文件: weyl_group.py 项目: biasse/sage
    def long_element_hardcoded(self):
        Returns the long Weyl group element (hardcoded data)

        Do we really want to keep it? There is a generic
        implementation which works in all cases. The hardcoded should
        have a better complexity (for large classical types), but
        there is a cache, so does this really matter?


            sage: types = [ ['A',5],['B',3],['C',3],['D',4],['G',2],['F',4],['E',6] ]
            sage: [WeylGroup(t).long_element().length() for t in types]
            [15, 9, 9, 12, 6, 24, 36]
            sage: all( WeylGroup(t).long_element() == WeylGroup(t).long_element_hardcoded() for t in types )  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)
        type = self.cartan_type()
        if type[0] == 'D' and type[1]%2 == 1:
            l = [-1 for i in range(self.n-1)]
            m = diagonal_matrix(QQ,l)
        elif type[0] == 'A':
            l = [0 for k in range((self.n)**2)]
            for k in range(self.n-1, (self.n)**2-1, self.n-1):
                l[k] = 1
            m = matrix(QQ, self.n, l)
        elif type[0] == 'E':
            if type[1] == 6:
                half = ZZ(1)/ZZ(2)
                l = [[-half, -half, -half, half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [-half, -half, half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [-half, half, -half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [half, -half, -half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, half, half, -half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, half, -half, half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, -half, half, half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, -half, half, half, half]]
                m = matrix(QQ, 8, l)
                raise NotImplementedError, "Not implemented yet for this type"
        elif type[0] == 'G':
            third = ZZ(1)/ZZ(3)
            twothirds = ZZ(2)/ZZ(3)
            l = [[-third, twothirds, twothirds],
                 [twothirds, -third, twothirds],
                 [twothirds, twothirds, -third]]
            m = matrix(QQ, 3, l)
            m = diagonal_matrix([-1 for i in range(self.n)])
        return self.__call__(m)
    def long_element_hardcoded(self):
        Returns the long Weyl group element (hardcoded data)

        Do we really want to keep it? There is a generic
        implementation which works in all cases. The hardcoded should
        have a better complexity (for large classical types), but
        there is a cache, so does this really matter?


            sage: types = [ ['A',5],['B',3],['C',3],['D',4],['G',2],['F',4],['E',6] ]
            sage: [WeylGroup(t).long_element().length() for t in types]
            [15, 9, 9, 12, 6, 24, 36]
            sage: all( WeylGroup(t).long_element() == WeylGroup(t).long_element_hardcoded() for t in types )  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)
        type = self.cartan_type()
        if type[0] == 'D' and type[1]%2 == 1:
            l = [-1 for i in range(self.n-1)]
            m = diagonal_matrix(QQ,l)
        elif type[0] == 'A':
            l = [0 for k in range((self.n)**2)]
            for k in range(self.n-1, (self.n)**2-1, self.n-1):
                l[k] = 1
            m = matrix(QQ, self.n, l)
        elif type[0] == 'E':
            if type[1] == 6:
                half = ZZ(1)/ZZ(2)
                l = [[-half, -half, -half, half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [-half, -half, half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [-half, half, -half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [half, -half, -half, -half, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, half, half, -half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, half, -half, half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, half, -half, half, half],
                     [0, 0, 0, 0, -half, half, half, half]]
                m = matrix(QQ, 8, l)
                raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet for this type")
        elif type[0] == 'G':
            third = ZZ(1)/ZZ(3)
            twothirds = ZZ(2)/ZZ(3)
            l = [[-third, twothirds, twothirds],
                 [twothirds, -third, twothirds],
                 [twothirds, twothirds, -third]]
            m = matrix(QQ, 3, l)
            m = diagonal_matrix([-1 for i in range(self.n)])
        return self(m)
 def _kohnen_phi(self, a, t) :
     ## We use a modified power of a, namely for each prime factor p of a
     ## we use p**floor(v_p(a)/2). This is compensated for in the routine
     ## of \rho
     a_modif = 1
     for (p,e) in a.factor() :
         a_modif = a_modif * p**(e // 2)
     res = 0
     for dsq in filter(lambda d: d.is_square(), a.divisors()) :
         d = isqrt(dsq)
         for g_diag in itertools.ifilter( lambda diag: prod(diag) == d,
                               itertools.product(*[d.divisors() for _ in xrange(t.nrows())]) ) :
             for subents in itertools.product(*[xrange(r) for (j,r) in enumerate(g_diag) for _ in xrange(j)]) :
                 columns = [subents[(j * (j - 1)) // 2:(j * (j + 1)) // 2] for j in xrange(t.nrows())]
                 g = diagonal_matrix(list(g_diag))
                 for j in xrange(t.nrows()) :
                     for i in xrange(j) :
                         g[i,j] = columns[j][i]
                 ginv = g.inverse()   
                 tg = ginv.transpose() * t * ginv
                 try :
                     tg= matrix(ZZ, tg)
                 except :
                 if any(tg[i,i] % 2 == 1 for i in xrange(tg.nrows())) :
                 res = res + self._kohnen_rho(tg, a // dsq)
     return a_modif * res
    def to_matrix(self):
        Return a matrix of ``self``.

        The colors are mapped to roots of unity.


            sage: C = ColoredPermutations(4, 3)
            sage: s1,s2,t = C.gens()
            sage: x = s1*s2*t*s2; x.one_line_form()
            [(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 3)]
            sage: M = x.to_matrix(); M
            [    0     1     0]
            [zeta4     0     0]
            [    0     0     1]

        The matrix multiplication is in the *opposite* order::

            sage: M == s2.to_matrix()*t.to_matrix()*s2.to_matrix()*s1.to_matrix()
        Cp = CyclotomicField(self.parent()._m)
        g = Cp.gen()
        D = diagonal_matrix(Cp, [g ** i for i in self._colors])
        return self._perm.to_matrix() * D
    def to_matrix(self):
        Return a matrix of ``self``.

        The colors are mapped to roots of unity.


            sage: C = ColoredPermutations(4, 3)
            sage: s1,s2,t = C.gens()
            sage: x = s1*s2*t*s2; x.one_line_form()
            [(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 3)]
            sage: M = x.to_matrix(); M
            [    0     1     0]
            [zeta4     0     0]
            [    0     0     1]

        The matrix multiplication is in the *opposite* order::

            sage: M == s2.to_matrix()*t.to_matrix()*s2.to_matrix()*s1.to_matrix()
        Cp = CyclotomicField(self.parent()._m)
        g = Cp.gen()
        D = diagonal_matrix(Cp, [g**i for i in self._colors])
        return self._perm.to_matrix() * D
    def _rank(self, K) :
        if K is QQ or K in NumberFields() :
            return len(_jacobi_forms_by_taylor_expansion_coords(self.__index, self.__weight, 0))

            ## This is the formula used by Poor and Yuen in Paramodular cusp forms
            if self.__weight == 2 :
                delta = len(self.__index.divisors()) // 2 - 1
            else :
                delta = 0
            return sum( ModularForms(1, self.__weight + 2 * j).dimension() + j**2 // (4 * self.__index)
                        for j in xrange(self.__index + 1) ) \
                   + delta

            ## This is the formula given by Skoruppa in 
            ## Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
            ##FIXME: There is some mistake here
            if self.__weight % 2 != 0 :
                ## Otherwise the space X(i**(n - 2 k)) is different
                ## See: Skoruppa, Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
                raise NotImplementedError
            m = self.__index
            K = CyclotomicField(24 * m, 'zeta')
            zeta = K.gen(0)
            quadform = lambda x : 6 * x**2
            bilinform = lambda x,y : quadform(x + y) - quadform(x) - quadform(y)
            T = diagonal_matrix([zeta**quadform(i) for i in xrange(2*m)])
            S =   sum(zeta**(-quadform(x)) for x in xrange(2 * m)) / (2 * m) \
                * matrix([[zeta**(-bilinform(j,i)) for j in xrange(2*m)] for i in xrange(2*m)])
            subspace_matrix_1 = matrix( [ [1 if j == i or j == 2*m - i else 0 for j in xrange(m + 1) ]
                                        for i in xrange(2*m)] )
            subspace_matrix_2 = zero_matrix(ZZ, m + 1, 2*m)
            T = subspace_matrix_2 * T * subspace_matrix_1
            S = subspace_matrix_2 * S * subspace_matrix_1
            sqrt3 = (zeta**(4*m) - zeta**(-4*m)) * zeta**(-6*m) 
            rank =   (self.__weight - 1/2 - 1) / 2 * (m + 1) \
                   + 1/8 * (   zeta**(3*m * (2*self.__weight - 1)) * S.trace()
                             + zeta**(3*m * (1 - 2*self.__weight)) * S.trace().conjugate() ) \
                   + 2/(3*sqrt3) * (   zeta**(4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace()
                                     + zeta**(-4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace().conjugate() ) \
                   - sum((j**2 % (m+1))/(m+1) -1/2 for j in range(0,m+1))
            if self.__weight > 5 / 2 :
                return rank
            else :
                raise NotImplementedError
        raise NotImplementedError
    def elementary_divisors(self):
        This returns the elementary divisors of the group, using Pari.

        .. note::
            Here is another algorithm for computing the elementary divisors 
            `d_1, d_2, d_3, \ldots`, of a finite abelian group (where `d_1 | d_2 | d_3 | \ldots`
            are composed of prime powers dividing the invariants of the group
            in a way described below). Just factor the invariants `a_i` that 
            define the abelian group.  Then the biggest `d_i` is the product 
            of the maximum prime powers dividing some `a_j`. In other words, the
            largest `d_i` is the product of `p^v`, where `v = max(ord_p(a_j) \mathrm{ for all } j`).
            Now divide out all those `p^v`'s into the list of invariants `a_i`, 
            and get a new list of "smaller invariants"". Repeat the above procedure
            on these ""smaller invariants"" to compute `d_{i-1}`, and so on.
            (Thanks to Robert Miller for communicating this algorithm.)

        TODO: When somebody wants to speed this code up, please implement he 
            above algorithm.

            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[2,3])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(1, [6])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[2,6])
            sage: G
            Multiplicative Abelian Group isomorphic to C2 x C6
            sage: G.invariants()
            [2, 6]
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            [2, 6]
            sage: J = AbelianGroup([1,3,5,12])
            sage: J.elementary_divisors()
            [3, 60]
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[0,6])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            [6, 0]

        from sage.matrix.constructor import diagonal_matrix
        inv = self.invariants()
        eldivs = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, inv).elementary_divisors()
        if len(eldivs) == 1 or not (1 in eldivs):
            return eldivs
            return eldivs
def linear_representation(p, polys):
  Assuming that ``p`` is a linear combination of ``polys``,
  determine coefficients that describe the linear combination.

  This probably does not work for any inputs except ``p``, a polynomial,
  and ``polys``, a sequence of polynomials.
  If ``p`` is not in fact a linear combination of ``polys``,
  the function raises an exception.

  The algorithm creates a matrix of coefficients of the monomials of
  ``polys`` and ``p``, with the coefficients of ``p`` in the last
  row. It augments this matrix with the appropriate identity matrix, then
  computes the echelon form of the augmented matrix. The last row should
  contain zeroes in the first columns, and the last
  columns contain a linear dependence relation. Solving for
  the desired linear relation is straightforward.


  - ``p`` - a polynomial
  - ``polys`` - a list/tuple of polynomials


      If ``n == len(polys)``, returns ``[a[0],a[1],...,a[n-1]]``
      such that ``p == a[0]*poly[0] + ... + a[n-1]*poly[n-1]``.


      sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.toy_variety import linear_representation
      sage: R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(GF(32003))
      sage: B = [x^2 + 1, y^2 + 1, x*y + 1]
      sage: p = 3*B[0] - 2*B[1] + B[2]
      sage: linear_representation(p, B)
      [3, 32001, 1]

    from sage.matrix.constructor import diagonal_matrix
    R = p.base_ring()
    M = coefficient_matrix(polys + [p]).augment(
        diagonal_matrix(R, [1 for each in range(len(polys) + 1)]))
    j = M.ncols() - 1
    n = M.nrows() - 1
    offset = M.ncols() - M.nrows()
    return [M[n, offset + each] / (-M[n, j]) for each in range(len(polys))]
    def elementary_divisors(self):
        Return the elementary divisors of this group.

        See :meth:`sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap.elementary_divisors`.


            sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap import AbelianGroupGap
            sage: G = AbelianGroupGap([2,3,4,5])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            (2, 60)
        ediv = self.gap().AbelianInvariants().sage()
        from sage.matrix.constructor import diagonal_matrix
        ed = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, ediv).elementary_divisors()
        return tuple(d for d in ed if d != 1)
def linear_representation(p, polys):
  Assuming that ``p`` is a linear combination of ``polys``,
  determines coefficients that describe the linear combination.
  This probably doesn't work for any inputs except ``p``, a polynomial,
  and ``polys``, a sequence of polynomials.
  If ``p`` is not in fact a linear combination of ``polys``,
  the function raises an exception.
  The algorithm creates a matrix of coefficients of the monomials of
  ``polys`` and ``p``, with the coefficients of ``p`` in the last
  row. It augments this matrix with the appropriate identity matrix, then
  computes the echelon form of the augmented matrix. The last row should
  contain zeroes in the first columns, and the last
  columns contain a linear dependence relation. Solving for 
  the desired linear relation is straightforward.

  - ``p`` - a polynomial
  - ``polys`` - a list/tuple of polynomials

      If ``n == len(polys)``, returns ``[a[0],a[1],...,a[n-1]]``
      such that ``p == a[0]*poly[0] + ... + a[n-1]*poly[n-1]``.

      sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.toy_variety import linear_representation
      sage: R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(GF(32003))
      sage: B = [x^2 + 1, y^2 + 1, x*y + 1]
      sage: p = 3*B[0] - 2*B[1] + B[2]
      sage: linear_representation(p, B)
      [3, 32001, 1]
    from sage.matrix.constructor import diagonal_matrix

    R = p.base_ring()
    M = coefficient_matrix(polys + [p]).augment(diagonal_matrix(R, [1 for each in xrange(len(polys) + 1)]))
    j = M.ncols() - 1
    n = M.nrows() - 1
    offset = M.ncols() - M.nrows()
    return [M[n, offset + each] / (-M[n, j]) for each in xrange(len(polys))]
    def elementary_divisors(self):
        This returns the elementary divisors of the group, using Pari.

        .. note::
            Here is another algorithm for computing the elementary divisors 
            `d_1, d_2, d_3, \ldots`, of a finite abelian group (where `d_1 | d_2 | d_3 | \ldots`
            are composed of prime powers dividing the invariants of the group
            in a way described below). Just factor the invariants `a_i` that 
            define the abelian group.  Then the biggest `d_i` is the product 
            of the maximum prime powers dividing some `a_j`. In other words, the
            largest `d_i` is the product of `p^v`, where `v = max(ord_p(a_j) \mathrm{ for all } j`).
            Now divide out all those `p^v`'s into the list of invariants `a_i`, 
            and get a new list of "smaller invariants"". Repeat the above procedure
            on these ""smaller invariants"" to compute `d_{i-1}`, and so on.
            (Thanks to Robert Miller for communicating this algorithm.)

            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[2,3])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(1, [6])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[2,6])
            sage: G
            Multiplicative Abelian Group isomorphic to C2 x C6
            sage: G.invariants()
            [2, 6]
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            [2, 6]
            sage: J = AbelianGroup([1,3,5,12])
            sage: J.elementary_divisors()
            [3, 60]
            sage: G = AbelianGroup(2,[0,6])
            sage: G.elementary_divisors()
            [6, 0]
            sage: AbelianGroup([3,4,5]).elementary_divisors()
        from sage.matrix.constructor import diagonal_matrix
        ed = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, self.invariants()).elementary_divisors()
        return [d for d in ed if d!=1]
 def gen(self, i = 0) :
     if i < self.__n :
         t = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, i * [0] + [2] + (self.__n - i - 1) * [0])
         return t
     elif i >= self.__n and i < (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2 :
         i = i - self.__n
         for r in xrange(self.__n) :
             if i >=  self.__n - r - 1 :
                 i = i - (self.__n - r - 1)
             c = i + r + 1
         t = zero_matrix(ZZ, self.__n)
         t[r,c] = 1
         t[c,r] = 1
         return t
     elif not self.__reduced and i >= (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2 \
          and i < self.__n**2 :
         i = i - (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2
         for r in xrange(self.__n) :
             if i >=  self.__n - r - 1 :
                 i = i - (self.__n - r - 1)
             c = i + r + 1
         t = zero_matrix(ZZ, self.__n)
         t[r,c] = -1
         t[c,r] = -1
         return t
     raise ValueError, "Generator not defined"
    def _kohnen_phi(self, a, t):
        ## We use a modified power of a, namely for each prime factor p of a
        ## we use p**floor(v_p(a)/2). This is compensated for in the routine
        ## of \rho
        a_modif = 1
        for (p, e) in a.factor():
            a_modif = a_modif * p**(e // 2)

        res = 0
        for dsq in [d for d in a.divisors() if d.is_square()]:
            d = isqrt(dsq)

            for g_diag in filter(
                    lambda diag: prod(diag) == d,
                        *[d.divisors() for _ in range(t.nrows())])):
                for subents in itertools.product(*[
                        range(r) for (j, r) in enumerate(g_diag)
                        for _ in range(j)
                    columns = [
                        subents[(j * (j - 1)) // 2:(j * (j + 1)) // 2]
                        for j in range(t.nrows())
                    g = diagonal_matrix(list(g_diag))
                    for j in range(t.nrows()):
                        for i in range(j):
                            g[i, j] = columns[j][i]

                    ginv = g.inverse()
                    tg = ginv.transpose() * t * ginv
                        tg = matrix(ZZ, tg)
                    if any(tg[i, i] % 2 == 1 for i in range(tg.nrows())):


                    res = res + self._kohnen_rho(tg, a // dsq)

        return a_modif * res
文件: goppa_code.py 项目: yjjcc/sage
    def _parity_check_matrix_vandermonde(self):
        Return a parity check matrix for ``self`` using Vandermonde matrix.


            sage: F  = GF(2^3)
            sage: R.<x> = F[]
            sage: g = x^2 + x+ 1
            sage: L = [a for a in F.list() if g(a) != 0]
            sage: C = codes.GoppaCode(g, L)
            sage: C
            [8, 2] Goppa code over GF(2)
            sage: C._parity_check_matrix_vandermonde()
            [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
            [0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0]
            [0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]
            [0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
            [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0]
            [0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0]
        L = self._defining_set
        g = self._generating_pol
        t = g.degree()

        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix, diagonal_matrix, block_matrix

        V = matrix.vandermonde(L)
        V = V.transpose()
        GL = [g(i) for i in L]
        GLI = [j.inverse_of_unit() for j in GL]
        D = diagonal_matrix(GLI)
        VF = matrix([V.row(i) for i in range(t)])
        H = VF * D

        matrices = [matrix([vector(i) for i in H.row(j)]) for j in range(t)]
        matrices = [m.transpose() for m in matrices]

        m = block_matrix(t, 1, matrices)
        return m
def lift(A, N):
    Lift a matrix A from SL_m(Z/NZ) to SL_m(Z).

    Follows Shimura, Lemma 1.38, p21.

    assert A.is_square()
    assert A.determinant() != 0
    m = A.nrows()
    if m == 1:
        return identity_matrix(1)

    D, U, V = A.smith_form()
    if U.determinant() == -1:
        U = matrix(2, 2, [-1, 0, 0, 1]) * U
    if V.determinant() == -1:
        V = V * matrix(2, 2, [-1, 0, 0, 1])
    D = U * A * V
    assert U.determinant() == 1
    assert V.determinant() == 1
    a = [D[i, i] for i in range(m)]
    b = prod(a[1:])
    W = identity_matrix(m)
    W[0, 0] = b
    W[1, 0] = b - 1
    W[0, 1] = 1
    X = identity_matrix(m)
    X[0, 1] = -a[1]
    Ap = D.parent()(D)
    Ap[0, 0] = 1
    Ap[1, 0] = 1 - a[0]
    Ap[1, 1] *= a[0]
    assert (W * U * A * V * X).change_ring(Zmod(N)) == Ap.change_ring(Zmod(N))
    Cp = diagonal_matrix(a[1:])
    Cp[0, 0] *= a[0]
    C = lift(Cp, N)
    Cpp = block_diagonal_matrix(identity_matrix(1), C)
    Cpp[1, 0] = 1 - a[0]
    return (~U * ~W * Cpp * ~X * ~V).change_ring(ZZ)
def lift(A, N):
    Lift a matrix A from SL_m(Z/NZ) to SL_m(Z).

    Follows Shimura, Lemma 1.38, p21.

    assert A.is_square()
    assert A.determinant() != 0
    m = A.nrows()
    if m == 1:
        return identity_matrix(1)

    D, U, V = A.smith_form()
    if U.determinant() == -1 :
        U = matrix(2,2,[-1,0,0,1])* U
    if V.determinant() == -1 :
        V = V *matrix(2,2,[-1,0,0,1])
    D = U*A*V
    assert U.determinant() == 1
    assert V.determinant() == 1
    a = [ D[i, i] for i in range(m) ]
    b = prod(a[1:])
    W = identity_matrix(m)
    W[0, 0] = b
    W[1, 0] = b-1
    W[0, 1] = 1
    X = identity_matrix(m)
    X[0, 1] = -a[1]
    Ap = D.parent()(D)
    Ap[0, 0] = 1
    Ap[1, 0] = 1-a[0]
    Ap[1, 1] *= a[0]
    assert (W*U*A*V*X).change_ring(Zmod(N)) == Ap.change_ring(Zmod(N))
    Cp = diagonal_matrix(a[1:])
    Cp[0, 0] *= a[0]
    C = lift(Cp, N)
    Cpp = block_diagonal_matrix(identity_matrix(1), C)
    Cpp[1, 0] = 1-a[0]
    return (~U * ~W * Cpp * ~X * ~V).change_ring(ZZ)
    def to_matrix(self):
        Return a matrix of ``self``.


            sage: S = SignedPermutations(4)
            sage: s1,s2,s3,s4 = S.gens()
            sage: x = s4*s1*s2*s3*s4
            sage: M = x.to_matrix(); M
            [ 0  1  0  0]
            [ 0  0  1  0]
            [ 0  0  0 -1]
            [-1  0  0  0]

        The matrix multiplication is in the *opposite* order::

            sage: m1,m2,m3,m4 = [g.to_matrix() for g in S.gens()]
            sage: M == m4 * m3 * m2 * m1 * m4
        return self._perm.to_matrix() * diagonal_matrix(self._colors)
    def to_matrix(self):
        Return a matrix of ``self``.


            sage: S = SignedPermutations(4)
            sage: s1,s2,s3,s4 = S.gens()
            sage: x = s4*s1*s2*s3*s4
            sage: M = x.to_matrix(); M
            [ 0  1  0  0]
            [ 0  0  1  0]
            [ 0  0  0 -1]
            [-1  0  0  0]

        The matrix multiplication is in the *opposite* order::

            sage: m1,m2,m3,m4 = [g.to_matrix() for g in S.gens()]
            sage: M == m4 * m3 * m2 * m1 * m4
        return self._perm.to_matrix() * diagonal_matrix(self._colors)
    def has_rational_point(self,
        Returns True if and only if the conic ``self``
        has a point over its base field `F(t)`, which is a field of rational

        If ``point`` is True, then returns a second output, which is
        a rational point if one exists.

        Points are cached whenever they are found. Cached information
        is used if and only if ``read_cache`` is True.
        The default algorithm does not (yet) work for all base fields `F`.
        In particular, sage is required to have:
        * an algorithm for finding the square root of elements in finite
          extensions of `F`;
        * a factorization and gcd algorithm for `F[t]`;
        * an algorithm for solving conics over `F`.
        The parameter ``algorithm`` specifies the algorithm
        to be used:

        * ``'default'`` -- use a native Sage implementation, based on the
          algorithm Conic in [HC2006]_.

        * ``'magma'`` (requires Magma to be installed) --
          delegates the task to the Magma computer algebra
        We can find points for function fields over (extensions of) `\QQ`
        and finite fields::
            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: C = Conic(K, [t^2-2, 2*t^3, -2*t^3-13*t^2-2*t+18])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (-3 : (t + 1)/t : 1))
            sage: R.<t> = FiniteField(23)[]
            sage: C = Conic([2, t^2+1, t^2+5])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (5*t : 8 : 1))
            sage: F.<i> = QuadraticField(-1)
            sage: R.<t> = F[]
            sage: C = Conic([1,i*t,-t^2+4])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (True, (-t - 2*i : -2*i : 1))

        It works on non-diagonal conics as well::

            sage: K.<t> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Conic([4, -4, 8, 1, -4, t + 4])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (1/2 : 1 : 0))

        If no point exists output still depends on the argument ``point``::

            sage: K.<t> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Conic(K, [t^2, (t-1), -2*(t-1)])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (False, None)
        Due to limitations in Sage of algorithms we depend on, it is not
        yet possible to find points on conics over multivariate function fields
        (see the requirements above)::
            sage: F.<t1> = FractionField(QQ['t1'])
            sage: K.<t2> = FractionField(F['t2'])
            sage: a = K(1)
            sage: b = 2*t2^2+2*t1*t2-t1^2
            sage: c = -3*t2^4-4*t1*t2^3+8*t1^2*t2^2+16*t1^3-t2-48*t1^4
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: is_square() not implemented for elements of
            Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in tbar over Fraction Field
            of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t1 over Rational Field with
            modulus tbar^2 + t1*tbar - 1/2*t1^2
        In some cases, the algorithm requires us to be
        able to solve conics over `F`. In particular, the following does not

            sage: P.<u> = QQ[]
            sage: E = P.fraction_field()
            sage: Q.<Y> = E[]
            sage: F.<v> = E.extension(Y^2 - u^3 - 1)
            sage: R.<t> = F[]
            sage: K = R.fraction_field()
            sage: C = Conic(K, [u, v, 1])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: has_rational_point not implemented for conics
            over base field Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in v over
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in u over Rational
            Field with modulus v^2 - u^3 - 1

        ``has_rational_point`` fails for some conics over function fields
        over finite fields, due to :trac:`20003`::

            sage: K.<t> = PolynomialRing(GF(7))
            sage: C = Conic([5*t^2+4, t^2+3*t+3, 6*t^2+3*t+2, 5*t^2+5, 4*t+3, 4*t^2+t+5])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: self (=Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^2 + 4)*x^2 + ((6*t^3 + 3*t^2 + 5*t + 5)/(t + 3))*y^2 + ((6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + t^3 + 6*t^2 + 6*t + 2)/(t^4 + t^3 + 4*t^2 + 3*t + 1))*z^2
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^2 + 4)*x^2 + (t^2 + 3*t + 3)*x*y + (5*t^2 + 5)*y^2 + (6*t^2 + 3*t + 2)*x*z + (4*t + 3)*y*z + (4*t^2 + t + 5)*z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x + ((2*t + 5)/(t + 3))*y + ((3*t^4 + 2*t^3 + 5*t^2 + 5*t + 3)/(t^4 + t^3 + 4*t^2 + 3*t + 1))*z : y + ((6*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 3*t + 6)/(t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2))*z : z)) domain must equal right (=Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 3*t + 3)*x^2 + (t + 4)*y^2 + (6*t^7 + 2*t^5 + t^4 + 2*t^3 + 3*t^2 + 6*t + 6)*z^2
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5/(t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2))*x^2 + (1/(t^3 + 3*t^2 + 5*t + 1))*y^2 + ((6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + t^3 + 6*t^2 + 6*t + 2)/(t^9 + 5*t^8 + t^7 + 6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + 4*t^3 + t^2 + 5*t + 3))*z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    ((t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2)*x : (t^2 + 5)*y : (t^5 + 4*t^4 + t^2 + 3*t + 3)*z)) codomain


            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: a = (2*t^2 - 3/2*t + 1)/(37/3*t^2 + t - 1/4)
            sage: b = (1/2*t^2 + 1/3)/(-73*t^2 - 2*t + 11/4)
            sage: c = (6934/3*t^6 + 8798/3*t^5 - 947/18*t^4 + 3949/9*t^3 + 20983/18*t^2 + 28/3*t - 131/3)/(-2701/3*t^4 - 293/3*t^3 + 301/6*t^2 + 13/4*t - 11/16)
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (4*t + 4 : 2*t + 2 : 1))

        A long time test::

            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: a = (-1/3*t^6 - 14*t^5 - 1/4*t^4 + 7/2*t^2 - 1/2*t - 1)/(24/5*t^6 - t^5 - 1/4*t^4 + t^3 - 3*t^2 + 8/5*t + 5)
            sage: b = (-3*t^3 + 8*t + 1/2)/(-1/3*t^3 + 3/2*t^2 + 1/12*t + 1/2)
            sage: c = (1232009/225*t^25 - 1015925057/8100*t^24 + 1035477411553/1458000*t^23 + 7901338091/30375*t^22 - 1421379260447/729000*t^21 + 266121260843/972000*t^20 + 80808723191/486000*t^19 - 516656082523/972000*t^18 + 21521589529/40500*t^17 + 4654758997/21600*t^16 - 20064038625227/9720000*t^15 - 173054270347/324000*t^14 + 536200870559/540000*t^13 - 12710739349/50625*t^12 - 197968226971/135000*t^11 - 134122025657/810000*t^10 + 22685316301/120000*t^9 - 2230847689/21600*t^8 - 70624099679/270000*t^7 - 4298763061/270000*t^6 - 41239/216000*t^5 - 13523/36000*t^4 + 493/36000*t^3 + 83/2400*t^2 + 1/300*t + 1/200)/(-27378/125*t^17 + 504387/500*t^16 - 97911/2000*t^15 + 1023531/4000*t^14 + 1874841/8000*t^13 + 865381/12000*t^12 + 15287/375*t^11 + 6039821/6000*t^10 + 599437/1500*t^9 + 18659/250*t^8 + 1218059/6000*t^7 + 2025127/3000*t^6 + 1222759/6000*t^5 + 38573/200*t^4 + 8323/125*t^3 + 15453/125*t^2 + 17031/500*t + 441/10)
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True) # long time (4 seconds)
             ((-2/117*t^8 + 304/1053*t^7 + 40/117*t^6 - 1/27*t^5 - 110/351*t^4 - 2/195*t^3 + 11/351*t^2 + 1/117)/(t^4 + 2/39*t^3 + 4/117*t^2 + 2/39*t + 14/39) : -5/3*t^4 + 19*t^3 : 1))
        from .constructor import Conic

        if read_cache:
            if self._rational_point is not None:
                return (True, self._rational_point) if point else True

        if algorithm != 'default':
            return ProjectiveConic_field.has_rational_point(
                self, point, algorithm, read_cache)

        # Default algorithm
        if self.base_ring().characteristic() == 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("has_rational_point not implemented \
for function field of characteristic 2.")
        new_conic, transformation, inverse = self.diagonalization()
        coeff = new_conic.coefficients()
        if coeff[0] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([1, 0, 0])) if point else True
        elif coeff[3] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([0, 1, 0])) if point else True
        elif coeff[5] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([0, 0, 1])) if point else True

        # We save the coefficients of the reduced form in coeff
        # A zero of the reduced conic can be multiplied by multipliers
        # to get a zero of the old conic
        (coeff, multipliers) = new_conic._reduce_conic()
        new_conic = Conic(coeff)
        transformation = transformation \
            * new_conic.hom(diagonal_matrix(multipliers))
        if coeff[0].degree() % 2 == coeff[1].degree() % 2 and \
                coeff[1].degree() % 2 == coeff[2].degree() % 2:
            case = 0
def FinitelyGeneratedAbelianPresentation(int_list):
    Return canonical presentation of finitely generated abelian group.


    - ``int_list`` -- List of integers defining the group to be returned, the defining list
      is reduced to the invariants of the input list before generating the corresponding


    Finitely generated abelian group, `\ZZ_{n_1} \times \ZZ_{n_2} \times \cdots \times \ZZ_{n_k}`
    as a finite presentation, where `n_i` forms the invariants of the input list.


        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, b^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,3])
        Finitely presented group < a | a^6 >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,4])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, b^4, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >

    You can create free abelian groups::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0])
        Finitely presented group < a |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,0])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,0,0])
        Finitely presented group < a, b, c | a^-1*b^-1*a*b, a^-1*c^-1*a*c, b^-1*c^-1*b*c >

    And various infinite abelian groups::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,2,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b, c | a^2, b^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b, a^-1*c^-1*a*c, b^-1*c^-1*b*c >

    Outputs are reduced to minimal generators and relations::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([3,5,2,7,3])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^3, b^210, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([3,210])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^3, b^210, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >

    The trivial group is an acceptable output::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([1])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >

    Input list must consist of positive integers::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,6,3,9,-4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: input list must contain nonnegative entries
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,'a',4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unable to convert 'a' to an integer


        sage: ag = groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,2])
        sage: ag.as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(groups.permutation.KleinFour())
        sage: G = groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,4,8])
        sage: C2 = CyclicPermutationGroup(2)
        sage: C4 = CyclicPermutationGroup(4)
        sage: C8 = CyclicPermutationGroup(8)
        sage: gg = (C2.direct_product(C4)[0]).direct_product(C8)[0]
        sage: gg.is_isomorphic(G.as_permutation_group())
        sage: all(groups.presentation.FGAbelian([i]).as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(groups.presentation.Cyclic(i).as_permutation_group()) for i in [2..35])
    from sage.groups.free_group import _lexi_gen
    check_ls = [Integer(x) for x in int_list if Integer(x) >= 0]
    if len(check_ls) != len(int_list):
        raise ValueError('input list must contain nonnegative entries')

    col_sp = diagonal_matrix(int_list).column_space()
    invariants = FGP_Module(ZZ**(len(int_list)), col_sp).invariants()
    name_gen = _lexi_gen()
    F = FreeGroup([next(name_gen) for i in invariants])
    ret_rls = [
        F([i + 1])**invariants[i] for i in range(len(invariants))
        if invariants[i] != 0

    # Build commutator relations
    gen_pairs = [[F.gen(i), F.gen(j)] for i in range(F.ngens() - 1)
                 for j in range(i + 1, F.ngens())]
    ret_rls = ret_rls + [
        x[0]**(-1) * x[1]**(-1) * x[0] * x[1] for x in gen_pairs
    return FinitelyPresentedGroup(F, tuple(ret_rls))
    def has_rational_point(self, point = False, algorithm = 'default',
        read_cache = True):
        Returns True if and only if the conic ``self``
        has a point over its base field `F(t)`, which is a field of rational

        If ``point`` is True, then returns a second output, which is
        a rational point if one exists.

        Points are cached whenever they are found. Cached information
        is used if and only if ``read_cache`` is True.
        The default algorithm does not (yet) work for all base fields `F`.
        In particular, sage is required to have:
        * an algorithm for finding the square root of elements in finite
          extensions of `F`;
        * a factorization and gcd algorithm for `F[t]`;
        * an algorithm for solving conics over `F`.
        The parameter ``algorithm`` specifies the algorithm
        to be used:

        * ``'default'`` -- use a native Sage implementation, based on the
          algorithm Conic in [HC2006]_.

        * ``'magma'`` (requires Magma to be installed) --
          delegates the task to the Magma computer algebra
        We can find points for function fields over (extensions of) `\QQ`
        and finite fields::
            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: C = Conic(K, [t^2-2, 2*t^3, -2*t^3-13*t^2-2*t+18])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (-3 : (t + 1)/t : 1))
            sage: R.<t> = FiniteField(23)[]
            sage: C = Conic([2, t^2+1, t^2+5])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (5*t : 8 : 1))
            sage: F.<i> = QuadraticField(-1)
            sage: R.<t> = F[]
            sage: C = Conic([1,i*t,-t^2+4])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            verbose 0 (3369: multi_polynomial_ideal.py, groebner_basis) Warning: falling back to very slow toy implementation.
            (True, (-t - 2*i : -2*i : 1))

        It works on non-diagonal conics as well::

            sage: K.<t> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Conic([4, -4, 8, 1, -4, t + 4])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (1/2 : 1 : 0))

        If no point exists output still depends on the argument ``point``::

            sage: K.<t> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Conic(K, [t^2, (t-1), -2*(t-1)])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (False, None)
        Due to limitations in Sage of algorithms we depend on, it is not
        yet possible to find points on conics over multivariate function fields
        (see the requirements above)::
            sage: F.<t1> = FractionField(QQ['t1'])
            sage: K.<t2> = FractionField(F['t2'])
            sage: a = K(1)
            sage: b = 2*t2^2+2*t1*t2-t1^2
            sage: c = -3*t2^4-4*t1*t2^3+8*t1^2*t2^2+16*t1^3-t2-48*t1^4
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: is_square() not implemented for elements of
            Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in tbar over Fraction Field
            of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t1 over Rational Field with
            modulus tbar^2 + t1*tbar - 1/2*t1^2
        In some cases, the algorithm requires us to be
        able to solve conics over `F`. In particular, the following does not

            sage: P.<u> = QQ[]
            sage: E = P.fraction_field()
            sage: Q.<Y> = E[]
            sage: F.<v> = E.extension(Y^2 - u^3 - 1)
            sage: R.<t> = F[]
            sage: K = R.fraction_field()
            sage: C = Conic(K, [u, v, 1])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: has_rational_point not implemented for conics
            over base field Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in v over
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in u over Rational
            Field with modulus v^2 - u^3 - 1

        ``has_rational_point`` fails for some conics over function fields
        over finite fields, due to :trac:`20003`::

            sage: K.<t> = PolynomialRing(GF(7))
            sage: C = Conic([5*t^2+4, t^2+3*t+3, 6*t^2+3*t+2, 5*t^2+5, 4*t+3, 4*t^2+t+5])
            sage: C.has_rational_point()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: self (=Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^2 + 4)*x^2 + ((6*t^3 + 3*t^2 + 5*t + 5)/(t + 3))*y^2 + ((6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + t^3 + 6*t^2 + 6*t + 2)/(t^4 + t^3 + 4*t^2 + 3*t + 1))*z^2
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^2 + 4)*x^2 + (t^2 + 3*t + 3)*x*y + (5*t^2 + 5)*y^2 + (6*t^2 + 3*t + 2)*x*z + (4*t + 3)*y*z + (4*t^2 + t + 5)*z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x + ((2*t + 5)/(t + 3))*y + ((3*t^4 + 2*t^3 + 5*t^2 + 5*t + 3)/(t^4 + t^3 + 4*t^2 + 3*t + 1))*z : y + ((6*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 3*t + 6)/(t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2))*z : z)) domain must equal right (=Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 3*t + 3)*x^2 + (t + 4)*y^2 + (6*t^7 + 2*t^5 + t^4 + 2*t^3 + 3*t^2 + 6*t + 6)*z^2
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7 defined by (5/(t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2))*x^2 + (1/(t^3 + 3*t^2 + 5*t + 1))*y^2 + ((6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + t^3 + 6*t^2 + 6*t + 2)/(t^9 + 5*t^8 + t^7 + 6*t^6 + 3*t^5 + 4*t^3 + t^2 + 5*t + 3))*z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    ((t^3 + 4*t^2 + 2*t + 2)*x : (t^2 + 5)*y : (t^5 + 4*t^4 + t^2 + 3*t + 3)*z)) codomain


            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: a = (2*t^2 - 3/2*t + 1)/(37/3*t^2 + t - 1/4)
            sage: b = (1/2*t^2 + 1/3)/(-73*t^2 - 2*t + 11/4)
            sage: c = (6934/3*t^6 + 8798/3*t^5 - 947/18*t^4 + 3949/9*t^3 + 20983/18*t^2 + 28/3*t - 131/3)/(-2701/3*t^4 - 293/3*t^3 + 301/6*t^2 + 13/4*t - 11/16)
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True)
            (True, (4*t + 4 : 2*t + 2 : 1))

        A long time test::

            sage: K.<t> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ, 't'))
            sage: a = (-1/3*t^6 - 14*t^5 - 1/4*t^4 + 7/2*t^2 - 1/2*t - 1)/(24/5*t^6 - t^5 - 1/4*t^4 + t^3 - 3*t^2 + 8/5*t + 5)
            sage: b = (-3*t^3 + 8*t + 1/2)/(-1/3*t^3 + 3/2*t^2 + 1/12*t + 1/2)
            sage: c = (1232009/225*t^25 - 1015925057/8100*t^24 + 1035477411553/1458000*t^23 + 7901338091/30375*t^22 - 1421379260447/729000*t^21 + 266121260843/972000*t^20 + 80808723191/486000*t^19 - 516656082523/972000*t^18 + 21521589529/40500*t^17 + 4654758997/21600*t^16 - 20064038625227/9720000*t^15 - 173054270347/324000*t^14 + 536200870559/540000*t^13 - 12710739349/50625*t^12 - 197968226971/135000*t^11 - 134122025657/810000*t^10 + 22685316301/120000*t^9 - 2230847689/21600*t^8 - 70624099679/270000*t^7 - 4298763061/270000*t^6 - 41239/216000*t^5 - 13523/36000*t^4 + 493/36000*t^3 + 83/2400*t^2 + 1/300*t + 1/200)/(-27378/125*t^17 + 504387/500*t^16 - 97911/2000*t^15 + 1023531/4000*t^14 + 1874841/8000*t^13 + 865381/12000*t^12 + 15287/375*t^11 + 6039821/6000*t^10 + 599437/1500*t^9 + 18659/250*t^8 + 1218059/6000*t^7 + 2025127/3000*t^6 + 1222759/6000*t^5 + 38573/200*t^4 + 8323/125*t^3 + 15453/125*t^2 + 17031/500*t + 441/10)
            sage: C = Conic([a,b,c])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True) # long time (4 seconds)
             ((-2/117*t^8 + 304/1053*t^7 + 40/117*t^6 - 1/27*t^5 - 110/351*t^4 - 2/195*t^3 + 11/351*t^2 + 1/117)/(t^4 + 2/39*t^3 + 4/117*t^2 + 2/39*t + 14/39) : -5/3*t^4 + 19*t^3 : 1))
        from constructor import Conic
        if read_cache:
            if self._rational_point is not None:
                return (True, self._rational_point) if point else True
        if algorithm != 'default':
            return ProjectiveConic_field.has_rational_point(self, point,
                algorithm, read_cache)
        # Default algorithm
        if self.base_ring().characteristic() == 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("has_rational_point not implemented \
for function field of characteristic 2.")
        new_conic, transformation, inverse = self.diagonalization()
        coeff = new_conic.coefficients()
        if coeff[0] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([1,0,0])) if point else True
        elif coeff[3] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([0,1,0])) if point else True
        elif coeff[5] == 0:
            return (True, transformation([0,0,1])) if point else True
        # We save the coefficients of the reduced form in coeff
        # A zero of the reduced conic can be multiplied by multipliers
        # to get a zero of the old conic
        (coeff, multipliers) = new_conic._reduce_conic()
        new_conic = Conic(coeff)
        transformation = transformation \
            * new_conic.hom(diagonal_matrix(multipliers))
        if coeff[0].degree() % 2 == coeff[1].degree() % 2 and \
                coeff[1].degree() % 2 == coeff[2].degree() % 2:
            case = 0
            case = 1
        t, = self.base_ring().base().gens() # t in F[t]
        supp = []
        roots = [[], [], []]
        remove = None
        # loop through the coefficients and find a root of f_i (as in
        # [HC2006]) modulo each element in the coefficients' support
        for i in (0,1,2):
            for p in supp[i]:
                if p[1] != 1:
                    raise ValueError("Expected factor of exponent 1.")
                # Convert to monic factor
                x = p[0]/list(p[0])[-1]
                N = p[0].base_ring().extension(x, 'tbar')
                R = PolynomialRing(N, 'u')
                u, = R.gens()
                # If p[0] has degree 1, sage might forget the "defining
                # polynomial" of N, so we define our own modulo operation
                if p[0].degree() == 1:
                    mod = t.parent().hom([-x[0]])
                    mod = N
                if i == 0:
                    x = -mod(coeff[2])/mod(coeff[1])
                elif i == 1:
                    x = -mod(coeff[0])/mod(coeff[2])
                    x = -mod(coeff[1])/mod(coeff[0])
                if x.is_square():
                    root = N(x.sqrt())
                    return (False, None) if point else False
                # if case == 0 and p[0] has degree 1, we switch to case
                # 1 and remove this factor out of the support. In [HC2006]
                # this is done later, in FindPoint.
                if case == 0 and p[0].degree() == 1:
                    case = 1
                    # remove later so the loop iterator stays in place.
                    remove = (i,p)
        if remove:
        supp = [[p[0] for p in supp[i]] for i in (0,1,2)]

        if case == 0:
        # Find a solution of (5) in [HC2006]
            leading_conic = Conic(self.base_ring().base_ring(),
            has_point = leading_conic.has_rational_point(True)
            if has_point[0]:
                if point:
                    pt = new_conic.find_point(supp, roots, case,
                    pt = True
                return (True, transformation(pt)) if point else True
                return (False, None) if point else False
        # case == 1:
        if point:
            pt = new_conic.find_point(supp, roots, case)
            pt = True
        return (True, transformation(pt)) if point else True
def skew_hadamard_matrix(n, existence=False, skew_normalize=True, check=True):
    Tries to construct a skew Hadamard matrix

    A Hadamard matrix `H` is called skew if `H=S-I`, for `I` the identity matrix
    and `-S=S^\top`. Currently constructions from Section 14.1 of [Ha83]_ and few
    more exotic ones are implemented.


    - ``n`` (integer) -- dimension of the matrix

    - ``existence`` (boolean) -- whether to build the matrix or merely query if
      a construction is available in Sage. When set to ``True``, the function

        - ``True`` -- meaning that Sage knows how to build the matrix

        - ``Unknown`` -- meaning that Sage does not know how to build the
          matrix, but that the design may exist (see :mod:`sage.misc.unknown`).

        - ``False`` -- meaning that the matrix does not exist.

    - ``skew_normalize`` (boolean) -- whether to make the 1st row all-one, and
      adjust the 1st column accordingly. Set to ``True`` by default.

    - ``check`` (boolean) -- whether to check that output is correct before
      returning it. As this is expected to be useless (but we are cautious
      guys), you may want to disable it whenever you want speed. Set to ``True``
      by default.


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import skew_hadamard_matrix
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(12).det()
        sage: 12^6
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(1)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(2)
        [ 1  1]
        [-1  1]


        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(10,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(12,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(784,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(10)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: A skew Hadamard matrix of order 10 does not exist
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(36)
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(36)==skew_hadamard_matrix(36,skew_normalize=False)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(52)
        52 x 52 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(92)
        92 x 92 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(816)     # long time
        816 x 816 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(100)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: A skew Hadamard matrix of order 100 is not yet implemented.
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(100,existence=True)


    .. [Ha83] \M. Hall,
      Combinatorial Theory,
      2nd edition,
      Wiley, 1983
    def true():
        _skew_had_cache[n] = True
        return True

    M = None
    if existence and n in _skew_had_cache:
        return True
    if not (n % 4 == 0) and (n > 2):
        if existence:
            return False
        raise ValueError("A skew Hadamard matrix of order %s does not exist" %
    if n == 2:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = matrix([[1, 1], [-1, 1]])
    elif n == 1:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = matrix([1])
    elif is_prime_power(n - 1) and ((n - 1) % 4 == 3):
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = hadamard_matrix_paleyI(n, normalize=False)

    elif n % 8 == 0:
        if skew_hadamard_matrix(n // 2,
                                existence=True):  # (Lemma 14.1.6 in [Ha83]_)
            if existence:
                return true()
            H = skew_hadamard_matrix(n // 2, check=False)
            M = block_matrix([[H, H], [-H.T, H.T]])

        else:  # try Williamson construction (Lemma 14.1.5 in [Ha83]_)
            for d in divisors(n)[2:-2]:  # skip 1, 2, n/2, and n
                n1 = n // d
                if is_prime_power(d - 1) and (d % 4 == 0) and (n1 % 4 == 0)\
                    and skew_hadamard_matrix(n1,existence=True):
                    if existence:
                        return true()
                    H = skew_hadamard_matrix(n1, check=False) - I(n1)
                    U = matrix(ZZ, d, lambda i, j: -1 if i==j==0 else\
                                        1 if i==j==1 or (i>1 and j-1==d-i)\
                                          else 0)
                    A = block_matrix(
                          matrix(ZZ, 1, d - 1, [1] * (d - 1))],
                             matrix(ZZ, d - 1, 1, [-1] * (d - 1)),
                             _helper_payley_matrix(d - 1, zero_position=0)
                         ]]) + I(d)
                    M = A.tensor_product(I(n1)) + (U * A).tensor_product(H)
    if M is None:  # try Williamson-Goethals-Seidel construction
        if GS_skew_hadamard_smallcases(n, existence=True):
            if existence:
                return true()
            M = GS_skew_hadamard_smallcases(n)

            if existence:
                return Unknown
            raise ValueError(
                "A skew Hadamard matrix of order %s is not yet implemented." %
    if skew_normalize:
        dd = diagonal_matrix(M[0])
        M = dd * M * dd
    if check:
        assert is_hadamard_matrix(M, normalized=False, skew=True)
        if skew_normalize:
            from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
            assert M[0] == vector([1] * n)
    _skew_had_cache[n] = True
    return M
def rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(n):
    Return a `(n^2,1)`-RSHCD when `n-1` and `n+1` are odd prime powers and `n=0\pmod{4}`.

    The construction implemented here appears in Theorem 4.3 from [GS70]_.

    Note that the authors of [SWW72]_ claim in Corollary 5.12 (page 342) to have
    proved the same result without the `n=0\pmod{4}` restriction with a *very*
    similar construction. So far, however, I (Nathann Cohen) have not been able
    to make it work.


    - ``n`` -- an integer congruent to `0\pmod{4}`

    .. SEEALSO::



        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import rshcd_from_close_prime_powers
        sage: rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(4)
        [-1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1]
        [ 1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1]
        [ 1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1]
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1 -1  1  1]
        [ 1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1]
        [-1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1]
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1]
        [-1  1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
        [ 1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1]


    .. [SWW72] A Street, W. Wallis, J. Wallis,
      Combinatorics: Room squares, sum-free sets, Hadamard matrices.
      Lecture notes in Mathematics 292 (1972).
    if n % 4:
        raise ValueError("n(={}) must be congruent to 0 mod 4")

    a, b = sorted([n - 1, n + 1], key=lambda x: -x % 4)
    Sa = _helper_payley_matrix(a)
    Sb = _helper_payley_matrix(b)
    U = matrix(a, [[int(i + j == a - 1) for i in range(a)] for j in range(a)])

    K = (U * Sa).tensor_product(Sb) + U.tensor_product(J(b) - I(b)) - J(

    F = lambda x: diagonal_matrix([-(-1)**i for i in range(x)])
    G = block_diagonal_matrix([J(1), I(a).tensor_product(F(b))])
    e = matrix(a * b, [1] * (a * b))
    H = block_matrix(2, [-J(1), e.transpose(), e, K])

    HH = G * H * G
    assert len(set(map(sum, HH))) == 1
    assert HH**2 == n**2 * I(n**2)
    return HH
def skew_hadamard_matrix(n,existence=False, skew_normalize=True, check=True):
    Tries to construct a skew Hadamard matrix

    A Hadamard matrix `H` is called skew if `H=S-I`, for `I` the identity matrix
    and `-S=S^\top`. Currently constructions from Section 14.1 of [Ha83]_ and few
    more exotic ones are implemented.


    - ``n`` (integer) -- dimension of the matrix

    - ``existence`` (boolean) -- whether to build the matrix or merely query if
      a construction is available in Sage. When set to ``True``, the function

        - ``True`` -- meaning that Sage knows how to build the matrix

        - ``Unknown`` -- meaning that Sage does not know how to build the
          matrix, but that the design may exist (see :mod:`sage.misc.unknown`).

        - ``False`` -- meaning that the matrix does not exist.

    - ``skew_normalize`` (boolean) -- whether to make the 1st row all-one, and
      adjust the 1st column accordingly. Set to ``True`` by default.

    - ``check`` (boolean) -- whether to check that output is correct before
      returning it. As this is expected to be useless (but we are cautious
      guys), you may want to disable it whenever you want speed. Set to ``True``
      by default.


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import skew_hadamard_matrix
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(12).det()
        sage: 12^6
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(1)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(2)
        [ 1  1]
        [-1  1]


        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(10,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(12,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(784,existence=True)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(10)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: A skew Hadamard matrix of order 10 does not exist
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(36)
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(36)==skew_hadamard_matrix(36,skew_normalize=False)
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(52)
        52 x 52 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(92)
        92 x 92 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(816)     # long time
        816 x 816 dense matrix over Integer Ring...
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(100)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: A skew Hadamard matrix of order 100 is not yet implemented.
        sage: skew_hadamard_matrix(100,existence=True)


    .. [Ha83] \M. Hall,
      Combinatorial Theory,
      2nd edition,
      Wiley, 1983
    def true():
        return True
    M = None
    if existence and n in _skew_had_cache:
        return True
    if not(n % 4 == 0) and (n > 2):
        if existence:
            return False
        raise ValueError("A skew Hadamard matrix of order %s does not exist" % n)
    if n == 2:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = matrix([[1, 1], [-1, 1]])
    elif n == 1:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = matrix([1])
    elif is_prime_power(n - 1) and ((n - 1) % 4 == 3):
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = hadamard_matrix_paleyI(n, normalize=False)

    elif n % 8 == 0:
        if skew_hadamard_matrix(n//2,existence=True): # (Lemma 14.1.6 in [Ha83]_)
            if existence:
                return true()
            H = skew_hadamard_matrix(n//2,check=False)
            M = block_matrix([[H,H], [-H.T,H.T]])

        else: # try Williamson construction (Lemma 14.1.5 in [Ha83]_)
            for d in divisors(n)[2:-2]: # skip 1, 2, n/2, and n
                n1 = n//d
                if is_prime_power(d - 1) and (d % 4 == 0) and (n1 % 4 == 0)\
                    and skew_hadamard_matrix(n1,existence=True):
                    if existence:
                        return true()
                    H = skew_hadamard_matrix(n1, check=False)-I(n1)
                    U = matrix(ZZ, d, lambda i, j: -1 if i==j==0 else\
                                        1 if i==j==1 or (i>1 and j-1==d-i)\
                                          else 0)
                    A = block_matrix([[matrix([0]), matrix(ZZ,1,d-1,[1]*(d-1))],
                                      [ matrix(ZZ,d-1,1,[-1]*(d-1)),
                    M = A.tensor_product(I(n1))+(U*A).tensor_product(H)
    if M is None: # try Williamson-Goethals-Seidel construction
        if GS_skew_hadamard_smallcases(n, existence=True):
            if existence:
                return true()
            M = GS_skew_hadamard_smallcases(n)

            if existence:
                return Unknown
            raise ValueError("A skew Hadamard matrix of order %s is not yet implemented." % n)
    if skew_normalize:
        dd = diagonal_matrix(M[0])
        M = dd*M*dd
    if check:
        assert is_hadamard_matrix(M, normalized=False, skew=True)
        if skew_normalize:
            from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
            assert M[0]==vector([1]*n)
    return M
def rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(n):
    Return a `(n^2,1)`-RSHCD when `n-1` and `n+1` are odd prime powers and `n=0\pmod{4}`.

    The construction implemented here appears in Theorem 4.3 from [GS70]_.

    Note that the authors of [SWW72]_ claim in Corollary 5.12 (page 342) to have
    proved the same result without the `n=0\pmod{4}` restriction with a *very*
    similar construction. So far, however, I (Nathann Cohen) have not been able
    to make it work.


    - ``n`` -- an integer congruent to `0\pmod{4}`

    .. SEEALSO::



        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import rshcd_from_close_prime_powers
        sage: rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(4)
        [-1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1]
        [ 1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1]
        [ 1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1]
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1 -1  1  1]
        [ 1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1]
        [-1  1  1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1]
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1]
        [-1  1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
        [ 1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1 -1]


    .. [SWW72] A Street, W. Wallis, J. Wallis,
      Combinatorics: Room squares, sum-free sets, Hadamard matrices.
      Lecture notes in Mathematics 292 (1972).
    if n%4:
        raise ValueError("n(={}) must be congruent to 0 mod 4")

    a,b = sorted([n-1,n+1],key=lambda x:-x%4)
    Sa  = _helper_payley_matrix(a)
    Sb  = _helper_payley_matrix(b)
    U   = matrix(a,[[int(i+j == a-1) for i in range(a)] for j in range(a)])

    K = (U*Sa).tensor_product(Sb) + U.tensor_product(J(b)-I(b)) - J(a).tensor_product(I(b))

    F = lambda x:diagonal_matrix([-(-1)**i for i in range(x)])
    G = block_diagonal_matrix([J(1),I(a).tensor_product(F(b))])
    e = matrix(a*b,[1]*(a*b))
    H = block_matrix(2,[-J(1),e.transpose(),e,K])

    HH = G*H*G
    assert len(set(map(sum,HH))) == 1
    assert HH**2 == n**2*I(n**2)
    return HH
def FinitelyGeneratedAbelianPresentation(int_list):
    Return canonical presentation of finitely generated abelian group.


    - ``int_list`` -- List of integers defining the group to be returned, the defining list
      is reduced to the invariants of the input list before generating the corresponding


    Finitely generated abelian group, `\ZZ_{n_1} \times \ZZ_{n_2} \times \cdots \times \ZZ_{n_k}`
    as a finite presentation, where `n_i` forms the invariants of the input list.


        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, b^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,3])
        Finitely presented group < a | a^6 >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,4])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, b^4, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >

    You can create free abelian groups::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0])
        Finitely presented group < a |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,0])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,0,0])
        Finitely presented group < a, b, c | a^-1*b^-1*a*b, a^-1*c^-1*a*c, b^-1*c^-1*b*c >

    And various infinite abelian groups::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([0,2,2])
        Finitely presented group < a, b, c | a^2, b^2, a^-1*b^-1*a*b, a^-1*c^-1*a*c, b^-1*c^-1*b*c >

    Outputs are reduced to minimal generators and relations::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([3,5,2,7,3])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^3, b^210, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([3,210])
        Finitely presented group < a, b | a^3, b^210, a^-1*b^-1*a*b >

    The trivial group is an acceptable output::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([1])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
        Finitely presented group <  |  >

    Input list must consist of positive integers::

        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,6,3,9,-4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: input list must contain nonnegative entries
        sage: groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,'a',4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unable to convert 'a' to an integer


        sage: ag = groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,2])
        sage: ag.as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(groups.permutation.KleinFour())
        sage: G = groups.presentation.FGAbelian([2,4,8])
        sage: C2 = CyclicPermutationGroup(2)
        sage: C4 = CyclicPermutationGroup(4)
        sage: C8 = CyclicPermutationGroup(8)
        sage: gg = (C2.direct_product(C4)[0]).direct_product(C8)[0]
        sage: gg.is_isomorphic(G.as_permutation_group())
        sage: all(groups.presentation.FGAbelian([i]).as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(groups.presentation.Cyclic(i).as_permutation_group()) for i in [2..35])
    from sage.groups.free_group import _lexi_gen
    check_ls = [Integer(x) for x in int_list if Integer(x) >= 0]
    if len(check_ls) != len(int_list):
        raise ValueError('input list must contain nonnegative entries')

    col_sp = diagonal_matrix(int_list).column_space()
    invariants = FGP_Module(ZZ**(len(int_list)), col_sp).invariants()
    name_gen = _lexi_gen()
    F = FreeGroup([next(name_gen) for i in invariants])
    ret_rls = [F([i+1])**invariants[i] for i in range(len(invariants)) if invariants[i]!=0]

    # Build commutator relations
    gen_pairs = [[F.gen(i),F.gen(j)] for i in range(F.ngens()-1) for j in range(i+1,F.ngens())]
    ret_rls = ret_rls + [x[0]**(-1)*x[1]**(-1)*x[0]*x[1] for x in gen_pairs]
    return FinitelyPresentedGroup(F, tuple(ret_rls))