def test_15_public_indexing(self): # Check that public records are indexed correctly source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source) apc_record1 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() apc_record2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() del apc_record1["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] apc_record1["amount_ex_vat_gbp"] = 1000 apc_record1["vat_gbp"] = 200 apc_record1["additional_costs"] = 100 apc_record2["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] = 2400 apc_record2["amount_ex_vat_gbp"] = 2000 apc_record2["vat_gbp"] = 400 apc_record2["additional_costs"] = 200 pub.apc_records = [apc_record1, apc_record2] pub.prep() # first check that the amount_inc_vat_gbp was calculated or kept assert pub.apc_records[0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] == 1200 # now check all the indexed amounts add up assert"index", {}).get("additional_costs") == 300 assert"index", {}).get("vat") == 600 assert"index", {}).get("amount_ex_vat") == 3000 assert"index", {}).get("amount_inc_vat") == 3600 assert"index", {}).get("grand_total") == 3900
def test_04_pull_public(self): # Pull a PublicAPC through the ApiRequest object acc = MonitorUKAccount() = "abcdefghij" acc2 = MonitorUKAccount() = "qwerty" # make a competing public version, and check that a pull on the doi works pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(pub_source) result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc) assert result.raw == pub.clean_record assert == assert result.public_id == craw = deepcopy(pub.clean_record) craw["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT") assert json.loads(result.json()) == craw # also try the pull with the wrong owner, which should work result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc2) assert result is not None
def test_03_public(self): # Check we can instantiate and work with a PublicAPC # first make a blank one pub = PublicAPC() # now make one around the fixture source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source) # make one with a broken source broken = {"whatever" : "broken"} with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException): pub = PublicAPC(broken) # now make one bit by bit pub = PublicAPC() pub.record = source.get("record") pub.set_apc_ref("test1", "1111111111") apc_refs = pub.get_apc_refs("test1") assert len(apc_refs) == 1 assert apc_refs[0] == "1111111111" # now make it broken pub = PublicAPC() with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException): pub.record = {"random" : "stuff"}
def test_02_find_public_record(self): # Find a public record with a variety of identifiers source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source) # document to form the basis of the queries source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.example() # create sources with one of each kind of identifier, then look them up using the # find_public_record and find_public_record_by_identifier methods pid = deepcopy(source2) del pid["record"]["dc:identifier"] req = Request(pid) req.public_id = pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is not None doi = deepcopy(source2) doi["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/me"}] req = Request(doi) pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is not None pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me") assert pub11 is not None pmid = deepcopy(source2) pmid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmid", "id": "87654321"}] req = Request(pmid) pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is not None pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321") assert pub11 is not None pmcid = deepcopy(source2) pmcid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmcid", "id": "PMC1234"}] req = Request(pmcid) pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is not None pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234") assert pub11 is not None url = deepcopy(source2) url["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "url", "id": ""}] req = Request(url) pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is not None pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("url", "") assert pub11 is not None # finally, ensure that you don't get a match when you shouldn't null = deepcopy(source2) null["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/another"}] req = Request(null) pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req) assert pub1 is None pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/another") assert pub11 is None
def test_03_publish_new(self): # Publish a new request source = RequestFixtureFactory.example() req = Request(source) pub = PublicApi.publish(req) dao = PublicAPC() pub2 = dao.pull( assert pub2 is not None
def test_09_remove_permanent(self): # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving no owners, thus deleting the record source = RequestFixtureFactory.example() req = Request(source) req.owner = "test" # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source2) pub.remove_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg") # clear the existing apc record apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() del apc_record["ref"] # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record) # add a new, known one # now request the removal PublicApi.remove(req) time.sleep(2) dao = PublicAPC() pub2 = dao.pull( assert pub2 is None
def test_12_publish_enhancement(self): # Publish an Enhancement where no public record exists source = EnhancementFixtureFactory.example() en = Enhancement(source) pub = PublicApi.publish(en) # check that no public record was saved assert is None dao = PublicAPC() pubs = [p for p in dao.iterall()] assert len(pubs) == 0
def test_06_publish_update(self): # Publish an update to an existing PublicAPC merge_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_source() merge_target = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_target() apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() result = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_result() del merge_source["jm:apc"] del merge_target["jm:apc"] del result["jm:apc"] first = deepcopy(apc_record) second = deepcopy(apc_record) third = deepcopy(apc_record) first["organisation_name"] = "First" del first["ref"] second["organisation_name"] = "Second" del second["ref"] third["organisation_name"] = "Third" del third["ref"] req = Request() req.record = merge_source req.add_apc_record(first) req.owner = "11111" pub = PublicAPC() pub.record = merge_target pub.add_apc_for_owner("22222", second) pub.add_apc_for_owner("11111", third) PublicApi.publish(req) dao = PublicAPC() pub2 = dao.pull( # first check that the apcs are as we would expect one = pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("11111") two = pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("22222") assert len(one) == 1 assert len(two) == 1 assert one[0]["organisation_name"] == "First" assert two[0]["organisation_name"] == "Second" # now check that the metadata merge proceeded correctly record = pub2.record del record["jm:apc"] assert record == result
def find_public_record(cls, req): """ Find a single public record which could be considered the same as the document in the supplied request. This will look at identifiers in the following order of precedence: 1. by public id 2. By DOI 3. By PMID 4. By PMCID 5. By URL If more than one match is made at any point, a warning will be written to the logs, and the first result (which is basically arbitrary) will be returned. :param req: Request object containing data to be used to find the public record :return: The public record, or None if no candidate found """ dao = PublicAPC() if req.public_id is not None: pub = dao.pull(req.public_id) if pub is not None: return pub if req.doi is not None: pub = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", req.doi) if pub is not None: return pub if req.pmid is not None: pub = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmid", req.pmid) if pub is not None: return pub if req.pmcid is not None: pub = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmcid", req.pmcid) if pub is not None: return pub if req.url is not None: pub = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("url", req.url) if pub is not None: return pub # if we get to here, there is no record for this id return None
def make_new_jobs(cls): """ Send new requests to lantern, and record the jobs that are created. This method looks for accounts who have Lantern credentials, looks for PublicAPC records belonging to those accounts which could benefit from lookup in Lantern, :return: """ dao = PublicAPC() gen = MonitorUKAccount.list_lantern_enabled(keepalive="1h") for acc in gen: gen2 = dao.list_by_owner( identifiers = [] for apc in gen2: if LanternApi._needs_lantern_data(apc): idents = LanternApi._get_identifiers(apc) if idents is not None: identifiers.append(idents) apc.lantern_lookup = # if there are no identifiers, no need to do any more if len(identifiers) == 0: continue # now check the user's quota lc = client.Lantern(api_key=acc.lantern_api_key) quota = lc.get_quota(acc.lantern_email) available = quota.get("data", {}).get("available", 0) if available == 0: continue if len(identifiers) > available: identifiers = identifiers[:available] batches = LanternApi._batch(identifiers) for batch in batches: resp = lc.create_job(acc.lantern_email, "monitor-uk", batch) if resp.get("status") == "success": job_id = resp.get("data", {}).get("job") lj = LanternJob() lj.job_id = job_id lj.account = lj.status = "active"
def test_07_separate_records(self): # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() req = Request() req.owner = "test" pub = PublicAPC() pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record) pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record) assert len(pub.apc_records) == 2 PublicApi.separate_records(req, pub) assert not pub.has_apcs()
def test_05_pull_then_update(self): # Pull a record through the ApiRequest object and then udpate it acc = MonitorUKAccount() = "abcdefghij" pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() del pub_source["id"] pub = PublicAPC(pub_source) pub_source2 = deepcopy(pub_source.get("record")) pub_source2["dc:title"] = "An update" result = ApiRequest.pull(, account=acc) result.update(pub_source2) assert result.raw == pub_source2 assert ==
def find_public_record_by_identifier(cls, type, id): """ Find a single public record which corresponds to the given identifier. If more than one record are present, this will return the first one encountered, which is essentially random. :param type: the identifier type (e.g. doi, pmid, pmcid, url) :param id: the identifier :return: a PublicAPC record if one is found otherwise None """ dao = PublicAPC() if type == "doi": pubs = dao.find_by_doi(id) if len(pubs) > 1: app.logger.warn(u"Multiple public records found for DOI {x}".format(x=id)) return None if len(pubs) > 0: return pubs[0] if type == "pmid": pubs = dao.find_by_pmid(id) if len(pubs) > 1: app.logger.warn(u"Multiple public records found for PMID {x}".format(x=id)) return None if len(pubs) > 0: return pubs[0] if type == "pmcid": pubs = dao.find_by_pmcid(id) if len(pubs) > 1: app.logger.warn(u"Multiple public records found for PMCID {x}".format(x=id)) return None if len(pubs) > 0: return pubs[0] if type == "url": pubs = dao.find_by_url(id) if len(pubs) > 1: app.logger.warn(u"Multiple public records found for URL {x}".format(x=id)) return None if len(pubs) > 0: return pubs[0]
def test_14_copy_overwrite(self): # Check the copy and overwrite cloning methods work source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source) pub2 = pub.copy() assert pub2.record == pub.record assert pub2.admin == pub.admin assert == source3 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() source3["record"]["dc:title"] = "Overwrite" pub3 = PublicAPC(source3) pub2.overwrite(pub3) assert pub2.record == pub3.record assert pub2.admin == pub3.admin assert ==
def test_06_get_id(self): # Get the operative ID of a record acc = MonitorUKAccount() = "abcdefghij" source = RequestFixtureFactory.record() # first, provide a record which has a doi, and ensure that's the id we get back req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc) assert == "10.1234/me" # now make a public record, and check we get the right ids for it pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() del pub_source["id"] del pub_source["record"]["dc:identifier"] pub = PublicAPC(pub_source) result = ApiRequest.pull(, account=acc) assert == assert == result.public_id
def test_05_enhance_metadata(self): # Enhance the bibliographic metadata on a PublicAPC record merge_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_source() merge_target = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_target() result = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_result() source = PublicAPC() source.record = merge_source source.set_apc_ref("22222", "bbbbb") target = PublicAPC() target.record = merge_target target.set_apc_ref("11111", "aaaaa") PublicApi.enhance_metadata(source, target) assert target.record == result assert target.get_apc_refs("11111") == ["aaaaa"] assert target.get_apc_refs("22222") == []
def test_08_remove_separate(self): # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving only one owner behind source = RequestFixtureFactory.example() req = Request(source) req.owner = "test" # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() del apc_record["ref"] # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later pub = PublicAPC(source2) pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record) # now request the removal PublicApi.remove(req) time.sleep(2) dao = PublicAPC() pub2 = dao.pull( assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("test")) == 0 assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg")) == 1
def test_05_low_quota(self): # Check what happens when the use has a low quota on Lantern global QUOTA QUOTA = 1 acc2 = MonitorUKAccount() = "*****@*****.**" acc2.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**" acc2.lantern_api_key = "123456789" # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000)) # a year ago del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) LanternApi.make_new_jobs() time.sleep(2) dao = LanternJob() jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()] assert len(jobs) == 1 assert len(CREATED_JOBS) == 1 job = CREATED_JOBS[0] assert job["email"] == "*****@*****.**" assert len(job["list"]) == 1
def test_04_create_job(self): # Check we can create jobs correctly acc1 = MonitorUKAccount() = "*****@*****.**" acc2 = MonitorUKAccount() = "*****@*****.**" acc2.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**" acc2.lantern_api_key = "123456789" acc3 = MonitorUKAccount() = "*****@*****.**" acc3.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**" acc3.lantern_api_key = "987654321" # a record which does not need lantern source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000)) # a year ago del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern but has no identifiers source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000)) # a year ago del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] del source["record"]["dc:identifier"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record which does not need lantern source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000)) # a year ago del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] pub = PublicAPC(source) # a record that needs lantern but has no identifiers source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(, None, None, None) source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000)) # a year ago del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"] del source["record"]["dc:identifier"] pub = PublicAPC(source) LanternApi.make_new_jobs() time.sleep(2) dao = LanternJob() jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()] assert len(jobs) == 2 assert len(CREATED_JOBS) == 2 count = 0 for job in CREATED_JOBS: if job["email"] == "*****@*****.**": count += 1 assert len(job["list"]) == 2 elif job["email"] == "*****@*****.**": count += 10 assert len(job["list"]) == 2 assert count == 11 # now do the same thing again. The jobs should not change, as we've already created jobs # for all the public records LanternApi.make_new_jobs() time.sleep(2) jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()] assert len(jobs) == 2
def test_04_merge_public_apcs(self): # Merge two PublicAPC records together source_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() target_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() # first try a merge with no apc records (this shouldn't ever happen in normal operation) ss1 = deepcopy(source_source) del ss1["record"]["jm:apc"] source1 = PublicAPC(ss1) ts1 = deepcopy(target_source) del ts1["record"]["jm:apc"] target1 = PublicAPC(ts1) result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source1, target1) assert len(result.apc_records) == 0 # next try a merge with only apc records in the source (again, shouldn't really happen in real life) ss2 = deepcopy(source_source) source2 = PublicAPC(ss2) ts2 = deepcopy(target_source) del ts2["record"]["jm:apc"] target2 = PublicAPC(ts2) result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source2, target2) assert len(result.apc_records) == 1 # next try a merge with only apc records in the target (also shouldn't happen in real life) ss3 = deepcopy(source_source) source3 = PublicAPC(ss3) ts3 = deepcopy(target_source) del ts3["record"]["jm:apc"] target3 = PublicAPC(ts3) result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source3, target3) assert len(result.apc_records) == 1 # finally try a merge with the following criteria: # replacements apcs and new apcs in the source record # existing apcs and other apcs in the target record apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() first = deepcopy(apc_record) first["ref"] = "aaaaa" second = deepcopy(apc_record) second["ref"] = "bbbbb" ss4 = deepcopy(source_source) del ss4["record"]["jm:apc"] source4 = PublicAPC(ss4) source4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", first) source4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", second) third = deepcopy(apc_record) third["ref"] = "ccccc" fourth = deepcopy(apc_record) fourth["ref"] = "ddddd" ts4 = deepcopy(target_source) del ts4["record"]["jm:apc"] target4 = PublicAPC(ts4) target4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", third) target4.add_apc_for_owner("22222", fourth) result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source4, target4) assert len(result.apc_records) == 3 ones = result.get_apcs_by_owner("11111") assert len(ones) == 2 refs = [o.get("ref") for o in ones] assert "aaaaa" in refs assert "bbbbb" in refs assert "ccccc" not in refs assert "ddddd" not in refs twos = result.get_apcs_by_owner("22222") assert len(twos) == 1 refs = [o.get("ref") for o in twos] assert "aaaaa" not in refs assert "bbbbb" not in refs assert "ccccc" not in refs assert "ddddd" in refs
def test_09_merge_records(self): # Check the merge of PublicAPC records merge_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_source() merge_target = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_target() result = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_result() source = PublicAPC() source.record = merge_source source.set_apc_ref("22222", "bbbbb") target = PublicAPC() target.record = merge_target target.set_apc_ref("11111", "aaaaa") target.merge_records(source) assert target.record == result assert target.get_apc_refs("11111") == ["aaaaa"] assert target.get_apc_refs("22222") == [] # now just try some basic error cases with self.assertRaises(ModelException): target.merge_records({"random" : "data"})
def test_08_public_apc_methods(self): # Check all the PublcAPC object methods pub = PublicAPC() assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("11111")) == 0 pub.set_apc_ref("11111", "aaaaa") assert pub.get_apc_refs("11111")[0] == "aaaaa" pub.set_apc_ref("22222", "bbbbb") assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("22222")) == 1 pub.remove_apc_refs("11111") assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("22222")) == 1 assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("11111")) == 0 assert "11111" not in pub.list_owners() assert "22222" in pub.list_owners() pub.remove_apc_refs("22222") assert len(pub.get_apcs_by_owner("11111")) == 0 apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record() first = deepcopy(apc_record) first["ref"] = "aaaaa" pub.add_apc_for_owner("11111", first) assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("11111")) == 1 assert pub.get_apc_refs("11111")[0] == "aaaaa" assert len(pub.get_apcs_by_owner("11111")) == 1 assert pub.get_apcs_by_owner("11111")[0]["ref"] == "aaaaa" second = deepcopy(apc_record) second["ref"] = "bbbbb" pub.add_apc_for_owner("22222", second) assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("22222")) == 1 assert pub.get_apc_refs("22222")[0] == "bbbbb" assert len(pub.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")) == 1 assert pub.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")[0]["ref"] == "bbbbb" assert len(pub.apc_records) == 2 pub.remove_apcs_by_owner("11111") assert len(pub.apc_records) == 1 assert pub.apc_records[0]["ref"] == "bbbbb" assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("22222")) == 1 assert pub.get_apc_refs("22222")[0] == "bbbbb" assert len(pub.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")) == 1 assert pub.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")[0]["ref"] == "bbbbb" pub.remove_apcs_by_owner("22222") assert len(pub.apc_records) == 0 assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("11111")) == 0 assert len(pub.get_apc_refs("22222")) == 0
def test_06_public_dao(self): # Check all the DAO methods on the PublicAPC object dao = PublicAPC() source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() pub = PublicAPC(source) pub.set_apc_ref("test1", "1111111111") # first try the straight-forward pull pub2 = dao.pull( assert pub2 is not None # now do the successful queries res = dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(res) == 1 res = dao.find_by_pmid("87654321") assert len(res) == 1 res = dao.find_by_pmcid("PMC1234") assert len(res) == 1 res = dao.find_by_url("") assert len(res) == 1 # now to check those queries don't always return, make sure we can get 0 results res = dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/whatever") assert len(res) == 0 res = dao.find_by_pmid("88888888") assert len(res) == 0 res = dao.find_by_pmcid("PMC1111") assert len(res) == 0 res = dao.find_by_url("") assert len(res) == 0 gen = dao.list_by_owner("abcdefg") count = 0 for apc in gen: count += 1 assert count == 1
def test_13_process_ehnancements_cycle(self): # Run through the process of processing an enhancement source = EnhancementFixtureFactory.example() if "id" in source: del source["id"] pub_dao = PublicAPC() wfs_dao = WorkflowState() # first make a public record for us to enhance first = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example() del first["record"]["dc:title"] pub = PublicAPC(first) # now create an enhancements on the record second = deepcopy(source) second["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update" second["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z" en = Enhancement(second) en.public_id = # run the job WorkflowApi.process_enhancements() time.sleep(2) # check that the workflow state was created wfs = wfs_dao.pull("enhancements") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == en.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [] # check the public record was updated pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 1 assert pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update" # now run an update with the same date, to observe the difference in the workflow state third = deepcopy(source) third["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update 2" third["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z" en2 = Enhancement(third) en2.public_id = # run the job again WorkflowApi.process_enhancements() time.sleep(2) # check the public record was updated pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 1 assert ( pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update" ) # should not have been updated, since data was already present # check that the workflow state was updated wfs = wfs_dao.pull("enhancements") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == en2.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [,] # processed records should have been appended
def test_11_process_requests_cycle(self): # Run through the process of processing a Request into a PublicAPC source = RequestFixtureFactory.example() if "id" in source: del source["id"] pub_dao = PublicAPC() wfs_dao = WorkflowState() # first make a record for the first time first = deepcopy(source) del first["record"]["dc:title"] req = Request(first) req.owner = "test" req.action = "update" # run the job WorkflowApi.process_requests() time.sleep(2) # first check that a public record was made pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 1 assert pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") is None # check that the workflow state was created wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == req.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [] # now run an update with a different date second = deepcopy(source) second["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update" second["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z" req2 = Request(second) req2.owner = "test" req2.action = "update" # run the job again WorkflowApi.process_requests() time.sleep(2) # check the public record was updated pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 1 assert pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update" # check that the workflow state was updated wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == req2.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [] # now run an update with the same date, to observe the difference in the workflow state third = deepcopy(source) third["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update 2" third["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z" req3 = Request(third) req3.owner = "test" req3.action = "update" # run the job again WorkflowApi.process_requests() time.sleep(2) # check the public record was updated pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 1 assert ( pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update 2" ) # should have been updated, as there are only apc contributions from one source # check that the workflow state was updated wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == req3.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [,] # processed records should have been appended # finally issue a delete request fourth = deepcopy(source) fourth["created_date"] = "2003-01-01T00:00:00Z" req4 = Request(fourth) req4.owner = "test" req4.action = "delete" # run the job again WorkflowApi.process_requests() time.sleep(2) # check the public record was updated pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me") assert len(pubs) == 0 # check that the workflow state was updated wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests") assert wfs is not None assert wfs.last_request == req4.created_date assert wfs.already_processed == [] # processed records should have been appended