS[(SUMMARYCTR - 1) % 4]) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetLineColor(COLORS[(SUMMARYCTR - 1) % 4]) if uncType == 'total': summaryGrs[iop][key].SetFillColor(COLORS[(SUMMARYCTR - 1) % 4]) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetFillStyle(3001 + SUMMARYCTR % 4) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetMarkerStyle(1) else: summaryGrs[iop][key].SetFillColor(0) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetFillStyle(0) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetLineWidth(2) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetMarkerSize(0.6) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetMarkerStyle( MARKERS[(SUMMARYCTR - 1) % 4]) #iterate over the results table, plotsToInclude = [], [] for islice in effExpected[1]: tablePerOp = {} print 'Fit information: ', fitInfo sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax = fitInfo['slicebins'][islice][0], fitInfo[ 'slicebins'][islice][1] sliceVarMean = 0.5 * (sliceVarMax + sliceVarMin) sliceVarDx = 0.5 * (sliceVarMax - sliceVarMin) #sliceVarMean = sliceVarMean+((SUMMARYCTR-1)%4-2)*sliceVarDx*0.1 for iop in xrange(1, len(taggerDef) - 2): systTable = [] effExp, effExpUnc = effExpected[iop][islice] effObs, effObsUnc = effObserved[iop][islice][0], effObserved[iop][ islice][1] sfb, sfbStatUnc = sfbMeasurement[iop][islice] sfbSystUnc = 0 #sfbStatUnc**2 effSystUnc = 0 for syst in systUncs[iop][islice]: if len(syst) == 0: continue if syst.endswith('dn'): continue syst = syst[:-2] sfbUncUp = systUncs[iop][islice][syst + 'up'] sfbUncDn = systUncs[iop][islice][syst + 'dn'] sfbSystUnc += (0.5 * (math.fabs(sfbUncUp) + math.fabs(sfbUncDn)))**2 #systTable.append( ('~~~{\\small \\it %s}'%syst,'${\\small %.1g / %.1g }$'%(sfbUncUp,sfbUncDn)) ) systTable.append(('~~~{\\small \\it %s}' % syst, '${ %.1g / %.1g }$' % (sfbUncUp, sfbUncDn))) sfbSystUnc = math.sqrt(sfbSystUnc) sfbTotalUnc = math.sqrt(sfbStatUnc**2 + sfbSystUnc**2) #additional_flat_ttbar_sfbsysunc = sfbSystUnc * 1.5 #sfbTotalUnc=math.sqrt(sfbStatUnc**2+sfbSystUnc**2+additional_flat_ttbar_sfbsysunc**2) for syst in effsystUncs[iop][islice]: if len(syst) == 0: continue if syst.endswith('dn'): continue syst = syst[:-2] effUncUp = effsystUncs[iop][islice][syst + 'up'] effUncDn = effsystUncs[iop][islice][syst + 'dn'] effSystUnc += (0.5 * (math.fabs(effUncUp) + math.fabs(effUncDn)))**2 effSystUnc = math.sqrt(effSystUnc) effTotalUnc = math.sqrt(effObsUnc**2 + effSystUnc**2) #additional_flat_ttbar_effsysunc = effSystUnc * 1.5 #effTotalUnc=math.sqrt(effObsUnc**2+effSystUnc**2+additional_flat_ttbar_effsysunc**2) #report if sliceVarName == 'jetpt': btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters( iop - 1, title, 'central', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax, 0, 1) entry = ROOT.BTagEntry(str(sfb), btvCalibParams) btvCalib.addEntry(entry) #btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters(iop-1, title, 'up_total', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin,sliceVarMax,0,1) btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters( iop - 1, title, 'up', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax, 0, 1) entry = ROOT.BTagEntry(str(sfb + sfbTotalUnc), btvCalibParams) btvCalib.addEntry(entry) #btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters(iop-1, title, 'down_total', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin,sliceVarMax,0,1) btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters( iop - 1, title, 'down', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax, 0, 1) entry = ROOT.BTagEntry(str(sfb - sfbTotalUnc), btvCalibParams) btvCalib.addEntry(entry) #btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters(iop-1, title, 'up_statistics', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin,sliceVarMax,0,1) btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters( iop - 1, title, 'up_statistic', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax, 0, 1) entry = ROOT.BTagEntry(str(sfb + sfbStatUnc), btvCalibParams) btvCalib.addEntry(entry) #btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters(iop-1, title, 'down_statistics', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin,sliceVarMax,0,1) btvCalibParams = ROOT.BTagEntry.Parameters( iop - 1, title, 'down_statistic', 0, -2.4, 2.4, sliceVarMin, sliceVarMax, 0, 1) entry = ROOT.BTagEntry(str(sfb - sfbStatUnc), btvCalibParams) btvCalib.addEntry(entry) # fill table rows tablePerOp[iop] = [('$\\varepsilon_{\\rm b}^{\\rm MC}$', '%s' % toLatexRounded(effExp, effExpUnc)), ('$\\varepsilon_{\\rm b}^{\\rm obs}$', '%s' % toLatexRounded(effObs, effObsUnc)), ('${\\rm SF}_{\\rm b}$', '%s' % toLatexRounded( sfb, [sfbStatUnc, sfbSystUnc]))] + systTable #add points to graphs key = ('eff', 'stat') np = summaryGrs[iop][key].GetN() summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPoint(np, sliceVarMean, effObs) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPointError(np, sliceVarDx, effObsUnc) key = ('eff', 'total') summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPoint(np, sliceVarMean, effObs) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPointError(np, sliceVarDx, effTotalUnc) key = ('sfb', 'stat') summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPoint(np, sliceVarMean, sfb) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPointError(np, sliceVarDx, sfbStatUnc) key = ('sfb', 'total') summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPoint(np, sliceVarMean, sfb) summaryGrs[iop][key].SetPointError(np, sliceVarDx, sfbTotalUnc) sliceVarRangeText = '$%3.0f<%s<%3.0f$' % ( sliceVarMin, fitInfo['slicevar'], sliceVarMax) table.append((sliceVarRangeText, tablePerOp)) plotsToInclude.append(( 'Result of the fit to the %s disciminator for events with %s. The left (right) panel shows the pass (fail) category defined for events with %s$>$%s.' % (title, sliceVarRangeText, taggerDef[0], taggerDef[iop + 1]), '%s/%s_%d_slice%d.pdf' % (os.path.dirname(inF), taggerName, iop, islice))) #dump to file if btvCalib: with open('%s/%s_calib.csv' % (outDir, title), 'w') as f: f.write(btvCalib.makeCSV()) #with open('%s/CSVv2_Kin.csv'%(outDir,title), 'w') as f : f.write(btvCalib.makeCSV()) return sliceVarName, summaryGrs, table, plotsToInclude
topRescaleFactor.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ipoint,reg[0]) if(otherYields[0][0]>0): kOther=otherYields[1][0]/otherYields[0][0] kOtherError=sqrt(pow(otherYields[1][0]*otherYields[0][1],2) +pow(otherYields[0][0]*otherYields[1][1],2))/pow(otherYields[0][0],2) otherRescaleFactor.SetBinContent(ipoint,kOther); otherRescaleFactor.SetBinError(ipoint,kOtherError) otherRescaleFactor.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ipoint,reg[0]) print '********* ' + reg[0] + ' *************' print topRescaleFactor.GetXaxis().GetNbins() topRescaleFactor.Fit(fitfunc,'RQ+') try : fmtValue = toLatexRounded(fitfunc.GetParameter(0),fitfunc.GetParError(0)) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[","(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]",")") print 'top: ' + fmtValue, except : print 'top: n/a' topRescalingHistos.Add(topRescaleFactor) try : otherRescaleFactor.Fit(fitfunc,'RQ+') fmtValue = toLatexRounded(fitfunc.GetParameter(0),fitfunc.GetParError(0)) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[","(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]",")") print ' others: ' + fmtValue except: print ' others: n/a'
if (otherYields[0][0] > 0): kOther = otherYields[1][0] / otherYields[0][0] kOtherError = sqrt( pow(otherYields[1][0] * otherYields[0][1], 2) + pow(otherYields[0][0] * otherYields[1][1], 2)) / pow( otherYields[0][0], 2) otherRescaleFactor.SetBinContent(ipoint, kOther) otherRescaleFactor.SetBinError(ipoint, kOtherError) otherRescaleFactor.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ipoint, reg[0]) print '********* ' + reg[0] + ' *************' print topRescaleFactor.GetXaxis().GetNbins() topRescaleFactor.Fit(fitfunc, 'RQ+') try: fmtValue = toLatexRounded(fitfunc.GetParameter(0), fitfunc.GetParError(0)) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[", "(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]", ")") print 'top: ' + fmtValue, except: print 'top: n/a' topRescalingHistos.Add(topRescaleFactor) try: otherRescaleFactor.Fit(fitfunc, 'RQ+') fmtValue = toLatexRounded(fitfunc.GetParameter(0), fitfunc.GetParError(0)) fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("[", "(") fmtValue = fmtValue.replace("]", ")") print ' others: ' + fmtValue except: