def calcs(self, S, T, P): self['gpan'] = sw.gpan(S, T, P) self['pt'] = sw.ptmp(S, T, P) self['psigma0'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 0) - 1000 self['psigma1'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 1000) - 1000 self['psigma2'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 2000) - 1000 return self
def plotFrame(t): fig.clf() ax=plotAx() cplot=[]; gplot=[]; qplot=[]; bcplot=[] for mat1,ax1 in zip(mat,ax): #Time fig.suptitle(plotter.num2time(t).strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=.15,top=.85) it=np.interp(t,mat1['t'],np.arange(0,len(mat1['t']))) rho1=sw.pden(mat1['salt'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat1['salt'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1), mat1['temp'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat1['temp'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1), 0.0*mat1['temp'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+0.0*mat1['temp'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) ) salt1=mat1['salt'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat1['salt'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) it=np.interp(t,mat0['t'],np.arange(0,len(mat0['t']))) rho0=sw.pden(mat0['salt'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat0['salt'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1), mat0['temp'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat0['temp'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1), 0.0*mat0['temp'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+0.0*mat0['temp'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) ) salt0=mat0['salt'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat0['salt'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) #print([np.nanmax(rho1-rho0),np.nanmin(rho1-rho0)]) cplot1=ax1.contourf(mat1['lon'],mat1['lat'],rho1-rho0,[tick1 for tick1 in np.arange(-5.0,5.01,.25) if np.abs(tick1)>1e-8],cmap=cmap,extend='both') bcplot1=ax1.contour(mat1['lon'],mat1['lat'],salt1,levels=[31.5],colors='k',linewidth=1) it=np.interp(t,mat1['t'],np.arange(0,len(mat1['t']))) u1=mat1['u'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat1['u'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) v1=mat1['v'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat1['v'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) it=np.interp(t,mat0['t'],np.arange(0,len(mat0['t']))) u0=mat0['u'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat0['u'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) v0=mat0['v'][:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+mat0['v'][:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) qplot1=plotter.add_uv2d(ax1,mat1['lon'],mat1['lat'],(u1-u0)*2,(v1-v0)*2) #print([np.nanmin(u1-u0),np.nanmax(u1-u0),np.nanmin(v1-v0),np.nanmax(v1-v0)]) tLim1=3.*int((t-2)/3)+np.array([2.,5.]) obsll=[(lon1,lat1) for (lon1,lat1,type1,t1) in zip(obs['lon'],obs['lat'],obs['type'],obs['t']) if type1==6 and tLim1[0]<=t1<=tLim1[1]] lon1,lat1=zip(*obsll) gplot1=ax1.plot(lon1,lat1,'.',color=(1.,.55,0.),markersize=2,fillstyle='full') #Colorbar fig.subplots_adjust(right=.8) cax=fig.add_axes([.82,.15,.02,.7]) cbar=fig.colorbar(cplot1,cax=cax,orientation='vertical',spacing='proportional') cbar.set_ticks([tick1 for tick1 in np.arange(-5.0,5.01,1.)]) cbar.formatter=ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x,pos:'{:.1f}'.format(x)) cbar.update_ticks() cbar.set_label(r'Density difference [$\mathrm{kg m^{-3}}$]') cplot.append(cplot1) gplot.append(gplot1) qplot.append(qplot1) bcplot.append(bcplot1) #plt.tight_layout() return cplot,qplot,gplot,bcplot
def potential_density(salt_PSU, temp_C, pres_db, lat, lon, pres_ref=0): """ Calculate density from glider measurements of salinity and temperature. The Basestation calculates density from absolute salinity and potential temperature. This function is a wrapper for this functionality, where potential temperature and absolute salinity are calculated first. Note that a reference pressure of 0 is used by default. Parameters ---------- salt_PSU : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] practical salinty temp_C : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] temperature in deg C pres_db : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] pressure in decibar lat : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] latitude in degrees north lon : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] longitude in degrees east Returns ------- potential_density : array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ] Note ---- Using seawater.dens does not yield the same results as this function. We get very close results to what the SeaGlider Basestation returns with this function. The difference of this function with the basestation is on average ~ 0.003 kg/m3 """ try: import gsw salt_abs = gsw.SA_from_SP(salt_PSU, pres_db, lon, lat) temp_pot = gsw.t_from_CT(salt_abs, temp_C, pres_db) pot_dens = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(salt_abs, temp_pot, pres_db, pres_ref) except ImportError: import seawater as sw pot_dens = sw.pden(salt_PSU, temp_C, pres_db, pres_ref) pot_dens = transfer_nc_attrs( getframe(), temp_C, pot_dens, 'potential_density', units='kg/m3', comment='', standard_name='potential_density', ) return pot_dens
def plotFrame(t): fig.clf() ax=plotAx() cplot=[]; gplot=[]; bcplot=[] for model1,ax1 in zip(model,ax): #Time fig.suptitle(plotter.num2time(t).strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15,top=.9,right=.85) it=np.interp(t,model1.t,np.arange(0,len(model1.t))) salt1=model1.salt[:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+model1.salt[:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) temp1=model1.temp[:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+model1.temp[:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) z1=model1.z[:,:,int(it)]*(1.-it%1)+model1.z[:,:,int(it)+1]*(it%1) rho1=sw.pden(salt1,temp1,-z1,0.0*z1 ) rho1=rho1-1e3 z2,rho2=plotter.z_interp(z1,rho1,np.array([-300.,0])) print([np.nanmax(rho2),np.nanmin(rho2)]) cplot1=ax1.contourf(np.reshape(model1.lon[:,0],(-1,1))+np.zeros(np.shape(z2)),-z2,rho2,[tick1 for tick1 in np.arange(18.,28.01,.5)],cmap=cmap,extend='neither') bcplot1=ax1.contour(model1.lon,-z1,salt1,levels=[31.5],colors='k',linewidths=.5,linestyles='-') bcplot.append(bcplot1) bcplot2=ax1.contour(model1.lon,-z1,rho1,levels=[26.5],linestyles='--',colors='k',linewidths=.5) bcplot.append(bcplot2) #Coast h=-z1[:,0]; h[np.isnan(h)]=3. h=np.concatenate(([10e3],h,[10e3])) hlon=np.concatenate(([-135.],model1.lon[:,0],[-120.])) p=patch.Polygon(np.column_stack((hlon,h)),facecolor=(.5,.6,.5),edgecolor=None,closed=True) ax1.add_patch(p) tLim1=3.*int((t-2)/3.)+np.array([2.,5.]) obsll=[(lon1,z1) for (lon1,z1,type1,t1) in zip(obs['lon'],obs['z'],obs['type'],obs['t']) if type1==6 and tLim1[0]<=t1<=tLim1[1]] lon1,z1=zip(*obsll) gplot1=ax1.plot([np.min(lon1),np.min(lon1),np.max(lon1),np.max(lon1)], [np.min(z1),np.max(z1),np.max(z1),np.min(z1)],':', color=(.5,.5,.5),linewidth=1.) #Colorbar cax=fig.add_axes([.855,.15,.02,.75]) cbar=fig.colorbar(cplot1,cax=cax,orientation='vertical',spacing='vertical') cbar.set_ticks([tick1 for tick1 in np.arange(18.0,28.01,1.)]) cbar.formatter=ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x,pos:'{:.0f}'.format(x)) cbar.update_ticks() cbar.set_label(r'Density-$10^3$ [$\mathrm{kg m^{-3}}$]') cplot.append(cplot1) gplot.append(gplot1) #plt.tight_layout() return cplot,gplot,bcplot
def sigmatheta(s, t, p, pr=0): """ :math:`\\sigma_{\\theta}` is a measure of the density of ocean water where the quantity :math:`\\sigma_{t}` is calculated using the potential temperature (:math:`\\theta`) rather than the in situ temperature and potential density of water mass relative to the specified reference pressure. Parameters ---------- s(p) : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t(p) : array_like temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)] p : array_like pressure [db] pr : number reference pressure [db], default = 0 Returns ------- sgmte : array_like density [kg m :sup:`3`] Examples -------- >>> # Data from UNESCO Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22. >>> from seawater.library import T90conv >>> from oceans import sw_extras as swe >>> s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35, 35] >>> t = T90conv([0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0, 30, 30]) >>> p = [0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000] >>> swe.sigmatheta(s, t, p) array([ -0.157406 , -0.20476006, -4.34886626, -3.63884068, 28.10633141, 28.15738545, 21.72863949, 22.59634627]) References ---------- .. [1] Fofonoff, P. and Millard, R.C. Jr UNESCO 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci., No. 44, 53 pp. Eqn.(31) p.39. .. [2] Millero, F.J., Chen, C.T., Bradshaw, A., and Schleicher, K. A new high pressure equation of state for seawater. Deap-Sea Research., 1980, Vol27A, pp255-264. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(80)90016-3 """ s, t, p, pr = list(map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p, pr))) return sw.pden(s, t, p, pr) - 1000.0
def sigmatheta(s, t, p, pr=0): """ :math:`\\sigma_{\\theta}` is a measure of the density of ocean water where the quantity :math:`\\sigma_{t}` is calculated using the potential temperature (:math:`\\theta`) rather than the in situ temperature and potential density of water mass relative to the specified reference pressure. Parameters ---------- s(p) : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t(p) : array_like temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)] p : array_like pressure [db] pr : number reference pressure [db], default = 0 Returns ------- sgmte : array_like density [kg m :sup:`3`] Examples -------- >>> # Data from UNESCO Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22. >>> from seawater.library import T90conv >>> import oceans.sw_extras.sw_extras as swe >>> s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35, 35] >>> t = T90conv([0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0, 30, 30]) >>> p = [0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000] >>> swe.sigmatheta(s, t, p) array([-0.157406 , -0.20476006, -4.34886626, -3.63884068, 28.10633141, 28.15738545, 21.72863949, 22.59634627]) References ---------- Fofonoff, P. and Millard, R.C. Jr UNESCO 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci., No. 44, 53 pp. Eqn.(31) p.39. Millero, F.J., Chen, C.T., Bradshaw, A., and Schleicher, K. A new high pressure equation of state for seawater. Deap-Sea Research., 1980, Vol27A, pp255-264. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(80)90016-3 """ s, t, p, pr = list(map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p, pr))) return sw.pden(s, t, p, pr) - 1000.0
def increasing_dens(self, temperature=False, qtemp=[], salinity=False, qsalt=[], pressure=False, qpres=[], min_delta=0.01, qf_ignore=['B', 'S', '?']): temp = self._convert_to_np_array(temperature) salt = self._convert_to_np_array(salinity) pres = self._convert_to_np_array(pressure) dens = sw.pden(salt, temp, pres, 0) dens_temp = False qfindex = np.full((len(temp)), False) new_qf = np.array([''] * len(temp)) for i, d in enumerate(dens): if len(qtemp) > 0: if qtemp[i] in qf_ignore: qfindex[i] = True continue if len(qsalt) > 0: if qsalt[i] in qf_ignore: qfindex[i] = True continue if len(qpres) > 0: if qpres[i] in qf_ignore: qfindex[i] = True continue if dens_temp: if dens_temp > d: # not increasing = bad if (dens_temp - d) >= min_delta: qfindex[i] = True dens_temp = d new_qf[qfindex] = 'B' qfindex_numeric = np.arange(len(temp)) qfindex_numeric = qfindex_numeric[qfindex] return qfindex, new_qf, qfindex_numeric
def getSpice(pden, temp, sal): import seawater as sw import numpy as np beta = 7.7e-4 * 1000 alpha = 2.0e-4 * 1000 Sline = np.array([33.2, 33.8]) Tline = np.array([7.75, 6.6]) Sarray = np.arange(30, 35, 0.01) m = (np.diff(Tline) / np.diff(Sline)) Tarray = m * (Sarray - Sline[0]) + Tline[0] Pdarray = sw.pden(Sarray, Tarray, 100. + 0. * Tarray, 0.) #plot(Pdarray) S0 = np.interp(pden, Pdarray, Sarray) T0 = m * (S0 - Sline[0]) + Tline[0] dT = -(T0 - temp) dS = -(S0 - sal) tau = beta * (dS) + alpha * (dT) return tau
def ctdproc(lista, temp_name='t068C', lathint='Latitude =', lonhint='Longitude =', cond_name='c0S/m', press_name='prDM', down_cast=True, looped=True, hann_f=False, hann_block=20, hann_times=2, latline=[], lonline=[]): ''' This function do the basic proccess to all .cnv CTD data from given list. ''' for fname in lista: lon, lat, data = ctdread(fname, press_name=press_name, down_cast=down_cast, lathint=lathint, lonhint=lonhint, lonline=lonline, latline=latline) if looped: data = loopedit(data) dataname = basename(fname)[1] if (data.shape[0] < 101) & ( data.shape[0] > 10): # se o tamanho do perfil for com menos de 101 medidas if (data.shape[0] / 2) % 2 == 0: # caso a metade dos dados seja par blk = (data.shape[0] / 2) + 1 # bloco = a metade +1 else: blk = data.shape[0] / 2 # se for impar o bloco e a metade # remove spikes dos perfis de temperatura e condutividade data = despike(data, propname=temp_name, block=blk, wgth=2) data = despike(data, propname=cond_name, block=blk, wgth=2) elif data.shape[0] >= 101: # para perfis com mais de 101 medidas, utiliza-se blocos de 101 data = despike(data, propname=temp_name, block=101, wgth=2) data = despike(data, propname=cond_name, block=101, wgth=2) else: print('radial muito rasa') # realiza média em caixa de 1 metro data = binning(data, delta=1.) if temp_name == 't068C': data['t090C'] = gsw.t90_from_t68(data['t068C']) data['sp'] = gsw.SP_from_C(data[cond_name] * 10, data['t090C'], data.index.values) if hann_f: times = 0 while times < hann_times: data = hann_filter(data, 't090C', hann_block) data = hann_filter(data, 'sp', hann_block) times += 1 data['pt'] = sw.ptmp(data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values) #data['ct'] = gsw.CT_from_pt(data['sa'],data['pt']) data['psigma0'] = sw.pden( data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=0) - 1000 data['psigma1'] = sw.pden( data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=1000) - 1000 data['psigma2'] = sw.pden( data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=2000) - 1000 data['gpan'] = sw.gpan(data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values) data['lat'] = lat data['lon'] = lon data.to_pickle( os.path.split(fname)[0] + '/' + os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fname)[1])[0]) print(dataname)
## Get data from dives data1 = func1(files1,get_dives=data1_loc[3][inds1]) data2 = func2(files2,get_dives=data2_loc[3][inds2]) ## filter all data with median filters good_inds_1 = [np.isfinite(np.array(T.astype('float32'))) & np.isfinite(np.array(S.astype('float32'))) & np.isfinite(np.array(b.astype('float32'))) for T,S,b in zip(data1[4],data1[5],data1[7])] if inst1 == 'BB2FLSG': # Seaglider VSF data is already filtered filtered_dep1 = [var[i] for var,i in zip(data1[6],good_inds_1)] filtered_VSF1 = [var[i] for var,i in zip(data1[7],good_inds_1)] else: filtered_dep1 = [get_data.median_filter(var.astype('float32')[i]) for var,i in zip(data1[6],good_inds_1)] filtered_VSF1 = [get_data.median_filter(var.astype('float32')[i]) for var,i in zip(data1[7],good_inds_1)] filtered_T1 = [np.interp(fd,d.astype('float32')[i],var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd,d,var,i in zip(filtered_dep1,data1[6],data1[4],good_inds_1)] filtered_S1 = [np.interp(fd,d.astype('float32')[i],var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd,d,var,i in zip(filtered_dep1,data1[6],data1[5],good_inds_1)] filtered_dens1 = [sw.pden(S,T,sw.pres(z,lat=CENTRAL_LAT)) for T,S,z in zip(filtered_T1,filtered_S1,filtered_dep1)] good_inds_2 = [np.isfinite(T.astype('float32')) & np.isfinite(S.astype('float32')) & np.isfinite(b.astype('float32')) for T,S,b in zip(data2[4],data2[5],data2[7])] if inst2 == 'BB2FLSG': # Seaglider VSF data is already filtered filtered_dep2 = [var[i] for var,i in zip(data2[6],good_inds_2)] filtered_VSF2 = [var[i] for var,i in zip(data2[7],good_inds_2)] else: filtered_dep2 = [get_data.median_filter(var.astype('float32')[i]) for var,i in zip(data2[6],good_inds_2)] filtered_VSF2 = [get_data.median_filter(var.astype('float32')[i]) for var,i in zip(data2[7],good_inds_2)] filtered_T2 = [np.interp(fd,d.astype('float32')[i],var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd,d,var,i in zip(filtered_dep2,data2[6],data2[4],good_inds_2)] filtered_S2 = [np.interp(fd,d.astype('float32')[i],var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd,d,var,i in zip(filtered_dep2,data2[6],data2[5],good_inds_2)] filtered_dens2 = [sw.pden(S,T,sw.pres(z,lat=CENTRAL_LAT)) for T,S,z in zip(filtered_T2,filtered_S2,filtered_dep2)]
T = Tm[np.newaxis, ...] + Ta S = Sm[np.newaxis, ...] + Sa # A transect at 165 ilon = 19 lon = lon[ilon] T = T[..., ilon] S = S[..., ilon] D = np.empty_like(S) for i in range(12): D[i] = sw.pden(S[i], T[i], Pm[..., np.newaxis], pr=0) - 1000 cs = np.array([22., 22.5, 23., 23.5, 24., 24.5, 25., 25.5, 26., 26.5]) def plot_dens(month=0): plt.contourf(lat, Pm, D[month], cs, vmin=22., vmax=26.5,, extend='both') plt.contour(lat, Pm, D[month], cs, colors='k') plt.ylim(450, 0)
if tt == 0: bp_arr = (0 * zeta) * np.ones((NT, 1, 1)) salt = ds1['salt'][0, :, :, :].squeeze() ptemp = ds1['temp'][0, :, :, :].squeeze() # potential temperature z_r = zrfun.get_z(G['h'][:, :], 0 * zeta, S, only_rho=True) z_w = zrfun.get_z(G['h'][:, :], zeta, S, only_w=True) p = seawater.pres(-z_r, G['lat_rho'][0, 0]) temp = seawater.temp(salt, ptemp, p) # in situ temperature # for some reason seawater.dens throws errors if we don't do this sd = td = prd = sd[salt.mask] = np.nan td[salt.mask] = np.nan prd[salt.mask] = np.nan prho = seawater.pden(sd, td, prd) # potential density prho =, prho) rho = seawater.dens( sd, td, prd) # in-situ density from salinity, temperature, and pressure rho =, rho) DZ = np.diff(z_w, axis=0) bp_arr[tt, :, :] = (g * rho * DZ).sum(axis=0) # sums vertically ds1.close() bp_mean = np.mean( bp_arr, axis=0) # mean pressure of given location for entire time range bp_anom = bp_arr - bp_mean # initialize output Dataset ds2 = nc.Dataset(out_fn, 'w')
for var, i in zip(data1[7], good_inds_1) ] filtered_T1 = [ np.interp(fd, d.astype('float32')[i], var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd, d, var, i in zip(filtered_dep1, data1[6], data1[4], good_inds_1) ] filtered_S1 = [ np.interp(fd, d.astype('float32')[i], var.astype('float32')[i]) for fd, d, var, i in zip(filtered_dep1, data1[6], data1[5], good_inds_1) ] filtered_dens1 = [ sw.pden(S, T, sw.pres(z, lat=CENTRAL_LAT)) for T, S, z in zip(filtered_T1, filtered_S1, filtered_dep1) ] good_inds_2 = [ np.isfinite(T.astype('float32')) & np.isfinite(S.astype('float32')) & np.isfinite(b.astype('float32')) for T, S, b in zip(data2[4], data2[5], data2[7]) ] if inst2 == 'BB2FLSG': # Seaglider VSF data is already filtered filtered_dep2 = [var[i] for var, i in zip(data2[6], good_inds_2)] filtered_VSF2 = [var[i] for var, i in zip(data2[7], good_inds_2)] else: filtered_dep2 = [ get_data.median_filter(var.astype('float32')[i]) for var, i in zip(data2[6], good_inds_2)
def pe(avgfile, grdfile, gridid=None, maskfile='/media/Armadillo/bkp/lado/MSc/work/ROMS/plot_outputs3/msk_shelf.npy', normalize=False, verbose=True): """ USAGE ----- t, pe = pe(avgfile, grdfile, gridid=None, maskfile='/media/Armadillo/bkp/lado/MSc/work/ROMS/plot_outputs3/msk_shelf.npy', normalize=False, verbose=True): Calculates Potential Energy (PE) change integrated within a control volume for each time record of a ROMS *.avg or *.his file. The change is computed relative to the initial conditions, i.e., rhop(x,y,z,t=ti) = rho(x,y,z,t=ti) - rho(x,y,z,t=t0). [-g*(rhop^2)] PE = Integrated in a control volume V [-----------] # [J] [ 2*drhodz ] If 'normalize' is set to 'True', then PE/V (mean PE density [J/m3]) is returned instead. Reference: ---------- Cushman-Roisin (1994): Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, page 213, Combination of Equations 15-29 and 15-30. """ print("Loading outputs and grid.") ## Get outputs. avg = Dataset(avgfile) ## Load domain mask. if maskfile: mask = np.load(maskfile) if type(mask[0, 0]) == np.bool_: pass else: mask = mask == 1. ## Getting mask indices. ilon, ilat = np.where(mask) ## Get grid, time-dependent free-surface and topography. zeta = avg.variables['zeta'] grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(gridid, zeta=zeta, hist_file=avgfile, grid_file=grdfile) ## Get time. t = avg.variables['ocean_time'][:] t = t - t[0] nt = t.size ## Get grid coordinates at RHO-points. lonr, latr = avg.variables['lon_rho'][:], avg.variables['lat_rho'][:] ## Get grid spacings at RHO-points. ## Find cell widths. dx = grd.hgrid.dx # Cell width in the XI-direction. dy = grd.hgrid.dy # Cell width in the ETA-direction. if maskfile: dA = dx[mask] * dy[mask] else: dA = dx * dy ## Get temp, salt. temp = avg.variables['temp'] salt = avg.variables['salt'] ## Find cell heights (at ti=0). zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[0, :] # Cell depths (at ti=0). if maskfile: dz = zw[1:, ilat, ilon] - zw[:-1, ilat, ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:, :] - zw[:-1, :] dz = 0.5 * (dz[1:, :] + dz[:-1, :]) # Cell heights at W-points. ## Get pres, g and pden (at ti=0). p0 = -zw # Approximation, for computational efficiency. p0 = 0.5 * (p0[1:, :] + p0[:-1, :]) if maskfile: rho0 = pden(salt[0, :, ilat, ilon], temp[0, :, ilat, ilon], p0[:, ilat, ilon], pr=0.) else: rho0 = pden(salt[0, :], temp[0, :], p0, pr=0.) if maskfile: g = grav(latr[mask]) else: g = grav(latr) drho0 = rho0[1:, :] - rho0[:-1, :] rho0z = drho0 / dz # Background potential density vertical gradient. PE = np.array([]) for ti in range(nt): tp = ti + 1 print("Processing time record %s of %s" % (tp, nt)) if maskfile: rhoi = pden(salt[ti, :, ilat, ilon], temp[ti, :, ilat, ilon], p0[:, ilat, ilon], pr=0.) else: rhoi = pden(salt[ti, :], temp[ti, :], p0, pr=0.) rhop = rhoi - rho0 # Density anomaly, i.e., rho(x,y,z,t=ti) - rho(x,y,z,t=0) rhop = 0.5 * (rhop[1:, :] + rhop[:-1, :]) ## Find cell heights. zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[ti, :] # Cell depths (at ti=0). if maskfile: dz = zw[1:, ilat, ilon] - zw[:-1, ilat, ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:, :] - zw[:-1, :] ## Find cell volumes. print(dx.shape, dy.shape, dz.shape) dV = dA * dz # [m3] dV = 0.5 * (dV[1:, :] + dV[:-1, :]) ## Gravitational Available Potential Energy density (energy/volume). print(g.shape) print(rhop.shape) print(rho0z.shape) pe = -g * (rhop**2) / (2 * rho0z) # [J/m3] ## Do volume integral to calculate Gravitational Available Potential Energy of the control volume. Pe = np.sum(pe * dV) # [J] if normalize: V = dV.sum() Pe = Pe / V print("") print("Total volume of the control volume is %e m3." % V) print( "Normalizing PE by this volume, i.e., mean PE density [J/m3].") print("") if verbose: if normalize: print("PE = %e J/m3" % Pe) else: print("PE = %e J" % Pe) PE = np.append(PE, Pe) return t, PE
def energy_diagnostics(avgfile, grdfile, rho0=1025., gridid=None, maskfile='msk_shelf.npy', normalize=True, verbose=True): """ USAGE ----- t, HKE, TPE = energy_diagnostics(avgfile, grdfile, rho0=1025., gridid=None, maskfile='msk_shelf.npy', normalize=True, verbose=True) Calculates volume-integrated Horizontal Kinetic Energy (HKE) and Total Potential Energy (TPE) within a control volume for each time record of a ROMS *.avg or *.his file. """ avg = Dataset(avgfile) print("Loading outputs and grid.") ## Load domain mask. if maskfile: mask = np.load(maskfile) if type(mask[0, 0]) == np.bool_: pass else: mask = mask == 1. ## Getting mask indices. ilon, ilat = np.where(mask) ## Getting velocity field. try: U = avg.variables['u'] V = avg.variables['v'] uvrho3 = False except KeyError: U = avg.variables['u_eastward'] V = avg.variables['v_northward'] uvrho3 = True ## Get temp, salt. temp = avg.variables['temp'] salt = avg.variables['salt'] ## Get grid, time-dependent free-surface and topography. zeta = avg.variables['zeta'] grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(gridid, zeta=zeta, hist_file=avgfile, grid_file=grdfile) ## Find cell widths at RHO-points. dx = grd.hgrid.dx # Cell width in the XI-direction. dy = grd.hgrid.dy # Cell width in the ETA-direction. if maskfile: dA = dx[mask] * dy[mask] else: dA = dx * dy ## Get pres, g and pden (at ti=0). p0 = -grd.vgrid.z_r[0, :] # Approximation, for computational efficiency. if maskfile: g = grav(avg.variables['lat_rho'][:][mask]) else: g = grav(avg.variables['lat_rho'][:]) ## Get time. t = avg.variables['ocean_time'][:] t = t - t[0] nt = t.size KE = np.array([]) PE = np.array([]) for ti in range(nt): tp = ti + 1 print("") print("Processing time record %s of %s" % (tp, nt)) print("Calculating density.") if maskfile: rho = pden(salt[ti, :, ilat, ilon], temp[ti, :, ilat, ilon], p0[:, ilat, ilon], pr=0.) else: rho = pden(salt[ti, :], temp[ti, :], p0, pr=0.) print("Loading velocities.") uu = U[ti, :] vv = V[ti, :] if not uvrho3: # Calculate u and v at PSI-points. u = 0.5 * (uu[:, 1:, :] + uu[:, :-1, :]) v = 0.5 * (vv[:, :, 1:] + vv[:, :, :-1]) # Calculate rho at PSI-points. rhop = 0.5 * (rho[:, 1:, :] + rho[:, :-1, :]) rhop = 0.5 * (rhop[:, :, 1:] + rhop[:, :, :-1]) if maskfile: u = u[:, ilat + 1, ilon + 1] v = v[:, ilat + 1, ilon + 1] rhop = rhop[:, ilat + 1, ilon + 1] else: pass else: # U and V both at RHO-points, no reshaping necessary. if maskfile: u = uu[:, ilat, ilon] v = vv[:, ilat, ilon] else: u = uu v = vv ## Find cell depths, invert z-axis direction (downward). if maskfile: z = -grd.vgrid.z_r[ti, :, ilat, ilon] else: z = -grd.vgrid.z_r[ti, :] ## Find cell heights. zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[ti, :] if maskfile: dz = zw[1:, ilat, ilon] - zw[:-1, ilat, ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:, :] - zw[:-1, :] ## Find cell volumes. dV = dA * dz # [m3] print("Squaring velocities.") u2v2 = u * u + v * v ## Total Potential Energy (TPE) density relative to z=0 (energy/volume). pe = rho * g * z # [J/m3] ## Horizontal Kinetic Energy (HKE) density (energy/volume). if not uvrho3: ke = 0.5 * rhop * u2v2 # [J/m3] else: ke = 0.5 * rho * u2v2 # [J/m3] ## Do volume integral to calculate TPE/HKE of the control volume. Pe = np.sum(pe * dV) # [J] Ke = np.sum(ke * dV) # [J] if normalize: Vol = dV.sum() Pe = Pe / Vol Ke = Ke / Vol if verbose and tp == 1: print("") print("Total volume of the control volume is %e m3." % Vol) print( "Normalizing TPE/HKE by this volume, i.e., mean TPE/HKE density [J/m3]." ) print("") if verbose: print("") if normalize: print("TPE/vol = %e J/m3" % Pe) print("HKE/vol = %e J/m3" % Ke) else: print("TPE = %e J" % Pe) print("HKE = %e J" % Ke) PE = np.append(PE, Pe) KE = np.append(KE, Ke) return t, KE, PE
def do_load_mfdata(mesh, data, fname_list, var_list, sel_timeidx, sel_levidx, \ nsi, ndi, do_tmean, do_output,): if ndi!=0: #_______________________________________________________________________ # select time+depth range + compute time mean if do_tmean: data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) else: data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] #_______________________________________________________________________ # compute potential density & temperatur if selected if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','ptemp','sigma']): dep = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.zmid[sel_levidx],nsi,1) lat = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.nodes_2d_yg[0:mesh.n2dn],len(sel_levidx),1).transpose() press = sw.pres(dep,lat) press_ref = 0 if '0' in data.var : press_ref=0 elif '1' in data.var : press_ref=1000 elif '2' in data.var : press_ref=2000 elif '3' in data.var : press_ref=3000 elif '4' in data.var : press_ref=4000 elif '5' in data.var : press_ref=5000 if 'sigma' in data.var: data.lname = '$\sigma_{'+str(int(press_ref/1000))+'}$ '+data.lname del dep,lat if do_tmean: if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value = sw.ptmp(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref) if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value = sw.pden(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)-1000.025 else: for it in range(0,data.value.shape[0]): if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value[it,:,:] = sw.ptmp(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref) if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value[it,:,:] = sw.pden(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)-1000.025 fname_list[1]=[] #_______________________________________________________________________ # compute depth mean + linear interpolation to selected depth levels if do_tmean: data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, data.value.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, data.value2.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, data.value3.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output) else: data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, data.value.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, data.value2.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, data.value3.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output) # 2D data: else: if do_tmean: data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) else: data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:] if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:] if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:] # kickout single array dimension data.value = data.value.squeeze() if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2.squeeze() if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3.squeeze() return(data)
def do_load_dataloop(mesh, data, fname_list, var_list, sel_timeidx, sel_levidx, \ nti, nsi, ndi, do_tmean, do_output,): if ndi!=0: #_______________________________________________________________________ # initialize data.value array if do_tmean: data.value = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32') if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32') if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32') else: data.value = np.zeros((nti,nsi,len(sel_levidx))) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32') if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32') #_______________________________________________________________________ # select time+depth range + compute time mean for it in range(0,len(fname_list[0])): if do_tmean: data.value = data.value + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2 + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3 + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0) else: t_idx = sel_timeidx+nti*it data.value[t_idx,:,:] = data.value[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2[t_idx,:,:] = data.value2[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3[t_idx,:,:] = data.value3[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx] # divide by loaded file number --> to final time mean if do_tmean: data.value = data.value/len(fname_list[0]) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2/len(fname_list[1]) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value2/len(fname_list[2]) #_______________________________________________________________________ # compute potential density & temperatur if selected if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','ptemp','sigma']): dep = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.zmid[sel_levidx],nsi,1) lat = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.nodes_2d_yg[0:mesh.n2dn],nsi,1).transpose() press = sw.pres(dep,lat) press_ref= 0 if '0' in data.var : press_ref=0 elif '1' in data.var : press_ref=1000 elif '2' in data.var : press_ref=2000 elif '3' in data.var : press_ref=3000 elif '4' in data.var : press_ref=4000 elif '5' in data.var : press_ref=5000 if press_ref!=0: data.lname = '$\sigma_{'+str(int(press_ref/1000))+'}$ '+data.lname del dep,lat if do_tmean: if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value = sw.ptmp(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref) if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value = sw.pden(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)-1000.025 else: for it in range(0,data.value.shape[0]): if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value[it,:,:] = sw.ptmp(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref) if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value[it,:,:] = sw.pden(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)-1000.025 fname_list[1]=[] #_______________________________________________________________________ # compute depth mean + linear interpolation to selected depth levels data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output) # 2D data: else: #_______________________________________________________________________ # initialize data.value array if do_tmean: data.value = np.zeros((nsi,)) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nsi,)) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nsi,)) else: data.value = np.zeros((nti,nsi)) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi)) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi)) #_______________________________________________________________________ # select time+depth range + compute time mean for it in range(0,len(fname_list[0])): if do_tmean: data.value = data.value + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2 + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3 + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0) else: t_idx = sel_timeidx+nti*it data.value[t_idx,:] = data.value[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:] if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2[t_idx,:] = data.value2[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:] if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3[t_idx,:] = data.value3[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:] # divide by loaded file number --> to final time mean if do_tmean: data.value = data.value/len(fname_list[0]) if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2/len(fname_list[1]) if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value2/len(fname_list[2]) return(data)
def energy_diagnostics(avgfile, grdfile, rho0=1025., gridid=None, maskfile='msk_shelf.npy', normalize=True, verbose=True): """ USAGE ----- t, HKE, TPE = energy_diagnostics(avgfile, grdfile, rho0=1025., gridid=None, maskfile='msk_shelf.npy', normalize=True, verbose=True) Calculates volume-integrated Horizontal Kinetic Energy (HKE) and Total Potential Energy (TPE) within a control volume for each time record of a ROMS *.avg or *.his file. """ avg = Dataset(avgfile) print("Loading outputs and grid.") ## Load domain mask. if maskfile: mask = np.load(maskfile) if type(mask[0,0])==np.bool_: pass else: mask=mask==1. ## Getting mask indices. ilon,ilat = np.where(mask) ## Getting velocity field. try: U = avg.variables['u'] V = avg.variables['v'] uvrho3 = False except KeyError: U = avg.variables['u_eastward'] V = avg.variables['v_northward'] uvrho3 = True ## Get temp, salt. temp = avg.variables['temp'] salt = avg.variables['salt'] ## Get grid, time-dependent free-surface and topography. zeta = avg.variables['zeta'] grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(gridid, zeta=zeta, hist_file=avgfile, grid_file=grdfile) ## Find cell widths at RHO-points. dx = grd.hgrid.dx # Cell width in the XI-direction. dy = grd.hgrid.dy # Cell width in the ETA-direction. if maskfile: dA = dx[mask]*dy[mask] else: dA = dx*dy ## Get pres, g and pden (at ti=0). p0 = -grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:] # Approximation, for computational efficiency. if maskfile: g = grav(avg.variables['lat_rho'][:][mask]) else: g = grav(avg.variables['lat_rho'][:]) ## Get time. t = avg.variables['ocean_time'][:] t = t - t[0] nt = t.size KE = np.array([]) PE = np.array([]) for ti in range(nt): tp = ti + 1 print("") print("Processing time record %s of %s"%(tp,nt)) print("Calculating density.") if maskfile: rho = pden(salt[ti,:,ilat,ilon],temp[ti,:,ilat,ilon],p0[:,ilat,ilon],pr=0.) else: rho = pden(salt[ti,:],temp[ti,:],p0,pr=0.) print("Loading velocities.") uu = U[ti,:] vv = V[ti,:] if not uvrho3: # Calculate u and v at PSI-points. u = 0.5*(uu[:,1:,:] + uu[:,:-1,:]) v = 0.5*(vv[:,:,1:] + vv[:,:,:-1]) # Calculate rho at PSI-points. rhop = 0.5*(rho[:,1:,:] + rho[:,:-1,:]) rhop = 0.5*(rhop[:,:,1:] + rhop[:,:,:-1]) if maskfile: u = u[:,ilat+1,ilon+1] v = v[:,ilat+1,ilon+1] rhop = rhop[:,ilat+1,ilon+1] else: pass else: # U and V both at RHO-points, no reshaping necessary. if maskfile: u = uu[:,ilat,ilon] v = vv[:,ilat,ilon] else: u = uu v = vv ## Find cell depths, invert z-axis direction (downward). if maskfile: z = -grd.vgrid.z_r[ti,:,ilat,ilon] else: z = -grd.vgrid.z_r[ti,:] ## Find cell heights. zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[ti,:] if maskfile: dz = zw[1:,ilat,ilon] - zw[:-1,ilat,ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:,:] - zw[:-1,:] ## Find cell volumes. dV = dA*dz # [m3] print("Squaring velocities.") u2v2 = u*u + v*v ## Total Potential Energy (TPE) density relative to z=0 (energy/volume). pe = rho*g*z # [J/m3] ## Horizontal Kinetic Energy (HKE) density (energy/volume). if not uvrho3: ke = 0.5*rhop*u2v2 # [J/m3] else: ke = 0.5*rho*u2v2 # [J/m3] ## Do volume integral to calculate TPE/HKE of the control volume. Pe = np.sum(pe*dV) # [J] Ke = np.sum(ke*dV) # [J] if normalize: Vol = dV.sum() Pe = Pe/Vol Ke = Ke/Vol if verbose and tp==1: print("") print("Total volume of the control volume is %e m3."%Vol) print("Normalizing TPE/HKE by this volume, i.e., mean TPE/HKE density [J/m3].") print("") if verbose: print("") if normalize: print("TPE/vol = %e J/m3"%Pe) print("HKE/vol = %e J/m3"%Ke) else: print("TPE = %e J"%Pe) print("HKE = %e J"%Ke) PE = np.append(PE, Pe) KE = np.append(KE, Ke) return t, KE, PE
def adiabatic_level_sw(P, S, T, lat, bin_width=100., order=1, ret_coefs=False, cap=None): """Generate smooth buoyancy frequency profile by applying the adiabatic levelling method of Bray and Fofonoff (1981). This function uses the older theormodynamic toolbox, 'seawater'. Parameters ---------- P : 1-D ndarray Pressure [dbar] S : 1-D ndarray Practical salinity [-] T : 1-D ndarray Temperature [degrees C] lat : float Latitude [-90...+90] bin_width : float, optional Pressure bin width [dbar] deg : int, optional Degree of polynomial fit. (DEGREES HIGHER THAN 1 NOT PROPERLY TESTED) ret_coefs : bool, optional Flag to return additional argument pcoefs. False by default. cap : optional Flag to change proceedure at ends of array where bins may be partially filled. None by default, meaning they are included. Can also specify 'left', 'right' or 'both' to cap method before partial bins. Returns ------- N2_ref : 1-D ndarray Reference buoyancy frequency [s-2] pcoefs : 2-D ndarray Fitting coefficients, returned only when the flag ret_coefs is set True. """ valid = np.isfinite(P) & np.isfinite(S) & np.isfinite(T) valid = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(valid)) P_, S_, T_ = P[valid], S[valid], T[valid] flip = False if (np.diff(P_) < 0).all(): flip = True P_ = np.flipud(P_) S_ = np.flipud(S_) T_ = np.flipud(T_) elif (np.diff(P_) < 0).any(): raise ValueError('P must be monotonically increasing/decreasing.') i1 = np.searchsorted(P_, P_ - bin_width / 2.) i2 = np.searchsorted(P_, P_ + bin_width / 2.) if cap is None: Nd = P_.size elif cap == 'both': icapl = i2[0] icapr = i1[-1] elif cap == 'left': icapl = i2[0] icapr = i2[-1] elif cap == 'right': icapl = i1[0] icapr = i1[-1] else: raise ValueError("The argument cap must be either None, 'both', 'left'" " or 'right'") if cap is not None: i1 = i1[icapl:icapr] i2 = i2[icapl:icapr] valid = valid[icapl:icapr] Nd = icapr - icapl dimax = np.max(i2 - i1) Pb = np.full((dimax, Nd), np.nan) Sb = np.full((dimax, Nd), np.nan) Tb = np.full((dimax, Nd), np.nan) for i in range(Nd): imax = i2[i] - i1[i] Pb[:imax, i] = P_[i1[i]:i2[i]] Sb[:imax, i] = S_[i1[i]:i2[i]] Tb[:imax, i] = T_[i1[i]:i2[i]] Pbar = np.nanmean(Pb, axis=0) rho = sw.pden(Sb, Tb, Pb, Pbar) sv = 1. / rho rhobar = np.nanmean(rho, axis=0) p = np.full((order + 1, Nd), np.nan) for i in range(Nd): imax = i2[i] - i1[i] p[:, i] = np.polyfit(Pb[:imax, i], sv[:imax, i], order) g = sw.g(lat, -sw.dpth(Pbar, lat)) # The factor 1e-4 is needed for conversion from dbar to Pa. N2 = -1e-4 * rhobar**2 * g**2 * p[order - 1, :] N2_ref = np.full_like(P, np.nan) pcoef = np.full((order + 1, P.size), np.nan) if flip: N2_ref[valid] = np.flipud(N2) pcoef[:, valid] = np.fliplr(p) else: N2_ref[valid] = N2 pcoef[:, valid] = p if ret_coefs: return N2_ref, pcoef else: return N2_ref
def pe(avgfile, grdfile, gridid=None, maskfile='/media/Armadillo/bkp/lado/MSc/work/ROMS/plot_outputs3/msk_shelf.npy', normalize=False, verbose=True): """ USAGE ----- t, pe = pe(avgfile, grdfile, gridid=None, maskfile='/media/Armadillo/bkp/lado/MSc/work/ROMS/plot_outputs3/msk_shelf.npy', normalize=False, verbose=True): Calculates Potential Energy (PE) change integrated within a control volume for each time record of a ROMS *.avg or *.his file. The change is computed relative to the initial conditions, i.e., rhop(x,y,z,t=ti) = rho(x,y,z,t=ti) - rho(x,y,z,t=t0). [-g*(rhop^2)] PE = Integrated in a control volume V [-----------] # [J] [ 2*drhodz ] If 'normalize' is set to 'True', then PE/V (mean PE density [J/m3]) is returned instead. Reference: ---------- Cushman-Roisin (1994): Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, page 213, Combination of Equations 15-29 and 15-30. """ print("Loading outputs and grid.") ## Get outputs. avg = Dataset(avgfile) ## Load domain mask. if maskfile: mask = np.load(maskfile) if type(mask[0,0])==np.bool_: pass else: mask=mask==1. ## Getting mask indices. ilon,ilat = np.where(mask) ## Get grid, time-dependent free-surface and topography. zeta = avg.variables['zeta'] grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(gridid, zeta=zeta, hist_file=avgfile, grid_file=grdfile) ## Get time. t = avg.variables['ocean_time'][:] t = t - t[0] nt = t.size ## Get grid coordinates at RHO-points. lonr, latr = avg.variables['lon_rho'][:], avg.variables['lat_rho'][:] ## Get grid spacings at RHO-points. ## Find cell widths. dx = grd.hgrid.dx # Cell width in the XI-direction. dy = grd.hgrid.dy # Cell width in the ETA-direction. if maskfile: dA = dx[mask]*dy[mask] else: dA = dx*dy ## Get temp, salt. temp = avg.variables['temp'] salt = avg.variables['salt'] ## Find cell heights (at ti=0). zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[0,:] # Cell depths (at ti=0). if maskfile: dz = zw[1:,ilat,ilon] - zw[:-1,ilat,ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:,:] - zw[:-1,:] dz = 0.5*(dz[1:,:] + dz[:-1,:]) # Cell heights at W-points. ## Get pres, g and pden (at ti=0). p0 = -zw # Approximation, for computational efficiency. p0 = 0.5*(p0[1:,:]+p0[:-1,:]) if maskfile: rho0 = pden(salt[0,:,ilat,ilon],temp[0,:,ilat,ilon],p0[:,ilat,ilon],pr=0.) else: rho0 = pden(salt[0,:],temp[0,:],p0,pr=0.) if maskfile: g = grav(latr[mask]) else: g = grav(latr) drho0 = rho0[1:,:] - rho0[:-1,:] rho0z = drho0/dz # Background potential density vertical gradient. PE = np.array([]) for ti in range(nt): tp = ti + 1 print("Processing time record %s of %s"%(tp,nt)) if maskfile: rhoi = pden(salt[ti,:,ilat,ilon],temp[ti,:,ilat,ilon],p0[:,ilat,ilon],pr=0.) else: rhoi = pden(salt[ti,:],temp[ti,:],p0,pr=0.) rhop = rhoi - rho0 # Density anomaly, i.e., rho(x,y,z,t=ti) - rho(x,y,z,t=0) rhop = 0.5*(rhop[1:,:] + rhop[:-1,:]) ## Find cell heights. zw = grd.vgrid.z_w[ti,:] # Cell depths (at ti=0). if maskfile: dz = zw[1:,ilat,ilon] - zw[:-1,ilat,ilon] # Cell height. else: dz = zw[1:,:] - zw[:-1,:] ## Find cell volumes. print(dx.shape,dy.shape,dz.shape) dV = dA*dz # [m3] dV = 0.5*(dV[1:,:]+dV[:-1,:]) ## Gravitational Available Potential Energy density (energy/volume). print(g.shape) print(rhop.shape) print(rho0z.shape) pe = -g*(rhop**2)/(2*rho0z) # [J/m3] ## Do volume integral to calculate Gravitational Available Potential Energy of the control volume. Pe = np.sum(pe*dV) # [J] if normalize: V = dV.sum() Pe = Pe/V print("") print("Total volume of the control volume is %e m3."%V) print("Normalizing PE by this volume, i.e., mean PE density [J/m3].") print("") if verbose: if normalize: print("PE = %e J/m3"%Pe) else: print("PE = %e J"%Pe) PE = np.append(PE, Pe) return t, PE
T_clim_training[:, 0][:, np.newaxis], tos.shape[1], axis=1) adt = adt - np.repeat( SH_clim_training[:, 0][:, np.newaxis], tos.shape[1], axis=1) sos = sos - np.repeat( S_clim_training[:, 0][:, np.newaxis], tos.shape[1], axis=1) #################################### # pre-process training data #################################### P = np.zeros(T.shape) delta_P = 10. for i in range(P.shape[0]): P[i, :] = depth D = sw.pden(S, T, P, pr=0) #computes density profiles from in situ T and S D_std = sw.pden(S * 0 + 35, T * 0, P, pr=0) #computes standard density profiles SVA = (1. / D) #computes specific volume SVA_std = (1. / D_std) #computes specific volume standard profiles g = 9.81 SH = np.zeros(T.shape) for ik in range(T.shape[1]): SH[:, ik] = 1e6 * np.sum(SVA[:, ik:T.shape[1]], axis=1) * delta_P / g #steric heights in cm SH[:, ik] = SH[:, ik] - 1e6 * np.sum(SVA_std[:, ik:T.shape[1]], axis=1) * delta_P / g T = T - T_clim_training S = S - S_clim_training
def TSplot( S, T, Pref=0, size=None, color=None, ax=None, rho_levels=[], labels=True, label_spines=True, plot_distrib=True, Sbins=30, Tbins=30, plot_kwargs=None, hexbin=True, fontsize=9, kind=None, equalize=True, ): """ T-S plot. The default is to scatter, but hex-binning is also an option. Parameters ---------- S, T : float32 Salinity, temperature. Pref : float32, optional Reference pressure level. size: int, numpy.ndarray, xr.DataArray Passed to scatter. color: string, numpy.ndarray, xr.DataArray Passed as 'c' to scatter and 'C' to hexbin. ax : optional, matplotlib.Axes Axes to plot to. rho_levels : optional Density contour levels. labels : bool, optional Label density contours? label_spines : bool, optional Fancy spine labelling inspired by Arnold Gordon's plots. fontsize: int, optional font size for labels plot_distrib : bool, optional Plot marginal distributions of T, S? Sbins, Tbins : int, optional Number of T, S bins for marginal distributions. hexbin : bool, optional hexbin instead of scatter plot? plot_kwargs: dict, optional extra kwargs passed directly to scatter or hexbin. Cannot contain 's', 'c' or 'C'. Returns ------- handles: dict, cs : Handle to density ContourSet. ts : Handle to T-S scatter Thist, Shist : handles to marginal distributions axes : list of Axes. """ # colormap = # if kind is None: if hexbin is True: kind = "hexbin" elif hexbin is False: kind = "scatter" if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = {} if any([kw in plot_kwargs for kw in ["c", "C", "s"]]): raise ValueError( "plot_kwargs cannot contain c, C, or s. " + "Please specify size or color as appropriate." ) scatter_defaults = {"edgecolors": None, "alpha": 0.5} labels = False if rho_levels is None else labels axes = dict() handles = dict() if ax is None: f = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True) if plot_distrib: gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(5, 5, figure=f) axes["ts"] = f.add_subplot(gs[1:, :-1]) axes["s"] = f.add_subplot(gs[0, :-1], sharex=axes["ts"]) axes["t"] = f.add_subplot(gs[1:, -1], sharey=axes["ts"]) ax = axes["ts"] else: ax = plt.gca() elif isinstance(ax, dict): axes = ax ax = axes["ts"] axes["ts"] = ax nanmask = np.isnan(S.values) | np.isnan(T.values) if size is not None: nanmask = nanmask | np.isnan(size) if color is not None and not isinstance(color, str): nanmask = nanmask | np.isnan(color) if len(np.atleast_1d(Sbins)) > 1: nanmask = nanmask | (S.values < np.min(Sbins)) | (S.values > np.max(Sbins)) if len(np.atleast_1d(Tbins)) > 1: nanmask = nanmask | (T.values < np.min(Tbins)) | (T.values > np.max(Tbins)) salt = _flatten_data(S.where(~nanmask)) temp = _flatten_data(T.where(~nanmask)) if size is not None and hasattr(size, "values"): size = _flatten_data(size.where(~nanmask)) if color is not None and hasattr(color, "values"): color = _flatten_data(color.where(~nanmask)) # TODO: plot outliers separately with hexbin # _prctile = 2 # outlierT = np.percentile(temp, [_prctile, 100 - _prctile]) # outlierS = np.percentile(salt, [_prctile, 100 - _prctile]) # outliermask = np.logical_or( # np.logical_or(salt > outlierS[1], salt < outlierS[0]), # np.logical_or(temp > outlierT[1], temp < outlierT[0])) if kind == "hexbin": hexbin_defaults = {"cmap":, "mincnt": 1} if not isinstance(color, str): hexbin_defaults["C"] = color hexbin_defaults.update(plot_kwargs) handles["ts"] = ax.hexbin( salt, temp, gridsize=(Sbins, Tbins), **hexbin_defaults ) # ax.plot(salt[outliermask], temp[outliermask], '.', 'gray') # elif kind == "hist": from xhistogram.core import histogram if isinstance(Sbins, int): Sbins = np.linspace(,, Sbins) if isinstance(Tbins, int): Tbins = np.linspace(,, Tbins) hist = histogram(salt, temp, bins=(Sbins, Tbins)) if equalize: from skimage.exposure import equalize_adapthist hist = equalize_adapthist( hist = hist.astype(float) # print(np.percentile(hist.ravel(), 10)) hist[hist < np.percentile(hist[hist > 0].ravel(), 10)] = np.nan handles["ts"] = ax.pcolormesh(Sbins, Tbins, hist.T, **plot_kwargs) elif kind == "scatter": scatter_defaults.update(plot_kwargs) handles["ts"] = ax.scatter( salt, temp, s=size if size is not None else 12, c=color, **scatter_defaults, ) # defaults.pop('alpha') # ts = ax.scatter(flatten_data(S), flatten_data(T), # s=flatten_data(size), c=[[0, 0, 0, 0]], # **defaults) if rho_levels is not None: Slim = ax.get_xlim() Tlim = ax.get_ylim() Tvec = np.linspace(Tlim[0], Tlim[1], 40) Svec = np.linspace(Slim[0], Slim[1], 40) [Smat, Tmat] = np.meshgrid(Svec, Tvec) # background ρ contours are T, S at the reference level ρ = sw.pden(Smat, Tmat, Pref, Pref) - 1000 rho_levels = np.asarray(rho_levels) if np.all(rho_levels > 1000): rho_levels = rho_levels - 1000 if not (rho_levels.size > 0): rho_levels = 7 handles["rho_contours"] = ax.contour( Smat, Tmat, ρ, colors="gray", levels=rho_levels, linestyles="solid", zorder=-1, linewidths=0.5, ) ax.set_xlim([Smat.min(), Smat.max()]) ax.set_ylim([Tmat.min(), Tmat.max()]) if plot_distrib: hist_args = dict(color=color, density=True, histtype="step") handles["Thist"] = axes["t"].hist( temp, orientation="horizontal", bins=Tbins, **hist_args ) axes["t"].set_xticklabels([]) axes["t"].set_xticks([]) axes["t"].spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) handles["Shist"] = axes["s"].hist(salt, bins=Sbins, **hist_args) axes["s"].set_yticks([]) axes["s"].set_yticklabels([]) axes["s"].spines["left"].set_visible(False) if labels: if label_spines: plots.contour_label_spines( handles["rho_contours"], fmt="%.1f", fontsize=fontsize ) else: clabels = ax.clabel( handles["cs"], fmt="%.1f", inline=True, inline_spacing=10 ) [txt.set_backgroundcolor([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.75]) for txt in clabels] ax.text( 0, 1.005, " $σ_" + str(Pref) + "$", transform=ax.transAxes, va="bottom", fontsize=fontsize + 2, color="gray", ) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(True) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(True) ax.set_xlabel("S") ax.set_ylabel("T") return handles, axes