    def test_15_public_indexing(self):
        # Check that public records are indexed correctly

        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        apc_record1 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        apc_record2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()

        del apc_record1["amount_inc_vat_gbp"]
        apc_record1["amount_ex_vat_gbp"] = 1000
        apc_record1["vat_gbp"] = 200
        apc_record1["additional_costs"] = 100

        apc_record2["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] = 2400
        apc_record2["amount_ex_vat_gbp"] = 2000
        apc_record2["vat_gbp"] = 400
        apc_record2["additional_costs"] = 200

        pub.apc_records = [apc_record1, apc_record2]

        # first check that the amount_inc_vat_gbp was calculated or kept
        assert pub.apc_records[0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] == 1200

        # now check all the indexed amounts add up
        assert pub.data.get("index", {}).get("additional_costs") == 300
        assert pub.data.get("index", {}).get("vat") == 600
        assert pub.data.get("index", {}).get("amount_ex_vat") == 3000
        assert pub.data.get("index", {}).get("amount_inc_vat") == 3600
        assert pub.data.get("index", {}).get("grand_total") == 3900