def skewApp(self, filename=None): """ Create the SPC style SkewT window, complete with insets and magical funtimes. :return: """ failure = False exc = "" ## if the profile is an archived file, load the file from ## the hard disk if filename is not None: model = "Archive" prof_collection, stn_id = self.loadArchive(filename) disp_name = stn_id run = prof_collection.getCurrentDate() else: ## otherwise, download with the data thread prof_idx = self.prof_idx disp_name = self.disp_name run = model = self.model if self.data_sources[model].getForecastHours() == [ 0 ]: prof_idx = [ 0 ] ret = loadData(self.data_sources[model], self.loc, run, prof_idx) if isinstance(ret[0], Exception): exc = ret[0] failure = True else: prof_collection = ret[0] if not failure: prof_collection.setMeta('model', model) prof_collection.setMeta('run', run) prof_collection.setMeta('loc', disp_name) if not prof_collection.getMeta('observed'): # If it's not an observed profile, then generate profile objects in background. prof_collection.setAsync(Picker.async) if self.skew is None: # If the SPCWindow isn't shown, set it up. self.skew = SPCWindow(parent=self.parent(), cfg=self.config) self.skew.closed.connect(self.skewAppClosed) self.focusSkewApp() self.skew.addProfileCollection(prof_collection) else: raise exc
class Picker(QWidget): date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %HZ" run_format = "%d %B %Y / %H%M UTC" async = AsyncThreads(2, debug) def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): """ Construct the main picker widget: a means for interactively selecting which sounding profile(s) to view. """ super(Picker, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.data_sources = data_source.loadDataSources() self.config = config self.skew = None ## default the sounding location to OUN because obviously I'm biased self.loc = None ## the index of the item in the list that corresponds ## to the profile selected from the list self.prof_idx = [] ## set the default profile type to Observed self.model = "Observed" ## this is the default model initialization time = [ t for t in self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes() if t.hour in [0, 12] ][-1] urls = data_source.pingURLs(self.data_sources) self.has_connection = any( urls.values() ) ## initialize the UI self.__initUI() def __initUI(self): """ Initialize the main user interface. """ ## Give the main window a layout. Using GridLayout ## in order to control placement of objects. self.layout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.view = self.create_map_view() self.view.hasInternet(self.has_connection) self.button = QPushButton('Generate Profiles') self.button.clicked.connect(self.complete_name) self.button.setDisabled(True) self.select_flag = False self.all_profs = QPushButton("Select All") self.all_profs.clicked.connect(self.select_all) self.all_profs.setDisabled(True) self.save_view_button = QPushButton('Save Map View as Default') self.save_view_button.clicked.connect(self.save_view) self.profile_list = QListWidget() self.profile_list.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) self.profile_list.setDisabled(True) ## create subwidgets that will hold the individual GUI items self.left_data_frame = QWidget() self.right_map_frame = QWidget() ## set the layouts for these widgets self.left_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.right_layout = QGridLayout() #QVBoxLayout() self.left_data_frame.setLayout(self.left_layout) self.right_map_frame.setLayout(self.right_layout) times = self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes() ## create dropdown menus models = sorted(self.data_sources.keys()) self.model_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu(models) self.model_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(models.index(self.model)) projs = [ ('npstere', 'Northern Hemisphere'), ('merc', 'Tropics'), ('spstere', 'Southern Hemisphere') ] if self.config.has_section('map'): proj = self.config.get('map', 'proj') proj_idx = zip(*projs)[0].index(proj) else: proj_idx = 0 self.map_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu(zip(*projs)[1]) self.map_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(proj_idx) self.run_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu([ t.strftime(Picker.run_format) for t in times ]) try: self.run_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(times.index( except ValueError: print "Run dropdown is missing its times ... ?" print times ## connect the click actions to functions that do stuff self.model_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_model) self.map_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_map) self.run_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_run) ## Create text labels to describe the various menus self.type_label = QLabel("Select Sounding Source") self.date_label = QLabel("Select Forecast Time") self.map_label = QLabel("Select Map Area") self.run_label = QLabel("Select Cycle") self.date_label.setDisabled(True) ## add the elements to the left side of the GUI self.left_layout.addWidget(self.type_label) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.model_dropdown) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.run_label) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.run_dropdown) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.date_label) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.profile_list) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.all_profs) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.button) ## add the elements to the right side of the GUI self.right_layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 500) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.map_label, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.save_view_button, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.map_dropdown, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.view, 2, 0, 1, 2) ## add the left and right sides to the main window self.layout.addWidget(self.left_data_frame, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.right_map_frame, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.left_data_frame.setMaximumWidth(280) def create_map_view(self): """ Create a clickable map that will be displayed in the GUI. Will eventually be re-written to be more general. Returns ------- view : QWebView object """ view = MapWidget(self.data_sources[self.model],, self.async, width=800, height=500, cfg=self.config) view.clicked.connect(self.map_link) return view def dropdown_menu(self, item_list): """ Create and return a dropdown menu containing items in item_list. Params ------ item_list : a list of strings for the contents of the dropdown menu Returns ------- dropdown : a QtGui.QComboBox object """ ## create the dropdown menu dropdown = QComboBox() ## set the text as editable so that it can have centered text dropdown.setEditable(True) dropdown.lineEdit().setReadOnly(True) dropdown.lineEdit().setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) ## add each item in the list to the dropdown for item in item_list: dropdown.addItem(item) return dropdown def update_list(self): """ Update the list with new dates. :param list: :return: """ if self.select_flag: self.select_all() self.profile_list.clear() self.prof_idx = [] timelist = [] fcst_hours = self.data_sources[self.model].getForecastHours() if fcst_hours != [ 0 ]: self.profile_list.setEnabled(True) self.all_profs.setEnabled(True) self.date_label.setEnabled(True) for fh in fcst_hours: fcst_str = ( + date.timedelta(hours=fh)).strftime(Picker.date_format) + " (F%03d)" % fh timelist.append(fcst_str) else: self.profile_list.setDisabled(True) self.all_profs.setDisabled(True) self.date_label.setDisabled(True) for item in timelist: self.profile_list.addItem(item) self.profile_list.update() self.all_profs.setText("Select All") self.select_flag = False def update_run_dropdown(self): """ Updates the dropdown menu that contains the model run information. :return: """ getTimes = lambda: self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes() def update(times): times = times[0] self.run_dropdown.clear() if self.model == "Observed": = [ t for t in times if t.hour in [ 0, 12 ] ][-1] else: = times[-1] for data_time in times: self.run_dropdown.addItem(data_time.strftime(Picker.run_format)) self.run_dropdown.update() self.run_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(times.index( self.async_id =, update) def map_link(self, point): """ Change the text of the button based on the user click. """ if point is None: self.loc = None self.disp_name = None self.button.setText('Generate Profiles') self.button.setDisabled(True) else: self.loc = point #url.toString().split('/')[-1] if point['icao'] != "": self.disp_name = point['icao'] elif point['iata'] != "": self.disp_name = point['iata'] else: self.disp_name = point['srcid'].upper() self.button.setText(self.disp_name + ' | Generate Profiles') if self.has_connection: self.button.setEnabled(True) @crasher(exit=False) def complete_name(self): """ Handles what happens when the user clicks a point on the map """ if self.loc is None: return else: self.prof_idx = [] selected = self.profile_list.selectedItems() for item in selected: idx = self.profile_list.indexFromItem(item).row() if idx in self.prof_idx: continue else: self.prof_idx.append(idx) fcst_hours = self.data_sources[self.model].getForecastHours() if fcst_hours != [0] and len(self.prof_idx) > 0 or fcst_hours == [0]: self.prof_idx.sort() self.skewApp() def get_model(self, index): """ Get the user's model selection """ self.model = self.model_dropdown.currentText() self.update_run_dropdown() self.async.join(self.async_id) self.update_list() self.view.setDataSource(self.data_sources[self.model], def get_run(self, index): """ Get the user's run hour selection for the model """ = date.datetime.strptime(self.run_dropdown.currentText(), Picker.run_format) self.view.setCurrentTime( self.update_list() def get_map(self): """ Get the user's map selection """ proj = {'Northern Hemisphere':'npstere', 'Tropics':'merc', 'Southern Hemisphere':'spstere'}[self.map_dropdown.currentText()] self.view.setProjection(proj) def save_view(self): """ Save the map projection to the config file """ self.view.saveProjection(self.config) def select_all(self): items = self.profile_list.count() if not self.select_flag: for i in range(items): if self.profile_list.item(i).text() in self.prof_idx: continue else: self.profile_list.item(i).setSelected(True) self.all_profs.setText("Deselect All") self.select_flag = True else: for i in range(items): self.profile_list.item(i).setSelected(False) self.all_profs.setText("Select All") self.select_flag = False def skewApp(self, filename=None): """ Create the SPC style SkewT window, complete with insets and magical funtimes. :return: """ profs = [] dates = [] failure = False exc = "" ## if the profile is an archived file, load the file from ## the hard disk if filename is not None: model = "Archive" prof_collection, stn_id = self.loadArchive(filename) disp_name = stn_id prof_idx = range(len(dates)) run = prof_collection.getCurrentDate() fhours = None observed = True else: ## otherwise, download with the data thread prof_idx = self.prof_idx disp_name = self.disp_name run = model = self.model observed = self.data_sources[model].isObserved() if self.data_sources[model].getForecastHours() == [ 0 ]: prof_idx = [ 0 ] ret = loadData(self.data_sources[model], self.loc, run, prof_idx) if isinstance(ret[0], Exception): exc = ret[0] failure = True else: prof_collection = ret[0] fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] if not failure: prof_collection.setMeta('model', model) prof_collection.setMeta('run', run) prof_collection.setMeta('loc', disp_name) prof_collection.setMeta('fhour', fhours) prof_collection.setMeta('observed', observed) if not observed: # If it's not an observed profile, then generate profile objects in background. prof_collection.setAsync(Picker.async) if self.skew is None: # If the SPCWindow isn't shown, set it up. self.skew = SPCWindow(parent=self.parent(), cfg=self.config) self.skew.closed.connect(self.skewAppClosed) self.focusSkewApp() self.skew.addProfileCollection(prof_collection) def skewAppClosed(self): """ Handles the user closing the SPC window. """ self.skew = None def focusSkewApp(self): if self.skew is not None: self.skew.activateWindow() self.skew.setFocus() self.skew.raise_() def loadArchive(self, filename): """ Get the archive sounding based on the user's selections. Also reads it using the Decoders and gets both the stationID and the profile objects for that archive sounding. """ try: dec = SPCDecoder(filename) except Exception as e: try: dec = BufDecoder(filename) except: raise IOError("Could not figure out the format of '%s'!" % filename) profs = dec.getProfiles() stn_id = dec.getStnId() return profs, stn_id def hasConnection(self): return self.has_connection
def skewApp(self, filename=None, ntry=0): logging.debug("Calling full_gui.skewApp") """ Create the SPC style SkewT window, complete with insets and magical funtimes. :return: """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.skewApp") failure = False exc = "" # if the profile is an archived file, load the file from # the hard disk if filename is not None:"Trying to load file from local disk...") model = "Archive" prof_collection, stn_id = self.loadArchive(filename) "Successfully loaded the profile collection for this file...") disp_name = stn_id observed = True fhours = None # Determine if the dataset passed was from a model or is observed if len(prof_collection._dates) > 1: prof_idx = self.prof_idx fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[ self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] observed = False else: fhours = None observed = True run = prof_collection.getCurrentDate() else: # otherwise, download with the data thread"Loading a real-time data stream...") prof_idx = self.prof_idx disp_name = self.disp_name run = model = self.model observed = self.data_sources[model].isObserved() if self.data_sources[model].getForecastHours() == [0]: prof_idx = [0]"Program is going to load the data...") ret = loadData(self.data_sources[model], self.loc, run, prof_idx, ntry=ntry) # failure variable makes sure the data actually exists online. if isinstance(ret[0], Exception): exc = ret[0] failure = True "There was a problem with loadData() in obtaining the data from the Internet." ) else:"Data was found and successfully decoded!") prof_collection = ret[0] fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[ self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] # If the observed or model profile (not Archive) successfully loaded) if not failure: prof_collection.setMeta('model', model) prof_collection.setMeta('run', run) prof_collection.setMeta('loc', disp_name) prof_collection.setMeta('fhour', fhours) prof_collection.setMeta('observed', observed) if not prof_collection.getMeta('observed'): # If it's not an observed profile, then generate profile objects in background. prof_collection.setAsync(Picker.async_obj) if self.skew is None: logging.debug("Constructing SPCWindow") # If the SPCWindow isn't shown, set it up. self.skew = SPCWindow(parent=self.parent(), cfg=self.config) self.parent().config_changed.connect( self.skew.centralWidget().updateConfig) self.skew.closed.connect(self.skewAppClosed) logging.debug("Focusing on the SkewApp") self.focusSkewApp() logging.debug("Adding the profile collection to SPCWindow") self.skew.addProfileCollection(prof_collection, check_integrity=self.strictQC) else: print("There was an exception:", exc) raise exc
class Picker(QWidget): date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %HZ" run_format = "%d %B %Y / %H%M UTC" async_obj = AsyncThreads(2, debug) def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): """ Construct the main picker widget: a means for interactively selecting which sounding profile(s) to view. """ super(Picker, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.data_sources = data_source.loadDataSources() self.config = config self.skew = None # default the sounding location to OUN because obviously I'm biased self.loc = None # the index of the item in the list that corresponds # to the profile selected from the list self.prof_idx = [] # set the default profile type to Observed self.model = "Observed" # this is the default model initialization time self.all_times = sorted( self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes()) = [t for t in self.all_times if t.hour in [0, 12]][-1] urls = data_source.pingURLs(self.data_sources) self.has_connection = any(urls.values()) self.strictQC = True # initialize the UI self.__initUI() def __initUI(self): """ Initialize the main user interface. """ # Give the main window a layout. Using GridLayout # in order to control placement of objects. self.layout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.view = self.create_map_view() self.view.hasInternet(self.has_connection) self.button = QPushButton('Generate Profiles') self.button.clicked.connect(self.complete_name) self.button.setDisabled(True) self.select_flag = False self.all_profs = QPushButton("Select All") self.all_profs.clicked.connect(self.select_all) self.all_profs.setDisabled(True) self.save_view_button = QPushButton('Save Map View as Default') self.save_view_button.clicked.connect(self.save_view) self.profile_list = QListWidget() self.profile_list.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) self.profile_list.setDisabled(True) # create subwidgets that will hold the individual GUI items self.left_data_frame = QWidget() self.right_map_frame = QWidget() # set the layouts for these widgets self.left_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.right_layout = QGridLayout() # QVBoxLayout() self.left_data_frame.setLayout(self.left_layout) self.right_map_frame.setLayout(self.right_layout) #print( = Calendar(self, self.cal_date = filt_times = [ t for t in self.all_times if == and t.year == self.cal_date.year() and t.month == self.cal_date.month() ] # create dropdown menus models = sorted(self.data_sources.keys()) self.model_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu(models) self.model_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(models.index(self.model)) # Setup the map projs = [('npstere', 'Northern Hemisphere'), ('merc', 'Tropics'), ('spstere', 'Southern Hemisphere')] if ('map', 'proj') in self.config: proj = self.config['map', 'proj'] proj_idx = list(zip(*projs))[0].index(proj) else: proj_idx = 0 self.map_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu(list(zip(*projs))[1]) self.map_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(proj_idx) # Set up the run dropdown box and select the correct index self.run_dropdown = self.dropdown_menu( [t.strftime(Picker.run_format) for t in filt_times]) try: self.run_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(filt_times.index( except ValueError as e: logging.error("Run dropdown is missing its times ... ?") logging.exception(e) # connect the click actions to functions that do stuff self.model_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_model) self.map_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_map) self.run_dropdown.activated.connect(self.get_run) # Create text labels to describe the various menus self.type_label = QLabel("Select Sounding Source") self.date_label = QLabel("Select Forecast Time") self.map_label = QLabel("Select Map Area") self.run_label = QLabel("Select Cycle") self.date_label.setDisabled(True) # add the elements to the left side of the GUI self.left_layout.addWidget(self.type_label) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.model_dropdown) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.run_label) self.left_layout.addWidget( self.left_layout.addWidget(self.run_dropdown) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.date_label) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.profile_list) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.all_profs) self.left_layout.addWidget(self.button) # add the elements to the right side of the GUI self.right_layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 500) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.map_label, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.save_view_button, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.map_dropdown, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.right_layout.addWidget(self.view, 2, 0, 1, 2) # add the left and right sides to the main window self.layout.addWidget(self.left_data_frame, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.right_map_frame, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.left_data_frame.setMaximumWidth(280) def create_map_view(self): """ Create a clickable map that will be displayed in the GUI. Will eventually be re-written to be more general. Returns ------- view : QWebView object """ # minimumWidth=800, minimumHeight=500, view = MapWidget(self.data_sources[self.model],, self.async_obj, cfg=self.config) view.clicked.connect(self.map_link) return view def dropdown_menu(self, item_list): """ Create and return a dropdown menu containing items in item_list. Params ------ item_list : a list of strings for the contents of the dropdown menu Returns ------- dropdown : a QtGui.QComboBox object """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.dropdown_menu") # create the dropdown menu dropdown = QComboBox() # set the text as editable so that it can have centered text dropdown.setEditable(True) dropdown.lineEdit().setReadOnly(True) dropdown.lineEdit().setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) # add each item in the list to the dropdown for item in item_list: dropdown.addItem(item) return dropdown def update_from_cal(self, dt, updated_model=False): """ Update the dropdown list and the forecast times list if a new date is selected in the calendar app. """ self.update_run_dropdown(updated_model=updated_model) self.view.setDataSource(self.data_sources[self.model], self.update_list() def update_list(self): """ Update the list with new forecast times. :param list: :return: """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.update_list") if self.select_flag: self.select_all() self.profile_list.clear() self.prof_idx = [] timelist = [] # If the run is outside the available times. if == date.datetime(1700, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0): self.profile_list.setDisabled(True) self.all_profs.setDisabled(True) self.date_label.setDisabled(True) else: fcst_hours = self.data_sources[self.model].getForecastHours() if fcst_hours != [0]: self.profile_list.setEnabled(True) self.all_profs.setEnabled(True) self.date_label.setEnabled(True) for fh in fcst_hours: fcst_str = ( + date.timedelta(hours=fh)).strftime( Picker.date_format) + " (F%03d)" % fh timelist.append(fcst_str) else: self.profile_list.setDisabled(True) self.all_profs.setDisabled(True) self.date_label.setDisabled(True) # Loop throught the timelist and each string to the list for item in timelist: self.profile_list.addItem(item) self.profile_list.update() self.all_profs.setText("Select All") self.select_flag = False def update_datasource_dropdown(self, selected="Observed"): """ Updates the dropdown menu that contains the available data sources :return: """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.update_datasource_dropdown") for i in range(self.model_dropdown.count()): self.model_dropdown.removeItem(0) self.data_sources = data_source.loadDataSources() models = sorted(self.data_sources.keys()) for model in models: self.model_dropdown.addItem(model) self.model_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(models.index(selected)) self.get_model(models.index(selected)) def update_run_dropdown(self, updated_model=False): """ Updates the dropdown menu that contains the model run information. :return: """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.update_run_dropdown") if self.model.startswith("Local"): url = self.data_sources[self.model].getURLList( outlet="Local")[0].replace("file://", "") def getTimes(): return self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes(url) else: def getTimes(): return self.data_sources[self.model].getAvailableTimes( dt=self.cal_date) self.cal_date = # Function to update the times. def update(times): self.run_dropdown.clear( ) # Clear all of the items from the dropdown times = times[0] time_span = self.data_sources[self.model].updateTimeSpan() for outlet in time_span: if np.asarray(outlet).all() == None: span = True else: dt_earliest = outlet[0] dt_avail = outlet[1] span = False if span is True and len(times) > 0: dt_avail = max(times) dt_earliest = min(times) self.cal_date = # Filter out only times for the specified date. filtered_times = [] for i, data_time in enumerate(times): if == ) and data_time.year == self.cal_date.year( ) and data_time.month == self.cal_date.month(): self.run_dropdown.addItem( data_time.strftime(Picker.run_format)) filtered_times.append(i) if len(filtered_times) > 0: filtered_times = np.sort(np.asarray(filtered_times)) times = times[filtered_times.min():filtered_times.max() + 1] # Pick the index for which to highlight if self.model == "Observed": try: # Try to grab the 0 or 12 UTC data for this day (or 3 or 15 if before 5/1/1957) if self.cal_date.toPython() >= date.datetime( 1957, 5, 1).date(): synoptic_times = [0, 12] else: synoptic_times = [3, 15] = [ t for t in times if t.hour in synoptic_times and == and t.month == self.cal_date. month() and t.year == self.cal_date.year() ][-1] except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) = times[-1] else: = times[-1] else: = date.datetime(1700, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) self.run_dropdown.update() if len(filtered_times) > 0: self.run_dropdown.setEnabled(True) self.run_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(times.index( elif len(filtered_times) == 0: if self.model == "Observed": string = "obs" else: string = "runs" self.run_dropdown.addItem("- No " + string + " available - ")) self.run_dropdown.setCurrentIndex(0) self.run_dropdown.update() self.run_dropdown.setEnabled(False) # Post the getTimes to update. This will re-write the list of times in the dropdown box that # match the date selected in the calendar. async_id =, update) self.async_obj.join(async_id) def map_link(self, point): """ Change the text of the button based on the user click. """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.map_link") if point is None: self.loc = None self.disp_name = None self.button.setText('Generate Profiles') self.button.setDisabled(True) elif self.model == "Local WRF-ARW": self.loc = point self.disp_name = "User Selected" self.button.setText(self.disp_name + ' | Generate Profiles') self.button.setEnabled(True) self.areal_lon, self.areal_y = point else: self.loc = point # url.toString().split('/')[-1] if point['icao'] != "": self.disp_name = point['icao'] elif point['iata'] != "": self.disp_name = point['iata'] else: self.disp_name = point['srcid'].upper() self.button.setText(self.disp_name + ' | Generate Profiles') if self.has_connection: self.button.setEnabled(True) @crasher(exit=False) def complete_name(self): """ Handles what happens when the user clicks a point on the map """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.complete_name") if self.loc is None: return else: self.prof_idx = [] selected = self.profile_list.selectedItems() for item in selected: idx = self.profile_list.indexFromItem(item).row() if idx in self.prof_idx: continue else: self.prof_idx.append(idx) fcst_hours = self.data_sources[self.model].getForecastHours() if fcst_hours != [0] and len(self.prof_idx) > 0 or fcst_hours == [ 0 ]: self.prof_idx.sort() n_tries = 0 while True: try: self.skewApp(ntry=n_tries) except data_source.DataSourceError as e1: # We've run out of data sources. Uh-oh. logging.exception(e1) if self.skew is not None: self.skew.closeIfEmpty() raise IOError( "No outlet found with the requested profile!") except Exception as e: if debug: print(traceback.format_exc()) n_tries += 1 logging.exception(e) else: break def get_model(self, index): """ Get the user's model selection """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.get_model") self.model = self.model_dropdown.currentText() self.update_from_cal(None, updated_model=True) def get_run(self, index): """ Get the user's run hour selection for the model """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.get_run") = date.datetime.strptime(self.run_dropdown.currentText(), Picker.run_format) self.view.setCurrentTime( self.update_list() def get_map(self): """ Get the user's map selection """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.get_map") proj = { 'Northern Hemisphere': 'npstere', 'Tropics': 'merc', 'Southern Hemisphere': 'spstere' }[self.map_dropdown.currentText()] self.view.setProjection(proj) def save_view(self): """ Save the map projection to the config file """ self.view.saveProjection(self.config) def select_all(self): logging.debug("Calling full_gui.select_all") items = self.profile_list.count() if not self.select_flag: for i in range(items): if self.profile_list.item(i).text() in self.prof_idx: continue else: self.profile_list.item(i).setSelected(True) self.all_profs.setText("Deselect All") self.select_flag = True else: for i in range(items): self.profile_list.item(i).setSelected(False) self.all_profs.setText("Select All") self.select_flag = False def skewApp(self, filename=None, ntry=0): logging.debug("Calling full_gui.skewApp") """ Create the SPC style SkewT window, complete with insets and magical funtimes. :return: """ logging.debug("Calling full_gui.skewApp") failure = False exc = "" # if the profile is an archived file, load the file from # the hard disk if filename is not None:"Trying to load file from local disk...") model = "Archive" prof_collection, stn_id = self.loadArchive(filename) "Successfully loaded the profile collection for this file...") disp_name = stn_id observed = True fhours = None # Determine if the dataset passed was from a model or is observed if len(prof_collection._dates) > 1: prof_idx = self.prof_idx fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[ self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] observed = False else: fhours = None observed = True run = prof_collection.getCurrentDate() else: # otherwise, download with the data thread"Loading a real-time data stream...") prof_idx = self.prof_idx disp_name = self.disp_name run = model = self.model observed = self.data_sources[model].isObserved() if self.data_sources[model].getForecastHours() == [0]: prof_idx = [0]"Program is going to load the data...") ret = loadData(self.data_sources[model], self.loc, run, prof_idx, ntry=ntry) # failure variable makes sure the data actually exists online. if isinstance(ret[0], Exception): exc = ret[0] failure = True "There was a problem with loadData() in obtaining the data from the Internet." ) else:"Data was found and successfully decoded!") prof_collection = ret[0] fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[ self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] # If the observed or model profile (not Archive) successfully loaded) if not failure: prof_collection.setMeta('model', model) prof_collection.setMeta('run', run) prof_collection.setMeta('loc', disp_name) prof_collection.setMeta('fhour', fhours) prof_collection.setMeta('observed', observed) if not prof_collection.getMeta('observed'): # If it's not an observed profile, then generate profile objects in background. prof_collection.setAsync(Picker.async_obj) if self.skew is None: logging.debug("Constructing SPCWindow") # If the SPCWindow isn't shown, set it up. self.skew = SPCWindow(parent=self.parent(), cfg=self.config) self.parent().config_changed.connect( self.skew.centralWidget().updateConfig) self.skew.closed.connect(self.skewAppClosed) logging.debug("Focusing on the SkewApp") self.focusSkewApp() logging.debug("Adding the profile collection to SPCWindow") self.skew.addProfileCollection(prof_collection, check_integrity=self.strictQC) else: print("There was an exception:", exc) raise exc def skewAppClosed(self): """ Handles the user closing the SPC window. """ self.skew = None def focusSkewApp(self): if self.skew is not None: self.skew.activateWindow() self.skew.setFocus() self.skew.raise_() def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == 61 or e.key() == 45: self.view.keyPressEvent(e) def loadArchive(self, filename): """ Get the archive sounding based on the user's selections. Also reads it using the Decoders and gets both the stationID and the profile objects for that archive sounding. Tries a variety of decoders available to the program. """ logging.debug( "Looping over all decoders to find which one to use to decode User Selected file." ) for decname, deccls in getDecoders().items(): try: dec = deccls(filename) break except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) dec = None continue if dec is None: raise IOError("Could not figure out the format of '%s'!" % filename) # Returns the set of profiles from the file that are from the "Profile" class. logging.debug('Get the profiles from the decoded file.') profs = dec.getProfiles() stn_id = dec.getStnId() return profs, stn_id def hasConnection(self): return self.has_connection def setStrictQC(self, val): self.strictQC = val
def skewApp(self, filename=None): """ Create the SPC style SkewT window, complete with insets and magical funtimes. :return: """ profs = [] dates = [] failure = False exc = "" ## if the profile is an archived file, load the file from ## the hard disk if filename is not None: model = "Observed" prof_collection, stn_id = self.loadArchive(filename) disp_name = stn_id prof_idx = range(len(dates)) run = prof_collection.getCurrentDate() fhours = None observed = True else: ## otherwise, download with the data thread prof_idx = self.prof_idx disp_name = self.disp_name run = model = self.model observed = self.data_sources[model].isObserved() if self.data_sources[model].getForecastHours() == [0]: prof_idx = [0] ret = loadData(self.data_sources[model], self.loc, run, prof_idx) if isinstance(ret[0], Exception): exc = ret[0] failure = True else: prof_collection = ret[0] fhours = [ "F%03d" % fh for idx, fh in enumerate(self.data_sources[ self.model].getForecastHours()) if idx in prof_idx ] if not failure: prof_collection.setMeta('model', model) prof_collection.setMeta('run', run) prof_collection.setMeta('loc', disp_name) prof_collection.setMeta('fhour', fhours) prof_collection.setMeta('observed', observed) if not observed: # If it's not an observed profile, then generate profile objects in background. prof_collection.setAsync(Picker. async) if self.skew is None: # If the SPCWindow isn't shown, set it up. self.skew = SPCWindow(parent=self.parent(), cfg=self.config) self.skew.closed.connect(self.skewAppClosed) self.focusSkewApp() self.skew.addProfileCollection(prof_collection) # We're done here, write the pid so we can be killed off: pidFile = open(pidFilename, "w") pidFile.write(str(os.getpid())) pidFile.close
def gen_sounding(self, *args): ''' Method for generating the SPC-like sounding using the SPCWindow class of SHARPpy. ''' 'Generating Skew-T diagram' ); # Log some information sndDataPNG = settings.skewT_fmt.format( self.date_str ); # Set the name for the skewT file using the settings.skew_T_fmt string self.sndDataPNG = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, sndDataPNG ); # Set the sndDataPNG attribute using the dst_dirFull attribute and sndDataFile variable save_msg = "Check that the image looks okay.\n " + \ "If ok, click save, else click cancel"; # Confirmation message for the save dialog for Skew-T; will update if cannot save Skew-T due to issue in SHARPpy sharppy_bug = False; # Flag for if sharppy bug encountered try: # Try to... decoder = SPCDecoder( self.sndDataFile ); # Decode the sounding file using the SPCDecoder profile = decoder.getProfiles(); # Get the profiles from the file stn_id = decoder.getStnId(); # Get the station id from the file except: # On exception criticalMessage( "There was an error loading the sounding data\n\n" ).exec_(); # Initialize and display critical error dialog return; # Return from method model = "Archive"; # Set model to 'Archive'; not sure why but was in the SHARPpy disp_name = stn_id; # Set the display name to the station ID from the sounding data file run = profile.getCurrentDate(); # Set the run to the current date from the sounding data profile.setMeta('model', model); # Set the model in the sounding data profile.setMeta('loc', disp_name); # Set the display name in the sounding data profile.setMeta('run', run); # Set the run in the sounding data if not profile.getMeta('observed'): # If it's not an observed profile profile.setAsync( AsyncThreads(2, debug) ); # Generate profile objects in background. Not sure why works but in SHARPpy self.log.debug('Generating SHARPpy window') if self.skew is None: # If there is no skew window setup; there should never be... self.skew = SPCWindow(cfg=self.config); # Initialize a new SPCWindow object self.skew.closed.connect(self.__skewAppClosed); # Connect the closed method to the __skewAppClosed private method self.skew.addProfileCollection(profile); # Add the profile data to the SPCWindow object try:; # Show the window except: sharppy_bug = True; self.log.warning("SHARPpy didn't like that sounding very much!") save_msg = "Congradulations!\n\n" + \ "You just found a bug in SHARPpy.\n" + \ "There is nothing we can about this. No Skew-T can be created.\n" + \ "Just click 'Save' and continue with the uploading"; dial = saveMessage( save_msg ); # Set up save message pop-up dial.exec_(); # Display the save message pop-up if dial.check(): # If clicked save if not sharppy_bug: # If the SHARPpy bug did NOT occur self.ftpInfo['ucar']['files'].append( self.sndDataPNG ); # Append the SHARPpy image file name to the ftpInfo['ucar']['files'] list'Saving the Skew-T to: {}'.format( self.sndDataPNG ) ); # Log some information pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget( self.skew ); # Grab the image from the skew T window self.sndDataPNG, 'PNG', 100); # Save the image self.config.set('paths', 'save_img', os.path.dirname(self.sndDataPNG)); # Add image path to the config object self.log.debug( 'Files to upload to UCAR: {}'.format( ', '.join(self.ftpInfo['ucar']['files']) ) ); # Show green light next to the 'Generate Sounding' button to indicate that step is complete self.uploadButton.setEnabled( True ); # Enable the upload button else: # Else self.log.critical('Skew-T save aborted! Not allowed to upload!'); # Log an error try: self.skew.close(); # Close the skew T window except: pass;
class Meso1819Gui( QMainWindow ): timeCheck = Signal(); # Signal for time checking; used if the user tries to create Skew-T before the request sounding time actually happens; i.e., sounding date is in future def __init__(self, parent = None): QMainWindow.__init__(self); # Initialize the base class self.setWindowTitle('Meso 18/19 Sounding Processor'); # Set the window title self.src_dir = None; # Set attribute for source data directory to None self.dst_dir = None; # Set attribute for destination data directory to None self.dst_dirFull = None; # Set attribute for destination data directory to None self.iopName = None; # Set attribute for the IOP name to None self.dateFrame = None; # Set attribute for the date QFrame to None = None; self.date_str = None; # Set attribute for date string self.skew = None; # Set attribute for the skewt plot to None self.sndDataFile = None; # Set attribute for sounding data input file self.sndDataPNG = None; # Set attribute for sounding image file self.ftpInfo = None; # Set attribute for ftp info self.ranFTP = False; # Boolean to check if FTP uploading has been tried self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(); # Initialize a ConfigParser; required for the SPCWidget self.timeCheck.connect( self.on_timeCheck ); # Connect on_timeCheck method to the timeCheck signal if not self.config.has_section('paths'): # If there is no 'paths' section in the parser self.config.add_section( 'paths' ); # Add a 'paths' section to the parser self.log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ); # Get a logger rfh = RotatingFileHandler(_logfile,maxBytes=_logsize,backupCount=_logcount);# Create rotating file handler rfhFMT = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - ' + settings.log_fmt ); # Logger format rfh.setFormatter( rfhFMT ) rfh.setLevel( logging.DEBUG ); # Set log level to debug self.log.addHandler( rfh ); # Add handler to main logger self.initUI(); # Run method to initialize user interface ############################################################################## def initUI(self): ''' Method to setup the buttons/entries of the Gui ''' self.dateFrame = dateFrame( ); # Initialize the dateFrame self.iopLabel = QLabel('IOP Number'); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.iopName = QLineEdit(); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.stationLabel = QLabel('Station Name'); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.stationName = QLineEdit(); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.sourceButton = QPushButton('Source Directory'); # Initialize button for selecting the source directory self.destButton = QPushButton('Destination Directory'); # Initialize button for selecting the destination directory self.sourcePath = QLineEdit(''); # Initialize entry widget that will display the source directory path self.destPath = QLineEdit(''); # Initialize entry widget that will display the destination directory path self.sourceSet = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the source path is set self.destSet = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the destination path is set self.sourcePath.setEnabled( False ); # Disable the sourcePath widget; that way no one can manually edit it self.destPath.setEnabled( False ); # Disable the destPath widget; that way no one can manually edit it self.sourcePath.hide(); # Hide the source directory path self.destPath.hide(); # Hide the destination directory path self.sourceSet.hide(); # Hide the source directory indicator self.destSet.hide(); # Hide the destination directory indicator self.sourceButton.clicked.connect( self.select_source ); # Set method to run when the source button is clicked self.destButton.clicked.connect( self.select_dest ); # Set method to run when the destination button is clicked self.copyButton = QPushButton( 'Copy Files' ); # Create 'Copy Files' button self.copyButton.clicked.connect( self.copy_files ); # Set method to run when 'Copy Files' button is clicked self.copyButton.setEnabled(False); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after the source and destination directories set self.copySucces = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the copy complete successfuly self.copySucces.hide(); self.procButton = QPushButton( 'Process Files' ); # Create 'Process Files' button self.procButton.clicked.connect( self.proc_files ); # Set method to run when 'Process Files' button is clicked self.procButton.setEnabled(False); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Copy Files' completes self.procSucces = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the processing complete successfuly self.procSucces.hide(); self.genButton = QPushButton( 'Generate Sounding' ); # Create 'Generate Sounding' button self.genButton.clicked.connect( self.gen_sounding ); # Set method to run when 'Generate Sounding' button is clicked self.genButton.setEnabled(False); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Process Files' completes self.genSucces = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the sounding generation complete successfuly self.genSucces.hide(); self.uploadButton = QPushButton( 'FTP Upload' ); # Create 'FTP Upload' button self.uploadButton.clicked.connect( self.ftp_upload ); # Set method to run when 'FTP Upload' button is clicked self.uploadButton.setEnabled(False); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Generate Sounding' completes self.uploadSucces = indicator(); # Initialize an indictor that will appear when the ftp upload complete successfuly self.uploadSucces.hide(); self.checkButton = QPushButton( 'Check website' ); # Create 'Check website' button self.checkButton.clicked.connect( self.check_site ); # Set method to run when 'Check website' button is clicked self.checkButton.setEnabled(False); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'FTP Upload' completes self.resetButton = QPushButton( 'Reset' ); # Create 'Check website' button self.resetButton.clicked.connect( self.reset_values ); # Set method to run when 'Check website' button is clicked versionLabel = QLabel( 'version: {}'.format(__version__) ); # Version label versionLabel.setAlignment( Qt.AlignHCenter ); # Set alignment to center log_handler = QLogger( ); # Initialize a QLogger logging.Handler object logging.getLogger('Meso1819').addHandler( log_handler ); # Get the Meso1819 root logger and add the handler to it grid = QGridLayout(); # Initialize grid layout grid.setSpacing(10); # Set spacing to 10 for i in range(4): grid.setColumnStretch(i, 0); # Set column stretch for ith column grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(i, 60); # Set column min width for ith column grid.setColumnStretch(4, 0); # Set column stretch for 5th column grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(4, 20); # Set column min width for 5th column grid.setRowStretch(1, 0); # Set column stretch for 5th column grid.setRowStretch(3, 0); # Set column stretch for 5th column grid.setRowMinimumHeight(1, 25); # Set column min width for 5th column grid.setRowMinimumHeight(3, 25); # Set column min width for 5th column grid.addWidget( self.sourceButton, 0, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.sourceSet, 0, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.sourcePath, 1, 0, 1, 5 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.destButton, 2, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.destSet, 2, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.destPath, 3, 0, 1, 5 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.iopLabel, 4, 0, 1, 2 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.iopName, 5, 0, 1, 2 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.stationLabel, 4, 2, 1, 2 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.stationName, 5, 2, 1, 2 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.dateFrame, 6, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.copyButton, 7, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.copySucces, 7, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.procButton, 8, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.procSucces, 8, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.genButton, 9, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.genSucces, 9, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.uploadButton, 10, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.uploadSucces, 10, 4, 1, 1 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.checkButton, 11, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( self.resetButton, 12, 0, 1, 4 ); # Place a widget in the grid grid.addWidget( log_handler.frame, 0, 6, 13, 1); grid.addWidget( versionLabel, 20, 0, 1, 7) centralWidget = QWidget(); # Create a main widget centralWidget.setLayout( grid ); # Set the main widget's layout to the grid self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget); # Set the central widget of the base class to the main widget ); # Show the main widget ############################################################################## def select_source(self, *args): ''' Method for selecting the source directory of the sounding data that was collected ''''Setting the source directory') src_dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( dir = _desktop ); # Open a selection dialog self.src_dir = None if src_dir == '' else src_dir; # Update the src_dir attribute based on the value of src_dir if self.src_dir is None: # If the src_dir attribute is None self.log.warning( 'No source directory set' ); # Log a warning self.reset_values( noDialog = True ); # Reset all the values in the GUI with no confirmation dialog else: # Else self.sourcePath.setText( src_dir ); # Set the sourcePath label text; # Show the sourcePath label; # Show the sourceSet icon if self.dst_dir is not None: # If the dst_dir attribute is not None self.copyButton.setEnabled( True ); # Set the 'Copy Files' button to enabled self.reset_values(noDialog = True, noSRC = True, noDST = True); # Reset all values excluding the src AND dst directory else: self.reset_values(noDialog = True, noSRC = True); # Reset all values excluding the src directory ############################################################################## def select_dest(self, *args): ''' Method for selecting the destination directory of the sounding data that was collected ''''Setting the destination directory') dst_dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( dir = _desktop); # Open a selection dialog self.dst_dir = None if dst_dir == '' else dst_dir; # Update the dst_dir attribute based on the value of dst_dir if self.dst_dir is None: # If the dst_dir attribute is None self.log.warning( 'No destination directory set' ) # Log a warning self.reset_values( noDialog = True ) # Reset all the values in the GUI with no confirmation dialog else: # Else if 'IOP' in os.path.basename( self.dst_dir ).upper(): # If an IOP directory was selected self.log.debug('Moved IOP# from directory path as it is append later'); # Log some debugging information self.dst_dir = os.path.dirname( self.dst_dir ); # Remove the IOP directory from the destination directory ); # Set the destPath label text self.destPath.setText( self.dst_dir ) # Show the destPath label # Show the destSet icon if self.src_dir is not None: # If the src_dir attribute is not None self.copyButton.setEnabled( True ); # Set the 'Copy Files' button to enabled self.reset_values(noDialog = True, noSRC = True, noDST = True); # Reset all values excluding the src AND dst directory else: self.reset_values(noDialog = True, noDST = True); # Reset all values excluding the dst directory ############################################################################## def copy_files(self, *args): ''' Method for copying files from source to destination, renaming files along the way ''' if self.dst_dir is None: self.log.error( 'Destination directory NOT set!' ); return; if self.src_dir is None: self.log.error( 'Source directory NOT set!' ); return; if self.iopName.text() == '': self.log.error( 'IOP Number NOT set!!!' ) criticalMessage( "Must set the IOP Number!!!" ).exec_(); return if self.stationName.text() == '': self.log.error( 'Station Name NOT set!!!' ) criticalMessage( "Must set the Station Name!!!" ).exec_(); return # Main copying code failed = False; # Initialize failed to False self.__init_ftpInfo(); # Initialize ftpInfo attribute using method, self.date_str = self.dateFrame.getDate( ); # Get datetime object and date string as entered in the gui if is None: return; # If the date variable is set to None self.dst_dirFull = os.path.join( self.dst_dir, 'IOP'+self.iopName.text(), self.date_str ); # Build destination directory using the dst_dir, iopName, and date string if not os.path.isdir( self.dst_dirFull ): # If the output directory does NOT exist 'Creating directory: ' + self.dst_dirFull ); # Log some information os.makedirs( self.dst_dirFull ); # IF the dst_dir does NOT exist, then create it else: # Else, the directory exists, so check to over write dial = confirmMessage( "The destination directory exists!\n" + \ "Do you want to overwrite it?\n\n" + \ "YOU CANNOT UNDO THIS ACTION!!!" ); dial.exec_(); # Generate the message window if dial.check(): 'Removing directory: ' + self.dst_dirFull ); # Log some information shutil.rmtree( self.dst_dirFull ); # Delete the directory 'Creating directory: ' + self.dst_dirFull ); # Log some information os.makedirs( self.dst_dirFull ); # IF the dst_dir does NOT exist, then create it else: # Else, don't do anything self.log.warning('Cannot over write data!'); # Log a warning return; # Return from function 'Source directory: {}'.format(self.src_dir) ); # Log some information 'Destination directory: {}'.format(self.dst_dirFull) ); # Log some information 'Copying directory' ); # Log some information for root, dirs, files in os.walk( self.src_dir ): # Walk over the source directory for file in files: # Loop over all files src = os.path.join( root, file ); # Set the source file path dst = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, file ); # Set the destination path shutil.copy2( src, dst ); # Copy all data from the source directory to the dst_dir if not os.path.isfile( dst ): # If the destination file does NOT exist self.log.error( 'There was an error copying file: {}'.format(file) ); # Log a warning failed = True; # Set failed to True break; # Break the for loop if not failed: 'Finished copying' ); # log some information 'Ready to process data files!' ); # Log some info; # Show green light next to the 'Copy Files' button to indicate that step is complete self.procButton.setEnabled( True ); # Enable the 'Process Files' button else: # Else, something went wrong criticalMessage( "Something went wrong!\n\n" + \ "There was an error copying a data file.\n" + \ "Please check the logs and directories to see what happened." ).exec_(); ############################################################################## def proc_files(self, *args): ''' Method for processing sounding files; i.e., renaming and removing values where ballon is descending in sounding ''' failed = False; # Initialize failed to False 'Processing files' ); files = os.listdir( self.dst_dirFull ); # Get list of all files in the directory rename_status = dict.fromkeys( settings.rename.keys(), False); # Status of file renaming process_status = dict.fromkeys( settings.convert.keys(), False); # Status of file processing for file in files: # Iterate over the list of files for key in settings.rename: # Loop over the keys in the settings.rename dictionary if key in file: # If the key is in the source file name rename_status[key] = True; # Add rname status as True dst_file = settings.rename[key].format( self.date_str ); # Set a destination file name dst = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, dst_file ); # Build the destination file path src = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, file ); # Set source file path # self.uploadFiles.append( dst ); # Append the file to the uploadFile list 'Moving file: {} -> {}'.format(src, dst) ); # Log some information os.rename( src, dst ); # Move the file if not os.path.isfile( dst ): # If the renamed file does NOT exist self.log.error( 'There was an error renaming the file!' ); # Log an error failed = True; # Set failed to True file_found = False; # Flag for in the file to process is found! for key in settings.convert: # Loop over the keys in the settings.rename dictionary if key in file: # If the key is in the source file name process_status[key] = True; # Set to true if the file is found dst_file = settings.convert[key].format( self.date_str ); # Set a destination file name self.sndDataFile = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, dst_file ); # Build the destination file path src = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, file ); # Set source file path # self.uploadFiles.append( dst ); # Append the file to the uploadFile list 'Converting sounding data to SHARPpy format...' ); # Log some information res = iMet2SHARPpy( src, self.stationName.text().upper(), datetime =, output = self.sndDataFile); # Run function to convert data to SHARPpy format if res and os.path.isfile( self.sndDataFile ): # If function returned True and the output file exists for key in self.ftpInfo: # Iterate over keys in ftpInfo attribute self.ftpInfo[key]['files'].append( self.sndDataFile ); # Append sounding data file path to files key in ftpInfo dictionary else: failed = True; # Set failed to True self.sndDataFile = None; # if the function failed to run OR the output file does NOT exist self.log.error( 'There was an error creating SHARPpy file!' ); # Log an error criticalMessage( 'Problem converting the sounding data to SHARPpy format!' ).exec_(); # Generate critical error message box if not all( rename_status.values() ): failed = True; self.log.error( 'There was an error renaming one or more files!' ); # Log an error criticalMessage( 'Problem renaming one or more files!' ).exec_(); # Generate critical error message box if not all( process_status.values() ): failed = True; self.log.error( 'There was an error converting one or more files to SHARPpy format!' ); # Log an error criticalMessage( 'Problem converting one or more files to SHARPpy format!' ).exec_(); # Generate critical error message box if not failed: # If failed is False; # Show green light next to the 'Process Files' button to indicate that step is complete if <= datetime.utcnow(): # If the date for the sound is NOT in the future self.timeCheck.emit(); # Emit signal to activate the 'Generate Sounding' button else: # Else, date for sounding IS in the future dt = - datetime.utcnow(); # Compute the current time difference between the sounding and utcnow msg = ['Date requested is in the future!', 'Sounding generation disabled until requested sounding time', 'Wait time remaining {}'.format( str(dt) ) ]; # List that contains message for the logger self.log.warning( '\n'.join(msg) ); # Log the message as a warning criticalMessage( 'The data processing has completed!\n\n' + \ 'However, the requested date/time for the\n' + \ 'sounding is in the future!\n\n' +\ 'The \'Generate Sounding\' button will activate\n' + \ 'when the current time is after the requested time!' ).exec_(); # Generate critical error message box dt = (int( dt.total_seconds() ) + 2) * 1000; # Get total time between now and future time, add 2 seconds, convert to integer, then conver to milliseconds QTimer.singleShot( dt, self._timeCheck ); # Run single shot timer thread for the _timeCheck method, waiting dt milliseconds before running ############################################################################## def gen_sounding(self, *args): ''' Method for generating the SPC-like sounding using the SPCWindow class of SHARPpy. ''' 'Generating Skew-T diagram' ); # Log some information sndDataPNG = settings.skewT_fmt.format( self.date_str ); # Set the name for the skewT file using the settings.skew_T_fmt string self.sndDataPNG = os.path.join( self.dst_dirFull, sndDataPNG ); # Set the sndDataPNG attribute using the dst_dirFull attribute and sndDataFile variable save_msg = "Check that the image looks okay.\n " + \ "If ok, click save, else click cancel"; # Confirmation message for the save dialog for Skew-T; will update if cannot save Skew-T due to issue in SHARPpy sharppy_bug = False; # Flag for if sharppy bug encountered try: # Try to... decoder = SPCDecoder( self.sndDataFile ); # Decode the sounding file using the SPCDecoder profile = decoder.getProfiles(); # Get the profiles from the file stn_id = decoder.getStnId(); # Get the station id from the file except: # On exception criticalMessage( "There was an error loading the sounding data\n\n" ).exec_(); # Initialize and display critical error dialog return; # Return from method model = "Archive"; # Set model to 'Archive'; not sure why but was in the SHARPpy disp_name = stn_id; # Set the display name to the station ID from the sounding data file run = profile.getCurrentDate(); # Set the run to the current date from the sounding data profile.setMeta('model', model); # Set the model in the sounding data profile.setMeta('loc', disp_name); # Set the display name in the sounding data profile.setMeta('run', run); # Set the run in the sounding data if not profile.getMeta('observed'): # If it's not an observed profile profile.setAsync( AsyncThreads(2, debug) ); # Generate profile objects in background. Not sure why works but in SHARPpy self.log.debug('Generating SHARPpy window') if self.skew is None: # If there is no skew window setup; there should never be... self.skew = SPCWindow(cfg=self.config); # Initialize a new SPCWindow object self.skew.closed.connect(self.__skewAppClosed); # Connect the closed method to the __skewAppClosed private method self.skew.addProfileCollection(profile); # Add the profile data to the SPCWindow object try:; # Show the window except: sharppy_bug = True; self.log.warning("SHARPpy didn't like that sounding very much!") save_msg = "Congradulations!\n\n" + \ "You just found a bug in SHARPpy.\n" + \ "There is nothing we can about this. No Skew-T can be created.\n" + \ "Just click 'Save' and continue with the uploading"; dial = saveMessage( save_msg ); # Set up save message pop-up dial.exec_(); # Display the save message pop-up if dial.check(): # If clicked save if not sharppy_bug: # If the SHARPpy bug did NOT occur self.ftpInfo['ucar']['files'].append( self.sndDataPNG ); # Append the SHARPpy image file name to the ftpInfo['ucar']['files'] list'Saving the Skew-T to: {}'.format( self.sndDataPNG ) ); # Log some information pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget( self.skew ); # Grab the image from the skew T window self.sndDataPNG, 'PNG', 100); # Save the image self.config.set('paths', 'save_img', os.path.dirname(self.sndDataPNG)); # Add image path to the config object self.log.debug( 'Files to upload to UCAR: {}'.format( ', '.join(self.ftpInfo['ucar']['files']) ) ); # Show green light next to the 'Generate Sounding' button to indicate that step is complete self.uploadButton.setEnabled( True ); # Enable the upload button else: # Else self.log.critical('Skew-T save aborted! Not allowed to upload!'); # Log an error try: self.skew.close(); # Close the skew T window except: pass; ############################################################################## def ftp_upload(self, *args): if self.ranFTP: 'You already ran this step!' ); criticalMessage( "You already tried to upload to FTP" ).exec_(); # Initialize confirmation for quitting return; self.ranFTP = True; # Set ran FTP to True for key in self.ftpInfo: # Iterate over all keys in the ftpInfo dictionary 'Uploading data to: {}'.format(self.ftpInfo[key]['url']) );# Log some info try: # Try to... ftp = ftpUpload( self.ftpInfo[key]['url'] ); # Set up and FTP instance except: # On exception... self.log.critical( 'Error initializing the FTP upload: {}'.format( self.ftpInfo[key]['url'] ) ); # Log a critical error else: # Else... self.ftpInfo[key]['upload'] = ftp.uploadFiles( self.ftpInfo[key]['dir'], self.ftpInfo[key]['files'], user = self.ftpInfo[key]['user'], passwd = self.ftpInfo[key]['passwd'], ); # Attempt to upload the files if not self.ftpInfo[key]['upload']: # If one or more files failed to upload msg = 'FAILED!!! Upload to {} NOT successful'; # Formatter for error message self.log.critical( msg.format( self.ftpInfo[key]['url'] ) ); # Log a critical error criticalMessage( "Something went wrong!\n\n" + \ "There was an error uploading one or more files to the FTP.\n\n" + \ "FTP Address: {}\n\n".format( self.ftpInfo[key]['url'] ) + \ "Check the logs to determine which file(s) failed to upload.\n\n" + \ "YOU MUST MANUALLY UPLOAD ANY FILES THAT FAILED!!!" ).exec_(); else: 'Data upload successful!' ); if self.ftpInfo['ucar']['upload']: # If the upload to UCAR was a success; # Show green light next to the 'FTP Upload' button to indicate that step is complete self.checkButton.setEnabled(True) ############################################################################## def check_site(self, *args): 'Checking site' ) settings.url_check ) ############################################################################## def reset_values(self, noDialog = False, noSRC = False, noDST = False): ''' Method to reset all the values in the GUI Keywords: noDialog : Set to true to disable the checking dialog noSRC : Set to true so that all values BUT source directory info are cleared noDST : Set to true so that all values BUT destination directory info are cleared Setting both noSRC and noDST will exclude the two directories ''' check = False; # Dialog check value initialize to False if not noDialog: # If noDialog is False dial = confirmMessage( 'Are you sure you want to reset all values?' ); # Initialize confirmation dialog dial.exec_(); # Display the confirmation dialog check = dial.check(); # Check which button selected if check or noDialog: # If the check is True or noDialog is True self.log.debug( 'Resetting all values!' ); # Log some information if not noSRC or not noDST: # If noSRC is False OR noDST is false self.copyButton.setEnabled( False ); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after the source and destination directories set self.procButton.setEnabled( False ); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Copy Files' completes self.genButton.setEnabled( False ); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Process Files' completes self.uploadButton.setEnabled( False ); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'Generate Sounding' completes self.checkButton.setEnabled( False ); # Set enabled state to False; cannot click until after 'FTP Upload' completes self.copySucces.hide(); self.procSucces.hide(); self.genSucces.hide() self.uploadSucces.hide(); if not noSRC: # If the noSRC keyword is NOT set self.sourcePath.hide(); # Hide the source directory path self.sourceSet.hide(); # Hide the source directory indicator if not noDST: # If the noDST keyword is NOT set self.destPath.hide(); # Hide the destination directory path self.destSet.hide(); # Hide the destination directory indicator self.dateFrame.resetDate(); # Reset all the dates self.iopName.setText( '' ); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.stationName.setText( '' ); # Initialize Entry widget for the IOP name self.ranFTP = False; # Reset ranFTP to False on reset self.__reset_ftpInfo(); ############################################################################## def closeEvent(self, event): ''' Method to override closeEvent handler to add a confirmation dialog to application quit ''' dial = confirmMessage( "Are you sure you want to quit?" ); # Initialize confirmation for quitting dial.exec_(); # Generate the message window if dial.check(): # If user selected yes on dialog event.accept(); # Accept the event and close the GUI else: # Else event.ignore(); # Ignore the event; i.e., keep GUI open ############################################################################## @Slot() def on_timeCheck(self): 'Ready to generate sounding image!' ); # Log some info self.genButton.setEnabled( True ); # Enable the 'Generate Sounding' button ############################################################################## def _timeCheck(self): if <= datetime.utcnow(): # Check requested date is in the future AND the timeEvent is NOT set self.timeCheck.emit(); # Emit a signal to enable the 'Generate Sounding' button else: # Else, date is still in future... QTimer.singleShot( 1000, self._timeCheck ); # Wait one second and call this method again ############################################################################## def __skewAppClosed(self): self.skew = None; ############################################################################## def __init_ftpInfo(self): self.ftpInfo = {'ucar' : settings.ucar_ftp, 'noaa' : settings.noaa_ftp}; for key in self.ftpInfo: self.ftpInfo[key]['files'] = []; self.ftpInfo[key]['upload'] = False; ############################################################################## def __reset_ftpInfo(self): self.ftpInfo = None;