for i in range(15):
        IKEALoader.load(args.ikea_path, ["bed", "chair", "desk", "bookshelf"]))

# Construct random room and fill with interior_objects
objects = RandomRoomConstructor.construct(25,

# Bring light into the room
SurfaceLighting.run([obj for obj in objects if obj.get_name() == "Ceiling"],

# Init bvh tree containing all mesh objects
bvh_tree = MeshObject.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(objects)
floor = [obj for obj in objects if obj.get_name() == "Floor"][0]
poses = 0
tries = 0
while tries < 10000 and poses < 5:
    # Sample point
    location = UpperRegionSampler.sample(floor, min_height=1.5, max_height=1.8)
    # Sample rotation
    rotation = np.random.uniform([1.0, 0, 0], [1.4217, 0, 6.283185307])
    cam2world_matrix = MathUtility.build_transformation_mat(location, rotation)

    # Check that obstacles are at least 1 meter away from the camera and make sure the view interesting enough
    if CameraValidation.perform_obstacle_in_view_check(cam2world_matrix, {"min": 1.2}, bvh_tree) and \
            CameraValidation.scene_coverage_score(cam2world_matrix) > 0.4 and \
        # Persist camera pose

# load the objects into the scene
label_mapping = LabelIdMapping.from_csv(
        os.path.join('resources', 'id_mappings', 'nyu_idset.csv')))
objs = SuncgLoader.load(args.house, label_mapping)

# makes Suncg objects emit light

# Init sampler for sampling locations inside the loaded suncg house
point_sampler = SuncgPointInRoomSampler(objs)
# Init bvh tree containing all mesh objects
bvh_tree = MeshObject.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(
    [o for o in objs if isinstance(o, MeshObject)])

poses = 0
tries = 0
while tries < 10000 and poses < 5:
    # Sample point inside house
    height = np.random.uniform(0.5, 2)
    location, _ = point_sampler.sample(height)
    # Sample rotation (fix around X and Y axis)
    euler_rotation = np.random.uniform([1.2217, 0, 0],
                                       [1.2217, 0, 6.283185307])
    cam2world_matrix = MathUtility.build_transformation_mat(
        location, euler_rotation)

    # Check that obstacles are at least 1 meter away from the camera and make sure the view interesting enough
    if CameraValidation.perform_obstacle_in_view_check(
    def _sample_cam_poses(self, config):
        """ Samples camera poses according to the given config

        :param config: The config object
        cam_ob = bpy.context.scene.camera
        cam = cam_ob.data

        # Set global parameters
        self.sqrt_number_of_rays = config.get_int("sqrt_number_of_rays", 10)
        self.max_tries = config.get_int("max_tries", 10000)
        self.proximity_checks = config.get_raw_dict("proximity_checks", {})
        self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check = config.get_list(
            "excluded_objs_in_proximity_check", [])
        self.min_interest_score = config.get_float("min_interest_score", 0.0)
        self.interest_score_range = config.get_float("interest_score_range",
        self.interest_score_step = config.get_float("interest_score_step", 0.1)
        self.special_objects = config.get_list("special_objects", [])
        self.special_objects_weight = config.get_float(
            "special_objects_weight", 2)
        self._above_objects = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(
            config.get_list("check_if_pose_above_object_list", []))
        self.check_visible_objects = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(
            config.get_list("check_if_objects_visible", []))

        # Set camera intrinsics
            cam, Config(self.config.get_raw_dict("intrinsics", {})))

        if self.proximity_checks:
            # needs to build an bvh tree
            mesh_objects = [
                MeshObject(obj) for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
                if obj not in self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check
            self.bvh_tree = MeshObject.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(

        if self.interest_score_step <= 0.0:
            raise Exception(
                "Must have an interest score step size bigger than 0")

        # Determine the number of camera poses to sample
        number_of_poses = config.get_int("number_of_samples", 1)
        print("Sampling " + str(number_of_poses) + " cam poses")

        # Start with max interest score
        self.interest_score = self.interest_score_range

        # Init
        all_tries = 0
        tries = 0
        existing_poses = []

        for i in range(number_of_poses):
            # Do until a valid pose has been found or the max number of tries has been reached
            while tries < self.max_tries:
                tries += 1
                all_tries += 1
                # Sample a new cam pose and check if its valid
                if self.sample_and_validate_cam_pose(config, existing_poses):

            # If max tries has been reached
            if tries >= self.max_tries:
                # Decrease interest score and try again, if we have not yet reached minimum
                continue_trying, self.interest_score = CameraValidation.decrease_interest_score(
                    self.interest_score, self.min_interest_score,
                if continue_trying:
                    tries = 0

        print(str(all_tries) + " tries were necessary")