def update(self, agent_coor, goal):
        ind = random.randint(0, len(self.polygon_list) - 1)
        old_polygon = self.polygon_list[ind]

        count = 5
        move_success = False
        while count > 0 and not move_success:
            print("Count", count)
            pol_move = random.choice(self.list_move)
            new_polygon = []
            for point in old_polygon:
                point = np.array(point) + pol_move
            print(new_polygon, old_polygon)

            new_polygon_obj = Polygon(new_polygon)
            agent_point = Point(agent_coor[1], agent_coor[0])

            flag = True

            if new_polygon_obj.touches(
                    agent_point) or new_polygon_obj.overlaps(
                        agent_point) or new_polygon_obj.crosses(agent_point):
                count -= 1
                flag = False
                for i, p in enumerate(self.polygon_objs):
                    if i != ind and (new_polygon_obj.overlaps(p)
                                     or new_polygon_obj.touches(p) or
                        count -= 1
                        flag = False

            if flag:
                move_success = True

        if not move_success:

        self.__draw.polygon(old_polygon, outline=0)

        print(f"Polygon {ind} move {pol_move}")
        self.__draw.polygon(new_polygon, outline=ind + 1)
        self.polygon_list[ind] = new_polygon
        self.polygon_objs[ind] = new_polygon_obj
def checkIfFireInCountyByName(fires,counties,firename,countyname):
    fire = getfirewithname(fires,firename)
    if fire == None:
        print("ERROR: No such fire with name: " + firename)
    county = getcountywithname(counties,countyname)
    if county == None:
        print("ERROR: No such county with name: " + countyname)
    firePoints = np.array(fire[0])
    countyPoints = np.array(county[0])
    firePoly = Polygon(firePoints)
    countyPoly = Polygon(countyPoints)
    return countyPoly.overlaps(firePoly) or countyPoly.contains(firePoly) or firePoly.contains(countyPoly)
    def get_overlap_cells(self, poly: geometry.Polygon) -> List[OccupancyCell]:
        """Determines which cells in the grid intersect the provided polygon. This will return no
      cells if the polygon is smaller then a single cell and contained within it."""

        cells = []
        for r in range(self.rows):
            for c in range(self.cols):
                cell = self.get_cell(r, c)
                if (poly.overlaps(cell.poly) or cell.poly.within(poly)):

        return cells
 def _calculate_position_between_objects(self, boxA: BoundBox,
                                         boxB: BoundBox):
     polygon = Polygon(self.convert_top_bottom_to_polygon(boxA))
     other_polygon = Polygon(self.convert_top_bottom_to_polygon(boxB))
     vsName = boxA.label + ' vs ' + boxB.label
     positions = {vsName: {}}
     # positions[vsName]
     if polygon.crosses(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['crosses'] = polygon.crosses(other_polygon)
     if polygon.contains(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['contains'] = polygon.contains(other_polygon)
     if polygon.disjoint(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['disjoint'] = polygon.disjoint(other_polygon)
     if polygon.intersects(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['intersects'] = polygon.intersects(other_polygon)
     if polygon.overlaps(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['overlaps'] = polygon.overlaps(other_polygon)
     if polygon.touches(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['touches'] = polygon.touches(other_polygon)
     if polygon.within(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['within'] = polygon.within(other_polygon)
     return positions
def test_prepared_predicates():
    # check prepared predicates give the same result as regular predicates
    polygon1 = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)])
    polygon2 = Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (1.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5)])
    point2 = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    polygon_empty = Polygon()
    prepared_polygon1 = PreparedGeometry(polygon1)
    for geom2 in (polygon2, point2, polygon_empty):
        assert polygon1.disjoint(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.disjoint(geom2)
        assert polygon1.touches(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.touches(geom2)
        assert polygon1.intersects(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.intersects(
        assert polygon1.crosses(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.crosses(geom2)
        assert polygon1.within(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.within(geom2)
        assert polygon1.contains(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.contains(geom2)
        assert polygon1.overlaps(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.overlaps(geom2)
def test_prepared_predicates():
    # check prepared predicates give the same result as regular predicates
    polygon1 = Polygon([
        (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)
    polygon2 = Polygon([
        (0.5, 0.5), (1.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5)
    point2 = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    polygon_empty = Polygon()
    prepared_polygon1 = PreparedGeometry(polygon1)
    for geom2 in (polygon2, point2, polygon_empty):
        assert polygon1.disjoint(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.disjoint(geom2)
        assert polygon1.touches(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.touches(geom2)
        assert polygon1.intersects(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.intersects(geom2)
        assert polygon1.crosses(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.crosses(geom2)
        assert polygon1.within(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.within(geom2)
        assert polygon1.contains(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.contains(geom2)
        assert polygon1.overlaps(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.overlaps(geom2)
def overlap_fraction(img, header, frame, verbose=True):
    Calculate the overlap between a given CFHT frame and a given image. 

        img (numpy 2-D array): image array.
        header: header of the image, typically ```` object.
        frame: This is one row of ``mega_cat``, containing "position_bounds".
        verbose (bool): Whether print out intersection percentage.

        percentage (float): The overlapping fraction (with respect to the input CFHT frame).
    # Frame is one row of mega_cat.
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    w = wcs.WCS(header)
    ra_bound = list(map(float, frame['position_bounds'].split(' ')[1:]))[0::2]
    dec_bound = list(map(float, frame['position_bounds'].split(' ')[1:]))[1::2]
    x_bound, y_bound = w.wcs_world2pix(ra_bound, dec_bound, 0)
    img_bound = Polygon(list(zip([0, img.shape[1], img.shape[1], 0], 
                                    [0, 0, img.shape[0], img.shape[0]])))
    frame_bound = Polygon(list(zip(x_bound, y_bound)))
    if frame_bound.contains(img_bound):
        if verbose:
            print('# The intersection accounts for 100 %')
        return 1
    elif not frame_bound.overlaps(img_bound):
        print('# No Intersection!')
        return 0
        intersect = frame_bound.intersection(img_bound)
        if verbose:
            print('# The intersection accounts for {} %'.format(
                round(intersect.area / img_bound.area * 100, 2)))
        percentage = intersect.area / img_bound.area
        return percentage
    def collidesX(self, avatar, sprite, game):
        ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR = (avatar.rect.topleft, avatar.rect.topright,
                              avatar.rect.bottomleft, avatar.rect.bottomright)
        STL, STR, SBL, SBR = (sprite.rect.topleft, sprite.rect.topright,
                              sprite.rect.bottomleft, sprite.rect.bottomright)

        ATL = (ATL[0], -ATL[1])
        ATR = (ATR[0], -ATR[1])
        ABL = (ABL[0], -ABL[1])
        ABR = (ABR[0], -ABR[1])
        STL = (STL[0], -STL[1])
        STR = (STR[0], -STR[1])
        SBL = (SBL[0], -SBL[1])
        SBR = (SBR[0], -SBR[1])

        mod = game.width * game.block_size

        line1 = Polygon([(0, ATL[1]), (mod, ATL[1]), (0, ABL[1]),
                         (mod, ABL[1])])
        sprite = Polygon([STL, STR, SBL, SBR])

        if (line1.overlaps(sprite)):
            return True
        return False
def checkIfFireInCounty(fire,county):
    firePoints = np.array(fire[0])
    countyPoints = np.array(county[0])
    firePoly = Polygon(firePoints)
    countyPoly = Polygon(countyPoints)
    return countyPoly.overlaps(firePoly) or countyPoly.contains(firePoly) or firePoly.contains(countyPoly)
def fld_demo1(image, regions, split_x):
    image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2]
    landscape = []  # 横向
    longitudinal = []  # 纵向
    class_above_edge = [
        'solve', 'solve0', 'attention', 'choice', 'cloze', 'composition',
        'composition0', 'correction'
    for index, region_box in enumerate(regions):
        xmin = region_box['bounding_box']['xmin']
        ymin = region_box['bounding_box']['ymin']
        xmax = region_box['bounding_box']['xmax']
        ymax = region_box['bounding_box']['ymax']
        if region_box['class_name'] in class_above_edge:
            line1 = LineString([(xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
            line2 = LineString([(xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax)])
            line3 = LineString([(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin)])
            line4 = LineString([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax)])
            longitudinal.extend([line1, line2])
            landscape.extend([line3, line4])
    landscape = sorted(landscape, key=lambda k: k.bounds[0])  # 横向
    longitudinal = sorted(longitudinal, key=lambda k: k.bounds[1])  # 纵向

    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    # ret, binary = cv2.threshold(img_gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    fld = cv2.ximgproc.createFastLineDetector()
    dlines = fld.detect(img_gray)
    lines = [line[0] for line in dlines.tolist()]

    lines_arr = np.array(lines)
    width_ = lines_arr[:, 2] - lines_arr[:, 0]
    height_ = lines_arr[:, 3] - lines_arr[:, 1]
    lines_index1 = np.where(width_ > 50)[0]
    lines_index2 = np.where(height_ > 50)[0]
    lines_index = np.hstack([lines_index1, lines_index2])
    new_lines = [lines[ele] for ele in lines_index]
    new_lines = clean_repeat_lines(new_lines)
    line_block = []
    split_x.insert(0, 0)

    # line 分栏
    for index, split in enumerate(split_x[1:]):
        left_boarder, right_boarder = split_x[index], split_x[index + 1]
        top_boarder, bottom_boarder = 1, image_height - 1

        block_list = []
        for line in new_lines:
            # if round(line[2]) < round(line[0]) and round(line[3]) > round(line[1]):
            #     line_new = [line[0], line[1], line[0], line[3]]
            # elif round(line[2]) > round(line[0]) and round(line[3]) < round(line[1]):
            #     line_new = [line[0], line[1], line[2], line[1]]
            # else:
            #     line_new = line
            line_new = line
            line_tmp = LineString([(line_new[0], line_new[1]),
                                   (line_new[2], line_new[3])])
            polygon_tmp = Polygon([(left_boarder, top_boarder),
                                   (right_boarder, top_boarder),
                                   (right_boarder, bottom_boarder),
                                   (left_boarder, bottom_boarder)])
            decision = [
            if True in decision:
        block_dict = {}
        block_dict['boarder'] = [
            left_boarder, top_boarder, right_boarder, bottom_boarder
        block_dict['block_list'] = block_list
    # print(line_block)

    # get intersect point
    # landscape, longitudinal是box的,不是直线检测得到的直线
    landscape_points_list = get_intersection_points(landscape, longitudinal,
                                                    image, line_block)
def writeTerrainMesh(objName, meshVerts, meshElevs, meshTris, bbox):

    # crop to bbox
    numTris = meshTris.shape[0]
    trisInside = [False for _ in range(numTris)]
    for ti in range(numTris):

        tri = meshTris[ti]
        triVerts = meshVerts[tri, :]
        poly = Polygon(triVerts)

        if poly.overlaps(bbox):

            xpoly = poly.intersection(bbox).exterior
            vertId = [-1 for _ in range(len(xpoly.coords) - 1)]

            for pi, p in enumerate(triVerts):
                v = Point(p)
                if bbox.contains(v):
                        v.distance(Point(x)) for x in xpoly.coords
                    ])] = tri[pi]

            for pi in range(len(vertId)):
                if vertId[pi] < 0:
                    vertId[pi] = len(meshVerts)
                    meshVerts = np.vstack([
                        meshVerts, [xpoly.coords[pi][0], xpoly.coords[pi][1]]
                    meshElevs = np.hstack([meshElevs, np.array([0])])

            meshTris[ti] = [vertId[0], vertId[1], vertId[2]]
            for vi in range(3, len(vertId)):
                meshTris = np.vstack(
                    [meshTris, [vertId[0], vertId[vi - 1], vertId[vi]]])

            trisInside[ti] = True

    # clean unused verts
    vertInMesh = np.full((meshVerts.shape[0], ), False)
    vertInMesh[meshTris.flatten()] = True
    vertNewIdx = np.cumsum(vertInMesh)

    # write obj
    fout = open(objName, 'w')
    fout.write('# obj file\n')
    for i, v in enumerate(meshVerts):
        if vertInMesh[i]:
            fout.write('v %.2f %.5f %.5f\n' %
                       (np.clip(v[0], bbox.bounds[0], bbox.bounds[2]),
                        np.clip(v[1], bbox.bounds[1],
                                bbox.bounds[3]), 0.001 * meshElevs[i]))
    for i, tri in enumerate(meshTris):
        p0 = np.array([meshVerts[tri[0]][0], meshVerts[tri[0]][1], 0])
        p1 = np.array([meshVerts[tri[1]][0], meshVerts[tri[1]][1], 0])
        p2 = np.array([meshVerts[tri[2]][0], meshVerts[tri[2]][1], 0])
        if np.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0)[2] > 0:
                'f %d %d %d\n' %
                (vertNewIdx[tri[0]], vertNewIdx[tri[1]], vertNewIdx[tri[2]]))
                'f %d %d %d\n' %
                (vertNewIdx[tri[2]], vertNewIdx[tri[1]], vertNewIdx[tri[0]]))
