def in_degree(self, n):
        The matrix representing this morphism in degree n


        - ``n`` -- degree


            sage: C = ChainComplex({0: identity_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1), 1: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: f = Hom(C,D)({0: identity_matrix(ZZ, 1), 1: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: f.in_degree(0)

        Note that if the matrix is not specified in the definition of
        the map, it is assumed to be zero::

            sage: f.in_degree(2)
            sage: f.in_degree(2).nrows(), f.in_degree(2).ncols()
            (1, 0)
            sage: C.free_module(2)
            Ambient free module of rank 0 over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: D.free_module(2)
            Ambient free module of rank 1 over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            return self._matrix_dictionary[n]
        except KeyError:
            rows = self.codomain().free_module_rank(n)
            cols = self.domain().free_module_rank(n)
            return zero_matrix(self.domain().base_ring(), rows, cols)
    def in_degree(self, n):
        The matrix representing this chain homotopy in degree ``n``.


        - ``n`` -- degree


            sage: from sage.homology.chain_homotopy import ChainHomotopy
            sage: C = ChainComplex({1: matrix(ZZ, 0, 2)}) # one nonzero term in degree 1
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: matrix(ZZ, 0, 1)}) # one nonzero term in degree 0
            sage: f = Hom(C, D)({})
            sage: H = ChainHomotopy({1: matrix(ZZ, 1, 2, (3,1))}, f, f)
            sage: H.in_degree(1)
            [3 1]

        This returns an appropriately sized zero matrix if the chain
        homotopy is not defined in degree n::

            sage: H.in_degree(-3)
            return self._matrix_dictionary[n]
        except KeyError:
            from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
            deg = self.domain().degree_of_differential()
            rows = self.codomain().free_module_rank(n - deg)
            cols = self.domain().free_module_rank(n)
            return zero_matrix(self.domain().base_ring(), rows, cols)
    def iter_positive_forms(self):
        if self.is_reduced():
            sub4 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub4()

            for (a0, a1, b01, sub4s) in sub4:
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[0, 0] = a0
                t[1, 1] = a1
                t[0, 1] = b01
                t[1, 0] = b01

                for (a2, b02, b12, sub4ss) in sub4s:
                    ts = copy(t)
                    ts[2, 2] = a2
                    ts[0, 2] = b02
                    ts[2, 0] = b02
                    ts[1, 2] = b12
                    ts[2, 1] = b12

                    for (a3, b03, b13, b23) in sub4ss:
                        tss = copy(ts)
                        tss[3, 3] = a3
                        tss[0, 1] = b01
                        tss[1, 0] = b01
                        tss[0, 2] = b02
                        tss[2, 0] = b02
                        tss[0, 3] = b03
                        tss[3, 0] = b03

                        yield tss
            raise NotImplementedError
    def in_degree(self, n):
        The matrix representing this morphism in degree n


        - ``n`` -- degree


            sage: C = ChainComplex({0: identity_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1), 1: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: f = Hom(C,D)({0: identity_matrix(ZZ, 1), 1: zero_matrix(ZZ, 1)})
            sage: f.in_degree(0)

        Note that if the matrix is not specified in the definition of
        the map, it is assumed to be zero::

            sage: f.in_degree(2)
            sage: f.in_degree(2).nrows(), f.in_degree(2).ncols()
            (1, 0)
            sage: C.free_module(2)
            Ambient free module of rank 0 over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: D.free_module(2)
            Ambient free module of rank 1 over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            return self._matrix_dictionary[n]
        except KeyError:
            rows = self.codomain().free_module_rank(n)
            cols = self.domain().free_module_rank(n)
            return zero_matrix(self.domain().base_ring(), rows, cols)
    def invariant_form(self):
        Return the quadratic form preserved by the symplectic group.


        A matrix.


            sage: Sp(4, QQ).invariant_form()
            [ 0  0  0  1]
            [ 0  0  1  0]
            [ 0 -1  0  0]
            [-1  0  0  0]
        if self._invariant_form is not None:
            return self._invariant_form

        R = self.base_ring()
        d =
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        m = zero_matrix(R, d)
        for i in range(d):
            m[i, d - i - 1] = 1 if i < d / 2 else -1
        return m
    def __compute_operator_matrix(self,T):
        Compute the matrix of the operator ``T``.


        R = self._R
        A = self.basis_matrix().transpose()
        basis = self.basis()
        B = zero_matrix(R,len(self._E) * (self._k-1),self.dimension())
        for rr in range(len(basis)):
            g = T(basis[rr])
            B.set_block(0,rr,Matrix(R,len(self._E) * (self._k-1),1,[g._F[e]._val[ii,0]  for e in range(len(self._E)) for ii in range(self._k-1) ]))

            if not R.is_exact():
                smin = min([a.valuation() for a in A.list()+B.list()])
                A =**(-smin)*A
                B =**(-smin)*B
                prec = min([a.precision_absolute() for a in A.list()+B.list()])
                A = A.parent()([R(x,absprec = prec) for x in A.list()])
                B = B.parent()([R(x,absprec = prec) for x in B.list()])
            res = (A.solve_right(B)).transpose()
        except ValueError:
            # save([A,B],'error.log.sobj')
            # print A.nrows(),A.ncols()
            # print B.nrows(),B.ncols()
            raise ValueError,'The hecke operator action is wrong.'
        return res
    def invariant_form(self):
        Return the quadratic form preserved by the symplectic group.


        A matrix.


            sage: Sp(4, QQ).invariant_form()
            [ 0  0  0  1]
            [ 0  0  1  0]
            [ 0 -1  0  0]
            [-1  0  0  0]
        if self._invariant_form is not None:
            return self._invariant_form

        R = self.base_ring()
        d =
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        m = zero_matrix(R, d)
        for i in range(d):
            m[i, d-i-1] = 1 if i < d/2 else -1
        return m
    def in_degree(self, n):
        The matrix representing this chain homotopy in degree ``n``.


        - ``n`` -- degree


            sage: from sage.homology.chain_homotopy import ChainHomotopy
            sage: C = ChainComplex({1: matrix(ZZ, 0, 2)}) # one nonzero term in degree 1
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: matrix(ZZ, 0, 1)}) # one nonzero term in degree 0
            sage: f = Hom(C, D)({})
            sage: H = ChainHomotopy({1: matrix(ZZ, 1, 2, (3,1))}, f, f)
            sage: H.in_degree(1)
            [3 1]

        This returns an appropriately sized zero matrix if the chain
        homotopy is not defined in degree n::

            sage: H.in_degree(-3)
            return self._matrix_dictionary[n]
        except KeyError:
            from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
            deg = self.domain().degree_of_differential()
            rows = self.codomain().free_module_rank(n-deg)
            cols = self.domain().free_module_rank(n)
            return zero_matrix(self.domain().base_ring(), rows, cols)
 def iter_positive_forms(self) :
     if self.is_reduced() :
         sub4 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub4()
         for (a0, a1, b01, sub4s) in sub4 :
             t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
             t[0,0] = a0
             t[1,1] = a1
             t[0,1] = b01
             t[1,0] = b01
             for (a2, b02, b12, sub4ss) in sub4s :
                 ts = copy(t)
                 ts[2,2] = a2
                 ts[0,2] = b02
                 ts[2,0] = b02
                 ts[1,2] = b12
                 ts[2,1] = b12
                 for (a3, b03, b13, b23) in sub4ss :
                     tss = copy(ts)
                     tss[3,3] = a3
                     tss[0,1] = b01
                     tss[1,0] = b01
                     tss[0,2] = b02
                     tss[2,0] = b02
                     tss[0,3] = b03
                     tss[3,0] = b03
                     yield tss
     else :
         raise NotImplementedError
    def __apply_atkin_lehner(self,q,f):
        This function applies an Atkin-Lehner involution to a harmonic cocycle


          - ``q`` - an integer dividing the full level p*Nminus*Nplus

          - ``f`` - a harmonic cocycle


          The harmonic cocycle obtained by hitting f with the Atkin-Lehner at q

        tmp=[self._U.element_class(self._U,zero_matrix(self._R,self._k-1,1),quick=True) for jj in range(len(self._E))]
        for jj in range(len(self._E)):
        return HarmonicCocycleElement(self,tmp,from_values=True)
 def _denominator():
     R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "T")
     T = R.gen()
     denom = R(1)
     lc = self._f.list()[-1]
     if lc == 1:  # MONIC
         for i in range(2, self._delta + 1):
             if self._delta % i == 0:
                 phi = euler_phi(i)
                 G = IntegerModRing(i)
                 ki = G(self._q).multiplicative_order()
                 denom = denom * (T**ki - 1)**(phi // ki)
         return denom
     else:  # Non-monic
         x = PolynomialRing(self._Fq, "x").gen()
         f = x**self._delta - lc
         L = f.splitting_field("a")
         roots = [r for r, _ in f.change_ring(L).roots()]
         roots_dict = dict([(r, i) for i, r in enumerate(roots)])
         rootsfrob = [
             for r in roots
         m = zero_matrix(len(roots))
         for i, r in enumerate(roots):
             m[i, roots_dict[rootsfrob[i]]] = 1
     return R(R(m.characteristic_polynomial()) // (T - 1))
    def __apply_hecke_operator(self,l,f):
        This function applies a Hecke operator to a harmonic cocycle.


          - ``l`` - an integer

          - ``f`` - a harmonic cocycle


          A harmonic cocycle which is the result of applying the lth Hecke operator
          to f


        tmp=[self._U.element_class(self._U,zero_matrix(self._R,self._k-1,1),quick=True) for jj in range(len(self._E))]
        for ii in range(len(HeckeData)):
            for jj in range(len(self._E)):
        return HarmonicCocycleElement(self,[factor*x for x in tmp],from_values=True)
    def _rank(self, K) :
        if K is QQ or K in NumberFields() :
            return len(_jacobi_forms_by_taylor_expansion_coords(self.__index, self.__weight, 0))

            ## This is the formula used by Poor and Yuen in Paramodular cusp forms
            if self.__weight == 2 :
                delta = len(self.__index.divisors()) // 2 - 1
            else :
                delta = 0
            return sum( ModularForms(1, self.__weight + 2 * j).dimension() + j**2 // (4 * self.__index)
                        for j in xrange(self.__index + 1) ) \
                   + delta

            ## This is the formula given by Skoruppa in 
            ## Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
            ##FIXME: There is some mistake here
            if self.__weight % 2 != 0 :
                ## Otherwise the space X(i**(n - 2 k)) is different
                ## See: Skoruppa, Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
                raise NotImplementedError
            m = self.__index
            K = CyclotomicField(24 * m, 'zeta')
            zeta = K.gen(0)
            quadform = lambda x : 6 * x**2
            bilinform = lambda x,y : quadform(x + y) - quadform(x) - quadform(y)
            T = diagonal_matrix([zeta**quadform(i) for i in xrange(2*m)])
            S =   sum(zeta**(-quadform(x)) for x in xrange(2 * m)) / (2 * m) \
                * matrix([[zeta**(-bilinform(j,i)) for j in xrange(2*m)] for i in xrange(2*m)])
            subspace_matrix_1 = matrix( [ [1 if j == i or j == 2*m - i else 0 for j in xrange(m + 1) ]
                                        for i in xrange(2*m)] )
            subspace_matrix_2 = zero_matrix(ZZ, m + 1, 2*m)
            T = subspace_matrix_2 * T * subspace_matrix_1
            S = subspace_matrix_2 * S * subspace_matrix_1
            sqrt3 = (zeta**(4*m) - zeta**(-4*m)) * zeta**(-6*m) 
            rank =   (self.__weight - 1/2 - 1) / 2 * (m + 1) \
                   + 1/8 * (   zeta**(3*m * (2*self.__weight - 1)) * S.trace()
                             + zeta**(3*m * (1 - 2*self.__weight)) * S.trace().conjugate() ) \
                   + 2/(3*sqrt3) * (   zeta**(4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace()
                                     + zeta**(-4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace().conjugate() ) \
                   - sum((j**2 % (m+1))/(m+1) -1/2 for j in range(0,m+1))
            if self.__weight > 5 / 2 :
                return rank
            else :
                raise NotImplementedError
        raise NotImplementedError
 def gen(self, i = 0) :
     if i < self.__n :
         t = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, i * [0] + [2] + (self.__n - i - 1) * [0])
         return t
     elif i >= self.__n and i < (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2 :
         i = i - self.__n
         for r in xrange(self.__n) :
             if i >=  self.__n - r - 1 :
                 i = i - (self.__n - r - 1)
             c = i + r + 1
         t = zero_matrix(ZZ, self.__n)
         t[r,c] = 1
         t[c,r] = 1
         return t
     elif not self.__reduced and i >= (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2 \
          and i < self.__n**2 :
         i = i - (self.__n * (self.__n + 1)) // 2
         for r in xrange(self.__n) :
             if i >=  self.__n - r - 1 :
                 i = i - (self.__n - r - 1)
             c = i + r + 1
         t = zero_matrix(ZZ, self.__n)
         t[r,c] = -1
         t[c,r] = -1
         return t
     raise ValueError, "Generator not defined"
    def matrix(self):
        Return the standard matrix representation of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            - :meth:`AffineGroup.linear_space()`


            sage: G = AffineGroup(3, GF(7))
            sage: g = G([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0], [10,11,12])
            sage: g
                  [1 2 3]     [3]
            x |-> [4 5 6] x + [4]
                  [0 1 0]     [5]
            sage: g.matrix()
            [1 2 3|3]
            [4 5 6|4]
            [0 1 0|5]
            [0 0 0|1]
            sage: parent(g.matrix())
            Full MatrixSpace of 4 by 4 dense matrices over Finite Field of size 7
            sage: g.matrix() == matrix(g)

        Composition of affine group elements equals multiplication of
        the matrices::

            sage: g1 = G.random_element()
            sage: g2 = G.random_element()
            sage: g1.matrix() * g2.matrix() == (g1*g2).matrix()
        A = self._A
        b = self._b
        parent = self.parent()
        d =
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix, zero_matrix, block_matrix

        zero = zero_matrix(parent.base_ring(), 1, d)
        one = matrix(parent.base_ring(), [[1]])
        m = block_matrix(2, 2, [A, b.column(), zero, one])
        return m
    def matrix(self):
        Return the standard matrix representation of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            - :meth:`AffineGroup.linear_space()`


            sage: G = AffineGroup(3, GF(7))
            sage: g = G([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0], [10,11,12])
            sage: g
                  [1 2 3]     [3]
            x |-> [4 5 6] x + [4]
                  [0 1 0]     [5]
            sage: g.matrix()
            [1 2 3|3]
            [4 5 6|4]
            [0 1 0|5]
            [0 0 0|1]
            sage: parent(g.matrix())
            Full MatrixSpace of 4 by 4 dense matrices over Finite Field of size 7
            sage: g.matrix() == matrix(g)

        Composition of affine group elements equals multiplication of
        the matrices::

            sage: g1 = G.random_element()
            sage: g2 = G.random_element()
            sage: g1.matrix() * g2.matrix() == (g1*g2).matrix()
        A = self._A
        b = self._b
        parent = self.parent()
        d =
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix, zero_matrix, block_matrix
        zero = zero_matrix(parent.base_ring(), 1, d)
        one = matrix(parent.base_ring(), [[1]])
        m = block_matrix(2, 2, [A, b.column(), zero, one])
        return m
    def _an_element_(self):
        Construct a sample morphism.


        An element of the homset.


            sage: P2 = toric_varieties.P2()
            sage: homset = P2.Hom(P2)
            sage: homset.an_element()   # indirect doctest
            Scheme endomorphism of 2-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 3 affine patches
              Defn: Defined by sending Rational polyhedral fan in 2-d lattice N to
                    Rational polyhedral fan in 2-d lattice N.
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        zero = zero_matrix(self.domain().dimension_relative(),
        return self(zero)
文件: 项目: Findstat/sage
    def _an_element_(self):
        Construct a sample morphism.


        An element of the homset.


            sage: P2 = toric_varieties.P2()
            sage: homset = P2.Hom(P2)
            sage: homset.an_element()   # indirect doctest
            Scheme endomorphism of 2-d CPR-Fano toric variety covered by 3 affine patches
              Defn: Defined by sending Rational polyhedral fan in 2-d lattice N to
                    Rational polyhedral fan in 2-d lattice N.
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        zero = zero_matrix(self.domain().dimension_relative(),
        return self(zero)
    def invariant_form(self):
        Return the quadratic form preserved by the orthogonal group.


        A matrix.


            sage: Sp(4, QQ).invariant_form()
            [0 0 0 1]
            [0 0 1 0]
            [0 1 0 0]
            [1 0 0 0]
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        m = zero_matrix(self.base_ring(),
        for i in range(
            m[i, - i - 1] = 1
        return m
文件: 项目: Babyll/sage
    def invariant_form(self):
        Return the quadratic form preserved by the orthogonal group.


        A matrix.


            sage: Sp(4, QQ).invariant_form()
            [0 0 0 1]
            [0 0 1 0]
            [0 1 0 0]
            [1 0 0 0]
        from sage.matrix.constructor import zero_matrix
        m = zero_matrix(self.base_ring(),
        for i in range(
            m[i,] = 1
        return m
    def __compute_operator_matrix(self,T):
        Compute the matrix of the operator ``T``.


        for rr in range(len(basis)):
            B.set_block(0,rr,Matrix(R,len(self._E)*(self._k-1),1,[g._F[e]._val[ii,0]  for e in range(len(self._E)) for ii in range(self._k-1) ]))

            return res
        except ValueError:
            print A
            print B
            raise ValueError
def algebraic_topological_model_delta_complex(K, base_ring=None):
    Algebraic topological model for cell complex ``K``
    with coefficients in the field ``base_ring``.

    This has the same basic functionality as
    :func:`algebraic_topological_model`, but it also works for
    `\Delta`-complexes. For simplicial and cubical complexes it is
    somewhat slower, though.


    - ``K`` -- a simplicial complex, a cubical complex, or a
    - ``base_ring`` -- coefficient ring; must be a field

    OUTPUT: a pair ``(phi, M)`` consisting of

    - chain contraction ``phi``
    - chain complex `M`

    See :func:`algebraic_topological_model` for the main
    documentation. The difference in implementation between the two:
    this uses matrix and vector algebra. The other function does more
    of the computations "by hand" and uses cells (given as simplices
    or cubes) to index various dictionaries. Since the cells in
    `\Delta`-complexes are not as nice, the other function does not
    work for them, while this function relies almost entirely on the
    structure of the associated chain complex.


        sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model_delta_complex as AT_model
        sage: RP2 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(RP2, GF(2))
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
        sage: T = delta_complexes.Torus()
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(T, QQ)
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}

    If you want to work with cohomology rather than homology, just
    dualize the outputs of this function::

        sage: M.dual().homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}
        sage: M.dual().degree_of_differential()
        sage: phi.dual()
        Chain homotopy between:
          Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
          and Chain complex morphism:
            From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
            To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field

    In degree 0, the inclusion of the homology `M` into the chain
    complex `C` sends the homology generator to a single vertex::

        sage: K = delta_complexes.Simplex(2)
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(K, QQ)
        sage: phi.iota().in_degree(0)

    In cohomology, though, one needs the dual of every degree 0 cell
    to detect the degree 0 cohomology generator::

        sage: phi.dual().iota().in_degree(0)


        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: C = T.chain_complex()
        sage: H, M = AT_model(T, QQ)
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
        sage: coC = T.chain_complex(cochain=True)
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
    def conditionally_sparse(m):
        Return a sparse matrix if the characteristic is zero.

        Multiplication of matrices with low density seems to be quicker
        if the matrices are sparse, when over the rationals. Over
        finite fields, dense matrices are faster regardless of
        if base_ring == QQ:
            return m.sparse_matrix()
            return m

    if not base_ring.is_field():
        raise ValueError('the coefficient ring must be a field')

    # The following are all dictionaries indexed by dimension.
    # For each n, gens[n] is an ordered list of the n-cells generating the complex M.
    gens = {}
    pi_data = {}
    phi_data = {}
    iota_data = {}

    for n in range(-1, K.dimension()+1):
        gens[n] = []

    C = K.chain_complex(base_ring=base_ring)
    n_cells = []
    pi_cols = []
    iota_cols = {}

    for dim in range(K.dimension()+1):
        # old_cells: cells one dimension lower.
        old_cells = n_cells
        # n_cells: the standard basis for the vector space C.free_module(dim).
        n_cells = C.free_module(dim).gens()
        diff = C.differential(dim)
        # diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
        # over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
        # matrices are faster over the rationals.
        if base_ring != QQ:
            diff = diff.dense_matrix()

        rank = len(n_cells)
        old_rank = len(old_cells)

        # Create some matrix spaces to try to speed up matrix creation.
        MS_pi_t = MatrixSpace(base_ring, old_rank, len(gens[dim-1]))

        pi_old = MS_pi_t.matrix(pi_cols).transpose()
        iota_cols_old = iota_cols
        iota_cols = {}
        pi_cols_old = pi_cols
        pi_cols = []
        phi_old = MatrixSpace(base_ring, rank, old_rank, sparse=(base_ring==QQ)).zero()
        phi_old_cols = phi_old.columns()
        phi_old = conditionally_sparse(phi_old)
        to_be_deleted = []

        zero_vector = vector(base_ring, rank)
        pi_nrows = pi_old.nrows()

        for c_idx, c in enumerate(n_cells):
            # c_bar = c - phi(bdry(c)):
            # Avoid a bug in matrix-vector multiplication (trac 19378):
            if not diff:
                c_bar = c
                pi_bdry_c_bar = False
                if base_ring == QQ:
                    c_bar = c - phi_old * (diff * c)
                    pi_bdry_c_bar = conditionally_sparse(pi_old) * (diff * c_bar)
                    c_bar = c - phi_old * diff * c
                    pi_bdry_c_bar = conditionally_sparse(pi_old) * diff * c_bar

            # One small typo in the published algorithm: it says
            # "if bdry(c_bar) == 0", but should say
            # "if pi(bdry(c_bar)) == 0".
            if not pi_bdry_c_bar:
                # Append c to list of gens.
                # iota(c) = c_bar
                iota_cols[c_idx] = c_bar
                # pi(c) = c
                # Take any u in gens so that lambda_i = <u, pi(bdry(c_bar))> != 0.
                # u_idx will be the index of the corresponding cell.
                (u_idx, lambda_i) = pi_bdry_c_bar.leading_item()
                for (u_idx, lambda_i) in pi_bdry_c_bar.iteritems():
                    if u_idx not in to_be_deleted:
                # This element/column needs to be deleted from gens and
                # iota_old. Do that later.
                # pi(c) = 0.
                for c_j_idx, c_j in enumerate(old_cells):
                    # eta_ij = <u, pi(c_j)>.
                    # That is, eta_ij is the u_idx entry in the vector pi_old * c_j:
                    eta_ij = c_j.dot_product(pi_old.row(u_idx))
                    if eta_ij:
                        # Adjust phi(c_j).
                        phi_old_cols[c_j_idx] += eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        # Adjust pi(c_j).
                        pi_cols_old[c_j_idx] -= eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar

                # The matrices involved have many zero entries. For
                # such matrices, using sparse matrices is faster over
                # the rationals, slower over finite fields.
                phi_old = matrix(base_ring, phi_old_cols, sparse=(base_ring==QQ)).transpose()
                keep = vector(base_ring, pi_nrows, {i:1 for i in range(pi_nrows)
                                                    if i not in to_be_deleted})
                cols = [v.pairwise_product(keep) for v in pi_cols_old]
                pi_old = MS_pi_t.matrix(cols).transpose()

        # Here cols is a temporary storage for the columns of iota.
        cols = [iota_cols_old[i] for i in sorted(iota_cols_old.keys())]
        for r in sorted(to_be_deleted, reverse=True):
            del cols[r]
            del gens[dim-1][r]
        iota_data[dim-1] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[dim-1]), old_rank, cols).transpose()
        # keep: rows to keep in pi_cols_old. Start with all
        # columns, then delete those in to_be_deleted.
        keep = sorted(set(range(pi_nrows)).difference(to_be_deleted))
        # Now cols is a temporary storage for columns of pi.
        cols = [v.list_from_positions(keep) for v in pi_cols_old]
        pi_data[dim-1] = matrix(base_ring, old_rank, len(gens[dim-1]), cols).transpose()
        phi_data[dim-1] = phi_old

        V_gens = VectorSpace(base_ring, len(gens[dim]))
        if pi_cols:
            cols = []
            for v in pi_cols:
            pi_cols = cols

    pi_data[dim] = matrix(base_ring, rank, len(gens[dim]), pi_cols).transpose()
    cols = [iota_cols[i] for i in sorted(iota_cols.keys())]
    iota_data[dim] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[dim]), rank, cols).transpose()

    # M_data will contain (trivial) matrices defining the differential
    # on M. Keep track of the sizes using "M_rows" and "M_cols", which are
    # just the ranks of consecutive graded pieces of M.
    M_data = {}
    M_rows = 0
    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        M_cols = len(gens[n])
        M_data[n] = zero_matrix(base_ring, M_rows, M_cols)
        M_rows = M_cols

    M = ChainComplex(M_data, base_ring=base_ring, degree=-1)

    pi = ChainComplexMorphism(pi_data, C, M)
    iota = ChainComplexMorphism(iota_data, M, C)
    phi = ChainContraction(phi_data, pi, iota)
    return phi, M
def SymplecticPolarGraph(d, q, algorithm=None):
    Returns the Symplectic Polar Graph `Sp(d,q)`.

    The Symplectic Polar Graph `Sp(d,q)` is built from a projective space of dimension
    `d-1` over a field `F_q`, and a symplectic form `f`. Two vertices `u,v` are
    made adjacent if `f(u,v)=0`.

    See the page `on symplectic graphs on Andries Brouwer's website


    - ``d,q`` (integers) -- note that only even values of `d` are accepted by
      the function.

    - ``algorithm`` -- if set to 'gap' then the computation is carried via GAP
      library interface, computing totally singular subspaces, which is faster for `q>3`.
      Otherwise it is done directly.


    Computation of the spectrum of `Sp(6,2)`::

        sage: g = graphs.SymplecticGraph(6,2)
        doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: SymplecticGraph is deprecated. Please use sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.SymplecticPolarGraph instead.
        See for details.
        sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (63, 30, 13, 15)
        sage: set(g.spectrum()) == {-5, 3, 30}

    The parameters of `Sp(4,q)` are the same as of `O(5,q)`, but they are
    not isomorphic if `q` is odd::

        sage: G = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,3)
        sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (40, 12, 2, 4)
        sage: O=graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(5,3)
        sage: O.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (40, 12, 2, 4)
        sage: O.is_isomorphic(G)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(6,4,algorithm="gap").is_strongly_regular(parameters=True) # not tested (long time)
        (1365, 340, 83, 85)


        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4,algorithm="gap").is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (85, 20, 3, 5)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (85, 20, 3, 5)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4,algorithm="blah")
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown algorithm!
    if d < 1 or d%2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("d must be even and greater than 2")

    if algorithm == "gap":     # faster for larger (q>3)  fields
        from import libgap
        G = _polar_graph(d, q, libgap.SymplecticGroup(d, q))

    elif algorithm == None:    # faster for small (q<4) fields
        from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace
        from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
        from sage.matrix.constructor import identity_matrix, block_matrix, zero_matrix

        F = FiniteField(q,"x")
        M = block_matrix(F, 2, 2,

        V = VectorSpace(F,d)
        PV = list(ProjectiveSpace(d-1,F))
        G = Graph([[tuple(_) for _ in PV], lambda x,y:V(x)*(M*V(y)) == 0], loops = False)

        raise ValueError("unknown algorithm!")"Symplectic Polar Graph Sp("+str(d)+","+str(q)+")")
    return G
    def _find_isomorphism_degenerate(self, polytope):
        Helper to pick an isomorphism of degenerate polygons


        - ``polytope`` -- a :class:`LatticePolytope_PPL_class`. The
          polytope to compare with.


            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.ppl_lattice_polytope import LatticePolytope_PPL, C_Polyhedron
            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL(C_Polyhedron(2, 'empty'))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL(C_Polyhedron(3, 'empty'))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)   # indirect doctest
            sage: iso(L1) == L2
            sage: iso = L1._find_isomorphism_degenerate(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,4))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,), (3,))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5), (2,-3,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,-1), (3,-1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5), (2,-3,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,4))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,2))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,4))
            sage: L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError: different number of integral points

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,5))
            sage: L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError: different number of integral points
        from sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element import \
        polytope_vertices = polytope.vertices()
        self_vertices = self.ordered_vertices()
        # handle degenerate cases
        if self.n_vertices() == 0:
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension(),
            b = zero_vector(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension())
            return LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
        if self.n_vertices() == 1:
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension(),
            b = polytope_vertices[0]
            return LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
        if self.n_vertices() == 2:
            self_origin = self_vertices[0]
            self_ray = self_vertices[1] - self_origin
            polytope_origin = polytope_vertices[0]
            polytope_ray = polytope_vertices[1] - polytope_origin
            Ds, Us, Vs = self_ray.column().smith_form()
            Dp, Up, Vp = polytope_ray.column().smith_form()
            assert Vs.nrows() == Vs.ncols() == Vp.nrows() == Vp.ncols() == 1
            assert abs(Vs[0, 0]) == abs(Vp[0, 0]) == 1
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, Dp.nrows(), Ds.nrows())
            A[0, 0] = 1
            A = Up.inverse() * A * Us * (Vs[0, 0] * Vp[0, 0])
            b = polytope_origin - A * self_origin
                A = matrix(ZZ, A)
                b = vector(ZZ, b)
            except TypeError:
                raise LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError('different lattice')
            hom = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
            if hom(self) == polytope:
                return hom
            raise LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError('different polygons')
 def zero_element(self) :
     t = zero_matrix(ZZ, self.__n)
     return t
    def __iter__(self) :
        if self.index() is infinity :
            raise ValueError, "infinity is not a true filter index"

        if self.is_reduced() :
            ## We only iterate positive definite matrices
            ## and later build the semidefinite ones
            ## We first find possible upper left matrices
            sub2 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub2()
            sub3 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub3()
            sub4 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub4()

            t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
            yield t
            for a0 in xrange(2, 2 * self.index(), 2) :
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[3,3] = a0
                yield t
            for (a0, a1, b01) in sub2 :
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[2,2] = a0
                t[3,3] = a1
                t[2,3] = b01
                t[3,2] = b01
                yield t
            for (a0, a1, b01, sub3s) in sub3 :
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[1,1] = a0
                t[2,2] = a1
                t[1,2] = b01
                t[2,1] = b01
                for (a2, b02, b12) in sub3s :
                    ts = copy(t)
                    ts[3,3] = a2
                    ts[1,3] = b02
                    ts[3,1] = b02
                    ts[2,3] = b12
                    ts[3,2] = b12
                    yield ts
            for (a0, a1, b01, sub4s) in sub4 :
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[0,0] = a0
                t[1,1] = a1
                t[0,1] = b01
                t[1,0] = b01
                for (a2, b02, b12, sub4ss) in sub4s :
                    ts = copy(t)
                    ts[2,2] = a2
                    ts[0,2] = b02
                    ts[2,0] = b02
                    ts[1,2] = b12
                    ts[2,1] = b12
                    for (a3, b03, b13, b23) in sub4ss :
                        tss = copy(ts)
                        tss[3,3] = a3
                        tss[0,1] = b01
                        tss[1,0] = b01
                        tss[0,2] = b02
                        tss[2,0] = b02
                        tss[0,3] = b03
                        tss[3,0] = b03
                        yield tss

        #! if self.is_reduced()
        else :
            ## We first find possible upper left matrices
            sub2 = list()
            for a0 in xrange(2 * self.index(), 2) :
                for a1 in xrange(2 * self.index(), 2) :
                    # obstruction for t[0,1]
                    B1 = isqrt(a0 * a1)
                    for b01 in xrange(-B1, B1 + 1) :
            sub3 = list()
            for (a0, a1, b01) in sub2 :
                sub3s = list()
                for a2 in xrange(2 * self.index(), 2) :
                    # obstruction for t[0,2]
                    B1 = isqrt(a0 * a2)
                    for b02 in xrange(-B1, B1 + 1) :
                        # obstruction for t[1,2]
                        B3 = isqrt(a1 * a2)
                        for b12 in xrange(-B3, B3 + 1) :
                            # obstruction for the minor [0,1,2] of t
                            if a0*a1*a2 - a0*b12**2 + 2*b01*b12*b02 - b01**2*a2 - a1*b02**2 < 0 :
                            sub3s.append((a2, b02, b12))
                sub3.append((a0, a1, b01, sub3s))
            for (a0,a1,b01, sub3s) in sub3 :
                for (a2, b02, b12) in sub3s :
                    for a3 in xrange(2 * self.index(), 2) :
                        # obstruction for t[0,3]
                        B1 = isqrt(a0 * a3)
                        for b03 in xrange(-B1, B1 + 1) :
                            # obstruction for t[1,3]
                            B3 = isqrt(a1 * a3)
                            for b13 in xrange(-B3, B3 + 1) :
                                # obstruction for the minor [0,1,3] of t
                                if a0*a1*a3 - a0*b13**2 + 2*b01*b13*b03 - b01**2*a3 - a1*b03**2 < 0 :
                                # obstruction for t[2,3]
                                B3 = isqrt(a2 * a3)
                                for b23 in xrange(-B3, B3 + 1) :
                                    # obstruction for the minor [0,2,3] of t
                                    if a0*a2*a3 - a0*b23**2 + 2*b02*b23*b03 - b02**2*a3 - a2*b03**2 < 0 :
                                    # obstruction for the minor [1,2,3] of t
                                    if a1*a2*a3 - a1*b23**2 + 2*b12*b23*b13 - b12**2*a3 - a2*b13**2 < 0 :
                                    t = matrix(ZZ, 4, [a0, b01, b02, b03, b01, a1, b12, b13, b02, b12, a2, b23, b03, b13, b23, a3], check = False)
                                    if t.det() < 0 :
                                    yield t

        raise StopIteration
文件: 项目: robertwb/sage
    def cohomology_complex(self, m):
        Return the "cohomology complex" `C^*(m)`

        See [Klyachko]_, equation 4.2.


        - ``m`` -- tuple of integers or `M`-lattice point. A point in
          the dual lattice of the fan. Must be immutable.


        The "cohomology complex" as a chain complex over the


            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3)
            sage: rays = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
            sage: F1 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[0], 1:[2], 2:[1]})
            sage: F2 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[1,2], 1:[0]})
            sage: r =
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: tau = Cone([(1,0,0), (0,1,0)])
            sage: sigma = Cone([(1, 0, 0)])
            sage: M =
            sage: m = M(1, 1, 0); m.set_immutable()
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Rational Field

            sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3).change_ring(F)
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Cyclotomic
            Field of order 3 and degree 2
        fan =
        C = fan.complex()
        CV = []
        F = self.base_ring()
        for dim in range(1,fan.dim()+1):
            codim = fan.dim() - dim
            d_C = C.differential(codim)
            d_V = []
            for j in range(0, d_C.ncols()):
                tau = fan(dim)[j]
                d_V_row = []
                for i in range(0, d_C.nrows()):
                    sigma = fan(dim-1)[i]
                    if sigma.is_face_of(tau):
                        pr = self.E_quotient_projection(sigma, tau, m)
                        d = d_C[i,j] * pr.matrix().transpose()
                        E_sigma = self.E_quotient(sigma, m)
                        E_tau = self.E_quotient(tau, m)
                        d = zero_matrix(F, E_tau.dimension(), E_sigma.dimension())
            d_V = block_matrix(d_V, ring=F)
        from sage.homology.chain_complex import ChainComplex
        return ChainComplex(CV, base_ring=self.base_ring())
def SymplecticPolarGraph(d, q, algorithm=None):
    Returns the Symplectic Polar Graph `Sp(d,q)`.

    The Symplectic Polar Graph `Sp(d,q)` is built from a projective space of dimension
    `d-1` over a field `F_q`, and a symplectic form `f`. Two vertices `u,v` are
    made adjacent if `f(u,v)=0`.

    See the page `on symplectic graphs on Andries Brouwer's website


    - ``d,q`` (integers) -- note that only even values of `d` are accepted by
      the function.

    - ``algorithm`` -- if set to 'gap' then the computation is carried via GAP
      library interface, computing totally singular subspaces, which is faster for `q>3`.
      Otherwise it is done directly.


    Computation of the spectrum of `Sp(6,2)`::

        sage: g = graphs.SymplecticGraph(6,2)
        doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: SymplecticGraph is deprecated. Please use sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.SymplecticPolarGraph instead.
        See for details.
        sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (63, 30, 13, 15)
        sage: set(g.spectrum()) == {-5, 3, 30}

    The parameters of `Sp(4,q)` are the same as of `O(5,q)`, but they are
    not isomorphic if `q` is odd::

        sage: G = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,3)
        sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (40, 12, 2, 4)
        sage: O=graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(5,3)
        sage: O.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (40, 12, 2, 4)
        sage: O.is_isomorphic(G)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(6,4,algorithm="gap").is_strongly_regular(parameters=True) # not tested (long time)
        (1365, 340, 83, 85)


        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4,algorithm="gap").is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (85, 20, 3, 5)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
        (85, 20, 3, 5)
        sage: graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4,4,algorithm="blah")
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown algorithm!
    if d < 1 or d % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("d must be even and greater than 2")

    if algorithm == "gap":  # faster for larger (q>3)  fields
        from import libgap
        G = _polar_graph(d, q, libgap.SymplecticGroup(d, q))

    elif algorithm == None:  # faster for small (q<4) fields
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.constructor import FiniteField
        from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace
        from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
        from sage.matrix.constructor import identity_matrix, block_matrix, zero_matrix

        F = FiniteField(q, "x")
        M = block_matrix(F, 2, 2, [
            zero_matrix(F, d / 2),
            identity_matrix(F, d / 2), -identity_matrix(F, d / 2),
            zero_matrix(F, d / 2)

        V = VectorSpace(F, d)
        PV = list(ProjectiveSpace(d - 1, F))
        G = Graph([[tuple(_) for _ in PV], lambda x, y: V(x) *
                   (M * V(y)) == 0],

        raise ValueError("unknown algorithm!")"Symplectic Polar Graph Sp(" + str(d) + "," + str(q) + ")")
    return G
    def __init__(self, matrices, C, D, check=True):
        Create a morphism from a dictionary of matrices.


            sage: S = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(1)
            sage: S
            Minimal triangulation of the 1-sphere
            sage: C = S.chain_complex()
            sage: C.differential()
            {0: [], 1: [ 1  1  0]
            [ 0 -1 -1]
            [-1  0  1], 2: []}
            sage: f = {0:zero_matrix(ZZ,3,3),1:zero_matrix(ZZ,3,3)}
            sage: G = Hom(C,C)
            sage: x = G(f)
            sage: x
            Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: x._matrix_dictionary
            {0: [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0], 1: [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]}

        Check that the bug in :trac:`13220` has been fixed::

            sage: X = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(1)
            sage: Y = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(0)
            sage: g = Hom(X,Y)({0:0, 1:0})
            sage: g.associated_chain_complex_morphism()
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring

        Check that an error is raised if the matrices are the wrong size::

            sage: C = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 0, 1)})
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 0, 2)})
            sage: Hom(C,D)({0: matrix(1, 2, [1, 1])})  # 1x2 is the wrong size.
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: matrix in degree 0 is not the right size
            sage: Hom(C,D)({0: matrix(2, 1, [1, 1])})  # 2x1 is right.
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
        if not C.base_ring() == D.base_ring():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'morphisms between chain complexes of different'
                ' base rings are not implemented')
        d = C.degree_of_differential()
        if d != D.degree_of_differential():
            raise ValueError('degree of differential does not match')

        from sage.misc.misc import uniq
        degrees = uniq(C.differential().keys() + D.differential().keys())
        initial_matrices = dict(matrices)
        matrices = dict()
        for i in degrees:
            if i - d not in degrees:
                if not (C.free_module_rank(i) == D.free_module_rank(i) == 0):
                    raise ValueError(
                        '{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(
                            C, D, i))
                matrices[i] = initial_matrices.pop(i)
            except KeyError:
                matrices[i] = zero_matrix(C.base_ring(),
        if check:
            # All remaining matrices given must be 0x0.
            if not all(m.ncols() == m.nrows() == 0
                       for m in initial_matrices.values()):
                raise ValueError('the remaining matrices are not empty')
            # Check sizes of matrices.
            for i in matrices:
                if (matrices[i].nrows() != D.free_module_rank(i)
                        or matrices[i].ncols() != C.free_module_rank(i)):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'matrix in degree {} is not the right size'.format(i))
            # Check commutativity.
            for i in degrees:
                if i - d not in degrees:
                    if not (C.free_module_rank(i) == D.free_module_rank(i) ==
                        raise ValueError(
                            '{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(
                                C, D, i))
                if i + d not in degrees:
                    if not (C.free_module_rank(i + d) ==
                            D.free_module_rank(i + d) == 0):
                        raise ValueError(
                            '{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(
                                C, D, i + d))
                Dm = D.differential(i) * matrices[i]
                mC = matrices[i + d] * C.differential(i)
                if mC != Dm:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'matrices must define a chain complex morphism')
        self._matrix_dictionary = {}
        for i in matrices:
            m = matrices[i]
            # Use immutable matrices because they're hashable.
            self._matrix_dictionary[i] = m
        Morphism.__init__(self, Hom(C, D, ChainComplexes(C.base_ring())))
    def _find_isomorphism_degenerate(self, polytope):
        Helper to pick an isomorphism of degenerate polygons


        - ``polytope`` -- a :class:`LatticePolytope_PPL_class`. The
          polytope to compare with.


            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.ppl_lattice_polytope import LatticePolytope_PPL, C_Polyhedron
            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL(C_Polyhedron(2, 'empty'))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL(C_Polyhedron(3, 'empty'))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)   # indirect doctest
            sage: iso(L1) == L2
            sage: iso = L1._find_isomorphism_degenerate(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,4))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,), (3,))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5), (2,-3,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,-1), (3,-1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((2,1,5), (2,-3,5))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,4))
            sage: iso = L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            sage: iso(L1) == L2

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,2))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,4))
            sage: L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError: different number of integral points

            sage: L1 = LatticePolytope_PPL((-1,2), (3,1))
            sage: L2 = LatticePolytope_PPL((1,2,3),(1,2,5))
            sage: L1.find_isomorphism(L2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError: different number of integral points
        from sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element import \
        polytope_vertices = polytope.vertices()
        self_vertices = self.ordered_vertices()
        # handle degenerate cases
        if self.n_vertices() == 0:
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension(), self.space_dimension())
            b = zero_vector(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension())
            return LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
        if self.n_vertices() == 1:
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, polytope.space_dimension(), self.space_dimension())
            b = polytope_vertices[0]
            return LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
        if self.n_vertices() == 2:
            self_origin = self_vertices[0]
            self_ray = self_vertices[1] - self_origin
            polytope_origin = polytope_vertices[0]
            polytope_ray = polytope_vertices[1] - polytope_origin
            Ds, Us, Vs = self_ray.column().smith_form()
            Dp, Up, Vp = polytope_ray.column().smith_form()
            assert Vs.nrows() == Vs.ncols() == Vp.nrows() == Vp.ncols() == 1
            assert abs(Vs[0, 0]) == abs(Vp[0, 0]) == 1
            A = zero_matrix(ZZ, Dp.nrows(), Ds.nrows())
            A[0, 0] = 1
            A = Up.inverse() * A * Us * (Vs[0, 0] * Vp[0, 0])
            b = polytope_origin - A*self_origin
                A = matrix(ZZ, A)
                b = vector(ZZ, b)
            except TypeError:
                raise LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError('different lattice')
            hom = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)
            if hom(self) == polytope:
                return hom
            raise LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError('different polygons')
    def cohomology_complex(self, m):
        Return the "cohomology complex" `C^*(m)`

        See [Klyachko]_, equation 4.2.


        - ``m`` -- tuple of integers or `M`-lattice point. A point in
          the dual lattice of the fan. Must be immutable.


        The "cohomology complex" as a chain complex over the


            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3)
            sage: rays = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
            sage: F1 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[0], 1:[2], 2:[1]})
            sage: F2 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[1,2], 1:[0]})
            sage: r =
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: tau = Cone([(1,0,0), (0,1,0)])
            sage: sigma = Cone([(1, 0, 0)])
            sage: M =
            sage: m = M(1, 1, 0); m.set_immutable()
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Rational Field

            sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3).change_ring(F)
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Cyclotomic
            Field of order 3 and degree 2
        fan =
        C = fan.complex()
        CV = []
        F = self.base_ring()
        for dim in range(1, fan.dim() + 1):
            codim = fan.dim() - dim
            d_C = C.differential(codim)
            d_V = []
            for j in range(d_C.ncols()):
                tau = fan(dim)[j]
                d_V_row = []
                for i in range(d_C.nrows()):
                    sigma = fan(dim - 1)[i]
                    if sigma.is_face_of(tau):
                        pr = self.E_quotient_projection(sigma, tau, m)
                        d = d_C[i, j] * pr.matrix().transpose()
                        E_sigma = self.E_quotient(sigma, m)
                        E_tau = self.E_quotient(tau, m)
                        d = zero_matrix(F, E_tau.dimension(),
            d_V = block_matrix(d_V, ring=F)
        from sage.homology.chain_complex import ChainComplex
        return ChainComplex(CV, base_ring=self.base_ring())
def _global_restriction_matrix(precision, S, weight_parity, find_relations = False) :
    A matrix that maps the Fourier expansion of a Jacobi form of given precision
    to their restrictions with respect to the elements of S.
    - ``precision`` -- An instance of JacobiFormD1Filter.
    - `S` -- A list of vectors.
    - ``weight_parity`` -- The parity of the weight of the considered Jacobi forms.
    - ``find_relation`` -- A boolean. If ``True``, then the restrictions to
                           nonreduced indices will also be computed.
        sage: from psage.modform.jacobiforms.jacobiformd1_fourierexpansion import *
        sage: from psage.modform.jacobiforms.jacobiformd1_fegenerators import _global_restriction_matrix
        sage: precision = JacobiFormD1Filter(5, QuadraticForm(matrix(2, [2,1,1,2])))
        sage: (global_restriction_matrix, row_groups, row_labels, column_labels) = _global_restriction_matrix(precision, [vector((1,0))], 12)
        sage: global_restriction_matrix
        [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0]
        [0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0]
        [2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0]
        [0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0]
        [0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 2]
        [0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2]
        sage: (row_groups, row_labels, column_labels)
        ([((1, 0), 1, 0, 9)], {1: {(0, 0): 0, (3, 0): 5, (3, 1): 6, (2, 1): 4, (2, 0): 3, (1, 0): 1, (4, 1): 8, (1, 1): 2, (4, 0): 7}}, [(0, (0, 0)), (1, (0, 0)), (1, (1, 1)), (2, (0, 0)), (2, (1, 1)), (3, (0, 0)), (3, (1, 1)), (4, (0, 0)), (4, (1, 1))])
    L = precision.jacobi_index()
    weight_parity = weight_parity % 2

    jacobi_indices = [ L(s) for s in S ]
    index_filters = dict( (m, list(JacobiFormD1NNFilter(precision.index(), m, reduced = not find_relations)))
                          for m in Set(jacobi_indices) )
    column_labels = list(precision)
    reductions = dict( (l, list()) for l in column_labels )
    for l in precision.monoid_filter() :
        (lred, sign) = precision.monoid().reduce(l)
        reductions[lred].append((l, sign)) 

    row_groups = [ len(index_filters[m]) for m in jacobi_indices ]
    row_groups = [ (s, m, sum(row_groups[:i]), row_groups[i]) for ((i, s), m) in zip(enumerate(S), jacobi_indices) ]
    row_labels = dict( (m, dict( (l, i) for (i, l) in enumerate(index_filters[m]) ))
                       for m in Set(jacobi_indices) )
    dot_products = [ cython_lambda( ' , '.join([ 'int x{0}'.format(i) for i in range(len(s)) ]),
                                    ' + '.join([ '{0} * x{1}'.format(s[i], i) for i in range(len(s)) ]) )
                     for (s, _, _, _) in row_groups ]
    restriction_matrix = zero_matrix(ZZ, row_groups[-1][2] + row_groups[-1][3], len(column_labels))
    for (cind, l) in enumerate(column_labels) :
        for ((n, r), sign) in reductions[l] :
            for ((s, m, start, length), dot_product) in zip(row_groups, dot_products) :
                row_labels_dict = row_labels[m]
                try :
                    restriction_matrix[start + row_labels_dict[(n, dot_product(*r))], cind] \
                      += 1 if weight_parity == 0 else sign
                except KeyError :

    return (restriction_matrix, row_groups, row_labels, column_labels)
def algebraic_topological_model(K, base_ring=None):
    Algebraic topological model for cell complex ``K``
    with coefficients in the field ``base_ring``.


    - ``K`` -- either a simplicial complex or a cubical complex
    - ``base_ring`` -- coefficient ring; must be a field

    OUTPUT: a pair ``(phi, M)`` consisting of

    - chain contraction ``phi``
    - chain complex `M`

    This construction appears in a paper by Pilarczyk and Réal [PR]_.
    Given a cell complex `K` and a field `F`, there is a chain complex
    `C` associated to `K` with coefficients in `F`. The *algebraic
    topological model* for `K` is a chain complex `M` with trivial
    differential, along with chain maps `\pi: C \to M` and `\iota: M
    \to C` such that

    - `\pi \iota = 1_M`, and
    - there is a chain homotopy `\phi` between `1_C` and `\iota \pi`.

    In particular, `\pi` and `\iota` induce isomorphisms on homology,
    and since `M` has trivial differential, it is its own homology,
    and thus also the homology of `C`. Thus `\iota` lifts homology
    classes to their cycle representatives.

    The chain homotopy `\phi` satisfies some additional properties,
    making it a *chain contraction*:

    - `\phi \phi = 0`,
    - `\pi \phi = 0`,
    - `\phi \iota = 0`.

    Given an algebraic topological model for `K`, it is then easy to
    compute cup products and cohomology operations on the cohomology
    of `K`, as described in [G-DR03]_ and [PR]_.

    Implementation details: the cell complex `K` must have an
    method from which we can extract a list of cells in each
    dimension. Combining the lists in increasing order of dimension
    then defines a filtration of the complex: a list of cells in which
    the boundary of each cell consists of cells earlier in the
    list. This is required by Pilarczyk and Réal's algorithm.  There
    must also be a
    method, to construct the chain complex `C` associated to this
    chain complex.

    In particular, this works for simplicial complexes and cubical
    complexes. It doesn't work for `\Delta`-complexes, though: the list
    of their `n`-cells has the wrong format.

    Note that from the chain contraction ``phi``, one can recover the
    chain maps `\pi` and `\iota` via ``phi.pi()`` and
    ``phi.iota()``. Then one can recover `C` and `M` from, for
    example, ``phi.pi().domain()`` and ``phi.pi().codomain()``,


        sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model
        sage: RP2 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(RP2, GF(2))
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(T, QQ)
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}

    If you want to work with cohomology rather than homology, just
    dualize the outputs of this function::

        sage: M.dual().homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}
        sage: M.dual().degree_of_differential()
        sage: phi.dual()
        Chain homotopy between:
          Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
          and Chain complex morphism:
            From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
            To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field

    In degree 0, the inclusion of the homology `M` into the chain
    complex `C` sends the homology generator to a single vertex::

        sage: K = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(2)
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(K, QQ)
        sage: phi.iota().in_degree(0)

    In cohomology, though, one needs the dual of every degree 0 cell
    to detect the degree 0 cohomology generator::

        sage: phi.dual().iota().in_degree(0)


        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: C = T.chain_complex()
        sage: H, M = T.algebraic_topological_model()
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
        sage: coC = T.chain_complex(cochain=True)
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
    if not base_ring.is_field():
        raise ValueError('the coefficient ring must be a field')

    # The following are all dictionaries indexed by dimension.
    # For each n, gens[n] is an ordered list of the n-cells generating the complex M.
    gens = {}
    # For each n, phi_dict[n] is a dictionary of the form {idx:
    # vector}, where idx is the index of an n-cell in the list of
    # n-cells in K, and vector is the image of that n-cell, as an
    # element in the free module of (n+1)-chains for K.
    phi_dict = {}
    # For each n, pi_dict[n] is a dictionary of the same form, except
    # that the target vectors should be elements of the chain complex M.
    pi_dict = {}
    # For each n, iota_dict[n] is a dictionary of the form {cell:
    # vector}, where cell is one of the generators for M and vector is
    # its image in C, as an element in the free module of n-chains.
    iota_dict = {}

    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        gens[n] = []
        phi_dict[n] = {}
        pi_dict[n] = {}
        iota_dict[n] = {}

    C = K.chain_complex(base_ring=base_ring)
    # old_cells: cells one dimension lower.
    old_cells = []

    for dim in range(K.dimension()+1):
        n_cells = K.n_cells(dim)
        diff = C.differential(dim)
        # diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
        # over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
        # matrices are faster over the rationals.
        if base_ring != QQ:
            diff = diff.dense_matrix()

        rank = len(n_cells)
        old_rank = len(old_cells)
        V_old = VectorSpace(base_ring, old_rank)
        zero = V_old.zero_vector()

        for c_idx, c in enumerate(zip(n_cells, VectorSpace(base_ring, rank).gens())):
            # c is the pair (cell, the corresponding standard basis
            # vector in the free module of chains). Separate its
            # components, calling them c and c_vec:
            c_vec = c[1]
            c = c[0]
            # No need to set zero values for any of the maps: we will
            # assume any unset values are zero.
            # From the paper: phi_dict[c] = 0.

            # c_bar = c - phi(bdry(c))
            c_bar = c_vec
            bdry_c = diff * c_vec
            # Apply phi to bdry_c and subtract from c_bar.
            for (idx, coord) in bdry_c.iteritems():
                    c_bar -= coord * phi_dict[dim-1][idx]
                except KeyError:

            bdry_c_bar = diff * c_bar

            # Evaluate pi(bdry(c_bar)).
            pi_bdry_c_bar = zero

            for (idx, coeff) in bdry_c_bar.iteritems():
                    pi_bdry_c_bar += coeff * pi_dict[dim-1][idx]
                except KeyError:

            # One small typo in the published algorithm: it says
            # "if bdry(c_bar) == 0", but should say
            # "if pi(bdry(c_bar)) == 0".
            if not pi_bdry_c_bar:
                # Append c to list of gens.
                # iota(c) = c_bar
                iota_dict[dim][c] = c_bar
                # pi(c) = c
                pi_dict[dim][c_idx] = c_vec
                # Take any u in gens so that lambda_i = <u, pi(bdry(c_bar))> != 0.
                # u_idx will be the index of the corresponding cell.
                for (u_idx, lambda_i) in pi_bdry_c_bar.iteritems():
                    # Now find the actual cell.
                    u = old_cells[u_idx]
                    if u in gens[dim-1]:

                # pi(c) = 0: no need to do anything about this.
                for c_j_idx in range(old_rank):
                    # eta_ij = <u, pi(c_j)>.
                        eta_ij = pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx][u_idx]
                    except (KeyError, IndexError):
                        eta_ij = 0
                    if eta_ij:
                        # Adjust phi(c_j).
                            phi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] += eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        except KeyError:
                            phi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] = eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        # Adjust pi(c_j).
                            pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] += -eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar
                        except KeyError:
                            pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] = -eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar

                del iota_dict[dim-1][u]
        old_cells = n_cells

    # Now we have constructed the raw data for M, pi, iota, phi, so we
    # have to convert that to data which can be used to construct chain
    # complexes, chain maps, and chain contractions.

    # M_data will contain (trivial) matrices defining the differential
    # on M. Keep track of the sizes using "M_rows" and "M_cols", which are
    # just the ranks of consecutive graded pieces of M.
    M_data = {}
    M_rows = 0
    # pi_data: the matrices defining pi. Similar for iota_data and phi_data.
    pi_data = {}
    iota_data = {}
    phi_data = {}
    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        n_cells = K.n_cells(n)
        # Remove zero entries from pi_dict and phi_dict.
        pi_dict[n] = {i: pi_dict[n][i] for i in pi_dict[n] if pi_dict[n][i]}
        phi_dict[n] = {i: phi_dict[n][i] for i in phi_dict[n] if phi_dict[n][i]}
        # Convert gens to data defining the chain complex M with
        # trivial differential.
        M_cols = len(gens[n])
        M_data[n] = zero_matrix(base_ring, M_rows, M_cols)
        M_rows = M_cols
        # Convert the dictionaries for pi, iota, phi to matrices which
        # will define chain maps and chain homotopies.
        pi_cols = []
        phi_cols = []
        for (idx, c) in enumerate(n_cells):
            # First pi:
            if idx in pi_dict[n]:
                column = vector(base_ring, M_rows)
                for (entry, coeff) in pi_dict[n][idx].iteritems():
                    # Translate from cells in n_cells to cells in gens[n].
                    column[gens[n].index(n_cells[entry])] = coeff
                column = vector(base_ring, M_rows)

            # Now phi:
                column = phi_dict[n][idx]
            except KeyError:
                column = vector(base_ring, len(K.n_cells(n+1)))
        # Now iota:
        iota_cols = [iota_dict[n][c] for c in gens[n]]

        pi_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, pi_cols).transpose()
        iota_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[n]), len(n_cells), iota_cols).transpose()
        phi_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, phi_cols).transpose()

    M = ChainComplex(M_data, base_ring=base_ring, degree=-1)
    pi = ChainComplexMorphism(pi_data, C, M)
    iota = ChainComplexMorphism(iota_data, M, C)
    phi = ChainContraction(phi_data, pi, iota)
    return phi, M
def algebraic_topological_model_delta_complex(K, base_ring=None):
    Algebraic topological model for cell complex ``K``
    with coefficients in the field ``base_ring``.

    This has the same basic functionality as
    :func:`algebraic_topological_model`, but it also works for
    `\Delta`-complexes. For simplicial and cubical complexes it is
    somewhat slower, though.


    - ``K`` -- a simplicial complex, a cubical complex, or a
    - ``base_ring`` -- coefficient ring; must be a field

    OUTPUT: a pair ``(phi, M)`` consisting of

    - chain contraction ``phi``
    - chain complex `M`

    See :func:`algebraic_topological_model` for the main
    documentation. The difference in implementation between the two:
    this uses matrix and vector algebra. The other function does more
    of the computations "by hand" and uses cells (given as simplices
    or cubes) to index various dictionaries. Since the cells in
    `\Delta`-complexes are not as nice, the other function does not
    work for them, while this function relies almost entirely on the
    structure of the associated chain complex.


        sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model_delta_complex as AT_model
        sage: RP2 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(RP2, GF(2))
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
        sage: T = delta_complexes.Torus()
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(T, QQ)
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}

    If you want to work with cohomology rather than homology, just
    dualize the outputs of this function::

        sage: M.dual().homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}
        sage: M.dual().degree_of_differential()
        sage: phi.dual()
        Chain homotopy between:
          Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
          and Chain complex morphism:
            From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
            To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field

    In degree 0, the inclusion of the homology `M` into the chain
    complex `C` sends the homology generator to a single vertex::

        sage: K = delta_complexes.Simplex(2)
        sage: phi, M = AT_model(K, QQ)
        sage: phi.iota().in_degree(0)

    In cohomology, though, one needs the dual of every degree 0 cell
    to detect the degree 0 cohomology generator::

        sage: phi.dual().iota().in_degree(0)


        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: C = T.chain_complex()
        sage: H, M = AT_model(T, QQ)
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
        sage: coC = T.chain_complex(cochain=True)
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
    def conditionally_sparse(m):
        Return a sparse matrix if the characteristic is zero.

        Multiplication of matrices with low density seems to be quicker
        if the matrices are sparse, when over the rationals. Over
        finite fields, dense matrices are faster regardless of
        if base_ring == QQ:
            return m.sparse_matrix()
            return m

    if not base_ring.is_field():
        raise ValueError('the coefficient ring must be a field')

    # The following are all dictionaries indexed by dimension.
    # For each n, gens[n] is an ordered list of the n-cells generating the complex M.
    gens = {}
    pi_data = {}
    phi_data = {}
    iota_data = {}

    for n in range(-1, K.dimension()+1):
        gens[n] = []

    C = K.chain_complex(base_ring=base_ring)
    n_cells = []
    pi_cols = []
    iota_cols = {}

    for dim in range(K.dimension()+1):
        # old_cells: cells one dimension lower.
        old_cells = n_cells
        # n_cells: the standard basis for the vector space C.free_module(dim).
        n_cells = C.free_module(dim).gens()
        diff = C.differential(dim)
        # diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
        # over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
        # matrices are faster over the rationals.
        if base_ring != QQ:
            diff = diff.dense_matrix()

        rank = len(n_cells)
        old_rank = len(old_cells)

        # Create some matrix spaces to try to speed up matrix creation.
        MS_pi_t = MatrixSpace(base_ring, old_rank, len(gens[dim-1]))

        pi_old = MS_pi_t.matrix(pi_cols).transpose()
        iota_cols_old = iota_cols
        iota_cols = {}
        pi_cols_old = pi_cols
        pi_cols = []
        phi_old = MatrixSpace(base_ring, rank, old_rank, sparse=(base_ring==QQ)).zero()
        phi_old_cols = phi_old.columns()
        phi_old = conditionally_sparse(phi_old)
        to_be_deleted = []

        zero_vector = vector(base_ring, rank)
        pi_nrows = pi_old.nrows()

        for c_idx, c in enumerate(n_cells):
            # c_bar = c - phi(bdry(c)):
            # Avoid a bug in matrix-vector multiplication (trac 19378):
            if not diff:
                c_bar = c
                pi_bdry_c_bar = False
                if base_ring == QQ:
                    c_bar = c - phi_old * (diff * c)
                    pi_bdry_c_bar = conditionally_sparse(pi_old) * (diff * c_bar)
                    c_bar = c - phi_old * diff * c
                    pi_bdry_c_bar = conditionally_sparse(pi_old) * diff * c_bar

            # One small typo in the published algorithm: it says
            # "if bdry(c_bar) == 0", but should say
            # "if pi(bdry(c_bar)) == 0".
            if not pi_bdry_c_bar:
                # Append c to list of gens.
                # iota(c) = c_bar
                iota_cols[c_idx] = c_bar
                # pi(c) = c
                # Take any u in gens so that lambda_i = <u, pi(bdry(c_bar))> != 0.
                # u_idx will be the index of the corresponding cell.
                (u_idx, lambda_i) = pi_bdry_c_bar.leading_item()
                for (u_idx, lambda_i) in iteritems(pi_bdry_c_bar):
                    if u_idx not in to_be_deleted:
                # This element/column needs to be deleted from gens and
                # iota_old. Do that later.
                # pi(c) = 0.
                for c_j_idx, c_j in enumerate(old_cells):
                    # eta_ij = <u, pi(c_j)>.
                    # That is, eta_ij is the u_idx entry in the vector pi_old * c_j:
                    eta_ij = c_j.dot_product(pi_old.row(u_idx))
                    if eta_ij:
                        # Adjust phi(c_j).
                        phi_old_cols[c_j_idx] += eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        # Adjust pi(c_j).
                        pi_cols_old[c_j_idx] -= eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar

                # The matrices involved have many zero entries. For
                # such matrices, using sparse matrices is faster over
                # the rationals, slower over finite fields.
                phi_old = matrix(base_ring, phi_old_cols, sparse=(base_ring==QQ)).transpose()
                keep = vector(base_ring, pi_nrows, {i:1 for i in range(pi_nrows)
                                                    if i not in to_be_deleted})
                cols = [v.pairwise_product(keep) for v in pi_cols_old]
                pi_old = MS_pi_t.matrix(cols).transpose()

        # Here cols is a temporary storage for the columns of iota.
        cols = [iota_cols_old[i] for i in sorted(iota_cols_old.keys())]
        for r in sorted(to_be_deleted, reverse=True):
            del cols[r]
            del gens[dim-1][r]
        iota_data[dim-1] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[dim-1]), old_rank, cols).transpose()
        # keep: rows to keep in pi_cols_old. Start with all
        # columns, then delete those in to_be_deleted.
        keep = sorted(set(range(pi_nrows)).difference(to_be_deleted))
        # Now cols is a temporary storage for columns of pi.
        cols = [v.list_from_positions(keep) for v in pi_cols_old]
        pi_data[dim-1] = matrix(base_ring, old_rank, len(gens[dim-1]), cols).transpose()
        phi_data[dim-1] = phi_old

        V_gens = VectorSpace(base_ring, len(gens[dim]))
        if pi_cols:
            cols = []
            for v in pi_cols:
            pi_cols = cols

    pi_data[dim] = matrix(base_ring, rank, len(gens[dim]), pi_cols).transpose()
    cols = [iota_cols[i] for i in sorted(iota_cols.keys())]
    iota_data[dim] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[dim]), rank, cols).transpose()

    # M_data will contain (trivial) matrices defining the differential
    # on M. Keep track of the sizes using "M_rows" and "M_cols", which are
    # just the ranks of consecutive graded pieces of M.
    M_data = {}
    M_rows = 0
    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        M_cols = len(gens[n])
        M_data[n] = zero_matrix(base_ring, M_rows, M_cols)
        M_rows = M_cols

    M = ChainComplex(M_data, base_ring=base_ring, degree=-1)

    pi = ChainComplexMorphism(pi_data, C, M)
    iota = ChainComplexMorphism(iota_data, M, C)
    phi = ChainContraction(phi_data, pi, iota)
    return phi, M
def algebraic_topological_model(K, base_ring=None):
    Algebraic topological model for cell complex ``K``
    with coefficients in the field ``base_ring``.


    - ``K`` -- either a simplicial complex or a cubical complex
    - ``base_ring`` -- coefficient ring; must be a field

    OUTPUT: a pair ``(phi, M)`` consisting of

    - chain contraction ``phi``
    - chain complex `M`

    This construction appears in a paper by Pilarczyk and Réal [PR2015]_.
    Given a cell complex `K` and a field `F`, there is a chain complex
    `C` associated to `K` with coefficients in `F`. The *algebraic
    topological model* for `K` is a chain complex `M` with trivial
    differential, along with chain maps `\pi: C \to M` and `\iota: M
    \to C` such that

    - `\pi \iota = 1_M`, and
    - there is a chain homotopy `\phi` between `1_C` and `\iota \pi`.

    In particular, `\pi` and `\iota` induce isomorphisms on homology,
    and since `M` has trivial differential, it is its own homology,
    and thus also the homology of `C`. Thus `\iota` lifts homology
    classes to their cycle representatives.

    The chain homotopy `\phi` satisfies some additional properties,
    making it a *chain contraction*:

    - `\phi \phi = 0`,
    - `\pi \phi = 0`,
    - `\phi \iota = 0`.

    Given an algebraic topological model for `K`, it is then easy to
    compute cup products and cohomology operations on the cohomology
    of `K`, as described in [GDR2003]_ and [PR2015]_.

    Implementation details: the cell complex `K` must have an
    method from which we can extract a list of cells in each
    dimension. Combining the lists in increasing order of dimension
    then defines a filtration of the complex: a list of cells in which
    the boundary of each cell consists of cells earlier in the
    list. This is required by Pilarczyk and Réal's algorithm.  There
    must also be a
    method, to construct the chain complex `C` associated to this
    chain complex.

    In particular, this works for simplicial complexes and cubical
    complexes. It doesn't work for `\Delta`-complexes, though: the list
    of their `n`-cells has the wrong format.

    Note that from the chain contraction ``phi``, one can recover the
    chain maps `\pi` and `\iota` via ``phi.pi()`` and
    ``phi.iota()``. Then one can recover `C` and `M` from, for
    example, ``phi.pi().domain()`` and ``phi.pi().codomain()``,


        sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model
        sage: RP2 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(RP2, GF(2))
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(T, QQ)
        sage: M.homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}

    If you want to work with cohomology rather than homology, just
    dualize the outputs of this function::

        sage: M.dual().homology()
        {0: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field,
         1: Vector space of dimension 2 over Rational Field,
         2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field}
        sage: M.dual().degree_of_differential()
        sage: phi.dual()
        Chain homotopy between:
          Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
          and Chain complex morphism:
            From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field
            To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Rational Field

    In degree 0, the inclusion of the homology `M` into the chain
    complex `C` sends the homology generator to a single vertex::

        sage: K = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(2)
        sage: phi, M = algebraic_topological_model(K, QQ)
        sage: phi.iota().in_degree(0)

    In cohomology, though, one needs the dual of every degree 0 cell
    to detect the degree 0 cohomology generator::

        sage: phi.dual().iota().in_degree(0)


        sage: T = cubical_complexes.Torus()
        sage: C = T.chain_complex()
        sage: H, M = T.algebraic_topological_model()
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: C.differential(1) * H.iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
        sage: coC = T.chain_complex(cochain=True)
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(0) == 0
        sage: coC.differential(1) * H.dual().iota().in_degree(1).column(1) == 0
    if not base_ring.is_field():
        raise ValueError('the coefficient ring must be a field')

    # The following are all dictionaries indexed by dimension.
    # For each n, gens[n] is an ordered list of the n-cells generating the complex M.
    gens = {}
    # For each n, phi_dict[n] is a dictionary of the form {idx:
    # vector}, where idx is the index of an n-cell in the list of
    # n-cells in K, and vector is the image of that n-cell, as an
    # element in the free module of (n+1)-chains for K.
    phi_dict = {}
    # For each n, pi_dict[n] is a dictionary of the same form, except
    # that the target vectors should be elements of the chain complex M.
    pi_dict = {}
    # For each n, iota_dict[n] is a dictionary of the form {cell:
    # vector}, where cell is one of the generators for M and vector is
    # its image in C, as an element in the free module of n-chains.
    iota_dict = {}

    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        gens[n] = []
        phi_dict[n] = {}
        pi_dict[n] = {}
        iota_dict[n] = {}

    C = K.chain_complex(base_ring=base_ring)
    # old_cells: cells one dimension lower.
    old_cells = []

    for dim in range(K.dimension()+1):
        n_cells = K._n_cells_sorted(dim)
        diff = C.differential(dim)
        # diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
        # over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
        # matrices are faster over the rationals.
        if base_ring != QQ:
            diff = diff.dense_matrix()

        rank = len(n_cells)
        old_rank = len(old_cells)
        V_old = VectorSpace(base_ring, old_rank)
        zero = V_old.zero_vector()

        for c_idx, c in enumerate(zip(n_cells, VectorSpace(base_ring, rank).gens())):
            # c is the pair (cell, the corresponding standard basis
            # vector in the free module of chains). Separate its
            # components, calling them c and c_vec:
            c_vec = c[1]
            c = c[0]
            # No need to set zero values for any of the maps: we will
            # assume any unset values are zero.
            # From the paper: phi_dict[c] = 0.

            # c_bar = c - phi(bdry(c))
            c_bar = c_vec
            bdry_c = diff * c_vec
            # Apply phi to bdry_c and subtract from c_bar.
            for (idx, coord) in iteritems(bdry_c):
                    c_bar -= coord * phi_dict[dim-1][idx]
                except KeyError:

            bdry_c_bar = diff * c_bar

            # Evaluate pi(bdry(c_bar)).
            pi_bdry_c_bar = zero

            for (idx, coeff) in iteritems(bdry_c_bar):
                    pi_bdry_c_bar += coeff * pi_dict[dim-1][idx]
                except KeyError:

            # One small typo in the published algorithm: it says
            # "if bdry(c_bar) == 0", but should say
            # "if pi(bdry(c_bar)) == 0".
            if not pi_bdry_c_bar:
                # Append c to list of gens.
                # iota(c) = c_bar
                iota_dict[dim][c] = c_bar
                # pi(c) = c
                pi_dict[dim][c_idx] = c_vec
                # Take any u in gens so that lambda_i = <u, pi(bdry(c_bar))> != 0.
                # u_idx will be the index of the corresponding cell.
                for u_idx in pi_bdry_c_bar.nonzero_positions():
                    lambda_i = pi_bdry_c_bar[u_idx]
                    # Now find the actual cell.
                    u = old_cells[u_idx]
                    if u in gens[dim-1]:

                # pi(c) = 0: no need to do anything about this.
                for c_j_idx in range(old_rank):
                    # eta_ij = <u, pi(c_j)>.
                        eta_ij = pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx][u_idx]
                    except (KeyError, IndexError):
                        eta_ij = 0
                    if eta_ij:
                        # Adjust phi(c_j).
                            phi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] += eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        except KeyError:
                            phi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] = eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * c_bar
                        # Adjust pi(c_j).
                            pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] += -eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar
                        except KeyError:
                            pi_dict[dim-1][c_j_idx] = -eta_ij * lambda_i**(-1) * pi_bdry_c_bar

                del iota_dict[dim-1][u]
        old_cells = n_cells

    # Now we have constructed the raw data for M, pi, iota, phi, so we
    # have to convert that to data which can be used to construct chain
    # complexes, chain maps, and chain contractions.

    # M_data will contain (trivial) matrices defining the differential
    # on M. Keep track of the sizes using "M_rows" and "M_cols", which are
    # just the ranks of consecutive graded pieces of M.
    M_data = {}
    M_rows = 0
    # pi_data: the matrices defining pi. Similar for iota_data and phi_data.
    pi_data = {}
    iota_data = {}
    phi_data = {}
    for n in range(K.dimension()+1):
        n_cells = K._n_cells_sorted(n)
        # Remove zero entries from pi_dict and phi_dict.
        pi_dict[n] = {i: pi_dict[n][i] for i in pi_dict[n] if pi_dict[n][i]}
        phi_dict[n] = {i: phi_dict[n][i] for i in phi_dict[n] if phi_dict[n][i]}
        # Convert gens to data defining the chain complex M with
        # trivial differential.
        M_cols = len(gens[n])
        M_data[n] = zero_matrix(base_ring, M_rows, M_cols)
        M_rows = M_cols
        # Convert the dictionaries for pi, iota, phi to matrices which
        # will define chain maps and chain homotopies.
        pi_cols = []
        phi_cols = []
        for (idx, c) in enumerate(n_cells):
            # First pi:
            if idx in pi_dict[n]:
                column = vector(base_ring, M_rows)
                for (entry, coeff) in iteritems(pi_dict[n][idx]):
                    # Translate from cells in n_cells to cells in gens[n].
                    column[gens[n].index(n_cells[entry])] = coeff
                column = vector(base_ring, M_rows)

            # Now phi:
                column = phi_dict[n][idx]
            except KeyError:
                column = vector(base_ring, len(K.n_cells(n+1)))
        # Now iota:
        iota_cols = [iota_dict[n][c] for c in gens[n]]

        pi_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, pi_cols).transpose()
        iota_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, len(gens[n]), len(n_cells), iota_cols).transpose()
        phi_data[n] = matrix(base_ring, phi_cols).transpose()

    M = ChainComplex(M_data, base_ring=base_ring, degree=-1)
    pi = ChainComplexMorphism(pi_data, C, M)
    iota = ChainComplexMorphism(iota_data, M, C)
    phi = ChainContraction(phi_data, pi, iota)
    return phi, M
    def associated_chain_complex_morphism(self,base_ring=ZZ,augmented=False,cochain=False):
        Returns the associated chain complex morphism of ``self``.


            sage: S = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(1)
            sage: T = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: H = Hom(S,T)
            sage: f = {0:0,1:1,2:2}
            sage: x = H(f)
            sage: x
            Simplicial complex morphism:
              From: Minimal triangulation of the 1-sphere
              To:   Minimal triangulation of the 2-sphere
              Defn: 0 |--> 0
                    1 |--> 1
                    2 |--> 2
            sage: a = x.associated_chain_complex_morphism()
            sage: a
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: a._matrix_dictionary
            {0: [1 0 0]
             [0 1 0]
             [0 0 1]
             [0 0 0], 1: [1 0 0]
             [0 1 0]
             [0 0 0]
             [0 0 1]
             [0 0 0]
             [0 0 0], 2: []}
            sage: x.associated_chain_complex_morphism(augmented=True)
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To:   Chain complex with at most 4 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: x.associated_chain_complex_morphism(cochain=True)
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To:   Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: x.associated_chain_complex_morphism(augmented=True,cochain=True)
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 4 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: x.associated_chain_complex_morphism(base_ring=GF(11))
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Finite Field of size 11
              To:   Chain complex with at most 3 nonzero terms over Finite Field of size 11

        Some simplicial maps which reverse the orientation of a few simplices::

            sage: g = {0:1, 1:2, 2:0}
            sage: H(g).associated_chain_complex_morphism()._matrix_dictionary
            {0: [0 0 1]
             [1 0 0]
             [0 1 0]
             [0 0 0], 1: [ 0 -1  0]
             [ 0  0 -1]
             [ 0  0  0]
             [ 1  0  0]
             [ 0  0  0]
             [ 0  0  0], 2: []}
            sage: X = SimplicialComplex([[0, 1]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: Hom(X,X)({0:1, 1:0}).associated_chain_complex_morphism()._matrix_dictionary
            {0: [0 1]
             [1 0], 1: [-1]}
        max_dim = max(self.domain().dimension(),self.codomain().dimension())
        min_dim = min(self.domain().dimension(),self.codomain().dimension())
        matrices = {}
        if augmented is True:
            m = matrix(base_ring,1,1,1)
            if not cochain:
                matrices[-1] = m
                matrices[-1] = m.transpose()
        for dim in range(min_dim+1):
            X_faces = list(self.domain().n_cells(dim))
            Y_faces = list(self.codomain().n_cells(dim))
            num_faces_X = len(X_faces)
            num_faces_Y = len(Y_faces)
            mval = [0 for i in range(num_faces_X*num_faces_Y)]
            for i in X_faces:
                y, oriented = self(i, orientation=True)
                if y.dimension() < dim:
                    mval[X_faces.index(i)+(Y_faces.index(y)*num_faces_X)] = oriented
            m = matrix(base_ring,num_faces_Y,num_faces_X,mval,sparse=True)
            if not cochain:
                matrices[dim] = m
                matrices[dim] = m.transpose()
        for dim in range(min_dim+1,max_dim+1):
                l1 = len(self.codomain().n_cells(dim))
            except KeyError:
                l1 = 0
                l2 = len(self.domain().n_cells(dim))
            except KeyError:
                l2 = 0
            m = zero_matrix(base_ring,l1,l2,sparse=True)
            if not cochain:
                matrices[dim] = m
                matrices[dim] = m.transpose()
        if not cochain:
            return ChainComplexMorphism(matrices,\
            return ChainComplexMorphism(matrices,\
    def __init__(self, matrices, C, D, check=True):
        Create a morphism from a dictionary of matrices.


            sage: S = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(1)
            sage: S
            Minimal triangulation of the 1-sphere
            sage: C = S.chain_complex()
            sage: C.differential()
            {0: [], 1: [-1 -1  0]
             [ 1  0 -1]
             [ 0  1  1], 2: []}
            sage: f = {0:zero_matrix(ZZ,3,3),1:zero_matrix(ZZ,3,3)}
            sage: G = Hom(C,C)
            sage: x = G(f)
            sage: x
            Chain complex endomorphism of Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
            sage: x._matrix_dictionary
            {0: [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0], 1: [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]}

        Check that the bug in :trac:`13220` has been fixed::

            sage: X = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(1)
            sage: Y = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(0)
            sage: g = Hom(X,Y)({0:0, 1:0})
            sage: g.associated_chain_complex_morphism()
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring

        Check that an error is raised if the matrices are the wrong size::

            sage: C = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 0, 1)})
            sage: D = ChainComplex({0: zero_matrix(ZZ, 0, 2)})
            sage: Hom(C,D)({0: matrix(1, 2, [1, 1])})  # 1x2 is the wrong size.
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: matrix in degree 0 is not the right size
            sage: Hom(C,D)({0: matrix(2, 1, [1, 1])})  # 2x1 is right.
            Chain complex morphism:
              From: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
              To: Chain complex with at most 1 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
        if not C.base_ring() == D.base_ring():
            raise NotImplementedError('morphisms between chain complexes of different'
                                      ' base rings are not implemented')
        d = C.degree_of_differential()
        if d != D.degree_of_differential():
            raise ValueError('degree of differential does not match')
        from sage.misc.misc import uniq
        degrees = uniq(list(C.differential()) + list(D.differential()))
        initial_matrices = dict(matrices)
        matrices = dict()
        for i in degrees:
            if i - d not in degrees:
                if not (C.free_module_rank(i) == D.free_module_rank(i) == 0):
                    raise ValueError('{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(C, D, i))
                matrices[i] = initial_matrices.pop(i)
            except KeyError:
                matrices[i] = zero_matrix(C.base_ring(),
                                          C.differential(i).ncols(), sparse=True)
        if check:
            # All remaining matrices given must be 0x0.
            if not all(m.ncols() == m.nrows() == 0 for m in initial_matrices.values()):
                raise ValueError('the remaining matrices are not empty')
            # Check sizes of matrices.
            for i in matrices:
                if (matrices[i].nrows() != D.free_module_rank(i) or
                    matrices[i].ncols() != C.free_module_rank(i)):
                    raise ValueError('matrix in degree {} is not the right size'.format(i))
            # Check commutativity.
            for i in degrees:
                if i - d not in degrees:
                    if not (C.free_module_rank(i) == D.free_module_rank(i) == 0):
                        raise ValueError('{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(C, D, i))
                if i + d not in degrees:
                    if not (C.free_module_rank(i+d) == D.free_module_rank(i+d) == 0):
                        raise ValueError('{} and {} are not rank 0 in degree {}'.format(C, D, i+d))
                Dm = D.differential(i) * matrices[i]
                mC = matrices[i+d] * C.differential(i)
                if mC != Dm:
                    raise ValueError('matrices must define a chain complex morphism')
        self._matrix_dictionary = {}
        for i in matrices:
            m = matrices[i]
            # Use immutable matrices because they're hashable.
            self._matrix_dictionary[i] = m
        Morphism.__init__(self, Hom(C,D, ChainComplexes(C.base_ring())))
    def __iter__(self):
        if self.index() is infinity:
            raise ValueError("infinity is not a true filter index")

        if self.is_reduced():
            ## We only iterate positive definite matrices
            ## and later build the semidefinite ones
            ## We first find possible upper left matrices

            sub2 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub2()
            sub3 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub3()
            sub4 = self._calc_iter_reduced_sub4()

            t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
            yield t

            for a0 in range(2, 2 * self.index(), 2):
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[3, 3] = a0

                yield t

            for (a0, a1, b01) in sub2:
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[2, 2] = a0
                t[3, 3] = a1
                t[2, 3] = b01
                t[3, 2] = b01

                yield t

            for (a0, a1, b01, sub3s) in sub3:
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[1, 1] = a0
                t[2, 2] = a1
                t[1, 2] = b01
                t[2, 1] = b01

                for (a2, b02, b12) in sub3s:
                    ts = copy(t)
                    ts[3, 3] = a2
                    ts[1, 3] = b02
                    ts[3, 1] = b02
                    ts[2, 3] = b12
                    ts[3, 2] = b12

                    yield ts

            for (a0, a1, b01, sub4s) in sub4:
                t = zero_matrix(ZZ, 4)
                t[0, 0] = a0
                t[1, 1] = a1
                t[0, 1] = b01
                t[1, 0] = b01

                for (a2, b02, b12, sub4ss) in sub4s:
                    ts = copy(t)
                    ts[2, 2] = a2
                    ts[0, 2] = b02
                    ts[2, 0] = b02
                    ts[1, 2] = b12
                    ts[2, 1] = b12

                    for (a3, b03, b13, b23) in sub4ss:
                        tss = copy(ts)
                        tss[3, 3] = a3
                        tss[0, 1] = b01
                        tss[1, 0] = b01
                        tss[0, 2] = b02
                        tss[2, 0] = b02
                        tss[0, 3] = b03
                        tss[3, 0] = b03

                        yield tss

        #! if self.is_reduced()
            ## We first find possible upper left matrices

            sub2 = list()
            for a0 in range(2 * self.index(), 2):
                for a1 in range(2 * self.index(), 2):
                    # obstruction for t[0,1]
                    B1 = isqrt(a0 * a1)

                    for b01 in range(-B1, B1 + 1):
                        sub2.append((a0, a1, b01))

            sub3 = list()
            for (a0, a1, b01) in sub2:
                sub3s = list()
                for a2 in range(2 * self.index(), 2):
                    # obstruction for t[0,2]
                    B1 = isqrt(a0 * a2)

                    for b02 in range(-B1, B1 + 1):
                        # obstruction for t[1,2]
                        B3 = isqrt(a1 * a2)

                        for b12 in range(-B3, B3 + 1):
                            # obstruction for the minor [0,1,2] of t
                            if a0 * a1 * a2 - a0 * b12**2 + 2 * b01 * b12 * b02 - b01**2 * a2 - a1 * b02**2 < 0:
                            sub3s.append((a2, b02, b12))
                sub3.append((a0, a1, b01, sub3s))

            for (a0, a1, b01, sub3s) in sub3:
                for (a2, b02, b12) in sub3s:
                    for a3 in range(2 * self.index(), 2):
                        # obstruction for t[0,3]
                        B1 = isqrt(a0 * a3)

                        for b03 in range(-B1, B1 + 1):
                            # obstruction for t[1,3]
                            B3 = isqrt(a1 * a3)

                            for b13 in range(-B3, B3 + 1):
                                # obstruction for the minor [0,1,3] of t
                                if a0 * a1 * a3 - a0 * b13**2 + 2 * b01 * b13 * b03 - b01**2 * a3 - a1 * b03**2 < 0:

                                # obstruction for t[2,3]
                                B3 = isqrt(a2 * a3)

                                for b23 in range(-B3, B3 + 1):
                                    # obstruction for the minor [0,2,3] of t
                                    if a0 * a2 * a3 - a0 * b23**2 + 2 * b02 * b23 * b03 - b02**2 * a3 - a2 * b03**2 < 0:

                                    # obstruction for the minor [1,2,3] of t
                                    if a1 * a2 * a3 - a1 * b23**2 + 2 * b12 * b23 * b13 - b12**2 * a3 - a2 * b13**2 < 0:

                                    t = matrix(ZZ,
                                               4, [
                                                   a0, b01, b02, b03, b01, a1,
                                                   b12, b13, b02, b12, a2, b23,
                                                   b03, b13, b23, a3
                                    if t.det() < 0:


                                    yield t

        raise StopIteration
def _global_restriction_matrix(precision,
    A matrix that maps the Fourier expansion of a Jacobi form of given precision
    to their restrictions with respect to the elements of S.
    - ``precision`` -- An instance of JacobiFormD1Filter.
    - `S` -- A list of vectors.
    - ``weight_parity`` -- The parity of the weight of the considered Jacobi forms.
    - ``find_relation`` -- A boolean. If ``True``, then the restrictions to
                           nonreduced indices will also be computed.
        sage: from psage.modform.jacobiforms.jacobiformd1_fourierexpansion import *
        sage: from psage.modform.jacobiforms.jacobiformd1_fegenerators import _global_restriction_matrix
        sage: precision = JacobiFormD1Filter(5, QuadraticForm(matrix(2, [2,1,1,2])))
        sage: (global_restriction_matrix, row_groups, row_labels, column_labels) = _global_restriction_matrix(precision, [vector((1,0))], 12)
        sage: global_restriction_matrix
        [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0]
        [0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0]
        [2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0]
        [0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0]
        [0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 2]
        [0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2]
        sage: (row_groups, row_labels, column_labels)
        ([((1, 0), 1, 0, 9)], {1: {(0, 0): 0, (3, 0): 5, (3, 1): 6, (2, 1): 4, (2, 0): 3, (1, 0): 1, (4, 1): 8, (1, 1): 2, (4, 0): 7}}, [(0, (0, 0)), (1, (0, 0)), (1, (1, 1)), (2, (0, 0)), (2, (1, 1)), (3, (0, 0)), (3, (1, 1)), (4, (0, 0)), (4, (1, 1))])
    L = precision.jacobi_index()
    weight_parity = weight_parity % 2

    jacobi_indices = [L(s) for s in S]
    index_filters = dict(
                 precision.index(), m, reduced=not find_relations)))
        for m in Set(jacobi_indices))

    column_labels = list(precision)
    reductions = dict((l, list()) for l in column_labels)
    for l in precision.monoid_filter():
        (lred, sign) = precision.monoid().reduce(l)
        reductions[lred].append((l, sign))

    row_groups = [len(index_filters[m]) for m in jacobi_indices]
    row_groups = [(s, m, sum(row_groups[:i]), row_groups[i])
                  for ((i, s), m) in zip(enumerate(S), jacobi_indices)]
    row_labels = dict((m, dict((l, i)
                               for (i, l) in enumerate(index_filters[m])))
                      for m in Set(jacobi_indices))
    dot_products = [
            ' , '.join(['int x{0}'.format(i) for i in range(len(s))]),
            ' + '.join(['{0} * x{1}'.format(s[i], i) for i in range(len(s))]))
        for (s, _, _, _) in row_groups

    restriction_matrix = zero_matrix(ZZ, row_groups[-1][2] + row_groups[-1][3],

    for (cind, l) in enumerate(column_labels):
        for ((n, r), sign) in reductions[l]:
            for ((s, m, start, length),
                 dot_product) in zip(row_groups, dot_products):
                row_labels_dict = row_labels[m]
                    restriction_matrix[start + row_labels_dict[(n, dot_product(*r))], cind] \
                      += 1 if weight_parity == 0 else sign
                except KeyError:

    return (restriction_matrix, row_groups, row_labels, column_labels)