    def ping(self, botrunnername, sharedsecret, sessionid, status):
        if not botrunnerhelper.validatesharedsecret(
                botrunnername, sharedsecret):
            return (False, "Not authenticated")

        botrunner = botrunnerhelper.getBotRunner(botrunnername)
        if botrunner == None:
            return (False, '')

        targetsession = None
        for session in botrunner.sessions:
            if session.botrunner_session_id == sessionid:
                targetsession = session

        if targetsession == None:
            targetsession = BotRunnerSession(sessionid)
        targetsession.lastpingtime = datetime.datetime.now()
        targetsession.lastpingstatus = status
        return (True, '')
    def getdownloadrequest(self, botrunnername, sharedsecret, sessionid):
        if not botrunnerhelper.validatesharedsecret(botrunnername,
            return (False, "Not authenticated")

        botrunner = botrunnerhelper.getBotRunner(botrunnername)

        # first we'll look for an ai to download (one in the queue that this
        # botrunner doesn't have), then a map, then a mod

        # update: ignore sessions for now, since even aegis' cluster
        # doesn't use them ;-)
        aisbeingdownloaded = []
        # list of ais being downloaded by this botrunner
        # we'll make sure that each botrunner can only download one of each
        # ai name/version pair
        # at any one time, for example, for aegis' cluster this makes sense,
        # since all botrunner
        # sessions share the same ai directory
        for session in botrunner.sessions:
            if session.downloadingai != None:
                # no point in including download for this specific session,
                # clearly this session aborted it, or it failed, or soemthing
                if session.botrunner_session_id != sessionid:

        requests = Session.query(MatchRequest).\
           filter(MatchRequest.matchresult == None).\
           filter(MatchRequest.matchrequestinprogress == None).\
        aistodownload = []
                           # just add all to list, and select randomly,
                           # so dont centrate on
                           # any failed ones
        mapstodownload = []
        modstodownload = []
        for request in requests:
            mapok = False
            modok = False
            ai0ok = False
            ai1ok = False
            # probably can add this stuff to the query abovee, but not sure
            # how compliated that
            # would look.  fairly readable in this format at least
            for map in botrunner.supportedmaps:
                if map.map_name == request.map.map_name:
                    mapok = True
            for mod in botrunner.supportedmods:
                if mod.mod_name == request.mod.mod_name:
                    modok = True
            for ai in botrunner.supportedais:
                if ai.ai_base.ai_base_name == request.ai0.ai_base.ai_base_name and\
                    ai.ai_version == request.ai0.ai_version:
                    ai0ok = True
                if ai.ai_base.ai_base_name == request.ai1.ai_base.ai_base_name and\
                    ai.ai_version == request.ai1.ai_version:
                    ai1ok = True
            if not mapok:
                if request.map not in mapstodownload and\
                    request.map.map_url != None:
            if not modok:
                if request.mod not in modstodownload and\
                    request.mod.mod_url != None:
            if not ai0ok:
                if not request.ai0 in aistodownload and\
                    request.ai0.ai_downloadurl != None:
            if not ai1ok:
                if not request.ai1 in aistodownload and\
                    request.ai1.ai_downloadurl != None:
        if len(aistodownload) != 0:
            # select one at random...
            aitodownload = aistodownload[random.randint(0,
                len(aistodownload) - 1)]
            session = botrunnerhelper.getBotRunnerSession(
                    botrunnername, sessionid)
            session.downloadingai = aitodownload
            dicttoreturn = {'ai_name': aitodownload.ai_name,
                           'ai_version': aitodownload.ai_version,
                           'ai_downloadurl': aitodownload.ai_downloadurl,
                           'ai_needscompiling': \
            return [True, [dicttoreturn]]

        # next up: try a map
        if len(mapstodownload) != 0:
            maptodownload = mapstodownload[random.randint(0,
                len(mapstodownload) - 1)]
            dicttoreturn = {'map_name': maptodownload.map_name,
                           'map_url': maptodownload.map_url}
            return [True, [dicttoreturn]]

        # next up: try a mod
        if len(modstodownload) != 0:
            modtodownload = modstodownload[random.randint(0,
                len(modstodownload) - 1)]
            dicttoreturn = {'mod_name': modtodownload.mod_name,
                           'mod_url': modtodownload.mod_url}
            return [True, [dicttoreturn]]

        # nothing to download...
        return [True, []]  # cannot return None in python xmlrpclib 2.4