def test_pearsonr_partial(self): x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 200) z = x + np.random.normal(0, .2, x.shape) y = 3 * z + np.random.normal(0, .1, x.shape) rho, p, lb, ub = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence(x, y, [z]) # find best fit line slope, icpt, _, _, _ = scipy.stats.linregress(z, y) y_prime = y - (slope * z + icpt) rho_correct, p_correct, lb_correct, ub_correct = stats.pearsonr_with_confidence(x, y_prime) self.assertAlmostEqual(rho, rho_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(p, p_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(lb, lb_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(ub, ub_correct)
def test_pearsonr_partial(self): x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 200) z = x + np.random.normal(0, .2, x.shape) y = 3 * z + np.random.normal(0, .1, x.shape) rho, p, lb, ub = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence(x, y, [z]) # find best fit line slope, icpt, _, _, _ = scipy.stats.linregress(z, y) y_prime = y - (slope * z + icpt) rho_correct, p_correct, lb_correct, ub_correct = stats.pearsonr_with_confidence( x, y_prime) self.assertAlmostEqual(rho, rho_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(p, p_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(lb, lb_correct) self.assertAlmostEqual(ub, ub_correct)
p_values = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) lbs = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) ubs = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) ns = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) for ctr in range(headings.shape[1]): hs = headings[:, ctr] # create not-nan mask mask = ~np.isnan(hs) ns[ctr] = mask.sum() # get partial correlations using all not-nan values r, p, lb, ub = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence( concs[mask], hs[mask], [initial_hs[mask], initial_xs[mask]], ) correlations[ctr] = r p_values[ctr] = p lbs[ctr] = lb ubs[ctr] = ub t = np.arange(-N_TIMESTEPS_BEFORE, N_TIMESTEPS_AFTER) / 100 if label == 'all': # plot on first plot with correct color handle, = axs[0].plot(t, correlations, color=EXPT_COLORS[],
p_values = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) lbs = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) ubs = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) ns = np.nan * np.ones(correlations.shape, dtype=float) for ctr in range(headings.shape[1]): hs = headings[:, ctr] # create not-nan mask mask = ~np.isnan(hs) ns[ctr] = mask.sum() # get partial correlations using all not-nan values r, p, lb, ub = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence( concs[mask], hs[mask], [initial_hs[mask], initial_xs[mask]], ) correlations[ctr] = r p_values[ctr] = p lbs[ctr] = lb ubs[ctr] = ub t = np.arange(-N_TIMESTEPS_BEFORE, N_TIMESTEPS_AFTER) / 100 if label == 'all': # plot on first plot with correct color handle, = axs[0].plot( t, correlations, color=EXPT_COLORS[], lw=LW )
def heading_concentration_dependence( CROSSING_GROUP_IDS, CROSSING_GROUP_LABELS, X_0_MIN, X_0_MAX, H_0_MIN, H_0_MAX, T_BEFORE, T_AFTER, T_MODELS, CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID, FIG_SIZE, CROSSING_GROUP_COLORS, SCATTER_SIZE, SCATTER_COLOR, SCATTER_ALPHA, FONT_SIZE): """ Show a partial correlation plot between concentration and heading a little while after the peak odor concentration. Show the relationship between peak concentration and heading at a specific time (T_MODEL) post peak via a scatter plot. Then fit a binary threshold model and a model with a linear piece to the data and see if the linear one fits significantly better. """ conversion_factor = 0.0476 / 526 ## CALCULATE PARTIAL CORRELATIONS # convert times to timesteps ts_before = int(round(T_BEFORE / DT)) ts_after = int(round(T_AFTER / DT)) ts_models = {cg_id: int(round(t_model / DT)) for cg_id, t_model in T_MODELS.items()} data = {cg_id: None for cg_id in CROSSING_GROUP_IDS} for cg_id in CROSSING_GROUP_IDS: # get crossing group and crossings crossing_group = session.query(models.CrossingGroup).filter_by(id=cg_id).first() crossings_all = session.query(models.Crossing).filter_by(crossing_group=crossing_group) # get all initial headings, initial xs, peak concentrations, and heading time-series x_0s = [] h_0s = [] c_maxs = [] headings = [] for crossing in crossings_all: # throw away crossings that do not meet trigger criteria position_x = getattr(crossing.feature_set_basic, 'position_x_{}'.format('peak')) if not (X_0_MIN <= position_x <= X_0_MAX): continue heading_xyz = getattr(crossing.feature_set_basic, 'heading_xyz_{}'.format('peak')) if not (H_0_MIN <= heading_xyz <= H_0_MAX): continue c_maxs.append(crossing.max_odor * conversion_factor) x_0s.append(position_x) h_0s.append(heading_xyz) temp = crossing.timepoint_field( session, 'heading_xyz', -ts_before, ts_after - 1, 'peak', 'peak', nan_pad=True) headings.append(temp) x_0s = np.array(x_0s) h_0s = np.array(h_0s) c_maxs = np.array(c_maxs) headings = np.array(headings) partial_corrs = np.nan * np.ones((headings.shape[1],), dtype=float) p_vals = np.nan * np.ones((headings.shape[1],), dtype=float) lbs = np.nan * np.ones((headings.shape[1],), dtype=float) ubs = np.nan * np.ones((headings.shape[1],), dtype=float) ns = np.nan * np.ones((headings.shape[1],), dtype=float) # loop through all time steps for ts in range(headings.shape[1]): headings_this_tp = headings[:, ts] if ts == (ts_models[cg_id] + ts_before): model_headings = headings_this_tp.copy() # create not-nan mask mask = ~np.isnan(headings_this_tp) ns[ts] = mask.sum() # get partial correlations using all not-nan values r, p, lb, ub = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence( c_maxs[mask], headings_this_tp[mask], [x_0s[mask], h_0s[mask]]) partial_corrs[ts] = r p_vals[ts] = p lbs[ts] = lb ubs[ts] = ub data[cg_id] = { 'x_0s': x_0s, 'h_0s': h_0s, 'c_maxs': c_maxs, 'headings': headings, 'partial_corrs': partial_corrs, 'p_vals': p_vals, 'lbs': lbs, 'ubs': ubs, 'model_headings': model_headings, } ## MAKE PLOT OF PARTIAL CORRELATIONS fig, axs = plt.figure(figsize=FIG_SIZE, facecolor='white', tight_layout=True), [] axs.append(fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)) axs.append(axs[0].twinx()) axs[1].axhline(0.05) t = np.arange(-ts_before, ts_after) * DT t[ts_before] = np.nan handles = [] for cg_id in CROSSING_GROUP_IDS: color = CROSSING_GROUP_COLORS[cg_id] label = CROSSING_GROUP_LABELS[cg_id] # show partial correlation and confidence handle = axs[0].plot( t, data[cg_id]['partial_corrs'], color=color, lw=2, ls='-', label=label)[0] handles.append(handle) # show p-values axs[1].plot(t[t > 0], data[cg_id]['p_vals'][t > 0], color=color, lw=2, ls='--') axs[0].axhline(0, color='gray', ls='--') axs[0].set_xlim(-T_BEFORE, T_AFTER) axs[0].set_xlabel('time of heading measurement\nsince crossing (s)') axs[0].set_ylabel('heading-concentration\npartial correlation') axs[0].legend(handles=handles, loc='upper left') axs[1].set_ylim(0, 0.2) axs[1].set_ylabel('p-value (dashed lines)') ## FIT BOTH MODELS TO EACH DATASET model_infos = {cg_id: None for cg_id in CROSSING_GROUP_IDS} for cg_id in CROSSING_GROUP_IDS: hs = data[cg_id]['model_headings'] c_maxs = data[cg_id]['c_maxs'] x_0s = data[cg_id]['x_0s'] h_0s = data[cg_id]['h_0s'] valid_mask = ~np.isnan(hs) hs = hs[valid_mask] c_maxs = c_maxs[valid_mask] x_0s = x_0s[valid_mask] h_0s = h_0s[valid_mask] n = len(hs) rho = stats.pearsonr_partial_with_confidence(c_maxs, hs, [x_0s, h_0s])[0] binary_model = simple_models.ThresholdLinearHeadingConcModel( include_c_max_coefficient=False) binary_model.brute_force_fit(hs=hs, c_maxs=c_maxs, x_0s=x_0s, h_0s=h_0s) hs_predicted_binary = binary_model.predict(c_maxs=c_maxs, x_0s=x_0s, h_0s=h_0s) rss_binary = np.sum((hs - hs_predicted_binary) ** 2) threshold_linear_model = simple_models.ThresholdLinearHeadingConcModel( include_c_max_coefficient=True) threshold_linear_model.brute_force_fit(hs=hs, c_maxs=c_maxs, x_0s=x_0s, h_0s=h_0s) hs_predicted_threshold_linear = threshold_linear_model.predict( c_maxs=c_maxs, x_0s=x_0s, h_0s=h_0s) rss_threshold_linear = np.sum((hs - hs_predicted_threshold_linear) ** 2) f, p_val = stats.f_test( rss_reduced=rss_binary, rss_full=rss_threshold_linear, df_reduced=7, df_full=8, n=n ) model_infos[cg_id] = { 'n': n, 'rss_binary': rss_binary, 'rss_binary_linear': rss_threshold_linear, 'f': f, 'p_val': p_val, 'threshold_binary': binary_model.threshold, 'threshold_binary_linear': threshold_linear_model.threshold, 'h_vs_c_coef': threshold_linear_model.linear_models['above'].coef_[0], 'rho': rho, } pprint('Model fit analysis for "{}":'.format(cg_id)) pprint(model_infos[cg_id]) axs.append(fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)) axs[-1].scatter( data[CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID]['c_maxs'], data[CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID]['model_headings'], s=SCATTER_SIZE, c=SCATTER_COLOR, lw=0, alpha=SCATTER_ALPHA) axs[-1].set_xlim(0, data[CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID]['c_maxs'].max()) axs[-1].set_ylim(0, 180) axs[-1].set_xlabel('concentration (% ethanol)') axs[-1].set_ylabel('heading at {} s\n since crossing'.format(T_MODELS[CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID])) axs[-1].set_title('heading-concentration relationship for {}'.format(CROSSING_GROUP_LABELS[CROSSING_GROUP_EXAMPLE_ID])) for ax in axs: set_fontsize(ax, FONT_SIZE) return fig