def mail(obj,confidence): import sendmail import tzctl import smtplib logging.debug('sending notification email') try: subject = sendmail.subjects['object_detected'] message = sendmail.messages['object_detected'] format_dict = { 'camera': camera_config['@name'], 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'moment':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'object': obj, 'confidence': confidence, } if settings.LOCAL_TIME_FILE: format_dict['timezone'] = tzctl.get_time_zone() else: format_dict['timezone'] = 'local time' message = message % format_dict subject = subject % format_dict old_timeout = settings.SMTP_TIMEOUT settings.SMTP_TIMEOUT = 10 sendmail.send_mail(data['smtp_server'], int(data['smtp_port']), data['smtp_account'], data['smtp_password'], data['smtp_tls'], data['from'], [data['addresses']], subject=subject, message=message, files=[]) settings.SMTP_TIMEOUT = old_timeout self.finish_json() logging.debug('notification email succeeded') except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, smtplib.SMTPResponseException): msg = e.smtp_error else: msg = str(e) msg_lower = msg.lower() if msg_lower.count('tls'): msg = 'TLS might be required' elif msg_lower.count('authentication'): msg = 'authentication error' elif msg_lower.count('name or service not known'): msg = 'check SMTP server name' elif msg_lower.count('connection refused'): msg = 'check SMTP port' logging.error('notification email failed: %s' % msg, exc_info=True) self.finish_json({'error': str(msg)})
def enviar_email(remitente, destinatarios, asunto, mensaje, servidor, login, password, ficheros=[], html='', cc=[], bcc=[], charset='iso-8859-1'): send_mail(remitente, destinatarios, asunto, mensaje, servidor, login, password, files=ficheros, html=html, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, charset=charset)
def main(): now = time.localtime() now = datetime.datetime(now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday) lunar_now = lunar.get_lunar_date(now) now = (now.year, now.month, log('now', now) log('lunar_now', lunar_now) personGroup = [] sql1 = 'select name, sex, birthday, calendar, mail from person where birthday="%04d-%02d-%02d" and calendar="阳历"' % (now[0], now[1], now[2]) sql2 = 'select name, sex, birthday, calendar, mail from person where birthday="%04d-%02d-%02d" and calendar="阴历"' % (lunar_now[0], lunar_now[1], lunar_now[2]) for sql in (sql1, sql2):, lambda item:personGroup.append({'name':item[0],'sex':item[1],'birthday':item[2],'calendar':item[3],'mail':item[4]})) init_template_pathname_group() for person in personGroup: templatePathname = random.choice(templatePathnameGroup) template = Template(open(templatePathname, 'rt').read()) text = template.render(person = create_person( person['name'], person['sex'], person['birthday'], person['calendar'], person['mail'], now, lunar_now ) ) send_mail('*****@*****.**', person['mail'], 'Happy Birthday To You!', text)
def mail(report, host): names, emails = sendmail.get_contacts(CONTACTS) message_template = sendmail.read_template(MAIL_TEMPL) message = 'Ha cambiado la configuración del router' + host + ':' + '\n' + '' sendmail.write_template(message, report, MAIL_TEMPL) sendmail.send_mail(names, emails, message_template, 'Notificación SNMP', MAIL_TEMPL)
def send(cfg): from_address = cfg.get('smtp', 'FROM') to_address = cfg.get('smtp', 'TO') subject = cfg.get('smtp', 'SUBJECT') text = cfg.get('smtp', 'TEXT') file = cfg.get('smtp', 'PATH') + cfg.get('excel', 'WB_NAME') password = cfg.get('smtp', 'PASS') send_mail(from_address, to_address, subject, text, password, [file])
def analysis_data(): # print content pattern = '>Resets: (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})<.*>(\d*\.?\d*)/(\d*) GB' #print type(content) info =, str(content)) deadline, used = info.groups()[0], info.groups()[1] print '已用 %s GB' % used sendmail.send_mail(sender, pwd, recipient, 'BWG used %s GB' % used, '%s到期,已用%sGB' % (deadline, used)) print 'email send'
def notific(message, lines): report = open('report', "w") report.write(message) report.close() names, emails = sendmail.get_contacts(CONTACTS) message_template = sendmail.read_template(MAIL_TEMPL) #message = 'Ha cambiado la configuración del router'+host+':'+'\n'+'' sendmail.write_template(message, 'report', MAIL_TEMPL) sendmail.send_mail(names, emails, message_template, 'Notificación SNMP', MAIL_TEMPL, message)
def send_email(to, subject, template): ''' msg = Message( subject, recipients=[to], html=template, sender=app.config['MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER'] ) mail.send(msg) ''' send_mail(subject=subject, mailto=to, content=template, attachments=None)
def test(): if request.method == 'POST': s = request.form.get('tos') tos = s.split(',') content = request.form.get('content') subject = request.form.get('subject') send_mail(tos, subject, content) return jsonify({'resp': status}) elif request.method == 'GET': return jsonify({'resp': error}) else: return 'no data'
def main(): # mail smtp sender = u'*****@*****.**' subject = u'鹏博士机房ceph集群每日运行状态报告' session = smtp_conn('', 25, '*****@*****.**', 'xxxxxxxxxxx') content = get_ceph() if content: body = format_output(format_info(content)) send_mail(session, 'html', sender, ['*****@*****.**'], subject, body)
def test(): if request.method == 'POST': s = request.form.get('tos') tos = s.split(',') content = request.form.get('content') subject = request.form.get('subject') send_mail(tos,subject,content) return jsonify({'resp':status}) elif request.method == 'GET': return jsonify({'resp':error}) else: return 'no data'
def ssh_commnd(ip, port, username, passwd, redisbak_src, redisbak_dst, redis_port): save_time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S-%f") ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip, port, username, passwd) dump_dst = redisbak_dst + '/dump.rdb_' + ip + '_' + str( redis_port) + '_' + save_time appendonly_dst = redisbak_dst + '/appendonly.aof_' + ip + '_' + str( redis_port) + '_' + save_time dump_save = 'cp ' + redisbak_src + '/dump.rdb ' + dump_dst appendonly_save = 'cp ' + redisbak_src + '/appendonly.aof ' + appendonly_dst stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(dump_save) dump_status = 'succeed' for i in stderr.readlines(): dump_status = i if dump_status == 'succeed': success_conment = ip + '_' + redis_port + ' Redis dump.db persistent file backup successfully' log_write(access_log, ip, success_conment) else: faild_conment = ip + '_' + redis_port + local_ip + ' Redis dump.db persistence failed to backup file' log_write(log, dump_status, faild_conment) send_mail(mail_host, mail_user, mail_pass, mail_postfix, mail_addresser, to_list, 'reid_dump_bak_fiaid', faild_conment) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(appendonly_save) appendonly_status = 'succeed' for i in stderr.readlines(): appendonly_status = i if appendonly_status == 'succeed': success_conment = ip + '_' + redis_port + ' Redis appendonly.aof persistent file backup successfully' log_write(access_log, ip, success_conment) else: faild_conment = ip + '_' + redis_port + local_ip + ' Redis appendonly.aof persistence failed to backup file' log_write(log, appendonly_status, conment) send_mail(mail_host, mail_user, mail_pass, mail_postfix, mail_addresser, to_list, 'Redis_appendonly_bak_fiaid', faild_conment) ssh.close() result_list = [] result_list.append(dump_status) result_list.append(appendonly_status) return result_list
def send_tele_msg(): username, emailid, message = request.json.get( 'userName'), request.json.get('emailId'), request.json.get('message') chat_id = 158775078 text = f"""*Name*: {username}\n*MailID*: {emailid}\n*Message*:\n{message}""" res = tele_bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) sendmail.send_mail(username, emailid, text) return {'status': True}
def POST(self): web.header('Content-type','text/html') yield """<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>Reimbursement Mailer</title></head> <body onload="window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)">Loading...""" expenses = list('expense', where="type='reimbursement' AND completed=0")) # finance office emails table = """<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr><th>Date</th><th>Student</th><th>Email</th><th>Group(s)</th><th>Amount</th><th>Petty Cash</th></thead>""" keyfunc = lambda x : x.student for student_id, student_expenses in itertools.groupby(sorted(expenses, key=keyfunc), keyfunc): student ='student', {"id": student_id}, where="id=$id")[0] clubs = [] total = 0 for expense in student_expenses: club = get_club_by_expense(expense) clubs.append( total += expense.amount table += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % ( time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d", time.localtime(,, student_email(, "/".join(set(clubs)), currency(total, parens = False), "Yes" if abs(total) <= 2500 else "No") table += "</table>" msg=""" <p>The following student reimbursements are being submitted:</p> %s <p>Reply to this email if you have any followup questions.</p> <p>Thanks!<br> SAO Finance</p> """ % (table,) try: # send financial services mails sendmail.send_mail(sender="SAO Mailer <*****@*****.**>", to=[finance_email], cc=["*****@*****.**", "SAO Mailer <*****@*****.**>"], subject="Reimbursements Report " + time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"), body=msg, html = True) except Exception, e: yield "<h1>ERROR IN SENDING MAIL: " + str(e) + "</h1>" raise e
def GET(self,name): info = urllib.unquote(name).split('/') info = [i for i in info if i != ''] if len(info) < 3: return webmail.__doc__ try: print '' send_mail(info[:-2],info[-2],info[-1]) except: return 'Failed Send Mail' print info render = web.template.render('./') return render.pages(info[:-2],info[-2],info[-1])
def Notice(config, msg): content = '' content += '[Project]: ' + config['Project_name'] + '\n' content += '[server address]:%s\n' % config['server_address'] content += msg + '\n' content += ''' ================================================= 这是一封自动转发的邮件,用来通知大家服务器是否有更新, 如果有任何问题,请联系智刚。 ================================================= ''' send_mail(config['mailto_list'], config[ 'Project_name'] + u"代码有更新", content)
def main(): try: for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(FILE_PATH): for i in files: file = dirpath + i try:"Transferring file: " + i) insert_csv(file, i) except Exception, e: LOGGER.error(e) send_mail(SENDER, RECEIVERS, e) finally: os.remove(file)"File successfully removed from " + FILE_PATH + "\n" + "-" * 80)
def main(): global mail_content,port try: mail_content+="begin time: "+time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"\n" if len(port) == 1: backup(port[0]) else: for p in port: backup(p) mail_content+="end time: "+time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"\n" file_clear() disk_info() sendmail.send_mail(mailto_list, "mysqlbackup report for "+server, mail_content) except Exception,ex: print ex
def insert_csv(file, filename): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, database=DB, port=DB_PORT) cursor = cnx.cursor() with open(file, "rb") as f: thedata = curr_datetime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) sql = "INSERT INTO wyko_file(wyko_file,file_name,date_inserted) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" cursor.execute(sql, (thedata, filename, curr_datetime)) if cursor.rowcount != 0:"Transfer to database succesful!") cnx.commit() except (MySQLdb.OperationalError, MySQLdb.ProgrammingError), e: LOGGER.error(e) send_mail(SENDER, RECEIVERS, e)
def test(): html = ent_place.get(1.0, END) title = ent_title.get(1.0, END) number = ent_number.get(1.0, END) email = ent_email.get(1.0, END) password = ent_password.get(1.0, END) print(email, password) try: s.send_mail(html, root.filename, title, number, email, password) start_label = Label(root, text="Рассылка успешно доставлена") start_label.pack() except: start_label = Label( root, text="Что-то не вписала или не добавила Excel файл!!!") start_label.pack()
async def handle_DATA(self, server: SMTP, session: Session, envelope: Envelope) -> str: signal_numbers = [] mail_addresses = [] for addr in envelope.rcpt_tos: # a real email address cannot start with a special char if addr.startswith("+"): signal_numbers.append(addr) else: mail_addresses.append(addr) # send signal message if required if len(signal_numbers) > 0: print("Forwarding message to signal") success = await self.send_signal(envelope, signal_numbers) if not success: return "554 Sending signal message has failed" # send email if required if len(mail_addresses) == 0: return "250 Message accepted for delivery" else: envelope.rcpt_tos = mail_addresses print( f"Sending email via MTA. From: {envelope.mail_from} To: {envelope.rcpt_tos}" ) return send_mail( self.config["smtp_host"], int(self.config["smtp_port"]), self.config["smtp_user"], self.config["smtp_passwd"], envelope, )
def post(self): global xmyUri email=self.get_argument("user_email") """check if user exists""" if (not self.dbManager.check_user_exist(email)) or (self.dbManager.check_user_activated(email) and xmyUri != "/auth/login/forgetpasswd"): """Show no users""" xmyUri = '' self.redirect("/") return link=self.genLink(email) message="Please click "+self.webaddress+link+" to activate your account" #db.insert(link,email,date) self.dbManager.set_activate_events(email,link) sendmail.send_mail(email,"Activate your account",message) xmyUri = '' self.redirect("/")
def doFunc(logfile): mailto_list=['******','********']#收邮件人列表 #record_log(logfile,'有','邮件投递成功') time.sleep(doFirst()) xtfw=urlread.getxtfw() jwzx=urlread.getjwzx() dy2018=urlread.getdy2018() ismessage=(int(xtfw!='')|int(jwzx!='')|int(dy2018!='')) content=''#清空变量 if int(jwzx!=''): content=('<p>以下是今天的教务在线更新信息:</p>%s<p> </p>' %jwzx) #<p></p> if int(xtfw!=''): content=('%s<p>以下是今天的“校园综合协调服务管理平台”最新信息:</p>%s<p> </p>' %(content,xtfw)) content=('%s<p><a href="">教务在线首页</a></p>'%content) if int(dy2018!=''): content=('%s<p>电影天堂电影更新:</p>%s<p> </p>' %(content,dy2018)) if ismessage: content=('%s<p><a href="mailto:*******">如需取消,请点这里</a></p>'%content) content=('%s<p>***********</p><p> By wxj</p>'%content) #print(content) if sendmail.send_mail(mailto_list,"教务在线有新消息了!",content,'html'): #print ("邮件投递成功") record_log(logfile,ismessage,'邮件投递成功') else: #print ("邮件投递失败") record_log(logfile,ismessage,'邮件投递失败') #print ("do well!") else: record_log(logfile,ismessage,'无邮件投递')
def submit(): # user submiting form if request.method == 'POST': customer = request.form['customer'] dealer = request.form['dealer'] rating = request.form['rating'] comments = request.form['comments'] # print(customer, dealer, rating, comments) if customer == '' or dealer =='': return render_template('index.html', message='PLEASE enter info') if db.session.query(Feedback).filter(Feedback.customer == customer).count() == 0: data = Feedback(customer, dealer, rating, comments) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit() send_mail(customer, dealer, rating, comments) return render_template('success.html') return render_template('index.html', message='you already submitted feedback')
def select_2(): alias = ["经纪人/渠道", "姓名", "股票代码", "委托时间", "委托方向", "委托币种", "委托价格", "已成交数量"] sql = """ SELECT IFNULL(,d.channel_name) 经纪人, 姓名,stock_code 股票代码 ,entrust_datetime 委托时间,CASE WHEN entrust_bs=0 THEN '买' WHEN entrust_bs=1 THEN '卖' WHEN entrust_bs=2 THEN 'short' END 委托方向 ,CASE WHEN currency=0 THEN '港币' WHEN currency=1 THEN '美金' WHEN currency=2 THEN '人民币' END 委托币种 ,CASE WHEN entrust_order_type=1 THEN latest_filled_price WHEN entrust_order_type!=1 THEN entrust_price END 委托价格 ,filled_amount 已成交数量 FROM trade_entrust_order a LEFT JOIN customer_info b ON a.customer_no=b.customer_no LEFT JOIN broker_info c ON b.broker_id = LEFT JOIN channel_info d ON b.channel_id=d.channel_id WHERE a.local_order_type = 0 AND a.is_preview_order = 1 AND a.filled_amount!=0 """ db.query(sql, alias, '全量.csv') sendmail.send_mail(to_mail_list, u'全量.csv')
def main(): global mail_content try: if time.strftime("%H") == "00": back_type = 1 else: back_type = 0 mail_content += "begin time: " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" backup(back_type) mail_content += "end time: " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" file_clear() # print mail_content # disk_info() sendmail.send_mail(mailto_list, "mysqlbackup report for " + server, mail_content) except Exception, ex: print ex
def send_stat(): hh = humannum.humannum content = '<body>' content += ('<h2> Summary: </h2>' '<p> <b>uploaded bytes</b>: {bytes_uploaded} </p>' '<p> <b>uploaded files</b>: {uploaded_files} </p>' '<p> <b>uploaded speed</b>: {uploaded_speed} / s </p>' '<p> <b>start at</b> : {start_time} </p>' '<p> <b>end at</b> : {end_time} </p>' '<p> <b>spend</b> : {spend} seconds </p>' '<p> </p>').format( bytes_uploaded=hh(stat['bytes_uploaded']), uploaded_files=stat['uploaded_files'], uploaded_speed=hh(stat['uploaded_speed']), start_time=time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime(stat['start_time'])), end_time=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime(stat['end_time'])), spend=int(stat['end_time'] - stat['start_time']), ) failed_num = len(stat['failed_files']) if failed_num > 0: content += ('<h2> Failed Files: ' '<b style="color:red;">{n}</b></h2>').format(n=failed_num) for file_name, error in stat['failed_files'].items(): content += ('<h4> {file_name} : </h4>' '<p> {error} </p>').format( file_name=file_name, error=error, ) content += '</body>' subject = '[{tag}] Baishan Storage Daily Report {daily}'.format( tag='INFO' if failed_num <= 0 else 'WARN', daily=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()), ) try: sendmail.send_mail(['*****@*****.**'], subject, content) except Exception as e: logger.exception(repr(e))
def downECMWFdata(productname, **kwargs): ''' Only available in UNIX-platform, tested on CentOS. :param productname: :param kwargs: :return: ''' from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer server = ECMWFDataServer() # try to get the required key-values, or throw exception startdate = enddate = try: startdate = kwargs["startdate"] enddate = kwargs["enddate"] outpath = kwargs["workspace"] except KeyError: print ("downECMWFdata function must have the statdate, enddate, and workspace args.") savepath = outpath + os.sep + "" tmpdate = startdate.replace(day = 1) enddate = enddate.replace(day = 1) while tmpdate <= enddate: deltadays = GetDayNumber(tmpdate.year, tmpdate.month) - 1 tmpenddate = tmpdate + datetime.timedelta(days = deltadays) datestring = tmpdate.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '/to/' + tmpenddate.strftime("%Y%m%d") print (datestring) tmpsavepath = savepath % (datestring.replace('/to/', '-')) if os.path.exists(tmpsavepath): tmpdate = tmpenddate + datetime.timedelta(days = 1) continue server.retrieve({ "class" : "ei", "dataset": "interim", "date" : datestring, "expver" : "1", "grid" : "0.75/0.75", "levtype": "sfc", "param" : "50.128/142.128/143.128/167.128/228.128/239.128", "step" : "3/6/9/12", "stream" : "oper", "time" : "00:00:00/12:00:00", "type" : "fc", "format" : "netcdf", "target" : tmpsavepath, }) send_mail('zlj', 'zlj', "ECMWF Download report", "%s have been done!" % datestring) tmpdate = tmpenddate + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
def analyze_mysql_processlist(cur_dbmon): mail_text = '' table_head = ''' <table border="1" width="100%"> <tr><th colspan="8">Mysql Active Processlist</th></tr> ''' table_body = '' processlist_active_warning = 0 longquery_second = 0 try: sql = "select host,port,create_time,count(*) cnt from mysql_processlist group by host,port,create_time" cur_dbmon.execute(sql) g_result = cur_dbmon.fetchall() for g_line in g_result: sql = "select tags,p_user,p_host,p_db,command,time,status,info from mysql_processlist a where'%s' and a.port='%s' and a.create_time='%s' " % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[2]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) result = cur_dbmon.fetchall() if int(g_line[3]) >= processlist_active_warning: table_body += "<tr><td colspan='8'>DBInstanceId:%s | DBPORT:%s | CreateTime:%s | Active process number is %d.</td></tr>\n" % tuple( g_line) table_body += "<tr><td>TAGS</td><td>USER</td><td>CLIENT</td><td>DB</td><td>COMMAND</td><td>TIME</td><td>STATE</td><td>INFO</td></tr>\n" for line in result: table_body += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % tuple( line) else: table_head_tmp = '' table_body_tmp = '' table_head_tmp += "<tr><td colspan='8'>DBInstanceId:%s | DBPORT:%s | CreateTime:%s | Long query</td></tr>\n" % tuple( g_line[0:3]) table_head_tmp += "<tr><td>TAGS</td><td>USER</td><td>CLIENT</td><td>DB</td><td>COMMAND</td><td>TIME</td><td>STATE</td><td>INFO</td></tr>\n" for line in result: if line[6] > longquery_second: table_body_tmp += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % tuple( line) if table_body_tmp: table_body += table_head_tmp + table_body_tmp sql = "insert into mysql_processlist_history (server_id,host,port,tags,pid,p_user,p_host,p_db,command,time,status,info,create_time) select server_id,host,port,tags,pid,p_user,p_host,p_db,command,time,status,info,create_time from mysql_processlist where host='%s' and port='%s' and create_time='%s'" % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[2]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) sql = "delete from mysql_processlist where host='%s' and port='%s' and create_time='%s'" % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[2]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) if table_body: mail_text += table_head + table_body + "</table>" #print mail_text result = sendmail.send_mail("*****@*****.**", "mail_subject", mail_text) except Exception, e: print e print "analyze mysql processlist got error"
def GET(self): pars = web.input() username = pars['username'] rt = db.query('select * from user where username=$aa', vars={'aa':username}) for r in rt: email = r['email'] from sendmail import send_mail return send_mail(email, 'checkmail', 'please checkmail http://localhost:8080/checkingmail')
def main(): if check_mail(): output = subprocess.check_output( "kubectl get pods|awk 'NR>1{print $3}'", shell=True) lines = output.split('\n') for item in lines[0:-1]: print(item) if item != "Running": sendmail.send_mail('*****@*****.**', 'wsy123456', '*****@*****.**', "Message from", "Error pod status in") break else: pass else: print("sendmail module is not exists,please check it...")
def analyze_mongodb_currentop(cur_dbmon): mail_text = '' table_head = ''' <table border="1" width="100%"> <tr><th colspan="11">Mongodb Active Processlist</th></tr> ''' table_body = '' try: #sql = "select a.ServerId,b.Host,b.Description,a.CreateTime,count( cnt from mongodb_current_op a,mongodb_list b where a.ServerId=b.Id group by a.ServerId,a.CreateTime" sql = "select,a.port,a.CreateTime,count(*) cnt,a.uuid from mongodb_current_op a group by,a.port,a.uuid" processlist_active_warning = 0 longquery_second = 0 cur_dbmon.execute(sql) g_result = cur_dbmon.fetchall() for g_line in g_result: sql = "select a.Op_desc ,a.Secs_running ,a.Op ,a.Ns ,a.Op_query ,a.Op_insert ,a.Client ,a.Msg ,a.Locks ,a.WaitingForLock ,a.LockStats from mongodb_current_op a where = '%s' and a.port='%s' and a.uuid = '%s'" % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[4]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) result = cur_dbmon.fetchall() if int(g_line[3]) >= processlist_active_warning: table_body += "<tr><td colspan='11'>Server:%s | DB_PORT:%s | ServerTime:%s | Active process number is %d.</td></tr>\n" % tuple( g_line[0:4]) table_body += "<td>Op_desc</td><td>Secs_running</td><td>Op</td><td>Ns</td><td>Op_query</td><td>Op_insert</td><td>Client</td><td>Msg</td><td>Locks</td><td>WaitingForLock</td><td>LockStats</td></tr>\n" for line in result: table_body += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % tuple( line) else: table_head_tmp = '' table_body_tmp = '' table_head_tmp += "<tr><td colspan='11'>Server:%s | DB_PORT:%s | ServerTime:%s | Long query</td></tr>\n" % tuple( g_line[0:3]) table_head_tmp += "<td>Op_desc</td><td>Secs_running</td><td>Op</td><td>Ns</td><td>Op_query</td><td>Op_insert</td><td>Client</td><td>Msg</td><td>Locks</td><td>WaitingForLock</td><td>LockStats</td></tr>\n" for line in result: if line[1] > longquery_second: table_body_tmp += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % tuple( line) if table_body_tmp: table_body += table_head_tmp + table_body_tmp sql = "insert into mongodb_current_op_his(host,port,Op_desc ,Secs_running ,Op ,Ns ,Op_query ,Op_insert ,Client ,Msg ,Locks ,WaitingForLock ,LockStats ,CreateTime,uuid) select host,port,Op_desc ,Secs_running ,Op ,Ns ,Op_query ,Op_insert ,Client ,Msg ,Locks ,WaitingForLock ,LockStats ,CreateTime,uuid from mongodb_current_op where host='%s' and port='%s' and uuid='%s'" % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[4]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) sql = "delete from mongodb_current_op where host='%s' and port='%s' and uuid='%s'" % ( g_line[0], g_line[1], g_line[4]) cur_dbmon.execute(sql) if table_body: mail_text += table_head + table_body + "</table>" result = sendmail.send_mail("*****@*****.**", "mail_subject", mail_text) except Exception, e: print "analyze_mongodb_currentop got error:%s" % e
def send_email_notification(camera_config, files): import socket import sendmail import tzctl import smtplib logging.debug('sending animation email') try: subject = sendmail.subjects['motion_end'] message = sendmail.messages['motion_start'] format_dict = { 'camera': camera_config['@name'], 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'moment':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), } if settings.LOCAL_TIME_FILE: format_dict['timezone'] = tzctl.get_time_zone() else: format_dict['timezone'] = 'local time' message = message % format_dict subject = subject % format_dict sendmail.send_mail( camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_smtp_server'], int(camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_smtp_port']), camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_smtp_account'], camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_smtp_password'], camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_smtp_tls'], camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_from'], [camera_config['@animation_email_notifications_addresses']], subject=subject, message=message, files=files) logging.debug('animation email succeeded') except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, smtplib.SMTPResponseException): msg = e.smtp_error else: msg = str(e) logging.error('animation email failed: %s' % msg, exc_info=True)
def send_password(user, passwd): from sendmail import send_mail from django.template import loader, Context recipient = '<%(name)s> %(email)s' % {'name': user.get_full_name(), 'email':} recipient = sender = '<%(name)s> %(email)s' % {'name': settings.DEFAULT_FROM_NAME, 'email': settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL} sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL subject = _(u'Password recovery') message = loader.get_template( 'profile/' + settings.EMAIL_RECOVER_PASSWORD).render( Context( {'passwd': passwd})) send_mail(recipient_list=[recipient], from_email=sender, subject=subject, message=message)
def main(): global mail_content, port try: mail_content += "begin time: " + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" if len(port) == 1: backup(port[0]) else: for p in port: backup(p) mail_content += "end time: " + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" file_clear() disk_info() sendmail.send_mail(mailto_list, "mysqlbackup report for " + server, mail_content) except Exception, ex: print ex
def main(): setup() initalizeInterrupts() masterQueue = initMasterQueue() GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.LOW) #set it to low on start up while True: if queue.getQueue() == masterQueue.getQueue( ): # if the last 4 inputs inputted by the buttons are equal to the master key GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.HIGH) send_mail() queue.dequeue() queue.dequeue() queue.dequeue() queue.dequeue() else: GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.LOW)
def GET(self): pars = web.input() username = pars['username'] rt = db.query('select * from user where username=$aa', vars={'aa':username}) for r in rt: password = r['password'] email = r['email'] content ='your password is '+password from sendmail import send_mail return send_mail(email, 'findpassword', content)
def main(): global mail_content try: if time.strftime('%H') == "00": back_type = 1 else: back_type = 0 mail_content += "begin time: " + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" backup(back_type) mail_content += "end time: " + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" file_clear() #print mail_content #disk_info() sendmail.send_mail(mailto_list, "mysqlbackup report for " + server, mail_content) except Exception, ex: print ex
def MailButtonAction(): global maildatalist, mailflag, AddrLabel1, AddrLabel2, AddrLabel3 senderAddr = Spammodule.getGmailId() password = Spammodule.getGmailPass() recAddr = '' if mailflag == 0: recAddr = AddrLabel1.get() elif mailflag == 4: recAddr = AddrLabel3.get() else: recAddr = AddrLabel2.get() print(maildatalist) if len(maildatalist) > 0: sendmail.send_mail(senderAddr, password, recAddr, maildatalist, mailflag)
def set_attach_to_forum(cookie, site=""): page = send_mail("{}settings.php?op=5&id=3".format(site), cookie, []) if page: lst = page.split("<tr>")[1:-1] L = [] for i in lst: mo ="name *= *'([^']+)'", i) if not mo: continue name = mo ="checked *= *'([^']+)'", i) if mo: # Опция уже включена на сайте. if name == "forumupl" and == "checked": return True L.append((name, "1")) L.extend( [ ("forumupl", "1"), ("op", "1"), ("id", "3"), ("submit", "Сохранить") ] ) page = send_mail("{0}settings.php?op=5&id=3".format(site), L) if page is None: return None # ошибка соединения elif page == 0: return None # ошибка авторизации else: page = page.split("<h4") if len(page) < 2: raise else: return page[1].split(">")[1].split("</h")[0].decode( "cp1251").encode("utf-8")
def checkWebFenjianli(url, exceptinfo): #检测纷简历网站是否正常访问 max_num = 10 for i in range(max_num): try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) htmlcontent ='utf-8', 'ignore') if '关于纷简历' in htmlcontent: return 'Y' else: logging.error("纷简历网站内容错误!") sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) return 'N' except urllib2.URLError, e: if i < max_num - 1: continue else: logging.error(e.reason) logging.error(sys.exc_info()) sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) return 'N'
def checkWebInfo(url, webcontent, exceptinfo): max_num = 10 for i in range(max_num): try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) response ='utf-8', 'ignore') if (response != webcontent): sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) logging.error("接口返回内容不等于" + webcontent) return 'N' else: return 'Y' except urllib2.URLError, e: if i < max_num - 1: continue else: logging.error(e.reason) logging.error(sys.exc_info()) sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) return 'N'
def main(): if GPIO.input(Laser) == False: print("Laser Detected") time.sleep(3) measure1 = usonic.measure(Trig, Echo) measure2 = usonic.measure(Trig2, Echo2) print(measure1, measure2) date = cur_date = str(date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) cur_time = str(date.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) img_name = "{0} {1}.jpg".format(cur_date, cur_time) m1 = ( measure1 / 32)*100 m2 = ( measure2 / 26)*100 avg = int((m1+m2)/2) json_data = { "latest":{ "file":str(cur_date+"/"+img_name), "date":cur_date, "time":cur_time }, "measure1":m1, "measure2":m2, "avg":avg } with open("data.json",'w') as json_out: json.dump(json_data, json_out) json_out.close() print(img_name) relay.relay(Relay, 0) cam.camera_take(image_save_dir+img_name) time.sleep(1) relay.relay(Relay, 1) upload_blob(bucket_name, "data.json", "data.json") upload_blob(bucket_name, image_save_dir+img_name, str(image_save_dir+cur_date+"/"+img_name)) body = "Your mailbox was triggered on {0} {1}\nYou can view more info on".format(cur_date, cur_time) sendmail.send_mail("IOT Mailbox got Mail", body)
def checkSolrInfo(url, exceptinfo): max_num = 10 for i in range(max_num): try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) response ='utf-8', 'ignore') json_data = json.loads(response) if json_data['response']['numFound'] != 0: return 'Y' else: logging.error(exceptinfo) sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) return 'N' except urllib2.URLError, e: if i < max_num - 1: continue else: logging.error(e.reason) logging.error(sys.exc_info()) sendmail.send_mail(exceptinfo) return 'N'
def sendmail_2(): sub='美国江森自控安防系统产品资料' html_content = '''<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=GB2312"></HEAD><BODY> <div class="gmail_quote"><div style="line-height:1.7;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:arial"> <div>您好!<br> 美国江森自控安防系统产品请看附件!<br><br> </div> <div><div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.7;font-family:arial;font-size:14px"> <div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.7;font-family:arial;font-size:14px"><div><div> <div>顺颂商祺!</div> <div>于卓琼</div> <div>市场总监</div> <div>T: 021-64512509 C:13501693190 E: <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a></div> <div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div> <div> <div><span style="line-height:21px;font-family:Simsun">A more confortable, safe and sustainable world</span></div> <div>-----------------------------------------------<br style="line-height:21px;font-family:Simsun"> <span style="line-height:21px;font-family:Simsun">江森自控上海总代理</span></div> <div><span style="line-height:21px;font-family:Simsun">19:24:09 2011-12-12</span></div></div></div></div></div></div> <div style="background:rgb(222,232,242);padding:4px;clear:both;font-family:verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:15px"> <div style="padding:4px 8px 8px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px"><b>从网易163邮箱发来的超大附件</b></div><div style="background:rgb(255,255,255);padding:4px"> <div style="padding:6px 4px;min-height:36px;clear:both"> <div style="width:36px;float:left"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="cid:ico-bfile-6.gif" border="0"></a></div> <div><div style="padding:0px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px"> <a style="color:rgb(0,0,0);text-decoration:none" href="" target="_blank">江森产品.rar</a> <span style="color:rgb(187,187,187)"> (60.57M, 2011年12月27日 19:39 到期)</span> </div> <div style="padding:4px 0px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px"> <a href="" target="_blank">下载</a> </div> </div></div></div></div> <br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span></span></span></div></div><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span></span></span></div><br> </BODY></HTML> ''' mailto_list=utils.getMailList('maillist.txt') userList = utils.getUser('') userSize = len(userList) for to in mailto_list: user=userList[random.randint(0,userSize-1)]; ( "%s start send %s" % (user.username,to)) sendmail.send_mail( , user.username , user.password , to, sub ,'' ,html_content,['ico-bfile-6.gif']) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) "finish")
def sendmail_1(): sub='美国江森自控安防系统上海总代理-上海希宸经贸有限公司诚邀垂询' html_content = '''<html><body> <b>详情请点击访问 <a href=''></a> <br><br> <img alt="" src="cid:johnson.jpg" style="border: none;" /> 详情请点击访问 <a href=''></a> <br><br><br><br></b> ------------------------------------------------<br> 江森自控上海总代 </body></html> ''' mailto_list=utils.getMailList('maillist.txt') userList = utils.getUser('') userSize = len(userList) for to in mailto_list: user=userList[random.randint(0,userSize-1)]; ( "%s start send %s" % (user.username,to)) sendmail.send_mail( , user.username , user.password , to, sub ,'' ,html_content,['johnson.jpg']) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) "finish")
def check_waiting_list(waitings): for url, info in waitings.iteritems(): if info['hit'] < -10: info['hit'] += 1 continue req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) the_page = product_name = pm_id = #print product_name, pm_id req = urllib2.Request(ajax_url % pm_id, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) json = details = curr_price = float( market_price = float( yhd_price = float( prom_price = float( stock_num = int( remain_time = int( // 1000 #print curr_price, ops subject = '%s 当前价格%0.2f元,库存%d件, 剩余时间%d时%d分' % \ (product_name, curr_price, stock_num, remain_time/3600, (remain_time % 3600) // 60) content = '%s %s' % (subject, url) print subject if info['price'] == 0: if info['hit'] >= 0: info['price'] = curr_price print 'update product price' else: info['hit'] += 1 elif curr_price < info['price']: if info['hit'] >= 5: if send_mail(subject, content): print '发送通知成功 %s' % subject info['hit'] = -1000 else: print '发送通知失败 %s' % subject else: info['hit'] += 1 info['update'] = time.time() elif time.time() - info['update'] > 120.0: info['hit'] = 0 time.sleep(10)
def post(self): # Handle response to feedback data. sender_name = self.request.get('name') description = self.request.get('description') sender_email = self.request.get('email') lang = self.request.get('language', 'burmese') encoding = self.request.get('encoding', 'DEFAULT ENCODING') font = self.request.get('font', 'notosans') comment = self.request.get('commment', 'DEFAULT COMMENT') sampleText = self.request.get('sampleText', 'SAMPLE TEXT')'Feedback input = %s %s %s' % (lang, font, sampleText)) # Create the ErrorReport newReport = ErrorReport() newReport.submitterName = sender_name newReport.submitterMail = sender_email newReport.encoding = encoding newReport.language = lang newReport.comment = comment newReport.font = font newReport.sampleText = sampleText # Write to datastore. newReport.put()'Sender: %s (%s)\n' % (sender_name, sender_email))"Description received = '%s'\n" % description) email_body = ('sender: %s (%s)\n \nDescription: %s\n' % (sender_name, sender_email, description)) result = sendmail.send_mail('', None, '*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**', 'Feedback', email_body, False) template_values = { 'language': lang, 'sampleText': sampleText, 'font': font, 'encoding': encoding, 'result': result }"EMail result: %s\n" % (result)) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sendfeedback.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
wb = Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('In-Out Summary') write_header(ws) today = days = 7 start_day = today - one_hour * 24 * days row = 2 for i in range(days): handle_one_day(start_day + i * 24 * one_hour, ws, row) row += 24 conn.disconnect() dir_path = tempfile.gettempdir() file_name = 'WK{} IOSummary.xls'.format(today.strftime('%W')) file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) from sendmail import send_mail subject = 'Engineering Asset IO Weekly Summary' fmt = '%Y-%m-%d 08:00' body = '<h1>Time Range:<br /> {} - {}</h1>' body = body.format(start_day.strftime(fmt), today.strftime(fmt), ) kwargs = dict(attachments=[file_path], to=['Lisa.Ramos', 'Elva.Shao'], bcc=['Colin.Qi', 'Sucre.Su'], ) send_mail(subject, body, **kwargs) os.remove(file_path)
import time mail_list=['*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**'] if __name__ == '__main__': try: f=open('/home/alenma/workspace/quote/quotecode.txt','r') line=f.readline() quotes=[] while line: data=line.split('|') q=Quote(data[0],data[1],int(data[2]),float(data[3])) quotes.append(q) line=f.readline() finally: if f: f.close() up=0 while up<=10: for i in quotes: price=sinaquote.getprice(i.code)+up rate=i.getrate(price) if rate>=0.2: subject="%s(%s)'s price is %s,rate is %f" %(,i.code,price,rate) content="%s(%s) 's price is %s,rate is %f" %(,i.code,price,rate) sendmail.send_mail(mail_list,subject,content) time.sleep(10) time.sleep(10) up+=1
def POST(self): #导入sendmail。py 的send_mail 方法 from sendmail import send_mail return send_mail('*****@*****.**', 'test', 'test111')
def __init__(self, cfgfile): self.cfgfile = cfgfile config = configparser.ConfigParser() username = config['DEFAULT']['username'] senderadress = config['DEFAULT']['senderadress'] mailhost = config['DEFAULT']['mailhost'] port = config['DEFAULT']['port'] subject = config['DEFAULT']['subject'] note = config['DEFAULT']['note'] # determine number of required fmtstr's in message message = config['DEFAULT']['message'] numfmtstrs = len(re.findall('{}',message)) recipients = eval(config['RECIPIENTS']['recipients']) logger.debug('username: {}\n' 'senderadress: {}\n' 'mailhost: {}\n' 'port: {}\n' 'subject: {}\n' 'note: {}\n' 'message: {}\n' 'numfmtstrs: {}\n' 'recipients: {}'.format(username,senderadress,mailhost,port, subject,note,message,numfmtstrs, recipients)) for recipient in recipients: data = recipient.strip().split() try: mail_dest = data[0] fmtstrs = data[1:numfmtstrs+1] attachments = data[numfmtstrs+1:] logger.debug('mail_dest: {}\n' 'fmtstrs: {}\n' 'attachments: {}'.format(mail_dest,fmtstrs,attachments)) if(len(fmtstrs) != numfmtstrs): raise IndexError fmtmessage = message.format(*fmtstrs) logger.debug('fmtmessage: {}'.format(fmtmessage)) send_mail(senderadress, mail_dest, subject, fmtmessage, files=attachments, server=mailhost, user=username, password=None, port=port, note=note) except IndexError as e: logger.warning('Skipping wrongly formated data {}: {}\n{}'.format(data,fmtstrs,e)) continue except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error sending {}: {}'.format(data,e)) continue'Mail to {} successfully send.'.format(mail_dest))
try: for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(FILE_PATH): for i in files: file = dirpath + i try:"Transferring file: " + i) insert_csv(file, i) except Exception, e: LOGGER.error(e) send_mail(SENDER, RECEIVERS, e) finally: os.remove(file)"File successfully removed from " + FILE_PATH + "\n" + "-" * 80) except Exception, e: LOGGER.error(e) send_mail(SENDER, RECEIVERS, e) # break def schedler(): # try:"Application starts running\n" + "-" * 80) while True: # print time.time() s.enter(5, 1, main, ()) # #for multi-threaded environments # Timer(5, __main__, ()).start() # time.sleep(10) # sleep while time-delay events execute # print time.time() # except KeyboardInterrupt:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import psutil import re import os import sendmail a=[] c=[] def process(x): p = psutil.pids() for i in p: pid=psutil.Process(i) name = str( if re.match(x, name): a.append('%i' %i) try: process('java') if len(a) < 16: for g in a: pid=psutil.Process(int(g)) l=pid.cwd() if re.match("^.*\-tdx.*$", l): c.append('%i' %int(g)) sendmail.send_mail('[email protected]','交易程序故障报警','现有进程数:%i\ntdx进程数:%i' %(len(a),len(c))) sendmail.send_mail('[email protected]','交易程序故障报警','现有进程数:%i\ntdx进程数:%i' %(len(a),len(c))) sendmail.send_mail('[email protected]','交易程序故障报警','现有进程数:%i\ntdx进程数:%i' %(len(a),len(c))) except Exception as e: sendmail.send_mail('*****@*****.**','交易程序故障报警','监控程序异常,请处理\nerror%s' %e)
def send_mail(self,tolist,content): import sendmail tolist = tolist.split(',') sendmail.send_mail(tolist,u'报警通知',content) self.task.getLog().debug('send mail ok')
track_hits = 0 for t in tracked_cases.keys(): last_status = tracked_cases[t][0] cur_status = tracked_cases[t][1] if last_status != cur_status: track_hits = track_hits + 1 case_status_body += 'Case [%s] being tracked has changed from [%s] to [%s]\n' %( t, last_status, cur_status) else: case_status_body += 'Case [%s] status remains unchanged\n' %t case_status_subject = 'Visa case status' if track_hits: case_status_subject += ' (Tracked cases hits: %d)' %track_hits return (case_status_subject, case_status_body) subject, body = parse_221g(last_case_txt_file, cur_case_txt_file) # dump the body to a case status file for a sample mail format # also dump the date and issued count to a file that can serve as an input # to the matplotlib plotter file file('case_status', 'w').write(body) num_issued = 0 if case_status_map.has_key('issued'): num_issued = len(case_status_map['issued']) file('case_status_graph.dat', 'a').write(case_datetime + ' ' + str(num_issued) + '\n') send_mail('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', subject, body)
if now>=start: alertsold=alerts print try: stimmen_200, stimmen_target=check_votes() spread.write_log(, stimmen_200, stimmen_target, stimmen_target - stimmen_200) with open('log.txt', 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('{},{},{},{} \n'.format(, stimmen_200, stimmen_target, stimmen_target - stimmen_200)) if stimmen_target<stimmen_200-20: print "Too few votes, gogogo!" text="Stimmen Platz 200: {}\nStimmen Eigener Verein: {}\nDifferenz: {}\n".format(stimmen_200,stimmen_target,stimmen_target-stimmen_200) print text subject="Alert: too few Votes at ING!" if now>=nextalert: send_mail(from_adress,from_password,to_adress,text,subject,True) alerts+=1 else: print "Vote difference big enough - waiting..." except urllib2.URLError: print "Website not available" subject="Alert: ING Website not available" text="\n" send_mail(from_adress,from_password,to_adress,text,subject,True) alerts+=1 start=now+check_intervall if alerts!=alertsold: nextalert+=dt.timedelta(hours=24) time.sleep(1)
tr_style=mt.tr_style, td_style=mt.td_style, ) ) for i, sp in enumerate(sorted(sps)): body.append('<tr>') body.append( + 1, **css)) body.append(['code'], **css)) body.append(['name'], **css)) body.append(['min_store'], **css)) body.append(['max_store'], **css)) body.append(['store_good'], **css)) body.append(['store_bad'], **css)) body.append(['out_good'], **css)) body.append(['out_bad'], **css)) body.append('</tr>') body.append(mt.footer) body.append('<br /><br />') body.append(line) body.append('<br />') body.append(remark) send_mail(subject=subject, body=''.join(body), author=author, to=to_list, ) utils.close_connection(conn)