def addAllVertices(g, points, image, dim, disp):
    for point in points:
        v = g.add_vertex()
        g.vp.x[v] = point[0]
        g.vp.y[v] = point[1]
        g.vp.r[v] = scripts.biggestCircle(point, image)
        g.vp.linDist[v] = scripts.distance(points[g.gp.source], point)

        g.vp.coord[v] = [(x+1)*disp/y for x,y in zip(point,dim)]
        if g.vp.coord[v][0] == disp: g.vp.coord[v][0] = disp-1
        if g.vp.coord[v][1] == disp: g.vp.coord[v][1] = disp-1
def isEdge(a, b, im, points, cirDict, thresh=1):
    if a == b:
        return False
    p = points[:]

    height = im.shape[0] - 1
    width = im.shape[1] - 1

    cir = copy.deepcopy(cirDict)
    keyA = "({x},{y})".format(x = a[0], y = a[1])
    circle = cir[keyA]
    del cir[keyA]

    newpoint = a
    minDist = 999999
    for c in circle:
       if scripts.distance(c, b) < minDist:
           minDist = scripts.distance(c,b)
           newpoint = c
    a = newpoint

    for item in cir.values():
        for point in item:
            if point[0] > width: point[0] = width
            if point[1] > height: point[1] = height

    endzone = scripts.fullCircle(b, scripts.biggestCircle(b,im), im.shape)

    h = -1 if a[0] > b[0] else 1 #Move left or right
    v = -1 if a[1] > b[1] else 1 #Move up or down

    end = a
    stop = 0

    while stop == 0:
        #Have we hit b? Have we hit an edge?
        if end[0] == b[0] or end[0] == width: h = 0
        if end[1] == b[1] or end[1] == height: v = 0
        if [h,v] == [0,0]:
            stop = 1

        testX = end[0] + h
        testY = end[1] + v

        #Test the possible directions we can move.
        if h is not 0 and im[end[1]][testX] > thresh:
            end[0] = testX
            if end in p: stop=1
        elif v is not 0 and im[testY][end[0]] > thresh:
            end[1] = testY
            if end in p: stop=1
        elif im[testY][testX] > thresh:
            end = [testX,testY]
            if end in p: stop=1
            stop = 1
        step +=1
    return True if end in endzone else False